MY FUTA MOM CH. 02 By 2222083

Sunlight blasts through the windows as I stutter awake still exhausted from the night before. My throat has a salty aftertaste in it and it hurts like hell.

"What happened?" I said in a stupor.

And almost as if it heard my question, my phone rang.

"Mikey, come downstairs. It's time to start your new chores." The sweet voice on the other end beckoned me, and like a tidal wave, the nights before came crashing back to me.


Every girl I had ever slept with left happy. They came hard, smiled at me, and would try to please me, but nothing ever happened. No matter how hard they tried to suck my cock or let me drive my dick in their pussy. I never came. No matter how beautiful or how sensual they were with me, nothing, EVER, came out. I've got a pretty respectable 6 Inch member, a body built carefully over months of hard work, and I have enough stamina to make the ladies cum, just no one has been good enough for me. In 21 years of life and 4 years of college I was still unsatisfied, no woman I slept with or wanted to sleep with had made me cum, at least... not in person.

There was one girl though, more a woman actually, my mom. Tall, at just over 6ft, a beautifully fair-skinned, blue-eyed, slightly overweight brunette in her 40's named Annie. She has taken care of me all my life and even pays for all the things I've ever wanted, hell she even paid my college tuition fees in full. Being a manager for a big accounting firm has its perks I guess. But I could never get over how beautiful she was. Her massive L cup breasts would jiggle with every small movement she made. Nice wide hips, and with an ass that wobbles with every step, she has no shame in showing it off. She wears beautiful long flowing dresses that show off her tits and ass in the best kind of way and she knows it.

When I finally finished college with my bachelor's in English Composition, I hit a wall. I was depressed and didn't ever leave the house, but Mom was there. She hugged me as I cried and told me it'd all be okay. She promised to support me for as long as I needed, and she was happy to do so.

There was something about that, the sweet octave of her voice, the warmth of her grasp, and the softness of her body was exactly what I needed, in every sense of the word. Almost every night after dinner I'd masturbate to the images of her that dance in my head. Images of her cooking or cleaning, watching her massive chest heave up and down as she went around the house, or of her plump ass wobbling, all of it made me so horny.

But no matter how much I came to thoughts of her, I could never cum to any other woman. I started to fear that I would never cum without masturbation, that was until last night, with one fateful encounter.

It was a beautiful dinner of steak and mashed potatoes, exactly what I needed after a long day of sitting around drooling over Mom's figure.

I began to retire to my room when I heard my mother's silky voice. "Mikey, I love you, you know that?" she said in what was almost a whisper to me.

"Yeah Mom, of course, I know. I would never forget," I had to respond in an almost worried tone.

That response seemed to cheer her up. Her face blushed and she said a bit louder, "Have a good night love bug!"

Oh, little did we know what a night it would be.

I laid sprawled out on my bed, cock throbbing hard as it pitched a tent in my gym shorts. I started the average routine, nothing special, just a guy and his cock jacking off to his mother, nothing weird about that. Except that, for whatever reason, my fingers wandered to my backside and tried to explore my prostate. I sat face down on the bed with one hand on my hot throbbing cock and two fingers up my virgin asshole. My fingers jabbing at my prostate finding the best way to hit it. It had to have only been 13 minutes into my "session" when I heard the door creak open.

"Mike sweetheart, I have your laundry here. Oh shit!" She dropped the laundry basket and stood there in awe.

"Mom, leave!" I had to sputter out as my face had turned as red as a tomato, flushed with embarrassment and the leftover heat of teasing myself but not completing.

She ran down the hall and I slammed the door shut still red in the face.

"Well fuck," I sighed as my boner had now died down and my balls had gone blue.

It wasn't just shame that filled my head, it was embarrassment when the only woman I found attractive saw me naked, and I didn't have the balls to ask her to suck mine.

I didn't get a wink of sleep that night, and for 3 days the tension between me and mom was palpable. Every dinner was silent and besides meals and going to the bathroom I didn't leave my room.

"Michael, we need to talk," my mother said to me right after another delicious dinner.

This was bad, she hadn't called me by my full name since I broke a vase aged five.

"Okay Mom, I'll be down in a minute," I forced myself to respond in a tone that sounded cheerful.

After centering my mind I headed downstairs and saw my mother sitting on the couch. I could tell she was worried, but I couldn't help notice how beautiful she was. Her hair long and flowing and her breast heaving up and down with every breath she took, her face red as mine was just 3 nights before and her hands nested in her lap, I was starting to get erect and had no idea what to do. I sat down and waited for her to say something, it felt like an eternity then all of the sudden,

"Michael, are you sexually frustrated?" her eyes didn't meet mine as she said that, and good thing too, because my face was now as red as hers.

"Wha- Wh- Why would you ask that mom?" I shakily defended my slowly breaking pride.

"Because Mike, I can tell! Every week at least one girl leaves here and she smiles so brightly, while you have that same fake expression on your face," she said in a tone sweeter than any honey, but with a twinge of concern sprinkled in.

"Damn, she's good," I guess my mother can tell when my face is a lie.

"No one ever comes back and after that night, I could tell you might be looking for... something more," when she finished I gazed up and her whole body was shaking and her face was redder than ever.

I had to respond, "I mean... yes mom. I am frustrated, okay? I haven't finished with a woman ever! Is that what you wanted to..." I stopped suddenly.

Her hand met mine and I was at a loss for words, her face was... abnormal, full of regret and shame, but also lust. It was there and on top of all of her other emotions.

"Can I show you something, Mikey?" My previously shy mother was being very, very forward.

"It's been years since your father passed, and ever since then... I haven't had a release, not once in over 1000 days. Mikey, let me pleasure us," she said with a face still red, but with eyes that had a fire lift behind them.

To say I was stunned was an understatement, I was harder than steel and could feel everything that I had ever hoped for coming true. What was I to do? Should I reject her? What if I say yes? I know, I'll respond cool and collected.

"I mean... sure mom. Let's do it," I answered through my shaking jaw. When I went to unbuckle my jeans, I heard a snicker.

"Baby boy, that won't be necessary."

The woman whose face was looking at mine wasn't loving, it wasn't caring, what it was, was needy, and willing to do whatever it takes for a long-awaited release. This can't be my mom.

I was flabbergasted but... whatever, "Okay Mom, I'll sit here and you can start it all," the previous cheerfulness in my voice being replaced by shame.

