DIVYA part 1 By Secret_Bard

Part 1: Too Big for Glory

It was a Wednesday night at Turpo's Bar. The place was pretty quiet, only a couple patrons floating about the place, most of them regulars. I was behind the bar, it was the second of my eight hour shift and I had completed all the required daily cleaning tasks. Now I polished the countertop and watched the AFL game on the screens. Not a popular sport outside Australia, but it was a Wednesday and Frank, one of the regulars, always asked for it.

I was supposed to have someone on with me, a coworker called Divya. But Divya often showed up late, and today she was only 10 minutes behind, which wasn't too bad by her standards.

There was a screech of tires from outside. Somebody had pulled up hard to the curb. Moments later there was slamming of doors and indecipherable yelling. I could make out a few words, and one of the people yelling was definitely Divya. It sounded like her and her current boyfriend were having it out. Not an uncommon occurrence, but today was pretty bad by the sound of it. Something about contributing to the house maybe? Hard to say exactly.

The bar door swung open and Divya came hurrying in, her cheeks streaked with tears, her full face of makeup now partially ruined. I sighed internally as I realized this would be another half hour in the work bathroom to clean herself up. But hey, it was a Wednesday, so the place was dead. I decided to let it go.

She gave me a quick apologetic "Sorry" in her lilting voice as she bustled past. From outside the sound of a door slamming and a car racing off from the curb could be clearly heard.

I smiled weakly in response and watched her go. Divya took care of her appearance, she never showed up for work in anything less than full makeup and a carefully chosen outfit that usually showed off quite a bit of her very full figure. Today she wore a tight black skirt that went down just past her knees, and tightly cupped her big round ass. The sway of her walk resulted in her fat cheeks bouncing about hypnotisingly.

My eyes were not the only ones to follow her. In fact, I was certain more than a few regulars were only so because of her. They knew her scheduled work days and never came in when she wasn't here. The owner, a decent enough guy called Mark, was also quite aware of this. It was why he gave her regular hours and put up with her being late and other small performance problems. She drew in customers.

I'd been working at Turpo's for about 3 months at this point. I'd worked with Divya a lot, but we never really connected much. I can probably blame myself for that, she's a very intimidatingly attractive woman and I'm pretty shy. She's South Indian by descent, with the melodious voice to match and hints of an inherited accent, Divya was apparently the child of immigrants and thus, first generation American. Her physical features were what made her impressive, seeing that she stood just a little over five foot 6 inches tall, had the aforementioned truckload of booty, also possessed very large seemingly natural breasts, but most of all...

She had a huge cock.

When I say huge, I need you to understand, Divya's glans literally rubbed against her knee as she walked. She didn't bother hiding it (and I'm honestly not sure she could have), and her tremendous bulge would balloon out of every outfit she wore. But not only was it as long as her thigh, it was thick too. Wearing a skirt like she was that day, her cock, crammed in and held down as it was, looked like she had stuffed a pillow between her legs.

She was always careful to not actually show the beast. I had no idea if she wore underwear that covered it or just made sure to keep it just out of eyesight under her revealing outfits. She definitely wore some kind of underwear though, because I could see it stretched over her expansive ass under her tight skirt.

While Divya cleaned herself up I kept polishing the counter, my mind lost in daydreams about my coworker's incredible body. I served a couple more drinks and one or two more patrons wandered on in. I had assignments to do for uni, that I had planned on working on while things were quiet, but that idea always went out the window whenever Divya walked in. I just wouldn't be able to focus while I was working with her, and it would take quite a vigorous jacking off session to get her off my mind later too.

Divya came back roughly 45 minutes later, her makeup fixed and her outfit straightened up. She had an angular, slightly crooked nose that always caught me off guard with its shape. I shamefully admitted to myself that it was probably because I spent so much time looking everywhere but her face. But I found it made her even more beautiful.

She had her smile back on now and was in full blown work mode. She greeted all the regulars and brought them refills, then upsold them on snacks too. She was good at the job in a way I would never be. It wasn't just that she was insanely sexually attractive, like a living breathing fountain of pheromones, she also knew the customers and how to interact with them in just the right way.

The night wore on, things went a bit faster with Divya around, as I lost many minutes fantasizing about what it would be like to suck on her huge tits or squeeze my own cock into her.

I hadn't really understood what a dickgirl or futanari was before I started working with Divya, but once I did, I became very confused. There was something incredibly... intensely sexual about her huge penis. It was lewd, obscene, vulgar. Thinking about a woman having such an instrument excited me, but at the same time I had no idea what I would do with a cock if ever presented one for sexual gratification. Suck it maybe? Divya's was far too large for that though. The idea of trying to put even the tip of that thing in my mouth was laughable. So I mostly just contented myself imagining other things about her, and tried to leave that aspect alone.

Around 11pm the place had nearly emptied. We had one final patron nursing a drink at the bar, but he was getting ready to head out. Divya was sitting at one of the tables watching the music video that was now playing on the screens. I don't know what came over me, but I had a sudden reckless urge to talk to her. Sure, talking isn't anything to get hyped about, but I've always been shy. I wandered over and sat next to her. She looked at me, waiting for me to speak.

"Hey" I said.

Bemusement briefly flashed across her face before she replied "Hi Sam". She went back to watching the tv.

It took me a little while to build up the courage to keep talking. But I got there and pushed through.

"Having a good shift?"

She turned back to me, then looked me up and down, seemingly sizing me up.

"It's been okay. You noticed my boyfriend and I had a fight on my way in I'm sure. That kinda put a damper on my mood"

I nodded "Yeah... that'll do it. Relationship problems suck"

She laughed, but not a normal, happy laugh. Instead a harsh bark, almost mocking.

"I just have one relationship problem, and his name is Hamish. I'm honestly about done with him"

"Ah" I said "Sorry to hear that"

"Don't be. It's been a while coming, if I was smart I'd have tossed him to the curb weeks ago. Fuck him. And fuck his stupid side bitch too"

I stayed silent, not really knowing what to say. Divya seemed like she just wanted to rant, and I didn't want to say something stupid by accident.

"I just can't believe the audacity of the man. Acting like I'm lucky to have him. I could go out tonight and come home with three different people if I wanted, he's not some prize and I'm not some lonely hermit just because I've got a..."

She trailed off, it seemed like she'd stopped before mentioning her penis, maybe thinking it was an overshare. I flushed a little and kept my eyes firmly on the tv.

"What about you Sam, you have a girlfriend?"

I looked back at her, a little surprised by the question. Once again that lovely nose caught me off guard, nestled as it was between her dark, perfect eyes.

"Who me? Oh, ah, no. No girlfriend. I don't really have much time to meet women. Too busy studying and working ya know?"

Divya's demeanor shifted, she grinned mischievously and twisted a little in her chair so her full attention was on me. I couldn't help but notice that her wide breasts were being squeezed by her arms now, and before I could stop myself I glanced down at her hefty chest. I quickly moved my eyes back to her face to find her grin now even wider. Caught red-handed.

