Chapter 55: No need to go back, Stick with me! _1

How could she say such a thing, and how could Bei Yunhuan laugh like that!

Thinking about his smile just now, Yuanya felt her cheeks starting to flush.

Unexpectedly, he looked so good when he smiled...

Even with a heart full of fear, she had to admit, he was extraordinarily handsome.

If one had to compare, the only person she knew who could rival him was the newly met Young Master Lan.

Thinking of Lan Xiu's face, Yuanya was momentarily lost in her thoughts.

But very quickly, she shook her head, scattering these messy thoughts out of her mind.

Yuanya cynically thought to herself, human adaptability is indeed strong.

Just last week, she was feeling desperate because of being forced, yet now she finds the scoundrel who compelled her to be attractive when he smiles?

She took a deep breath, unsure whether she should continue to despise herself, or criticize herself for her lowly thoughts.