I sat down and she started to undress, and that's when it happened. For the first time, I saw what made my mom so special. Towering over me was a beautiful woman, with breasts larger than my head, and nipples that were pinker than any I'd ever seen, but what was lower, that's what caught my eye.

Strapped to the side of her right thigh by a thick leather strap, was a thick, veiny cock. To call it huge would be a massive understatement. It went all the way down past her knee, and it was soft. The head was as thick as a two-liter bottle and the rest almost just as thick! It was strapped there throbbing, almost as if it was taunting me. With every throb, clear jelly-like liquid squirted out the top of it. I must have been staring for days, cause when mom broke the silence it shocked me.

"Oh, do you like it, Mikey? Here, let me show you how 'impressive' it is, at this stage anyway," she chortled out and reached into the side table and pulled out a tape measure.

After some fiddling with it, she managed to pull the tape to a number which made my eyes almost bulge out of my head.

"There we go, Mikey. Soft my Lady meat is 19 inches long," pride covered her words like sweat covered my brow.

Behind it was the largest pair of testicles I had ever seen, as large as two softballs, and with wrinkles that made them look distinguished. It appeared though that the sack was still begging to be filled.

"I know you've always seen me as a delicate woman Mikey, but I promise you," her hands went down and unbuckled her cock as it fell to the center of her legs, dangling there as if it was an anaconda ready to strike.

"I'm more than capable of taking care of you." said the animal with my mother's face on hers.

My mind was racing with a thousand different questions like, "How have I not noticed it?" "What did I sign up for?" and simply, "What the hell?"

But all of that came to a halt as my head was filled with loud moans as mom's perfect lips and her thick tongue wrestled for dominance in my mouth. I moaned into her head as she completely overtook my maw. And then, too soon, she pulled back. When she broke free my tongue was hanging begging for more, she tasted so sweet. The look on my face must have been pitiful, her laugh told me so.

"Oh don't worry baby, you can have more kisses, as soon as you kiss this," the confidence in her voice outweighing mine ten-fold.

She waggled her cock at me and started to frantically jerk off.

"Who is this woman? My mother is a soft lady, she's not some lust-filled monster," my mind yelled at the rest of me.

But then it occurred to me, after so many long years, she must have gone insane.

Within the time those thoughts took place I hadn't noticed my mother's cock grow to what must have been an astounding 32 inches. It stood straight as a board and the veins, oh the veins, they throbbed with every second along with them being as wide as my thumb, and the smell emanating from it was... mouthwatering. A salty musk wafted from every solitary inch of it.

"Hehe. You're just a little horny puppy aren't you? Well, here little one. I've got a perfect 'bone' for you to enjoy," she exclaimed with eyes full of lust and a voice full of desire.

It was beautiful, every inch of it exuberated pure sex. In one quick second her cock had met my face and was stroking up and down along it, her veins throbbing nice and hard and my cock throbbed even tighter in a pair of ill-fitting jeans. With every thrust the thick slab of meat overtook my senses and made me tremble, I had to ask.

"Mom... what are you gonna do to me?" My trembling voice spat out that pitiful phrase as her cock throbbed in response.

"Oh Michael, we'll start slow, you're gonna suck my fat cock and make me release," she cackled at a joke I didn't understand.

I looked up past her cock the best I could and as nicely as I could I stuttered, "Okay... mommy."

She backed up and all of a sudden I was suckling on the fat head of her cock. Salty pre-cum was coating the head and leaking out like a faucet, I was drowning, but shockingly I couldn't have cared less. Every inch of it was coated in pre-cum, and I was dying to taste it. Using my tongue I licked all of it off, making her cock head nice and shiny, but apparently, that wasn't enough.

"Oh Mike, sweetheart, when I told you to suck it, I meant ALL of it," now the voice was completely unrecognizable as the one of my mother.

With one hand on the back of my head, she pushes another foot of cock down my throat. It set my mind ablaze, with every inch she nestled deep in my gullet I felt my mind slip a little more. Her veins throbbed hard as they did the almost unthinkable task of keeping this monster hard.

"Oh you little slut, you take cock like a champ, and that tight throat of yours deserves to be split open," popping the p in that final word. Just the sound of her praise made my ears ring and all of the sudden I came, a little watery load, but enough to soak the front of my jeans.

"Oh dear..." mom said exhaustedly, FUCK! She noticed it.

"You know how rude it is to cum before a woman, I'm gonna have to discipline you later. But right now... let's focus on getting my cock down your throat."

All of a sudden I felt hot, and I knew what was coming, with her other hand she grasped my head and told me one thing "Open wide."

Like a freight train coming in the station 30 out of 32 inches came barreling down my throat. I felt like a pig at a luau, my mind was racing as I could barely breathe, my throat clogged with cock, and my nose clogged with her ever thicker pre-cum.

"Fuck, I'm gonna choke." My primal instincts screamed that phrase at me, urging me to pull away, but It wasn't going to happen, she's too far in.

My eyes were watering and all of a sudden they had gone blurry. With what little strength I had I beat on her thigh.

"Oh? Not a lot of stamina huh Michael? Fine. Ungrateful little shit," that last word hitting me like a dagger.

With what felt like forever she finally unearthed her throbbing cock from my stretched-out throat. My breath was hot and my throat was still on fire, the spit hanging from her cock matched what was dribbling out of my mouth.

I panted hard "Mom. What. The. Fuck. Why would you do that to me, I'm your so-" and without finishing that sentence she had choked me, and pushed all of her cock down into my throat.

"Oh, sweetheart. If you have time to bitch at me you have time to suck my fat cock. You and your little 6 Inch won't be used here, not anymore. Not while I'm the man in the house. I pay for everything, I cook, I clean, I gave you ample time to find a job after college, but you failed that too," the tone in her voice getting more desperate with each thrust.

"The least you can do for your Mother is suck her fat She-cock until she shoots a thick load down your throat," she smirked at her son who she was using not as a person, but as an onahole.

And with that, she thrusted back and forth in my throat. On fire didn't describe it anymore, my throat was full of a cock hotter than anything I had ever experienced.

"Okay, sweetie." My mother was getting close, the amount of pre-cum had shot up in thickness and she thrusted faster and faster.

"If you want your mother to continue to support you how she has, then you're gonna make sure she cums constantly. And you better not spill a drop," she gasped, her voice now more akin to an animal in heat than that of a woman.

