RENT B*Y part 2 By Helium_chalice_99

Charlie found it difficult to stay awake, for two very good reasons.

The first was that he was exhausted. He hadn't slept well, his neck and shoulders hurt from sleeping on the couch, and he had been moaning and panting so much in the past 2 hours than he'd ever done in that same time period. Often, when meeting nymphomaniacs - Charlie reasoned - life spaces them out. And now, suddenly, life felt he should meet them all back to back. Even with eyes closed he felt Velma's stare to the back of his head, irises burning his skin with how intensely they focused on him.

The second reason was his light-headedness, the cum settling in his stomach. When Nia came inside him, it created a warm feeling, like someone turning on a nice weighted blanket deep in his gut. It weighed his stomach down, acting as a light paperweight to keep him pinned and immobile on top of the chest freezer. His head hung slightly over the edge, but he didn't know if he had enough energy to lift it. He left it hanging. Feeling leeched from his muscles. His arms lost sensation, so did his legs.

He wondered what would happen next if he opened his eyes to find a cock inside him. Would he resist? Accept?

He felt the world still turning around him, people speaking, cash register beeping, all of it lost in a haze. He barely noticed a splash of hot salty liquid spray over his chest, with Velma's words to the assailant: 'alright, enough, leave, leave' and then barely noticed the departing footsteps.

He slept - barely feeling the moment where he was lifted up in the air and moved through space - and he dreamt.


It was one of those dreams where time felt odd and inconsistent, seconds passing in minutes and hours feeling like days. In the dream, there was a bride and groom in a bed; a bed in a honeymoon suite. Garlands hang from the bed, soft sunset rays pushed through the sheer white curtains that hung either side from the bedposts. As sunset gave way to twilight within seconds, warm soft lighting came off candles spread throughout the room and two bodies slick with sweat lay in the bed, each panting and moaning.

The bride was dressed sparsely; only some tight lingerie over their chest, and the groom was still in their shirt and jacket, pants in a crumpled mess at the foot of the bed. The bride's moans and screams were muffled by the veil still over hr head. Every time she sucked in a breath to scream, the veil filled her mouth, suffocating her momentarily. The groom tightened their grip on the bride, holding her firm and still. It was hard to tell where the line was, if she was resisting or squirming in pleasure. Charlie could see the ripple from every pound flash across the groom's buttocks as his hips rose and fell, pistoning deep into the bride's insides. And the groom was pounding. Hard.

It was a mating press, the groom desperate for the wife to take their seed, for it to be driven deep into their womb. Charlie approached the couple, noticing something odd about the bride and groom. The groom's dreadlocks looked familiar. It came to him in a startled flash of recognition: the groom was Nia, in a suit, pounding the ever-loving fuck out of someone in some lingerie he'd definitely seen before, definitely touched. He walked up to the bride and tossed back the veil.

There was a split moment, where he remembered the lingerie belonged to his girlfriend, and then saw his girlfriend's face there, her cheeks flush as she moaned hot and heavy. Charlie blinked, and then it was his face there instead, and now he was looking up at Nia, with his girlfriend smiling down at him.

"You're going to fucking call me Daddy, cuck!"

Charlie screamed as Nia pulled out, gripped under his armpits and then thrust-

Charlie woke up with a shout, body numb and unmoving.

He was in a new place. Not the bedroom, but a loading bay. He could almost taste the sanitiser used on the floor as it lingered in the air, could almost smell the metal in the ceiling and shelving all around. His eyes were the only thing to wake up. Everything else about his body was slowly coming to life.

Charlie's vision was fuzzy, odd. There was a bright subject directly ahead of him, but it was out of focus always. He looked to the sides: the loading bay had large floor-to-ceiling shelves, shelves that contained any multiple of things. From what he had observed about the store, the loading bay area was similar; there was so much variety and truly so much of it. Cereals, dog beds, books, cameras, everything you didn't expect to be in a convenience store was somehow there, against Charlie's general knowledge of convenience stores.

Charlie's eyes focused and looked up into the hungry eyes of Velma. He could see behind her the faint outline of Clea, trying to look over her shoulder as Velma leaned over his supine body. He realised his back was warm, his butt warm too. Cozy. He was sitting in a dog bed, a large one, almost as if it was a couch. It felt degrading, but comfortable.

One of Velma's enormous monstrosities of a hand reached down to his face and her knuckles began to stroke his cheek. She said something soft and slowly in a language Charlie didn't understand. Clea did.

"She says it's been so long since she felt the touch of boi flesh. She had a lot where she came from. Ballrooms and banquets full of gaping boi pussy." Clea flushed as she said the words, the chub in her pants beginning to strain against her boxers.

Velma licked the side of his face, her other hand on Charlie's thigh, pinning him to the dog bed. He shivered in disgust. She sneered, leaning in towards him and tilting her head to one side. Charlie was astonished, knowing what was going to happen, but letting it happen anyway.

Charlie's eyes closed and dimmed as he felt Velma give him some soft pecks, closed mouth kisses. He tried to move away, move his face, pushing back into her. She put a hand on his chest to keep him steady, to keep him pliable.

She gripped one of his hands and moved it up under her tight polo shirt. He felt his hand pinned to her breast under the shirt, forced to grope it and squeeze as it came so naturally. It melted under his touch, depressing just enough, and staying firm the right amount too. It was the perfect tit.

Charlie moaned, biting his lip. This was wrong. This was encouraging her, her and Clea. He had to get out. Run. He had to--

Velma took the opportunity as Charlie's mouth hung open to close her lips around his tongue, sucking it, before moving to his upper lip and then moving to his lower lip. He felt her teeth come out, grazing his lip flesh. He winced, flinching further away from her; her hand on his chest never let him move away. Her grin widened in the kiss, feeling his discomfort. She muttered something in another language again, putting a hand on her shirt, gripping the hand underneath the fabric, feeling his hand as it joyfully squished and worshipped her tit. Charlie grunted, feeling the grip around his hand tighten until his hand crumpled into what resembled a claw. Velma licked the side of his face, bottom of the jaw to his brow, taking delight in his squirms and attempts to push her away. She ran the hand on his chest over his face, into his hair. Her other hand come away from squeezing his own hand, settling on his jaw.

Velma lay over him, her elbows kneading into his ribs as her hands gripped either side of his face, her fingertips pressing into his skull just under his ear. Charlie's head throbbed with pain and euphoria, feeling her touch a space no-one had ever touched before, but doing it so forcefully that he knew - come morning - there would be bruising. Velma's teeth lightly scraped against his nose as a hand moved up to his hair. He felt her pull, tugging at it until his back arched and he felt to whimper.

