LILITH By WhiskeyIsGood

The bed shook and creaked violently underneath of me, as I slumped forward and buried my face in the pillows. My whole body trembled, as she thrust her monster cock in and out of my stretched, abused asshole. It burned like fire.

I was gasping for air and moaning and sweating, deep down inside, I was loving every second of this and all I wanted was to cum. I felt myself getting closer and closer and so was she, I knew. With a loud moan, I bucked my hips and pushed my ass back against her cock. My ass began to convulse and clamp down around her cock, my own flaccid dick spewing cum all over the bed sheets underneath of me.

That's when I felt her cock swelling up and with an inhuman roar, she buried herself deep in my ass and exploded. I screamed, as she pumped her cum into me. It was liquid hot, like the fires of hell and yet strangely very arousing and pleasing.

I collapsed onto the bed and Lilith withdrew her cock, her jizz leaking out and down my legs. The cool air rushed into my gaping asshole and I groaned; it felt soothing.

"That felt fucking great," I said, still breathing heavy and drenched in sweat.

"Did it now? I told you, most of my slaves enjoy being my slaves."

She hadn't been kidding; I couldn't believe how much I had enjoyed everything that Lilith had done to me, so far. This deal that I had was the best thing that I had ever done.

Let me take you back to the beginning though, so you understand a little better.

I stumbled upon this old antique shop and out of pure curiosity, decided to step inside and take a look around. I wasn't expecting to find a solution to my problems in this shop, don't get me wrong. I was just bored and had nothing better to do with my time, so there I was, walking around that antique shop.

As I stepped into the back of the store, I noticed they had a very small book section.

There wasn't much of a selection, just a small variety of books that all looked quite old. One thing caught my eye though...

A very large, thick brown book, with what appeared to be a Pentagram on the front; a Satanic book? I picked it up and examined the cover. It seemed to be made out of leather and obviously, was extremely old. I don't know why I was so interested in the damn thing.

I've never been into the paranormal or things like that and I certainly, was not a religious guy. Something about this book though, just seemed to draw my full attention to it; maybe it knew what a mess my life was.

I flipped the book open and started scanning through the pages. It consisted of a mix of different things, from how to cast spells and hex people, to summoning demons and then...making deals with them. Specifically, it spoke of one demon known as Lilith, who would grant any one wish if you summoned her.

Immediately, my mind began racing as I read about Lilith and the power that she possessed. Part of me was convinced that this was a load of shit; like I said, I never believed in that kind of thing. Another part of me though, was struggling with the whole thing and curious, if it really was fake.

If it were real...I could fix all of my problems in an instant, just by summoning this thing and asking it to help me. Taking a chance, I closed the book and rushed through the shop to the front desk. There was no price tag on the book and I only had five dollars on me; I was hoping that they might let me have it, for some sort of discount. I set the book on the counter and rang the bell, trying to get the attention of whoever worked there.

An old Japanese man emerged from the backroom; he looked like he was probably in his late sixties. He slowly walked towards the counter, with a big smile on his face...that smile quickly disappeared though, when he noticed the book sitting on the counter in front of him.

With shaking hands, the man lifted the item up and examined it and then looked at me.

"You don't want this book," he said, voice trembling.


"You should find something else; this book is not for sale."

Was he serious?

"Then why was it on the shelf? Look, if it's not for sale you shouldn't have it sitting out like that. I would really like to buy it from you though, so-"

"I said, this book is not for sale! Now, please leave..."

Shocked and very confused, as well as quite aggravated, I turned and slowly walked out of the shop. I didn't leave the area though...

I stayed outside, hiding behind a wall where the owner of the shop couldn't see me from the window. I would steal an occasional glance through the window, every few moments...until I could tell that he was finally out of sight.

The book however, was still sitting on top of the counter; right where I hoped it would stay. You can pretty much assume what it was, that I was planning on doing. I'm not proud to say it, because stealing isn't my style normally. I was desperate though, desperate to find a solution to my problems, to make my life better for both myself and my mother.

I slowly opened the door to the shop, flinching when the bell clanked above me and hoping that the man didn't hear it ringing. Slowly and cautiously, I made my way towards the front counter and ducked down, when I heard what sounded like a door opening somewhere in the back of the store; someone was coming.

I grabbed the book, tucked it under my shirt, turned around and darted out the front door and down the street.

Running as fast as my legs would carry me, I didn't stop until I reached 2nd street train station and boarded the Frankford El, heading back home with the stolen book.

When I got home, I went directly to my bedroom and started reading through the book again. If I was going to do this, I needed to know what exactly, I needed to do.

Re-reading the section about Lilith, I scanned through the instructions more carefully this time, then I had at the shop. There was a passage, just above the ritual that warned the reader that they must be absolutely certain, they want to do this before summoning Lilith.

"He who summon the lovely Lilith, must be willing to sacrifice everything he cherish. Lilith demands the highest form of payment, for your deepest desires."

I would have given just about anything, to have Lilith grant my wish; anything. What could she possibly want? My soul? Or maybe that was a bit too cliche, maybe she would want something else.

I brushed that off and decided I would cross that bridge, when and if I came to it. If this thing even worked...if I wasn't just fucking crazy, letting my imagination run wild.

The ritual required a few things to be performed.

White chalk, to draw a few sigils. Three black candles. And a drop of blood that had to be from the person performing the ritual. Eager to see if it would work, I rushed out once again and gathered the things that I needed. I returned later that evening and waited anxiously in my bedroom, for my mother to leave for work.

I didn't want to do this while she was home; she would think I was crazy and probably tell me to throw the book away. Mom was actually pretty religious, unlike me so I knew damn well, that this sort of thing would not go over well with her. Once she left for work, I grabbed everything and ran downstairs to the basement and got started.

I took the chalk and drew a large pentagram in the middle of the basement floor, big enough to stand in the middle of it. Then, I grabbed the three black candles and lit them, placing them around the pentagram.

I took a steak knife from the kitchen, grabbed the book and sat down in the middle of the pentagram. Taking a deep breath, I flipped the book open to the part about Lilith and began to read the instructions.

After reciting a few lines from the book, I took the steak knife and sliced my palm open. I flinched, as the blade cut through the flesh of my hand and blood dripped into the circle. I looked back to the book and followed the last of the instructions.

"Lilith...I call to you. Please, come to me. My name is Jimmy and I wish to make a deal."


I sat there in the dark basement for what felt like an eternity, after reciting those final words from the book.

Two minutes passed...five minutes...ten minutes...and twenty minutes.

After a full half an hour had gone by, I was beginning to feel a little irritated and stupid. I was starting to question, why I had bothered doing any of this crap in the first place. It was a load of shit...of course it was a load of shit! God, I had been so stupid for thinking this would work. Feeling very pissed off at myself, I stood up and was about to start cleaning everything up, when I heard a voice from the far left corner of the basement...

"Going somewhere?"

I jumped, startled by the voice. It was female, sweet and gentle. I turned around and my eyes went wide at what I saw. Standing in the corner of the room, was the most beautiful thing that I had ever laid eyes on. A woman, older then me...maybe in her thirties? I didn't really know.

She was taller then I was, about 6'2" to be exact. She had long, curly red hair that came down to the middle of her back. She was wearing a long, flowing red dress. Her nails were painted red and she had red lipstick.

Those beautiful green eyes, seemed to stare deep into my soul.

"The party hasn't even gotten started," she said, with a smile. "You're leaving already?"

"W-Who...who are you?"

"Jimmy boy...I'm disappointed."

