I SUCK AT THIS JOB by HumbleHeretic



My hand is already on the stop button even before the second round of beeping fills my ears. My eyes pop open to be greeted by the darkness of the early morning, despite the lack of light though, my eyes are clear enough that you'd never guess I was sleeping only seconds ago. The lethargy one would often feel after just waking up was completely lost to me, instead I was full of energy right from the get-go. This was a feeling I've come to know ever since arriving this place, it could only be a result of my particularly rich "diet".

The sheets ruffle as I get out of bed, there's no time to delay, the others should start waking up sometime soon. I don't bother changing out of my pajamas and simply walk barefooted towards the door. There isn't really much distance to cover in this small room of mine that was no bigger than a large closet, it was a fitting living space that matched my job description. Opening the door, I make my way down the cool hallway, leaving behind my personal room built below the main stairway of the dorms. From there it's off to one of the bathrooms as per usual.

I take a quick bath and am soon standing in front of the basin mirror. Seated on the basin was a tray with neatly placed toothbrushes, about ten of them, all lined up and coded in different colours. Momentarily glimpsing at this, I then reach for the only toothbrush separated from the others on the other side of the basin, this one is mine. The bristles are worn and frayed and stuck in them were a few curly hairs that were most definitely not my own. Giving the head of the toothbrush a sniff, a familiar, pungent odor fills my nose. A lot of them must have "used" it after I went to bed early last night.

Without rinsing the soiled head, I simply dab some toothpaste onto it and proceed to brush my teeth. A familiar, slightly salty taste is mixed into that of the minty toothpaste, I finish brushing my teeth and spit. I make sure that there are no hairs stuck in my teeth and that I've swallowed them all before I put everything back the way it was and move out of the bathroom, I have a busy day ahead of me. Before I leave though, I remember that it's been almost two weeks since I took my pills. I backtrack and grab a bottle out of the medicine cabinet, shake two small tablets out and swallow them just like that. These were very important for my "job" after all.


It's about a half an hour later when I'm standing near the stove as the smell of pancakes fills my nose. Boy, these do smell good if I do say so myself, too bad they're not for me though. Well, I say that, but I find my normal "meals" to taste a lot better. There's plenty to do before they start waking up, a lot to prepare and only I am charged to do it. It's a lot of work preparing breakfast for 20 people, but I manage to get it all done and have things packaged before the first one shows up.

"Hwaaaah~ mnnn~"

Right on time, the patter of naked feet on the wooden floor breaks the silence, followed by a yawn and a moan as one of the dorm's inhabitants comes through the door of the kitchen. A girl about my height with blond hair reaching down to the center of her back. If the yawning wasn't obvious enough, the fact that she was rubbing her eyes while still wearing her pajamas showed that she'd just gotten up and was still half asleep.

By now the light of the sun had started peaking over the horizon so I suspect that the others would follow soon enough, I need to make quick work of this one before then.

"Good morning."


A moan is all I receive as she proceeds to walk over to me, and in response, I get down on my knees in a scarily natural fashion. Now you might be wondering what a male like myself would be doing in the girls' dorm. If you thought that this was a unisex dorm then you would be wrong, the population of this building was composed of twenty female college students and a single male, myself. Though one would find this statement ludicrous if they saw the sight before me.

In my new position I'm more easily able to view the thing poking straight out of the loose pajamas covering Jane's body. Without mincing words, it's a dick, a phallic member that was in full morning wood mode on top of it! Yes, this girl had a cock, and it wasn't just her either, every single inhabitant of this dorm had a dick. And of all the inhabitants, mines was easily the smallest by a long shot!

Jane's thick 11-inch monster was now staring me right in the face and moving closer as she walked towards me. On the end of her erect cock was a cute pink condom that seemed less cute with how absurdly full it was. Thick, cloudy spunk squeezed fresh from the balls still hidden in her pajama pants caused the heavily loaded condom to jiggle and bounce as her member throbbed.