Now she was hilting and unhilting herself in my throat like a monster, my nose being buried in a thick bush of pubes and my throat being slapped by the fattest pair of nuts I have ever seen. I tried my best to fight for air. I beat on her thigh, I grabbed her huge tits and pulled hard, but it was all for naught. Every action only seemed to make my mother even more aroused. And then that sound came, a deep, gurgling sound, coming from her balls and the thickest vein of her cock. It sounded deeper than anything else I'd ever heard. And with every passing second, I could see the wrinkles in her balls disappear. Within 10 seconds her basketballs filled up to what must have been over-inflated basketballs. Then as quick as a flash she pulled back so that only her swollen cock head filled my mouth.

"Swallow it sweetie. Or else Mommy will have to figure a punishment out that makes you scream."

And with that sentence and a deep guttural moan like some beast finally getting a release, a flood started down my throat. Thick, Jelly like cum rushed into my mouth and filled my stomach. Pumps lasted for seconds at a time, and mom continued to pull my hair towards her to make sure I couldn't pull away, and no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't break her seemingly new freakish strength.

Soon thick jets started spilling from the side of my mouth and nose, "Fine. Since you don't want to eat it all, you'll be wearing it all." my mother scorned me with an almost disappointed tone, one I had never experienced from her in my life.

And despite my mouth's involuntary protest, her cock head broke through, and years of Cum were still barreling out of her cock. For what felt like an hour Jizz kept sprouting from mom's cockhead, first covering me in layers of immovable spunk, and then the couch, which was once a Beautiful almond brown was now a pearl white.

Family portraits on the wall were unrecognizable as they were covered in her potent cum. The floor was becoming an ocean of sperm, within a minute my mother's adorable feet disappeared under the thick substance. After about 12 minutes her cum finally just dripped out in fat chunks, instead of shooting out like a cannon. My throat was clogged and the smell had me light-headed, I was going to faint, and before I did, I heard an angel, or at least, my mom.

There she stood, ankle-deep in her cum, and she spoke to me, "Don't worry Mikey. I'll clean up your mess. When you wake up, we'll have a long talk," a sweeter tone in her voice again.

The last thing I remember before passing out was her sweet face, perfect as always, but now, I saw the monster behind it.

And just like that, it went black.


"What could she possibly mean?" I thought as my head still pounded from the night before.

The events of the night prior had all flooded back to me in a tsunami of information, and frankly, I was at a loss.

Could my mother really be packing that monster between her legs? Did she really shove that whole thing down my throat in one swoop? How was that even possible?

I picked up my phone and started to frantically check my messages as I saw a text pop up along with a picture. It was from Mom.

The message read: "You better get down here quickly sweetie, you wouldn't want mommy to get angry now, would you? I wouldn't want something like this to have to happen again."

'This' referred to the photo below, which was one of my mother, the sweet lady who raised me for 21 long years, holding me up by the hair. It appeared I was unconscious and covered in her cum. A devilish smile had crossed my mother's face, almost like a hunter who had gotten a world record kill. And sitting right next to my face was a monster cock. Standing at what must have been 28 inches, smaller than when they started, but not by much, it was... impressive, to say the least. That answered my questions: the events of the night before definitely weren't a dream.

That was when I became acuity aware of the pain and the new bruises that formed around and on my jaw, just more proof my recollection of the night before was correct.

But there was no time to worry about that. I hurried downstairs, hoping to avoid whatever my mother had in mind for me.


The downstairs of my house smells wonderful. The distinct scent of french toast wafted into my nose, and the sound of bacon filled the house almost as if it was cheering for itself. And in front of it all stood my mother, as beautiful as always.

She was clad in a deep red robe that barely covered what it needed. Her breast easily filled the top half, her nipples poking through and the sides of her areolas barely visible from the front. The back was stretched around her supple ass, each cheek seemingly taking up half the space. But that alone wasn't any different from a normal morning; what was different this morning was what was hanging out of the robe. Dangling in a semi-erect state was a python of girl meat sitting at an impressive 18 inches, much less thick though, as now it was only swollen to the size of a soda can.

Directly behind the monster was a set of balls easily the size of softballs, the veins on the taut sack throbbing in an almost rhythmic manner. She must have left the leather strap, which normally kept her extra genitals hidden away, out of her wardrobe this morning.

I tried not to stare for too long and rushed into the kitchen. I sat down at the table with my eyes firmly glued to anything but my mother. The awkwardness started to fill the room extremely fast, my mind screamed at me to say something, but luckily my mother beat me to the first words.

"Good morning, Mikey. How did you sleep? And are you hungry, baby boy?" my mother cooed to me in a sweet yet teasing tone, which oddly started to relax my tense body.

With the offer of food on the table, my stomach let out a loud gargle, and my mouth, in response, let out a soft, "Yes, mama."

Within the next few minutes, everything was done cooking and set on the side of the counter. Mom took a seat at the other end of the table and gazed at me with a fire in her eyes.

"Alright, Michael, let me explain to you how your life is going to work now," she exclaimed in an almost militaristic way.

"I'm done being your maid. For 21 years of your life, I cooked, I cleaned, and I paid for everything you ever wanted, all in hopes you would grow up to be a good young man. I even took care of you when you were depressed, but it's been a long time since then Michael, and what do you have to show for it? Nothing, that's what. No job. No girlfriend. And no ambition. So here's the deal, Mike..."

I had to try and interrupt, "Mom, what the hell are you trying to say?"

"Shut up, Michael."

She didn't scream, all she did was talk, but part of me knew I had to listen. Her tone demanded I do so. I hung my head down and let her continue.

"This meal I prepared will be the last one I cook. You will be doing everything around the house from now on. Cooking, cleaning, and taking 'care' of me when I get home from work. I expect you to learn how to do all these things and be the best little maid you can be. If you're a good boy, I'll still pay for all the things you want. This will continue until you get a job or move out of my house. Of course, if you end up liking how I'm gonna treat you, it doesn't have to end. But as of right now, you're no longer gonna be some lazy piece of shit. Understand me, Michael?"

I was frozen solid, unable to move. All I could muster was one pitiful "Yes."

"Now then, before we eat, I have one more surprise for you," she began as a devilish smile crawled onto her face.

Out from under the table she pulled a long, thick, and silver box, topped off with a very ornate looking gold bow. It wasn't near my birthday, and it definitely wasn't Christmas, so what is this?

