DIVYA Part 2 by Secret_Bard

"Do I get to see you Friday night?."

"Darling, you can see me anytime [Wink Emoji]."

"I want to see you right now."


She sent a picture, the camera pointing directly down her shirt, showing me her pink lace bra and, tightly stuffed between her round, perky breasts and under the bra, the fat head of her rock hard cock.

I smiled and bit the inside of my lip. Friday couldn't come fast enough.

I was in class, and the lecturer was giving a rather engaging lesson about cybersecurity, delivered from behind a pulpit in Auditorium 7. I always had memories of going to church with my mother when I had lectures in Auditorium 7, as the pulpit was identical to the one the pastor had preached from, dark stained wood with a gaping circular hole in the front for some unknown reason.

Not much of what the lecturer was saying was new to me, but her delivery was very good. It almost made me want to put my phone down. Almost.

It also helped that the lecturer, one Mrs. Lisette Campbell, was smoking hot. She was a middle aged Black woman with an incredible body. Huge breasts and a big round bubble butt that the severe professional outfits she wore just couldn't hide. Rumor on campus was her classes had near perfect attendance and high failure rates, I'm sure you can figure out the correlation.

But, I was there to learn. So I put my head down and continued taking notes. I got lost in the lecture and before I knew it, Mrs. Campbell was giving her closing notes and dismissing us. I packed up my stuff and hightailed it out of there.

I lived in a dormitory on campus. It was small, but I didn't have to share it and it meant I could save money on fuel. I had planned to use tonight as a rest and recharge night. I'd been studying like a madman for two weeks, and between that, work and meeting up with Valerie, I was utterly spent.

But you know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men...

My phone buzzed. A text message from Divya.

Right around the time that I started hooking up with Valerie, Divya had started wanting to hang out more. I still wasn't entirely sure what was going on, because while that behavior implied to me that Divya wanted my attention and was stepping it up now that I was kinda sorta seeing someone, when we hung out we never did anything except watch anime and eat takeout. Now we were in this strange place where I assumed we were just friends, but I also had this feeling that Divya was deliberately trying to pull my time and energy away from Valerie.

I worried that I was becoming one of those guys stuck in the friendzone, with a woman I desperately wanted, who wasn't interested in me but also didn't want to give up the emotional support and validation that I gave her. I tried to convince myself this wasn't what was happening, that wasn't the type of person Divya was. But then she would text me at all hours of the night about feelings she was struggling with, and problems with her family and so on.

I felt a little like I was being used and that I wasn't getting the same out of the relationship that I was putting in. So I tried to focus on the relationship I was having.

Valerie was amazing. Whenever she was in town or I was able to come see her where she was, we had a blast together. We went ice skating together just the week before. Valerie had known one of the guys who worked there and got us access to the rink after closing time. We skated, then ate on the ice... then fucked like animals on the ice. It was incredible. When I was with Valerie, I almost forgot about Divya. Almost.

Divya wanted to know if I was free this evening. I typed "no, sorry, got homework" but didn't press send. As I walked I just stared at my phone, fighting with myself.

I got to my dorm and finally deleted the message and just responded with

"Sure, wanna come round?."


"I can be there in half an hour. Cool?."

"Sounds good. C u soon."

I straightened up the room and sprayed some air freshener in preparation, and sure enough, about 30 minutes later there was a knock at my door. I opened it up and Divya came in. She pushed a bag of takeout into my hands.

"Hey Sam, I got Thai Palace for us"

"Ooooo, that yellow curry?"

"Of course, it's your favourite"

She put her purse on my desk and took off her motorcycle jacket. Underneath she was wearing a t-shirt with one of the Whole Iron Alchemist characters on it. An alarmingly tight shirt that looked to be a few sizes too small for her. It clung to her body like paint, showing every delicious curve.

Her boobs were gigantic. They covered the entirety of her upper torso and hung heavily like enormous overripe fruit upon her chest. She had them stuffed into a too-small bra with so much overflow that it almost looked like she had four breasts.

Per usual I tried and failed not to stare. Divya was lovely, with her honey-bronze skin, black hair and a face full of expression and character. I genuinely found her to be the most attractive woman I'd ever met, even though if you put her next to Valerie her features would look flawed by comparison. But that was unfair anyhow, Valerie had the face and body of a model.

But it was everything else about Divya that brought her attention wherever she went. Her massive breasts of course, but she also had a fat ass. In the skintight leggings she was wearing tonight, which cupped her every curve, her huge jiggling bubble booty looked even more pronounced. She had nice thick thighs and a perfectly normal waist, but the jutting pillows of her breasts, stretching her shirt out further than if she had stuffed a pair of basketballs under it, combined with her wide hips, made her waist look tiny.

And of course, as always, her cock. The swollen, bulky pear shaped trunk that bulged absurdly under her tights. The bloated flaccid form of the towering beast that had taken the whole of my own erection inside of it during our wild fuck in the work bathroom.

I forced my eyes up from her huge appendage, right into Divya's own eyes, watching me ogle her. I flushed with embarrassment, like I always did, and quickly looked away, like I always did.

"So what're we watching tonight?" Divya asked.

"Uh, I haven't thought about it to be honest. It's been a busy day, I've been decompressing."

"Totally get it. Don't stress, I'll throw something on, and we can just chill."

She got up and grabbed the controller for my game console. I had it hooked up to the TV and used it to watch movies and shows. She put a Studio Whibli movie on, one that we both loved. I settled into my desk chair and started eating, Divya rolled onto my bed and did the same.

A few minutes in she turned to me "So how's your girlfriend?"

Her demeanor was casual, but I sensed a hint of sharpness underneath. I tried not to read into it, and mentally berated myself once again for telling Divya about Valerie.

"Yeah... she's not my girlfriend exactly. She's been pretty clear that she just wants to have fun and go on dates. 'Not exclusive' was, I believe, the exact phrasing she used."

"Oh... I see... so how's your not-girlfriend?"

I laughed "She's fine I think. To the best of my knowledge she's doing a gig upstate somewhere, but she'll be back in town on Friday."

I looked over at Divya as she lounged on my bed eating Thai food. Her huge breasts were resting heavily, one stacked atop the other and the other squashed against the bed so that it looked somehow, impossibly, even larger.

"What about you? Single life still agreeing with you?"

"It's good, I need the me-time. But my parents are on me about finding a new boyfriend. They're terrified I'll never get married."

She'd regaled me with the details a couple times now.

Do you even want to get married?"

"I think so. Some day anyway. Once I find a guy worth half a damn."

"Oh? I always figured you were a free spirited nobody-can-tie-me-down type."

She twirled a piece of her hair and furrowed her brow thoughtfully "Yeah I thought so too, but this being single thing has me thinking about it. I want a companion ya know. A guy who's my best friend as well as my lover. I think that's where I've been going wrong, dating guys just for sex. I need to start dating guys who are good friends."

My heart skipped a beat. Was she talking about me? No. I was reading into it. Don't be silly, I told myself.

I said nothing. Neither did she. The silence felt particularly empty, like she was waiting for me to say something. But by this point I had already dismissed my foolish and unrealistic initial notion.

We watched more of the movie and finished our dinner.

Suddenly she bounced off the bed, her breasts leaping about like huge wobbling mounds of jello.

Gotta use your bathroom," she said. I nodded and gestured for her to go ahead.