Without stopping, the end of her swollen member came towards my face while my mouth was already watering with eyes glued on her creamy load. I simply stayed kneeling and opened my mouth, not moving an inch as the end of her condom-clad cock began to squeeze into my maw! One would think I was crazy, there was no way such a large thing would fit inside my mouth, and even if it did, I would probably end up suffocating as a result! But that's where the drugs I took earlier came in.




Jane didn't stop her advance and had no intention to, as she yawned, the hot bulb of her cock began to squeeze into my lips. My mouth easily stretched to accommodate the size of her intruding member as I held my head steady and allowed her to enter my mouth. Very soon her head reached my throat while the drooping end of the loaded condom hung outside my lips, I forcefully slurped the gelatinous sack into my mouth as the tip of her cock squeezed down my gullet.



As much as I could get used to it mentally, my gag reflex was a different matter. I choked on her throbbing meat as she stepped further forward, soon her legs were spread to my sides while my face was planted deep in her crotch with the entirety of her condom-clad member jerking in my bulging throat!

I choked on her meat while a scent filled my nose that was planted to the small opening in her pajama crotch where her musky pubes were. The smell was similar to what had soaked into my toothbrush. Jane then began to turn towards the kitchen sink while I turned my body in unison.

The sound of running water was heard as she grabbed herself a drink from the tap while her hips finally began to move, her hips that is.


Thank goodness for the effect of the drug that prevented a certain degree of bodily harm. The banging of the back of my head against the cupboard below the sink was especially loud in the quiet morning, Jane drank her water in leisure and looked out the window while casually humping my face. Her throbbing hot cock swabbed my throat while my head was dragged some of the way from her measured and deep strokes. I couldn't avoid my gag reflex firing off as she bred my face hole to the view of the rising sun.


PLOP! Frp~ PLOP! "Hrk!" Frp~ PLOP! Frp~ PLOP! Frp~ "Glk!"

Eventually she became fully awake and got a little more rough with it. She leaned over the sink and bucked her hips as though to carve the shape of her swollen phallus in my throat. Eventually the action became too much and the condom gradually slid off of her cock. I could feel the sack of slimy cock goo squeezing down my throat and entering my stomach as Jane continued to fuck my mouth with her raw dick unabated.

The condom was naturally made of latex but there was no need to worry as the drugs allowed me to digest the material without a problem. It was truly a miraculous result of technology that allowed me to do my job to the best of my ability.

PLOP! Frp~ "Hrk!" PLOP! Frp~ PLOP! "Krk!" Frp~ PLOP! Frp~

The bulk of this job naturally pertained to draining the pent-up balls of all the dorms' inhabitants using my body. Such as what was happening right now as Jane used my throat to milk her morning wood. There was nary a complaint from me as I served my duty of what some would describe as a sexual relief officer, but really, I was just a glorified cumdump for a dorm full of perpetually horny college girls. Speaking of which,




A few minutes in and I receive my very first helping for the day, this was my breakfast after having prepared all of theirs. The now less sleepy blonde kept humping my face in deep strokes as her balls churned and deposited its creamy payload down my throat. I could hear her moaning lightly as she released her hot nut sauce into me, every spasm and jerk of her meaty prick sent voluminous spurts of sticky jizz squirting down into my belly where most of the condom had already disappeared.




I massaged her jerking member with my throat as her new load joined with the old one inside me. I loved the way her cum tube bulged against my tongue as she came, I gave it a good licking as to coax out the majority of her load that was part of my only sustenance while living this job, and I loved every second of it.


Eventually I've milked all I can from her cock, Jane settles with her crotch plastered to my face and I can feel her balls trembling on my chin in the aftermath of her orgasm. I continued to massaged her cum tube with my tongue as she settles down under the glow of the sun coming through the window.



