
Tony held his breath, the teen pouring over the passages in the book he found. After school, Tony went to the towns local Library to return a history book he borrowed. Needing it for his upcoming social studies project, however when he arrived there, returning the book into the drop off. He noticed a certain book sitting atop a rolling cart that caught his eye. It was a deep purple with ruby red text scrawled over the front. The binding seemed as if it was wrapped in an incredibly soft velvet like material. It stood out in stark contrast to the many other drab and simple books strewn about the cart.

The dark haired boy tilted his head, lifting his hand up to brush a lock of his shoulder length tresses out of the way. Then moved to pick up the book, just interested in taking a look as it was visually appealing.

He skimmed through some of the pages, just trailing through the entries lightly, until he found the page with art work illustrated into the pages. And his eyes went wide.

Pictures of an absolutely beautiful woman were drawn in dark ink, with some parts colored red, namely her eyes. The text was all written in a fancy looking Vivaldi, and most of the passages weren't in English. They had small translations written below though that looked as if they had been added after a fashion. His eyes eventually falling upon the word that echoed in his mind still.


The woman drawn there was shapely, gorgeous hips and long legs adorned with high heeled leather boots. A swishing spade tail and two horns protruding from the sides of her head, above her pointed ears. A sultry smirk on her face as her painted eyes seemed to drill into Tony's soul, seeming like she was actually looking at him right now. Just looking at the image seemed like it was enough to start waking up the nerves in his body. His face feeling warm as he gazed down her body, a black bra and thong like panties covering her busty chest and her private place. Tony could only imagine what wonders may lie beneath those coverings.

For a moment, it was fun to just skim through the pages of her, having fun reading the translations and learning apparently what this book was supposed to be. According to its passages, this was a summoning manual, for calling upon a Succubus demon to fulfill your most lewd, lecherous desires. It was enough to make him chuckle as he leaned on the wall skimming the book. If only it was true, Tony was eighteen years old, and still a one hundred percent virgin. No kisses, no hugs, no hand holding. He was as pure as a delicate flower, lifting one leg and placing it against the wall behind him. Skinny jeans and baggie black hoodie that went all the way down to his thighs on his small frame.

Imagine if it was real though? What if he took this tome home with him, then followed some of the apparent instructions, and she actually appeared? This Succubus, beautiful and sexy, there to help relieve him of his innocence that he had been unwillingly stuck with his whole life.

He wasn't a virgin by choice that's for sure, just the girls in his high school seemed to prefer the tall, dark, strong and handsome type. Not skinny mini girly body type, so he had been dealt a major wash of a hand when it came to relationships.

But what would it be like, to summon such a skilled entity, who's whole existence was based around sex, passion, and fulfilling perverted desires.

Tony sighed heavily, imagining what it would be like. Imagining this stacked demoness, her legs straddling him, hands weaving their fingers through her hair as her hips swiveled on his pelvis. The sweet sounds of delight she'd make, the pleasure he'd feel with her. Tony almost hugged the book close to his chest thinking about it. Of course he didn't believe it was real, but he cool would it be? So...why not give it a try?

Chuckling a bit at that, he decided in that moment, he was gonna take this book home. Just to read through more of it, maybe play around with some of the symbols, and also to look at more of the images of this gorgeous mystery demoness.

The Librarian gave him a curious look when he happily skipped up to the desk, asking to check out this tome. Obviously, Tony looked far too innocent to be into the Occult and demon summoning. But it was none of her business, and she checked his Library card, allowing him to leave the Library with it in his possession. A noticeable skip in his step as he headed home, eager to peruse through the rest of the pages, and maybe take a swing at trying to summon this woman he was enthralled by.

All in good fun of course, Tony wasn't a practitioner of anything cult-y. He knew nothing would actually come of it, but hey, if it turned out to be real, he'd end up with the sexiest demon in his room wanting to fuck his virginity away. What better way to lose your V-card?

With that, Tony hurried home. New book in his arms, and an eagerness to get right to work on reading the rest and deciphering its pages.

He arrived at home, his parents both at work leaving the house to himself for a few more hours. Just like he liked it, he darted upstairs to his bedroom, closing the door behind him and leaping onto his bed, laying prone on his belly to continue to read through the rest of it. Staring longingly at the images of the Succubus, turning page after page and reading everything he could, thought the translations were in pretty broken English, so he was pretty sure there were errors here and there. But after about thirty or so minutes of just scanning page after page, he found a particularly lewd picture of the Succubus. Laying on her back, her tail swept up over her body and just barely covering up her breasts. Her bra and panties gone, boots gone, she was completely naked, arching her back but still tastefully hiding all of her naughty areas.