A few minutes later she opened the door and stood in the frame with her hand on her hip and a cheeky smile. In her other hand she held a bra. One of Valerie's bras.

"Lookie what I found," she said.

"Oh. I'm so sorry, I thought I put that away... I didn't mean for you to see it. It's Valerie's."

"The not-girlfriend? She must be so skinny to be able to even wear this thing." she waved the bra around a little.

"Uh, sure. She's pretty slim I guess." a frown was starting to form on my brow.

"Wanna see if I can fit in it?"

"... I don't know if that's a good idea Div..." I got up and reached for the bra, but Divya snatched it away and laughed. It was a high pitched peal, and her grin was strained.

"Oh relax, she'll never know," and Divya proceeded to lift her shirt up, rolling it up over her slightly rounded belly, then over the vast mountains that were her breasts. I felt my cock harden rapidly.

She tossed the shirt aside and flicked her hair back casually, deliberately. Then she slowly lifted her bra over her breasts. Inch after inch of heavy tit fell out of the bra until finally they were released and her fat brown nipples came into view. I said nothing, just watched, my eyes alert and wide as the huge pendulous udders swung and jostled lightly.

Divya gently slapped her right nipple and then pretended to brush something off the underside of her breast. The staggering volume of them was incredible. Her whole hand could only cover just a small portion of one. Her powerful sexuality already could not be contained or hidden, and now she was out on full display.

She picked up Valerie's bra and fastened it around the smallest part of her waist. She almost couldn't snap the links together. Then she twisted the tiny bra around, her big udders swinging about intoxicatingly. She drew the shoulder straps over her arms, then started trying to stuff her huge chest into the hilariously small container.

She squashed her nipples and most of her areola in, but couldn't do much more than that. The entirety of the rest of her breasts bulged out of the bra, and the straps even disappeared under the folds of her skin. She gave up and then lifted her arms and swung her chest about.

"So, what do you think?" She asked.

I didn't answer. She shook her giant tits, their astonishing volume jouncing about.

The bra snapped. Her breasts fell out, their full, impressive glory on display again.

"Oops," she said, entirely insincerely.

I adjusted my cock, which was painfully hard. Then I turned to her.

"Divya, I don't know how I'm going to explain that..."

Her face instantly went dark and she grabbed her shirt and pulled it on in a huff. She quickly collected her own bra and her bag, then pulled the door open.

"What is wrong with you Sam?!" Then she left and slammed the door behind her.

What just happened?

I sat and put my head in my hands. For a good ten minutes I sat and recounted the events in my head, trying to understand what I did wrong. I grabbed my phone and started typing a message to Divya, asking what's wrong, what I did, is she okay...

I deleted and retyped that message a dozen times.

It would've been about half an hour later I heard a knock on the door. But before I could respond, the handle turned and it opened.

It was Divya. She'd come back. But she was soaking wet. It suddenly occurred to me that I could hear the rain outside.

Her hair was glued to her face and neck, I could see her every curve and the dark of her nipples through her shirt. Her eyes were intense beneath her frowning brow.

And she had a massive erection. Her cock was hard as rock and swollen to its full size, barely contained within her leggings. The head of her penis was down pressed against her lower calf and had swollen so large that I could see it through her stretched-to-breaking-point tights.

She limped over to me, her huge cock making it hard to walk properly. She snatched the phone out of my hand and looked at my half complete message, then tossed it onto my bed.

"Are you oka-" I started to ask

"Shut up," she said, her voice firm and even. She leaned in close to me.

"Do you want me, or not?"


"Desperately." I whispered in return.


She slammed the door shut, then came back over to me, still sitting in the desk chair. She unbuttoned my pants and pulled my cock out, then she pulled her shirt over her head again and allowed her giant tit to flop down onto my face. I found her nipple and started sucking. She moaned a little, and I felt her put her foot between my legs on the chair. I stopped to watch as she rolled up her leggings just far enough to reveal her colossal penis head. She maneuvered it into place and then put her foot down slowly.

I felt cloying warmth and wetness surround my erection as the massive engorged head of her cock engulfed mine.

She stood over me, her vast breast resting heavily on my face, her foot between my thighs and that gigantic trunk of penis bent around alongside her leg in an arch. I could see her shaft throbbing, it looked almost angry to be so tightly confined and restricted. Every pulse pushed her glans down an inch or so onto my cock, before rising back up again, almost like she was trying to ride me purely through the natural effects of her extreme arousal.

I looked around her breast up into her eyes. Her face was contorted almost like she was in pain. Her eyes met mine and she looked almost helpless. I realized she was about to blow.

"Oh fuck," she whimpered.

Her cum exploded onto my cock, then my crotch and then immediately started spilling out onto the chair, my legs and the floor. Her colossal shaft bulged and swelled powerfully, stretching the tights to the point where I started to hear the snapping of individual threads.

Divya fell off me and staggered a bit before dropping to the ground, her mighty ejaculation taking command and rendering her temporarily non-functional with body wracking spasms. She moaned as she arched her back and her massive penis shot more of her hot semen across the floor.

I watched, eyes wide and mouth agape, as she continued writhing. Her monster finally tore a hole in her leggings, then another, and another. In short order only tightly wound strands of fabric restrained the pulsating beast, as well as the rolled up lip of the pants, that sat just above her cock-head.

Divya's moaning got quieter, then stopped entirely. She ceased writhing and went limp as the last few glops of thick cum dribbled out of her cock. It took me a second but I realized that she had passed out.

I hurried over to her and lifted her head and checked her pulse. She was completely out of it. Her head lolled to the side.

"Oh Div..." I whispered, then gently kissed her forehead. She hadn't been exaggerating about those symptoms.

I gently lifted her onto my shoulders and hauled her limp form to the bed. Being 6 feet of huge boobs, ass and cock, she was not light, and I struggled mightily not to let her slip. But we got there, and once I'd made sure she was positioned properly and breathing without issue, I set about cleaning up.

After Valerie's first overnight stay I had made the wise investment of purchasing a steam cleaner for the carpeted dorm room floor. Expensive, but necessary, because I was absolutely not going to try and explain the nature and size of that mess to a cleaning company.

It was only a few minutes later, as I was working on the floor, that I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw Divya standing behind me, looking fragile and sheepish. I turned the machine off and she sat beside me on the ground.

"I'm so sorry Sam. I don't know what came over me."

It took all of my strength to resist the urge to say that I knew what had came over me. Instead I just comforted her.

"Don't worry about it Div. The messes are part and parcel with the fun, and that was fun."

"You enjoyed that?" She asked incredulously.

"Yeah. I want you. I want this."

She looked at the floor, where she was drawing imaginary circles in the carpet with her finger. "Oh," she said.

"Do you... want this?" I asked her.

She was silent for a little while. I didn't pester her, I just waited.

"I don't know what I want right now Sam. I'm a huge mess at the moment.

We sat for a while, saying nothing, just my arm around her back. She even leaned over and put her head on my shoulder. I chose to just enjoy the moment.

I had wanted Divya since I had first laid eyes on her. That hadn't changed. I would take whatever she was willing to give and cherish it for as long as I could.

Eventually Divya got up and gathered herself to go again, pulling her shirt back on, sliding her fat shaft down the still intact side of her leggings and collecting her jacket. I told her she didn't have to leave.

