"How could I have been so careless?" Tristram thought while bringing his shackled hands up to scratch at where the iron collar currently around his neck chafed at him.

"A scout of the Holy Templars. Decorated in Rome by the High Templar himself!" He continued his metal flagellation.

Then with a discipline born of surviving many encounters with the enemy he shoved aside his despair and gave a brief prayer for resolve. "Heavenly Father, I beseech you to deliver me from your enemies grasp as you have so many times before. Let me not fall to despair and darkness in this hour of our greatest triumph."

Tristram had ten years of experience fighting and scouting in his order's current shadow crusade against the Disciples of Lilith. The grueling years of fighting were now culminating in the witches imminent destruction. Five days ago, Tristram had been sent to scout ahead of the main Templar army in order to locate and report back the final coven of the evil witch Lilith.

Tristram had set out with the confidence of his orders assured victory. Their enemy had never had the numbers to stand toe to toe with the Templars in a sustained fight. Despite this the witches, aided by their unholy magic, had waged a successful shadow campaign against the Templars for nearly eight years. They would attack caravans transporting holy relics and pervert their holy purpose to fuel magic assaults against Templar strongholds. To bolster their forces and replenish their numbers the witches would capture pilgrims to the holy land and through unholy means turn their captives into mindless fanatics willing to die for their sorceress queen.

Then two years ago scandal of the highest order had wracked the Templar ranks. A French inquisitor by the name of Guillumae had accused the reigning High Templar of treason and witchcraft. Upon substantiating his claims the previous High Templar was burned as a witch and Guillumae was installed as the new High Templar. Though demoralizing at first, the order soon learned to see these events as divine intervention. Guillumae, ordered a scorched earth policy regarding the witches of the holy land. The Templars burned entire towns at the mere suspicion of a town member practicing magic. Brutal as the suppression was it had turned the tide of the conflict by depriving the witches of any local sanctuary from which to practice their craft.

As the Templar campaign had continued with victory after victory even hardened veterans such as Tristram had allowed the hubris of infallibility to settle in their minds. Three days ago, it was with this hubris intact that Tristram had neglected his training and allowed his fire to burn without masking its smoke. His mistake had cost him dearly as his enemy found him while asleep and captured him before he even knew they were there.

Tristram's captors had stripped him of his weapons and armor. In their place he now wore a threadbare robe and blinding hood. Even in this unflattering uniform of captivity, Tristram's captors had deigned to change from their native tongue to Latin in order to mock how his plain loose robes still gave ample signs suggesting his toned athletic body underneath. This was inevitably followed by descriptive accounts about how they planned to use his body for their perverse pleasure once given leave by their mistress. Tristram had endured this in stoic silence. After all what else could he do?

Chains shacked his feet and hands, so running or fighting against his captors was impossible. Another chain connected to his collar allowing his captors to lead him along behind them like a blind dog. The sadistic men had made sport, during their travels of intentionally leading him headfirst into trees, thorn bushes and other obstacles that his blinding hood kept him from avoiding. At night his captors would wake him with swift kicks to the ribs or sharp jabs from their spears. This abuse coupled with the rapid pace of his captors, no food and only the thinnest offerings of water had left him exhausted and disoriented. He was in no condition to attempt escape.

A veteran of many patrols, Tristram could tell they were nearing the end of their journey. His captors had been moving more swiftly for the past hour. Their banter changing from the cautious muted chatter of a troop on patrol to the lighthearted and loud boasting of soldiers anticipating an evening sharing a warm bed with a willing wench and full belly. Tristram heard, what he thought he recognized, as the issuing of foreign challenges and responses accompanying entry into a military encampment. Pulled even more urgently forward, Tristram suddenly felt his captors grasp his arms to stop him and then roughly pull off his blinding hood. He blinked rapidly as his eyes were assaulted by the hellish red glow of the first light he'd seen in three days.

As his sight returned Tristram judged that he was in a worship hall of a small monastery. He glanced around the room pensively, his returning sight beginning to register the unholy visage before him. To his left, he saw a effeminate naked young man of around twenty years. The man had his head buried between the thighs of an athletic young maiden who cooed and moaned with pleasure from the man's ministrations. At the young man's rear an older, large behemoth of a man grunted as he thrust an impressively large cock into the younger man's round ass. To his right, he saw three maidens amorously entwined. Their mouths gasping and breasts heaving with pleasure as they caressed, sucked and touched each other lewdly. On either side these sights extended and merged into a mass of other sexual liaisons of all possible combinations. Inwardly, the templar recoiled with pious indignation, his mind reeled as he tried to make sense of the scene.

