Chapter 2: Owe You a Life (2)_1

Yuanya took in everything that was happening, her pupils shrinking in shock!

A gun! Actually, it's a gun!

She felt her heart jump up to her throat. The raw sensation of rain battering her face was harsh, making it painfully clear that this wasn't a dream!

"Don't be afraid! No matter how skilled he is, he's no match for our numbers! Pick up your guns and take him down!"

Bei Yunhuan stood calmly under his umbrella, not a drop of rain wetting his clothes.

Looking at a despairing Old Master Luo, he said mercilessly, "You might have counted thousand things, but you failed to count on his appearance. Or did you believe that your bumbling underlings would have the guts to cross him?"

Indeed, no one around him picked up a gun upon his command. They were all expressions of terror and fear, as if the man on the ladder were a bloodthirsty demon king.

"Ahh—" Old Master Luo, once again provoked and unwilling to comply, raised his gun, ready to pull the trigger!


A dull gunshot echoed through the air, coming from the direction of the helicopter.

The mysterious man had indeed fired the gun. It wasn't very loud, but it frightened Yuanya enough for her to collapse against the wall.

Her lips were trembling, her mind blank, and she found herself leaning heavily against the wall…

Bei Yunhuan slowly lifted his head, revealing his deep-set eyes as he raised his umbrella.

At this moment, the helicopter also began to descend towards the rooftop.

"Well done. From today on, I owe you a life!"

He said this, a corner of his thin lips curling upward in a smirk, addressing the man half-hanging from the ladder.

It seemed he wasn't afraid that others would hear. His voice finally fluctuated, noticeably increasing in volume.

The space around them was open, and his voice echoed, allowing Yuanya to hear every word clearly.

A conspiracy… they were plotting a murder!

Not until the helicopter was about twenty meters above the ground did the man on the ladder make his move. He flipped over and jumped down, landing as firm as a mountain.

No one noticed that an unknown object fell from him. It looked lightweight, the wind in the rain making it trace out a graceful arc before it fell directly into Yuanya's open canvas bag.

Yuanya, now in shock, only knew something had fallen from him, but she had no interest in figuring out what it was.

However, an even more terrifying scene was about to unveil…

A trail of blood slid down from the top, falling drop by drop near where Yuanya was standing.

Initially, she didn't notice, until she saw a few bright red spots soaking her white shoes. It was as if she reacted suddenly, instinctively lifting her head.


The horrifying bloodstains almost made her scream aloud!

She desperately covered her mouth with her hands, stifling the urge to scream.

At that moment, she was completely sure… there was a murder on the rooftop!

The man, as agile as an eagle, had killed someone!

She broke into silent sobs, tears flooding down without her knowing how much she'd cried.

She began backtracking step by step… planning to return to school the same way she'd come!

With every step she took, her heart seemed to stop beating for a moment.

Just when she finally turned the corner, a group of men appeared at the exit of the abandoned building, beginning to search around.

There was no need to guess. They were obviously looking for any potential witnesses.

Yuanya abandoned all caution and started running wildly in the rain, running and crying…