The hand in his hair came down to pinch his nose, with her other hand holding his jaw open making him gasp for air. She looked inside his mouth, inspecting his teeth, his tongue. She licked the side of his face and spat inside his mouth. His tongue recoiled as if it had been shot, and he almost gagged. Clea found it almost impressive; she'd seen his throat get fucked hard by Candy and Sarah but could tell he still had a gag reflex. She felt ashamed, almost embarrassed, to know there was little chance of him still having it after today.

Her phone pinged, from "23." One of her sugar babies. She read the message and smirked. Velma clicked her fingers and Clea looked away from the phone, eyes fixed on Velma as she stuffed her phone back away in her pocket. Velma gesticulated, trying to find the words, but then giving up, saying them in her language anyway.

"Everyone is so short sighted," Clea translated, "and only sees you as one hole." Velma raised a finger. Then two more. "I see you as a three course meal." Her three fingers grazed his lips. "The first, the appetizer, is you putting those lips and tongue of yours to good use. We're not finished with them yet. And then, we'll see about main and dessert..."

Velma smiled, and Clea shuffled uneasily. She knew what would happen next. Velma clicked her fingers, pointing down at Charlie and Clea descended onto him. Velma slowly got up, and Clea held down his forearms, and sat on his thighs, not letting him move. Velma stole one more glance at Charlie before disappearing from view.

There was a SLAM as the door closed behind Velma, as she went back into the closed store to find something. Clea's mood changed as she saw the door close, leaning into Charlie.

"Fuck, Charlie, this looks bad. Velma... Velma's going to break you open like an Easter egg." Charlie's brain was still woozy and hazy, dealing with the effects of waking up after too short a nap, after mental and physical torture.

But Charlie had some knowledge up his sleeve, something he knew would help him. There had only been two full loads of cum inside him. Even if Velma managed to cum inside him twice, he still wouldn't be brainwashed, even three times, and he would come out okay. That's what the science said, hopefully.

Clea pointed in a direction behind him, trying to get Charlie to see something, but Charlie felt his head dipping, drooping, as his brain tried to turn everything off to get even a fraction more sleep. "There's an exit there, I'll get you out there where you can meet a friend of mine. You just need to go down the hall, to the left and just keep running until you see-"

Clea's head snapped to the door as Velma came back in, shopping bag in hand. Charlie could hear the clanking of glass and some other sounds inside it. Clea's eyes widened, but she twisted her head away so Velma wouldn't notice she was staring at her. She stood back up as Velma crouched over Charlie.

Charlie was still laid back in the dog bed, and Velma sat down on his groin. There was a new frustrating sensation for Charlie now, the feeling of his cock lying against pliable and squishy ass-flesh but also being crushed by it. He wanted her to move. To sandwich his cock more, to slip it in. He hadn't felt his cock go inside anything in so long... He gasped as her ass moved, as it ground against his stiffening cock. He looke dup, into Velma's eyes and saw that fucking smile.

He tried to control his breathing, closing his eyes and breathing in, out, in-- Velma slapped him across the face and his eyes snapped open. She barked something at him, then smirked. She fished a hand into the bag, talking, her grin causing an uneasy weight to settle in Charlie's stomach.

"Hey, pay attention bitch! The fun starts now. I want to make sure you're hydrated properly. Nothing like a pet passing out from exhaustion to kill the mood." Clea interpreted with a mixture of horror and fascination, watching Velma dig through the bag. She tried looking over Velma's shoulder for some warning of what come out.

She fished out a plastic water bottle, unscrewing the lid. Charlie opened his mouth without realising he'd done so, and Velma stroked his hair. Without warning, she tilted his head back and poured the water in. He expected her to stop. She didn't.

The water almost filled in his mouth, and he couldn't swallow fast enough; his throat was working overtime to swallow the water at the rate it was pouring out. He could hear his own blood pumping in his ears and could hear the sounds of his "glug-glug-glug" as he worked his throat to swallow the water. Velma cooed, saying something in English this time. "Good slut. This good practice."

Clea realised what the next object Velma pulled out of the bag was before Charlie. She put a hand over her mouth in shock. Charlie just stared at it for a moment, trying to decipher what it was. It was a jar, with something that looked like a semi-transparent white fluid inside it. And then it dawned on him.

It was an entire mason jar full of cum.

Velma placed the jar in the dog bed beside him and pulled out another. Then another. Then another. She pulled out six jars in the end, each containing what looked to be just under a litre of cum each. Charlie couldn't help but stare down at them.

Velma gestured for Clea to come near, and she came, groggily, kneeling behind Charlie's head. Charlie started thrashing, trying to push Velma away, trying to keep his head out of reach of her arms but Clea's hands were there to hold his head still.

Charlie's screams echoed throughout the loading bay. They were incoherent, loud and desperate. Velma unclasped the jar and started to unscrew the lid. Clea licked her lips as she smelt it, the heady scent filling the air around the trio. Velma dipped two fingers in the cum and lifted it to Clea's mouth. She didn't need any instruction to slurp it clean, to bob her head back and forth on the digits to clean it of cum. Clea suspected Velma knew about her antics, about how she stole a jar once a month, maybe even twice when things got hard. She'd first drunk some of Velma's cum involuntarily, when Velma had forced her to her knees and made her suck the honey from her dripping length. Since then, there was a mental block around quitting her job, quitting such easy access to this drug.

For Velma, this brought back all the good memories of home. She sympathised with Lily and Sarah, running a family business while the mother lurked from the shadows. Velma once had a consignment of boys shipped to her mansion, under strict orders from her mother to keep them there, but not to chain them or collar them in any way. There'd been a gap in security and one boy almost escaped. So, the next night, she invited them all down to dinner, and gave them sausage with a special sauce. By the nights end, they'd eaten the entire meal and drunk the rest of the sauce. Velma sat back and lit a cigarette as each one of the dozen boys tried to jerk off under the table, tried to finger themselves. Their bodies ran so hot, their minds so horny and their dicks throbbed in pain and need. Velma had gotten up, walked to the bedroom, and for the next five years, not one of those boys had left her side. And she was about to do the same to Charlie.

Charlie saw the lip of the jar tilt towards him, Velma's hands prying his mouth open. He trembled in fear, eyes filling with tears that rolled down his cheeks and into his mouth. They were salty, and he was about to taste something much saltier.

The jar tipped and poured. The first pour caught Charlie's lips, dripping down his chin onto his chest. Charlie tried pulling his jaw up, tried to replicate the mispour from Velma, but Velma's hand still held his jaw open, and the jar tipped again.

