Chapter 67: Are we meeting tonight?_1

After going back and forth three times, the feeling akin to the effects of an aphrodisiac finally truly subsided.

It's now exactly 6 p.m. and Ming Mei already looks like a corpse...

Ming Mei doesn't know what went wrong, but she's certain there's something wrong with her body.

But her intuition tells her that if it's an aphrodisiac, it's not a simple one.

Ming Mei never imagined that this situation would torment her for a long time.


After experiencing a terrifying ordeal in the theater in the morning, and not resting adequately afterwards, after soaking repeatedly in cold water, Ming Mei quickly fell ill, her body burning like a furnace.

This is a real fever, not...friskiness!

When the maid came to invite Ming Mei to eat, she found her sprawled on the ground with her body reddening, and immediately shrieked.

The butler immediately summoned a doctor, the maid changed Ming Mei out of her soaked clothes, replaced the bed sheets and then helped her into bed.