Chapter 24 Blow Up His Head! (3)_1

If it wasn't for his infidelity, she would not have had the chance to provoke someone like Bei Yunhuan!

"Nonsense? Did I speak nonsense? What's on your neck then, don't tell me those were mosquito bites!"


The girlfriend he cherished for more than a year, not daring to touch, it turns out she's just... trash!

Rubbish! Cheap bitch!

A surge of fury rose in his heart, this woman, she should have been his.

Since the day he met Yuanya during freshman orientation, he had been pursuing her.

It took so much effort to finally win her over, but in the end, he didn't get anything out of it!

Lu Jie's gaze fell on the faint hickey on her neck, and he couldn't resist reaching out to touch it.

Yuanya was frightened and backed away, accidentally hitting the wall behind her, causing her whole face to scrunch up in pain.

Lu Jie no longer cared about anything!

His whole mind was filled with the thought that if Bei Yunhuan already had her, why couldn't he?