Chapter 6 Accidental Encounter Determines a Lifetime (Part 2)_1

What's this about the Yun family?

And what's this talk about marrying her?

Qiao Xiaon'an was completely clueless.

After asking around, her father handed her a photograph that had been delivered by someone from the Yun family, and she finally understood.

The photograph was apparently fresh from the printers, very new, and the shooting angle was crystal clear, despite being taken at night.

The people in the photograph turned out to be the aloof man from the villa and herself.

But why was she in his arms, as if he had carried her out of the car?

And why were they on the bed, with him covering her with a blanket?

This photograph was not a simple matter.

Her father was anxiously peering into the photograph, and when he looked up at his daughter, his eyes were full of worry. "Xiaon'an, tell your father... did you do something... improper with this man?"

Handing the stack of photos to her father, and touching her forehead, Qiao Xiaon'an could hardly look into her father's pleading eyes, she hesitantly started, "I, I, I..."

Her hesitant stuttering left her father deeply disappointed, "Xiaon'an... why are you being so foolish..."

Her mother, on the other hand, had a completely different opinion. Pushing past her husband who was blocking their daughter, she then glared at him, "Foolish, really? The Yun family has formally proposed a marriage. Xiaon'an didn't take a loss here. Besides, with such a huge dowry from the Yun's, Xiaon'an would be living a luxurious life..."

"Yuan Meili, why are you so hell-bent on getting our daughter married to a rich man? Do you want to push her into the abyss?"

"If she doesn't marry into a rich family, are you suggesting she ends up with a penniless, useless man just like me?"

"Yuan Meili, you…"

"What about me?"

"You're really going to let Xiaon'an marry that Yun Mo?"

"Why not? They have given us so much, and the Yun family is so rich and sincere. Why shouldn't we accept the proposal?"

Just then, Xiaon'an's phone rings. She picked up the phone and saw a strange number on her screen, then gave her parents a stern look, "Dad, Mom, can you please stop arguing?"

After the room quieted down, she slid her thumb over the answer key. A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Is this Qiao Xiaon'an?"

The voice was arrogant and chilly.

Qiao Xiaon'an finally remembered who the voice belonged to - the man she had met in the villa that morning.

No wonder it felt so familiar. It was remarkably arrogant and cold, yet inexplicably pleasant to the ear.

After listening to the straightforward message on the other end, she simply responded with one word, "Okay." Then grabbed her bag and dashed out the door again.

Behind her, the puzzled voices of her parents rose in unison, "Xiaon'an, where are you going?"

Qiao Xiaon'an had already made her way to the front door, swapped out her house shoes for an outside pair, and simply responded, "I will be back soon."

As she was about to leave, her mother ran over and grabbed her arm, a tear glistening in her eye "Xiaon'an, you can't refuse this engagement proposal from the Yun family. I may have deceived you, but it's all for your own good. Marriage means that you can have a good life in the future, and as things stand you already have a relationship with Yun Mo. If you don't marry him now, won't you just be letting him take advantage of you?"

"I've got this under control."

About half an hour later, Qiao Xiaon'an arrived at the location agreed upon with Yun Mo, a secluded private club. After weaving through a dense bamboo forest and a long stone pathway, and she finally found the entrance.

It may have been hidden, but the environment was serene.

In the bustling D City, one could see not only blue skies and white clouds, but also bamboo forests and babbling brooks. It allowed one to temporarily set aside all burdens and relax for a moment.

A moment was all she needed.

These past few days, betrayed by boyfriend Chu Nantian, and constantly pushed by her mother to get married, she was exhausted and annoyed.

As she entered, it seemed as though the servers had been informed of her arrival. One of them asked, "Miss Qiao?" After she nodded, she was led straight to the man.

From a distance, through a Rhombus patterned, antiquated screen, she saw the upright silhouette of the man.

Qiao Xiaon'an walked past the screen and towards him.

Ahead of her was a rise of smoke. The sight of the man's intimidating face could be perfectly summed up in one word: cold.

"You're here?" He finally spoke the first words.

Qiao Xiaon'an silently nodded her head. Maybe because of what had happened the night before, and since she herself was unsure about what had transpired, she was slightly afraid and nervous around this man, who could have potentially been her one-night stand partner.

She bit her lip and muttered, "Yes."

He said, "I don't have a lot of time and don't want to waste words. You need to reject my mother and grandfather's marriage proposal. Name your conditions, anything you wish." The man did not spare her a single glance. He was casually holding a small, delicate, purple clay teacup. Even after she arrived, he hadn't taken a single sip of the tea, simply loosely holding it in his hand.

He did not offer her a seat either. So, she had to continue standing beside him. After biting her lip, she finally spoke out, "Well, I want to know if we..."

"I am not interested in a drunk woman, especially one who vomits uncontrollably."

His voice was not just cold, but it was also laced with derision, this left Qiao Xiaon'an feeling as though a cold gust of wind had blown past her.

She was a little taken aback. She didn't know if it was because of his disdainful words, but she felt a sense of relief. At least, she hadn't lost her maidenhood. Looking at his side profile she asked, "If you've no obligation to take responsibility for me, then why did you send someone to propose a marriage?"

He finally cast a fleeting look at her before quickly turning his gaze away, "It wasn't my idea. What are your conditions?"

She had rushed there by subway and had been standing for half an hour by now. Feeling the fatigue creeping up on her, she took a seat across from him. "What do you mean?"

Upon hearing her question, he released the handle of his teacup. His eyes filled with disgust as he glanced in her direction, "So the betrothal gift offered by my mother and grandfather seems tempting to you?"

Qiao Xiaon'an didn't understand. She only knew that the dowry from the Yun family was significant and nothing more.

At her look of confusion, he sneered, "Well, a luxurious Lotus Pond Moonlight villa and ten commercial properties - these are things the lower class like you can't even dream of."

She instantly turned to him, anger flared in her eyes.

She wasn't a greedy person and didn't want to explain anything. She was just feeling unfairly judged. Do these people who live high above everyone else really think that all poor people are greedy?

"May I know your name, sir?"

"Yun Mo."

Yun Mo!

Yun Mo?

Such a cold name, truly a reflection of his personality.

"Mr. Yun Mo, I think there isn't anything I, a greedy person in your eyes, can talk about with a noble person like you. So, I guess there's nothing to talk about."