"Now don't tell me you're a virgin Sam"

I stammered for a second "N-no, what? I didn't say that. Just n-no girlfriend"

She then went on to tease me a little over it, calling me the virgin barkeep and promising that next time a beautiful woman comes in, she'll be my wingman. It was an enjoyable conversation and it continued into the night. The last patron left and I sat talking with Divya for hours. It took me a little while but I began to open up, and soon we were laughing about our coworkers and raving about our shared interests. I would never have picked her as an anime fan, but she was an even bigger one than me. We both loved animals, especially dogs. We even shared an interest in drawing, of all things. I showed her some of the stuff I had been working on for a comic I was writing, she showed me some of her doodles, well that's what she called them anyway. They were very impressive for "doodles".

All this time I kept glancing at her body whenever the opportunity presented itself. She turned away for a moment, and I admired the smooth curve of her thigh as it turned into her ass. At one point she shifted in her chair and tried to adjust her dick, and my eyes lingered on the huge lump of fabric that hid the monster. She caught me every time, and I would blush and look away, shamed, as she grinned knowingly at me.

After a while it hit 1:30am, and we began to lock up and close the bar. We slowed around with it, not wanting to leave, wanting to enjoy the fresh bonding that had just occurred. I realized that even though I didn't think I had a shot with Divya romantically or sexually, I would enjoy being her friend. I would certainly enjoy looking at her every chance I got. I felt a niggle of shame at my perving, but it was swiftly forgotten as I caught a glimpse of Divya bending down to pick up some trash from under a table, displaying her perfect big heart shaped booty.

"I would let you do anything you want to me" I whispered to myself as I watched her.

She turned and asked "Did you say something?". I shook my head and felt myself blush deeply. Thankfully it seemed like she hadn't heard me.

2am came around and we said our goodbyes. As we were walking out the door together I made an excuse and hurried back inside and headed towards the bathroom. The urge to pump out a quick wank got the better of me, and I decided I didn't want to wait till I got home, as I lived over half an hour away.

The bathroom was reasonably clean, I should know, I'm the one that cleaned it. But it was old and covered in graffiti. One of the stall doors was busted and one of the taps didn't work properly. There was also a great big glory hole between two of the stalls, as big around as a soccer ball. I once wondered why the hell it needed to be so damn big, who was using that thing, but then I put two and two together and... well, that was a few evenings of imaging what had happened in this stall. In fact the more I had thought about it the stranger it was. The fact Mark never got it repaired or patched up, the coincidence of it being so pointlessly huge and there being an employee on the roster who happened to possess the equipment to suit it... I never came to a conclusion and in the end just let the thought go.

I pulled my cock out and started pumping it, slowly at first but then faster and harder.

I was getting close to finishing when I heard the bathroom door open. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Divya? Is that you?" I said aloud.

I heard the stall next to me open, and then Divya replied in barely more than a whisper "Don't say anything"

Perplexed and suddenly blue balled, I stood completely still for a while, trying not to breathe too loud. But there was a noise coming from Divya's stall next to me. It was the sound of skin rubbing on skin, and labored breathing.

Was she doing what I thought she was doing? I banished the idea, but it kept coming back. I looked at the side of the stall and realized this was where the Glory Hole was. It was down around crotch level for a standing adult, and looking through it where I was standing all I could see was Divya's feet.

No, don't do it, I told myself. Then I told myself again. Then again.

Then I gave in. I slowly, carefully and silently got down on my knees and looked through the hole. My erection instantly returned in full force, and I gasped.

Divya had pulled her skirt down just below her crotch and pulled her enormous cock out. It was even more of a monster than I had imagined. Now erect it was easily as long as my arm from shoulder to fingertip, and massively thick. The thing was huge, utterly huge. I almost couldn't believe it was a part of Divya's body. The veins on it were thick and tall as fingers and about three major ones wound around the beast, terminating near the tip. It was shaped almost like a long triangle, with an absurdly wide base that ended in a huge head.

The head. Dear god her cock's head. Easily bigger than I would've been able to wrap both my hands around, the thing was so much bigger than anyone could ever hope to be able to handle in any orifice. It was swollen and rounded and curled up smoothly to be shaped like a helmet. It was actually quite perfectly shaped, I felt a pang of momentary jealousy.

And Divya was working it. She gripped it as tight as possible, massaging and squeezing it with all her strength. She had to lean forward just to be able to bring her hands to the tip of her mega cock. Her hands, pretty average for a woman in size, looked absolutely tiny on her dick. They could only reach about ⅔ of the way around her girth at its slimmest.

She periodically massaged her balls too. She'd popped them over the top of her skirt, and they were proportionately massive. They hung a good thumb's length below the base of her giant penis, and each was a huge pendulous orb in its own right. When she would reach down to grab one, her hand would cup it but she would not be able to fit her fingers far enough around it to even lift it. At one point she used both hands to lift one testicle, which she then let fall with a heavy slap against her thigh.

I watched, rapt, as she wanked. My breathing was heavy and I massaged my own erection too. I couldn't stop, it was the most insanely sexy thing I'd ever seen.

It took her a few minutes of this once she had reached full speed, but I heard a groan and then a long squirt of thick cum blasted out of her cock. It hit the lifted toilet seat and splattered the area. Then another came, followed by another, all equally large and thick. Her cum was white and creamy, and I could smell how sweet it was. She splurged all over the toilet and the floor and the wall, groaning gutterally. The cum was so thick it stuck in lumps to every surface and only slowly started to slick down.

I felt my own, much lesser ejaculation happen then too. I couldn't stop the quiet groan I released, and cringed hoping Divya didn't hear me. Despite what was happening I still wasn't entirely sure what was going on, and the stress of getting caught watching and masturbating to Divya's own masturbation was eating at me.

As the final few spurts left Divya's glans, and her body stopped its slight orgasmic convulsions, she heaved a contented sigh. For a moment we both were still, just breathing quietly in the post-ejaculation peace. Then Divya produced a marker from... somewhere. I recognised it as the one we used to write the daily specials poster.

She casually pulled her shirt down, revealing one of her breasts. It looked soft and a little paler than the rest of her, but the consistent teardrop shape showed that her breasts were still firm, not overly saggy despite their impressive size. She removed the lid from the marker and began writing on her breast, a couple inches above the nipple. I couldn't make out what she was writing, but the way she held the sizeable udder down with one hand while she wrote with the other was exciting to watch.

She finished and stepped toward the Glory Hole. Immediately I scrambled to my feet and tried to act like I was just doing my business. But she didn't say anything, and I didn't see her looking up at me. Instead she pushed her lovely brown nipple through the hole, then proceeded to stuff the rest of the breast through behind it. She had an awful lot of tit to squeeze through. The widest part of her breast came through and pulled the last few inches after it. Her exceptional udder sat there, hanging down over the hole, with her big dark nipple erect and waiting. So long and thick that it didn't even stand straight, but rather dropped just the tiniest bit.

I saw what she had written on herself.

Suck me

Decision time. I was shy, uncertain and nervous, but the choice was obvious. I knelt and put my lips to her thick nipple.

She moaned a little and I started licking, then alternating between licking and sucking. I reached up to massage her while I went to town on her heavy teat. After a short while she pulled away and struggled to squash her other breast through the hole for me to suck and play with.

The experience was incredible. I'd always been a boob guy, but the other times I'd had the opportunity to fondle a woman, none of them had been anywhere even in the same ballpark as Divya's size. The biggest was a chubby punk girl who wore her tight curly hair in a pink mohawk. She had had a pretty impressive pair of G cups that I'd had a blast with the couple times we'd met up, but Divya absolutely dwarfed her, being at least double her breast size and weight.