She finally pulls out only after I've sucked out everything left in her cum pipe, I gag once more as she drags her meaty cock out of my throat before it fully softens. The moment her spit-soaked member pulls free of my lips with a pop, I am introduced to the strong, bitter/salty flavor of her fishy sperm. While I settle my gagging and savor the taste and smell of her load on my breath, Jane simply walks away without so much as a thanks for my service, she didn't even tuck her cock back into her pants.

The Blonde walks past the stove and grabs a couple of pancakes in her bare hands, silently stuffing the end of one into her mouth and holding the other as she heads towards the upstairs bathroom. Following her with my gaze, I notice that there are less pancakes than there should be, this was when I noticed that there was somebody sitting at the table.

"Hurry and get under the table."

Veronica, a bit of a dominant one, this one. These were the first and only words she said to me after seeing me finishing up Jane's morning load, but at least she actually said something. The brunette is eating the missing pancakes complete with syrup while scrolling through her phone. Heading her command, I quickly crawl below the table and am immediately hit with a pungent smell of girl musk as soon as I did.

Yeah, I didn't really expect that she actually took a bath after practice, the space below the table was already saturated with her scent. At least that was true for the space where her legs were opened to reveal her mostly naked lower half, only a very thin pair of panties were worn below her hoodie and these were pulled aside to show off her member. Her erect cock was actually a bit bigger than Jane's at a respectable 12 inches.

With her lower half dressed the way it was, I could also see her swollen balls that were no doubt covered in unwashed sweat. There was also a healthy bush of pubes sitting above her meat trunk, yet another contributor to the pungent smell of girl musk filling my nose.

A quick look was all I took before I moved into the space between her spread thighs. My face was soon right before the source of the smell, the leaking head of her erect member pointing right between my eyes. As I took in the warmth and smell between her legs, I opened my mouth as was natural and proceeded to swallow her thick meat log. She'd definitely been watching me get face-fucked by Jane, the sound of my head banging on the cupboard and my gagging was probably too loud for me to notice her arrival. There was already a decent amount of pre leaking form her erect member.

The salty fluid graced my tongue as it brushed against the slick head, this salty taste continued as I developed her bulb in my mouth and moved onto her cock coated in dried sweat. Pungent cock sweat I should say, the smell became stronger with my face so close to her crotch. Her cock was definitely no easier to swallow that Jane's was, especially as I committed all the effort. The sound of my gagging rang under the table as I swallowed her member down my throat while she nonchalantly tapped away on her phone above.



While she ate pancakes with sweet syrup, I consumed her dried cock sweat all the way down until the head of her prick was deep down inside my throat and my lips and nose was buried in her musky crotch. Her thick busk of curly pubic hairs tickled my nose while my nostrils were filled with the offensively pungent odor of her musky crotch. Her balls that were plastered to my chin were definitely the greatest contributor to the smell that I could breathe, thanks once more to the drugs made specially for my use.

Now obviously she wasn't going to do any of the work so it was up to me to gag myself on her meaty cock.



So that's what I did, she at least allowed me to brace my hands against her plump and firm thighs as I pulled my head back. That darn gag reflex flared up once more as I allowed her cock to slide from my throat before shoving forwards once more right before the bulb popped free of my gullet.


Though she acted stoic, I could feel her well-developed thighs tensing periodically as I swallowed her rod and fucked my own face on it. Her jerking member stirred up my throat as I bobbed my head on it like I was at a carnival fishing for apples. I could feel her hot precum periodically spurting down my gullet, lubing up my throat further and allowing my throat muscles to glide on her pulsating meat.


Meanwhile the smell of her musk was ever pungent and ever present, each bob of my head sent my face planting deeply into her crotch to where the smell of her musk was ingrained in my nose by her curly pubic hair. Veronica was actually the one that most liked to use my toothbrush to scratch her pubic region and itchy balls, rather than just taking a bath before going to bed. Though, even the ones that did do so still used my toothbrush before taking said bath.