This time, there was nothing to stop the cum from pouring out like a thin cream onto his tongue. He coughed, droplets of cum flying back onto Velma's hands as she poured. She held his mouth open but she didn't stop. She didn't bother instructing him to swallow, to obey, to submit. If he didn't, he'd drown. She just hoped he didn't give in too quickly. That wasn't fun at all: she still had plans to break him in.

He still didn't get the message. He kept coughing, trying to spit the cum out with his mouth closed. Velma's attempts to pour the cum into his rapidly opening and closing mouth were mixed, missing sometimes and choking him with cum other times.

Velma sneered and decided to have fun with her defiant toy. She moved the jar, having the stream pouring up his face, near his nose, moving closer to his eyes...

Charlie screamed in discomfort, his mouth opening wide, and Velma poured the rest in. She shut his jaw, as Charlie tried to do everything he could to fight gravity, to stop the liquid pouring down his throat, trying his best to spit out the cum even with his teeth pressed against each other and offering no way for the cum to go but down. Velma watched in fascination as Charlie's throat twitched, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.

Velma traced a finger down his throat, down to his chest. Charlie's naked chest acted like a makeshift river for the cum after it dripped off his face after nearly landing in his eyes. The thick and sticky cream now flowing down his collarbone, down his chest, towards his barely visible abs. Velma shuffled closer, the cum pooling at her thighs, her ass still rubbing against Charlie's cock. His cock lifted in the air a little more now, rubbing itself against more of her crack than it had before.

Velma clicked her fingers. Clea wrenched his mouth open. Charlie screamed. The scream curdled into a wet throat noise as more cum went down. Velma's eyes sparkled in the low light with one hand groping her tits as she pushed her ass back and forth on his cock, beginning to milk it. She tilted the mason jar further than she had ever done and it came down like a torrent.

The cum was pouring out of the jar faster, cum overflowing in his mouth, flowing down his jaw, onto his chest. She almost moaned at the delicious sound of Charlie struggling, trying in vain to resist it, as he gagged with every second that went by until - mercifully - the torrential flow of cum stopped. A small trickle leaked out of the jar, until there was no more.

Velma felt his cock twitching against her soft, pillowy buttocks. She reached a hand behind her, to stroke his throbbing cock, and felt cream staining the tip of his cock, the pre dripping off like a fountain. Good. The physical effects had taken hold after only two jars. On one hand, Velma was disappointed she didn't have an excuse to pour more down that supple throat.

Charlie felt his head go warm. There was an immediate panic, followed by a flush of pleasure: it tingled, going down from his head to his toes. His eyelids fluttered, but his jaw was still set, determined to not give in easily.

That was easier said than done. He cooed as he felt warmth spread over his cock. He tried to reach down for his cock, but Velma's threatening aura as she sat on his groin - the way she dared him to make a move - and his inability to sit up thanks to Clea holding his head stopped him.

He panted, opening and closing his eyes in frustration as he felt his cock twitch again, getting wetter and wetter, pre leaking from its tip and rubbing just above Velma's ass crack back with each throb.

She slapped him across the face. Charlie gasped, attention not focused wholly on his dick now. "Name."

"Charlie." She slapped him. He brought a hand to his face, nursing his cheek as she reached behind and started stroking his length. Charlie's back seized, arching, as he moaned, the touch of her soft hands to his cock almost electric.

She slapped him again. "Name."

"Hnh! Charlie!"

She kept stroking, and Charlie shouted, trying to wrench his head free or push his hips into the air, to push Velma off his cock. The pleasure was intense, he felt like his head would burst, a migraine forming as his head struggled to acknowledge how much pleasure was running through his body.

Velma stopped stroking: to Charlie's horror, it made everything worse. He wanted to cum, to release these lewd thoughts he had about cock, breasts, ass, about everything and anything as it raced through his mind while his cock was free. If Velma stroked it, all he thought about was how velvet smooth her grip was, how her cock felt as it rested on his chest, how her breasts had felt like before...

Velma ripped her shirt open. He could see her cleavage, her toned abs and smooth body. Charlie could almost see her nipples, so red, and on breasts that were so full. His mouth ran dry again, and he thought about what it would be like to suckle from those breasts... She slowly pulled her arms through the torn polo shirt, letting Charlie see her body one full breast at a time. Charlie looked up at her eyes.

They were hunter's eyes, scanning him for his micro reactions, judging how hungry he was by his half-lidded eyes. She reached behind herself and pumped his cock. Once.

Charlie let out a noise halfway between a grunt and a moan, biting into his bottom lip when it was done. Velma stroked him again, prompting the same noise but louder. He felt Velma shifting, grinding her ass on his cock as she stroked again, prompting a louder moan. Charlie's stomach tensed and relaxed with each stroke, but he still remained fixed in place. He had to accept he couldn't move, couldn't do anything that Velma didn't want him to do. His fate was sealed as soon as he entered the convenience store: this was always going to be the end product.

Every futa he saw excelled at using their sexuality to either capture him, subjugate him or - like now - brainwash him. Their pure strength and force of will meant anything they put their mind to, happened. Charlie had no say.

Velma gripped Charlie's face. He barely reacted. Velma grinned. She wanted a toy that was pliable; his mind might be in danger, but she had little time and years of breaking in bois to make up for. Her cum was a powerful aphrodisiac but wasn't permanent. She would need to be persistent, but her old age made her want to space some of the rough parts of breaking in bois out. Savouring it, that was the term. She would savour it...

Velma cocked her head to one side, noticing some things about the way Charlie had swallowed the cum. Usually, if her cum bound people like it always did, there'd be a bigger reaction. More begging. More drooling. Their brains had a chance of leaking out their cocks. This was a powerful aphrodisiac and there's no question Charlie was enduring the brunt of it.

But something was still wrong with this picture, with Charlie's breath stinking of her cum, with his cock under her rule. She couldn't place precisely what it was...

Velma pushed the suspicions to one side. She had work to do.

She moved his face left and right, watching his eyes as they remained fixed on her breasts. She giggled as she put his head back, facing her.

"What is name?"

There was a grunt from Charlie. Velma could feel his dick rubbing her back again, desperate for release.

"Your name is Charlie. You serve me, yes?"

Velma moved his head up and down, then let go. He nodded his head, the same way Velma had done it to him.

"Good. Clean, boy."

She moved away from his cock, bending over him, her hands placed either side of his body as she crawled over him. His eyes stayed on her face in fascination and confusion as she finally landed with her abs directly in front of his face, Velma's face pressed almost directly before Clea's face. Clea swallowed.