That was the last straw for Tony, he was trying this ritual. Because if he could actually summon someone as gorgeous like this? He would be ecstatic, and if it turned out to be BS, well then at least he wasn't bored this afternoon.

So with his mind made up and with a shrug of his shoulder, the young teen got up from his prone position to search out the necessary items required to perform this ritual.

He needed something to draw on the floor with, a personal item that he cherished, some salt of course, and the ritual also required himself to be butt naked when it came to this summoning. Obviously since he's attempting to summon a Succubus to take his virginity, that part made sense. The personal item was to provide a connection between himself and the magic, and the salt was to keep bad spirits away. As the book scribbled, the worst of the demons would always be on the lookout for gateways into our world, so the salt for some reason acts as a purifying barrier that would keep any other spirits away, only allowing the one he called in.

Tony hurried through the house and gathered his things, a washable marker of course so he could get it off of his floor. And an old stuffed toy bear that he's had since he was about six, even though he didn't sleep with it anymore, it was something he kept near and dear to him for many, many years, so he figured that should probably be personal enough for this ritual.

Bringing the items back to his bedroom, he locked his door and shut the blinds of the windows. Using a lighter to ignite some Yankee candles as well for dramatic illumination. Funnily enough, this ritual didn't even require candles, that was all Tony's idea. But it set the mood and also smelled like cinnamon buns so who cares?

Following that, Tony stripped down to the skin, tossing his oversized black hoodie to the bed, whipping off his jeans and shoes as well, and lastly his underwear. His ankle socks remained on though, even though the ritual requested that he be 'unclothed' as it was written. The person in the little image drawn making the summoning circle was wearing an old fashioned feather hat. So he was sure it would be fine if he didn't play it to the letter.

Besides this was obviously total BS anyways, he was just having fun and messing around with some silly magic. He was one huuuundred percent sure that it wasn't real...

Even so though, he did have quite the stiffy while he was setting up. His heart beating with a thrilled quick pace, he hadn't really done anything like this throughout his entire life. It was exciting!

The next step after disrobing, was to draw the five point star on the ground, Tony was surprised that it was actually not supposed to be a pentagram. The creepy image you always see in horror movies of the upside down star in a circle, it was just asking for a simple five point star for the portal. Interesting, and Tony was okay with that, even though he again was sure that this was fake, no need to go messing with stuff that's tooooo occult-y. No need to start slaughtering goats in the backyard and all that. Just hoping for a sexy babe to rock his world.

Drawing the star in black marker, looking a little bumpy at the ridges of the hardwood floor, Tony next marked the small circle of salt around it. Taking care not to use too much as then his parents might notice that a portion of their salt had inexplicably gone missing. And not sure how he'd explain that one away. Finally though, he performed the final preparation step, and gently laid his teddy bear into the center of the star, connecting himself to the 'portal', and was ready to move forward with the ritual.

"Okay...let's see..." He whispered softly, turning to pick up the book again, he sat on the edge of his bed and pulled his legs up to sit criss cross apple sauce. Reading the next few lines of the transcript, " we go." He took a breath and tried to put on his serious face. "As the moon gathers over this porta-oh shit...was I supposed to do this at night?" He looks back for a moment in the book...not finding anything in particular about a timeframe, so he just shrugged. "As the moon gathers over this portal, I call out to the beautiful temptress on the other side. May she find me in my moment of desire, and fill my heart with the sensation of her touch." This whole part of the incantation was in English, but there was a bit coming up that he knew was in some kind of bizarre language. It didn't look like any language he knew or had even heard about. Not like Latin or Hebrew or anything, so maybe it was just made up? "I beg her to come for me, take my body in her pleasure and mine, our flesh to become one, our lips to meet, and our blood to boil in the heat of passion and lust." Here came the odd language part, probably the make or break moment of this whole shabang.