"Surely even heathens such as these should be preparing for the coming battle instead of partaking in such hedonism." He thought.

Tristram raised his vision along the center of the room. A purple carpet split the middle of the orgy, leading to a desecrated altar now repurposed as a luxuriously cushioned throne. Wider by at least a width the throne was more akin to a couch or bed than a traditional chair. Through smokey haze of incense or perhaps hashish the templar could make out the outline of a single woman lounging on the throne. A sense of dread filled Tristram as he shook his head to trying desperately to regain his wits. He quickly muttered a prayer for protection. He knew he would need both his faculties and divine intervention if he was too survive the hour. For he was certain that he stood in the throne room of his order's sworn enemy, Lilith, Sorceress and Queen of the Damned.

The sharp pain of a spear urged him forward, Tristram balled his fists as he complied with the prodding. He glanced down at the holy sigils tattooed upon the back of his hands. They glowed with a pale supernatural blue light. His spirits lifted briefly, bolstered by the visible proof that the protective spells of his order were still with him. Tristram gathered as much dignity and strength as he could while moving towards the throne, but he kept his vision planted firmly on the floor


He had heard the tales of Lilith. Her beauty and charm were said to fill the minds of even the most pious men and women with uncontrollable lust. Failing that it was said that her magic could twist peoples minds to her bidding making them mindless thralls for her to command. His order's holy sigils were supposed to protect him from her magic but he knew his willpower alone was his only weapon against her physical temptations.

"Even at cost of my life, I must show this witch that even in her perverse unholy lair, men of my order are uncowed and incorruptible" he thought while inching towards his fate.

Tristram's captors stop him at the foot of the stairs leading up to the throne.

"Grovel before your new mistress worm." His captors snapped as they kicked the back of Tristram's knees to force him to kneel and shoved his head to the floor.

Tristram's captors held him firmly like this for what seemed like eternity.

"Look at me Templar" Lilith's command easily cut through the noise of sex echoing through the hall. Her tone conveyed a dismissive air. As if Tristram kneeing before her was the most uninteresting thing in the world.

What struck Tristram more was the song like quality of her voice. The initial words were spoken with a clear light timbre of a giggling young maiden. Yet they seemed to echo clearly in his mind to fading into the soft breathy whisper of a whore in bed. The words were impossible for Tristram to ignore. He felt a primal, sexual desire to obey.

Tristram resisted for a full half second before his willpower failed him and he raised his head. He took in took in the sorceress clearly for the first time. Unbidden, the templar's mouth dropped half open at the sight.

Lilith sat slightly reclined to one side upon her throne. Not quite the giggling young maiden the initial timbre of her voice suggested, she appeared a women of around 26 years. Her green eyes sparkled intelligently like emeralds offset by the fiery red waves of her waist length hair. She propped her head up with one hand, arm resting on top the armrest of the throne while the other lazily held a chalice of red wine. She wore a slightly amused smirk that made the templar feel as if he were child who had just done something cheeky to an adults mild amusement. Her breast were pert C cups with two gumdrop size nipples that visibly poked against the fabric of her red dress. The dress clung covetously to her hourglass figure before splitting at each side below her waist to expose her legs while leaving a width of fabric to cover her front and back.

Lilith's smirk broadened slightly as she watched the templar take her in. "Do you know who I am?" She asked.

Tristram nodded.

"Tell me" the round of her voice echoed once again through the templar's mind.

Tristram gathered what conviction he could to put an edge of contempt in his voice and mask his awe. "You are the witch Lilith. The rebellious first wife of Adam. Who against the will of God tried to force your husband to submit to your will and were thus driven from the Garden of Eden. You're the Whore of Babylon. The first mortal consort of Satan, who taught you witchcraft which you have used hatefully since to tempt God's pious followers to sin and corrupt His perfect creation."

"Hmmm." Lilith purred as she stood and began slowly descending the stairs toward Tristram. His gaze was pulled inexorably towards her breasts which undulated hypnotically with each step. "You're essentially right" She continued "except for two details."

"First, I didn't Try anything." Reaching the bottom of the stairs she bent forward affording the templar a tantalizing view down the front of her dress. She grabbed his chin pulling his gaze upward to meet hers. Tristram found himself utterly lost in her eyes.

"My dear husband Adam" She taunted. "happily, submitted to me nightly or rather at whatever time and place I wished." Releasing Tristram's chin Lilith spun abruptly, positioning the round swells of her butt, so they nearly eclipsed the totality of the templars vision. His eyes locked onto them as she began up the stairs.