"I'm sorry Sam. I know you're ready for something to happen between us, but I'm fighting a war inside my own head. Right now is one of the times when I feel like I have a bit of clarity. I can't be committed and reliable right now, and I don't want to hurt you or myself."

I didn't answer. But as she walked out the door I told her "Just don't be a stranger okay. I'll miss you."

She stopped, came back through the door and put her lips on mine. I closed my eyes and sunk into the kiss. It was rough and passionate, and I put my desire and frustration into it. But as quickly as it had begun, Divya pulled away and practically ran out the door,

I sighed as the door closed behind her, then turned the steam cleaner on again.


I pulled up to the hotel parking lot. Valerie was waiting for me. She was dressed in a loose tank top and short cargo shorts, and had a baseball cap on over her single-braided hair. It didn't seem to matter what she wore, she always looked amazing. In particular it was impossible to fully hide her thick bulge under the shorts, and I enjoyed the tantalizing glimpses of it as the cargo shorts moved while she walked.

I rolled the window down and she put her arms on the sill.

She eyed me up and down. "Well hello handsome. I like the rugged look on you."

"I was just about to say the same thing."

She struck a pose and winked. "You're absolutely right darling, I am very handsome."

I laughed and opened the door, got out and embraced her. She was taken aback at first, but returned the hug and pat me on my back.

"Are you quite alright darling?"

"Yeah... just happy to see you. It's been a difficult week, and you're always just... a bright light."

"That's so sweet darling."

We released each other and got into the car.

"So where are we going then?" She asked.

"Somewhere almost as beautiful as you."

"Oh stop it you... But really, where are we going?"

I told her our destination was a relatively unknown nature reserve about a two hour drive away.

"Two hours? But darling, I've been saving up," she stroked her crotch, which I noticed was surging and twitching at her touch "I don't know if I can wait a whole two hours."

"Enticing as you are, I planned it so we would get there at the best time of day. Trust me, you're going to love it."

She put on an exaggerated sad face and pulled her huge semi-engorged cock out of her shorts. She pointed the head towards her face, as though she was having a conversation with it.

"You hear that? He says we have to wait two more hours!" She leaned close and lifted her girthy penis near her ear. "Yes I know darling, you've been such a good girl, no sex for a whole week!"

I started driving. Valerie was being playful and continued pretending to speak to her huge cock. We both made some jokes and regaled each other with stories about how our week had been. I didn't mention Divya. We put on music and sang together, which summoned memories of my father again. But this time I was able to stay positive.

The whole time, the thick, near foot-long cock stayed out in Valerie's lap. After a while she started stroking herself as she sang. Soon she had a full erection and was sliding down in the chair till her cock was standing tall and straight.

Valerie reached up and unhooked the air freshener from where it had been looped around my rear view mirror. She took it and looped it around her penis. Then she looped it around a second time. At this point the elastic was getting tight, but she looped it around one more time and then rolled it down till it sat tightly squeezing the hilt of her enormous shaft. She pulled the throbbing cock to her chest and let it go. The achingly hard monster flung up like a catapult, swung back and forth a few times and then sat quivering like a great tower. The veins on her cock, previously not visible, swelled under the pressure and soon crisscrossed along her length.

It was around this time that we turned in to the main entrance for the nature park. Hallaway Hills, a favourite haunt of mine that I'd been visiting on and off since I'd moved away from home. I hadn't had much opportunity to come since I started studying, so I was very much looking forward to a nice hike with a gorgeous woman and some hot, nasty sex to help wash away the complicated mess of emotions I had running around in my mind.

There were a few cars in the large parking lot, signifying that we wouldn't be alone on our hike. But Hallaway Hills was a huge reserve. I'd only rarely encountered others even on seemingly busy days.

We got out and I shouldered the backpack with all our supplies in it. Valerie skipped up along next to me and took my arm in her hands as we started along my favorite trail. It was a winding route that took us up a lengthy incline and through consistent but sparse forest.

I asked how her gig had gone, and she asked about my studies. We chatted about unimportant things as we walked, cracking jokes and flirting, just enjoying each other's company.

Eventually we reached an overlook. A wooden platform built into the side of the cliff, that sported a couple benches and a great view. Valerie put her hands on the railing and gazed with wide eyes at the great wild forested valley below us.

I couldn't take my eyes off her. Valerie managed to be stunningly beautiful in any outfit. Her lithe figure was slim and smooth with enticing soft curves. She had a firm, round ass and slightly larger than average breasts. I wanted to tear her clothes off and free her giant cock, then slam my own raging erection into her.

She must've been reading my mind, because without prompting she turned around, grabbed me by my collar and pulled me down into a kiss. With one hand I supported her back and with the other I reached down to massage the thick bulge I could feel pressing against my crotch. She was throbbing and swollen.

"Take my fat cock out baby," she whispered in my ear. I eagerly obliged, slowly uncoiling the hefty monster. She was soon hard as a rock. I leaned down and kissed the half-covered tip of her and she shivered.

I pulled her into another kiss, then undid my pants and slung out my own achingly hard cock as she jiggled her shorts down and off. Then I lifted her onto me, feeling my whole girth and length enter into her tight pussy.

I fucked her up against the railing, caught up in feverish lust. Her massive log of a cock swung about between us, slapping between her tits and my chest. Her eyelids were heavy and her perfect lips formed an O as I rammed myself into her with greater and greater strength. Then she pulled her face to my ear.

"Cum inside me baby."

I did. Explosively hard. The chemicals flooded my brain and my eyes rolled as my body spasmed slightly.

Valerie slid off me and turned around. She poked her fat meat through the wooden railing and pointed her penis out over the forest. Then she reached down over the railing and vigorously masturbated.

Her thick load spewed out into the open air and disappeared into the trees far below. I squeezed her breasts as she rubbed out the last few spurts into her hand.

"You always manage to surprise me with what a dirty slut you are," I said as I kissed her neck. She pulled her giant cock back through the bars, leaned forward and lifted it to her mouth. I bit my lip as I watched her lick and suck the sticky semen off of her swollen cock head where she had lathered it. Then I leaned forward and licked and sucked the top of her shaft too, working my way up until my lips met hers. We intertwined our tongues and shared her sloppy cum between our mouths. We broke away after we had slurped up the last of her load off her cock.

"You're a bit of a slut yourself, darling. I love watching you swallow my cum."

We packed ourselves away again and resumed our hike, this time at a more leisurely pace and with less talking. But Valerie surprised me by holding my hand as we walked. It wasn't the affectionate touching that I wasn't used to, Valerie was a naturally very physically affectionate person. No, it was the comfortable, casual affection that surprised me. We didn't do things like hugs and peck-kisses. I'd initiated a couple times but it always felt awkward, like we weren't there in the relationship yet.

I enjoyed the coziness of the interaction. Choosing not to make a big deal out of it and just take it for what it was. Valerie had made it clear that she wasn't looking for a future with me, or anyone. She didn't want to move in with someone and share a bed or bills or ever have children. She wanted fun dates and filthy sex until one or both of us grew tired of the arrangement.

Eventually we reached the main attraction, the primary place I'd wanted to show Valerie. It was a massive waterfall. The track passed over the river at the top of the waterfall, but in my riskier exploration I had found a path down to a lower outcropping where a cave had formed behind the waterfall. There was a lovely crystal clear pool of water covering most of the ground of the cave.

