Chapter 15: The Prince Who is More Vicious than the Witch!_1

Before she could finish what she suggested, Helian Chengyan interrupted her coldly, "Take it off? What do you plan to do to me?"

His tone was harsh and unfriendly.

Full of suspicion and warning.

"Uh... I don't plan to do anything to you."

Why is this man so narcissistic?

Chi Xingye finished her sentence, "I mean, you take off your bathrobe and I'll wash it for you as a gesture of my apology."

She had never washed clothes for a man before!

Her suggestion was met with his fierce glare.

"...and that's not okay either?"

What does he want then?

Chi Xingye muttered a complaint under her breath.

She knew he was a man who held grudges.

The last time he stuffed a napkin into her mouth was a good example.

So cold and petty!

Chi Xingye was afraid of his strong sense of revenge. She worried he might call the guards to evict her again from the castle!

To prevent this, she patiently explained, "I was distracted just now, which is why I accidentally bumped into you. Your Highness, you know, even if you lent me a thousand gall, I wouldn't dare to spill milk on you. Please forgive me for my unintentional mistake! Your Highness, alright?"

Chi Xingye's beautiful eyes blinked.

She looked at him expectantly.

This look made Helian Chengyan's breath hitch slightly.

Suppressing the strange emotions surging within him, he sneered, "Hmm, let you off? You wish!"

Not only did she invade his home, but she also repeatedly challenged his authority.

This woman, clearly fearless, must have swallowed a lion's gall!


In the middle of the night.

Their intimate pose was embarrassingly ambiguous.

And he, for some reason, didn't seem to have any intention of letting her go.

At this rate, who knows what might happen!

Chi Xingye's mind was spinning rapidly, and she quickly devised a strategy.

In her other hand, she still held a half-empty cup of milk. She shoved the cup into Helian Chengyan's hand. Without waiting for him to react, her slim, white hand quickly lifted his, spilling the rest of the milk onto herself.

"Chi Xingye, what are you doing?!"

Helian Chengyan almost growled out, his fiery gaze fixed on her.

"Now we're even!"

He had also spilled milk on her.

"How... childish!"

At that moment, the milk on Chi Xingye's body was sliding down her slender neck and slipping into the opening of her blouse, outlining her soft curves even more tempting...

The brilliant red eyes of Helian Chengyan suddenly darkened and deepened.

This stupid woman, she really knew how... to provoke someone!

Under his bathrobe, a certain part of his body began to bulge aggressively... like a dangerous wild animal, restless and ready to pounce.

Just before losing his restraint, Helian Chengyan quickly let her go and rapidly turned to retreat into his room.

Not until the door "slammed" shut.

Only then did Chi Xingye gradually understand what had just happened.

Even though she had no experience in that area.

Two years ago, she had experienced a rather intimate encounter with him that made her aware of the changes in his body. And just now, she seemed to have noticed something about him that was hard and superheated, pressing against her...

Upon returning to her room and taking a shower, her face remained hot and flushed for a long time...


Chi Xingye thought, they would definitely feel awkward when they met the next day!

Luckily, when she went to the dining hall for breakfast, she did not see Helian Chengyan. The butler mentioned that the prince left early for urgent state affairs before dawn.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Following this, she could not help but feel concerned and sympathetic towards him.

He really has such a hard job!

After that, Helian Chengyan didn't return to the castle for several days.

Chi Xingye was naturally relieved.

During these days, there was yet another cause for happiness.

After her fight with Instructor Han had smoothed over their grievances, as promised, he did not bully her during the next rounds of military training. Instead, he treated and trained her like any normal student, this pleased her immensely.

However, one thing that made her very uncomfortable was that Instructor Han, for some unfathomable reason, always had his eyes on her during military training. Even when he was shouting orders at others, his eyes were stuck to her, just like that ball clinging to his head during their fight, unshakeable!

If it was because Instructor Han developed feelings for her, he never once initiated a conversation with her!

The world is full of weirdos!


In the blink of an eye.

More than half of the military training had passed.

Chi Xingye, who had not seen Song Enyan for a long time as she was caught up in training, decided to catch up with her outside the campus.

The Royal Academy of DK was strict regarding student's access, without an entry permit from the academy, no outsiders could enter.

Chi Xingye actually appreciated this rule.

In this way, the Wen family would have a hard time reaching her and she and her mother would feel more secure on campus.

In the afternoon, after the military training had ended.

Chi Xingye went to meet her.

Seeing the young girl, the first thing she did was to sternly address her for leaving her at the racing track and going off with Nangong Ze, a thoughtless act that demanded a lecture!

Song Enyan was not at all intimidated. She listened to Chi Xingye's tirade with a playful smile before hugging her arm affectionately and inviting her to go shopping.

The two chatted while strolling.

Song Enyan was eager to hear about the fun incidents that Chi Xingye had experienced during training.

Chi Xingye shared her story of challenging Instructor Han.

Halfway through, she happened to ask, "What's Instructor Han's name?"

"I think it's Han Xishi. He's a Lieutenant Colonel. That jerk who wanted to punish me sent a senior officer. I swear, he must have been totally bored..."

Song Enyan burst into laughter at the mention of "Han Xishi", without even paying attention to the second half of Chi Xingye's sentence.

"Xingye, I can't believe you would call Xishi Instructor a 'dumb goose'. I'm dying of laughter!"

"You know that dumb goose?" Chi Xingye looked at her in surprise.

Song Enyan was laughing so hard she nearly cried. Finally, she managed to stop herself and nodded vigorously. "Instructor Xishi is their good friend!"


"My brother Vane, Nangong, Chuanyou..."

Song Enyan counted up to seven or eight brothers, specially introducing the last one to Chi Xingye, "And of course, Chengyan. You know him, right? He's the Prince of DK! They're all super tight. And only these guys are allowed to call Chengyan 'Boss' and not 'Your Highness'… Nangong even told me at lunch that they're planning to have a gathering tonight..."

Song Enyan was seriously explaining the relationships between these guys, not noticing at all the complex expression covering Chi Xingye's face.

She had picked up the scent of the truth!

What a wicked prince DK has!

He's a hundred times crueler than the witches in fairy tales!!