Chapter 140: Little Beauty, I'll Take You on an Exciting Ride!_1

Yet his laughter was incredibly charming, every frown and smile seemed to be bewitching.

Just as he was about to walk up to Yuanya, stretching out his hand to give her the flower...

Bei Yunhuan directly stepped in front of her, standing between them and blocking his unrestrained gaze.

As for his interference, Lan Xiu didn't take it to heart at all, the smile at the corner of his mouth not even wavering slightly.

Then, under the gaze of everyone present, he directly offered the flower to Bei Yunhuan, and said quite disdainfully, "Here, it's yours if you want it."

Fei Zi standing behind them twitches his mouth, not daring to look at Mr. Yunhuan's face.

Bei Yunhuan, knowing it'd be impossible to reason with Lan Xiu, gave Yang Yuhuan a meaningful glance.

Realizing the hint, Yang Yuhuan quickly took Yuanya away. The car sped off, disappearing in the smoke.

Yuanya remained in a daze until she reached school, unable to concentrate during class.