He took another breath and attempted to sound out the words and just read them aloud. "Domina...succulaa...betreesctes...cahnagh..." He hesitated, were these even real words? And he glanced over the book at the star on the ground, the candles, his toy. Nothing had moved, everything was still sitting stagnant, no epic music, no rushing wind, no candles being blown out. It was just dead quiet except for him talking. Only now really starting to dawn on him how silly this whole thing might have been. Making him frown a bit as he haphazardly looked back down to the last part of the incantation. "Archaar...Domina cuul saah...succubuckadick..." He mumbled over the last line, Succubus and adding his own little disappointed flourish at the end and let himself fall backwards onto his bed.

Laying sideways on the mattress, his legs uncrossing and drooping down to the floor while the book rested over his tummy. Again, the dawning realization that he actually thought he could summon a demon to bounce on his pelvis today was hitting him. Geez, he better not tell a single soul about this, cuz it would look preeeetty silly.

For a moment he just stared at the ceiling, blankly disappointed in the fact that it didn't work, his still stiff little five incher twitching also in disappointment. But after a second, he let out a little huff of a chuckle, at least he tried it! Better to know and be let down then to just keep wondering, now he should probably just get to cleaning this stuff up and get dressed again. Maybe he'd masturbate to the thoughts of what might have happened should the ritual have worked. But until then he-...

There was a shadow on his ceiling...

Tony blinked and tilted his head, a silhouette was cast, dancing in the flickering light of his candles. And he quickly sat up to look at the source.

"This is cuuuute." A woman standing in the center of the star said, gently petting the toy bear, her eyes glistening with a bright ruby red glow as she looked up at him.

"AAAHH!" Tony flailed backwards, the book being thrown out of his hands and collapsing in a heap on the floor. Open to a random page, spine facing the ceiling while he hastily backpedaled on the bed. His back touched the cold of his bedroom wall as he looked upon the suddenly appearing woman standing in his bedroom!

She was pretty tall, maybe six feet or more? But she wore high heeled thigh high leather boots, which probably kicked her height up another several inches. She towered over him! And her skin was completely red, a bright red hue that carried all over her exposed skin, the only parts of her that were hidden was her chest and privates, concealed by a matching black corset and thong. Short curling horns wrapped around her forehead, and her hair was a deep, jet black curtain that went all the way down to the middle of her back, where a red spade like tail swished playfully behind her.

She looked juuust like she looked in the picture! Only she was here! She was real! Standing in front of him in the flesh!

She actually giggled, flashing fanged, pearly white teeth and crimson lips, "Whaaaat? Why are you screaming darling? I haven't even touched you yet?" She teased, tossing the teddy bear onto the bed beside him and putting her hands on her hips, cocking them a bit while she inspected her summoner. "Hmmm...not fully naked I see." Tsk, tsk, tsk..." She clicked her long and forked tongue, "So disobedient, breaking one of the first rules baby? Hmmm...but those look quite cute on you so I suppose I can let it slide." She grinned, looking to his simple grey ankle socks.

"Wha...what...there's...there's no thought it wasn't real I..." Tony stammered, looking down to the tossed tome and back to her.

"And you should be careful with that book, it's pretty old you know, if it got damaged I might get stuck for good here...unless that's what you wanted baby boy?" She giggled, stepping forward, leaving the star portal and salt circle. Her heels giving an imposing '' on the wooden floor as she brought her knees to the edge of the bed. "And you didn't think it was real? Hmmm..." She ran her hands over her stomach, up to her breasts and over her shoulders. Her sultry, smokey voice teasing him with her tone, "Feels pretty real to me little one..."

Tony's heart was HAMMERING in his chest, this was impossible! No way this could be really happening! But it was! Unless he was dreaming? "I...I..." He couldn't get any words out.

"Domina...that's my name little one...and what do I call you?" She asked, arching her back to lean forward just a little.

"Uhh...uhhhhmm....T-T-Tony..." He stuttered again, getting a glance down the cleavage she kept bound behind that tight corset. Ouuuf...she was busty...and her hips even lower were wide, such a flawless hourglass shape...and Tony suddenly remembered the purpose of her summoning.

As did she apparently, "Mmmmhh...I love the shy ones...I assume I was summoned to have a cherry popped?" She tilted her head, keeping her everlasting grin on, "And looking at you...I get the very strong sense that you've...never...even been touched by a girl before?"

The teen's face went beet red, and for some reason, he thought now might be the time to try and cover himself up a little out of embarrassment. Reaching for his top blanket to pull it over himself a little, but only to have her grab it and snatch it away from him! Flinging it towards the door and far out of his own reach! "Aaah! Hey! Why'd you..."