"As mentioned, part of your job from now on will be pleasing my urges, and to do that properly you need all the correct tools. I love your tight little throat Mikey, but that by itself just isn't going to please me anymore."

With a flick of the wrist, my mother had opened the box, and inside was something familiar. It was a dildo, but this one somehow looked... familiar.

"Isn't it beautiful, Mikey? I had that cast right when I got out of college. It's the only one like it. It is a perfect recreation of my member at peak performance, all 32 inches of it."

What was that gonna be used for, I had to wonder. Then she spoke again.

"But as of right now, Mike, you can't handle me at my peak yet, so we'll have to settle for something else."

With another quick flick of the wrist, I was presented with another much shorter but still as thick dildo.

"This is a six-inch replica of my member. While it is a lot shorter, it's equally as thick. You'll be stretching yourself out with this today Michael. Do you understand me?"

I didn't, I hadn't the foggiest what she was on about, but I was gonna have to lie.

"Yes, mama. I understand."

Now I was at my feet, shorts around my ankles and my mother's hand firmly placed upon my ass. Luckily, years of squats allowed my ass to redefine "buns of steel" so all her taps on my ass were just that, taps. Although, what frightened me is that I could hear her behind me sucking on the dildo, lubing it up to make sure it slid in my hole.

"Hehe. You aren't much to look at Mike, but this beautiful ass here, oh it's perfect. Makes me wonder why I didn't try something sooner," her tone was equal to that of a kid in a candy story.

"You don't need that much, boy, do you? I saw you the other night with your own fingers up this beautifully sculpted ass. So, I'll just get to it before breakfast gets any colder."

Without any fanfare, without any ceremony, and without any mercy, that thing was lodged within me.

While she was right, it wasn't anywhere near her full length; the thickness was a killer. Just the mere insertion of it stiffened my cock up to the iron and made my legs fall out from under me, landing my sore ass right back on the chair and making sure this thing wasn't coming out anytime soon.

"Is it comfy, Mikey?" my mother's sweet tone flooding my ears, almost making me cum without a single lick of stimulation to my cock.

All I could muster up was a moan, but it wasn't manly, oh no. This was a loud, almost pornographic, girly moan. Must've made mommy happy though, her face was brighter than ever.

She stood up from the table and went to go make us both plates of what would be my last home-cooked meal in a while. I couldn't help but notice something, though.

That the low gurgling noise had come back from the previous night, and all of a sudden, I noticed what was making it, my mother's balls. They were beginning to swell along with her cock, which she had started stroking with a free hand when she got up. What she had just done to me must have made her riled up.

Once the noise had stopped, her cock was at what had to be 22 inches hard, and her balls the size of large shot puts. I was taken aback, but for a reason that shocked even me.

I could've sworn erect it was much larger than that. My mother must have been able to tell what I was thinking cause her out-of-the-blue statement left me dumbfounded.

"Let me give you a piece of information, Mikey." My mother said coyly. "I have full control over this impressive piece of meat you see before you. I control the size of both it and my balls."

"Bullshit, that's beyond any normal capability," I thought as her cock still sat throbbing in front of me.

She was still saying words, but I stopped listening. Full control over both sizes? Such a thing wasn't possible, was it? Then again, until the night before, it was impossible for a woman to have an almost 3-foot cock. At that point, I decided to tune myself back in.

"It can go as small as 8 inches and as large as 32, maybe even more, but for what I have planned for you, this size will do just fine."

The rest of breakfast was eaten in silence, that was except for the moans that occasionally slipped past my throat. My insides squeezing tightly to the cast of her member inside of me, making me weak throughout my body. Due to this, I was eating much slower, and by the time I had finished my plate, 45 minutes had gone by.

Mom had gotten up all ready to get dressed about 10 minutes prior, and by the time she came back down, she was ready for work. She stood in front of me in a black three-piece suit with her hair put into a tight bun. Her suit pants were much baggier upfront than in the back. All in all, it was her normal attire for a serious day of work. But now I understood why she had her pants specially tailored: it was so she didn't cause a mass surge of wives to leave their husbands for her large lady cock.

"Today, I'll be back by 5:00. By that time, I want this list of chores done and dinner ready for me." Her sweet tone had returned, but the words she spoke undercut the sweetness of them greatly.

"Oh, and let me remind you, if I find out that you missed a chore, or you decided to cum without me, there will be serious consequences."

That last line hurt like a knife to the chest as my cock was rock hard from breakfast still, and I needed some release bad, but do I dare risk it?

With a chuckle and a wave goodbye my mother piled in her Mercedes GLA and drove off. The time on the clock was 8:00 AM, I better get to work if I want to keep her happy.


The time had started to whizz by as I got to work, knocking out the long list of chores my mother provided. The kitchen had been cleaned, the counters wiped down, and various other amounts of tasks had all been done.

By the time I finished her long list of chores, the time was 3:00 pm. I better hurry if I'm gonna cook dinner in time for her, especially since I haven't cooked anything in my life. Thankfully, cleaning was a bit easier since I kept my room tidy all the time, but still not an childish feat. The sheer size of the house alone made cleaning every inch of it a time-consuming task.

I had stopped only briefly in between chores to look at a text message my mother sent me around noon.

It was a video of her unstrapping her cock, which had to only be 14 inches long in the video, but much thicker than it was this morning. She took the monster in one hand and stroked it for a grueling 10 minutes before finally releasing a fat nut into her executive toilet. The morning activities must have made her backed up, her load was huge, clogging the toilet up, she didn't mind though, it was hers to do with what she pleased.

By the time the video ended and she had cleaned herself up, she turned the camera around and held up 5 fingers, a not-so-subtle reminder of how many hours I had left before her return. After that, I needed to take a little break. The monster in my backside made it hard enough to focus on anything, and now I was clenching around it even harder. My cock had jumped up in anguish, desperate to cum due to the earlier scene at breakfast and now my mother's teasing.

With all the chores done and my mind at ease, I only had one task left, dinner. It was time for me to figure out how to cook.


"Mikey!! I'm home, baby!" my mother's voice rang from the front door as she kicked off her shoes and started walking around the house.

"Did you have a good day at work, Momma?" I questioned in the sweetest tone I could muster up.

"Oh yes, Mike, it was wonderful! I had a wonderful lunch break and got a ton of work... Michael. What the hell is this?"