"Wow Sam... this is absolutely stunning."

I smiled and offered her my hand to help her across the rocks over to a patch of dry land toward the rear of the small cavern. We settled and I pulled out a picnic blanket, some sandwiches and a bottle of wine and some glasses.

"I don't know what kind of wine you like," I said. "But if you're not a fan of Rosé, I've got some juice in here too."

"Rosé is just fine darling." I poured her a drink and we clinked our glasses. "This is one of the loveliest places I've ever visited. How did you find it?"

"I come out here sometimes. I'm not usually big on the outdoors, but sometimes it feels good to get out into nature. Touch that little bit of wild that I think everyone has inside, you know? I think I first came out here after a breakup, ages ago. I was feeling reckless, so I climbed down here."

"Well, I am doubly glad for that breakup then."

I raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"

She leaned over and kissed me delicately. It was sweet and gentle. A kiss that said "you make me happy", instead of the passionate lip biting affairs that were our usual. When she pulled away we sat for a moment, looking into each others' eyes.

"You are so beautiful," I said. She smiled and took another sip of her wine, then got up and pulled her clothes off.

I admired her long, smooth limbs and body. She was perfect in every way, from her flawless skin to her gentle curves to her flat stomach. Her hefty penis swung enticingly between her legs.

Valerie then turned and waded slowly into the water. Like a scene out of a movie I watched her submerge until only her shoulders were above the water, and her flowing hair clung to her back. She turned her head and asked me if I was coming.

I stripped and joined her. The water was cool, and we watched the waterfall together. Valerie came and wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my chest.

After a little while of cuddling, we kissed again, this time the passion returned. Soon we were gripping each other tightly and running our hands all over the others' body. Valerie pushed me to the edge of the pool and laid me back into the shallow water. Then she shifted her hair to one side and started sucking on my hard cock. Her full lips wrapped around my girth like velvet pillows and she sucked me vigorously until I felt an orgasm roll over me. In typical Valerie fashion she took it all in her mouth and showed me her cum coated tongue before swallowing it.

Then she lay down and pulled me towards her massive erection. She was fully aroused, and the entire length of her penis was achingly hard. The weighty beast curved up out of her crotch and stretched up over her torso in a crescent like a rainbow, with the swollen, near-fist-sized head of her cock hanging just above her breast. I kissed the monstrous cock from base to tip, massaging it as I did. Valerie put her head back and softly moaned at my touch.

When I reached the head of her enormous endowment, I wrapped my lips around it and started sucking. The thing was huge, and my lips stretched tight to be able to accommodate it. But accommodate it I did. I took her shaft in my hands while I sucked her off, massaging and rubbing her exceptional length.

As I worked I felt Valerie's hand reach up and take hold of the back of my head. She gently pushed me up and down on her cock. Her moaning grew louder and she pushed my head down onto her shaft with increasing strength and ferocity. I felt the giant glans fill the back of my mouth, then start to force itself down into my throat. I tried not to gag, but it probably wouldn't have mattered anyway, because Valerie suddenly took hold of me with both hands and slammed her enormous cock as far into me as it could go. I felt the thick shaft pass my tongue and her swollen head squeeze itself into my throat, inch by inch, cutting off my ability to breath.

I started to see flashing lights and tried to tap Valerie to let her know I needed air. But she just pushed harder, and then very quickly I felt a surge in her.

A torrent of hot semen exploded down my throat. I tried not to choke, and to just swallow it as it came. But again, it probably wouldn't have mattered either way. Valerie had buried herself about as deep down my neck as it was possible for me to humanly take. I had no control anymore as the waves of cum surged into me.

I quickly lost count of how many times the thick semen came crashing down my throat. But when it abated and Valerie obliged my struggles and pulled herself out of me, I fell to the ground gasping. It took me a minute to recover my senses, but when I did, Valerie was lying next to me and smiling widely.

"I hope I wasn't too rough, baby. I got a bit carried away. Most of my lovers can't fit me in their mouth, I had forgotten how much I love it."

She pecked me on the cheek. I smiled weakly in return.

"It's okay. But maybe give me a little warning next time?"

"Of course darling," she said, softly.

We lay there for a while. I nursed my now very full stomach somewhat tenderly. We didn't talk very much, but Valerie cuddled up to me, and the tenderness of our intertwined naked bodies gave us both comfort.

Eventually we packed up our things and dressed ourselves. The hike back to the car felt short and uneventful, we flirted and joked. The drive home was longer, and we sang again. When I pulled up to Valerie's current abode, I felt a little sad to say goodbye.

I was gifted a tender farewell kiss and then Valerie was away, waving from the curb as I drove off.


First day back at class after the weekend. It was a full day of lectures, but thankfully I had the afternoon off work. The weekend had been uneventful, I hadn't heard from Divya or Valerie and a part of me was relieved, I felt like I needed a little break.

The first few hours were the easiest, but my last two classes were both with Mrs. Campbell, and on top of being exhausted and doing my best not to be distracted by the woman's astonishingly attractive figure, the classes were both quite intensive. The first was an intermediate programming class, while the second was a rather difficult to absorb session about ethics and policy within the tech industry.

Mrs. Campbell was something else though. Incredibly intelligent and unflinchingly serious, she was by far the best lecturer I'd ever had. She had zero tolerance for nonsense and would kick people out of her class for fooling around, but she also had an incredibly uncanny ability to explain difficult concepts in a way that was easy to understand. You could tell her understanding of the subject matter was on a whole other level simply by how well she could break it down.

I had taken to writing down her explanations word for word, because I would find myself later trying to wrap my head around an idea that had made perfect sense when she had explained it to me.

But sometimes, the lesser side of my nature got the better of me, and I would find myself getting lost staring at her colossal breasts.

She always wore her hair in a tight bun, and her uniform consisted of different colors of professional skirt and buttoned shirt. Her skirts flared substantially at the hips, as she had quite the curve below her waist. But her shirts were extra large, and carefully tailored to fit properly around her arms, shoulders and waist. It had to be this way, because a shirt more suited to the size of the rest of her body would have struggled mightily to contain her awesome chest.

The slight creases of wrinkles were the only clue as to Mrs. Campbell's age, no other part of her appearance would tell you that she was apparently in her mid-50s.

I sighed, my chin resting on my hands, as her enormous bulging udders pressed against her shirt when she reached her hand up to point at the whiteboard. My mind wandered to Divya, whose own breasts were nearly as large. I fell into a vivid daydream, imagining the two women pulling their staggeringly large assets out of their shirts and smothering me with them.

I got a text from Divya about halfway through the last class of the day.

"Hey, can I come over tonight?"

I hadn't planned on doing anything, and I'd taken the week off work.


I considered for a moment. This was pretty abrupt. We hadn't talked in days.

"Is something wrong?"

"Idk, feeling lonely I guess," she replied.

We texted for the rest of class, her asking how class was going and me asking after her hobbies. She had started drawing a portrait of her mother the other day and was apparently making good progress.

Class finished and I went back to my dorm. Divya showed up about two hours later. She was wearing very casual clothes, a huge red XXL loose fitting t-shirt cinched at her waist with a knot, under which her huge boobs seemed to be enticingly free, and black leggings and a black skirt. The distinct shape of her giant monster was bulging against the fabric of her leggings. It seemed swollen, almost like she had a semi-erection. She brought a large duffel bag with her, slung over her shoulder.