Lilith continued as she ascended back to the throne. "It was only God who had any problem with our arrangement. He thought Adam was His best creation solely because He made Adam first. There was simply no convincing the Almighty that he had actually improved with practice when he created me"

"Lies! Here-" Tristram started to shout, but before he could fully form his third syllable Lilith whirled around to fix the templar with a gaze so full of hatred and contempt that it stole the wind from his lungs.

"No lies. Not heresy, you pathetic brain-washed worm, but truth!" Lilith spat from the top of the stairs. "You would do well to remember that I was there! No other soul on this plane of existence can claim the same. Who are you to dispute me?"

Lilith's face softened suddenly, returning to the mocking smirk she had presented initially. "Ah my pet templar you'll learn soon enough. I forget how much I have to teach each of my pets to break through the mental conditioning you're subjected to. Now please, no more interruptions while I'm correcting your errors."

She settled back into her throne and continued. "Your second error is that my so called corruption of mankind is done out of hate and malice. I'll admit it did take me a long time to get over being thrown out of Eden it really was a paradise without compare you know. That particular teaching of your church is true. However, once God had kicked my former husband and his little slut Eve out as well I realized that God was just in over his head. I mean you create the universe out of nothing and then try and figure out how to impose order on the chaos you unleashed. It really is a Gordian Knot of supernatural proportions."

"No little pet" she continued. "I do what I do mostly to amuse myself and to control my surroundings. God after all put in all of us Humans the desire to rule over the rest of his creation. She chuckled.

"That was another one of his mistakes. When he put that in our hearts he didn't distinguish other Humans from the rest of His creation so we all want to dominate one another. I just happen to be the particularly talented at it. I also have the most practice at it since all of my contemporaries were too afraid of God to petition Satan for the key to longevity."

"Which, as I think of it, brings us to my current predicament." Lilith leaned forward on her throne. "I have nearly unlimited longevity, but not immortality. So the presence of the armies you are spying for, the ones currently blindly encircling my coven. They present me with a problem."

Tristram's thoughts lightened. "The witch is scared of us. She knows she cannot win"

Lilith seemed to read his thoughts. "Don't think your pathetic order has won." She chuckled "I wouldn't have lived this long by not planning an escape route."

"The orgy around you is releasing enough orgasmic sexual energy to allow me to power a spell to save myself and my followers from death and the torture of Hell by transporting us to a plane of existence similar to purgatory."

"So why haven't you cast this spell witch?" Tristram's insolent bravado bought him a backhanded slap from his guards still standing at his flanks.

"Your strong willed which is good." Lilith licked her lips as if anticipating a meal.

"That will make this so much more fun"

"Whatever fun you have in mind, I will not be a willing party to it" Tristram's voice was quavered slightly. He wasn't sure if he believed his words and wondered how long it would be before the Templar order found him and if he could hold out that long.

Lazily, Lilith took a sip of her wine then continued. "Oh at least hear the offer first brave Templar. I will release you and grant you unspeakable pleasure and ecstasy for the rest of your days. All I need in return is for you to carry my grimoire and a small pendant to safety, and to protect them from destruction by your order."

Tristram wondered at this request. "What was her game?"

"Your words don't tempt me witch" Tristram said but he knew it was false since no man could possibly fail to be tempted at the thought of the pleasure that could be had with the women in front of him.

"Even if they did" Tristram continued. "I'm protected from you by the sigils of my order and the power of God." Tristram bared his chest fully displaying the sigils that had been tattooed over his entire body. They all glowed brightly as if trying to push back the darkness and depravity of Lilith's Lair.

"Ah, yes those." Lilith said with disdain.

She lazily waved her hand and began to mutter a spell in a long forgotten language. The sigil tattoos adorning the templar's body glowed even more brightly resisting her magic. A wicked smile flickered across the Lilith's face. She chanted louder, drawing more of the excess sexual energy out of the room and putting it into her spell. The tattoos grew brighter then suddenly flickered.

Tristram screamed in pain. The tattoos lifted off of his skin ripped away by the witch's spell. He watched in horror as lines moved away from his body. Lilith held out her hand and crooked a finger in a come hither motion. The glowing lines moved towards the witch but held their pattern. Lilith, still chanting motioned as if she was gathering the air in front of her into a ball. The glowing lines broke down and congealed into a single glowing orb. The light from the orb glowing brighter still as if straining more against her power. Lilith chanted even more loudly and smashed her hands together as if crushing something. The orb grew brighter for a moment and then winked out of existence.