She stepped out of the shadows, slowly walking towards me and started circling me like a shark, circling it's prey.

"You summoned me here and you don't even know, what I look like? Haven't you done your research?"


"Winner winner, chicken dinner."

I gave a slight chuckle and she grinned at me.

"So, Jimmy boy...what's happening? Why did you summon me here?"

I was frozen, trying to think of what to say next. It really worked...I couldn't believe it, but it had really worked. Now that I knew this whole thing was real though and Lilith was standing right in front of me, I had no idea what to say. She stood there, looking quite patient with me as she waited for me to speak.

" to make a wish?"

"Well, I thought so...but what is the wish, Jimmy? I can't help you, until you tell me what you need help with."


Lilith raised her finger, pressing it to her lips and staring at me for a moment. She stepped closer to me suddenly and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me towards her.

"It's all yours Jimmy boy," she said, softly.

Then suddenly, she was leaning in close and pressing her lips to mine, in a soft and passionate kiss.

I was surprised but offered no struggle, kissing her back and moaned as her tongue slipped into my mouth. She tasted good...really good, in fact; like cherries. Her kiss was warm, soothing, intoxicating and overwhelming. I felt my head starting to spin and could hear my heart, pounding in my ears.

My cock was throbbing in my pants and I had never been more turned on, in my whole fucking life. Somewhere in the back of my head, I knew this was wrong; I didn't care though. I brushed those thoughts aside and stood there, making out with her and loving every single moment of it.

Lilith took my hand and guided it under her dress. I moved my hand up her long, smooth leg, towards her crotch. The closer I got, the hotter I started to get and the more I wanted her so bad. I froze though, when I reached my destination and yanked my hand back, with shock; something was very wrong here.

Instead of a warm, wet pussy...Lilith had a very long, thick cock.

"What the fuck!?"

"What's the matter Jimmy boy?" Lilith asked, teasingly.


"Y-You have...a dick!"

"That I do," she replied. "And it's much bigger then yours, I promise you that."

" is that even possible?"

Lilith started laughing, shaking her head and sitting down on a chair in the corner of the basement. She lifted her dress and there it was, in full view and standing at full attention.

Lilith's cock was massive! It was about twelve inches, very thick, with a large purple vein running down the left side. The purple mushroom shaped head, looked incredibly intimidating and was dripping a bead of pre-cum. Her balls hung low and big and heavy. I couldn't believe my eyes...

"You do realize, I am a demon; I can make myself appear in any form that I wish," Lilith explained.

"I just so happen to really enjoy, the form of a beautiful girl, with a very big cock."

"I see..."

"Now," she continued. "About that deal?"

I had nearly forgotten about the reason I even had Lilith here, with the shock of finding out that she had a dick. ", you'll grant my wish then?"

"Of course, Jimmy."

Lilith leaned back in the chair and I heard the wooden legs creak. I watched, as she wrapped her hand around that massive cock and started to slowly stroke it, her hand gliding up and down the impressive shaft.

"There's just one thing I want in"

"Me? in, my soul?"

"Yes. And your ass, of course."

I blinked and it took a few moments, but it eventually sunk in, what Lilith meant. That massive piece of meat between her legs...she wanted to fuck me with that thing.

"You sign your soul over to me right now, sealed with a nice kiss and the greatest fuck of your life. Then, when your time in this world is over and you're dead and get a one way ticket to my world. There, you'll spend the rest of eternity taking it in the ass from me."

I didn't know how I felt about that, at all. Selling my soul was one thing, but Lilith wanted me to be her sex slave? Even that alone, would have been okay; but she had a cock and it was massive! I didn't think I could handle it one time, let alone every day for all of eternity.

"I don't know," I said, suddenly feeling very reluctant, to follow through with this deal.

"Oh, come on now Jimmy boy...what's the problem?"


"Look, it's okay. You're going to love this big thing, I promise you that. All of my slaves enjoy it."

Lilith stood and walked towards me again, her monster cock swinging back and forth between her legs, as she approached me. Then, she grabbed my hand and forced me to grab her cock. It was hot to the touch, very felt foreign. This was the first time I had ever held another dick, besides my own. Was it really all that bad, though? I didn't know.

"Tell you what," Lilith said, turning her back on me again.

"Think about it...I'll give you until midnight, tomorrow night. When I come back, I'll be expecting an answer and I do hope it's the right one. You and your mother both deserve a better life, then the one you're living right now."

With that said, Lilith blinked and disappeared, right before my very eyes. She didn't wait for me to agree to anything...just took off and left me standing in the basement, stunned by everything that had just transpired. I had one whole day to figure out what I wanted to do; what the fuck did I want to do?

Getting a hold of myself, I started quickly cleaning things up. I got all the chalk up off of the floor, as well as the blood that I had dripped into the middle of the circle.

Blew out the candles, hid everything in a crawl space under the stairs and rushed upstairs to my bedroom. I spent a while just pacing back and forth, trying to wrap my head around everything. The summonining had worked...Lilith was real. She was willing to grant my wish, to give me everything that I wanted and all she wanted, was for me to agree to be her sex slave.

To sell my soul.

Part of me wondered though; was this a trick?

Lilith was after all, a demon. Weren't they supposed to be tricksters, luring you in and trying to get you to do what they want, no matter what it takes? What if I agreed to this and sold my soul, just to find out that she had lied to me and we continued struggling financially. Then, I would be her eternal slave and what would I get out of it? A giant fucking cock, balls deep in my ass.

Eventually, I laid down and tried to sleep for the night. It took me a while to drift off but when I did, I found myself in a very vivid and intense dream.

I was laying in my bed...naked and staring at the door to my room. Slowly, a dark figure appeared right in front of me and after a few moments, the figure stepped out of the shadows and smiled at me; it was Lilith. She too, was naked and her cock was fully erect, pointing straight out at me.

She crawled onto the bed and moved over me, kissing me on the lips and all over my neck. Our cock's rubbed together, hers obviously far bigger then my own. I moaned, as she continued planting soft kisses all over my chest and my neck and instinctively, I parted my legs for her.

She moved between them and I felt the tip of her cock, pressing against my ass crack. Kissing me on the lips and shoving her tongue down my throat, Lilith pushed forward and I tensed up, gasping and moaning as her cock slid into my tight virgin ass.

She fucked me slow and, she made love to me...and I was really enjoying it.

My hands moved up and down her back, moaning and panting as she slid in and out of me. I was on the verge of cumming, when my alarm clock rang out beside me and I jumped wide awake. I sat straight up, covered in sweat from head to toe.

My cock was hard as a rock and I could feel myself leaking pre-cum, into my boxers. Holy fuck, I thought to myself...I thought for sure that had been real. It was perhaps the most vivid dream, that I had ever experienced. I stopped my alarm clock and fell back onto the bed again, staring up at the ceiling above me.

I had this strange a tingling sensation, all over my body. My cock was still standing at full attention and I just felt so fucking horny. Without much thinking, I slid my hand into my boxers and wrapped my fingers around my cock, slowly stroking.

My eyes fell shut and I saw Lilith before me, smiling with those beautiful eyes staring right into mine. Just a few slow strokes, and I arched my back, moaning Lilith's name and started to cum. I sunk into the mattress, pulling my hand from my was covered in my own cum.

"What the fuck," I muttered, sitting up and grabbing a towel that was sitting on my computer chair.

I wiped my hand clean and made my way to the shower, washing up and heading downstairs.