Her energy was anxious from the moment she walked in. She seemed to talk without taking a breath, but about nothing important. She would sit down, then immediately get up and start pacing, then ask to hug me, then sit again, then pace again.

"Div!" I stopped her mid-sentence.


"What is going on? You clearly have something on your mind."

She gazed at me silently for a moment, as though deciding if she wanted to tell me.

"Well..." she started, hesitantly, "I, uhhh, I kinda bought something for... um... well for you. Or us. Like, for me and you to... uh, maybe use?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? What is it?"

She sat back on the bed and pulled the duffel bag toward her. She fondled the zipper and started talking.

So... I uh... I wanted to confess something. I can't stop thinking about you. Like, I know I said I can't commit to a relationship, and I still feel that way. But all day every day all I'm doing is thinking of having your cock inside me. I'm sorry if that's kinda crass and unromantic, but it's driving me nuts. But I also like you. Like I want to watch movies together and eat takeout together, and I don't want to go home afterward, ya know?"

She spoke frantically, leaving no room to get a word in. I took her hand and she paused long enough for me to say, "I'm happy, I want to be with you too."

She pulled her hand away and her eyes tightened for a moment.

"You didn't let me finish." She snapped.

"I... I need some fresh air. This is a lot. I don't understand why you're doing this." I said.

Divya sighed and stood up.

"Maybe let's just go for a walk and talk more about this later?" She suggested.

I nodded.


We stood and left the apartment and walked slowly around campus. We avoided the topic of Divya leaving and soon we were joking around like usual. It was very cozy and intimate. Divya held my hand sometimes, and we even started kissing. It didn't feel like goodbye, and I held onto the hope that maybe this intimacy would convince Divya to try for a long distance relationship, rather than committing to her current course of cutting contact completely. I just couldn't wrap my head around her reasoning.

The sky darkened and the campus grew more and more empty. We found ourselves inside one of the lecture buildings. It was dark except for the dimmed lights in the hallways. We passed a janitor and later a security guard. The security guard advised us the building would be closed and locked within the next hour.

We passed by Auditorium 7, where my lectures had been today.

"Hey look, the door's cracked," Divya said, pointing. She was right, one of the doors into the Auditorium was indeed still open, wedged open with a door stop.

"Huh. No kidding. Maybe there's someone inside?"

A cheeky grin appeared on Divya's face, "Let's go have a look"

I started to protest but Divya was already pushing the door open and making her way in, her huge breast brushing the door. We left the doorstop in place, afraid that the doors would lock if we let them shut. There was a sign on the door that warned of exactly that.

The auditorium was dark, lit only by dim moonlight coming in from small windows situated at the top of the large room. We went and sat on seats in the middle of the stands.

"Have you ever been in here?" Divya asked.

"Yeah, had a lecture in here today actually. It always reminds me of church."

Divya laughed, "I can see that. I went to a church a couple times when I was younger. Not my thing, but it was definitely an experience."

"It's not for everyone. I stopped going a long time ago. I think you have more luck finding God outside of church, in the world around you..." I looked Divya in her eyes "and the people around you."

We leaned in and kissed. The touch of her lips sent ecstasy through me once again. I wanted this woman so very very badly. She sank into me as I pulled her in and put my arms around her. Her legs wrapped around and between mine and I felt her mighty cock swell against my crotch and leg and start throbbing.

We reluctantly detached after a short while of this. We played about a little, Divya putting my hands on her massive third leg and then allowing me to squeeze her incredible breasts under her shirt. I loved exploring her body.

We stopped fooling around and made our way down to the lecture stage. I spanked her fat ass, enjoying the immensity of her cheek on my hand and the satisfying movement that rippled across it afterward. I pushed her up against the white board and knelt in front of her. She bit her lip as I pulled her tights down and started unfurling her gigantic penis. The immense girth of the base of the thing seemed even greater than I remembered. I couldn't get both hands around it and it rolled about as I struggled to pull it out.

"Jesus your cock is fucking gigantic."

"It's been getting bigger recently too. I'm getting close to the world record."

I put my mouth on her shaft and licked up the length of it. I felt her every pulse with my tongue.

"Biggest cock in the world. That's so hot." I said, gazing with wonder at the monstrous penis as it hung from her crotch like a great snake that had swallowed a small animal whole. Her exposed helmet was easily big as a soccer ball and hung so low that it nearly brushed the floor.

Div moaned gently "You like that it's almost as big as a whole other person?"

"Hell yes. I love this huge cock."

"One of my doctors once told me I've got the penis of a Blue Whale."

I don't know why, but something about that was really funny to me, and I snorted. I stood up and kissed Div while her thick cock throbbed between my legs.

"I love your Whale cock." I said with a cheeky smile.

Divya walked over to the lecturn.

"You know, I can't help but wonder... This pulpit thingy has a big ol' hole in it."

I laughed, "Don't even think about it. The last thing I need is to have the image of your giant dick squeezed through that hole everytime I'm in class. It's hard enough concentrating as it is."

But Divya didn't listen. Being playful, she popped the chunky head of her penis through the hole and started feeding her shaft through. She managed to get all the way to the base, but it was tight. I reached down and squeezed her tip with my hands, and Divya surged under my touch. Very quickly she was fully erect.

"Alright, I think we better go," I said. "I'm a little worried the security guard will come check in here and find us."

But Divya didn't move. Her brow furrowed.

"C'mon Div, let's go."

"Sam... I... I can't." Her tone was flustered, stressed even.

"What do you mean?" I said, coming over to where she had her cock jammed in the lecturn. The skin of her penis was firmly lodged in place and bulging around the lip of the opening. She was trying to pull herself out but there was no movement.

"Okay... it'll be alright Div, we'll just wait for your boner to come down. Think unsexy thoughts."

Divya nodded, but she was clearly starting to freak out. She closed her eyes and started whispering to herself.

We waited. Then we waited some more. But Divya's erection remained in full force.

"I think it's so tight that it's constantly stimulating me. I don't think I can go soft without cumming."

"You can't cum Div, there's nothing to catch the mess with, and I know I can't swallow your whole load all in one go."

"Sam I don't know what to do. It's not going down!" She was beginning to panic.

I put my hands on her shoulders and started giving her a gentle massage.

"Just relax Div. It'll be alright."

We stayed there, me massaging Divya's shoulders, neck and back, talking about everything but sex for about 45 minutes, but to no avail. Divya was growing increasingly panicked. I was too, but I knew I couldn't freak out, one of us needed to remain calm.

Then it happened. We heard the door to the Auditorium open. Someone walked in. We couldn't see who it was, but they kicked the doorstop away. Divya let out a frightened yelp.

"Is someone there?" The figure called out. We stayed silent, but they moved to the light switch, holding the door open with their other hand. We heard the flick of the switch and suddenly the lights were on.

Mrs. Campbell stood by the auditorium door, her handbag over her shoulder, still wearing her professional attire, the swell of her enormous breasts taking up most of her torso. She saw us and her brows came together.

"What in the world..." she muttered, then shock crossed her face as she comprehended what she was seeing. Her hand let go of the door, which swung shut.

I shouted, "NOO!" But it was too late.

