Chapter 50: Ruining it Immediately as Soon as it is Spoken_1

Such a feminine look on a man's face, did not reveal even the slightest hint of femininity.

Because his aura was not one iota less than Bei Yunhuan, and even seemed faintly stronger.

Lan Xiu approached Yuanya, the curve of his mouth growing even bigger, his frivolous vibe becoming even more intense.

His gaze was free to roam all over her body, scrutinizing inch by inch as if selecting a piece of merchandise.

Yuanya felt her heart stop for a moment, partly because of his wicked smile.

But after noticing his lecherous gaze, she couldn't help but step back.

For some reason, this man sparked in her a feeling of familiarity, a feeling that was both inexplicable and dangerous...

Then, Lan Xiu held her chin with one hand, slightly exerting force, bringing her closer once again.

Upon seeing this, Bei Yunhuan's eyebrows twitched, but he did not intervene.

Lan Xiu naturally leaned closer to inspect Yuanya's features at a close range.