She'd known her boss was ruthless, a taskmaster, but even she hadn't foreseen how this encounter would go. Velma arched an eye at Clea as her phone pinged in her pocket. Clea gave a shy and nervous half-hearted laugh. Velma shook her head towards the corner of the room, Clea following her eyeline as Velma took the back of Charlie's head with one hand. "Strip. You and boy have fun later. Turn on feed for Sarah."

Velma looked down at a stunned Charlie, her cum on his chin and face, looking up at her for approval, direction. Most bois these days can't live without instructions, without their masters repeating themselves twice. Velma found it cute, but she was horny now, desperate for her cock to reap the rewards it craved. Velma needed a buildup, needed foreplay to make things sweeter, to break in boys psychologically before breaking them in sexually, taking them out of the wrapper before playing with their loose and pliant holes. Charlie had been given an instruction once, and in true dumb boi fashion, needed it to be said a second time.

Clea stood up, pulling her shirt over her head, her bulge in her pants now visible to Charlie as he looked over at her and saw it for the first time. It was smaller, not as girthy as Nia's cock, but even through the pants, Charlie could tell that the head was larger on her cock than other cocks he'd had in the past - oh - day and change. His attention got brought back to Velma as she tugged on his hair.

"Boy. Clean."

She dragged his head to her abs and he immediately knew what he had to do. His tongue licked her bare chest, kissing and sucking on areas under her perfect and round breasts.

Clea looked behind as she left, seeing Charlie eyes closed, his head pressed to her stomach as his cumstained face buried itself in her flesh.

The door closed with a slam. Velma's eyes fluttered as she felt his tongue - still slick with her own cum - start to clean her abs. And this was only the beginning of how she was planning on breaking this boy in.

Charlie's mind was lost. His brain had begun to defend his sanity by blocking off the sensations that didn't seem to matter at the moment: the sounds of the loading bay, the way the cool wind whistled, that was all irrelevant. Only her body mattered. Charlie felt her move, felt the pressure around his groin lift. She had stopped laying down on him. Something was changing, but she still held his head in a hand, still hanging over him the looming threat of punishment if good boys didn't do what they were asked. She continued licking, letting one hand inch down to his throbbing cock. She moved back over his body after a period of time Charlie couldn't tell and he could feel the hand pinned by a shin. Intentional. He would not try to move it again. He worked to redouble his efforts, to not anger her more.

But one thing hand changed. Charlie felt something long rest against his stomach, something leaking just above his solar plexus. Her cock. A long 7-inch cock.


Clea looked around the store walked to the monitors, opening the tab for live broadcasting to Sarah, clicking buttons to mirror and accept permissions to swap between cameras and other technical details that Velma hadn't thought to send Sarah the option of when she first set up the link. Clea's phone pinged again, but she brushed this one off. Like before, this was just a message from one of her sugar girls, desperate for some money for a vibrator or to go into town for a fuck session with a guy off the street. She ignored it, unlike the message before. She scrolled back through her contacts to find 23, the one who had desperately texted her earlier. She liked 23. She had spunk. Most of the others didn't. 23 didn't make demands of her, just gently presented ideas that might also make her some money. She always made sure that some of her schemes made Clea some money too, so Clea was happy with the fact that sometimes - maybe - 23 got more out of the relationship than she.

Clea wasn't friends with anyone in her contacts; her friends were people she spoke with every day, could meaningfully interact with. The only time her phone pinged was if someone wanted sex and cash or if they were responding to her requests to use them for sex and cash. Except for 23. 23 had a plan, but Clea could tell it was a desperate one. She bit her lip. She didn't want to let 23 down, which was a new feeling for her. Clea wondered if 23 would move in with her. The thought came unabated, but Clea squashed it as a string of texts came up from 23, and Clea started to focus, typing on the computer and moving cameras, referring to the string of messages and scrolling through them as she completed each step 23 sent through.


Sarah paced in her penthouse. She stopped, went to the glass wall and looked out, looked down. She was on the lower east side of the complex, but still a ways away from Charlie. She could see where he was, in the convenience store, a small squat building from where she stood on the 13th floor.

Velma's feed had cut out when Nia had left, and Sarah couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Sierra had turned back to look at Charlie, meaning Charlie had done something to warrant a double take. She sent someone to talk to Sierra in exchange for an extra ticket, and Sierra had just said that she thought Charlie had asked her something. That was obviously a lie, but knowing it was a lie was better than pushing it with Sierra and wasting time. It meant Charlie now had secrets, and Sarah hated that.

She pounded on the glass door. Lily had suggested free time to their mother, and Sarah had taken the idea and run with it. She had created the ticket rules, creating the infrastructure for people to stream their activities to the OnlyFans account but now the time limit bothered her. Three hours.

She banged the glass again, wheeling around to her desk. People could do a lot in three hours, even if they were getting fucked every ten minutes. She might have to cut it short. She'd hate to do that, to show weakness.

Weakness, she remembered Pearl saying when Sarah almost passed out in her fitness test, is not in the Asger family. Losing the boi would also be weakness.

She sent off messages in short order, barking orders to assistants over speaker phone, telling them to get things ready. They'd set up a large command centre earlier this week, a command hub just for her. It would take her ten minutes to get there, but from there she could see or plan everything. Charlie couldn't get away from her now. No secret that Charlie had would be his forever: after all, Sarah owned him.


Time was an odd soup for Charlie. He felt overwhelmed, barely able to stick one foot in front of the other, one lick before the next. He knew he had to go, to leave; there was something in him keeping his free will intact, some instinct in him telling him to run. But he was on a dog bed with a powerful older Russian woman burying his head in-between her breasts. They had gone from her abs to her sides, her armpits, and now to her breasts. Velma was enjoying this immensely. It was like a cool drink of water; not particularly appetising but the kind of refreshing thing you need before putting in some work.

She pulled his head out of her breasts and spoke to him. He looked up at her, dazed, unable to understand. She looked back down at him, confused, looked around and spoke some other words, just now remembering Clea was gone. She sighed, but continued to talk to Charlie, pointing up. She titled Charlie's head so it tiled all the way back, and he saw the distinctive red light of a security camera blinking at him.

Velma grabbed Charlie's hand and made him wave the camera. The camera flashed green. Charlie couldn't see her, but knew Velma was grinning. She leant to his neck and pinched some flesh with his teeth. He gasped, feeling an orgasm stirring in his balls, and she whispered into his ear, laughing half-way through her words.

She reached beside her for the jar and Charlie's eyes widened in horror. His body twitched, the sensation of near-drowning in cum a recent and harsh scar on his memory. Velma delighted in seeing the poor boi squirm. Charlie looked down to see her length slowly growing even more against his chest. He whimpered, and he felt her cock throb as it laid against his stomach, her ass still pinning her cock and stopping it from rising it it's full height, his hand still pinned under a toned thigh.