Mrs. Campbell realized too, and immediately started pulling at the door. Her efforts were in vain though. She went to the other door and tried it as well, but it had already been locked. Having exhausted the possibility of escape, she turned to us. Her withering gaze boring down upon us.

"Now what is going on here?" She demanded, walking towards us.

"We uh... we're uhhh..." I started.

"-I'm stuck." Divya groaned in despair, once again trying to yank herself free from the bolted-down lecturn.

Mrs. Campbell arrived at the lecture stage and did a circle around Divya, examining the problem.

"My my, aren't you a big girl then." She said to Divya, admiring Divya's extreme size. "What on earth possessed you to put yourself in such a position?"

Divya rubbed her forehead, "It's not the smartest thing I've ever done."

"Evidently," Mrs. Campbell responded.

There was an awkward silence for a while.

"You're Samuel Bolden, yes?" The massively busty lecturer turned to me. I held her gaze and forced myself not to look at her giant chest.

"Uh, yeah. I'm taking some of your classes."

"I see. I wouldn't count on your continued enrollment after I report this..." she waved in the general direction of Divya's cock "... disrespect of university property."

Divya nearly howled at that, "No please! It was MY fault! He had nothing to do with it! I was being stupid, he even told me not to do it! Please, it's my fault. Don't report him!"

Mrs. Campbell looked between us, seemingly sizing up the situation.

"Hmm... well I suppose it won't be for me to decide. There are cameras that will tell us the truth in the morning, when someone comes to get us out."

Now I spoke up, "The morning? I mean, we were trying to get out without having to call anyone, but surely we can just make a phone call now and get the security guard to come let us out?"

Mrs. Campbell shook her head. "I sent David home and told him I would lock up the building, as I had to fetch my bag from my office." She motioned to her handbag "But you've surely noticed by now that there is no reception inside this room."

I hadn't, but I took my phone out and checked. Indeed I had zero bars.

"I don't understand," I said. "I was texting from in here just earlier."

"Using the wifi. All power in the building is switched off after hours. Part of the recent environmental policy change. This means the router has no power to it." Mrs. Campbell answered.

I shook my head. "Surely we can just switch it back on."

Mrs. Campbell pointed to the top corner of the room, a good fifteen feet above the ground, where the router sat encased in a metal box with a clear window.

"The switch is on the second floor, accessed from outside. Unless you're partial to climbing, Mr. Bolden, I suggest you settle in. We'll have plenty of time to wait for your lady friend here to calm down."

"Maybe we can switch the lights on and off? Someone will find us!" I suggested, getting desperate.

"Mr. Bolden, recall I sent the security guard home, and the Janitor finished his tasks long ago also. This room is in the very center of the building, nobody will see it."

I sank to the ground in disbelief.

Then Divya groaned.

She was leaning against the lecturn, a grimace across her face. I got up and rushed to her.

"What's wrong?"

"It hurts Sam. It's getting worse." Then she groaned again. I looked at her giant throbbing cock and saw it was growing red. The blood flow was hindered, soon it would start to look purple and potentially be damaged.

She had to cum. There really was no other option. I knelt before her swollen cock head and started rubbing it.

Mrs. Campbell immediately protested.

"What are you doing?! Get off her!"

I brushed the woman off. "Div is in pain, and her cock is going blue. We waited an hour already, it's not going down. She needs to orgasm."

"You're going to make a huge mess. It's going to stain the carpets and the whole Auditorium will be out of action for a week or more for the smell alone!"

I ignored Mrs. Campbell and worked Divya's giant glans. Div moaned and rubbed herself too, but progress was slow. She'd been stimulated non-stop for over an hour at this point and the pain was making it hard for her to focus.

It was an agonizing 15 or more minutes. By the end of it I worried we were in an untenable position.

Mrs. Campbell threw her hands in the air. "Surely there must be something we can use as lubricant. Go through the chairs."

I got up and rushed around the room, searching for any kind of liquid, be it a leftover drink bottle or some cleaning fluids. But there was nothing. I tried to find something to catch Divya's cum in as well, but the trash cans were bolted in place and there was nothing else in the room.

I returned and reported to Mrs. Campbell.

"This is beginning to look bad for me as well. I hope you understand that. The university board of directors are not fond of me. You may well cost me my job."

Divya apologized profusely, but Mrs. Campbell seemingly pretended not to hear her.

"Try spitting on it," she ordered, motioning at Divya's aching log.

Feeling a little sheepish for not trying that sooner, Divya and I both started spitting on her penis, but she was so big that we both had dry mouths by the time only a fraction of her girth was lubricated. Even when Mrs. Campbell reluctantly joined in, it wasn't enough.

We paused for a breather. Mrs. Campbell heaved a large sigh, then began unbuttoning her top. She didn't even look up when she warned us to never speak of this to anyone.

I was more than a little shocked as she opened her shirt up to reveal an expansive custom-made lace bra that perfectly cupped her enormous breasts. She wasted no time and quickly undid the bra too. It fell off to reveal a pair of utterly gigantic, swollen udders. And udders was an accurate description, as each giant breast was roughly the size of a cow's udder. Her nipples were like thumbs almost, and bulging veins ran across the heaving mountains of boob at irregular intervals.

I assumed she was going to put Divya's colossal wang between her boobs and give her a vigorous titfucking, seeing as she possessed perhaps one of the only racks on the planet that would be capable of such an act. But instead she positioned herself just above Divya's throbbing shaft and began squeezing her nipples.

Almost immediately, multiple strong streams of white liquid spurted out of Mrs. Campbell's dark, thick nipples. She was milking herself onto Divya's cock.

I watched, flabbergasted... but at the same time, more than a little turned on. The huge udders were as incredible as I had imagined them to be. Larger than basketballs, but visibly heavy and dense. They were clearly natural, given how they lay sprawled atop her upper stomach like overfilled water balloons, but they were still very full and expansive, stretching out from her body almost to her outstretched elbows without any assistance.

And milk. A shower of thick streams that lathered creamy breastmilk all over Divya's iron-hard megacock. Barely a few moments passed before Divya was covered and dripping with Mrs. Campbell's milk. The professor then went to the other side of the lecturn and sprayed the other side of Divya's cock with her teats.

Div and I both watched Mrs. Campbell with surprise and more than a little awe. She stepped back and began putting herself back together, heaving her mountainous udders back into her bra and buttoning up the expansive shirt.

"What are you doing? Pull it out!" The older woman barked at us, noticing we were still staring at her. We woke from our daze and Divya started trying to pull her massive cock back through the hole again. She pushed against the lecturn and pulled with all her weight and strength. It was clearly painful for her, and the skin around where she was stuck was red and irritated.

Her enormous, throbbing penis was stuck fast however. The swollen base of her shaft, which made it look so unique, was proving to be a curse in this situation. Veins were greatly distended along the many feet of thigh-thick megacock that protruded from the other side of the lecturn.

Not knowing what else to do, I again started trying to get Divya to orgasm. Despite the anxiety of the situation, rubbing my hands and face and lips up and down Divya's pulsating cock quickly got me to full mast.

"Fuck me Sam," Divya groaned.

I glanced at Mrs. Campbell, feeling a little self conscious. She was watching us, clearly unimpressed. A pang of guilt shot through me, Div was already in a compromising position, I shouldn't be trying to preserve my dignity at this point.