It wasn't like I actually had a problem with it though, otherwise I would have already switched out the toothbrush that I've been using since my first day at the dorms. I wouldn't be surprised if one day there was more pubic hair than bristles left on the thing.

While entertaining these thoughts, I continued to apply fresh coatings of my frothy spit to Veronica's cock. It didn't take long before I felt her dick jerking in my gullet accompanied by the light sounds of her leaking moans from above the table. I knew she was getting close so I prepared myself for what was surely coming next. And just like I thought, I soon felt her legs move before my bobbing head was suddenly locked into place!




Her legs folded behind my head, forcefully planting my face in her musky crotch as her cock began to fire off in my throat! Her slightly sticky balls against my chin churned while her rod jerked violently, spitting up wad after thick wad of creamy girl goo down my gullet. Within the complete darkness provided by her crotch, I inhaled her pungent scent while providing her the same service as I did Jane. My throat massaged her pulsating member while my chin caressed her contracting nuts, her hot spunk came in waves and joined Jane's equally as potent load in my belly as she clutched the table and grunted.




A couple minutes later and that was breakfast load number two done and dealt with, well it was actually more than two if counting what was in Jane's condom. I now had a fulfilled feeling in my belly stuffed with girl cream as I remained with my head caught in her thigh vice, snorting her ripe musk point blank.

With a sigh, she finally let me free. I took the opportunity as her legs fell away to dismount my throat from her jerking member that was still engorged after she'd emptied her nuts into my belly. I made sure as I pulled back to sucked what was left in her jerking rod using my tongue.

"I don't think it makes much sense keeping him around."

"So, you're gonna break up with him."

"Might as well, I get much better head right here at home."

Then came the sound of shuffling feet and chairs dragging across the ground. More of the dorms' inhabitants had showed up by now, some of the other girls came into kitchen, some yawning, some chatting. A couple began to take their own seats at the table while the rest were serving themselves with the pancakes I made. Before I could serve them though, Veronica took out something that'd been resting on the space behind where she sat.

It was yet another condom, and this one was LOADED! The latex was stretched so thin that one could barely make out it's bright purple colour against the backdrop of thick, creamy cock sauce stuffed inside. There had to be a proper gallon of jizz filling the thing, who knows how many loads she'd dumped into it! Without saying a word, the brunette grabbed my hair and I watched as she shoved the gooey cum balloon towards my open mouth.


Even with how far my mouth could stretch, it took some doing to get the large gelatinous spunk balloon into my maw without it breaking and going to waste. I did my best to slurp the condom inside as she shoved it into my mouth and was eventually able to get the whole thing inside. Still, it was so large that half of it was filling my open mouth and the other half was drooping down my throat, I could feel it jiggling in my gullet every time I gagged on the nut-filled latex. Veronica obviously had a solution for this though.



While grabbing a better hold of my head, the brunette pulled my face back towards her musky crotch and roughly shoved her cock back down my throat. The bulbous head of her prick shoved the nut balloon right down my neck and I was made to gag harder on her much stiffer girl meat. The gelatinous mass then easily slid down my throat via the force of her throbbing cock and its own weight to settle into my belly where there was still some cum being digested.

One would think that she would pull out after accompanying this goal, however, not to my surprise, I was soon back to having my face fucked as she held tightly to my head and pumped it on her swollen shaft. I could hear her grunting softly amidst the chatter of the other girls that had joined her at the table by now, absolutely none of them were phased by her actions as this was just a normal everyday occurrence in this dorm building.

PLOP! Frp~ "Hrk!" PLOP! Frp~ PLOP! "Krk!" Frp~ PLOP! Frp~

Halfway through choking on her cock, I felt the condom suddenly burst inside me from being dissolve, my belly was instantly flooded with the brunette's aged sperm. As her cock was still sensitive from the first fucking, it wasn't long before her legs were wrapped around my head once more, topping up her stale ball sauce with some that was a lot more fresh. There was now a variety of aged and fresh nut cream from multiple girls inside me. I wonder if this counted as a balanced diet.




