Chapter 6. Let Her Roll Over_1


All servants in the Kang family knew that their young master despised Young Madam, so he hesitated a bit and did not tell Kang Chen about the incident when Young Madam accidentally fell into the water while beating a female servant two days ago.

Kang Chen narrowed his eyes, hooking up a dangerous smirk at the corner of his lips, "Let her roll down here."

The butler paused for a second before replying, "Yes..."

As Butler went upstairs, the Young Madam seemed to be still suffering from fever, as she insisted on not seeing a doctor, they didn't force her, wondering about her current physical condition.

The steady knocking on the door woke up Ming Mei. Choking back over her throbbing head, she dragged herself up from the floor.

She heard someone outside the room say, "Young Madam, the young master is home. Please come down."

Ming Mei's body shook violently. In an instant, her mind was lucid.

The severe headache she had before she fainted was due to her soul receiving the memories of this physical body.

Now, she roughly understood the situation with this body.

First, she was a married woman.

Second, her husband didn't love her; in fact, he despised her.

Thirdly, she and the original owner of this body shared the same name, both were called Ming Mei.

The original owner had fallen into the water while hitting a female servant two days ago, and although she was quickly rescued, she began to run a fever shortly thereafter. But she insisted on not seeing a doctor, and due to her physical frailty, she... passed away not long ago, but her soul, was reincarnated in this body.

Ming Mei couldn't help but wail, holding her head with both hands, wishing she could break her neck.

Oh God, I wish I could die again. I really don't have the strength to face such a challenge.

What the heck is going on?

Outside the door, the butler was still urging her, "Young Madam."

Ming Mei didn't take the time to sort out other details, "Oh... okay, I'll be right down."

Ming Mei stood up and looked at the stranger in the mirror. This was her now.

Since she was here, there would be no backing down.

She, Ming Mei, was never one to back down.

Ming Mei took a deep breath. The memories of the original owner were cluttered in her mind like a tangled ball of wool, too late to be sorted out, she didn't know whether she would be exposed when she went downstairs to meet the original owner's husband.

But she would try her best to act in this play.

Barefoot, Ming Mei walked to the door, whispering to herself in her heart: 1, 2, 3...

With a hardened heart, she pulled open the door.

This night, as Ming Mei stepped through the door, her world, her destiny, were taking a revolving turn that overthrew everything she had before.

Ming Mei trod down the chilly steps, one step at a time. She moved steadily, but her heart was racing with nervousness.

Kang Chen listened to the faint footsteps, a smile on his lips.

To the three women he brought in, he said, "Strip."

The three women were stunned!

Strip? Strip what? Our clothes?

Where? Here? Are you kidding? This is the hall, so many people around!

"Mr. Chen,"

Kang Chen ignored him and sat directly on the couch, gazing at the three women coldly.

The three of them did not dare to hesitate too long, in front of the man who could exterminate their entire family at any time, they could not afford any conservative pride.

The three of them quickly stripped down to their underwear.

Bare-shouldered, they looked like skinned foxes, all feeling very strange.

Men with power are always capricious, and handsome men with power are even more capricious beyond comprehension.