Tristram's head spun. The destruction of the tattoos seemed to cause all of his senses to sharpen. It was if he had been looking at the entire world as a painting and had suddenly been transported into it to experience it firsthand. He seemed to hear more clearly the chorus of moans and gasps of pleasure from the orgy. He could suddenly perfectly smell the scent of sweat, perfume and arousal. He became aware of the sexual tension and desire of the throngs of Lilith's disciples in the hall. Their desire for one another as they wantonly engaged in their orgy. The desire of the guard's standing next to him to claim his body as their just reward from their mistress. Most of all he could feel the desire of everyone for Lilith and the abject submission to her will. As this overtook his senses he found that he felt keenly for the first time his desire too.

Tristram desired Lilith. He could think of nothing else. He would do anything to possess her. To make her moan in pleasure and to receive pleasure from her. His cock hardened for the first time since entering the hall. It strained for release with an earnest he hadn't felt since his earliest boyhood sins. He was awash in pure primal lust for Lilith.

"Crawl to me pet" Lilith's voice once again echoed through Tristram's mind. Blinded by lust he couldn't even begin to offer his former token resistance.

"Do as I ask and you will know pleasure like you've never felt. All you have to do is submit to my will and protect the grimoire and the pendant." Though still on the throne, Tristram swore he could feel Lilith's lips tickling his ear as he crawled forward. He stopped at her feet.

"Yes." Tristram croaked. "Yes, goddess I will do whatever you ask. I submit fully to your will."

Lilith smiled and she drew the flap of her dress to the side to reveal a large thick cock.

"Show me" Lilith's voice echoed again. "Submit to me now and be rewarded."

Tristram's hand thrust forward. Clutching at her shaft with no hesitation. He stroked her while pointing the head of her cock towards her stomach and leaning forward to lick and suckle at her two round balls. Then running his tongue from the base of her shaft to the tip of her cock, he stroked her shaft downward to expose her cockhead and flick his tongue across the tip. Lilith cooed and placed a hand at the back of his head to push her cock into his mouth. Tristram eagerly sucked. Taking her deeper and deeper into his throat.

"That's right my little pet" Lilith moaned "show me how eager you are to please me.

Tristram pushed himself onto her cock as far as he could. Taking her too deep, his throat reflexively tightened at the intrusion squeezing Lilith's cock in the process. He forced himself to keep Lilith's cock in his throat his throat. He gagged as his throat contracted again and again trying desperately to push the obstruction out. Lilith moaned with each squeeze. The moaning was music to Tristram's ears. Unable to stand it any longer he pulled back for air. Coughing and gagging he composed himself and again went back to his work. He wanted to hear her moan again and again. He pushed himself back down repeatedly. Gagging and nearly puking as he took her into his throat. He didn't care he only wanted to make her sing for him.

Eventually Lilith's hand held him firmly in place and she began to thrust her hips to control the tempo of the thrusts in his mouth. Tristram could feel the skin on Lilith's shaft tightening and twitching as she did. He knew instinctively she was going to cum. As the first spurt slapped against the back of his throat, he pulled back reflexively but kept the tip of her cock in his mouth. He quickly tried to swallow as much as he could not wanting to spill any of her seed. Lilith finished and pulled her still hard cock from Tristram's mouth.

Tristram used a finger to scoop a bit of cum that had dribbled onto his cheek back into his mouth and swallowed what remained of Lilith's load. While he did this, Lilith chanted a quick spell.

Finishing the spell Lilith spoke. "From now on my pet you will feel immense pleasure when you suck cock. Your throat will have the same nerve endings as your cock. This is my first gift to you for your service."

Lilith then ordered Tristram to kneel on his hand and knees on the alter. He did pushing his round ass up into the air. He knew what was coming next. He wanted it. He wanted to be hers.

After another quick chant. Another spell. Lilith's tongue flicked across Tristram's rosebud. The templar gasped. He had never felt anything like this. The sorceresses licked around the opening of his ass. Her saliva was thick and viscous. Her spell making her spit the perfect lube to open the templar up. She pushed her tongue into his asshole. Tristram moaned in pleasure as he was stretched open ever so slightly.

Lilith leaned back. She spit on her hand and rubbed the viscous fluid over her cock. Tristram felt her tip press against his hole.

"Please mistress" He gasped pushing his ass back trying to take her in. "Please fuck me."