Another little while passed and she pulled away again. I sat waiting for a minute or so, not sure what was happening next. I didn't have to wait long, because Divya put the fat head of her giant cock in the hole and started gradually feeding it through, inch by inch. Just above the head she had written again "Suck me", and the fact she had room to write it in one line reinforced just how thick her shaft was. I leaned forward and kissed her on one of her veins. She was flaccid now, but the mighty veins that had throbbed across the length of her cock were still visible. I heard a muffled "mm-mm" in a negative tone. I pulled away and whispered "sorry", but she didn't reply.

I realized when she started trying to squish one of her balls through the hole that she didn't want me stimulating her, because an erection was going to render an already difficult task impossible. I heard her grunt in pain a few times as she worked to pop her weighty testicles one by one through what little space could be made between her somewhat flexible cock and the hard edges of the glory hole. The second massive ball squeezed out and rolled down to hang heavily against the stall wall, and Divya sighed in relief. She then finished stuffing the rest of her shaft through. The last few inches were massive, even flaccid. She literally filled the entire hole and even busted over the edges a little.

I started stroking her cock. It was soft and felt swollen and heavy. I attempted to pick it up with one hand, but quickly had to use the other as the floppy mountain of cock threatened to slide and roll out of my grip. I kissed it a couple times, still a tentative, it tasted a little salty. I started licking it, then started slobbering all over her length and girth. I used my hands to rub and squeeze and massage her and felt her start to stiffen. From the other stall I heard Divya moan softly. I got more vigorous and wild with my sucking and licking, even biting her giant penis a couple times. Each time I did, her cock surged. The staggering size of her erection started to re-emerge. I had to shuffle backwards just to have room to maneuver the absurd length of her shaft.

After a couple more minutes of play, Divya's erection reached full strength. She was throbbing and hard as a rock. The huge pulsing veins had swollen up to full size again, and I briefly amused myself pressing on one and seeing it spring back up immediately as I took the pressure off.

I marveled at Divya. Her genitalia was a masterpiece. She was colossally and beautifully endowed. The immense thick swell near the base of her cock was straining and bulging against the edges of the glory hole. It almost looked painful. And while her girth did lessen from approximately as thick around as my thigh down to perhaps as thick as my bicep, the beastly member was no less impressive right down to the tip.

On a whim I lifted the giant cock to lick and suck it from below, and there I saw more writing, now stretched from Divya's growth and a little smudged from my efforts.

Cum in me

Above the words was an arrow pointing to the tip of the massive cock. Her meaning was clear. I lifted it to look straight at the swollen round head of her penis. The opening in the tip was proportionately big. It actually looked just right to accomodate my own girth.

To test that I was right about what she wanted, I pulled the opening apart the tiniest bit and slipped the very top of my finger inside. Divya shuddered and pushed against the stall wall, driving my finger slightly further into her. I got up and rubbed some saliva on my own achingly hard cock, then took hers in my hands and placed myself at her tip. I was more than a little dazed at what I was doing, but there was only one part of my body in control now, and I slowly slid it into Divya's gigantic throbbing penis.

It didn't feel much different than a tight pussy, though it was less well naturally lubricated. I started thrusting in and out of her, gradually increasing my pace. I didn't know how long I had in me, as I had to start thinking about other, much less sexy things almost immediately to keep myself from finishing too quickly.

The huge cock I was fucking responded, as Divya thrust herself forward the small amount she was able to, glued as she was to the glory hole by the monstrous circumference of her dick. We matched rhythms and I moved my eyes all around the stall and bathroom to avoid looking at or thinking about what I was doing, as I knew I would instantly cum if I gave in.

We kept going for what felt like a good five or more minutes. Divya's moaning grew louder and her thrusting more powerful and erratic. I could sense her building to another climax. Knowing she would cum soon I finally allowed myself to rejoin the moment. I looked down at her giant cock. It stretched so far out into the stall that my butt cheeks were slapping the other side of the stall as I fucked her. I watched it expand as my own cock entered it, then shrink again as I pulled out. I sped up a little and then it happened, and I felt the waves of orgasm crash over my body. I struggled to keep thrusting as I came inside Divya's colossal shaft. My eyes fluttered and one of my legs threatened to give out. Divya must've felt me cum because her moaning reached a crescendo and she shouted "FUUUUUUUUUUCK!!" as she pushed forward with all her might. Her gigacock, now fully at its hardest, pushed my crotch all the way back up against the stall's other wall. Suddenly her semen was pressing hard against my cock, and then it came rushing all over it and out onto my legs and testicles. Divya came extremely hard onto me. The force was like a garden hose turned up to full, and it seemed she hadn't used up much of her store the first time she came, because this time it felt like a lot more. Soon her hot, thick cum was dripping off my entire lower body and forming a pool around my feet, but she still wasn't done. Five voluminous waves of her slimy ejaculate flowed over me, one after the other. It splashed everywhere. My pants were soaked, my underwear was soaked, the bottom of my shirt was soaked. Semen was splattered all up my stomach, chest, arms and even on my chin and face. Impulsively I scooped a little onto my finger and tasted it. It wasn't terrible, a little sweet even.

When Divya's orgasms finally subsided, her still lightly pulsing member started to soften and I felt it slide off my own cock. Divya pulled the widest section through the glory hole, then worked her fat testicles through and finally pulled the rest of it back into her stall. I heard her fixing her clothing and zipping herself up, then the stall door opened and she left without a word.

I stood there for a little while, unmoving, completely covered in her cum. My tiny little mind was blown. It had been the most insanely hot sex I'd ever had. I felt spent, I felt used, I felt dirty and I felt satisfied.

It took me another hour to clean up the mess Divya had made. She had coated a huge section of both cubicles in sticky, difficult to remove semen. I went through two whole rolls of toilet paper and an entire box of disinfectant wipes before it was done. I was a little miffed Divya hadn't stayed to help, after all she was very much the primary responsible party, but I suppose that was the price I paid for the incredible sex.

I slept like a log that night, and when I came in the next day, I was informed by another coworker Divya was taking the rest of the week off. Something about moving into a new place. Good for her


Turpo's Bar. Wednesday. I was once again behind the bar, and Divya was out working the floor and the customers.

Today her outfit was a pink tank top and black knee length shorts with tights beneath them. The colossal bulge of her cock was as prominent as ever, and the outline of it could be seen clinging to her leg under her tights. The outfit was good quality and clean of course, but much more casual than she usually dressed for work. Divya had been a lot more relaxed at work the last few weeks. She still interacted the same way with the regulars, but she spent less time upselling them and more time sitting on her phone behind the bar when it was quiet. I surmised her recent breakup was responsible for the change, but when I had playfully poked fun at her about it, she'd simply said that she was taking it easy at the moment, resting her mind, her heart and her body.

We had started texting after that night we'd done the nasty in the work bathroom stall, but we never talked about what happened, and the more time that passed without even joking or alluding to it, the more it seemed to me like Divya wanted to forget it had ever happened. So we just texted, and once or twice watched anime together over video call, purely as friends I assumed.