"Because I like what I see little one...I veeery what I see..." She said, lowering her voice to a throaty purr, and standing up straight again. Her hands going to the laces of her corset, swiftly undoing them, unfastening each of the twine strings and loosening the material in record time before pulling it apart in the front.

Letting her amazing, gotta be D cup breasts out for Tony's virginal eyes to see! Even they were shaded a bright red, with her nipples being a deeper crimson. Hard little peeks pointing right at him, and her tummy was so smooth and inviting, she dropped the corset to the floor and gave him the moment to just look and appreciate the visual before him. And judging by how fast he went silent, she figured that he liked what he saw also.

The boy's jaw virtually plummeted to the mattress, bouncing off and then collapsing to the floor. His first pair of tits bared before him! If he was softening at all from fear or surprise, he just boinged right back up from that sight! Domina placed her hand on her hip and brushed her breast with the other one, gesturing with it. "Well? Do you?"

"Ughh...I...yes...I do..." Suddenly Domina lifted her legs and began to crawl towards him on the bed. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit!" Tony's heart was going so fast he was afraid it would explode! He could feel himself starting to sweat, nerves going crazy as she closed in, and ouuff she smelt gooooooood. Her scent like that of a glorious bonfire drawing him into her, especially her alluring movements. Her hips gently swayed back and forth continuously, like a cat ready to pounce on her prey.

"Well then? Would you like me to take your virginity? Or not baby boy?" Her face loomed in right over his own, he could watch her forked tongue drag right over those sharp fangs in her mouth. The poor thing was shaken like a leaf, "I certainly want it...and I know your want to be taken don't you..." She finally lifted a hand and brought it to his naked chest, dragging her finger down his skin.

She was hot! Literally and figuratively, her touch was sooo heated, she felt like warm clothes fresh out of the dryer against him. Her heat radiated in such a comforting, luring in way. "W...what?"

Domina brought her hand all the way down to between his legs, "It's why you summoned me yes? You want your be mine...forever and ever..." Her fingers danced over his prick, the poor thing throbbing, excitedly jumping and already leaking a little cute bead of precum! Just begging to be touched! "You want fuck you, don't you Tony? You want me to have your body...for my teeeease you..." She flicked his member! Eliciting a surprised squeak from Tony, as it jolted him, right into his core and sent a thrilling rush through his body. "Get you exciiiited...until you just can't take it anymore..." Her hand drifted back up to his chin, and she softly grabbed it. Tilting him to look up at her as she crawled even closer. Now kneeling between his legs and lording over him from above. "Tell me you want it little boy...say it...say you want me..."

Tony was trembling! He had never been so turned on in all his life! This otherworldly being was riling him up so badly, his prick was virtually weeping with desperate need! He felt like even the slightest contact with it after that first flick would make it explode! "Ugggnnhh..." He moaned, clearly falling under her spell, those ruby eyes, slit like a snakes staring into his soul just made him feel weak, he couldn't resist! "Y...yes...I want you Domina..."

"Ah ah!" She lifted an index finger. "Mistress..." She corrected him.

And he quickly caught on, "Yes, I want you Mistress...Mistress Domina...please..."

"Eeeeexcellent..." She grinned, her forked tongue giving a little hiss as she suddenly dove down and stole the boy's first kiss!

"Mmh!" Tony's eyes went wide open in surprise! As he wasn't expecting that move, and his blush grew even pinker as she raped his mouth with her tongue. It was wild! It coiled and slithered with rapid movements. Exploring his cavern and bullying his shy little tongue by beating it up.

Domina immediately groaned into his mouth, "Mmmmmmmmmmghhhhh..." Tasting that innocence...oh that sweet, sweet virginity inside. It was going to be hers, aaaaaall hers. She was so eager! So ready to make him hers forever! How often did one get summoned to take virginity? Virtually never! When's the last one she got? 2-3 thousand years ago? Waaaaaaayy too long, her own heart was beating a million miles a minute with rampant desire as she fucked his face with her tongue. Not even bothering to part their lips and give repeated kisses as she just violated him with the deepest kiss he'd ever have. "Mmmmhhwwwaah! Haaaaaahh..." She gave a hissing sigh after getting herself high on his lips, the boy had melted just from the smooch alone and looked to be dreamily staring up at her with heart eyes. Time to go for it. " cute...this will be so fun...having you...wrapped around..." She leaned up, reaching down to the ties of her thong and pulling them apart quickly, freeing her private region from the confinement of it, and she threw it behind her back. "My...cock..." And her glorious nine plus inch member immediately sprang up and out! At the ready for some action, it nearly struck Tony in the chin from her close proximity. As well as the long sticky string of precum that was oozing from her. Faaarr thicker and gooier then Tony's little droplets of pre, showing off just how fired up she was as well!

