Chapter 7. Being pitiable but loveable, makes people feel compassion_1


They were all the top pick in any colorful social scene, drop-dead gorgeous, every man they came across typically lusted after them like sex-crazed maniacs. Yet, Kang Chen, from the moment he met them until now, wouldn't so much as touch them with his fingertip.

What on earth did this man want? Could it be... he is a pervert who enjoys watching them perform for each other?

Damn it...

Just as the three women were regretting their inability to attract his attention, Kang Chen took a deep breath as if bracing himself for a significant decision, and commanded, "Come over."

Feeling as if they had been pardoned, the women hurriedly ambled over, swaying their hips and taking small, quick steps.

The three of them surrounded Kang Chen, yet still, they didn't dare to touch him.

One of them tested the waters by asking, "Mr. Chen, do you require our services?"

Kang Chen closed his eyes and simply responded affirmatively.

The three women immediately pounced upon him enthusiastically, ready to deploy every trick in the book to entice Kang Chen and satisfy him.

But what they didn't expect was that as soon as they touched him, his muscles tensed up suddenly, the veins on his forehead throbbed wildly, as though he was straining to endure something.

When a woman's hand touched the golden buttons on his uniform, his eyes snapped open. His gaze, a fierce, red-hot intensity, seemed as if it could crush her bones in the next second.

That terrified her so much that she dared not touch his clothes anymore.

In her heart, she complained bitterly, "Damn it! He asked for service but doesn't allow undressing. What kind of weird fetish is this?"

Kang Chen, with his fine-tuned ears, heard footsteps approaching. He took several deep breaths to suppress the urge to lash out at the three women. After enduring it for so long, it was finally time. He had to make sure that all wouldn't be in vain.

Descending from upstairs was Ming Mei, clad in a white silk nightgown, her long hair falling down to her waist.

When she caught sight of what was happening in the hall, all color drained from her beautiful face, and a wave of anger surged within her without warning.

Ming Mei clenched her fists, her nails digging into her skin, forcing herself to stay calm.

This anger was an instinctual bodily reaction, perhaps residual frustration left behind by her previous life.

Ming Mei couldn't let these emotions control her, so she took a couple of deep breaths to regain her composure before stepping forward.

When she saw Kang Chen's face, her heart gave a heavy thud.

Unable to resist, Ming Mei swallowed in anticipation. Now she understood why her previous self was so enamored with this husband.

Because he was...unavoidably gorgeous.

That face was so stunning that one glimpse, and you'd never forget it in this lifetime.

Sinfully handsome, cool, and profound. Even though he was in the middle of such actions with a few women, he did not lose any of his innocence.

Like a dignified detective god on his high throne, always majestic, always sacrosanct.

Only after a long while did Ming Mei snap back to reality.

Having realized she was star-struck, she chided herself inwardly. Now wasn't the time to be mooning over a guy, no matter how hot he was.

Even if he's a super hottie, he's also a scum, right?

He has the audacity to flaunt his mistresses right in front of his wife. Even if her previous self had wronged him in many ways, from a woman's perspective, no matter how good-looking a man is, this kind of behavior is inexcusable.

Kang Chen's face darkened, and Ming Mei noticed his distant expression. She was disgusted.

Ming Mei didn't want Kang Chen to sense something amiss. She racked her brain to remember the original host's demeanor.

Then sneakily, she pinched herself hard enough to produce tears. She clutched her chest, displaying a delicate and pitiful appearance – one that invited pity and evoked the need to be cherished.