Chapter 25 Explosive Scandal (1)_1

If he were to shake his head, that would be a death sentence too!

Bei Yunhuan had already explicitly expressed his interest in Yuanya before. If he dared to say he didn't know, that would be suicide!

"You should know what can be done and what can't be done, right?"

Yong Mo stared at him with a chilling glare.

Whether it was due to excessive blood loss from the wound on his head or fear of Yong Mo, Lu Jie suddenly blacked out and fainted.

Yuanya stepped forward in fear.

A hit to the head could be fatal if it landed awkwardly!

Perhaps sensing her thought, Yong Mo assured her, "Miss Yuan, don't worry, nothing will happen."

He knew full well that he had only exerted a fraction of his strength.

If he could die from this, it could only mean that he was destined to die.

Yuanya scrutinized Lu Jie, who was now lying on the ground, and found his chest still heaving slightly.

Although the head wound was still bleeding profusely, pooling on the ground.