Chapter 3 The Most Beautiful First Meeting of Life (Part 1)

Qiao's mother glared at Qiao's father, her tigress nature resurfacing. Her behavior showed no hint of the sorrow supposedly brought about by her cancer diagnosis. Still, Qiao Xiaon'an dared not doubt it, not when even her aunt had called to talk about her mother's condition.

Besides, who would joke about something as serious as cancer?

Immersed in grief, she just wanted to yield to her mother's wishes. She glanced at her father and said, "Dad, stop picking on mom. Whoever she wants me to meet, I'll meet. I'll make sure to make a glorious marriage."

Then she threw herself into her mother's arms, as if she would lose her the moment she pulled away.

Tears streamed down her face. "Mom, whoever you want me to meet, I'll go. You're right, not all wealthy people are bad. I'll definitely marry a husband who's both rich and of good character. Don't worry, from today, aside from keeping you company, I'll devote all my spare time to attending blind dates."

"You don't have to keep me company," her mother responded. "Just seriously go on your dates. Now, take a look at this one…"

Normally, Qiao Xiaon'an would wonder where her mother got so many potential suitors. But today was the exception. She looked through each one thoroughly.

And so, she began her long journey into the world of matchmaking.

However, when she had been dating for more than half a month and the other party heard that she wanted to get married immediately, they all felt it was inappropriate. Some even speculated that she had some hidden illness. After all, why would such a good girl be so eager to get married, as if she couldn't wait to give herself away?

It was even more absurd when one date asked her directly if she was pregnant and hurried to find a stepfather for the child?

Let's be clear, she has not even kissed a man's lips yet, let alone be pregnant.

None of that bothered her, but each time she had to tell her mother that a date hadn't gone well, she felt distressed.

Her mom didn't have much time left, she had to hurry. If all else fails, she could consider calling Mr. Zhong who proposed cohabitation a fortnight ago. As long as her mother was reassured, her own happiness did not matter much.

On her way home from work, Qiao Xiaon'an was still deep in thought about all these problems. Only when she reached her front door did she realize she had left her key at the office. She knocked on the door, but no one responded.

They lived in an old apartment building without an elevator, which made going up and down inconvenient. She had no choice but to squat on the steps and wait for her parents to come home. Just as she was about to call them, she heard their voices coming from downstairs.

It seemed that they were returning from outside.

Her mom always had a loud voice, even from a distance, it was clear to hear.

The two seemed to be arguing.

Qiao's mother: "What's wrong with introducing Xiao An to a rich guy, not all rich men are spoiled brats. Chu Nantian is a fine example of a rich kid, if our Xiao An had been intimate with him earlier and had the Chu family's grandson, would it have been Yuan Yifan's turn to show off with that bitch Meili? If Xiao An doesn't find another rich husband, how can I show my face in public, moreover, having a rich and powerful son-in-law brings honor to me."

Qiao's father: "Are you trying to have our daughter marry money or a person?"

Qiao's mother: "Both person and money."

Qiao's father: "Our daughter is 24, not 34, why are you in such a rush? And you even lied to our daughter, saying…"

Qiao's mother: "Qiao Shiwen, I warn you, if you dare tell Xiao An that I pretended to have cancer, I will divorce you."

Qiao's father: "I won't tell Xiao An if you insist, but just let her date properly. Stop having her meet these so-called rich kids. Do you really think Chu Hong can introduce any reputable rich young masters? They are all spoiled brats."

Qiao's mother: "I want Xiao An to marry a rich man, weren't you enough of a weakling for me? When I asked you for money for dance training, you always hesitated. Do I want my daughter to follow in my footsteps?"


Standing at the stairwell, Qiao Xiaon'an heard everything clearly. She was somewhat in disbelief. What did her dad say? Mom pretended to have cancer?

For god's sake, did she dare to lie that she had cancer?

Though she was extremely relieved her mom was fine, the anger within her was like a herd of raging grass mud horses stampeding through, just short of cursing her mother's ancestors.

Watching her mom unlock the door, and her dad trailing behind carrying a wet umbrella, both of them still bickering, she suddenly jumped down the steps in a fit of rage, "Yuan Meili!"

She had never called her mother by her first name before.

But who could blame her? Her mother had lied about having cancer to trick her into marriage, and she'd nearly gone back to that Mr. Zhong who had proposed cohabitation.

Seeing her own nervousness reflected on her mom's face, Qiao Xiaon'an asked, "Xiao'an, why are you here?" Her father, however, appeared relieved. Now that their daughter finally knew everything, he could rest easy.

Qiao Xiaon'an: "Seriously, you are joking about something as serious as cancer?"

Her mom: "Xiao'an, no, listen to me..."

Qiao Xiaon'an: "There's no need to say anything else. If I ever hear of you arranging a matchmaking session for me again, I am a complete fool."

Her mom: "Xiao'an, I'm just doing what is best for you, Xiao'an …"

As the voices of her parents faded behind her, she'd already rushed down the stairs and into the drizzle that was slowly abating.

Actually, she wasn't sad. Instead, she felt some relief. Out of view in the pavilion, she turned off her phone and her face filled with a smirk. "Do they really think I'm stupid? It's only fair I pretend to be angry after you put on such a convincing act."

Now, she had an excuse to disobey her mother's orders because of her supposed cancer diagnosis.

Great, really great!

But the fact that her mother dared to lie about a cancer diagnosis to manipulate her made her worry about what other lengths she'd go to force her into marriage.

That thought alone gave her a headache.

She went out to eat and somehow ended up drinking.

She wasn't sure what time it was when she'd gotten pretty drunk and summoned a car through an app. She even requested a luxurious BMW, knowing that there was a discount coupon available.

The driver called and said he was waiting in the food street. She finally staggered out, looking at the blurred scenery of the neon lights and was completely lost.

She was indeed drunk.

After the night rain of early spring, a breeze blew by, taking away some of her drunkenness. There was a tall man standing by a luxury car, with the passenger-side door open.

Qiao Xiaon'an pointed at the man and giggled, "It's you luxury car."

The tall man turned his head at the sound, giving Qiao Xiaon'an only a casual glance.

For her, it was a breathtaking moment.

She never knew a man could look so handsome, so cold.

Under his short, black hair, were sharp, cold eyes that seemed even deeper in the night. They exuded wisdom, calmness, restraint, and depth.

One glance at him was like being sucked into a huge vortex.

His eyebrows were sharp, his face chiseled.

Others saw him as divine, but he was indifferent to them.


Although Qiao Xiaon'an was heavily drunk, she was able to see him so clearly, as if he were a dream. He seemed to have stepped out of a painting, unrealistically handsome, radiating an overwhelming aura as he descended into the mundane world.

So real, yet so dreamlike.

Through her drunken haze, she took one look at him and felt that her experience with thousands of men paled in comparison to this one man, who was an absolute feast for her eyes.

She gazed at him, smiling dazedly, "A driver of a luxury car, too impossibly handsome!"

Silly girl!

That was his first impression of her...

Maybe, first impressions are like this.