But I couldn't stop thinking about her. I couldn't stop looking at her. I would spend all day imagining her pulling that giant log of achingly hard cock out of her pants and letting me push my own erection into it again. My eyes would follow her huge ass, jiggling enticingly as she walked around the bar. I would stare at her enormous chest at every opportunity, remembering what it felt like to suck her thick pink nipples...

If I'm honest, I was obsessed. Unhealthily obsessed. I added huge dick women to my porn catalog. I was surprised to find that while there were some whopping big female penises out there, only two were even in the same ballpark as Divya, and even then, neither of them matched her staggering length and girth. My favorite of the two, a porn actress who went by the apt stage name of Tessa Trunk, was a stunning White girl. She had the whole "girl next door" thing going on. Her feminity in every other regard made the giant cock she sported all the more vulgar and outrageous to me. It was a good foot-and-half python that bent around to the left when she got hard. Her erections weren't the throbbing, pulsating events that Divya's had been, but I was still thrilled to watch her stroke, massage and suck herself.

The other giant dick actress I was able to find was a latina woman who just went by the name "Paula". She was a bit bigger than Tessa Trunk, and I hesitate to call her a pornstar, she did a handful of videos that honestly weren't that great. She clearly wasn't into it, which made the videos feel awkward. But her monstrous dick was a thing of beauty, sallying forth from her crotch like a great behemoth of sexual depravity.

Both women had magnificent penises. Tessa could lick the tip of her cock without bending forward at all, and needed to reach both hands around her thick meat to just barely be able to touch fingertips. Paula's monster sat around eye height when she lifted it to her face, and she had to actively arch her back to lick her other head. Paula was also quite blessed in girth, she couldn't touch fingertips around herself, but she was only an inch or so off from being able to do so. But neither woman was comparable to Divya. I still daydream vividly about her massive throbbing erection forcefully pushing me up against the work bathroom stall from the other side of the huge glory hole. This was a stall where I could stand comfortably on one side and reach my arm out to just barely touch the other. Divya's colossal schlong was literally as long as my arm. And the size of the beast. It wasn't a snake, it was a fucking amphora (big pear shaped Ancient Greek pot), with a huge swell of girth near her crotch, as though she'd stuffed a small pillow down her cock, and then the still significantly thick shaft gradually tapering out to end in a head that was almost the size of a... well, a head.

And it wasn't just her giant cock. Where Tessa had rather average size breasts, Divya wore bras that could hold basketballs. Where Paula had a fairly normal mom-bod, Divya was stacked and possessed an absolute dumptruck of an ass. Watching the woman bend over was like if the clouds briefly opened, and a little piece of heaven shone through to highlight the lovely curve of her thigh as it transformed into a big round heart shaped pillow of an ass, a pillow you longed to bury your face and cock in. Her smile sparkled and her lopsided grins when she was being cheeky just about melted my heart. To this day I still feel a slight flutter when I once again notice the shape of her nose and how pretty it makes her.

It was a genuine challenge working with Divya now. I had struggled to keep my mind on task before, but our memorable fuck in the bathroom stall had done the opposite of satiate my animal need for her. A whole new world of sexuality had opened up to me, and Divya stood atop it as the shining paragon of dick girls in my eyes. I knew I was putting her on a pedestal, and that nobody could possibly live up to such an image, but I couldn't help myself. I wanted Divya with every fraction of my heart and every quivering inch of my body.

The porn helped me cope. On days where we worked together I would disappear and rub a quick one out just about every hour. I knew it was a little suspicious, but it was the better alternative in my mind than being constantly hung up on her and fighting raging, unwanted erections during work. It allowed me to function without having to battle my own traitorous body as my libido driven eyes wilfully sought her fat ass cheeks, hefty titties and unbelievable cock.

Wednesdays were always dead at the bar. Divya came back around behind the bar and pulled up a seat next to me.

"All good here Sam?" Her lilting voice was like cool water washing over my ears, I immediately perked up a little.

"Yeah, finished the last of the cleaning a few minutes ago. We're good for the night till close. You?"

She put her elbow up on the bar and turned to face me, her huge breast pressing against the smooth wood. I miraculously maintained eye contact.

"Plans for tonight?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Nah, class tomorrow. Gotta sleep tonight so I'm not falling asleep at the desk. You?" I left out the part where I was going to masturbate to thoughts of her till my cock was tired enough to let me sleep.

She picked a straw off the counter and twirled it casually in her fingers. "Probably watch some more Tokyo Ghost, or maybe a Whibli movie as a palate cleanser"

She was on her third rewatch of Tokyo Ghost, if I remembered correctly.

"Definitely a Whibli movie, are you kidding? Fowl's Walking Manor. Definitely Fowl's Walking Manor. It's not even a question anymore, you're watching that tonight."

Her sparkling laugh made my heart jump a little.

"Okay, clearly I'm in the presence of a great anime critic, I can hardly dismiss your opinion sir. Fowl's Walking Manor it is"

She leaned closer, still chuckling. "But when I call you crying at 3 in the morning, I want you to know it's all your fault!"

Her thigh was touching mine. Her enormous slab of penis had shifted around while serving and was now slung over her thigh and around to the outside of her leg. I felt it press against me and the overpowering inferno of passion gripped me. In the space of a second I was hard as a rock.

I grinned "We can hang out some time and watch Tomb of the Lightbugs, then we'll both be sobbing. Now if you'll excuse me, I hear the siren call of the bathroom"

I got up to go take care of business and earn myself another hour or so of post nut clarity. But as I walked past Divya touched my arm.

"Are you okay Sam? I didn't want to say anything, but this is like your fifth bathroom break tonight, do you need to see a doctor maybe?"


"Oh... ah, no, it's just... I'm taking some medication, and it makes me use the bathroom a lot. No need to worry about me"

Divya pulled her hand back and shrugged "Okay Sam, long as you're okay"

I turned to face her as I resumed walking "I'm at work! How couldn't I be okay?!"

She rolled her eyes and smirked.

Soon as I made it to the bathroom I rushed to get in the stall and pull up a video. I was so fucking hard I could barely think. I searched for some of Tessa Trunk's videos, but after a brief unenthusiastic scroll I sighed. The woman I wanted was out there. I should go try hit on her. She'd came onto me, literally, I had a chance.

No. Let the post nut clarity kick in first, I told myself. Decisions later. So I punched in "Paula giant cock compare" and pulled up the ol' faithful.I pumped it as hard as I could, emptying myself as much as possible.

I sighed and started cleaning myself up. The video was still going as I left the bathroom. I went to close it and scrub my history, but an ad caught my attention.


Now, I'm not a dummy, so of course I didn't click the ad. But as I walked over and sat behind the bar again I looked up the annual futa convention. It was indeed a thing, porn actresses from all across the country and even a few from overseas were headed to a porn convention focused on women with cocks. It was just one state over and started in eleven days.

Tickets were $70.

As I sat pondering whether to buy myself a ticket or not, Divya came up to me.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Oh... I don't know, maybe planning a trip"


Eleven days later and one state away, I walked through the doors of the convention centre. There wasn't much signage outside, but once you walked in the place was incredibly lively. There were dicks everywhere. The signs, the shirts, the screens and of course the people. Two slim, attractive women wearing skimpy bikini tops and panties that just barely covered their rather sizeable bulges were standing handing out maps and itineraries. I took one of each with a polite thank you and hurried off to hide my blush.