Tony's eyes immediately went to it...and dilated. "WHOA! WHAT!?" He tried to flail away, but with the wall to his back, he only bumped into it and fell awkwardly down onto his side. Which Domina quickly capitalized on and dove down on top of him.

She laughed eeeevilly, sexy and dominatingly biting down onto his ear lobe as he squirmed. "Ah uuuuhhh, you agreed, no getting away now little one! Hehehe!" She giggled with excitement, straddling his bottom and grabbing his wrists to pin them right at the small of his back.

If her skin was warm, her cock was even hotter! That thing might have been steaming it was so soothingly heated. But Tony didn't focus on it much though as he was still writhing in her impossibly strong grip. "Wait wait! Nonono I never meant like this! That's not what the book said!"

Domina peeked over his shoulder, "Oh? But it's what you said little one, remember the incantation? 'Sukk ar dik?' summoned me with my cock take your anal virginity remeeeemberrr?" She giggled maliciously. Oh she knew that this was not his reason for summoning her, but she didn't care, this spell hardly ever gets used. Which is why as she thought earlier, she's so rarely called to fuck with her cock! And she wants to very very badly! Hence why she also plans on making this little binding to last for a goooood looooooooooong time.

Her hands lit up with a purple light for a moment, and suddenly, shackles appeared around his wrists, keeping them held in place there and freeing her hands to work elsewhere. Tony shook his head, "Whoa whoa whoa! Wait a minute! I've never done...I've never had anything up...I mean...I'm not!-"

"Will you be completing any of these sentences?" Domina teased him, "Hehe, it's better if you don't anyway." She leaned back and took hold of his hips, pulling him so that his face was still in the mattress and his ass was going up in the air. "You're a virgin boy, remember? I'm the first woman to ever touch you, you don't know what you like. You think because some other big beefy boys in your class like shoving their miserable little worms inside filthy pussies, means that you wanna do that too? Have you looked in the mirror baby? You're not exactly built like them." She noted, "You have the body of a fuuucking peeeerfect butt slut..." She squeezed his supple ass cheeks. She was right, his body looked soooo girly when he was naked in all but ankle socks like this. If you saw his form bending over, with his long-ish black hair, heart shaped ass with big booty cheeks. You'd think you were looking at a fuckable lady bent over before you! Especially in his baggy sweaters he liked to wear so much. "You'll never know if you like it unless you try it..."

"That's...that's beside the point! I can't!" He protested still, mind racing a million miles a minute! This turned south so quickly! His cock was still so hard with a fear boner at this point, but he couldn't break away.

Again she chuckled in that sultry tone of hers, "Ooooh shut up you frigid little thing...just relax and let Mommy open up your eyes..." She licked her lips, "I'm about to rock your world little slut..." She moved her face in...

"I'm not a slu-HUU!" Tony gasped! His eyes going wide as he felt a long, slithering appendage suddenly started tonguing his little star. Sliding up and down, around and over the perfect hole between pale plush cheeks. And the warmest tingling rush washed through Tony's small body.

"Mmmmmmmmhhhh...ooohhh fuuuuck...aaeeehhhhhh..." Domina moaned as she ran her inhumanly long tongue all over his flower. "You were delicious from a kiss but down here...nnfff...I could taste this ass all day!" She dove in again, her tongue putting in some pressure to easily slip right through his tight passage and taste for the first time, his pure virginity. "Mggghhhhhhh..." Her red orbs rolled up into her head for a moment before she shut them. Cock THROBBING with need now, she was gushing a virtual river of precum that spilled down her length and onto her balls. No pussy in sight for him, just a thick, massive cock, and fuuull pair of delicious balls. The plump, plum sized orbs also surging with a need to empty themselves. She grabbed her cock with her free hand and started stroking it, using her oozing pre for a lubricant, it was nice, slippery, sticky and she was spilling plenty of it. She knew this and her saliva would be more then enough lubricant for him.