She opened the jar and he pulled his head back as she pinched his nose, holding his head in place. She dipped two huge fingers into the jar - she dug her own fingers into her own cum, her fingernail scraping the bottom of the glass. Her fingers came out white and coated in creamy cum.

Charlie could smell the scent, could feel some of the cells in his body screaming for it. His eyes fluttered as his cock twitched to attention. Velma sniggered, and dismounted Charlie, instead kneeling beside him. Charlie didn't move, his eyes fixated on the cum.

Velma brought her fingers above Charlie's mouth. The fingers hung there, suspended in time and space for Charlie. He could see the cool lights of the bay glistening off the cum. It was moving, slowly down her fingers, just above his mouth. The cum started to drip.

When the droplet hit Charlie's tongue, he moaned and gripped his fists, cock twitching. Velma had control over him now. She laughed, seeing how Charlie writhed in pleasure as more cum dripped onto his tongue. She let go of his nose, but his mouth didn't close. She brought the fingers down, closer to his lips. His mouth opened and closed, eyelids fluttering as he moaned.

"Oh, fuck." Charlie's hands went down to his cock. It was red, pent up from being teased, being ridden, being tortured with aphrodisiacs and body worship. Now that Charlie was stroking it, now it was being paid attention, the feedback was immediate.

As Charlie stroked his length, he pulled back the foreskin and a flood of pre-cum flowed down his cock. He pumped it again, harder, and more cum flowed down. Velma couldn't help but chuckle. The cum output on males was... smaller than she thought.

She brought the finger closer and closer, her fingertips almost brushing his upper lip. Charlie's breathing quickened, his tongue dancing to try and reach and taste more than just the stream, to taste the thick load at the tip of her fingers.

"Now boy... eat."

Velma spoke, and Charlie obeyed. He lifted his head, wrapping his mouth around her fingers. The bay filled with the sound of suction, slurping and grunting as Charlie began panting quickly and heavily through his nose, desperate not to open his mouth until the fingertips were clean. Velma stroked his body absentmindedly. As much as she loved this step in the breaking-in process, there wasn't much for her to do. All she had to do was sit here and see how far she could push her toys. But almost always, she'd found, they'd be happy to turn themselves inside out for her if they could.

Charlie opened his mouth and pulled back, saliva-coated fingers left hanging in the air exactly where Velma had left it.

"Stroke, there's a good boy."

Charlie quickened his pace. His hand flew up and down his length, Velma's finger dipping into the jar and hovering above his waiting mouth. Charlie felt as if he was in heaven. He felt his arms melting like wax under a candle, felt his brain shut just enough intrusive thoughts out that the whole horizon of his perception was just the glorious shining face of Velma. His eyes glazed over. Everything lost meaning. Everything except his cock. He had to do what felt good. That was all he wanted. He'd do anything to feel good. Anything. But in order to feel good, to feel this good, he'd need to stay on Velma's good side and to have more of that creamy liquid...

He wrenched his head off the soft fluff of the dog bed and started to suck Velma's finger again as he kept stroking and stroking, nearer and nearer to release...


Clea watched all of this unfold on the monitors. She was naked, ordered to strip earlier by Velma, but she was leaving a spot of cum on her leg as she sat at the desk. She looked back at 23's messages, scrolling to the bottom. Her eyes widened as she read the final instruction, hastily sending a text back. She tapped her leg on the seat, absent-mindedly spinning left to right in the swivel chair, waiting for the response. Her phone dinged, and Clea immediately picked it up.

The response: "Find a way to bring it with you. It'll be worth it."

Clea sighed. She stood up and walked to down the aisles to find one last thing before heading back into the loading bay.


Velma coo'ed into Charlie's ear. He didn't know her language but knew pet language: the tone of her voice, her short but sharp and high pitched words and the way she ruffled his hair... he was a pet now. He lifted his hips, thrusting his cock through his tight grip, groaning and mewling.

He felt more need now than he ever had before. Velma sneered, amused at the boi's little display. Like a dog performing tricks for food. She supposed it could be fun to indulge the pet once in a while. Velma shuffled until her groin was closer to Charlie, her cock closer to his mouth. Charlie gasped, looking at it. It wasn't the longest or thickest cock he'd seen. But it was... sturdy. He couldn't explain it, couldn't explain the feeling that came over him as he saw it. But he looked into Velma's eyes, and then looked down at her cock. She flicked his chin, moved her eyes down from his face to her cock.

Charlie didn't need anything more. He dove in, one hand pulling the length against his face, the other hand stroking his cock. He started to kiss it, big and wet kisses, his mouth quickly running dry from all the salty cum he'd swallowed. But by some miracle, saliva left his tongue and was left shining on her cock.

He moved his face, trying to reach the tip, his teeth slightly pinching her foreskin. Velma 'ooh'ed, her head tilting back in pleasure, so Charlie pulled the cock further towards his face, opened up more to let her bulbous head-- slap.

Charlie continued to stroke, but stopped touching Velma's cock. She had slapped him, on the cheek. He stared at her, shocked. She pointed to her cock. He went back to kissing it, what to do becoming clear. He took a second to reflect, as he stroked his length and kissed hers. He had wanted to do that. He had wanted to take it inside.

Before today, he had no desire to put another man's cock down his throat. But now, 24 hours later, the idea of a strong Russian woman's cock flaying the back of his throat felt... sexy. He blinked, bleariness in his eyes staring to clear up.

The slap had done something, dislodged something in his brain. He still needed to cum. Perhaps that was something in Velma's cum that set her apart. Maybe he couldn't cum unless she did something. Unless something was done to him. He felt an odd sensation tightening around his groin, his chest, like strings binding him, wrapping him tight like a cut of meat on display or a puppet. One of the two felt more correct, but his feeling didn't tell him which one.

Clea emerged, fists balled. Charlie stopped kissing Velma's length to look up at her. God. She was... gorgeous. Her blond hair seemed... even more gold now. Brighter...

Velma slapped him again. His vision cleared up more, and so did his hearing. He looked over at Velma, heard her backing something in a foreign language, and saw his finger coated in the mason jar cum. When had that happened? He paused, looked at it like it was foreign to him, unclear on what to do next.

Velma moved her legs around, brushed herself off and rose. She made a motion with her fingers and then put them in her mouth, pulling them out with a loud POP: he didn't need Clea to translate. He moved his dripping finger into his mouth and sucked its length. Somewhere in his head, he was transported back ten minutes: sucking two strangers cocks clean. He opened his eyes again. Clea and Velma were talking about him, pointing, both at him and at the security camera above him. Charlie cocked his head. They were gesticulating, talking with both hands while naked, but Clea hadn't opened one hand the whole time...