My heart sank, oh shit. What did I forget to do?

My mind began racing as I pulled the frozen chicken strips out of the oven and turned the heat below the mac and cheese pot off, not the most gourmet meal I know, but it was all I could think of.

"What is what, Mama?" I tried to say it in a polite tone.

"This window is filthy, Mikey! My list said dust and clean ALL the windows, but you missed the one in the front of the house? How dumb are you, you little slut?"

Her words stung like fire, and my heart shattered. It wasn't my fault the house has 3 stories to it, each with a metric shit ton of windows on each floor that I was bound to miss one. But from the tone of my mother's voice, I could tell she wasn't in the mood for logic or a well-thought-out argument right now. The only thing to do now is cry.

I collapsed at her feet and uttered, "I'm so sorry, Mama!" Tears flowed down my face as I was terrified of what she was gonna do to me.

"Oh, Mikey... It's okay," she said in a tone reminiscent of one that a parent would use when talking to an upset toddler.

With one swoop, my mother collected me in her arms and began stroking my hair.

"I know you tried your best, and from the looks of it, you did every other chore I asked you to do, so don't cry sweetheart, It'll be alright."

The look in her eyes was sweet, and the tone of her voice made my brain swim in happiness as she wiped away a tear streaming down my face. The woman who was a total monster just a moment earlier had turned back into the sweet mother I always knew. If this is what life is gonna be like from now on, I'm in for one hell of a ride.

"I'm still your mother, Michael, and I still love you. I can't help but love you, and I wanna see you grow and become a good man. Now then, let's go see what you made mommy for dinner."

She put me down on the floor, and I led her to the kitchen, sitting her down at the head of the table, and walked over to the counter to make us both a plate. I was happy to see her not mad anymore, that was until I sat her dinner down in front of her.

"Seriously? This is what you made me, Michael? Frozen chicken and Mac and cheese from a box?" her words began to sting once more.

"Have I ever made you something so pitiful? No, Michael, I haven't! You're so lazy! You couldn't even just fucking make spaghetti or some other simple shit?"

Despite all of this, I ignored her words. I was proud of my first cooking outing, and I wasn't going to let her cruel words, no matter how much they hurt me inside, affect me on the outside. I turned to grab my own plate when my mother grabbed my hand.

"Where do you think you're going, Michael? This morning I told you to make dinner for me, not for you. If you wanted to eat real food, you would've made me a better dinner. Regardless, I have something special for you, now get under the table."

Her demanding tone affected my body like always as I ducked under the table facing her legs.

"What now, mama?" my voice producing the words in a sheepish tone.

"Now, baby boy, you're gonna drain my balls of my thick cum, or you'll be going to bed hungry, so get to sucking. Oh, and don't worry about passing out, I'm gonna save some room inside of you for your punishment."

With that, I could hear my mom pick up a spoon and begin eating the dinner I made for her, and I began eating mine.

I reached my hands out and began the labor of taking my mother's thick slab of meat out of her pants, no easy feat. I unbuckled her belt and pulled them down, exposing her thick thighs and what was strapped to the right one.

Even with the loads, she shot earlier today, her cock and balls were as virile as ever. I unstrapped it from her thigh and heard a loud thunk as it slipped out of my hand, hitting the wooden chair my mother was resting on.

I started stroking her cock, using both my hands to go along the whole length. As I picked up speed and my mother's cock began to swell. From 14 inches to a still impressive 20, while not as big as this morning or last night, it was still as intense as ever. Her balls had gone from that of a smaller apple to the size of softballs, and just like that, she was hard.

I was confused at the size; why wouldn't she want it to be bigger? But then I realized she has something planned for me later tonight. This must be her way of making sure I don't choke and pass out again.

"Now, you little slut, I made sure to stretch out your throat nice and good yesterday, so I expect you to take my much smaller cock all the way to the base. If you don't, I'll just have to force you down."

The previous cruelness of her words had dissipated and that beautiful tone had returned, even though her words didn't match the tone.

"This dinner is terrible, by the way. The chicken is cold in the center. But, I'm gonna need the energy for your punishment, so I'll choke it down. Speaking of choke, get to it, boy."

With her cock millimeters from my face, I could smell her womanhood, the sweet and sweaty smell of a long day's work covering every inch of it. It wasn't a foul smell; it was more of a musk than anything. There was something about it, it infected my mind and assaulted all my senses.

I couldn't put it off any longer, the monster in front of me had started leaking a clear and thick pre-cum that was coating the floor, and if I didn't want to clean up any more of a mess I was gonna have to get this meat in my mouth.

With a big gasp of air, I started inching it into my throat, slowly to make sure I don't gag too loud and interrupt mom's dinner. By the time I got 10 inches down my throat, I realized that it was indeed much easier to take her thick cock now. That didn't stop me from gagging though, it was still incredibly thick, and the pulsing of the veins are like iron in my throat. All of this equated to my cock being hard as steel again. My asshole gripping the dildo inside of me, almost as if it was milking the rubber member. Shit, I need something to do with my hands so that I don't touch myself.

Almost like a second instinct, I pushed my head down further, getting 5 more inches down my mouth, allowing me finally to be able to reach my mother's fat balls.

Each one was more than enough to fill my hand; the heat radiating off of them was impressive, and the pure weight of them was like nothing I'd ever felt. I cupped them in my hands and did the best I could to give them a massage. From the loud moans coming from my mother, I must have been doing well. The throbbing coming from each one felt like heaven; I could feel my dinner churning around in them. It was time to get it out.

20 minutes of cock sucking had passed, and I got 18 out of 22 inches down my throat, impressive, but not enough.

With one swift movement, though, I felt a familiar warmth on the back of my head, my mother's hands.

"Alright, my little housemaid. I finished the plate of slop you called a dinner. Let me show you what a real meal is like."

With that, I was once again turned from her son into her onahole.

Her freak strength pushed me all the way down onto her cock, my face buried deep in her pubes and her cock gagging my throat. Her balls rested on my chin as I could feel them churn the impossibly thick cum within.

"Oh, Mikey! You sound so lewd!" my mother exclaimed in excitement while picking up my head from the base of her cock.

"And you're still so tight! It seems your slut throat is more resilient than I expected. How wonderful, just like your father was!"

I couldn't see her face from under the table, but I knew that she had a wide smirk, and her cheeks were beginning to blush.

