Chapter 56: I think, I seem to have fallen in love_1

"Boss! You scared the life out of me!"

Lan Xiu glanced at him and clicked his tongue, "Since when did you start stuttering?"

Fei Zi thought to himself, you're the one who scared me into stuttering!

He then noticed Lan Xiu was still wearing yesterday's outfit, which struck him as odd.

"Boss, did you not sleep all night?"

"Isn't that obvious."

Fei Zi looked at the ashtray before him, thinking with disbelief, Lan Xiu stayed up all night smoking instead of sleeping or gallivanting with women?

Something was not right here, there had to be more to it!

Fei Zi thought for a moment, squatted in front of him, "Can you tell me what's going on?"

"What are you doing? Snooping into my private matters?" Lan Xiu gave him a lazy glance.

Fei Zi stood up, fine then, you don't want to talk, I'm not in the mood to listen anyway.

But before he took two steps, Lan Xiu called out from behind him, "Get back here!"