Tony was completely frozen in place, his mouth agape, tiny little squeaks of unsure origin kept escaping him. His fists clenching and unclenching in their bonds as his sock clad feet also squirmed down below. His body was at war with itself! Because that tongue, twisting, wriggling and squirming around in his forbidden was supposed to feel bad. He was a boy! Nothing's supposed to go up there!

So why did it feel like it was touching aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the right places inside him. "Uuuuhhhhuuh...nngghhuuuhh..." A few reluctant moans escaped his throat, struggling on whether or not he should say something more. Eventually though he did manage a very weak and slightly insincere, "S...stoooop..."

"Mmmmh?" Domina raised a brow, not halting yet as she was having too much fun rimming this virgin asshole. Giving it a few more loving kisses and letting her tongue go niiiice and deeeeep before pulling it's long length back out and into her mouth, licking her lips. "Nnnffff...what? You want me to stoooop? Are you suuuuure?" She ran her fingers over his wet hole, applying some of her own precum to it as well. "It looks like you're having fun...hehe...what? Don't wanna admit you like having something" She suddenly pushed her finger into him! Pushing more of her saliva and pre inside.

"Ggghn!" Earning Tony's head tossing back for a moment before she extracted the digit with even more evil giggling.

"Ohhh don't you worry butt slut...I'm gonna make sure you learn to looooove how cock feels...nnnfff..." She said menacingly over his shoulder as she climbed up onto her heeled boots again, standing with one leg on either side of him and mounting up from behind. Laying her sopping wet with Succubus goo cock right between his ass cheeks. Rubbing it in as a final warning to Tony of what was about to happen. "Ooouuff...your virginity...ooohh it's so sweet...fuuuuck my cock's sooo haaaard thinking about want me to take it don't you? I know you want me to fuck your whore hole with everything I've got and make you screeeeam don't you?" She laughed like the seductress she is! Clearly getting off on her own words as she lowered her hips, bringing her tip within striking range...

Tony risked a worried glance behind him at her...gosh she was glorious. Her body was so beautiful with her red tone. What was she doing to him? He felt so flushed, such a blushing bride sensation of being about to be taken! He was freezing up, feeling like he should do something to try to resist, say something else even. But her words echoed in his head, 'you'll never know if you like it unless you try it...' And his body was on fire right now, everything she was doing was making him melt under her...what was he supposed to do? All he was able to mutter was, "Mistress...please..." Which turned out to be the wrong phrase.

Because suddenly, there was a sharp pressure sensation and a weight coming down on his back, as well as the feeling of a massive invader penetrating his anal ring, in a good, slow sliding push, her dick drilled right through his defenses. Covered in her slippery, slimy love goo, it made it easy for her to dip right down and into the depths of his boyhood. "Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhoooohhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeesss!" She moaned out, nearly crying out the words as she pushed inside! Her body coming down and tumbling on top of Tony, pushing him into a prone position right away with her legs on either side of his body. Breasts against his back and her teeth by his ear.

"Uggggghhhhuuhhghh! Nggghuuugh! Aaaahhh..." Tony weakly moaned, feeling himself being split in half by her size! His tunnel being streeeeetched out perfectly around her, it hurt a little bit, but her extra slippery pre-spunk and her rimming lubrication thankfully worked to ease the pain and allow her inside nice and deep. Right to the balls as she pressed all the way in, feeling his core wrap around her length as she predicted it would, she arched her back and moaned out to the ceiling in pure bliss.

The incredible sensations of his purity flooding through her, putting her in a state of ecstasy. "Oooohhh my God! Ohhhh...your's delicious!" She said loudly, her voice arching high up for a moment. Tony though squirmed a little more still, his hands behind her back as his body attempted to adjust to the battering ram crammed up into his tummy.

"''s too big...please..." He started to beg her, feeling the tingles all over his form. She thankfully stayed still for a moment, allowing him to just feel the throbbing, the pulsing of her cock and her hammering heartbeat on his back. The burning sensation went away quickly, replaced with the soothing heat of her member. Helping it relax away, and the girth of her dick kept a steady pressure on the prostate within his hole. Slowly but surely, the endorphins and pleasure triggers began to ebb their wayout of the gland and relax the boy.