I cooked breakfast and mom went to work. I spent the rest of the day thinking about everything; Lilith, mom, the wish, my soul. By the time the sun went down, I had made up my mind...I was going to say yes, to Lilith. I was going to give her what she wanted and in exchange, Lilith would give me what I wanted. Besides, if sex with Lilith felt nearly as good as it had in that dream I had last night, I figured eternity would be pretty good.

I spent that night online, listening to music and waiting anxiously for midnight to come. Mom got home from work around 7:30 and took a quick shower, before heading out on her date with Michael.

She called me later that night and told me that she would be staying out for the night...she didn't have to explain why. I could pretty much assume, what was happening with her and her new "friend."

At 11:45 I stood from my computer chair and stretched. Taking a deep breath, I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it to the floor. Then, I sat on the foot of my bed and stared at the clock, starting the countdown in my head; ten minutes to midnight.

Five minutes to midnight...

Three minutes...

One minute...

The clock struck twelve and I blinked, expecting Lilith to just be there, standing in the corner of my room...she was. The room suddenly turned freezing cold and my light started flickering.

Standing right in front of my bedroom door, like in my dream, Lilith was smiling back at me.

"So, Jimmy boy...what's it going to be?"

"I have a few questions," I said, in response.

"Ask away."

I took a moment, then cleared my throat. "Did you do that...with that guy Michael? Did you set all that up?"

Lilith winked, "You're guess is a good one. It's just a little sample of the life, that I can provide you in exchange for your soul."

"I figured as much," I smiled.

" does this work? I mean...are you taking me to hell?"

"Not yet," she shook her head. "You get ten years. Ten years to enjoy your own piece of the good life, and then I'll come for what's mine. Sound fair?"

Actually, it was a pretty good deal. I thought once the deal was made, it went into effect right off the bat. Figured that Lilith would snatch me up and drag me to hell...I was a bit relieved to know, that this was not the case.

"It's a deal then," I said, finally.

Lilith's eyes lit up and a wicked grin sprawled across her face.

"I knew you couldn't turn me down," she said, stepping forward.

I was still sitting on the edge of my bed, as Lilith reached out and stroked my cheek.

"Now, it's time to make it official."

Lilith raised her dress, revealing her thick cock; fully erect and pointing straight at me, just like in that dream I had.

I could practically feel the heat radiating from her member, as I licked my lips and opened my mouth. Before I could say a word, Lilith rammed her dick down my throat and I gagged.

My eyes filled with tears as my throat squeezed around her cock, my body jumping as I gagged each time she thrust into my mouth. She pushed all the way into my throat and I could feel her heavy balls, pressing against my chin. Long fingers moved slowly through my hair, taking a fistful of it and forcing my head up and down.

I was gradually starting to adjust, stretching my jaw wider then I ever would have thought possible.

Lilith pulled back and I gasped for air, taking in a deep breath as she slapped her dick against my face a few times.

"Good boy," she said. "Now, let's get rid of those clothes."

She snapped her fingers and I blinked; my clothes were gone. Vanished, into thin air, as though they had never even been there to begin with. I opened my mouth to ask what had happened, but Lilith shoved me back onto the bed and climbed on top of me. Much like in the dream, my new Demon Mistress began kissing me all over.

On my neck, my chest, my forehead and my lips. I groaned, as she sucked and licked at my nipples and took both my cock and hers in her hand and started stroking them together.

Suddenly, she grabbed me by my hips and flipped me onto my stomach. Her tits pressing down against my back and pushing me into the mattress, I could feel her cock poking at my asshole. My heart was pounding and I was panting and sweating; I wanted this. I wanted her cock in my ass...I couldn't believe the way that she was making me feel.

It was as if Lilith had some strange spell over me, like she was controlling my emotions.

Sucking on my neck, Lilith probed my hole with her cock, humping me and teasing me for a few long moments. Just when I thought she was finally about to take the plunge, Lilith climbed off of me and flipped me onto my back again.

She grabbed my head and pulled it into her lap, feeding me her huge cock once again.

Forcing my head all the way down, Lilith began fucking my mouth with a desire for one thing and one thing only; to blow her load in my mouth. She got exactly what she wanted, as her cock swelled up nice and good and with a growl, she erupted and flooded my mouth with her burning hot cum.

I choked, swallowing the best that I could and gagging a little, too.

It was thick, it was creamy and it burned going down. It tasted good though; sweet, like candy and I savored the taste, never wanting it to go away. Once I had swallowed every drop of her cum, Lilith pulled her dick from my mouth and shoved me back onto the bed and smiled down at me.

"It's a deal."

With that, she was gone. I was getting a bit tired of her just appearing and disappearing without warning and I wished, that she had of stayed a bit longer. I wanted to do so much more, then just suck her ass burned, eager to feel her deep inside of me.

What was this fucking effect that she had over me?

In any case, the deal had been wouldn't take long for me to start seeing results.

Mom came home the next day and told me all about her night with Michael; as suspected, she had slept with him. Of course, she didn't straight up tell me that...but I could tell. They went out on another date a week later and another the week after that. Soon, they were going out together practically every Friday and Saturday night and I had never seen mom so happy before.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months, and before long, mom and Michael had been dating for half a year. I had met the guy on a few occasions myself and honestly, he really was as nice as mom said he was. I also met his son, Jake, who seemed like a really decent kid himself.

Jake was about a year younger then I was and didn't seem like a very social person; that didn't change the fact that he was an alright guy though.

Just after the six month mark, Michael asked mom to move in with him; of course, she said yes right away. He also offered to let me come with her and stay there as well. Of course, I said yes too and a week later, we had both moved into what I could consider to be the biggest house, I have ever seen.

Michael must have had like six bedrooms, three bathrooms and a huge backyard and basement.

If there were a heaven, surely this was the place. Mom quit both of her jobs and took on the house wife role; she deserved it. Michael treated her like gold and that was really, all I could ask for. Lilith had really held true to her word and her end of the bargain.

Every night after the night that we made the deal, I continued dreaming about Lilith. These dreams were always so vivid, so realistic, that it felt like Lilith was actually there with me.

There was always sex, in every single one of these dreams and I always woke up covered in sweat, my boxers drenched with cum. It was starting to get out of hand now though, because I was constantly horny. If I wasn't dreaming about Lilith, I was locked in my bedroom and jerking off, any chance I could get to myself.

I was going crazy! I even wound up going out and buying a dildo, though I'm not quite proud to admit to that.

Before bed almost every night, I would strip down, shower, return to my room and pull out the nine inch dildo from it's hiding spot in the back of my closet. I would lube up, get in bed and carefully slide the large rubber dong into my tight little ass. The first time that I did it, hurt like hell but it was worth it in the end.

After a few minutes of messing around and pushing through the pain and discomfort, it wound up feeling really good. I rode the dildo good and hard, fantasizing that it was actually Lilith fucking my tight ass and I had probably the most intense orgasm of my life; it still wasn't good enough though.

I still couldn't shake the feeling, that as good as a rubber dildo felt, the real thing would feel a hundred times different...for better or for worse.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized...I didn't want to have to wait the entire ten years, just to start doing these things with Lilith. Of course, I was in no hurry to die and go to some other dimension and leave everything behind; I did really want to fuck Lilith though. Finally, I decided...I had to have her.

So, one night when my mom and Michael were out on a date together, I grabbed the book from my drawer where I had been keeping it hidden...and made my way into the basement.

For the first time in six months, I drew the chalk pentagram, set up the candles, spilled some of my own blood and summoned Lilith.