There were stalls across every inch of the centre. There was a large food and drink pavilion, a medical stall, an info stall, quite a number of sex toy stalls and countless stalls dedicated to actresses.

Every possible demographic of futanari woman was represented. Old ladies, milfs, big dicks, small dicks, chubby, slim and of course, every color of the human rainbow. I wanted to see all of them, though the bigger dicks were what really caught my eye. I wandered around admiring. One stall had a pair of twins who had dyed their hair platinum blonde and were wearing shining blue contacts in their eyes, they sported identical huge foot long cocks. I'd never seen them before online but they were very eye-catching, so I typed their stage names in the notes on my phone.

Tessa Trunk had a stall too, a big one. She was clearly very popular as there was a near impenetrable crowd around her trying to get autographs and photos with her. I didn't catch sight of her, but I saw the sign that gave the times of her two public and four private performances. The public ones were scheduled for ten minutes each, while the private ones were half an hour. Tickets to the private ones were apparently going for $500 each. While I was certainly intensely curious, there was no way I had that money to fork out. I would catch the next public one, which was in just under an hour.

While I waited I went and got some food. The food was serviceable, but not amazing. I ate sitting between a heavily overweight guy with glasses and a ponytail, and a short, chubby woman with large saggy breasts and a hole in her crotch from which her exposed stout cock hung.

I did a couple rounds of the stalls. Some of the names I recognised I lingered at, but increasingly, the longer I stayed at the event, the worse I felt. Something about the convention felt icky to me, I think it was the fake smiles most of the actresses wore as they indulged unpleasant men groping them. I felt gross just being in the same crowd as those creeps. It made me question whether it had been a good idea to come at all, and whether I was a creep too.

I pushed through until the time for Tessa's public performance came. I got there and found a decent vantage point of the stage she had in her stall. She came out on stage with a couple of other girls, all smiles. She greeted the crowd and thanked everyone for being there, then she introduced the girl on her right as Mandy, and kissed her full on the mouth, with tongue. I shouldn't have been surprised, but an actual passionate, consenting sexual act between two people felt out of place in this convention. The girl on the left was Melissa, she also received a kiss.

The girls took their robes off, revealing slim, attractive bodies and relatively normal sized cocks. Mandy was a little bigger, but neither were anything like the juggernauts that could be found all around the convention.

Speaking of juggernauts, Mandy and Melissa unzipped Tessa's jeans and started pulling her fat anaconda cock out. Tessa moaned gently as the girls worked, first clearing the giant cock away from the zipper and then her smooth tennis ball sized testicles as well. Tessa held the women by the backs of their necks as they got on their knees and started kissing and sucking her. The colossal beast stirred and began to stiffen. Tessa's leftward curve started to take hold and Mandy found the big thick head of the cock touching her arm. Tessa put her fingers under Mandy's chin and stood her up, then she reached down and took hold of Mandy's raging erection with one hand, and her own massive cock with the other. She took Mandy and pressed the woman's penis into herself, slowly. Then Mandy started thrusting and the two of them matched rhythms. Melissa reached around and stroked Tessa's fat leviathan as it swallowed Mandy's cock whole. It was an excellent performance. Docking was one of the things Tessa was most well known for, or at least, I assumed so, since as far as I knew she was the only pornstar who did it. It takes a very large penis to be able to dock even small ones, and the gap between Tessa and the next biggest contender I'd ever seen was quite significant.

It was pretty hot. I enjoyed the show, at least until the guy next to me nudged me with his elbow and I looked at him to see that he had his hand in his pants jacking it to Tessa's show. Instantly all my discomfort about the convention came flooding back.

I felt a little sick. I pushed my way out of the crowd, noticing as I did that there were other people playing with themselves. I didn't know what I had expected of a literal sex show, but somehow a bunch of greasy guys publicly jacking it hadn't occurred to me.

I beelined for the exit, but saw a water bottle stand right next to the information booth and changed course. When I got there I asked the attendant if the drinks needed to be purchased. She was actually very pretty, with beautiful almond shaped eyes and full lips.

"Oh, no darling, help yourself" she said. Her voice was rich and she had a posh British accent. I thanked her and grabbed a bottle and downed it. Then another, and another.

After my fifth bottle the attendant spoke again.

"Are you quite alright darling? That's your fifth bottle of water. Would you like me to call the medics over?"

I looked at her again. She really was lovely. Straight dark hair like a waterfall, perfectly shaped eyebrows and just the right amount of makeup to come across as classy rather than garish.

"Oh... no... thank you. I'm okay. I think I just wasn't expecting it to be like this"

She raised a perfect eyebrow "Like what?"

"You know... all the fake smiles and creeps"

She snorted "Oh, that. Well I don't know what you expected coming to a porn convention, but this is about par for the course"

"Yeah, I'm seeing that now" I shook my head, a little disgusted.

There was a pause. I stared into the distance, thinking. The attendant spoke again "Can I ask you a question?"

I shrugged "Sure"

"Why did you come here?"

I laughed "That's a good question"

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to darling" her voice was like velvet, smooth and visceral. She could describe the process of paint drying and have a rapt audience. I pondered her question for a moment, then decided to just tell the truth. Why the hell not right?

"It's alright, I'm just hung up on someone at the moment, and in my love addled brain I guess this seemed like a good idea to help me get over it"

"Oh, she's not into you then?"

"Honestly I don't know. I don't think she is, but I haven't asked her yet"

"It sounds like you need to ask her"

I put on a thoughtful look "You know, I don't normally take life advice from strangers but you may have a point"

She laughed and introduced herself "I'm Valerie"

"I'm Sam, pleasure to meet you"

"There, now we are strangers no longer"

I stayed at that information stand for nearly an hour, talking to Valerie. She was a very interesting person. Born in the UK, but moved here to pursue a career as a singer. We bonded a little over our shared love of music, though I'd abandoned singing when my parents had stopped forcing me to take lessons as a teenager, whereas Valerie had taken lessons all through childhood and her teenage years. Now she'd been all around the country chasing gigs with her band. Her stories were hilarious and seemed to always involve her barely escaping some outrageous situation, like the time the cops had raided the apartment of the man she was staying with, looking for a stolen dog of all things. Turns out the dog she'd been looking after and cuddling with for a week or more belonged to some old well-off spinster.

"I liked that adorable pug more than I liked that man!" She cackled "He was an absolute bore of a human"

A short silence.

"You know Valerie, I can't piece together how such a funny, lovely person as you is working in a place like this?"

"Honestly darling, the pay is good. I'm earning eighty dollars for every hour I sit here, and an extra thirty dollars on top of that when I'm working the door" she gestured to the ladies standing by the door in their bikini tops and... spacious panties.

I was shocked. That was an incredibly good rate.

"Wow, that's insane. I'd take that job too. I can't believe they're paying you so much!"

She shrugged "Well it's very hard to find pretty girls with the right equipment. They tried prosthetics one year to save money and let me tell you, it did not go well"

I didn't realize how rare futa women were. Probably a result of submerging myself in porn I supposed.

"Is it really that hard to find that type of woman?"

"Well, we are less than a hundredth of a percentage of the global population darling. Our bodies are a mutation that started in just a few women."