Domina looped her arms through his own, bringing her hands into his hair and holding onto it. Earning another moan from the teen as she gripped him by his dark tresses. "Ooooohhh hsssssssss...." She hissed, her tongue flicking on his ear, "Such a tight...tiiiiight butt slut...oooohh fuck...mine now...nnfff mine forever... and eeever... ooh!" On the words forever and ever, she pulled back and pushed her hips forward! Thrusting inside experimentally, and making Tony squeal on each one. She could feel his body reacting to her own, even though he wouldn't admit it, she could sense his own pleasure. Reluctant to confess how much of an anal whore he would soon be, she's have to milk it out of him.

She chuckled and started to rock, keeping his movement restricted with her grip on his hair and locked up arms. The toes of her boots dug into the mattress below and her body covering his completely. Pelvis starting to clap on his ass as she picked up the motions, pulling out, shove in! Pull out, shove in! "Ooooouuu yeeeesss baby...ohh good...such a sweet boy....a sweet slut...aahhh..." She ran her tongue along his cheek. " like it don't you? It's okay to admit...hehehe...I know it's big...but you're taking it aaaaall aren't you?"

"Nnnngggghhuuuuhhh...M-Mi-i-streeess..." Tony's speech came out soooo shaky! Unable to move, unable to fight, he could only lay there and take it. Hearing her sexy voice just speaking the most dirty, lurid things into his ear while her cock made itself a home inside him. Exploring the velvety wet inner walls of his ass. Comfortably enjoying itself and pushing down on his p-spot with every entry. "'s...s-so...big...I...I...ohh fuuuckk..." His body...what was happening? He couldn't think straight! All he could focus on was that fat dick in his sugar chute!

And the sharp teeth nibbling on his ear, the sultry laughter she made right into his head, and the quickening pace of her hips, making a rhythmic 'clap...clap..!' On his ass cheeks. "It's's okay...yeeeeess it like like being fucked up your ass...sssaaayy iiiit..." Her tongue slithered out, tonguing his ear lobe while she spoke. "Admit it...if you don't...hehe...your body will fooor you...won't it little one?"

"Uuuuhnnnnngh!" Tony finally let out a high pitched squeal that in nooo way could be argued that it wasn't a moan of pleasure. She wasn't telling him lies, she was whispering the dirty truth. Every plap of her balls spanking his cheeks in their two thrusts per second pace was telling him the same thing over and over again. It felt good. His ass was liking what her dick was doing to it, and he could feel a very wet mess underneath him, there was probably a huge stain of precum beneath his belly. "Nnnhggh...nooo...nooooh...I don't...I don't like it...I dooooon't oooooohhhh Gooosh! Uggghhh!"

"Hehehehe! Hahahah!" Domina let out girly laughter at his denial, "Oooohhh fuuuck your so sexy! Ugggh! Yes baby...ooohh deny it even more...what a fucking slut you are uugggh!" She groaned again, leaning up a little, her hips picking up a harder momentum, really ramming down over and over again. Plundering that booty for all the bliss it could provide. "You're squeezing me sooo fucking tight! Aaaahh...Don't think you're an anal whore? Well then...let me show you...butt slut! Hehehehe!" She pulled back, and adjusted her legs.

Reaching under them, she scooped up Tony by his thighs and suddenly flipped him over. "Aaah!" He squeaked again at the sudden repositioning and her cock popping out of him. Ashamedly, a little groan of...disappointment left his lips as he suddenly felt very...empty. Only for her to lay him on his back and lift his legs up, bending them at a right angle so that she could squat over his form. Heels down on the bed on either side of him and her cock pointed straight down for a mating press.

"Nnnnnfff...let's see you deny what a slut you are when you're looking right at it..." And she JAMMED her cock right back inside!

"UGGGHHUH!" Tony cried out as all the stops had been pulled out, and now Domina was fucking him with everything that she had! Three smacks of her balls against his cheeks per second now and ramming her dick all the way in, pulling it all the way out to the tip and pushing back in again and againagainagainagainagain!

His smallish form rocking and the bed squeaking, the gyration of her belly from her thrusting motions rocking them both, bouncing him into the mattress so that his hips met her pelvis for each thrust. Tony squinted his eyes closed for a moment as he was hit by an asteroid of sensation. Only for them to blink wide open as she kissed him again! Never once ceasing her movements, just riding him with his legs up and spread like the slut she was determined to make him into!

Her tongue danced with his own, swallowing the moans that came out for a bit before their lips smacked and she pulled back again, raising up high above him, tits bouncing and swaying hypnotically for his viewing pleasure. Something was coming, he could feel her cock pushing down on such a delicate spot over and over. Abusing it with her fat, bulbous tip, it churned his nerves, and set off roaring fires in his belly. "Aaaghhaaaghagaahh! Domi-Dominaaaa! Aaaghh! I caaaaaan't!" He cried out only suddenly to get a straight up sharp smack across the face! His heart doing a flip in his chest from the jolt it hit him with.

