Chapter 243: The Innocent Ex-Husband is Becoming More and More Heartless_1

Qi Jiu's officer nods.

The next second, Qi Jiu crumbles the documents into balls and hurls them at him: "Wait wait wait, wait for your sister, what I want is to deal with him right now."

Qi Jiu's officer: "Mr. Qi, in fact my little sister is waiting for me at home."

Irritated, Qi Jiu roars: "Roll roll roll..."


Qi Jiu throws the last paper ball at his officer's back, "Keep an eye on that woman..."


Leaving the office, Qi Jiu's officer heaves a sigh. He is really more of a nanny.

Because Mr. Qi is just a spoiled child who never grows up.


Qi Jiu is investigating Ming Mei, a fact that Kang Chen is aware of and makes no attempt to stop.

He used to be reluctant to let anyone know that he was once married, but now, he simply doesn't care. He even feels that letting Qi Jiu know that Ming Mei is his woman might be better.

As for the divorce...

It doesn't matter. Even if they divorce, Ming Mei is still his.