Chapter 4 The Most Beautiful First Meeting of Life (Part 2)_1

At one glance of this man, Qiao Xiaon'an felt that all the men she had ever met, tall or short, handsome or ugly, paled in comparison to this one look.

She remembered that Chu Nantian had once told her, their initial encounter was with each other. The moment he saw her, all other allure in the world lost its color, and she became the only peony left in his heart.

Life is full of such first encounters, unforgettable and beautiful.

Like that time, when she was merely a girl, Cheng Nantian said this.

After the man closed the door, his long and nice-looking hand fell to his side.

A man with such slender fingers, his clean and neat nails seemed to shimmer with a glow.

With hands so beautiful, no wonder he is quite a good looker.

When the man looked at Qiao Xiaon'an, there was a hint of irritation in his eyes.

Just as he was about to clarify that he was not a private hire car driver, Qiao Xiaon'an staggered over, opened the back passenger car door, and got in without another word.

Being as naïve as she was, she didn't quite grasp the details about a BMW and mistook this limited edition Phantom to be the BMW she had ordered.

The man's slender fingers fell on the car door handle, pulled it gently open, only to see Qiao Xiaon'an already fast asleep in his car emitting a strong smell of alcohol.

His brow furrowed in reaction.

He wanted to use her phone to contact her family, but found that her phone was out of battery.

It was just his luck to run into her.

"Sir, should we drop her off the car?"

"Keep driving."

"Are we taking this young lady to a hotel?"

"Return to Oriental Pearl Villa."

He would usually kick any random lady out of his vehicle, but today was an exception. He was even taking her back to the Villa.

The old driver saw him resting in his car and didn't dare to ask further.

A sudden wave of retching from the back seat caused even the old driver to lose his patience, "Sir, this..."

The man known as 'sir,' only slightly furrowed his brow, his expression remained frosty, "Keep driving."

When Qiao Xiaon'an had a drink, she would undoubtedly get drunk.

She directly slept until noon the next day at his Villa.

The spring sunlight after a shower was so bright and dazzling that she couldn't even open her eyes. Her throat was so dry that it felt as if it was catching fire.

"Dowager, I need water..."

Upon getting up, the surroundings were unfamiliar to her.

She couldn't pinpoint the style of the furnishings and decorations, but one word crossed her mind — luxurious, too ****ing luxurious.

Where was she?

Looking down at herself, she was wearing a man's shirt and a man's shorts.


What the hell was going on?

Could it be that her 24-year-old virginity had been taken while she was drunk and hazy last night?

Why couldn't she remember anything? Her memories were a complete blank after eating skewers on the food street.

At that moment, a man in a black shirt stood by the door, slightly frowning, looking at her with a cold face.

He was exasperated by her noise.

Qiao Xiaon'an didn't clearly hear what he was saying, because he was so handsome that it was enraging. How could there be such a handsome man?

Hold on, she had seen this man somewhere before.

In her dream?

Why did his handsome face and cold eyes seem so familiar?

Qiao Xiaon'an felt her aching head, but she couldn't remember anything.

She saw the man turn around, his long legs took him out of sight before she could blink.

So, that was the advantage of having long legs.

After Qiao Xiaon'an got up, she was dumbfounded by the sight outside. Was it a living room or a hotel lobby? It was so ostentatiously large and luxurious.

She looked up and saw the tiered and spinning enormous glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling, enough to make anyone feel dizzy.

After observing her surroundings, she looked at the man sitting on the couch with a laptop in his arms, typing away. She walked a dozen steps before addressing him, "Hey, is the shirt I'm wearing yours?"

The man remained engrossed in his typing work without looking up. His reply was completely unrelated to her question, "Your clothes are in the bathroom. After you change, leave from the back door."

Qiao Xiaon'an felt clueless.

What happened last night? Why was she wearing a man's clothes in a man's house, "How did I end up at your house?"

Perhaps it was due to the hangover that she was so thirsty. Her dry throat made her cough. Maybe it was because what she was about to say was a bit embarrassing, "Hey, you, did anything happen between us last night?"

The man finally looked up and gave her a glance fired with icy indifference, seeming to pierce right through her.

This was his first time kindly accommodating a drunken woman and she accuses him of taking advantage of her?

The man frowned, seemingly not wanting to waste further time on her, and continued typing away, "How much do you want?"

If she wanted to blackmail him, he would just cooperate. This would save him from wasting more time on her.

"What do you mean by how much? So, you did do something to me last night?"

Qiao Xiaon'an touched her throbbing forehead, from the sound of it, it seems like her first time was lost in a muddle. Probably she had a one-night stand with this man when she was drunk, but why couldn't she feel anything at all?

It was over, all over...

The man did not answer, only continued to work intently on his laptop.

Qiao Xiaon'an blurted out again, "Hey, I was drunk last night and don't remember anything. Regardless of whatever happened, if you see me in the future, pretend you don't know me."

Things that happen during a state of drunkenness are always blurry and can't be blamed on anyone. Who told her to drink until she lost consciousness?

After saying that, Qiao Xiaon'an went to find her clothes, but it took her a few tries before finding the bathroom.

Behind her was the man's lingering gaze, still as cold as ever, although he gave her a few extra glances this time.

She was just an ordinary woman with a sweet, pretty look, and a decent figure. She was more innocent than the socialites he was acquainted with. At least her hair was not permed or dyed, and she didn't wear makeup. She seemed all natural.

However, she was merely an ordinary person, so ordinary and easy to forget.

Little did he know, a chance encounter in life could set off a destined romance.

Those who often seem insignificant can become an indispensable other half in one's life.

When Qiao Xiaon'an came out, she had changed into her own clothes. Clearly, her clothes had been washed and ironed. It must have been done by the housekeeper in the villa, but Qiao Xiaon'an did not see anyone else besides the man.

The thought that she might have done something with this man made her extremely nervous. She didn't dare to look at the man again. After leaving a sentence, she hurriedly left, "Hey, whatever happened last night, I hope to never see you again. If we bump into each other, please pretend you don't know me. Please."