"Ah" I said "So you are a very rare woman then"

She chuckled "You better be careful Sam, or I might have to find a reason to see you sometime when I'm not working"

I smiled, then I let the smile fall away and looked her in the eyes "I don't need a reason to want to see you again Valerie"

She held my gaze for a while. I felt lost in her gorgeous eyes.

She took my hand and started writing something on the back of it. "Go away and find something nice to wear Sam, my shift ends in an hour, pick me up from here at 5:30"

She let my hand go and I saw she'd written an address on it.

"I can't wait" I said, beaming ear to ear. Valerie returned the joyful smile. She was incredibly attractive, and such an earnest smile somehow doubled her beauty.

I turned to walk away.

"Wait, Sam"

I turned back, she gestured for me to come closer and then she leaned in conspiratorially.

"Would you like to see my door greeter outfit?"

I nodded eagerly "Would a parched man like a glass of water? Yes please"

She looked around to see if anyone was watching, then pulled her shirt up over her head to reveal the same golden bikini the door greeters were wearing. She had a flat stomach and a long waist with a nice pair of perky, round breasts. She had the body of a supermodel, but with a bit more cleavage. Coupled with her flawless tan skin, she was all around stunning.

And then she wriggled her pants off to reveal long graceful legs, the smooth curves of her hips and a very large bulging package. The elastic panties were genuinely struggling to keep all of her contained, there was easily two full handfuls of testicle and flaccid cock packed in there. She posed with her fingers in a V shape. My eyebrows shot up and I just said "Fuck."

Valerie giggled and winked at me "Off you go now darling"


The address Valerie had given me, it turned out, was a hotel just a few blocks away from the convention centre. Nothing fancy, but not a dump either. There was a nice looking pool out front behind a wooden fence.

I pulled up in the small parking lot and hopped out of my car. It was a reliable old tub, it certainly wasn't going to impress my date, but I kept it clean and well maintained. It still had all its paint and wasn't faded despite it being an 11 year old car my father had given to me the day I moved out of home.

The hotel lobby was pleasant, if small. I sat on a cozy couch and waited for Valerie, holding the Bouquet of flowers I'd purchased for her. She'd never given me her number so I couldn't text to say I'd arrived.

Still, I was early, and come 5:30 she strolled out into the lobby, and my jaw hit the floor.

Valerie was stunning.

She wore a low cut burgundy cocktail dress that was loose around the collar, but clung tightly to her figure everywhere else. It had the faintest sparkle to it, just a tiny bit of extra glamor that somehow suited Valerie's personality perfectly.

Her shoulders were bare, and I found myself admiring the slope of her long neck. Everything about her from top to bottom projected elegance and grace, and her choice of clothing reinforced that. The dress showed a lot of her flawless skin and highlighted the smooth curves of her waist and calves. I couldn't even see the swell of her cock beneath the dress, which I found impressive considering the sizeable package she'd teased me with earlier.

I flushed a little as I stood, wearing a nice shirt and pants that I'd purchased earlier. I knew how to choose clothes that fit me well and looked good on me, thanks to my father, but I felt woefully underdressed next to Valerie.

As Valerie came over to me, on a whim I took her hand and lifted it to my lips. Then I presented her the bouquet of red roses. I knew it was old fashioned and overdone, but somehow I knew that of all the possible ways I could have shown up for this date, Valerie most wanted to be treated like a high class lady.

"You look incredible" I said.

Valerie smiled and smelled the roses "My my, you do know how to treat a lady"

"I think if I'd known how amazing you look in a cocktail dress, I'd have hired a limo and rolled out the red carpet"

She laughed and playfully slapped my arm before putting hers through it "Oh stop it darling. Now, I hope you don't mind but I have my own ideas about where we're going tonight"

"By all means" I replied "I was just going to take you to a restaurant nearby, but if you've got a better idea I'm all in"

We got in my car and Valerie gave me the address of a bar downtown. We got there and I was surprised to see how crowded the parking was. Sure it was a weekend, but working in a bar myself I knew Sundays weren't anywhere near as busy as Fridays or Saturdays.

But once we got inside I saw why. It was karaoke night. We walked in and Valerie went straight to the guy behind the bar.

"Kieth darling, is there a VIP Booth free tonight?"

"Thought you had another gig for the week Val?"

"I'm here on a date. This is Sam"

I shook the man's hand over the countertop. He was a bear of a man with a bushy beard and he was wearing an apron.

"You're a lucky fella. Treat her right, or there'll be a long line of people looking to have words with you"

I looked at Valerie for a moment before answering "A woman like this deserves the moon, I didn't bring my lasso, but I'll give it my best shot"

"You bein' funny mate?" He said sternly. I went pale.

Valerie shot Keith a stern look "It was a movie reference Keith, it was actually very romantic. Now behave yourself"

Kieth stared at me for a moment, unblinking. Then he gestured to an empty booth on the upper floor.

"Number 4 is free. But promise you'll do at least one solo, alright?"

Valerie patted the big man's hand. "Of course darling, anything for you and Helen"

We ordered drinks and then went to sit in the booth. It was in a great position, full view of the stage but also hidden from sight from the rest of the bar. The seats were comfy as hell too.

Valerie sat close next to me and we started talking. We talked about Valerie's career as a singer and how she was trying to write her own song to hopefully get her her big break. We talked about how I was studying to be a software engineer.

The person on stage finished their performance and the host got back on to ask if anyone else wanted to come up. Immediately Valerie called out "Here! Him! He'll sing!"

She was pointing at me.

I tried to protest, but Valerie was having none of it. She pushed me up and down the stairs to the stage. I turned to her.

"You're not going to let me get away without doing this are you"

"Absolutely not. Come on darling, show us all those years of singing lessons"

I gritted my teeth, then grinned "Alright. I do still kinda remember my graduation ceremony performance. But I need a partner"

Her eyes widened as I pulled her up on stage with me "Oh but I don't know the song!"

I laughed, not a little maniacally "If I'm gunna embarrass myself up here, you're gunna embarrass yourself right alongside me"

I told the announcer the song and it started playing over the speakers. Remembering how it had gone from years ago, I started centre stage and just singing, then as the beat picked up I dashed to the side and pulled Valerie onstage with me, twirling her around as I belted the lyrics out.

"I said you're holding back, she said-" I held the microphone to her, hoping she knew the lyrics.

"Shut up and dance with me!" she sang, perfectly on key. Her singing voice was excellent, but I had expected no less.

We did the whole song together, me pulling her through the fairly basic and simple dance routine I had memorised all those years ago, and her adding a few little extra touches that proved how talented she was on the stage. By the end of it I was panting, but there was an enthusiastic applause from the crowd. I grinned and bowed to my partner, and she bowed back then took the microphone from me. I went and sat in the booth again.

We stayed for another 2 hours, during which time Valerie did a couple more songs and we spent a lot of time laughing and drinking together. I was utterly enamored, Divya wasn't even a thought on my mind. Why should I be wasting my time daydreaming about someone who probably didn't want me when right here and now I was lucky enough to be spending time with a dazzling lady who I knew did want me?

We got progressively more affectionate too. By the time we were getting ready to leave, we'd had a brief makeout session in the booth and she was now just sitting on my lap.

Valerie had work at the convention centre again the next day, so she couldn't stay out much longer. I suggested it might be time to go soon.