I was soon let go after her balls were drained for the second time. Thankfully her second load wasn't as bountiful as the first, as I would need room in my belly to accommodate the rest of the girls at the table. As soon as my face was removed from the brunette's pungent crotch, my sight was greeted by a line-up of large, throbbing members waiting to be serviced by my mouth.

There were now six other girls seated, the ones with early morning lectures preferred to have their morning loads sucked out right at the breakfast table as they chatted. Three of the raging hard-ons were clad in condoms that had varying amounts of creamy nut sauce forming a drooping tear at the ends. Thankfully, the drugs allowed me to digest cum quickly as I would have my work cut out for me this morning as well.

Carrying my belly full of sloshing girl goo, I maneuvered my way to the next cock in line, the sheer amount of girl meat throbbing below the table made it feel like I had little space to move. By this point I didn't even need to see their faces to identify them, I only needed to glance at their members that had spent so much time in my face over the course of my employment. The one I came to first was Casey, it was easy to tell by the colour of her skin, the size of her cock and balls, and the smell of her musk radiating of her thick pubes.

While looking forward to the rest of the day, I slowly wrapped my mouth around the large, throbbing black cock and got to work on the third course of the morning's bountiful feast.



"Ahhhhh~ yeaaaahhh~♥"

"Grk, glg, glg~"

My cheeks constantly inflated and deflated as Trisha held my head away from her crotch at just enough distance that her stiff cock head stayed in my mouth while barfing up her creamy hot load. Bitter/salty sperm washed my tongue and filled ever space in my mouth despite how fast I was swallowing it down my throat. The strong stench of her spunk was accompanied by an equally strong taste, and within it I picked up a faint yet particular flavor.



After almost a minute of chugging her hot ball juice, she pumped her shaft and sent the last dregs from her cum cannon into my mouth and I was finally allowed to pull away. I had my lips pursed and sealed with a mouth full of her soupy ball cream while I pulled off the pink head of her prick, leaving a gooey string of nut connecting her cock hole with my lips.

"So, what is it?"

The tall brunette asked me with her legs still open and lounging on the couch next to Carla who was watching the sports channel. The latter had already had her cock sucked and still had it hanging out of her tomboyish boxers as the two lazed about in the lounge. I tried to ignore the taste of her cum and instead focused on Trisha's spunk as I swished it around in my mouth. I allowed the taste to be ingrained on my tastebuds thoroughly before finally swallowing the gooey load, it stubbornly clung to my throat on the way down. With my breath stinking of girl jizz as always, I opened my mouth and provided my answer.


"Dude, you've gotta stop making it so easy for him."

This response came from Carla as soon as I gave the obvious answer. While Trisha started thinking of other foods that she could eat to change the flavor of her spunk, and I was stifling a belch that tasted and stunk like pineapple-infused sperm, a loud voice filled the hallway and came into the lounge where me and four of the girls were gathered.

"Oh, mister cock sucker~!"

I really wished she would use my name, though I didn't have much of a problem with the nickname as it very much suited my job description. From out in the hallway came Elizabeth, perhaps the strangest girl in the dorms. Long chestnut hair going down to her back, a sizable rack and emerald green eyes that lit up the moment she spotted me.

"There you are!"

Without skipping a beat, she came right up to me and gave me a hug, squishing her sizable breasts to my chest while my bloated belly brushed up against her slim stomach. This was part of what made her the strangest of them all in my opinion, whereas the others mostly treated me with indifference or were dominant, she always treated me with affection. However, while it may sound good on the surface, this affection came in rather strange forms.

"Come on, I've got myself a big haul this morning!"

She quickly changed from hugging me to pulling me along with one hand. In her other hand was a large sack she'd brought with her, I could already smell the fishy odor coming from inside. Liza pulled me over to one of the couches and plopped down next to another one of the girls studying on her phone, she then spread her legs and gave me a radiant smile.