Just like the first time I had called her, I found myself sitting there and waiting impatiently for her to appear. My heart kept pounding and I was starting to wonder if maybe she wouldn't come. Maybe this spell only worked one time, for you to make a deal with her and after that, it was useless.

I sighed, not wanting to give it up just yet...

"Fancy meeting you here."

I jumped, startled by her voice and pushed myself to my feet. Spinning around on my heels, I found myself staring at Lilith who was no more then a few feet away from me.

"You do know, you only get one wish Jimmy."

"I know," I replied, nodding my head. "I just...that's not what I called you here."

"Oh? Then, what's the meaning of all of this?"

I stepped forward nervously and reached out to her, placing my hand on her hip and she looked down at my hand and back up at me. "What are you doing, boy?"

"Lilith...I um...was wondering if maybe, we could rearrange our deal? Just slightly."

"Hmm, sorry kiddo; no can do. Why would you want to do that anyway? You've got everything you wanted, right?"

"Right, of course! I didn't mean to cancel it or anything like that. What I meant was...well...what if you took me as your slave right now?"

She cocked her head and grinned, clearly surprised but not entirely against what I was suggesting. "Yes, that's right," she said softly.

"I've been watching you...I know the dirty things you've been doing. The fantasies you've been having about me, coming to your room and ravaging you...dirty, dirty boy."

"I don't know what you did to me," I said, my breath catching in my throat for a moment. "But, I can't stop thinking about you."

"That's good..."

Lilith took my hand and moved it down under her dress, just like last time. I wrapped my hand around her cock, gently stroking it and feeling it grow harder and harder in my grip.

"You want my cock, don't you boy?"

"Y-Yes Mistress."

"I know you do," she whispered. "Get on your knees."

I wasted no time, obediently dropping to my knees right in front of her. Lilith lifted her dress and her massive cock sprang free, standing fully erect. I opened my mouth and wrapped my hungry lips around her,taking her right into my throat and Lilith let out a soft, satisfied moan.

"That's good, Jimmy boy. You really love my cock, don't you?"

I gave a muffled "Mmhm" and continued sucking, attempting to deep throat but gagging and having to pull back for a moment.

I didn't wait for long before taking her again though, pushing myself to try and deep throat her again. As my mouth adjusted to her large size and my gag reflex began to relax, I found myself slowly getting better and better. Within a few moments, I was taking the entire thing and deep throating like I had been doing it for years.

Lilith was beyond satisfied with my actions, running her hands through my hair and forcing my head up and down. Then, I felt her twitch and swell up, and without any verbal warning, Lilith pumped what felt like a gallon of her cum down my throat. I had missed that taste...that sweet flavor, burning my throat as I swallowed it down.

It felt like taking a sip of very hot tea. It burns when you drink it down, but the burning sensation in your chest is almost...soothing.

When she finished, Lilith pushed me back and her cock slid out of my mouth with a loud, audible pop.

"You're such a little cock sucker, aren't you?"

"Yes Mistress," I said, staying on my knees and gazing up at her lustfully.

"You did a very good job, sucking my dick Jimmy. Do you want a reward for your good job?"

I wasn't sure what she had in mind, but I nodded my head and waited for whatever else she wanted me to do.

"Do you want me to fuck that sweet little ass of yours, since you did such a good job sucking my cock?"

"Yes Mistress, please!"

"Yes Mistress, what?"

"Yes Mistress...I want you fuck my ass, please!"

Lilith snapped her fingers and suddenly, we were no longer in the basement; we were in my room, on my bed. I was lying face down and Lilith was sitting on my legs. I could feel her huge cock against my ass crack, the hot head probing my hole as she leaned forward and kissed the back of my neck.

She whispered softly in my ear, "Are you ready to be mine?"

"Yes," I replied, panting heavily.

Lilith pushed forward and I felt the tension, from her cock pressing against my hole, straining and trying to worm it's way into me. I wasn't too tight, since I had been practicing with that dildo but the difference between the dildo and Lilith's cock, was immediately noticeable once she got the head inside. I gasped, then moaned softly and pushed my ass back against her, my hole swallowing more of her cock as I pushed back.

Impressed at my eager attitude, Lilith gave my ass a hard smack and giggled, as the sound of her hand connecting with my flesh echoed through my bedroom. She pushed forward and the rest of her cock sank into my ass, bottoming out and grabbing me by the hips.

All bets were off now. I could feel her balls pressing against me, she was so deep inside of me that it seemed impossible. Lilith pulled back about halfway and in one swift motion, she slammed right back into me again.

She repeated this, over and over again, hammering away at my ass and I was amazed to find that there was pretty much zero pain; it must have been something she was doing, to make sure it didn't hurt. Even with all the practice, I had thought for sure that it would be a little painful.

I felt Lilith's hand on the back of my head, pushing my face into the pillow and she smacked my ass again, harder this time as she rode me hard. It didn't take long, before I felt her cock start to swell up and it gave a twitch, before starting to pulsate and throb inside of me.

Lilith moaned, her hard nipples poking at my back as she continued riding my ass and started to cum.

The sensation was strange, similar to when I swallowed her cum, it burned my ass when she came inside of me. It was red hot as she pumped it deep inside of me and despite the intense heat, it was incredibly arousing. My own cock swelled up to the point where it was almost painful, before it burst and sprayed the sheets underneath of me with cum.

Lying next to her just minutes later, I stared up at the ceiling as Lilith sat on the edge of the bed and smiled down at me. My ass was still gaping, wet with her cum and I was drenched in sweat.

"So...that's what I have to look forward to, once you take my soul?"

"A whole eternity, of this big demon cock in that tight little ass."

"I think that sounds good," I said and Lilith laughed.

"You could always come with me early, if you wanted."

I thought about it for a moment, but decided against it...we had a deal and I wanted my full ten years.

"I didn't think so," Lilith said, smiling.

"Just remember though. I may have given you ten years, but that doesn't mean you'll get the whole ten; accidents do happen."

She gave me a funny look and I shuttered, wondering what exactly that meant. Before I could ask her though, Lilith had disappeared once again and I was left alone in my bed to wonder.


It had already been one year since the day that I made the deal, with Lilith.

I no longer had to work that crappy job and was actually, working as a web designer. I had always been pretty good at computers and technology related things, so it was something that I enjoyed. It made pretty decent money, too. I would never be as well off as Michael, but I definitely did not need to look for any other sort of a job.

Things in my life had really turned around; I had Lilith to thank for that.

I had to keep reminding myself every now and then, that this wouldn't last forever; at least not for me. I only had ten years to enjoy it all, before Lilith would come to collect my soul.

I had to hold up my end of the bargain, after all. It wasn't so bad really. That one time that I had been fucked by Lilith, I had really enjoyed myself. If that was what I had to look forward to when my time was up, then Hell wasn't going to be quite as bad as I always imagined. That didn't mean that I wasn't afraid to die, though.

Believe me, if I had any other choice...any other choice at all...I would probably take it. But a deal was a deal and especially this one, I couldn't break it.

Even though she had ten years before she could claim me completely, Lilith wasn't trying to keep her distance from me; in fact, she was with me practically every day.

I could always feel her presence. Sometimes, she would visit me in my dreams...every time that happened, it was always a very vivid and very sexual dream. She also seemed to enjoy doing all of those typical haunting things, that you read about or see in movies. It was surprising to me, that mom and Michael had actually come to the conclusion, that the house was actually haunted.

Lilith had a habit of banging on walls and slamming doors and opening them. Michael had even caught a few recordings of her speaking, though no one could tell what she was saying.

