Chapter 68: Lunge_1

At 12:45 in the morning, Kang Chen returned home.

As usual, the butler greeted him, respectfully taking his military cap and gloves.

Kang Chen casually asked, "Better now?"

The butler replied, "The Young Madam's fever has retreated quite a bit, but she is not completely recovered yet. The doctor said it might take her longer this time to fully recover."

Kang Chen heard it but said nothing, while he unbuttoned his golden buttons and ascended the stairs.

The butler asked, "Young Master, would you like a late-night snack?"

Kang Chen responded with an, "Mmm..."

Standing in front of Ming Mei's bedroom door, Kang Chen had all the buttons on his military uniform undone, except for the ones on his inner shirt.

Kang Chen hesitated at the door for one second before pushing it open.

The maid, dozing off to the side, almost fell to her knees in shock when she saw Kang Chen."

Kang Chen signaled her to keep silent with a wave of his hand.

The maid promptly exited the room.