Jake, I'm home!"

Helen stood near the stairwell, listening. There it was - a faint grunt, coming from upstairs. Her almost-20 years-old son, tearing his face from his computer screen for a millisecond to acknowledge his mom. She sighed. She had been working herself to the ground to support the both of them, as well as keeping house, all while her computer-whizz son spent most hours of the day seated at his desk, working on that mysterious video game project he would tell her nothing about.

She considered American higher education as something of a scam - get yourself in debt for life in return for marginally better job prospects - but still, she wished Jake had gone to school as he had originally planned to. She could certainly afford it - she was making enough money as a hospital's chief administrator

and she would have liked Jake to have gone, even if it was just for the social aspect of it. What few real world friends he had were all off to college all across the country, and he almost never went out; certainly not enough to meet any girls. He was pretty good-looking, having inherited his dad's looks - light-brown hair, grey eyes, a pouty mouth, and a good complexion; at only 5'7" he was pretty short, but had a fairly decent body, considering his general inactivity. Girls were always showing interest, which was readily reciprocated - well, at least it used to be...

Anyway, she didn't have much of a social life herself, did she? She glanced at the hall mirror. She knew she looked good - she had been working out almost daily, since the divorce, trying to rediscover her 'mojo' - but she found it very hard to get herself back "out there..." Things were much better than they used to be, before the internet; it was much easier to hook up with people who were looking for her kind, but it all just felt so - well - pointless. Sex was never its own thing for her, the way it was for other Futa. She did it, occasionally, with men she picked up using a dating app; never at her own home, wanting to keep Jake out of it, and never twice with the same man - no attachments... It was enjoyable, and the way they all nearly lost their minds when they saw her monster cock was almost funny - but it left her feeling strangely unfulfilled. She needed more.

She went into the living room and slouched on the couch, turning on the TV. She took off her shoes, then shoved her hand under her skirt, untying her cock, sighing in relief as she felt the great beast flopping down, bouncing a little on the hard couch. Oooff! That felt good. She checked her DVR. The new season of Sherlock had started, but she had lost the taste for it; it just reminded her of how she had watched the first two seasons with Jake, how much they both loved it, how they couldn't stop discussing it all throughout the week... because, really, the most depressing thing was, they used to have a really good rapport, really enjoyed each other's company.

"Mom, I need the car."

Her son was coming down the stairs. He wasn't looking at her - why was he avoiding her eyes? It drove her crazy!

"And hello to you too, son! My day was lovely, thank you! And how was yours?"

He grunted, not amused, and came up to her, hand out, still not looking directly at her.

"Funny, yeah. Gotta go pick up the UPS, be back in 40 minutes."

She sighed, digging into her purse. "I'm going to clean up a little, it's getting really bad up there..."

He grunted again and took the proffered car keys. "Sure, whatever. Just don't touch anything on the table!"

She watched him go out, DAMN but he had a nice butt... Her boy could make some woman - or man - or Futa! - very happy. If he could only tear himself away from that damnable computer and move into the real world...! She sighed, feeling lost. He was obviously having lots of issues, but he wouldn't share anything with her - hell, he hardly even talked to her! - and she felt that maybe she needed to stop worrying about him; he was an adult - let him work things out for himself. Worry less about him, and more about how your life was turning into an endless cycle of work-workout-sleep... Anyway, she had less than an hour - better get moving.

In her room she slipped her tight skirt and the special thong off, sighing in relief as her sizable package came free. Men had that problem too, sure - but men could always go with loose-fitting trousers, and, anyway, a big bulge in a man's pants wasn't something he'd be ashamed of and try too hard to hide... Also: not many men had a dick like hers, which was longer and thicker, flaccid, than most men's fully erect one... She cupped her balls and stroked her shaft, her mind going - as it often did - to happier days, her husband - the man she loved - worshiping her cock, never able to keep away from it for too long... Her cock stiffened at the memories, and she thought of going to bed to jerk off, but, no; she very rarely got the chance to go into Jake's room to tidy up, and she didn't have much time. She strapped her cock back to her thigh with an elastic band, and put on a t-shirt and a comfy pair of trainer shorts. It bulged a bit, but she didn't mind. It wasn't as though Jake wasn't aware that his mom had a cock! And, anyway, she wasn't going to linger. In and out, 30 minutes, max.