Understanding her intent, I turned around and sat on the floor, resting my back against the couch with my head between her thighs. The next thing I heard was the rustling of clothes as I assumed she reached below her skirt to shift her panties aside, my assumption was of course proven right when a large, hot mass suddenly plopped down on my shoulder!

"Ahh, that's better~♪"

Liza sighed as her cock was given fresh air, the meaty behemoth pulsating against my neck was actually one of the largest in the dorm at an astounding 14 inches erect! It also contained a thickness to match, the pumped-up prick actually contained a great deal of weight as it lay on my shoulder. The heat it was giving off was insane as was the smell of its musk.

While I focused on her cock throbbing against my neck, Liza hummed to herself while opening the sack she was carrying. She then took something out and presented it over my head.

"Let's start with this one!"

When I looked up, there was a loaded condom hovering over my face just as I'd expected. At least a pint of thick, cloudy girl cream weighed down the bloated sack of light blue latex as it hung from her fingertips.

"This one's from Stacy, she's on some new supplements and she wanted me to ask you how it tastes~♪"

Immediately after saying that, she began lowering the condom to my face, and as a natural rection, I opened my mouth wide and received it. The cum inside was still warm, which made sense since it was probably at the top of the pile. Knowing Liza, I suspect that there's about twenty loaded condoms in the sack at the very least, all filled with the cum of various of the other girls from college that she interacted with.

I soon took the whole thing in my mouth with some of the gooey mass hanging down my throat, closing my lips, I bit into it like one of those capsule tablets filled with sweet jelly. Instead of sweat jelly though, it was a random girl's smelly ball juice that exploded in my mouth! The taste was strong and the scent was ripe, sticky nut sauced filled my cheeks and began flowing down my throat as I chewed on the burst condom like a piece of bubblegum.

After swallowing the whole thing, condom and all, I opened my mouth to show her that I'd consumed everything. This got a reaction from her in the form of a strong jerk of her cock throbbing against my neck. Now there was even more precum dripping from her tip and staining my chest.

"So, how does it taste?"

"Pretty strong, I think the supplements are working."

"Great! Next one then."

As she said so in satisfaction, Liza took yet another spunk filled condom out of her bag of goodies. This was her strange hobby, she liked to collect the loaded condoms of her classmates and friends from college, sometimes even having them fill them on the spot, to where she would then bring them to the dorms and feed them to me one by one like a servant serving me grapes.

The affection she showed me was strange but genuine, she said that this was her means of making sure that my "diet" had a lot of "variety". As thought the twenty dormmates I already serve wasn't enough. This was definitely a kink of hers though, just the pleasure on her face was obvious, not to mention the way her cock throbbed and leaked during the act. As I savored the taste of Stacy's freshly squeezed nut, Liza introduced the other condom.

"This one is from Ms. Mathews, she's been watching her diet lately, leme know if it's too salty."

Yeah, the lecturers were included in her little game. Elizabeth fed me that large, gooey jizz grape which led to more of her precum flowing down my front. Like with the first condom, I chewed and swallowed the thick spunk and gave my honest opinion on its salt content. The taste of a middle-aged woman's sperm was notably different from that of these college girls. Yet another pumped and packaged load of cock snot settled in my belly that was filled with rapidly digesting girl cream and condom fragments.

"Jessica broke up with her girlfriend recently and spent all of last night rage jerking, leme know if you can taste the "salt"."

This time she held up two condoms that were each bloated to a size like what Veronica fed me this morning! She had me nibble a tiny hole in the dropping latex and nurse the smelly ball juice from them like they were baby bottles. Multiple loads of rage-induced condom pies filled my mouth and oozed down my throat as I sucked the nut juice from both. The pungent odor wreaked havoc on my sinuses while my tongue was practically marinated in the briny ball brew. By the time I was finished with both, my belly was swollen and I still had to eat the empty condoms afterwards.

