Chapter 234: Leave This Woman to Me_1

Kang Chen casually uttered, "Oh, thank you for picking it up."

At that moment, Qi Jiu felt like spitting a mouthful of stale blood on Kang Chen's face.

Damn it. Was Kang Chen and his woman messing with him?

Qi Jiu's handsome face had been hit by Kang Chen several times, with his left cheekbone even breaking the skin. Grinding his teeth, he retorted, "Why didn't you ask me to pick up the other one too?"

Qi Jiu: "..."

Kang Chen gave him a steady look: "If you don't mind, then."

And then he stepped aside, giving Qi Jiu space to do so.

Huo Er covered his face, deeply convinced that Mr. Chen and Young Madam came just to torture all the single guys to death.

Specifically to torture the likes of Qi Jiu!

With another fight seemingly about to break out between Qi Jiu and Kang Chen, Qi Jiu's officer ran over to pick up Ming Mei's other shoe and handed it to Kang Chen: "Mr. Chen..."

Huo Er stepped in and took it, "Thanks."

Qi Jiu's officer winked at Huo Er.