Chapter 212: Crazy Woman Liao's Mother 5_1

"The capital is going to change sooner or later? What does that mean?" He Zhilan was slightly taken aback.

"You don't need to understand, you just need to follow my words, diligently study at school, and do not get too close with Gu En and Lin Deng. None of the people in the officer's family are simple." He Teng seemed mentally exhausted, and his tone also got weaker, "If you don't obey, then..."

He Teng didn't specify what exactly will happen if she disobeys, but his expressive eyes were enough to convey the answer.

If she disobeys, he would definitely take action, leaving her with no room for choice.

Looking into He Teng's eyes, He Zhilan did not know whether to nod or shake her head. She didn't like Ding Long, because of his issues, she also didn't like Gu En. That day in the dorm, Gu En's words changed her perception of him drastically. Nevertheless, she didn't want her relationship with Gu En to become icy cold.

Seeing He Zhilan bow her head, He Teng wasn't sure if she actually noted his words. But recalling He Zhilan's justification, he remembered he hadn't given He Zhilan his answer yet.

Deep within, He Teng did not doubt He Zhilan's justification. He Zhilan has always been respectful, even at her worst, she would only be a little temperamental. He completely believed that He Zhilan isn't a flirtatious woman, who was nice to him during National Day and started a relationship with others the moment he left for a mission.

He can affirm, He Zhilan is not that kind of person. Thus, he was merely upset that He Zhilan had entered a circle where she should not have, but he did not doubt her relationship with Ding Long.

Seeing He Teng's exhausted appearance, He Zhilan decided not to be stubborn anymore and nodded her head in response. Deep down, she was thinking as long as she avoids the people from Gu En's circle and not Gu En himself, who was her roommate. After all, as roommates, it would be impossible for them not to have contact at all, right?

He Teng fell asleep soon due to his lack of energy, and due to surgery, he slept soundly until the next day, not waking up even when He Zhilan left.

That night, Lin Chan wasn't idle, either. Bian Xiulin had called to inform him about the developments at the hospital. The intention was to request Lin Chan's help in investigating what exactly was going on with the Liao family, how Liao Qinghong's mother found He Teng, and had it not been very late Lin Chan would have visited the hospital to see He Zhilan.

The capital at late night was undoubtedly a dazzling city, but the bright neon lights couldn't illuminate the whole city.

A black car maneuvered in a dark alley, like a ghost, leaving almost no trace as it passed by.

"This is the place, right?" Lin Chan parked the car, rolled down the window, looking at the somewhat aged building.

Chen Yun, who was sitting in the passenger seat smoking, nodded and said, "This is Liao Qinghong's home. Liao Qinghong is hospitalized, and her father is looking after her there. At home, it should be her stepmother and younger brother from a different mother."

As soon as Lin Chan and Chen Yun stepped out of the car, people from the vehicles behind followed suit. Just as He Teng said, none of the people in the officer's circle are simple. Even Lin Chan, who seemed harmless in front of He Zhilan, who would believe that he was inherently, a wild man at heart.

Over a dozen people came out of the cars that followed. Lin Chan pointed at the building and looking at Chen Yun asked, "Which floor?"