I kept my mouth shut of course, not wanting anyone to know that I had brought this on us all.

Lilith wasn't doing anything to harm anyone; she just seemed to enjoy spooking people out with her behavior. That being said, I felt no need to tell anyone about that book or the fact that I had summoned a demon, or that I had made a deal with her and was going to hell in ten years.

One night, I was in my room laying in bed wide awake. It had been a long day and you would probably think that I would be exhausted, but for some reason I just couldn't sleep. I rolled over onto my side and was just about to close my eyes, when a loud bang jolted me into a sitting position.

I looked around my room with confusion; there was nothing that could have caused that bang. I suddenly became aware, that the bedroom was freezing cold. I shivered and immediately knew what was going on here.


"Hey there, Jimmy boy."

I jumped and looked to my left and sure enough, there was Lilith standing in the corner of the room. She was leaning against the wall, grinning back at me from the shadows.

"W-What are you doing here? It's only been a year..."

"Relax sweetie," she said, stepping out of the shadows now.

"I'm not here to cheat you or anything like that. I just thought we could have a"


As Lilith stepped closer to my bed, her features became more defined from the street lights, pouring in through my bedroom window. I realized that she was wearing no clothing and that massive demon cock was standing at full attention.

"You see, I don't normally do this sort of thing. There's something about you, that I can't quite shake though."

I didn't really know what she meant, as she crawled onto my mattress and smiled down at me.

"You don't normally do what?"

"Have sex with the guys who I make deals with; at least, not until their ten years are up and I come to claim their soul. And of course, there was that one night when we first made the deal together. For some reason though, I haven't been able to stop thinking of you this past year."

"Is that why you keep haunting my family?"

"Oh no, that was just me having fun."

I shook my head, amazed at how she made it sound so normal. Like she was use to doing this sort of thing...well, she probably was. Lilith was after all, a demon.

"I have a funny feeling, that you've been thinking of me too Jimmy I right?"

I looked away for a moment and tried to hide the look on my face. I couldn't hide my thoughts from her, though. Lilith could see right through me and she knew what I was thinking, no matter how hard I tried to hide the truth. I felt her finger on my chin, turning my head back to look her in the eyes.

She stared deep into my eyes and I felt like I was in a deep trance, some sort of spell had fallen upon me for a moment.

"It's okay Jimmy," she whispered softly. "Give into temptation."

Before I could say a word, Lilith was kissing me on the lips and I melted right into the kiss. Her tongue slithered past my lips and I groaned, as she pushed me onto my back. Her hand moved down and grabbed my cock, slowly stroking it and I reached up and started the same action with her.

Lilith sighed, as my hand glided up and down the length of her massive cock. "That's it Jimmy," she groaned.

"I knew you wanted this, just as much as I do."

Instinctively, I parted my legs and felt Lilith moving between them. She lifted them up and I felt the tip of her cock pressing against my ass, gently probing and teasing me for a few moments. Then without warning, she pushed forward and her cock slid right into my hole. I gasped, digging my fingers into her back and throwing my head back in pleasure.

I couldn't believe how easily she managed to penetrate me, with no lube and no pain.

Lilith began to thrust back and forth, her cock sliding in and out of my ass and I moaned in her ear. I closed my eyes and focused on the feeling of her on top of me, losing myself in the moment and before I knew it, I was making sounds that no man should ever make.

I had no control over myself though; Lilith was dominating me, in every way possible.

I felt my body tense up and begin to spasm, the world around me was spinning out of control. My cock erupted and cum shot straight up into the air, landing on my chest and my stomach. Lilith continued pounding away at my ass, grunting and panting as she slammed in and out of my hole.

Finally, the demon bottomed out and I felt her cock begin to pulsate as she pumped her cum deep into my ass.

Just like the last time, her cum felt as hot as fire and created a feeling that was both a mix of pain and pleasure. I thought she would never stop filling me up, but eventually it did come to an end and I felt her pull away from me.

Opening my eyes, I watched as Lilith pushed herself off of the mattress and stood at my side for a moment.

"I think we should make this a regular thing," she smiled down at me.

"That's okay with me..."

Just then, I heard a knock at my bedroom door; Lilith vanished. I was exhausted, covered in sweat and my own cum as well as leaking Lilith's cum from my ass. I was in no condition to open the door, for whoever was knocking.

Instead, I turned over, closed my eyes and acted like I was asleep; hoping whoever it was would just go away.

They did.

The following morning, I rose from bed and with a sore ass, I made my way to the bathroom. Mom was downstairs in the kitchen making coffee, while Michael had already left for work. As for Jake...I wasn't quite sure where he was.

I stepped into the shower and sighed, enjoying the feeling of the hot water as it ran down my body. Memories of the night before came flooding back to me and immediately, my cock began to rise to attention. I grinned, wrapping my hand around my member and gently stroking.

It didn't take very long before my legs were shaking underneath of me and I was shooting cum, all over the shower wall. With another sigh, I leaned against the wall behind me and relaxed for a few moments. Once I had recovered, I reached for the soap and started washing up.

When I got dressed and made my way downstairs, I found mom sitting in the living room enjoying a cigarette.

"Morning kiddo," she said, with a smile.

"Morning mom."

"Got plans for today?"

"Yeah, I'm heading out to a bar tonight I think."

I made my way into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of orange juice from the fridge and pouring myself a glass. As I returned the bottle to it's spot in the fridge, I jumped in surprise when I felt a hand touching my ass. Quickly turning around, I found there was no one there.

Then, I heard someone laughing in my ear; Lilith. I shook my head and gave a nervous chuckle. She was playing games and clearly having quite a lot of fun, in the process.

"Everything alright out there?" I heard my mom call from the living room.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just almost dropped the orange juice."

I made my way back to my bedroom and decided to check my e-mail and Facebook accounts. After that, I found myself playing a few video games until around 2:30 that afternoon, when I started to feel strangely...tired.

I laid down on my bed and quickly drifted off to sleep.

I was awoken sometime later, to the feeling of someone...or something, breathing on the back of my neck. Groaning, I opened my eyes and stared straight ahead for a few moments. I could feel an arm wrapped around me and a hand sliding up, under my shirt and rubbing my chest. Curious, I rolled over and my eyes went wide with what I saw.


"Shhh, relax baby. Don't want to make too much noise."

"Mom, what the f-"

"Watch your language, young man."

The next thing I knew, she was kissing me on the lips. My shock was through the roof as I tried to figure out what the fuck was happening; my own mother, was in my bed. She was making out with me. I felt her hand slide down into my shorts, fingers wrapping around my cock and slowly stroking.

She stopped for just a moment and pulled my shirt off, tossing it to the floor and started kissing my chest. I tried to resist but couldn't stop myself, moaning softly as her tongue swirled around my left nipple.

The next thing I knew, she had taken my hand and slid it into her panties. I yanked my hand back, startled when I realized that instead of a mother had a cock? It was pretty fucking big too, from what I could tell.

She pulled away from me, grinning the whole time as she hooked her thumbs over the elastic band on her panties and slowly pulled them down. Out sprang her massive cock, standing at full attention and leaking a bit of pre-cum.

"W-What the hell?"


I blinked and suddenly, my mothers face became distorted and twisted for a few moments, before revealing that it had actually been Lilith the entire time.

"Are you shitting me?"

"Ha-Ha, I can't believe you fell for that! You thought it was really your mother the whole time, didn't you?"

"That's not funny," I yelled, trying to act pissed off.

