Chapter 5: My God, I've Got the Wrong Person!_1


My phone rang all day.

Without checking, I knew it was all from the Wen family.

Chi Xingye silenced her phone and ignored the calls.

For the Wen family to be aiming at her and thinking about marrying her off to Mr. Luo, they must be dreaming!

Today, to prevent Wen Guofeng from finding her, Chi Xingye cleverly stayed within the castle all day.

In DK, there's nowhere safer than Helian Chengyan's territory.

Now, even if Wen Guofeng turned Imperial City upside down, he still wouldn't be able to find her!

Chi Xingye, curled up in her bed, suddenly became lost in thought.

It's been over ten days since Helian Chengyan returned that night...

Chi Xingye shook her head, slapping her hand lightly to wake herself from her scattered thoughts.

Why should she think of him?

He's just a detestable man!

If he doesn't come back, all the better—she can comfortably occupy the entire castle alone!

Continuing to check her emails, Bu sent her the locations and times of all auctions in DK in the past two months.

After reading, she exited the tablet computer. Suddenly, a message popped up in the notification bar.

Song Enyan: Sister Xingye, why aren't you answering my calls?! It's urgent!!!

Chi Xingye looked at the text message and couldn't help but laugh.

She could even imagine how cute the pitiful little fellow on the other side must look in his craziness.

She made a return call to him.

The moment he picked up, he blabbered on and on, acting pitiful and coquettish all the while.

"...Brother Nangong is going to race tonight; his phone can't be reached... Racing is so dangerous... I don't want to become a widow at such a young age... I still want to love and cohabit with him for a lifetime... Sister Xingye, you're the best, please help me... This is the last time!"

Chi Xingye rolled her eyes, "Yanyan, how many last times have there been!"

There came another bout of pleading and acting coquettish.

"Alright, alright, I give in! I'll get there as soon as I can..."

Chi Xingye compromised for the nth time and rushed to the rescue.

For Chi Xingye, Song Enyan was like a little sister.

Chi Xingye could always not refuse her requests.

Since minors aren't allowed in the racing circuit and Song Enyan was only 16, only Chi Xingye could go in her stead and deter her lover Nangong Ze from participating in the dangerous car race...

Song Enyan had been smitten with Nangong Ze, who was seven years her senior, since she was 10.

Her love might have sprouted early, but it didn't hinder her resolve in the slightest—she was only going to marry Nangong Ze in this lifetime!

The young girl's pure and simple love always touched Chi Xingye deeply!

Her background was destined to keep her and love apart...

How could she love someone as freely and without reservations as Song Enyan could?

Just like two years ago when she first came to DK and met him, a man as regal as an emperor... and she, she had no choice but to nip their budding feelings in the bud...

Hence, she greatly envied Song Enyan's straightforwardness and honesty in love.


Chi Xingye never expected the security at a car race to be so tight.

Army police were all around the racetrack.

Song Enyan was waiting for her outside.

After going through multiple security checks, Chi Xingye finally entered the venue.

The far end of the racetrack was filled with the thrilling, loud roar of engines.

The track was surrounded by spectators whose cheering echoed all around. It was bustling.

Chi Xingye didn't know whether Nangong Ze's race had started.

She pushed through the crowd, looking everywhere.

It was hard to find him!

After what seemed like a long while, she finally spotted a number 7 among a few men wearing racing suits and helmets upfront.

Song Enyan told her that Nangong Ze wore a number 7 racing suit.

"Nangong Ze!"

"Nangong Ze!!" Chi Xingye called out.

But her voice was immediately drowned in the surrounding noise.

She had no choice but to hurry up and catch up with him, and after pushing away a few people who passed in front of her, she grabbed his arm.

After a deep breath, Chi Xingye quickly relayed what Song Enyan instructed her to stop Nangong Ze from racing.

"Let go!"

The man's reply was cold and curt after hearing her out.

He shook off her hand and prepared to leave.

But Chi Xingye held on tightly, refusing to let him leave.

Chi Xingye continued to plead earnestly: "Mr.""... even if you don't consider yourself, you should consider the people around you who care about you..."

"Chi Xingye, let go of me!"

The man in front of her harshly rebuked her once more.

Chi Xingye froze.

She then realized something was wrong.

That voice didn't sound like it was...

At the same time, a joking voice came from the side, "Miss Chi, the man you're hugging isn't here!"

Nangong Ze took off his racing helmet, revealing a handsome and attractive face. Turning his head, he laughed and asked the man Chi Xingye was still holding, "Boss, how does it feel to be confessed on the spot?"


She wasn't confessing anything!!

Only then did Chi Xingye see clearly. The man in front of her had a number 1 on his racing suit, not 7!

When she looked up, she saw the deep, ruby-red eyes under the helmet, staring down at her.

Besides Helian Chengyan, who else could have such precious and distinctive red eyes?

Chi Xingye immediately let go.

Her fair cheeks flushed red, she quickly explained awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I mistaken you for someone else..."

"Yanyan asked you to come, didn't she? But, you're late. The race ended just right now!" Nangong Ze laughed.



She was definitely a loser tonight!

Song Enyan, this white-eyed wolf, left her behind and left with her brother Nangong without a word after using her.

The racetrack was on the outskirts of the city.

Everyone that came here drove their own cars.

There were no taxis!

Late at night, Chi Xingye was standing alone by the roadside, grinding her teeth in the dark.

She swore the next time she saw Song Enyan, she would teach him a lesson about forgetting his friends when he saw a pretty face!

In July in Imperial City, it had rained several times.

It seemed like it would rain tonight too, the thunder in the distance could vaguely be heard.

Chi Xingye hugged herself, starting to feel scared.

She had to leave this place quickly.

Having no other choice, Chi Xingye extended her hand to hail a private car, hoping they could give her a ride to where she could find a taxi.

After flagging down several cars without success, she finally managed to stop one. But the driver was a rogue young playboy.

Not only did he flirt with her verbally, but he also continued to pull and tug at her even when she said she wouldn't ride with him...

"Your Highness, it seems that Miss Chi in front is in trouble. Should I get out of the car to help?" Li Xiu, who was sitting in the front seat, asked the person in the back after seeing Chi Xingye's situation up ahead.


Just as Chi Xingye was about to rudely confront the man who was bothering her, someone else stepped in and quickly knocked him to the ground.

"Miss Chi, I'm sorry you were frightened."

Li Xiu straightened his clothes and turned to her, "It's difficult to hail a cab here. May I take you home?"

"Then... thank you."

Chi Xingye had some impression of him, but couldn't recall who he was at the moment.

But he didn't seem to be a bad person, so she decided to go with him.

Li Xiu opened the back door for her. It was only after Chi Xingye bent over and got in that she realized who was seated inside - it was Helian Chengyan...