"This is Maggie's, she thinks she's been jerking off too much recently."

The intense fishy stench of her spunk certainly suggested as much. I thought about the agony the girl's cock went through as I swished her smelly ball juice in my mouth before swallowing.

"Amy's been holding this load for a while so it might be a little strong~♪"

A little strong was a definite understatement, the taste of her pent-up jizz was enough to make me gag! I swallowed her mature nut with a slight scrunch in my facial expression however my pants was tight with my own erection the entire time.

"Angela found this one under her bed, it might be a couple days old so brace yourself."

"Jamie wrung this one out right after practice."

"Kelly's wants to know if it tastes like Pineapple so that he boyfriend..."

One by one the brunette produced colour coded condoms all filled to the brim with the spunk of multiple college girls and even their lecturers. It was astounding that semen could contain so many variations in flavor, volume and consistency, the only commonality in all of them was that the smell was strong and the taste even stronger.

Like a vine of grapes, loaded condom after loaded condom disappeared into my mouth and poured down my throat as girl nut and condom soup. Liza took joy in feeding me and made sure to describe each load in a way that made me focus on the taste, she had such good memory when it came to the weirdest things. By the time I was done, sperm was all I could smell and taste, I had consumed so much in fact that I was beginning to feel stuffed, which was saying something considering how quickly I could digest cum.

My entire front portion now reeked of Elizabeth's fishy precum after my jersey had become soaked through. I could feel that her cock had become even more engorged to the point that I could feel the veins pulsating against my neck.

"Liza, I brough the thing."

"Oooh, perfect timing!"

That was when Candace came walking in with a four-gallon paint bucket, holding it carefully as to not spill what was inside. Though, I could already tell what was inside just by the powerful smell it was giving off! The short blonde came over in front of me and rest the heavy bucket between my open legs, right in front of my protruding belly. The source of the now more potent smell was made even more obvious as I looked upon the contents.

"All I did was leave it in the girls' washroom, I didn't think we'd actually get a few people using it so soon!"

'A few people' managed to fill such a large bucket to the brim! As one would expect, inside the bucket was cum, enough that some would have really spilt over if Candace hadn't been careful. A large quantity of accumulated girl goo of all shades of cloudy and creamy white sat steaming in the bucket. There was even ample amounts of drained condoms and different coloured pubic hairs floating around just on the surface of the jizz! The smell of so many combined loads wafting from the open mouth of the bucket was indescribable.

"Take your time now, be sure not to choke~♪"

This was as far as Elizabeth's instructions went, she didn't even ask whether I was okay with consuming all of this smelly cum or not, she simply assumed that I would. I certainly didn't betray her expectations though, while I was feeling a bit stuffed, I still had room for dessert, as the girls would often say.

Using my greater than normal strength, which was yet another effect of the drug, I remained seated and picked up the bucket by its sides. The stench when I brought the mouth of the bucket to my own made my sinuses burn, I placed my lips on the edge of the bucket and was immediately introduced to the slimy texture of the nut. This texture soon transitioned to my entire mouth as I tilted the bucket and began to down it's slimy contents!

The taste was absolutely overpowering, it felt like I was having a full load pumped into my mouth every second as my cheeks bloated with girl sperm while even more went oozing down my throat. My eyes watered from the smell while the taste made my tongue numb, my throat bulged with each laborious swallow of the creamy dick sauce.

"Glk, glug glgh~"

A generous amount of pubic hairs slipped into my mouth along with the creamy slop, some got stuck on the various surfaces inside my mouth and in between my teeth while those successfully swallowed made my throat feel slightly itchy. This itch would almost immediately be soothed as more slimy ball soup washed down my undulating gullet. The used condoms didn't go down any easier, I was constantly caught off guard as the more solid lumps of used latex slipped into my mouth along with the nut slime. I chugged and swallowed and chugged some more, slowly tilting the bucket more and more as girl sperm disappeared into my face pints and liters at a time. My belly was given no opportunity to shrink even as I digested the cum quickly, whatever was absorbed into my body would be replaced twice as fast as thick cock snot poured into my stomach like an endless waterfall.

