Chapter 57: Friend's Wife Shouldn't Be Bullied? No Courtesy For Friend's Wife!_1

When Lan Xiu heard his question, he immediately remembered that tender voice saying "Bastard" yesterday at the Imperial Court, which had made him feel weak in the knees.

He also remembered the moment he turned around and saw Yuanya's half-open eyes, with the watery light flickering in them.

At that instant, Lan Xiu felt the heartbeat of love.

He took a drag of his cigarette and mumbled, "It's the one Mr. Yunhuan brought over yesterday."

Fei Zi instantly understood. He, too, was at the Imperial Court yesterday and recalled Lan Xiu's comments about the girl…

"Boss! Didn't you just say yesterday she was a bean sprout?"

Yesterday she was a bean sprout, and today it's love?

How much more capricious can he get?

"That's why I said it's love, true love at that."

It's said that true love transcends all barriers, even those of aesthetics.