I pulled my raging erection out and slowly pushed it into Divya. Her eyes fluttered and rolled back and she groaned again. My shaft disappeared inside the monster cock, and Divya expanded where I was inside her. It was incredibly hot to watch, and reminded me of our memorable first fuck in the work bathroom gloryhole, though Div had gotten a bit bigger since then. I began pulling my clothes off, piece by piece.

As I pushed myself in and out of Divya's cock, and she massaged her fat tits, I spoke to Mrs. Campbell.

"She's going to cum a lot, it's going to go everywhere. Maybe we can try catch it in your bag?"

I knew the request would probably aggravate the woman, but we were already well past the point of no return by now. As I expected, Mrs. Campbell did not look happy. But rather than deny my request or argue about it, she instead undid her shirt buttons again, and released her colossal boobs from her vast bra. She then stripped all of her clothes off, exposing a pleasant figure with a full, round ass. Not near as large as Divya's, but plenty big enough. She had lovely curves, accentuated by a small paunchy belly, love handles and folds of skin near her shoulder blades. The imperfections added to her beauty in my opinion. She looked very real and human, as opposed to Valerie, whose body was almost ethereally perfect. Both were different types of incredibly attractive.

Mrs. Campbell then came and sat in front of me, sitting sideways so she was facing to my left, then leaned back as far as she could and lifted her expansive udders with her hands. They formed a vast carpet of swollen breast flesh, broken by the valley of her cleavage.

She was going to catch Divya's cum with her body, rather than use her handbag. I was a little confused at the reasoning behind that, except perhaps that her handbag was relatively small. But she was going to have to wipe the semen off herself somehow and deposit it somewhere.

I didn't have long to think about it though. My thrusts elicited a growing response from Divya. Her lovely face was contorted into a grimace, and her groans had become louder and more intense. She was nearly at climax. In her near-orgasmic state she was attempting to thrust, but her three-or-more-foot-long cock was still firmly lodged in place, and instead the lecturn itself, despite being bolted down, was shifting slightly with her movements. She built enough momentum that her large testicles were swinging out and gently slapping against the lecturn, making a soft thudding sound as they made contact.

Release finally arrived. I felt her glans tighten around me and her massive penis begin to pump excessive amounts of thick, sticky semen out onto my bare crotch.

Soon my thighs were coated and large splashes of cum were cascading off my body and down onto Mrs. Campbell's waiting breasts. At some point my own, much smaller ejaculation occured, but it was lost in the intensity of the whole event.

Divya's giant swollen cock-head blasted what felt like countless waves of creamy ejaculate over me. It began to drip down to my feet and to slide through Mrs' Campbell's cleavage onto her belly. Droplets fell off of us and hit the carpeted floor, but the explosive orgasm ended before Divya made any substantial mess on the floor. The massive cock began to shrink slowly, lowering its head almost shamefully and sliding off me. Soon Divya was able to extract herself from the lecturn finally. There was a bright red ring of damaged skin that denoted where she had been stuck.

I sighed in relief, and Divya gave me a wry smile.

"What are you two doing? Help get this off me." Mrs. Campbell was still holding her breasts up and sitting covered in Divya's semen.

"Uhhh... you want us to... wipe you off with the clothes?" I suggested, uncertain of her meaning.

She groaned in frustration, "No, use your mouths for crying out loud. Eat it, that's clearly the only way we have to clean up the mess. Don't play dumb." She proceeded to then lean over and lick up a huge gulp of Divya's ejaculate, which she swallowed.

I dropped to my knees and started scooping up handfuls of semen to swallow. It was sticky, but a little sweet. Divya also joined in. All three of us slurped up Divya's thick cum off Mrs. Campbell's outrageously big tits.

The experience was unreal and very erotic. Even as I ran my scooped hands over Mrs. Campbell's wet skin and collected handfuls of slimy cum, I thought to myself what an unbelievable situation we were in. I was eating my crush's semen off the colossal breasts of my lecturer, inside the lecture hall.

Divya was busy doing the same thing opposite me. One of her hands had settled on Mrs. Campbell's large nipple and a little dribble of milk was running over her fingers. I looked at the enormous penis that had caused this mess, now flaccid and splayed out across the ground next to Mrs. Campbell's leg. Even flaccid the thing was about 3/4 as long as Divya's leg and nearly as wide around. It looked like a body pillow resting there on the ground.

Eventually we weren't getting much with our hands, and Mrs. Campbell put her hands behind our necks and pulled our mouths down to the far side of her breasts. We licked the semen off her, our tongues and lips running over her dark skin. I met Divya's lips with my own more than once, sharing her cum with her for a brief moment. I noticed that Mrs. Campbell was consistently pushing us toward her nipples, and eventually, despite her being mostly clean of cum now, she held us to her teats. They were thick as thumbs and erect, when I put my lips around it I felt the girthy nipple touch near the back of my tongue. I started sucking and her warm milk readily flowed into my mouth.

I'd never tried breastmilk before, had never had the inclination. But it was hot in the same way that most things considered taboo were hot, and it tasted fine besides. Sweet and milky but just a little odd in a way I couldn't explain.

Mrs. Campbell threw her head back and moaned, and her hand left my neck and reached down between her legs to start fingering her pussy. Her milk was pouring into our mouths rapidly at this point, and after a little while there was a strong surge and Mrs. Campbell spasmed slightly, a wave of orgasm passing through her.

She let Divya's neck go and fell back on her elbows, panting, her massive breasts hanging off the sides of her torso and exposing her belly. We all sat quietly for a moment.

"You both still have some of it on you" Mrs. Campbell noted when she opened her eyes again and looked at us both. She shifted onto her side, her milky udders swinging around to hang like large bulbous fruit off her chest, and grabbed Divya's cock with her hand. Divya yelped, as the older woman was not gentle. She slapped the big penis onto her other hand so as to hold it with both her hands and licked the film of cum off the tip of it.

Div seemed exhausted, her eyes were drooping and there was no movement in her huge member despite the stimulation. Mrs. Campbell quickly finished up, and then turned to me. Divya crawled over on all fours and helped. They licked their way up my thighs and around my crotch, then started on my cock, which stiffened again. I was cleaned of all Divya's semen, but the two women didn't stop. Instead they started putting me in their mouths, taking turns blowing me.

That didn't last long however, Mrs. Campbell pulled away and gently pulled Divya back too. She got up, stood over me and lowered herself down till she was squatting right over my cock. Her giant boobs were almost comically squished together between her arms, like over-large balloons ready to pop, as she reached for my erection to maneuver it inside of her.

As she settled into place and got ready to ride me, Divya put her hand on Mrs. Campbell's arm.

"Don't make him cum, he can cum inside me, I can't get pregnant."

Mrs. Campbell laughed, "Neither can I. Relax girl, I'm not going to steal your man from you. I'm just extracting my fair payment."

Divya mumbled something that sounded like "not my man" but let it go. She lay herself next to me and slapped her big cock onto my chest and leaned over to put her own nipple into my mouth. Her breast wasn't as large as Mrs. Campbell's were, but it was firmer.

I used one hand to massage whatever handful of tit I could manage to grab out of Mrs. Campbell's abundant supply, and the other to rub Divya's shaft and massage her hefty testicles, which sat on the ground not far from my upper arm. Her balls were big as softballs and filled most of her scrotum, making the skin almost stretched to accommodate them.