"Glgh~ ghmf, mmmff~"

In the end I was forced to pause about halfway as it was simply too much cum even for me, I needed to give my stomach time to digest before I could reasonably continue. I momentarily lay the bucket down and on my face that was bloated with cheeks full of jizz was a milk beard composed of gooey nut hanging on my face.



Suddenly, a groan from behind me was followed by a thick jet of creamy cock sauce launching from the dick perched on my shoulder! Without even touching her cock, Elizabeth came and came hard, her member aggressively jerked and pulsed and I could feel her load shooting through her cum tube while her balls on the back of my neck churned and contracted!


"Nnnphhh~ Haaah~♥"

With exquisite aim, the long, thick ropes of cum landed directly in the half bucket of jizz I was drinking from. I watched the liquid level gradually rise as she pumped out rope after rope of hot, thick cock snot that splattered into my main meal. It was like there was a gun with the safety off snuggled between my shoulder and neck, it kept firing accompanied by the girl's moans until the long ropes of jizz finally turned into tiny spurts where the majority landed on my jersey already soaked in drying precum.

Liza panted with her cock throbbing on my neck, watching me eat so many condoms worth of different girls' spunk and then downing have a bucket of the briny brew had finally brought her to orgasm.

And she wasn't the only one.

"Haaah~ haaaah~♪"




All this time we had been in the presence of the other girls sitting in the lounge, the showing had been enough for them to also achieve orgasm after stroking their erect members for a short time. Feet pounded on the floor as I was soon surrounded by girls, this was followed by wet splatters as they grunted and moaned, aiming their cocks and the bucket and pouring in their own jizz just like Liza had done.

Two became three, three became five, by the end there were six other girls surrounding me who was sitting on the floor as long thick ropes and spurts of fresh girl nut shot into the bucket. Their cock holes gaped open and relentlessly shot out spurts of jizz that would make a horse look like a puppy in comparison. The loud plopping of hot, gooey loads continued to play in my ears as the liquid level rapidly rose, droplets of warm spunk splattered onto me and onto my hands still holding the bucket as they all came. In almost no time at all, the amount of spunk in the bucket had been fully restored, topped up in its entirety by the orgasms of just half a dozen of my dorm mates.


"Drink up, nut gobbler."

"No thanks needed."

As though it were a normal thing, they slowly returned to their seats after emptying their stuffed balls, softening cocks still hanging out as they caught their breath. Eliza was leaning back on the cock as her body cooled down while her cock stayed throbbing on my shoulder. And now, I was once again left with a full bucket almost overflowing with cock juice to consume. The ripe odor of girl jizz continued to assault my nose as I watched sticky bubbles slowly rise to the surface of the creamy pool.

As I took it all in, my member was as hard as hard could be. With not an ounce of reluctance, I once more held up the now warmer bucket of spunk and brought the slimy edge of the mouth to my lips. I deeply inhaled the rich stench of freshly milked cock sauce as I began to swallow their bountiful offering, condoms, pubes and all.

This was definitely going to take a while.



It was only later in the evening when I was allowed to return to my small nook built below the main staircase like some kind of Harry Potter reject. My belly was stuffed and bloated with the loads of the morning lecture crowd that had returned with their balls swollen and ready to be milked after all their boring lectures. I took a short rest as I absorbed my meal. I still had night service to accomplish before bedtime, I was going to need all of my energy for that.

Until the girls finally brushed their teeth and then brushed their pubes with my toothbrush and went to bed, I wasn't allowed to fall asleep. Nay, I wouldn't allow myself to sleep until they were all satisfied.

While looking forward to the long line-up of cocks that would soon find their homes in my throat once more, I rested my eyes with the thought of just how much I love my job.
