Chapter 5 Accidental Encounter Determines a Lifetime (Part 1)

After Qiao Xiaon'an left the villa, another mistress came to reside there.

Yun Mo's mother, Deng Jiaru, arrived.

A woman who sounded gentle, but in person, retained an enduring innocence.

At that time, Yun Mo was still sitting on the European-style sofa, leaning against a cushion, diligently tapping at his computer's keyboard. In the grand living room filled with glass tables and crystal chandeliers, his presence made everything else dull. When he sat there, he was the most dazzling sight.

Despite his cold, frosty demeanor, it couldn't deter the charisma radiating all around him.

Deng Jiaru noticed her son's ethereal presence. She couldn't understand why her bewitching son doesn't have a woman by his side.

From his adulthood till now, it's been ten years....there has never been a woman by his side.

Moreover, the outside world dared to question his sexual orientation.

But, due to the woman who was with him last night, Deng Jiaru was in a good mood. "Amo, I heard a woman stayed over last night."

Hearing his mother's voice, Yun Mo quickly looked up, slightly frowning. "Mom, you're very well-informed."

Deng Jiaru quickly walked over and sat by him, "I heard you carried her in, allowed her to sleep in your bed and wear your shirt?"

Yun Mo moved the laptop from his lap to the side, "Mom, are you spreading hearsay or spying on me."

Deng Jianru waved her hand dismissively, "Ah, it's all the same."

It seems like his mother didn't come with anything significant, so Yun Mo propped his laptop back onto his lap and stopped chatting with Deng Jiaru. However, she kept looking at him from left to right. Seeing his handsome face, she felt extremely proud of having a son as fascinating as him.

"Amo, you're not young anymore."


"Amo, I saw the girl's picture from last night. Although it's just a profile shot, she looks very innocent."

"Mom, you're blatantly spying now."

"You haven't given me a daughter-in-law all these years."

"Mom, what is it you want to say?"

Deng Jiaru straightened up, aware her son didn't want to hear it but still spoke seriously, "Alright, let's get to the point. Your grandfather said that if you don't marry someone with due formality, he will revoke your right to inherit the Yun family's assets, and hand the chance to those outsiders."

Upon hearing these words, Yun Mo looked at Deng Jiaru and slightly frowned, exuding a chilling aura.

Deng Jiaru, "Looking at me doesn't help, the person monitoring you is your grandfather. Who told you to spark rumors about your sexuality recently, causing the Yun family's stocks to drop significantly."

Yun Mo, "I'm perfectly normal."

Deng Jiaru, "But the media and your grandfather don't think so."

Yun Mo, "I'll handle it."

Deng Jiaru, "It's too late, your grandfather has made up his mind. The photos were taken by him. He has probably already begun the necessary proceedings."

Yun Mo, "What do you mean?"

Deng Jiaru, "Your grandfather has sent someone to submissively propose to that girl. Oh, it's Qiao Xiaon'an's family."

Yun Mo, "Her name is Qiao Xiaon'an?"

Deng Jiaru, "Don't tell me you don't even know her name? Your grandfather assumes that you two have already …"

Yun Mo, "That's not the case."

Deng Jiaru, "It's not?"

Yun Mo, "…."

Deng Jiaru, "For ten years, not a single woman has been by your side. Yesterday, you carried Qiao Xiaon'an from your car, let her sleep in your bed, and wear your shirt. How can it not be?"

Even she didn't believe that something had not happened between her son and the girl named Qiao Xiaon'an, much less the old man.

Yun Mo did not explain further but put his laptop aside, got up, went to the cloakroom and casually took a black coat, quickly put it on.

Deng Jiaru followed him, "Where are you going?"


Without further ado, he walked around his royal mother, with his long legs taking him quickly away from Deng Jiaru. Although his strides were slow, he was soon a significant distance away from Deng Jiaru. It must be because his legs were long—two of her steps equal to one of his. So although he seemed to be walking leisurely, he actually covered a lot of ground.

"Amo, let me remind you once again, your grandfather is a man who stays true to his word. Be careful with your inheritance rights in Yun Family."

Now, let's talk about Qiao Xiaon'an.

It took her more than ten minutes to walk down from the mansion on the hill. Fortunately, her phone was fully charged by the people in the mansion.

Every time she thought about last night's events, she felt troubled.

Did she actually sleep with the man or not? Since he didn't explain, she did not dare to ask further.

So, she sat on the lawn under the midday spring sun and dialled her best friend's number.

On the other end of the line, Ye Weiyi's deliberate teasing came through, "Xiaon'an, didn't we end our friendship?"

Qiao Xiaon'an frowned slightly, "Okay, I have an urgent matter here, stop joking around."

Ye Weiyi, "What's the urgent matter? You lost your virginity?"

Qiao Xiaon'an, "…."

Uh, why did her friend's question make her feel so guilty?

With an awkward laugh on the phone, she didn't need to mention how bitter her expression was, "Well, Weiwei, you... guessed it right."

"What... "

Then, the voice on the phone suddenly became louder, fervently questioning her. Qiao Xiaon'an had no choice but to recall last night's events for her friend on the phone.

"Qiao Xiaon'an, you actually had a one-night stand?"

"I, I... Weiwei, you, you should know the sensation of the first time, right?"

"Nonsense, I've been around for so many years. If I don't know that bittersweet painful feeling, wouldn't I have failed as a woman?"

"Ah, bittersweet pain, what exactly does it feel like?"

"Where are you?"

"I don't know."

"Then go to our usual spot and wait for me. I'll come to find you."

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Xiaon'an remained puzzled.

If the first time feels bittersweet, why didn't she feel anything?

Was she too drunk? She was confused, had she lost her virginity or not?

She was supposed to meet her friend, but her mother called urgently which forced her to return home.

As soon as she got home, both her father and mother looked at her straight-on, their gaze unyielding.

Her throat was smoking when she woke up this morning and she hadn't had a drop of water since. Just as she was going to take a cup of water from the water dispenser, she caught a glimpse of her parents.

Qiao's father looked serious while Qiao's mother was gleaming with excitement. As she walked towards her, she said, "Qiao Xiaon'an, the Yun Family sent someone to propose marriage. They said their family will take responsibility and marry you."