He looked at his hand again, seeing two fingers coated in cum. He frowned, almost said something and opened his mouth. His fingers dove in.

He opened his eyes again. No more mason jar next to him. No more doggy bed. He was looking at something familiar. His eyes cast up to see who the familiar thing was attached to: a thick and growing cock, attached to Velma, towering above him. He felt cold flesh grip and press against his hips - Clea's hands. She was behind him, on the dog bed. How... how had he moved to here? What happened in the meantime? Charlie's mouth opened again. He was beginning to think that he wasn't asking questions of anything, but that his brain just seemed to like the idea of always having his mouth open, and always take the first thing it saw inside.

Velma's cock approached him, with her tip resting on his tongue. The rest slid in after it. He felt her head tap his uvula. A welcome knock, to say she was coming in. Charlie moved his head forward - time to welcome his guest.

Velma grunted, twisting Charlie's hair as she felt his throat-pussy tighten around her head. This was fucking fine pussy. This was what she had been after. The fucking moans, the fucking eyes cast up at her, the way she was breaking him... good girls were a dime a dozen, but good cocksucking bois like this were so rare to find, cocksucking boys that moved when you told them too, that swallowed what you told them to swallow...

Velma grinned to herself. Oh, Charlie was going to swallow what she wanted, regardless of anything now. She had him exactly where she wanted him. Clea on the bottom was ecstatic. Her back was on the bed, her knees bent and on either side of him, her hands lifting him up just enough so that her cock could start to feel along his crack, could start to locate where the twitching was coming from, to find the asshole she had been promised. She looked over at the clock. She had to move fast, or the plan might not work.

She wasted no time lining up Charlie when she found it.

Charlie's clear-headedness came back to him at unreliable times, at times where it might've been best to be foggy. At this moment, feeling his cheeks spread by only a cock, feeling more and more of a meaty cock slide down his throat, he would probably wish he'd had some more of that senses-dulling but pleasure-heightening cum. He could get it soon enough.

It all happened at once, almost timed to perfection. Velma thrust, and so did Clea. Clea was the bigger problem, his rosebud still somehow tight after Nia. That was a bad thing, because Clea was starting to very painfully stretch it. She was almost as big as Nia, but she still hurt like a motherfucker, still stretched him open like a virgin on prom night.

Charlie screamed, shouting into cock, as Velma explored more of his throat ravenously. As Charlie coughed, saliva and tears dripped around his lips, dripping down his chin. Velma pulled back and thrust again as Clea started pulling Charlie down her cock. Charlie coughed, her gag reflex kicking in now somehow, and he felt his nose dripping, could feel his eyes watering, every cell in his face saying that maybe, this one time, this was a bad cock to swallow. More and more of his ass was filling up - he tried to tense, to lift himself off, but he heard Clea moan behind him and immediately knew that was a mistake.

The seconds blurred together as Charlie began to beg for mercy. Velma thrust into his face as Clea held him in reverse cowgirl, slapping and pinching his large round ass. He felt Clea's hands exploring his chest, twisting his nipples, Velma's feet roaming up his thighs, pushing his cock against his stomach as his balls swung up and down from Clea's thrusts.

She was taking it easy on him. Not even her whole length was in yet. When she hilted him, man, that would... that would be paradise. But 23 warned of ruined merchandise, of bad outcomes having bad results. Fuck. Clea had been happy, had been delighted at the idea of ruining his ass, but it had to be complicated. Of fucking course it had to be. Clea thrust and enjoyed the shocks of lightning course down her cock as he felt him tense around her tip. She was getting deeper inside him and still hadn't found the prostate... maybe this boy was built to be fucked. Maybe it didn't matter how hard she had to go - she looked over at the clock, still time.

She grinned, lifted Charlie so she had space to buck her hips and then thrust. Velma growled in appreciation as Charlie gasped, shocked, eyes closed tight as he felt more weight inside his asshole suddenly appear, suddenly pushing on his walls and now, on his prostate. His cock couldn't handle this anymore. None of it. A small drip-drip-drip of cum leaked off his tip, onto his feet. He came, explosively, but that didn't manifest in reality, In his head, he'd just come, just shot ejaculate at a rapid pace out into the world. Whatever wall he was in front of was getting a makeover. In reality, his balls were so drained, his cock so tense and red that all that had happened was that he had forced out some drops and now his cock hurt like someone had wrapped a belt around it. He screamed into Velma's cock - there was no sympathy here. Velma twisted his hair, pushed his shoulders down.

He slid, slowly, onto Clea's cock as she rocked her head back.

"Oh, fuck yes this is good pussy! Ohhoho, fuck!."

She dragged herself forward by her feet, her ankles now wrapping around Velma's shins, her groin directly under Charlie. Velma inched forward, Charlie's head craning back almost 90º as Velma tried to fuck directly down his throat. It was almost as if Charlie was a perfect pipe: Velma fucking directly down and Clea fucking directly above. His load moans and grunts of protest were all that gave him away as human. His arms twitched, one arm on Clea's knees with the other hand on Velma's butt. It gave him some relief to feel it, to have his hand melt into it like pressing a mould in jelly. He felt the ripples in it though as Velma picked up her pace, thrusting harder and deeper down his throat with Clea picking up the pace. As he slid further down Clea's length, Velma closed the gap by thrusting more and more, his nose almost touching her groin.

He felt them close to cumming: Clea's grip tensing while Velma pulled up harder and harder on his hair. They didn't show any signs of moving, of pullin-

Oh god no.

Charlie's eyes widened, spit still forming at the corners of his mouth as he tried to talk around a mouthful of girlcock. Tried to plead, bargain. Anything but this. He tapped Clea's knee, again and again and again. Clea didn't pay any attention to the weak slapping of a toy against her skin. Her eye was fixed on the time, as well as on her own internal clock, of how many thrusts she has in her before she blows.


Velma groaned. She'd longed to be this far down a boi's throat for a long time. And now it was happening and she couldn't cum any faster. Oh well. She would do better next time. But for now...


Clea thrust, ignoring 23's words: his ass had to be hers. There was no way around it. The way it jiggled as she slapped it. The sound of it slapping against her thighs, her groin. It was all too fucking good not to pass up. His hole was tight: looking at him, you'd never know that he had been fucked loose like a whore all morning. She could fel her bulge pushing out his belly, punching against a stomach so full of cum. He was a cum-guzzling slut and was making her feel so good.


Velma's head twisted, focusing on the shop doors. They were rattling. Something smashing. Flames. Fuck.