Mrs. Campbell started riding me, she bounced up and down and her massive tits went wild with movement, leaping up and slapping hard against her skin and knocking my hand around. I struggled to maintain any sort of grip on them, though I gripped her nipple multiple times, releasing a spray of milk over my body each time.

Whatever negative ideas I had about older women's... sexual abilities, were being rather firmly dispelled. Her pussy was tight and wet around my girth and she was riding me like a champ. She stopped the up and down movements after a short while and started grinding back and forth on me, driving me deep inside her. Waves rippled across her expansive tits as she moved.

I was able to hold on quite well, having already cum inside Divya not long ago. After a good five to ten minutes it was clear Mrs. Campbell was tiring out. But with one last burst of energy she powered toward climax and pushed me inside of her as hard and far as she could. I felt pain around my crotch where she was pressing down onto me, and then she fell forward onto me, smothering me in endless boobs while she orgasmed again.

She lay there with her orgasmic spasms flowing through her body, then when she finished she rolled off me, panting. With a vague hand gesture she said, "He's all yours", presumably talking to Divya.

Divya pulled herself up, hauling her colossal schlong off the ground, she then put her leg over me and squatted down. Her penis bundled up atop my stomach in a heavy pile and she attempted to find my own cock beneath her huge balls.

She found me and sat herself down onto me, sliding my erection inside. Once I was in, she lifted her megacock and lay it across my torso, with the glans resting on the ground next to my head.

Then she started fucking me.

Like Mrs. Campbell, her huge tits rippled and bounced with the movements. Her testicles sat on my abs and only lifted slightly when she bounced on my cock, but the weight of her massive penis above them squashed them into my stomach when she came back down.

I pushed into her in rhythm with her movements, marveling at her incredible body and trying to hold on as long as I could. We were tired, Divya was sore and we had an audience, but I felt her cock begin to bloat and harden again. I loved knowing that she enjoyed having me inside her. The swelling monster penis got hard enough that it began to lift with her bouncing, starting to slap my shoulder, slapping that soon turned into thudding.

Div leaned forward, putting her hands on my shoulders. I had to look around her cock to see her face. She tried to lean all the way down to kiss me, but between her large breasts and the colossal penis it was hard to get more than a peck. I started pounding her now that she had lifted herself halfway off me. She grimaced and moaned.

"Cum in me," she whispered near my ear.

For a moment I just looked at her, admiring this beautiful woman with breasts that would each fit snugly into a basketball hoop, an ass a grown man could sit atop and a cock that could occupy an entire row of seating on an airplane. My need for her was like a raging inferno that started in my gut and surged through my entire body.

I translated that feeling into an explosive ejaculation. I emptied myself into Divya and fell limp immediately afterwards. Div collapsed onto me and we lay together like that, breathing heavily. She only moved to readjust one large testicle to not be squashed under her leg. The post-sex intimacy sent warm feelings rushing through me, and I instinctively kissed Div gently on her lips.

We didn't say much after that. We all dressed again and lay down in the most comfortable positions we could manage. As we were getting ready to sleep, Mrs. Campbell assured us that she would destroy the camera footage and extracted from us both promises that what happened here would never be spoken of by anyone.

It was a fitful night's sleep, laying on the ground was always going to be. But it was made better by the close proximity to Divya.

It was early morning when the doors opened and the security guard woke us up. Wearily and bleary eyed we all left the building. Divya and I waved farewell to Mrs. Campbell, who steadfastly ignored us. We shrugged and made our way back to my dorm.

"So when do you fly out?"

"This afternoon, at 4:30."

"Wow... that's... soon."


The rest of the walk was silent. But when we got to my dorm, Div closed the door and put me against the wall with an unexpected and passionate kiss.

She pressed against me with her sublime body, the soft mass of her breasts contrasting against the growing firmness of her third leg. My hands wandered up and down her body, from her smooth shoulders to the gentle curves of her waist to the vast mounds that were her breasts, and then down to her round ass.

My erection returned and I pressed it against Divya's crotch. I felt the throbs of her giant member through my own, comparatively tiny cock. Next to her my goods looked like a finger compared to a leg. I wasn't insecure or jealous though, just filled with my need for her again.

We stripped and went wherever our bodies took us around the dorm room, throwing each other against door frames and desks and onto the bed, aggressively making out and groping each other. My hands disappeared easily into Div's giant udders. Her achingly hard trunk of cock pushed through my legs while we wrapped limbs around each other. With every minute she seemed to get harder and harder.

Then Div came up for air and went to the bag she had brought with her the night before. She pulled a large floppy item out of it. It looked like a big bundle of jelly.

She placed it on the bed and I noticed it had two holes in it and a strap on the rear.

"It's a custom toy I had made for me. Well, for us. You strap it around your waist and put your cock into it, then I can put myself into it from behind you. We both get stimulated. It's the closest I can ever come to being inside you."

I blushed. The idea of having someone inside me was new and strange. I had never been interested in receiving penetration, and I wasn't now. But this did sound kinda hot, and wasn't technically penetration.

I picked up the rubbery device and used the straps to attach it to my body. I found the slot for my cock and inserted myself. Then, with Divya's direction I lay atop it on the bed.

Divya lined herself up and pushed her mega-cock into the toy from behind me. I felt her tickle my legs as her extreme girth passed by. The toy expanded as she entered it, and her staggering size lifted me off the bed. Soon her monstrous penis head burst forth from the other end of the toy and sat in front of my face.

I watched the mirror on the bathroom door, able to see Divya through it. She maneuvered herself into position, lifting her leg over me. I felt her begin to plough the toy beneath me. Her immense hardness squeezed the toy around my own cock and balls.

Her huge firm ass cheeks were mesmerizing to watch as she pushed her near man-sized penis in and out underneath me. She was truly blessed with that massive booty.

Her pumping got harder and harder. She reached up and put one hand on my shoulder, then the other onto my waist. Soon she was fucking me as hard as she could manage. Her colossal glans bursting forth again and again from the toy. Then she lifted herself fully onto the bed, putting both legs over me and both hands firmly grasping my shoulders.

Now she slammed herself into me with all her might. There was ferocious, animal lust in her pounding, her crotch smacked into my ass cheeks and her heavy breasts rubbed against my lower back, sometimes slapping against my skin when her movements got particularly wild. The massive penis moved under me rapidly, causing me to almost bounce on the bed with the movement. The power of Div's thrusts shifted me forward on the bed slightly.

She started grunting and moaning. Her thrusts reached a climax. I was ready to cum, and hard. Divya was clearly nearly there too, because she gave the effort a final burst of energy and shouted, "I'M CUMMIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGG!"

I made the mistake of letting my head hang too close to Div's fat cock, because the first blast of cream sprayed me in the face. I struggled to pull back even as my own ejaculation began and my body spasmed. Divya's grip on me was fierce, but nothing I couldn't handle.

Her ejaculate spewed all over my bed and the wall, plastering a significant section of the dorm with her hot, sticky semen. I was surprised how much she still had in the tank despite the copious amounts she had slathered over myself and Mrs. Campbell only a few hours before. It took a good couple minutes before the orgasm died down and Divya fell, exhausted, onto me.

"I know it's cliche, but I fucking love you Sam," she said to me.