His room was in less disarray than she feared; almost no clothing lying around (well, he did spend most of his time in front of the computer), and not much trash. She swept the floor, discovering quite a treasure of dust build-up under his work table. There was a very impressive array of monitors - a 29" and a curved 34", which had set her back $450. He would better start making some money off this game of his, and fast!... To be fair, he got some crowdfunding on it, which he was now using, so maybe this wasn't a complete waste of time... She was almost tempted to interrupt the screen saver and try and find something on the computer, but thought better of it. She was actually a little afraid of what she might find... She wanted to see what the deal was with the video game, but might just find something else entirely; there was a faint but very distinct, rather familiar smell in the room - someone was spending a lot of time jerking off! Well, she was doing it herself, at least once a day, so she wasn't judging - she'd just rather not know.

She was bending to sweep from under the bed, when she heard a pinging sound behind her. She turned, and the screen saver was off, and there was a message at the center of the larger monitor.

"Yo, dude, finished rendering the first 70 seconds of the inn cutscene. Fucking HOTTTT!!!"

There was a file attached, and she stared at it for a minute. She knew that a cutscene was something to do with video games - was it the game her son was working on? Was the sender one of the artists he was paying to do work on it? Hell, just a short peek - where's the harm in that?

A video player window sprang up when she pressed the file icon, and she enlarged it to full size. It showed what seemed to be a medieval inn room. There were items of clothing of sorts strewn around on the floor - a chainmail bikini very prominently in the foreground - and medieval weapons. There were two figures, both very naked and very realistically rendered. One was a man - or, rather, probably an elf - slight of build, with long, dark blonde hair, large grey eyes and long, pointy ears. The other was a woman - tall, muscular, beautiful, with shoulder-length dark-blond hair and large, perfectly globular breasts. She also had an insanely thick cock, with which she was pounding the male's large ass. He was hanging on to the table in the middle of the room as the much larger Futa drove her great shaft into him repeatedly.

She tried playing with the controls, but there was no sound. The male seemed to be moaning, his expression conveying both pain and immense pleasure; the Futa seemed to be grunting, her teeth pulled back in a predatory smile. Helen watched, mesmerized, as her rhythm slowed, and she leant forward, her big breasts smashing into the male's back, pinning him to the table. She leant in and whispered in his ear, smiling -

And the video came to an end.

She stood for a moment, her mind a blank. So... yeah. This was what her son was working on. A video game with a futa in it. A Futa who looked like... She ran the file again, and looked intently at the screen. The Futa woman could have been modeled after charlize theron, but she was willing to bet that she herself was the model - for both face and body. She wasn't quite as muscular as the Futa in the video, but she was close enough. And the cock's girth seemed about the same... She watched as the virtual camera closed in on her face as she was whispering into the elf's ear; oh, yeah - somebody definitely had pictures of her as reference while modeling this person...

She moved over, sitting down on the large chair. Fuck privacy - she had to know. The web browser was open; nothing untoward there - mostly to do with game development, lots of what were obviously reference pics of medieval-looking and fantasy warriors, gaming sites... But she knew there was more, somewhere. She wasn't a computer expert by any means, but the IT guy at the hospital was very big on security, and insisted that all employees clear their DNS cache regularly. She typed a command in the Windows command line, and a box appeared, with lots of addresses - all browsing activities, including the current session's incognito surfing. She checked the long list, and a few IP addresses stood out. She started opening them in the open browser, and it was all pretty clear, now.

The overall theme was obvious. There was a Reddit group, with very explicit art, most of it Futa on male. There was a story site, open on a story about a young man coming home from college to wake his mom up on Mother's Day with a blow job. And there was a porn site, which autoran a video of a middle-aged, very busty woman, fucking a much younger man with a strap-on dildo.

She was sitting, watching, her mind ablaze, when there was a shout from the door.

"Mom, what the fuck are you doing??!"

She half-turned on the swivel chair, looking up at her son. He was standing in the doorway, holding a very heavy-looking box, his eyes open wide in shock.

"You better put that down, sweetie, it looks to be very heavy..."

He gave her an uncomprehending look, then moved slowly, and dumped the box on his bed.

"Shit, mom... I told you not to touch things on the table!"

