Chapter 141 Look, They Look So Alike_1

He wanted to comfort her, but didn't know what to say.

Should he tell her something like, "Don't worry, Lu Jie is digging his own grave. Since he 'did that' to you first, that's why Young Master Lan 'did that' to him?"

God, if those words came out, the poor beauty could burst into tears on the spot.

Or should he say, "Old Boss is here, Young Master Lan won't do anything serious?"

Ha, even Yang Yuhuan wouldn't believe that, let alone Old Boss himself.

Isn't that why he's almost a full-time driver now, to stop a certain beast?

The beast, smoking a cigarette, was now instructing his subordinates.

"What the hell am I keeping you guys for?"

Fei Zi played dumb on the side, hoping the big boss wouldn't vent anger at him.

The other lackeys, led by Ah Dong, were tongue-tied, not knowing how to answer the boss.

Finally, Ah Dong spoke, "It's my fault for not catching the person. However you want to punish me, I'll take it!"