She was steadily going faster and faster, and her worry about my well-being was disappearing as her lust began to take over her brain.

Her moans were more guttural than this morning, her grip iron tight as all that was on her mind was cumming down her son's throat. At this point, I was starving, I hadn't eaten since noon, and the sweet memory of the taste of her potent cum was filling my brain. Using all the strength I had, I sucked on her womanhood harder than ever, and using my hands, I milked her balls like one would a cow. From those two motions alone, along with the grinding of my mother's hips into my face, I could tell she was ready to burst.

With the same jet force as this morning, the cum came rushing out like a waterfall, unlike the night before however, she was fully down my throat. The only sound my ears heard was the screams of my mother as she took utter pleasure feeding her son.

The amount she came was much smaller than this morning, but more than any man could cum within a month. It was thick, and the feeling of it sloshing in my stomach made me moan in pleasure, definitely a filling meal.

With a sigh of relief, she unsheathed her cock from my throat and pushed me out of the way, her hands firmly grasping it as it still dripped a steady stream of cum. She wasn't close to being satisfied, her balls still throbbing and her member still hard.

"Now, normally, I would turn you around and pound that sweet asshole of yours to make sure my nuts were completely empty, but since you did such a piss poor job at dinner, this will have to do for now."

My mouth was drooling a mixture of saliva and cum; showing no other emotion than pure ecstasy, but my eyes had widened dramatically. That thing? Inside of me? I was gonna be split open. I knew it.

"Oh, calm yourself, dumbass," her words harsher than previous, "you're gonna love every second of this punishment I have planned. Speaking of which, I have something for you that I picked up on the way home."

She left me panting on the kitchen floor as she stepped out into the living room and returned with a large gift bag.

"Inside of this bag is everything you're gonna need for your punishment tonight. I expected you'd fuck something up, and since I'm a woman who likes to prepare, I picked this stuff up on the way home."

With that, she set the bag down in front of me, checked her watch, and gave me my marching orders.

"It's 6:05 right now. Your punishment will start at 9:00. Be in my room fully prepared for it, and hopefully, by the end, you'll understand that mommy isn't joking when she tells you to do something. Especially when it's as serious as dinner and chores."

With those final orders, she kissed me on the forehead and walked away to go watch T.V. in the den. I looked into the bag and the contents in there gave me a very clear picture of what my punishment was gonna be.

I was in for a long night, and in the morning, my throat won't be the only thing hurting.


"I've never been so humiliated." I thought to myself as I sat on the cold kitchen floor.

What had just happened to me was something... intense. Hell, intense is undercutting my reality. What had just happened to me was fucking wild. Part of me didn't want to believe it, but there was another part of me forcing the truth into my thick skull like an invasion.

I worked hard on getting my stomach nice and toned, every ab represented hours of work in the gym. But in a matter of minutes, they were all gone. In its place was a distended, sloshing, absolute mess of a belly, protruding to a point which would've killed a weaker man, but thanks to my strong will, I lived.


Getting to my feet was an incredibly difficult task. This new weight in the front felt strange and uncomfortable. Additionally, the challenge of not trying to cum my brains out from what had just happened, made getting to my feet feel like a miracle.

Looking under the table I could see the mess me and my mother had made. A large pile of her cum, as well as her thick and clear precum, sat there. I would be required to clean that in the morning, I just knew it, but now I have more pressing matters to get to.

I didn't want to see what was in the bag yet, what I needed to do was get to a bathroom and figure out my plan. As quickly as I possibly could I grabbed the bag off the floor and hobbled my way to the first-floor guest bathroom. I paused for a couple of minutes to observe something spectacular, my mother.

Nestled on the leather couch in the den was Annie Miller, a goddess among women, and a god amongst men. She sat in a way that was foreign for most ladies, but required for her, a way which allowed her ample member to sit comfortably.

Hanging over the couch was her long, thick, mesmerizing cock, almost mocking me as it hung there, just grazing the top of the floor. And behind the paragon of lady meat were two shiny orbs, still full to the brim of a thick seed, seemingly unaware of what they had done to my body just minutes before. They, much like their long neighbor, sat neatly together, just grazing the top of the floor. While hairless and wrinkly, they were still so alluring. And I can't play down her breast, beautiful mounds of fat and milk, with nipples as pink as cherry blossoms. It was safe to say, Annie Miller was something else.

I pulled myself away from ogling her for much longer, the thoughts of what she may do to me with that thing weighed heavy on me as I finally stumbled into the bathroom.

While technically a guest bathroom, it was larger than most master bathrooms. A tub that could easily fit multiple people sat on the far wall, with ornate carvings in the tile behind it.

'Perfect, that's exactly what I need right now.'

I turned the water to H and let the tub fill itself up. I needed to be as relaxed as possible if my mother has more "plans" for me tonight.

With a weak tug, I pulled off my cum stained clothes and waddled my way over to the bathtub, still burdened by my large stomach. I couldn't help but observe that the time was now 6:30, not too much time left before I'd have to report to my mother's room.

Right before I lowered myself into the tub, I thought about taking the replica of my mother's "smaller" member out of my precious asshole but decided against it. Partly due to fear if mom found out, and partly due to a fear of feeling empty. After a whole day of it in, taking it out would bring a feeling I was no longer accustomed to.

The water was warm on my skin, doing all it could to soothe the aching of my midsection, and the pain of a long day's work. It was nice to have a few moments to myself after dinner, which allowed me to think about what needed to be done and to clear my head of any worries I had. But sadly, the alone time didn't last long, as the door crept open. A familiar figure walked into the bathroom.

"Mikey! You drew a bath for us, how wonderful! I needed a way to get this sweat off me and, of course, the drool off of my cock as well."

Chuckling at the later part of her statement my mother took her unbuttoned shirt now all the way off leaving her fully nude. After dinner, her pants had been left in the kitchen.

It was shocking to have her barge into the bathroom, to say the least. I tried to cover up my body with my hands, but due to the state of my stomach, my efforts were futile.

The silence was suffocating as we both sat there in the bathtub naked as the day we were born. Most people stop bathing with their mothers when they get older, yet here we are. But then again, most people don't have a mother who at one moment is a saint, and a demon the next. That coupled with a cock that could go up to almost 3 feet in length, comparing anything we do to another family is an exercise doomed to fail.