Valerie took me by the arm and steered me backstage to a pair of small rooms, I assume where performers would be able to get dressed and the like. She opened one and told the sole occupant to get out. He tried to argue but she gave him a harsh look and just repeated herself once. He relented and left "Okay Val, geez".

She was speaking in a low, hushed voice and stroking my cheek over and over again, brushing my hair away from my face, looking into my eyes.

She kissed me, fiercely.

I pulled my pants off as quickly as I could, then practically tore my shirt away. Valerie wriggled her way out of her dress. Once my shirt was as off she bit her lip and ran her fingers over my just-slightly-visible abs.

"I didn't realise you were hiding this under that shirt"

"Good diet and regular exercise" I replied softly. She reached her arms around and undid her bra. As soon as it was free I reached up and squeezed her firm, round tit, then put my face between them. Valerie moaned and kissed the top of my head, then she pulled away and pulled her underwear off.

She was semi-erect already, and it was much bigger than I had expected. Still partially soft, her cock was a huge arch of veiny shaft, probably a bit over a foot in length and easily as thick as my forearm.

"How on earth do you hide that thing so well" I exclaimed.

"I'm a grower, not a shower... and also tight panties and sometimes tape"

She grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me toward her giant cock. I eagerly acquiesced and started kissing all up and down the length of her shaft. She got harder and harder as I labored over her, reaching maximum throbbing erection after a minute or so.

And it was fucking huge. Valerie bit her lip and pressed herself against my face and head. The thick meaty penis was long enough that when I started licking one of her fat, nearly fist-sized balls, she started slapping the end of her meaty cock on the back of my head. The tip of the huge girl cock was only partially exposed, the rest of it covered by her foreskin.

She lifted her big testicles and showed me her soaking wet pussy. I went in and started kissing and licking her. Valerie moaned satisfyingly.

"Fuck my pussy baby" she breathed as she bit her lip. I sat up and she scooted over and clambered onto me. I was rock hard and she didn't test the waters or anything, just sat straight down on me.

"Ooooooooohhh fuck" I exclaimed as she started bouncing up and down on me vigorously. She was a really tight fit for me, and I found myself hanging on for dear life as she used my dick like a pogo stick.

Her giant penis swung around wildly as she fucked me, I reached up and grabbed it to start rubbing it. I couldn't even fit the whole of her circumference in one hand. We did that for a while and then Valerie sat forward and took her swollen erection in one hand. She sat on me, rocking back and forward on my cock, with the tip of her own pointed at my face, looking down at me almost feverishly while biting her lip.

"Cum inside me baby, cum inside me" she moaned. I put my hands on her hips and started lifting her and pulling her back down hard onto me, while thrusting as much as I could from below.

Her moans got louder and more frantic, and her rubbing of her cock got more and more vigorous too. Then she threw back her head and screamed. Suddenly she had a death grip on my cock as she orgasmed, and I felt her hot cum shoot out onto my face. That did it for me, and I started orgasming inside her as well.

We sat, panting, for a moment, then Valerie kissed me and licked a good bit of her semen from off my face, she showed me her tongue coated in the thick cum and swallowed it.

"Holy fuck, you're a freak" I said, and she kissed me again. I could taste her sweet cum on her tongue.

"You have no idea, baby"

She then produced wipes from her purse and we cleaned ourselves off. She'd splattered a huge load over my face. It took three completely soaked wipes to get it all off.

Once we'd fixed ourselves up and Valerie had finished stuffing her monster cock away (through what must have been magical means, because the thing had been a towering foot-and-a-bit beast not five minutes before), we hurried back through the bar and out to my car. Valerie waved to Kieth on the way.

We got in the car. "So where to, milady?"

"Back to my hotel please. But be careful baby, don't get distracted" she turned in her seat so she was half facing me as I drove. As I pulled out she lifted her leg up onto the dash and reached around under it. She pulled her fat cock out and started slapping my hand that was resting on the gear stick with it. I glanced over at her and she was gazing at me intensely, biting her lip.

Her penis had some heft to it, and she was smacking me harder each time with it. Eventually I winced and looked over at her again. I swear she was getting off on the act, because she looked me full in the eyes, still biting her lip, and smacked my hand with her cock again, as hard as she could. I winced again and she relented, shifting her now fully erect cock so it was pointing up at her face.

She started sucking herself. But not just sucking. She spat on the huge rod over and over until it was slimy with saliva, and then started pulling and twisting and rubbing it while she sucked on the head. I tried very hard to keep my eyes on the road.

Valerie was really going to town on herself. She started moaning and licking underneath her foreskin. She didn't seem to care about getting messy, as it was the sloppiest blowjob I'd ever seen.

We turned onto the street her hotel was on and Valerie was full on slurping while pumping her huge cock with her hands.

Schlup schlup schlup schlup schlup schlup schluuuuuuuuuuuurp, followed by the smacking of her lips and an "Ahhhh". Then she struggled to put her mouth completely over the head of her own rock hard penis, just barely able to fit her lips over it, and turned up the vigorous cock pumping a couple more notches.

I narrowly missed the curb and pulled in to park crookedly. As I yanked the handbrake Valerie spasmed. Her cheeks puffed outwards and she made a muffled choking sound as her cum spurted into her mouth and throat, very quickly what she couldn't hold back began to drip out of her lips onto her throbbing python. I watched, rubbing my crotch, as she swallowed the big load and started sloppily licking up the mess she had made over her lips, chin and shaft.

After she was done, and had wiped herself down again, we sat in the car for a little longer to wait for her massive erection to go down. I made a joke about not thinking sexy thoughts and she laughed and said that would be hard now that she'd seen my pretty face covered in her cum.

Hot, filthy sex aside, we'd had a really nice time together. I hoped this wasn't the end, of either the date or our time together.

She packed herself away again and we got out of the car. She told me she was room 18, and so we walked through the lobby and out to a row of rooms. She got her key and unlocked the door.

"I've had a really great time with you tonight" I said. Valerie turned to me, surprised.

"You don't want to come in, darling?"

"I do, but I wasn't sure what you wanted. You said you have work tomorrow"

She shrugged "I'll live. Now get in here"

The room was just like the rest of the hotel. Nice, clean, but nothing special. Valerie's things seemed restricted to a suitcase and her bag. She'd kept the place quite clean and tidy by the look of it.

"Will you get us some sodas from the vending machine outside darling? I'm just going to freshen up a little" she went into the bathroom and I heard the water turn on.

I asked what flavor she wanted, then went and fetched the drinks. When I came back Valerie was sitting on the bed in a floral silk nightgown through which I could see the outline of all her enticing goodies.

She threw a similar piece of fabric to me as I set the drinks on the bedside table "So we can match". I stripped and put it on then came and sat on the bed beside her.

I kissed her and then she pulled up her phone, which was casting to the TV opposite the bed.

"What shall we watch then?" She asked.

I shrugged "What's not on the table?"

"Hmm, I don't like horror, and romance makes me cry. Oh, and only pick a documentary if you want me to fall asleep"

"How about a goofy old monster movie?"

"Do you mean like Godzilla?"


So we put on an old black and white version of the film and spent the first half hour or so laughing at the special effects. At one point, as Godzilla was rampaging through the city, Valerie told me to pause the movie. She got up and lifted her flaccid cock and held it with her hands up against Godzilla, it was roughly the same size. I laughed and she roared and pretended to rampage, parading her thick dick around as though she were smashing down buildings with it.

