Chapter 242: Why are you showing off in front of me with your ex-wife?_1

Qi Jiu's laughter was extraordinarily wild, as if the roof was shaking with it.

There was a reason for Qi Jiu's wild laughter...

In their military, there was a very strict scrutiny process for the marriage partners of senior officers.

Applications must be submitted months in advance. Once reported, the political department would then investigate the spouse's ancestors going back eighteen generations. Only once they were certain there were no issues would the application be approved.

Even for those in particularly high positions, there was at least a requirement to inform the necessary departments, to go through the process symbolically.

At a minimum, the royal family, the national assembly, the congress, these important departments should be notified.

Concealing facts about a marriage, if any issues arise with the spouse, could lead to a serious military court hearing.