She looked down at the boy, cum coating his face, snot dripping out of his nose, saliva dripping down his cheeks... he was perfect. Such a perfect hole to cum inside.

Velma and Clea both came, harder than ever. Velma visibly trembled, her legs shuddering as she struggled to remain on her feet. Clea came with long, desperate gasps, short thrusts and then Charlie felt it inside him. Felt her hot spunk shoot deep inside him. He could feel the ease with which Velma's spunk travelled down his throat, the way it poured into him. Charlie had the sudden feeling of being treated like one of her mason jars - of being filled and waiting until the flood stopped or overflow happened. The flood stopped first, though Charlie almost felt like he easily could have been up to his eyeballs in cum. Everyone in the room panted, exhausted.

There was another smash, another boom of fire and Velma turned her head again.

"Fuckers." Velma grunted, dragging her hand through Charlie's hair with some of his hair torn out between her fingers as she pulled away. She gripped his cheek with a hand as he opened wide, wide enough for her softening length to retreat, for the head to slap his tongue on the way out. Charlie sighed, collapsing forward as Velma stepped away.

He wasn't out of the woods yet, not all cocks were out of his holes. He looked behind him, seeing Clea reposition herself. She knelt, hands still on his hips, evil smile still on her face, hand slapping his ass redder. Oh, fuck. She was going to fuck him again, doggy style, keep him from crawling away.

He looked between his legs at his small red cock. Another orgasm would be painful, and he felt another one not too far away. If she fucked him enough... not only would his asshole stretch too far again but Charlie wasn't sure if he could keep from passing out if his orgasm was any more painful than the last one... and then what would happen?

"Want to have some fun?" Clea smirked, looked up at the clock, and started to thrust.


Sarah grimaced, looking at the image. Once upon a time she wished that would be her and her sisters, spit-roasting a boy and leaving him in a puddle of their cum. But with her sisters made of what they were, especially with a weakling like Lily, she wasn't sure it would even be worth it. She zoomed in Velma's face as she came, held for as long as it took for her to finish. Free time had been a fucking mistake. True, it made everyone more horny, drove everyone to the OnlyFans, but the thing about making something public property briefly is the public begin to feel certain... entitlements. Charlie was hers, a toy she was now confiscating off Lily. And now shops were being set alight in order to get to some bussy.

Sarah flicked a wrist at a monitor and one of the techies at the control centre switched the main view from the inside of Velma's shop to the outside, where protesters were burning tires and rolling them against the steel door of the mart. It wouldn't cause any real damage, but was that intentional or not? Did the protestors not want to burn down an apartment because the Asger's would come after them, or because they didn't want to harm the building because they were working with someone inside? Sarah's sixth sense for odd behaviour was pinging off the charts.

There normally wouldn't be much she could do about it; maybe make a call, sulk. But now she was in a state-of-the-art control room and she could see everything. All the normally privately-owned CCTV networks were hers now: she had to thank her family connections for that, they had a way of getting inside every convenient hole. She'd thank them all later for getting this set up, for volunteering for this program in exchange for a boatload of tickets. But now, she needed every warm body. Warm... body...

The whole office stared up at the screen, up at the main feed of Charlie having both holes pumped with seed. Sarah could see the body cams of the people she had stationed outside the store loading bay watching what was happening inside on their phones. Sarah gestured, and the feed took up all of the nine huge monitors in the control room. The audio was limited, tinny and you could hear a pin drop in the control centre as everyone strained to listen. There were moans, shouts, and then it came. There were gasps around the room, both in shock, pleasure and surprise. Sarah noticed the slightest of bulges forming on his stomach... she bit her bottom lip hard, almost drawing blood.

Sarah looked away, back at the map surrounding the loading bay. There was a highlighted list of areas Charlie could run to if he got away from them. It would be a bad look if she went in and freed Charlie, but to abduct him in a place where no-one could see and then keep him until the game was over was fair. All that mattered now was finding and trapping Charlie, and having faith that he would leave sometime soon.

Sarah pointed at an assistant, beckoned, and the assistant rushed over with their coffee in hand. Sarah took the coffee and started to sip as she groped the assistant's groin.

She smirked. Just how she liked it. No panties. She was following the rules today. The assistant's face flushed as Sarah teased her little cunny through her pantsuit, one finger stroking the outside of her entrance. Sarah dropped her pants, then looked at the assistant.

"It's good. Could use milk. Do you want some milk?"

The assistant - shocked - replied with a nod. Sarah sat down and beckoned under the table. "So go on. Milk me." The assistant dove under the table, and immediately began kissing her length. Sarah loved working with whores. You could get so much done in a single meeting.

Apple - a tech geek no one bothered to learn the name and always used Apple products - came in with a large map and markers. She looked at her laptop, then back at the map and started to outline as the sounds of suction and slurping intensified under Sarah. Apple arched an eyebrow and Sarah waved her back to work. Apple was too important to delegate to other tasks, as tight a hole though she might have.

Apple turned the map to Sarah, who picked out three locations. "Fuck. Good analysis Apple." Apple burned - from praise or humiliation no-one could tell - but she started to point out the locations.

"From where Charlie is now, there are three main places he could go. I've ruled out some based on how unlikely they are to be chosen, but we can station people there if you like. Given where he is now, there's only one way out. The loading bay has an exit that leads to an underground car park which our friends are at" - she gestured to the tactically clothed, body cam wearing family members on the monitors - "but it's a big entrance, a large chance we could miss him. But from there, he has to go to the park, through some bushes and over a bridge: if he does that, we have no range and can't catch him again." Sarah was taking all this in, while her assistant was taking most of her down her throat.

Apple continued. "But that exit doesn't just go to the car park. If you left that bay and took a left, you'd head underground near an old transit hub until you hit the mall after taking an elevator. All the CCTV is out in that area, and the only way we'd catch him is on mall CCTV, but that's a long stretch. If he manages to not be detected in the crowd, we'll have a better chance of figuring out where he is because only two stores are open this early and he's bound to run into one for a place to hide and wait the world out."

Apple clicked a button on a remote, and two locations came up on the screen. One was an outside view of an electronics and camera store called "Lookie Lou" - run by Lou Williams, Apple explained. Everyone knew Lou had a market of OnlyFans creators as well as seniors who had broken TVs. She also sold DVDs, porn or not. People still were a fan of that, since the most bonerkilling thing that could happen is a loss of internet while watching a thin twink getting bred. Sarah nodded, still paying attention, but close to cumming. Everyone around her tried to not look under the table, tried to block out the sounds.