"You know Mikey, even though dinner was terrible for me, it was nice to be able to feed you like that. Felt good to let loose on my little boy." My mother declared in such a way that cut the silence.

"It... was a great dinner Mama." I sheepishly responded, hoping to say all the right things.

"Thank you, Mikey. It was a wonderful treat to get to feed you, and if you're ever up for seconds," she smirked and started to caress her fat balls underwater, "I'm always open for business."

The thought of trying to pack more of her cum into me now was simultaneously sickening, and intriguing. The stuff tastes so good, but I was more than full, any more could mean a nasty mess. I caressed my stomach slowly noticing that, little by little, it was starting to shrink.

"Your tummy is nice and big Mike, but don't worry, my cum will digest a lot faster than any normal food. When 9 o'clock rolls around, I have a feeling you'll be begging for more. I made sure to let out just enough to satisfy you till then."

With a cocky grin on her face, I could feel something poke my leg. Beneath the water was a large sea serpent, about 32 inches long and starting to rise to the top of the water.

Within moments my mother's cock had hardened, towering above the both of us and sticking out of the water like a beacon.

"Oh Mikey, what I have planned tonight is gonna be special, I can't wait to show you what mommy has in store." Her face was flushed red as she stroked her cock and continued to tease me.

"I'm gonna show you how to please a woman like me, in the most effective way possible."

She continued to stroke her cock, with every second her veins throbbed in unison, and her balls began to swell and produce that low gurgling sound. Even under the water, the sound invaded my ears.

"I can't wait to train you and turn you into my perfect little meat-hole. Wouldn't you like that Mikey? Don't you wanna be momma's little slut, forever?"

The last word rang in my ear like a church bell. Forever was a long time.

'How long was my mother planning on using me to release her urges?'

What was left of my rational mind had to bring some form of objection to the table, right?

"Mom. I don't know if that's such a good idea. What if I wanna pursue a career, or maybe even marry?" I said in a soft, but stronger voice.

The question seemed not to phase her, her hands not leaving her cock for a second. Her mouth didn't have an answer either. It was busy howling in pleasure, seemingly forgetting I was in the tub with her. With every passing second, I could feel my cock hardening itself, trying to match what she was doing, but my hands dare not move to touch it. I was given an order not to cum, and I was not gonna let my mother down again.

All of a sudden my mother got to her feet and pointed her cock directly at me, her balls rising to meet the base of her member, and her eyes fixed dead on me.

"Say cheese you little slut." She moaned opening the floodgates.

The hot ropes of cum came shooting onto me, one blast after another; a relentless wave of hot, virile essence showering me, almost overtaking the water in the tub.

As the veins in her dick throbbed, my mother's hands danced along the length of her cock. Her head now fully turned up with her tongue lolling out of her mouth due to the intense pleasure of it all. The pleasure I was giving to her made my own cock throb for release, as long as mommy was happy, so was I.

After a couple of minutes, my mother's lust had finally been quelled. Once again, I was covered in her almost glue-like seed. Wiping the cum from my eyes I could see the walls directly around the tub were covered in cum as well, but the thing standing out the most was my mother, cock still hard. Although her animal-like state had passed, her eyes had only one remaining emotion, rage.

"Michael Patrick Miller. Let me lay down the law you must have forgotten, I own this house. I own everything in it, from the furniture you sit on, to the food you eat, and even you, Michael. So, if you think for one moment, I'm gonna let you leave me, and deprive me of the cumslut son I spent years raising, you are sorely mistaken. If you even think of bringing a girlfriend over here Michael, I'll show her the error of her ways, and after I break her, you'll be mine once again. Do I make myself clear?"

Her voice boomed on the tile, the harshness of her words bringing tears to my eyes. Her tone made my rational mind cower in fear. That mixed with the now overwhelming stench of the bathroom, made my answer perfectly clear.

"Yes, Mommy. You make yourself clear... I'm sorry."

The answer seemed to satisfy her enough to bring her rage back down to a controllable amount.

"Good answer Michael. Now, clean yourself and this mess up. It should be easier with your stomach shrinking so rapidly. Also, don't be late to my room Michael, or else."

With that warning my mother wrapped herself in a towel and walked out of the bathroom, leaving me in a daze, this time though, not due to the cum.


Her words still rang in my ears as I started to drain the bathtub.

"Show her the error of her ways? What could she possibly mean?" I exhaled as I began scrubbing away at the walls.

Thankfully I had time to clean thoroughly and with my stomach shrinking down to a point where it looked like I had just packed on a few pounds.

My mother's room sat at the back corner of our house, a huge master bedroom with portraits of our family adorning the walls, and a huge bed sitting against one of them.

To say I felt out of place would be accurate, in this giant room I felt tinier than normal, and the outfit I have on doesn't help a bit.

I decided to wander for a few moments, trying to grasp my head around what my mother wanted to do to me. Part of me knew what she wanted, just that pesky rational part of my brain didn't want to accept it, but it was going to, my mother was gonna make sure of it.

"Hello sweetheart, " I felt a hand drop onto my shoulder and an arm around my waist

"Why don't you just look beautiful?"

With an almost serene grace, my mother spun me around and I was buried in her ample breast, she was still naked from our bath before, so her soft skin met my face with a certain oomph.

"It fits you perfectly, doesn't it, my little cumslut? This muscular figure you spent so long building up makes you the perfect boy toy."

"Boy toy Mama?" I inquired with sheepishness.

"That's right baby, my boy toy. And as my toy I get to treat and dress you however I see fit, so don't be surprised if I start to change that ghastly thing you call a wardrobe. But before I 'treat' you to anything, I believe some punishment is in order."

She took my hand and led me to the bed. She sat down first and pulled me onto her lap, somehow towering over me despite the minimal height difference.

"I'll walk you through this Mikey, don't worry, Mommy is gonna punish you nice and fairly."

As her sentence faded off in my mind my asshole began to throb around the dildo, knowing what was coming, and trying to stop it at all costs.

"Mommy isn't going to split you open, not yet anyway. Tonight, I'm going to show you what kind of fucking bad boys get. If you had done all your chores correctly, you would've been fucked like a good boy, but that didn't happen, did it?"

I shook my head no in response looking down at her thighs when all of a sudden, her hand tilted my head up to look directly at her. The devilish look in her eyes could ensnare anyone, and they had me in their grasp.

