Chapter 3 Imperial Court! Betrayal! (1)_1

It had been three months since the incident.

During the first two months, Yuanya had been having nightmares every night!

Either she dreamt of a man on a ladder turning his head, his face obscured but his bloodthirsty gaze fixed menacingly on her, or she dreamt she hadn't been able to escape and was caught on the spot...

If she hadn't been petite with relatively light footsteps, she would have been discovered then and there!

She hadn't been sleeping well recently and had only just managed to forget what happened that day.

Whenever it crossed her mind though, she still felt a chill down her spine!

"Ya Ya! Stop daydreaming, look who's here!"

Yuanya stumbled and almost dropped her paintbrush when her friend Zhao Xiaobai pushed her.

Zhao Xiaobai steadied her and together they looked towards the clubhouse entrance.

Yuanya saw him at once, the man standing at the entrance of the clubhouse.

Lu Jie was looking exceptionally handsome today, tall and standing there like a picturesque figure.

"Dang, are you and Lu Jie that inseparable? He followed you all the way here."

Zhao Xiaobai's voice echoed beside her.

Yuanya blushed at her words, a surge of sweetness flooding her heart.

She had only mentioned to Lu Jie a while ago that she was working on a mural, she hadn't even told him where. She hadn't expected him to come looking for her.

Seeing Yuanya standing there without rebutting, Zhao Xiaobai knew she was too shy to respond. She laughed, "Wait here, I'll call him over for you!"

"No, don't call him!" startled, Yuanya quickly stopped her, not caring whether it made her seem shy.

The Imperial Court was not a place where one could yell freely. On their first day on the job, the manager had warned them about that.

The people entering and exiting this clubhouse belonged to the East Dragon 'nobility'. They were told to tread carefully and not cause any trouble.

Zhao Xiaobai suddenly remembered this and started chuckling too.

She was about to speak, but when her eyes swept towards the entrance, she instantly forgot what she was about to say.

Yuanya also froze. From the entrance, Lu Jie had just led a woman in by the hand.?

As they exchanged glances and smiled, the woman's arm snaked around Lu Jie's, her prominent chest bumping against his arm!

Their intimate demeanor made it impossible for Yuanya to find any excuses for him…

Before Yuanya could comprehend what she was seeing, Zhao Xiaobai was the first to regain her senses.

But she was flustered too, how was she to know that Lu Jie, who had always been compliant towards Yuanya, would cheat on her!?

And while one was feeling shocked and hurt, the other at a loss for what to do, Lu Jie was already bringing the woman towards them.

Yuanya's gaze fell on the woman. The woman was stunningly beautiful.

Her porcelain skin and curvaceous figure were matched by a dazzling blue dress. She wore a pair of stilettos and swayed seductively as she walked.

From her hair to her makeup, she was impeccable, clearly from a distinguished background that matched Lu Jie's stature.

But what about her?

Yuanya looked down at herself, her old clothes were smeared with so much paint and oil that it was difficult to discern their original color.

Her white sneakers had come unglued at one point, she was wearing a hat and a mask, she looked like a construction worker.

How could she compare to the woman by Lu Jie's side? Now, Yuanya didn't even have the courage to confront Lu Jie.

As Lu Jie was about to reach them with the woman, while he was still chuckling, a previously dormant Yuanya seemed to spring to life. She dragged Zhao Xiaobai with her and bolted into the clubhouse.

"Ya Ya?" Zhao Xiaobai exclaimed in shock.

Yuanya kept running, her hand gripping tightly onto Zhao Xiaobai, never looking back.

Lu Jie turned towards the sound, but all he saw were paintbrushes scattered on the ground by the wall, not a single person was in sight.

He felt a sudden unease in his heart, recalling how Yuanya had mentioned something about working on a mural recently!