Chapter 5. Rebirth Night 2_1


Ming Mei practically rolled down from the bed, eventually locating a mirror.

The moonlight streaming in from the window was quite bright, not as bright as daylight, but enough for Ming Mei to see the person in the mirror clearly.

What kind of face was that?


It was indeed beautiful.

Exquisite features, like the finest gemstone intricately carved onto a palm-sized face, the pointy chin, the skin so fair it seemed almost transparent, and long hair reaching her waist.

Perhaps it was not the most stunning face, but it was enough to cause anyone to gasp in awe at first sight.

Elegantly simple, ethereal, like a mole in everyone's heart.

But this face was not Ming Mei's. She wanted to scream, but no sound came out.

An unprecedented fear took over her. She told herself it was a dream, but when she bit her lips hard, fresh blood flowed out, and it hurt terribly.

Ming Mei clenched her fists, forcing herself to calm down.

She thought of some online novels she had read in her leisure time, about transmigration, rebirth…

Ming Mei shuddered, aware of a terrifying reality, could it be… she didn't die, instead, she—had been reborn?

As this thought crossed her mind, she suddenly felt dizzy. Her head pounded, and countless strange scenes, strange people, and countless noisy voices, like a tide, rushed into her mind.

Ming Mei felt as if her head was continuously swelling, like a balloon being filled with air.

Finally, the balloon had reached its limit and could no longer bear any more.

Ming Mei staggered a few steps, her vision blackened, and she collapsed onto the ground.

At the very moment Ming Mei fell, all the lights in the Kang mansion below turned on at the same time. The entire castle instantly lit up like daylight.

The grand gate that encapsulated the power center of the Imperial Capital was forcefully pushed open by the guards in blue-grey uniforms.

Kang Chen, accompanied by three women, walked in.

In his stiff dark blue uniform, morning glory flowers embroidered in dazzling gold on the shoulder. It was a symbol of the glory of the empire and the power of the Kang family.

The brim of his military cap cast a small shadow on his stunning face, concealing his usually indifferent eyes.

Kang Chen removed his white gloves, revealing a pair of slender, powerful hands as perfect as an artist's.

The butler silently accepted the gloves and quietly stepped back.

The woman in the short black dress, seeing the furnishings in the hall, her eyes lit up instantly.

In a coquettish voice, she said, "Mr. Chen, so this is your home. It's so beautiful, even the palace doesn't compare. May I stay a few more days?"

She reached out to touch Kang Chen's arm, but before her hand even touched his suit, Kang Chen frowned and the chill in his eyes struck her arm like a sharp sword, scaring her into retracting her hand quickly, not daring to overstep again.

Even though it seemed simple, she actually felt as if her hand had truly been cut, hurting her terribly.

The other two women were also pondering how to persuade Kang Chen to keep them. For people of their status, they could never be the Kang family's daughter-in-law, but being one of Kang Chen's mistresses would mean their ancestors have accumulated good karma.

The blonde woman asked pleasingly, "Mr. Chen, what...what should we do?"

Kang Chen ignored her and asked, "Where is she?"

The butler, who had been standing conspicuously next to him, knew who he was asking about and promptly replied, "Young Master, the Young Madam...due to discomfort, retired for the night earlier."