Chapter 342 Li Tong Gets Arrested_1

The police officer held up a court indictment in front of General Li.

"General Li, Mr. Lu Ming from the Lu Corporation has pressed charges against your daughter, Li Tong!"

"The court has accepted the case, the evidence is compelling. She has been charged with spreading rumors, intentionally fabricating and disseminating false facts, denigrating Miss Jing Yiren's character, damaging her reputation, thus committing crimes of defamation, character assassination and infringing upon her dignity and honor rights."

"For the above crimes, the court has decided to impose a fine of 100,000 yuan, an emotional distress compensation of 200,000 yuan to Miss Yiren, and three months of imprisonment. Miss Tong, please come with us!"

"..." Upon hearing the police officer's words, Li Tong was stunned!

She held her breath, rooted to the spot in shock!

Had Lu Ming actually taken her to court over such a matter?

Imprisonment! Imprisonment?