"That's actually really fucking sexy" I said as she climbed back onto the bed.

"Oh? You like it when my big monster goes on a rampage?"

I nodded enthusiastically. She playfully slapped her cock against my thigh, then leaned in to kiss me. I rolled over on top of her, and she looked up at me with her eyes wide and her expression vulnerable. She wanted me to initiate and take control.

I looked her deep in her beautiful brown eyes, then lifted her thigh and started kissing my way down it towards her crotch. I moved her testicles out of the way and started playing with her pussy. First kissing her labia, then running my tongue along them, then kissing and gently sucking her clit.

Her fat balls sat heavily on my face, one slightly squashing my eye. I massaged them while I worked on her vagina. Her cock slowly stiffened and she started moving her hips in a soft rhythm.

We stayed like this for a while, maybe 5 minutes, I wasn't sure. Then Valerie pulled my hair a little to let me know she wanted me to come up for air. I crawled up her body, stopping briefly at her pert breasts to squeeze and kiss them.

She gave me the same vulnerable eyes and I reached down to insert my powerfully hard cock into her again. She gasped as I pushed in, forcing myself as deep as I could go. I didn't have a colossal member like her, but in this instance, that was a good thing. She likely wasn't capable of penetrative sex considering how massive she was, whereas I was small enough to fit, but big enough to plumb the depths of her pussy.

I thrusted harder and harder, getting more and more aggressive. Valerie moaned and started digging her nails into my back. The pain unleashed an animal inside me, I snarled and my eyes flashed. My thrusting became pounding as I slammed myself into Valerie with all my strength. She started to slide backward up the bed, I pulled her back to me and grabbed her huge erect lighthouse of a penis with one hand, then gripped her upper thigh with the other. I used them for leverage as I pulled her down onto me and simultaneously slammed myself up into her. Her giant cock pulsed with every cycle.

Valerie's moaning became cries of pleasure, and those cries reached a crescendo. I felt her body spasm as she orgasmed, her legs clenched around me, her nails dug deep into my shoulders and her raging hard cock began forcefully spurting her cum wildly around while it swung about as I used it for a handhold. I didn't slow down, I was very close myself. I pushed harder again and soon felt the waves of dopamine flood my brain. My body failed me and I fell forward onto Valerie. We lay with each other like that for a sweet moment, both in the throes of orgasm, covered in our sweat and her semen.

I stayed the rest of the night with Valerie, and we got breakfast together the next morning before her shift. We exchanged numbers and promised to see each other again. As I dropped her off at the convention centre in her bikini and panties, enjoying the sight of her hefty package bulging out turgidly from her slim, lithe form, a brief mental image came unbidden to my mind. An image of a different woman wearing that ridiculously revealing outfit. A woman who stood nearly a whole head taller than Valerie, a woman whose breasts would've needed a bikini twice as large just to cover her areola, a woman whose ass would've made those panties look like a g-string.

A woman with a cock that would've worn those panties like a yarmulke.


Divya stretched and yawned, her boobs flopping about under her loose fitting pajama top. She grabbed them both and looked down at the huge mounds with a frown.

"Now listen, are you going to cooperate today, or is it going to be more sweat rash and itches?"

The boobs said nothing. But a tiny itch appeared on one.

"So you have chosen death" Divya scratched the itch hard, hurting herself a little through her aggression. But she refused to admit wrongdoing.

Instead she got up out of bed and went to the bathroom in her cozy apartment. It was a bit of a mess if she was honest, but nothing was dirty. She just had a lot of stuff.

She splashed water on her face and stood looking in the mirror. The woman staring back was tall with loose, messy black hair, honey-bronze skin and a wide, angular face. She had a sharp chin and slightly crooked nose. By far her favorite feature was her eyes though. She had beautiful dark eyes that positively sparkled when she smiled.

She moved her eyes downward. She was wearing a baggy old t-shirt and soft baggy pants, but that did very little to hide her body. Her breasts were enormous, bigger than the vast majority of women she'd ever met by a long shot. She needed custom bras to get the right fit, and the last time she'd had them sized they'd told her she was a very very large J-cup. It'd been a few years since then and she was sure she'd gotten bigger still. The last 40J bra she'd bought now dug into her breasts in certain areas and didn't do much to help the back pain she experienced.

She had a regular sized waist, even a little wide perhaps, but the size of her chest and hips made her waist look tiny. Her hips curved smoothly outward into her thick thighs, hinting at the very full and plump buttocks she sported.

And then of course, her colossal penis. Even hidden away as it was beneath her baggy pajama pants, the swollen bulge that characterized the shape of her cock pressed outward against the fabric, making it look like she had a serving bowl under there. It tapered slowly as it stretched down into one of the pant legs, ending down by her knee.

By far the most controversial feature Divya had. On the one hand, she had a laundry list of former devoted lovers, many of whom she could still call up to this day if she were so inclined. But on the other hand, she'd been harassed about her body since her teenage years. Everything from name calling to being kicked out of events. Comments about dressing inappropriately were so normal for her she almost tuned them out. It never mattered how she dressed, whether she rugged herself up like an Eskimo or wore a bikini and thong, she would always get the same comments.

Divya opened a bottle of medication and popped a couple pills, then reached down and smacked her massive cock a little. She liked watching it swing and jiggle under the baggy pants.

She picked up her phone and sent a quick text.

Hey, how'd you go?

She scrolled through the history of that particular contact, twirling her hair in her finger, then rubbing her nipple... then she moved her hand down to her giant bulge. A smile crossed her face and she bit her lip.

Divya went back to her bed and sprawled herself out on the big king sized mattress. She continued to stroke herself as she read her old text messages. Then she put her phone down and pulled her pants down past her knees. She lifted her enormous cock with both hands, pulling it up to sit heavily between her breasts. The bedside table had 3 drawers in it, she opened one and pulled out lube and a big, stretchy fleshlight.

Divya squirted a big splooge of lube along the shaft of her penis and started spreading it across the length and width of the monster. Then she took the fleshlight and struggled to push the soft flaccid mass of cock into the opening at one end. It took some effort, but she was slowly getting hard at the same time, which made it easier. The fleshlight barely fit and was clearly stretching to its limits to accommodate her girth.

Divya began pumping her cock in and out of the struggling sex toy. She was well practiced and knew just how she liked to be touched. Not many of her lovers had ever managed to figure her out.

After a short while Divya was fully erect. The mega cock stretched up to the sky like a skyscraper. She pulled the huge slab of fleshlight-encased girlcock back down to lay across her torso and over her shoulder. She reached into the drawer again and pulled out a dildo, which she then began to feed into the tip of her penis. Now she only moved her hips instead of rubbing the whole of her shaft with the fleshlight, and began to furiously fuck her cock with the dildo.

Her wrist and arm grew tired quickly, but she kept shoving the toy inside of herself, enjoying the sensation and imagining it to be a real cock inside of her. It wouldn't take long for her to reach orgasm, and then in her mind's eye her creamy cum would splatter all across his face...

Divya came hard, her cock shooting the dildo out like a bullet and then spewing a torrent of thick, hot semen all over herself and the bed. As she did she arched her back and screamed.