"Oh calm down," she said. "You weren't complaining to much, when I was jerking your little dick. Maybe you enjoyed it? Did you Jimmy?"

"Fuck no," I yelled, this time not having to fake my anger.

"That's my mother; what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Hmm...well, regardless, I thought it was fun."

In the blink of an eye, Lilith suddenly looked like my mother again and I sighed and leaned my head back against the pillow.

"Come on baby," she said, softly. God, she even sounded like my mother!

"Come suck momma's cock."

Lilith pulled me into a sitting position and shoved her massive cock between my lips, gagging me as she shoved it all the way into my throat. My eyes immediately began to water and I started bobbing my head, sucking and stroking and choking the whole time. The gagging seemed to turn Lilith on even more, as she held the back of my head and forced my mouth down as far as I could go.

Lilith stopped suddenly, pulling her cock from my mouth and snapped her fingers; all of my clothing vanished. I blinked a bit surprised and Lilith grinned.

"Roll over," she ordered.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, turning over onto my hands and knees. Lilith smacked my ass hard, the sound echoing through the bedroom. I felt her moving behind me as she mounted me, pressing her cock to my hole and pushing right into me. With a gasp, I dug my nails into the bed sheets and moaned as Lilith started thrusting.

I glanced to my left at the mirror, noticing that she was still disguising herself as my mother; she seemed to be really enjoying that.

As Lilith started fucking me harder, I slumped forward and buried my face in the pillow. Grunting and panting, I pushed back against her cock and Lilith grabbed me by the hips.

"Naughty boy," she said, panting as she hammered away. "You've been such a bad boy, Jimmy. Mommy's going to have to punish you for the dirty, sinful boy you are."

"Fuuuuck," I moaned loudly.

"Tell Momma how bad of a boy, you are!"

"F-Fuck! I'm a bad boy, momma!"

I didn't know why I was playing along, but Lilith seemed to be getting a kick out of the whole thing. She started smacking my ass, over and over again as she continued thrusting in and out.


woke with a start, feeling a bit drowsy and dizzy. I struggled to open my eyes for a few moments and when I finally did, everything was quite blurry. I could hear sounds...sirens?

People talking frantically and what sounded like a loud crackling sound. I smelled smoke and fire. My vision began to clear and as it did, I looked down and saw two cars that were smashed together and burning. They were surrounded by fire trucks, police officers and paramedics.

That's when I realized...I was looking down. What the fuck?

I was floating above the ground, high up in the sky and staring down at the mess below me; how as that even possible? I couldn't remember much of anything, at least not at first. Slowly though, it all started coming back to me.

I had been driving home from...the store? Yeah, that's right. I had gone out to get something for dinner and when I was driving home, I ran into that asshole who was driving like a maniac. What happened next?

The whole scene suddenly flashed before my eyes, all in an instant. Rounding the corner, swerving to the side of the road to try and avoid the guy, him swerving straight into my lane. Then the sound of two cars colliding and everything went dark...he hit me. He crashed straight into my car!

The two burning vehicles below, were mine and the other drivers cars! I...I was dead.

I didn't see my body anywhere down there and given the burning wreckage, I could only assume the worse; I was still trapped inside my vehicle. A feeling of dread overcame me as all of this began to set in, leaving me paralyzed.

"This...this isn't right," I said, as I continued to float over the scene.

"I'll say!"

I spun around, coming face to face with Lilith.

"What the fuck is this," I yelled at her. "It hasn't been ten years yet! What the hell happened to me?"

"Sorry Jimmy boy; this wasn't part of the plan."

"No shit it wasn't part of the plan," I yelled.

"I can't be dead...right? I mean, it's only been a year."

"It's like I said when we originally made the deal. Accidents do happen. I swear though, I had nothing to do with this."

She had definitely been right about that one...accidents obviously did happen. This was crazy and I was really upset. Not even pissed off, just...upset. I felt Lilith's hand on my shoulder, as I continued staring down at the wreckage. "What about my mother?"

"She'll be alright," Lilith said, softly.

"I'll make sure of that. It's the least I can do. After all, I promised you ten years and obviously that didn't pan out the way it was supposed to. So, that'll be my way of making it up to you."

What's done is done, I told myself. I hated this but there was no going back. I was gone from this world, taken out unexpectedly and now I officially belonged to Lilith.

I closed my eyes and sighed, not wanting to watch anymore of the mess that was unfolding below us.

"Alright," I said softly. "I'm ready to go, then."

"Okay; hang on tight."

I wondered what she meant by that, but didn't have time to ponder the question as she grabbed my arm tightly. Suddenly, we were soaring through the air at a speed that I never would have thought possible. The wind roared in my ears and blew hard against my face, causing my hair to whip around violently.

I tried to turn my head and look back, just barely managing to do so and noticed that we were already far out of sight of the crash. Looking ahead of us again, I watched as the clouds started moving aside and suddenly, there was a massive black hole in the middle of the sky...and we were heading straight towards it.

My eyes went wide as we drew closer and closer and then, we were inside of it. Completely swallowed up by this giant black hole, we were flying through what looked to be an endless abyss. A long, dark tunnel that seemed to go on forever and was freezing cold.

After a few long moments though, I could see a light ahead of us. We came flying out of the tunnel, above a massive wasteland; a desert. The sand below us gave off the most intense heat that I had ever felt. I could hear all kinds of noises around us as we continued to fly.

Everything from growling and screeching sounds, to screams and howling wind; this was hell.

We continued flying for a few moments longer, before slowly coming down towards the ground and landing in the middle of the desert. The sand felt incredibly hot under my feet and yet for some reason, I was able to stand the feeling anyway.

The air around us was thick and it took me a few minutes to adjust, and breathe normally again. I looked at Lilith as she turned around and smiled at me.

"W-Where are we?"

I already knew where we were, but I wanted...needed, to hear her say it out loud.

"This is my home," Lilith replied. "You're home too, Jimmy. This is hell and you will spend the rest of eternity here, serving me as your Mistress...your Queen."

She snapped her fingers and suddenly, the scenery completely changed. We were no longer in the middle of a massive we were in what appeared to be a very large cavern, of some sort.

The ground beneath me was made up mostly of hot gravel, that burned but not as bad as the sand outside had burned. The walls surrounding us were made of stone, a dark shade of gray.

I looked towards Lilith, to find her sitting down on what appeared to be a throne. Her legs were crossed, hiding her massive demon cock from sight and she grinned seductively at me.

I looked down and suddenly, all of my clothes were gone. I was standing completely nude and also to my surprise, was I was now wearing a choker around my neck. A long chain led from the choker, across the gravel and towards Lilith, who was holding the other end in her hand.

She had that wicked grin on her face and she pulled the chain, yanking me forward. I stumbled and fell onto my knees right in front of her.

Lilith uncrossed her legs, revealing her huge cock and it was already standing at full attention.

"Now slave," she whispered softly. "Start sucking."

Obediently, I opened my mouth and swallowed her entire cock in one swift motion. Up and down my head moved, sucking and slurping and gagging as I devoured her cock.

"Mmm, good pet. I have trained you well, until this point."

I took her cock out of her mouth and looked up at her.

"I'll have the rest of eternity, for you to teach me more."

"Oh, I have much to teach you Jimmy boy. We're going to have a lot of fun, trust me."

I resumed sucking her cock, Lilith moaning as I started to deep throat while rubbing her balls at the same time. Her hand moved over my head, forcing my mouth further down and holding it still for me to choke on her dick for a minute.

