Chapter 341 Li Tong is Sued_1

As the police had DNA evidence but hadn't publicly disclosed it, only internal officials knew. So businessmen like Jing Dezhen naturally didn't know he was Jing Yiren's biological father.

Jing Yiren got up from the dining table and headed upstairs.

Soon she came back downstairs, casually holding a piece of paper in her hand.

Jing Yiren handed a paper full of text with the official seal of the public security department to Jing Dezhen.

Jing Dezhen looked blankly at Jing Yiren, then shifted his gaze to the paper she had handed him.

The big words on it read 'DNA Verification Report'

Jing Dezhen's pupils suddenly contracted. He couldn't bother to read the rest, his eyes went straight to the result at the bottom.

DNA Match Rate: 99.99%

Jing Dezhen's eyes widened in shock. He deeply inhaled a breath of air and looked up at Jing Yiren.

So, Jing Yiren really was his daughter!