"Let's start, come here, my little cumslut."

And just like that my mouth was locked with hers. Our tongues danced a samba of passion and love as we stopped for only moments to catch our breaths. She had me in her grasp, and I was just along for the ride.

We sat there for a couple more minutes, indulging in the taste of each other's saliva. Although it was supposed to be a punishment, this was the best thing to happen all day.

When she finally pulled her face back mom was still panting drool dripping off her lips down her chin, I couldn't let that escape. With one quick movement, I stole the precious liquid from her mouth and indulged in the pure bliss of it.

"Alright Michael, bend over for me, it's time to get you ready. Let me see how you did with my mini cock up your ass all day."

All of a sudden, I was laid over the edge of the bed, my behind lifted exposing me to the outside world.

"Oh sweetheart, it's still in! What a good boy! This is gonna make your punishment a lot easier, although you won't be needing it anymore."

With a chortle, she reached her hand out and gave my ass a hard smack, leaving a nice red mark on my sculpted butt. When she was done playing with my cheeks, she reached her hand and grabbed the end of the dildo.

"Alright, breathe out in 3. 2. NOW!" in a swift movement my mother pulled the dildo out leaving me empty and gaping.

Thankfully whatever lube she had used before still coated the cock and the inside of my bussy. So the pain was minimal, the pleasure though, was ecstatic.

"How adorable Michael! Your slutty hole wants to be filled! Look at it twitch when I spank your precious ass. Hehe, you're gonna be filled little hole, that and more. First though, lube."

She reached into her nightstand and pulled out a large purple bottle labeled "SLICK: 48 HOUR LUBRICANT," and began lubing up her erect cock.

Like always it was thicker than imaginable, the balls below were hanging there waiting to empty another fat load into me. What was strange was the length.

"Okay Michael, right now I am at 13 inches, just a little bigger than the dildo you've had in you all day, but I have a feeling you're gonna manage just fine."

I tried to protest her, but the situation didn't allow it. I was decorated to her preference, I was put in the position she wanted, and as of right now, I am all hers.

"Oh, but remember, only good boys get a soft start, and from what I remember this is a punishment, so let's dive into it."

Like being stabbed in the gut I felt 8 inches plunge right into me. I howled in a mix of pain and pleasure, the thick monster buried almost to the hilt in my ass was throbbing, and each throb felt like iron.

I wasn't the only one shouting though, the animalistic howl my mother let out was almost as loud as mine.

"Fuck Michael, you're still so tight, how am I going to get all this meat into that stupid whorish hole of yours? Oh wait, I know!"

And just like that My mother picked me up by the shoulders and we stood free of the comfy bed, and her plan was starting to work.

Slowly, centimeter by centimeter I could feel her cock getting buried deeper into my ass hole. A bulge formed under my dress, with 11 inches in I felt nice and full.

"Aww, is that all you've got baby boy? I know, I'll give you a little, PUSH!"

All of a sudden, the last two inches of her girl meat were deep in me, still bulging, but not quite like how my throat bulged at dinner. My mother began to moan into my ear and spoke the words that made me know I was in trouble.

"Fuck Michael. Your slutty hole really grips me tightly! You throb like crazy, and I can barely move! But this is a punishment, so get ready, little one." with a kiss on the cheek, my mother became an animal.

Taking her hands and putting them on the top of my skull, she used her arms to put my feet behind my head.

With animalistic groans, she thrust her hips into my asshole. She was ruthless, every second she thrust deep into me, pulling her cock almost all the way out. I could feel her head almost escape each time, before she would thrust back inside to fill me up. I wasn't about to complain, I couldn't, my brain couldn't form the thought to speak.

Passionate moans filled the air, the pain and pleasure created an experience unlike anything else, causing me to cum harder than anything I'd ever done before. A watery load shot onto the sheet of the bed and my mother noticed.

"Good baby! Let out all your slave cum and your whorish moans. You saved all day, and you'll be holding back for a while, so go ahead, cum for mommy my little slut!"

With a push from deep inside she forced a load out, then another, and then even more. I came repeatedly, each release feeling better than the previous until my balls were empty. Then all of the sudden all I could do was dry cum because, unlike my mother, I didn't have an endless supply of thick cum.

The cock in my ass was driving me crazy, but my mother was going crazier. Her moans were interspersed with babbling, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. It didn't seem like she wanted to stop, and she wasn't about to, even though what came next was going to fill me good.

With one thrust that put my ass to the hips of my mother, she emptied her thick load into me.

A seemingly endless stream began filling my insides as she screamed in pleasure and continued to moan louder and louder as I convulsed on her thick cock. Her cum flowed quickly into me as she filled my abdomen.

With each shot, I felt my stomach distending a little more. 7-8 shots of thick, virile, girl sperm later and my stomach looked as if I was 5 months pregnant with twins, the skin stretched out and my cock shaking below it, still dry orgasming.

When she had her fill, my mother dumped me off her cock and onto the bed. Without anything plugging me up my now looser asshole spurted cum in thick globs.

Amid my still orgasming brain and my emptying of my mom's recent deposit, I somehow managed to crane my neck up and see where she had gone.

To my surprise, she had wandered off into her en suite bathroom to get some water. Her cock still stood straight up, and with every gulp of water, it seemed her balls filled up at an almost absurd rate.

Soon, after just one large cup of water, my mother was back to normal, almost as if she didn't let out gallons of cum into my poor asshole seconds ago, most of which now lay on her bedroom floor.

"That was some good punishment huh baby? Did you get enough my slutty little cumslut?"

With a pant and a sigh, I mustered up one, "Yes. Mama."

"Aww good! Too bad I haven't yet! I'm thinking I'll go two or three more times, maybe empty myself onto you or even into you again. Does that sound nice Michael?"

I started to protest but a finger covered my mouth, "Of course that sounds wonderful Michael! I thought of the idea, and my boy toy is gonna relieve me, and there are no if's, and's, or but's, except for the one I want to have my way with."

More of this? More of my mother's relentless pounding? Will I survive?

Just the mere thought of it made me weak, and like a princess in a fairytale, I began to lose consciousness.

"Hehe, don't worry baby! Mother is gonna make sure she uses her onahole to the best of his capabilities. So go ahead and sleep, you can clean whatever mess I leave in the morning."

With one final glance around I noticed my mother had walked around and came up behind me.

She gave my ass one spank, and I was out.