The second store of note was "Popping Cherrys," a sex toy-lingerie store run by Cherry Blacklock, hence the name. The store was popular, just not very often. There were ebbs and flows in costumers, but they always stayed open with a back room for modelling shoots, like the kind of pictures Piper takes and Sierra model for. Apple explained that each store both stored large amounts of stock, and had decent (mostly accessible) security. But Lookie had the least amount of cameras available to them, and both stores had exits that wrapped around the mall out towards different places in the park where they could take smoke breaks. These smoke break areas: not covered by CCTV. Sarah swore.

She eyed the screen, looking at both places, and then her eyes narrowed. The hair on the back of her neck pricked up. She pushed the assistant off her cock, standing up.

"What the fuck are they doing?"

The mall was somewhat busy, and both stores were just opening but yet both owners were outside, hanging up identical bangers outside each store - identical 50% off flash sales for one morning only. Lou and Cherry were around the corner to each other: it wouldn't be the most unlikely scenario for them both to run a promotion the other was running at the same time. But still.

"Apple, when did Lou announce their sale?" Apple flicked on her phone for a second.

"It appears they did so 10 minutes ago." Sarah's sinking feeling sank deeper. She was missing something. Something... big.

"And Popping? What about them?"

Apple looked at her phone and frowned.

"Yeah, 10 minutes ago too."

Sarah looked around the screen. Her eyes settled on it, on what was wrong. She slammed a fist down on the table.

"You... fuckers. Are you all fucking dumb assholes? Did I fuck the brains out of your skulls forever?" Everyone turned and stared at each other. Sarah's assistant came out from under the desk, and backed up as Sarah started to pace too closely. Sarah stopped pacing, throwing an arm at the wall of monitors. "When was anyone going to fucking tell me that the CCTV of Charlie cut out?"

A few eyes widen, some are cast down at the floor as Sarah growls, bashing a hand against the table again and again. "FUCK!"

She breathed out, gesturing towards a - now flustered - techie. The audio comes back first before the vision: Charlie's girly moans, the soft plap-plap-plap of hips slapping on ass. And then up comes the video of Clea riding Charlie doggy style - with both of them enjoying it. Sarah noticed the timestamp however, and her eyes narrow. She picked up the half-drunken coffee and flung them at the techie, who recoiled and shouted as hot liquids seep into his shirt and skin.

"Anybody want to fucking tell me why I did that?" Apple raises a hand, but Sarah shuts her down. The assistant raises a hand and Sarah looks at her, confused, before gesturing at her to speak.

"Um, the timestamp doesn't match the timestamp of every other video. This video is old." Everyone looks up at the screen: the footage of Charlie being railed is quickly lost, with a "CONNECTION LOST" alert appearing. And then the video loops again from the start.

Sarah points to a coffee-free techie. "Call the loading bay squad, they're up. Have them break in."

Apple speaks up. "Uh, break in? But won't --."

"Thanks Apple, but this is what has to happen. We've lost visual on him before any of," she gestures to the map and the circles on it, "this bullshit came to fruition. We're sending them in."


Hailey, Ava and Monica stand ready outside the bay. Ava nods to Monica, who says the word down her phone to her own personal techie bitch. They're all sisters, but even with Sarah heading up the operation, Ava respected Monica's decision to keep her nerd bitch to herself. If she got on the wrong side of her... she didn't want to know how she could weaponize that bitch if he opened high security loading bays.

All three were sisters - of half-sisters - of Sarah. Brought into the family by their mother claiming their bio parents certainly made for an odd dynamic but a dynamic they all shared and now brought them closer together. They did everything as a team, these three, even breaking and entering.

Ava watched the door roll up, the steel reflecting her slender frame, her blonde bob, making her almost identical to her other sisters. The door stopped with a BANG and Ava lifted the walkie talkie to her mouth, flinching before responding.

"No sign of Charlie, over."

Ava's earpiece squealed. "Well fucking find him!!" There was some brief silence. And then: "over." The body cam live feed wasn't working anymore, hence the switch to walkie-talkies. Ava couldn't stand Sarah's voice over them and would try to use them as little as possible if she could.

Ava gestured the others to follow and they entered the bay: Clea was passed out on the bed. Monica bent down for a pulse and found one. She was just out cold.

Putting that aside, they had to find Charlie. There were noises out the front of the shop, if Velma trying to reason in broken English with the protesters wanting to come inside, wanting to cum inside. Velma was begging them to extinguish the tires, then she'd let one of them in. Their solidarity was making things harder for her. She might be a while.

The sisters all smirked at each other as they looked around for Charlie; in rows of shelving, behind boxes, and even hiding near the trash cans. Nothing. Ava and Monica met up. Nothing to report. Except... Hailey had been here.

Monica turned on her light and turned back to the row of shelving Monica had gone into. "Hailey?"

Monica advanced. Soon, she walked behind some boxes, but Ava couldn't hear her footsteps again. She was gone. Her eyes opened wide with terror. This was wrong. She had to get--

The bay doors were closing, too fast; if only she had a techie bitch, fuck.

She turned around, waiting for them to come out of the shadows. "Who are you?"

Velma stepped out.

They both stared at each other, Velma with more intensity, Ava with more fear and regret. Velma's cock was unbound, swinging. She looked Ava in the eye. "Where Charlie?"

Ava gulped. "I don't know, honest."

Velma cocked her head. Then looked straight ahead. "Liar."

She leapt, and all Ava smelt before everything went black was the heady scent of cum.


Apple stopped shouting through the walkie-talkie. Nobody was responding. She stared off into the middle distance, while Sarah had out a roll sheet, a pen and the map.

"Apple, you here on Earth?" Apple looked up, dazed.

"Holy shit."

"Yeah, it's weird, we're three sisters down. In any other family, that'd be a lot but welcome to the Asgers." She slapped the roll sheet. "Assigning sisters and cousins to places. I'm thinking two sisters to the park exit, maybe the bridge? We need more eyes on Lookie Lou, so maybe more cousins there?"

Sarah runs her hands through her hair, pulling back her face with her palms before letting it go.

"Aggghhhh okay, I'll go. Three cousins and me, all take a corner in there. And then the rest, two aunts on Cherry. The best, Lorelei and Clarissa. If he goes in there, they'll smell him out. We have to move fast; if he's in the park, we're fucked. We just have to hope he's somewhere here."

Sarah bit her lip. And what would happen if he left? What would happen if this was all a ruse, all a ploy to drive him to the Auger's family arms. She'd already lost three sisters somehow and didn't want to retaliate. More and more, the walls seemed to be closing in. She looked up at the screen with people rushing past each other to grab the best thing on sale in each store, and she wondered if any of them were Charlie and if so, how the fuck had he been able to pull this off...