Then back up she lifted my head, giving me a light and playful slap on the face. She reached forward, leaning over me as I continued sucking and grabbed my ass.

Lilith pushed me away and told me to stand up, then bent me over her knees like a child. Without warning, she raised her hand high into the air and brought it down hard against the bare flesh of my ass. I yelped, having never been smacked on the ass quite as hard as she just smacked me.

She repeated this again, lifting her hand and cracking it across my backside over and over again. At least a dozen times, Lilith repeated this until my ass as red as a rose and stinging quite badly...I still enjoyed it though.

Next, she shoved me off of her lap and onto my hands and knees again, pulling the chain until I was at her feet. Lilith stuck her feet in my face, ordering me to lick her toes...that was a new one, I thought to myself. I started licking her feet and sucking on each of her toes one at a time.

I heard her moaning as I did this, opening my eyes to see her cock hard as a rock once again. I started licking up from her ankle along her smooth, long leg until I reached her groin again.

Opening my mouth once again, I wrapped my lips around her cock and resumed sucking on that.

Lilith was extremely satisfied at this point and even I had surprised myself, at how into this I was getting. Even all those times when she had come to visit me in my room, I had enjoyed myself...but not quite like this. This time was different.

This time, I was on fire; hornier then I had ever felt, ever before.

Lilith yanked me to my feet, pulling me towards her to sit on her lap. As I did, I could feel the tip of her cock probing at my hole.

"You're such a good little boy," she whispered softly. Lilith kissed my lips and I kissed her back, moaning as she slid her tongue into my mouth.

Then, she was kissing, biting, sucking and licking my neck. Lilith was on fire with passion, just like I was and she was leaving hickeys every where.

Who would have known she could even do that, considering I technically wasn't alive...I was really just a soul at this point. I was loving it though and I leaned my head back, moaning louder then ever before. At that exact moment, I slid forward just a little and felt her cock pushing into my ass.

I groaned and slowly lowered myself downward, my ass swallowing her entire cock, inch by inch.

Once I had fully impaled myself on Lilith's demon cock, I started grinding. Moaning and panting, bouncing up and down in her lap as she continued biting and sucking my neck.

I sat there, riding her cock for a long time until she stood up, keeping her dick deep inside of me as she did. Standing in the middle of the cavern and holding onto me tightly, Lilith started moving me up and down, fucking my ass violently.

She stood for what felt like an eternity and eventually, moved over towards a large, stone that was shaped like a large bed. She laid me on my back upon the stone, wrapping my legs around her waist and resumed her heavy thrusting.

She was slow and gentle at first, gradually picking up the pace until she was pounding my ass so loud, you could hear our bodies slapping together. The sound echoed, bouncing off the stone walls that surrounded us. Lilith leaned down and started licking and sucking on my nipples, as she fucked my ass.

I moaned, arching my back as she pressed her weight down on me and I felt my own hard cock, mashed between our two bodies.

Something strange happened then, as she fucked my ass harder and harder; I felt like we were being watched.

By who exactly, I really did not know. I did know however, that it felt like a thousand eyes were lurking in the shadows of the cave, watching as Lilith abused my ass. It gave me chills but I tried to ignore it and focus on the pleasure, that my Demonic Mistress was giving me at that moment.

Next, I was flipped over onto my stomach, facing the wall behind us and Lilith slammed right back into my ass again. Sliding up and down on the rock as she pounded me from behind, I stared off into the shadows and I could see them now...eyes, staring back at me.

Hungry eyes, filled with lust...other demons? I wasn't sure, but it chilled me to the bone and I was suddenly feeling a little concerned.

Lilith pulled me up some, wrapping her arms around me and pressing her tits against my back.

"Don't worry," she whispered in my ear. "Their just friends of mine; not going to do you any harm, I assure you."

Her voice was soothing and I relaxed just a bit, as she pressed her lips to my neck and continued thrusting gently now.

Lilith started pushing deeper into my ass, edging me closer and closer to an orgasm that I was pretty confident, was going to be quite powerful.

I could feel her cock starting to swell and I knew that she too, was getting closer now.

She sat up some, pulling the chain attached to my choker and riding my ass harder now.

My body began to shake before going into a series of convulsions, yelling out in pleasure and my cock twitched violently. I exploded, spraying the stone with my cum and I had been was one hell of an pun intended there.

There was a pool of my own cum, starting to form underneath of me and dripping off the sides of the stone. I moaned and groaned, writhing around underneath of Lilith and panting and sweating as my dick spilled more and more cum. I thought I was never going to stop and was pretty sure, this was not a natural orgasm at all.

About midway through, Lilith buried her cock in my ass and with a gut wrenching, inhuman growl, she too began to cum. She pumped her cum deep into my hole and I could feel every drop as it filled me to the brink.

Just like me, she didn't seem to be experiencing a normal orgasm. I knew from experience that Lilith was capable of letting out some really big loads, but never this big.

This was was more like a fire hose was going off in my ass. As my own orgasm began to subside, I looked down, struggling to keep myself up on my hands and knees and noticed that my stomach seemed to be stretching out. It wasn't a trick of the eyes, either; it was actually happening.

As Lilith pumped me full of gallons of cum, my stomach stretched wider and wider until she had finally stopped cumming. She pulled out and flipped me over onto my back and I looked up and realized, I couldn't see past my stomach. I began to panic a little, wondering what exactly had happened. My stomach looked so fucking big, it looked like I was pregnant; was I pregnant?

"What the fuck," I yelled, rubbing my stomach with my hands.

"Mmm, what's the matter sweetie?" Lilith asked.

"What...what is this? Why is my stomach so big?"

"Oh, it's normal don't worry. It'll return to it's normal size within a few minutes, I promise."

"I look like I'm pregnant," I said, my voice shaking.

"Not at all; though I could do that to you, if I so desired. Don't worry though, it's not part of my intentions."

I was relieved to hear that but still a bit freaked out by the fact that she could impregnate me, if she wanted and also by how big my stomach looked.

Then suddenly, I felt a sinking feeling in my gut...literally. I raised my head again and watched, as my stomach started to slowly deflate, shrinking back to it's normal size...just as Lilith told me it would. I felt even more relieved now, to see that it was back to normal, like it never even happened.

I felt her liquid hot cum, oozing from my gaping asshole.

"So, how does it feel to know that you officially belong to me now?" Lilith asked, as she laid beside me and pulled me into her arms.

"It's...okay. Not quite what I expected at all."

"Fire and brimstone and all that stuff? Not really how it goes in reality. That's just the stereotypical beliefs."

"I'm kind of happy to see that it's not like that," I replied.

"Although, your friends watching us...that kind of creeped me out a bit."

"Ha, like I said...their no threat. In fact, you might find that they like to join in on the fun"


"Let me explain something to you," Lilith said, sitting up now.

"Hell is divided into four sections...each section has it's own Queen. This is the Desert section and I am the Queen. I have many slaves...many servants that I have claimed, over the years. I also have many followers, other demons that would practically die for me. Those were the ones watching us earlier."

" have other souls, that you use as your slaves?"

"You're not the first one to summon me, with that book. Don't worry though; you're my favorite, Jimmy boy. That's why I couldn't wait to get my hands on you. You're the first one that I've ever come back to play with, while waiting for my chance to snatch you up."

I smiled, actually feeling sort of proud to know that she favored me over all the others. This was my life from now on...I was comfortable with it.

I had made my choice, summoning Lilith and making that deal with her, and if I had to do it all over again, I would have done exactly the same way. I did regret not having the entire ten years but at least I knew, Michael would take care of my mother.

