Chapter 51 He actually has a fiancée?!_1

At this moment, Yang Yuhuan started to whisper into Yuanya's ear.

"Don't listen to Young Master Lan. His aesthetics are unbearable for ordinary people. His first standard in choosing a woman is they should look like a mistress!"

Yuanya couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth.

Lan Xiu, with his sharp ears, heard his whisper word for word and retorted, "Who says my criterion for choosing a woman is to find one who looks like a mistress?"

"Isn't it?" Yang Yuhuan asked with sincere curiosity.

He took a puff of his cigarette and spoke unabashedly, "Of course, it is!"

Just as Yang Yuhuan was about to say 'I told you so', he continued, "But that's not my primary standard."

People started to goad him.

"Young Master Lan, what's your first standard?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Young Master Lan, please enlighten us!"

Lan Xiu's gaze landed on Yuanya. After seeing her startled expression, he pulled his gaze back satisfyingly and addressed the beasts in the box, speaking shamelessly.