Chapter 233: His woman should not be coveted by others_1

Kang Chen gently laid Ming Mei back onto the sofa in the room, tending thoughtfully to the coat that had slipped from her shoulders.

Kang Chen headed for the door, quietly closing it behind him.

As soon as he turned around, his face was full of murderous intent.

He calmly rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.

Qi Jiu raised an eyebrow at him as he asked, "Mr. Chen, think about my proposition, exchanging a woman for such treasures, it's worth it…"

Of course, Qi Jiu wasn't genuinely interested in Ming Mei. He simply wanted to test just how important she was to Kang Chen.

Kang Chen did not answer. He removed his hat unhurriedly.

Seeing that Kang Chen neither responded nor expressed anger, Qi Jiu felt further doubt and continued to prod, "Mr. Chen, be a man and answer properly - it's just a woman anyway…"

Before he could finish his sentence, his vision was obstructed by an object hurled straight at his face.

Qi Jiu instantly tried to dodge, but still, he was hit square in the face.