Chapter 8. Killing these Little Fairies_1


Ming Mei feigned weakness, saying, "'ve gone too far. No matter what, I'm still your legitimate wife. I don't care about your affairs outside, but why do you have to bring these women home? This is my house."

Ming Mei internally applauded herself, feeling she had done an excellent job of playing the part of the wronged wife.

Kang Chen didn't even bother to give her a glance of disdain.

He pointed to the documents on the coffee table, his cold voice ringing out, "If you are smart, you'll sign this divorce agreement."

"Don't act so pitiful and weak in front of me. Seriously, it's disgusting."

Ming Mei...

If she wasn't afraid of being found out on the first night, Ming Mei really wanted to flip the table and scratch his face.

Ming Mei told herself, patience, patience, patience...

She was genuinely curious to see how far this man could stoop.

The woman draped over Kang Chen was scantily dressed, unaware of the indecency of flaunting her curves in front of others, and instead gave Ming Mei a triumphant glance.

She challenged, "You must be the Young Madam. Hurry up and sign, Mr. Chen and I have important things to take care of. Don't waste our time."

Ming Mei couldn't see Kang Chen's full face, only a part of it, but even the curve of his lips was elegant, as he leaned there lazily like a slumbering beast.

Noble and cold, even surrounded by beauties, his body exuded an unattainable aura, void of any lust.

His eyes were bright and icy. The dark blue military uniform on him only emphasized his aloofness.

Another woman, brazenly wrapped her arms around Kang Chen's neck and said, "Don't worry, Young Madam. I will serve Mr. Chen well in your stead. If you have a kink for watching your man entwine with other women, I... won't mind. In bed, I assure you, Mr. Chen will be satisfied…"

A flash of disgust passed quickly through Kang Chen's eyes but disappeared in an instant.

The woman paused, covered her mouth and smirked at Ming Mei, deliberately trying to provoke her.

"Oh, silly me, how could I forget…Mr. Chen...never enters your room, never shares your bed…"

Ming Mei couldn't help but roll her eyes. What she had assumed would be formidable women turned out to be cheap opponents, not even worth her time.

Kang Chen's eyebrows twitched slightly. Why did he just see a hint of disdain from Ming Mei?

Isn't she supposed to be very angry?

Where is that anticipated rage, hysteria, and explosive temper?

Something doesn't seem right here!

Didn't Liancheng say that bringing these women home would force Ming Mei to agree to a divorce?

Ming Mei looked at these women with an incurable expression. Clearly, with these brainless women, she didn't even need to think!

Ming Mei opened her mouth and took a deep breath, then suddenly covered her ears and screamed, "Slut, shut up! Even if I die, I will never agree to a divorce!"

Finally, a look of satisfaction flickered across Kang Chen's impatient face.

Yes, that's more like it.

But what he didn't expect was that in the next moment, Ming Mei's mode changed completely. Her face, which had just been full of madness, turned into a sneer of disdain.

With a sweet smile, Ming Mei stepped forward, grabbed a glass of bright red juice from the table, quickly turned her wrist, and deftly splashed it on one of the women's faces.