Chapter 10. The Chin Can Pierce the Chest_1

Then she pointed at Mistress Number Two, "Look at this one, girl, your chest is almost getting poked by your chin! Touching such a thing that is completely fake, aren't you afraid of getting a handful of silicone? I advise you, instead of this, you might as well get a more economical inflatable doll."

Ming Mei pointed at Mistress Number Three, "And this one... Haha... oh my goodness, with such an appearance, I feel blind just looking at her. But you could still bear to hold on... I can only say, I admire your courage."

Kang Chen's fingers have unknowingly stopped moving, his face is gloomy enough to drip water, a stormy prelude has long been brewing.

The three women beside him are about to blow up with anger.

One woman pointed at Ming Mei and said, "You... well, you are beautiful, you're beautiful. If you have the guts, why not let Mr. Chen sleep with you?"

Ming Mei dug at her ears, "Right, right, weren't you just saying you're in a rush to do the man-on-top, woman-on-bottom exercise? Don't worry, I won't hold you up. Since these shameless men and women are willing to brazenly flirt in front of me, what do I have to fear?"

Just as Ming Mei finished speaking, she felt a murderous intent rushing towards her, whooshing by her ear.

The next second, Ming Mei saw a strand of hair from her left ear slowly falling, silently landing on the shiny floor.

Ming Mei gasped inwardly. Damn, how terrifying.

This guy actually used a hidden weapon.

Kang Chen slowly stood up, his height of almost two meters instantly gave Ming Mei a nearly suffocating feeling of oppression.

Ming Mei's body was shrouded by the shadow cast by his figure. Her first instinct was to turn and run. This guy wanted to kill her.

But her feet seemed fixed to the floor, immovable.

Ming Mei looked upwards, her gaze falling on Kang Chen's neck.

At this critical moment, Ming Mei swallowed.

Crap, the seduction of the uniform was too hard to resist.

That tightly buttoned regulation knot, stiff military uniform, a section of his neck, protruding Adam's apple, and the chin which could only be described as exquisite when combined together were sexy enough to make people want to throw themselves at him.

Ming Mei hurriedly closed her eyes. She had to stop looking. It was blinding... truly blinding...

Suddenly, a cold, deep voice sounded by her ear, "You're impressive, not afraid of death."

Ming Mei shivered and woke up!

Even though his voice was so beautiful that it could make a person pregnant, he... he was going to take her life.

Ming Mei squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, holding her chest, "Oh my, I'm scared to death, don't you scare me... Even if I died, I am still your wife. In the future, when people mention me, they will still refer to me as Kang Chen's dead ex-wife. If you don't even want to get rid of me in death, then do as you please."

Kang Chen's hand twitched, as did the corner of his mouth.

Because his teeth were itching... itching from anger.

Just now, for a moment, he really almost twisted Ming Mei's neck.

He used to think that this woman was calculated and crafty. Now, he thinks that she's not just those things, she simply has no shame anymore.

She's just like a thorn that isn't afraid to mix things up. No matter what actions you take, you'll end up getting pricked in the end.

Kang Chen realized that tonight's plan by Liancheng Yazhi to coerce Ming Mei into a divorce was ruined again.

His low voice carried a threat, "Sooner or later..."

Ming Mei nodded quickly, "Sooner or later you want me to get out, right? Okay... I'll wait for it."