Chapter 213 Crazy Woman Mother Liao 6_1

Chen Yun raised only three thumbs. The group behind him and Lin Chan understood immediately, heading straight up to the third floor of the small building. In just the time it took for Chen Yun to light two cigarettes, the third floor's lights came on abruptly, followed by a woman's shrill scream. However, the screech lasted only two seconds before it was replaced by clattering noises and the woman's terrified sobs.

"It's really noisy, the people you brought in are rather useless, seriously disturbing the peace." Chen Yun elegantly plugged his ears, shooting a contemptuous glance at Lin Chan.

"If it's too quiet late at night, it always seems like something's missing." Lin Chan shrugged his shoulders, the corners of his mouth turned up in a slightly wicked grin.

As for Lin Chan's response, Chen Yun snorted but didn't continue to tease him. By the time he finished two cigarettes, the third floor had returned to quiet, everyone that went up came back down without missing a single person.

"Mr. Chan, the woman said a man named Gu En told her Miss He's location."

Receiving the answer, Lin Chan and Chen Yun exchanged a glance. It seemed somewhat unexpected yet also not as surprising as they had imagined.

"I kind of guessed it, it could only be her." Chen Yun spread his hands, "There aren't many who know, and it definitely wasn't anyone in our group, so it must have been someone from Lan Li's side."

Lin Chan remained silent, but his eyes grew a shade darker. He lit a cigarette, starting to show signs of irritation. He bent over to grab his wallet from the car, took out a bundle of bills and handed it over to the lead man, "Thanks for your hard work. It's late, so take this money and find somewhere to get a late-night snack."

"Thank you, Mr. Chan!" The man was delighted to take the money. It was supposed to be for a late-night snack, but the amount was more than enough for a grand feast!

"This person Gu En…" Lin Chan didn't finish his statement in the end, and just clapped Chen Yun on the shoulder, signaling him to get in the car.

The car started and left quickly. The small alley regained its tranquility. Even the stray dogs crouching in the corners remained quiet and dared not bark. The noise from the third floor somehow didn't cause any of the nearby residents to poke their heads out for a look.

By the time they reached the university, the handprint on He Zhilan's face had vanished. If you didn't look closely, you wouldn't notice any difference between her two cheeks.

He Teng had a sound sleep without making the slightest noise which was unusual, leading the often-disturbed by his snoring He Zhilan to worry even more. Therefore, she did not rest well all night, always on edge and constantly monitoring the person lying on the bed.

The bus stopped at a station ten meters from the school entrance. As it was still early, there weren't many people around. Naturally, He Zhilan noticed a young man and a young woman who got off the bus with her.

The man was tall and thin, fair and clean, and he wore black-rimmed glasses, making him look quite distinguished. The woman was a blonde foreign girl with blue eyes. They were very intimate, seeming like a couple.

The pair also noticed He Zhilan. They smiled at her, and came over to greet her, "Are you a student at Capital University? Do you know how to get to the dormitory for first-year students?"

"The dormitory for first-year students isn't separate. I am not sure how to answer that." He Zhilan answered with a polite smile, asking casually, "Are you here to see someone? Do you know the specific address of the person's dormitory? Or their faculty and class? I'm a freshman too, so I'm not too familiar with the campus. Hence, I don't think I can be of much help. You could ask someone else once you go in."