Domina grabbed his chin again. "Mistress! Say it slut!"

"Mistress! Aagghhh! Haaaghh! I'm...I'm..." Tony cried out, the pleasure against his will building...and was so much, he'd never felt this way before...he was going to explode.

"Say it you little fucking bitch...what's this cock gonna make you do huh?" She kept a tight grip on his chin, only to then sloooowly slip her hand down to Tony's soft, vulnerable little neck...ooooh it would look sooo pretty with her collar on it. And she took hold of it and gave it a good squeeeeeeeeze.

That set everything on fire, everything of Tony's being was electrified! Everything tingled, his vision had spots, and his toes pointed straight during their bouncing. "SAY IT!"

"CUMMIIIIIIINNNNGGGG! AAAAAAAAAAAGGHHHH!" Tony screeeeeamed loud enough that the neighbors down the street could've heard him and probably would have thought that he was getting murdered from the sheer high pitch of it. But something about feeling her hand around his vulnerable neck, just giving him the teeniest little choke, it set off everything. He couldn't hold it back, and without touching his cock. He felt it burst with pleasure.

"Ooooooooooooggghhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeesss!" Domina groaned with a growly, lustful, teeth gritting tone. Watching his eyes roll up and his tongue loll out while he twitched. "Fuuuck yes! Slut! Fucking anal slut cum for me! Cum for you Mistress you little bitch! Yeeeesss ohhh!" She rocked her hips against him harder and harder!

His cockle shot out his own little strands of snow white, virgin seed. His innocence on display as she milked his first of maaaaaaaaaaaaany more, anal orgasms. His ass tightening up even more, squeezing her tighter then any hole ever had before, her own ruby eyes began to glow brightly, and her tail whipped back and forth from her excitement pooling!

"Ooooohhhyeeesss! Yeeeeeesss! Oh mine! My boy! Mineminemine!" She virtually swooned while she gyrated, grinding straight down onto his hole, feeling her smooth, heavy sack tighten up! His innocence flooding through her, filling her with such wonderful sensation and light. She grew a wide, almost dreamy smile and her eyes lolled up as well. Grinding with all she had until her cock could take being strangled by this virgin hole no longer! "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesss! Ohhh take my fucking seed you little...bitch! UGGGGGGGGGHHHHHUUHGHH!" She groooooooooaaaned hard, leaning over his body as her nuts started to flex. So powerfully the little 'chhk' sounds of them pumping out her load could've been heard past her declaration of ecstasy. Both of them unaware of the purple light emitting from Domina's pelvis, and beneath her hand on Tony's neck.

She ground her hips a few more times while her cock erupted, the tip swelling and shooting out in full second long bursts of spunk. His insides immediately flushing white with her seed, coating every tunnel with her steaming spunk. It fired like a garden house with it's strength and her swimmers speedily began to work their way up into his quickly warming belly. Her forked tongue lolled out and they both shared a moment of ahegao with their shared climax.

Domina hadn't cum this hard in generations, she truly couldn't remember the last time she'd had suuuch a good orgasm like this! It felt as though she was dumping liters of cum into his pure belly. "Ooooohhh...ooohhh yeeess...take it...more....oooh all of it..." She groaned again, swiveling her hips to stir her cock, and encourage more of her gooey love gunk to spurt out, spilling an inhuman amount of baby making jelly into the boys unprotected tummy. "Mmmmmmmmmmhhhhh..." She purred. Tony's own tense, climaxing state slowly starting to wind down.

Their bodies depleted of energy from the wild, mind shattering sex they both just experienced, panting, hearts still thrumming. Ohhhh Tony certainly underestimated what he should be doing with that book. As apparently, just a slip of the incantation propelled him into this mess, with a leaking, semi-hard dick still crammed deeply into his ass.

But something neither of them had yet noticed, was that as they both came together, the purple light coming from them both seemed to take form on each of their bodies. On Domina's pelvis, just above the root of her cock, a crest in the shape of a heart had formed, and around Tony's neck...

A collar like tattoo had appeared, where the lock to it in the front, had the exact matching symbol of the love crest above Domina's cock...