Chapter 16 Only Chi Xingye Can Save You! _1



In a top-level private room at the Royal Club, a few men's laughter with an evil edge kept bursting out.

It simply didn't cease.

"Have you guys laughed enough?" Han Xishi looked at everyone with a puzzled face.

"You're indeed a blockhead! Haha..."

"Beauty Chi is amazing! Giving you such a vivid and fitting nickname is simply brilliant!"

Nangong Ze was laughing so hard he nearly cramped up.

Just now, Han Xishi solemnly asked Doctor Qin Chuanyou if his nosebleeds signaled he was suffering from a terminal disease.

Qin Chuanyou fulfilled his duty and asked him in detail about what happened and when he started having nosebleeds?

Han Xishi honestly answered that the first time he experienced this was the day he challenged Chi Xingye. After watching her dance, his nose simply wouldn't stop bleeding and lasted for half an hour. On subsequent times, he would start feeling giddy, out of breath and had the urge to nosebleed every time he saw Chi Xingye at the training ground....he pleaded Chuanyou to save him, he didn't want to die so young....

His serious and anxious words made all the men burst into laughter in an instant.

Well, except for Helian Chengyan.

He didn't laugh; his cool face was increasingly serious, with a hint of weirdness. He looked at Han Xishi with deep, gloomy eyes.

The worst part was, Han Xishi had no idea why everybody was laughing.

All he knew was that when he was potentially diagnosed with a terminal disease, everyone was surprisingly delighted. He felt very hurt!

"Xishi, I'm really curious, what dance did Beauty Chi perform that awakened your manhood, finally!" The one who spoke was Nangong Ze.


Han Xishi was the eighth in line among this band of brothers.

His most distinctive feature: zero emotional intelligence!

No, it's now hit rock bottom, below the human limit!

In his perspective, there wasn't a difference between men and women, nor between male and female animals. He was thrown into the army by Mr. Han from a young age. Most of the time, if he wasn't training in desolate wilderness, he would be assigned to dangerous missions. Don't bother talking romance or love to him. He was simply a dauntless blockhead, clueless to these things!

Even when gatherings were held with his brothers, no matter how they tried to influence him, he never got the hang of it. Once Nangong Ze even sent a strip-naked stunning beauty to initiate him. But he treated her as some weird and horrific creature, not realising she was there to entertain, eventually causing her an injury…

Since the Han family had only one son, his brothers worry about their lineage ending here!

But it seems a bit normal now.

However, Han Xishi didn't understand the deeper meaning of their laugh.

This kind of situation had never happened to him.

At the moment, he asked Qin Chuanyou with a comparable nervousness, "Bro, can you cure me?"

Qin Chuanyou's eyes twitched, unusually frivolous, "I can't cure this disease of yours! You're exhibiting an excess of Yang energy, and only Chi Xingye can save you."

"How can Chi Xingye save me?" Han Xishi asked with a puzzled and desperate expression, "If she doesn't save me, will I die? How much longer do I have to live?"

At this moment, once again, the private room filled up with the echo of everybody's explosive laughter.

All of them could hardly control their laughter.

Helian Chengyan, who hadn't reacted much till now, finally spoke to Han Xishi, "Starting from tomorrow, you don't need to work as an instructor anymore."

His cold voice revealed an austere sense of authority.

The atmosphere in the private room became a bit solemn.

"Boss, there are still three days left till the end of military training." Han Xishi thought the boss was unaware, so he reminded him.

Helian Chengyan glared at him and asked in a cold voice, "Are you idle in the army?"


Han Xishi was confused. Wasn't it his order that he has to work as an instructor?

"If you're idle, I'll send you to Devil Island in the southwest tomorrow!"

"No! No!!" Han Xishi immediately shook his head and said in fear, "I'm not idle at all!"

Devil Island is a place where you could hardly survive without a gas mask…

The brothers, however, did not notice Helian Chengyan's ill mood.

They placated Han Xishi, who was under the impression that he was terminally ill, for a while and then shifted the topic to Chi Xingye.

Nangong Ze began, "I heard that after Beauty Chi's battle with Xishi, she became very popular in the school, and the boys who chase her can go around the field several times!"

"Oh right, boss. You didn't assign Xishi to her because she offended you at the racecourse, did you?"

Helian Chengyan's eyebrows twitched imperceptibly.

Before he could answer, Nangong Ze added, "Beauty Chi has a great relationship with Yanyan. She is a nice and interesting person. Boss, she didn't mean to offend you last time, she mistook you for me ... you should let her off!"

Nangong Ze spoke a few good words on Chi Xingye's behalf.

Helian Chengyan didn't say anything, he just swept his icy eyes over him.

His mood tonight was inexplicably bad.

He couldn't find the source of his bad mood.

Perhaps it was when he found out that even his brother, who was devoid of any affection or desire, also had ideas about her...

Perhaps it was when he heard that the boys who chased after her could go around the field multiple times...

Maybe it was his good friend coming to her defense, asking him to let her off...

Or even, when he remembered the night when he had pinned her against the wall, he actually had some inappropriate thoughts about her, almost losing his restraint...


The next day, early in the morning.

Helian Chengyan called over Li Xiu and asked him for the results of the investigation about Chi Xingye.

Li Xiu came into the room, saluted, and reported directly:

"Sir, Miss Chi is 19 years old, from a single-parent family. Before she was 17, she lived with her mother Chi Yu in UMK. They suddenly returned to DK two years ago. Miss Chi was very business-minded when she was in high school at SH School. Just by running errands for her classmates, delivering love letters and gifts, she made quite a bit of money, not including the extra income she earned from her investments... She also loved sports and her scores in every sports subject were excellent. However, her academic performance was very poor, she almost handed in blank papers every time. The fact that she scored highest in SH School this time and was admitted to the Royal Academy in DK surprised everybody…"

Helian Chengyan's thoughts were still on the previous sentence that Li Xiu had reported.

Running errands and delivering love letters for classmates, making money?

This suggests that when he visited SH school last time, she was paid to courageously walk up to him and shove the "gift" in his hand?


He had underestimated her!

Li Xiu continued to report: "Miss Chi's mother Chi Yu is a vocal music professor at the Royal Academy in DK... Their mother-daughter life was plain and ordinary until ..."