Lilith had assured me that we would both make sure, they were all safe and sound and lived as good a life as they could without me there. I was going to miss my life on Earth, but I was content serving my Mistress for the rest of eternity.

Whatever came next, I did not know. I looked forward to it though. Hell wasn't such a bad place, after all.


It had been days...months...maybe even years, since my life had come to an end. Since that fateful day, when I crashed my car and found myself in hell, serving the Demon Queen Lilith as her personal sex slave.

That was of course the end result, of the deal that we had made a while back. That she would grant a happier life for my mother and I and in exchange, I would be her slave in ten years. I didn't get the full ten years but, that apparently wasn't Lilith's fault...accidents happen sometimes.

Since my arrival in Hell, I had learned a lot of different things about well as her servants and followers. Lilith ruled over her own section of Hell and was probably, the most well respected Queen in the whole dimension. She had thousands of followers and they were all women...or they appeared as women. They were just like Lilith though, packing the extra equipment between their legs, that normal girls did not have.

Every demon that served Lilith looked like a girl and had a cock, much bigger than any human's penis could be.

I learned that these followers of Lilith, acted as "deal makers" as Lilith liked to call them. They would search for human's that were living miserable lives, follow them until they learned what that person's deepest desires were and then they would step in and try to make a deal with them. They would give the person whatever they wanted, in exchange for their soul. When their time was up, the deal makers would return and claim the soul of their victims, bringing them to hell, to serve Lilith as her slaves.

To my surprise, this wasn't just limited to men; Lilith had a thing for the ladies, apparently. In fact, she really NEEDED female souls. When a female soul came to Lilith's section of Hell, they weren't just used as slaves. Lilith would have her way with them of course but, her cum had a special effect on turned them into demon's. This was Lilith's way of growing her army, bigger and bigger.

She would claim female souls and fuck them, her cum transforming them into demon's just like her. They would grow monster sized cock's and become Deal Makers, returning to Earth to keep the cycle make more deals and bring more souls.

It was a pretty interesting process, really and one that Lilith was quite proud of too.

Lilith had revealed to me not long after my arrival, that she planned on trying to control all of Hell. To do that of course, she would need an army big enough to defeat the other three division's and their Queen's. She felt confident that someday, she would be able to accomplish this goal; then she would rule all of Hell.

I loved my Queen, as did all of her slaves. I was her special boy one received as much love from the Queen, as I did. In fact, I had noticed that recently, a lot of the new comers were being given to the other Demon's. Lilith wasn't taking any new slaves for herself. She would of course have her way with them, upon their arrival...just once...just to introduce them to their new home.

Then she would hand them off, to whatever Demon had managed to make the deal with them in the first place, as sort of a reward for their hard work. I had come to really enjoy my new place, as her little fuck toy; hell wasn't all that bad.

Every day, she would call me to her throne room and I would rush to see her. Collapsed to my knees, on the hot gravel and Lilith would pull me towards her, yanking on the chain that was connected to my collar. Then my head in her lap, I would swirl my tongue around her beautiful cock and wrap my lips around it.

Lilith's hands moved through my hair, forcing my head all the way down and moaning, as I started to deep throat her. I sucked her cock and licked her balls, stroking her cock and then sucking on her tits. I loved every inch of her gorgeous body and I loved her aching cock, more then anything.

"Mmm, Jimmy boy...sit on Momma's lap, baby."

I obeyed, pushing myself onto my feet and sitting in her lap. Lilith pulled me closer and kissed me on the lips, her tongue sliding into my mouth and her arms wrapping around my waist. I could feel her cock, poking at my ass...I was practically sitting on it and becoming more and more eager, to feel her inside of me. I started humping her, rubbing my ass all over her cock.

Then without warning, she popped right into me. I gasped, breathing hard against her kiss as I felt the monster sized cock slide into me. I lowered myself down, sucking in every inch of her dick into my hole, until I had impaled myself on her. Then slowly, I started moving up and down and riding her.

As I rode her cock, Lilith pulled me to her and started kissing my neck. She started sucking and biting, leaving her mark in the place of her lips and then moved down to my nipples. She sucked on them, licking and gently biting before coming back up and kissing me on the lips again. I moaned loudly, as she lifted me up and moved off of her throne.

Her cock remained buried in my ass, never pulling out for even a second. She moved us towards a large mattress that she had spawned, seemingly out of nowhere, with red silk sheets.

Lilith laid me down on the bed, spreading my legs as far apart as they could go and started thrusting in and out of me. I was panting and sweating, hands moving up and down her back, as she slowly fucked me. No, she wasn't fucking me; it was more like she was making love to me. I found this to be a pretty common thing, when it came to me and Lilith. She would ravage her other slaves, treat them like nothing more then the sluts that they were. With me though...she almost always took her time.

She always fucked me slow and gentle, making sure that I enjoyed it, just as much as she did...and I did enjoy it.

There were definitely moments, where we would both get so turned on that a very intense pounding was inevitable. I loved that side of my Queen as well. In fact, a part of me actually enjoyed it more when she was rough.

It was quickly shaping up, to be one of those moments, where I wanted it much harder then she was giving it to me.

"Please Lilith," I moaned. "Fuck me...harder!"

"What's that?" she asked, her voice filled with lust.

"Please...fuck me harder!"

"Since you asked so nicely..."

Without a moment's hesitation, Lilith withdrew her cock almost all the way and slammed straight back into me. I gasped and my body gave a sharp jolt, the bed creaking underneath of us. She pulled back again and repeated the same action, slamming forward with such force, that my whole body shook.

"Fuck!" I yelped, clinging to her and moaning louder.

"You're such a dirty boy, Jimmy."

She started thrusting harder and faster now, hammering away at my ass, our bodies slapping together. Lilith leaned down and took one of my nipples between her lips, sucking and biting at it. I screamed, my body jerking and convulsing. She pushed her cock forward and against my prostate, holding it there for a few moments.

The combination of her sitting right on my sweet spot and her sucking on my nipple, threw me right over the edge.

My cock was completely soft but, it was leaking cum every where and making quite a mess. Lilith seemed amused by this and giggled, flipping me over onto my hands and knees. She slid her cock back into my ass again and grabbed me by the hips, pounding away once again. She leaned over me and I could feel her tits pressing against my back, her nipples digging into my skin.

She bit my shoulder and drew a small dot of blood, sucking on it and tasting the metallic flavor, she moaned in pleasure. Driving herself deeper into my ass, Lilith cried out and started to shake, her eyes glowing an eerie red. I could feel her cumming inside of me and filling me up.

My stomach started to stretch...I had gotten use to this side-effect of her orgasm's. It didn't freak me out quite as much as it had in the beginning, because now I knew that it would dissipate a few minutes after she stopped cumming. I groaned, as I felt her filling me to capacity and finally she collapsed and sunk into me.

We lay there, panting and sweating for a few moments. I could already feel my stomach, starting to shrink back to normal size again; I sighed, in relief. Even though I was use to it now, I always felt very relieved, when it would return to normal.

Lilith pulled her cock from my ass and rolled over, lying next to me with a huge smile on her face. "You know," she whispered to me. "You really ARE my favorite."

"I know," I replied with a bit of a laugh.

Then she stood, sliding off of the bed and tugging at my chain, for me to follow her. I stood, her cum leaking out of my ass and running down the back of my leg. She led me back to her throne and sat down again, with me sitting down on the floor right next to her leg. This was my spot, right beside her throne.

I had grown quite fond of my role, in hell.