Tristram felt more pressure against his asshole. Pain and pleasure shot through his body as his ass began to give way and open for her. He moaned in pain. Lilith moved slowly, inch by inch until finally Tristram felt her balls pressed against the bottom of his ass.

"Hmmmm" Lilith moaned. "Now your mine!"

Lilith thrusted slowly at first. Every time Tristram's moans changed from pain to pleasure she would pick up the pace. Moving faster and faster. Tristram felt a pressure building inside him. It felt as his ass was tightening, gripping Lilith's cock and refusing to let her go. The more his ass gripped her cock the more pleasure shot through his body. With each thrust he felt a slow building pressure behind the base of his cock.

After an eternity, Tristram couldn't hold back any longer. He came. His ass began rhythmically squeezing Lilith's cock. Each squeeze causing his cock to twitch shooting rope after rope of semen onto the cushions atop the alter. His seed further desecrating the once holy place.

Lilith chanted another spell. Then again explained it's purpose to the Templar. "Your ass made such a good pussy for me that from now on it will be the perfect pussy for anyone. Your body will now produce a mucous to allow anyone to easily penetrate your tight little boy pussy. You will enjoy being penetrated more that having your pathetic little cock played with as well. Nothing will feel better for you than to submit to others as would a woman."

Lilith pulled her cock from the Tristram's ass. At her nod, the men who captured him moved in to position at his front and back. Tristram welcomed their cocks. Eagerly pleasuring his former tormentors. As he did the world around him became a haze of cock and sex. He could not later recall how many times he was taken or he had taken others. He only knew that he joined the orgy in the coven as another devout supplicant of Lilith. At some point in the night he passed out from exhaustion.

When Tristram woke up he was cradling a book. The book was bound in black leather. No title was inscribed upon it. The words on the pages were written in exacting script but not in a language known to Tristram. A metal pendant engraved into the shape of a demoness with bat-like wings and a large phallus was attached to the book like a book mark. He knew it was Lilith's grimoire and he cradled it lovingly resolved to keep his bargain.

As he lifted himself up Tristram noticed that he was once again dressed in his armor and weapons. The sigils of his order were also once again tattooed upon his skin, though they did not shine as bright as before. To his bothers there would be no easily discernible sign of his defilement. Tristram surveyed his surroundings. He was in a patch of forest just outside a small monastery hidden amongst the forest. A red hellish glow peeked out from the shuttered monastery windows.

Lilith's voice echoed through his mind "Return to your brothers my pet. Lead them to this place. They will burn it to the ground and think we are destroyed, but in hiding we will return when the time is right."

Upon hearing her voice Tristram longed to return to the monastery and rejoin his mistress.

"Go!" Lilith's voice chided him. "use my gifts to protect the book and pendant. They are the key to my return!"

Tristram did as his mistress bid him. Upon returning to his armies camp he led them to the monastery. After confirming that there were people inside the Templars barred the doors from the outside and burned the monastery to the ground. As the fire raged, the bright hellish light emanating from inside the monastery suddenly shot up into the heavens then winked out. Tristram knew Lilith's spell was complete.

Tristram returned with the army to the Templar stronghold's and from there to Europe. He kept the grimoire and pendant hidden. Eventually he retired as a scout and joined the scholarly order of the Templar historians. He used the gifts that Lilith had bestowed upon him to seduce and corrupt whoever he needed to until he was appointed to be the librarian of a small seminary. There he hid the grimoire and pendant amongst the many stacks of books and writings. Trusting that it would be lost to obscurity until the time for his mistresses return.

Tristram would passionately fantasize about Lilith in his dreams for years to come. She was his first cock though not his last by far. He found he could no longer deny or suppress his carnal desires. Eventually his tireless pursuit of sex and pleasure ended as it must. He was tried and convicted of perversion and heresy. As he awaited his death by fire, he consoled himself that he would soon be with his mistress and that he had only been as weak as his forefathers had. When Lilith had said that Adam had submitted willingly, Tristram had assumed that she meant that Adam had allowed her to rule over him in their marital relationship. He knew now how literal the submission had been. If Adam, the first man hadn't been able to resist then could he have been expected to?

Tristram's arms were lashed to the stake at the center of the fire pit. Brothers of his former order looked upon him in shame. Wonton and unrepentant Tristram's cock was rock hard as the fires were lit at his feet. As smoke began to rise up he looked into the flames and saw two emerald green eyes winking back at him.

As the fires rose a beam of reddish light spurt from Tristram's chest and shot to the sky. His body slumped limp on the pyre. Tristram, the last disciple of Lilith had been gathered to his mistresses warm embrace.