His face was almost red - shock? Anger? Embarrassment? - his mouth stretched wide in an awful grimace. She couldn't really think straight, not just yet, but she felt a wave of pity for her son. To be found out like that... It must be his worst nightmare, coming true... She raised her hand, reaching out to him.

"Come here, baby."

He looked at her, several emotions running across his face. He finally settled on Anger.

"No, mom, you can't do that! It's my room, you can't invade my privacy like that, please, just... just leave!"

She said nothing, looking at him intently, her hand hanging in the air.

"Mom, please... you need to leave, really...! Please..."

She could see a small tear forming in his eye, behind his glasses, his face desperate. She turned and pulled a tissue from a box on the table, then rose and moved closer to him. He pulled back, but then stopped, looking down, away from her, his lip quivering. She stepped closer, and gently removed his glasses. She dabbed at his eyes with the tissue, and smiled at him.

"It's all right, baby. I'm not angry..."

He avoided her eyes, looking down stubbornly. She was suddenly very much aware of the size difference between them, as her breasts, encased in the flimsy t-shirt, reached up to almost touch his chin. She took his chin in her hands, and spoke softly.

"Look at me, baby."

He gulped, but said nothing, his eyes still focused on the hardwood floor. She leaned in, her breasts pressing down on his chest, and gave him a small peck on the tip of his nose, like she used to do when he was a child.

"I don't mind this, baby. I really don't. I just... I just want to understand."

He was still silent, but she could see his clenched jaw loosen a bit. He glanced up at her, then looked away. He bit his lower lip as she waited patiently.

Finally: "Mom, I..."

She waited, but that was all. She understood that he needed some help. She let go of his chin, and put her hands on his hips.

"OK, sweetie, let's sit down."

She picked him up, marveling at how light he was; lighter than his father, who was a bit more muscular. She smiled gently at him, and moved him to her side, as he watched her with his eyes open wide in shock, his cute mouth forming a perfect 'o'. She moved back to the table and sat down on the chair, sitting her son on her lap, both of them facing the monitors. He gave a start as her great beast moved underneath his buttocks, and she could feel his body tensing up. She kissed his hair.

"Don't be afraid, baby, it's only mommy's cock..."

His body remained rigid, tense, and her mind conjured a gazelle, trapped in the jaws of a lioness, petrified with fear... No! She hugged her son closer, kissed his neck. Their eyes were slowly drawn to one monitor; it was filled with pop-up porn ads - "regular" porn - but the main window still had that same older woman, fucking the young man with her giant strapon. They watched for a while, Jake's body slowly relaxing as he watched, transfixed. The woman was much larger than the man, her hips and butt almost Kardashian in size, and he had to hold on to the bed's sides so as not to be sent flying forward with each thrust. Helen felt her own excitement growing, and she could feel her womanhood growing, pushing against her son's soft buttocks.

"Mom, it's... it's throbbing, I can... I can feel..."

"Mm-mmm..." She hugged him closer, her nipples digging into his back. "You like watching this. You like watching women fucking men..." a statement, not a question.

His body moved, obviously feeling discomfort at his mother's question - and maybe her body, too? After a moment:


"Mmm..." his ass was moving, slightly, and its shifting weight on her cock filled her with excitement. She was growing, fast - her cock was now almost fully-erect, and she flexed it several times, her son responding to each flex with a little moan.

"You think it's sexy? A woman pounding a man's ass with her cock?"

He glanced at her, looking ashamed, and nodded quickly. She kissed the side of his neck, her hand massaging his arm.

"Your dad felt that way, too..." her smile wavered. "Well, at least he used to..."

He glanced around at her, started to speak, then changed his mind. They sat in silence for a moment, the throbbing of her gigantic girl-cock against his soft butt seeming to fill the air. Jake sneaked another look at her, then cleared his throat.

"I... I think you're wonderful, mom..."

She squeezed his arm, smiling, saying nothing. She closed the tab with the window, and the Reddit tab came on screen. It was a manga drawing - two young Futa in pigtails, spit roasting a bewildered-looking young man. She almost laughed as she saw it, the two's obvious joy contagious.

"That looks like fun!"

He looked at it and chuckled. "Yeah, this guy is really good, I like his work."

She looked at it critically. "Well, he needs to figure out the mechanics of it. The angle the boy's head is in, her cock would be coming out of the back of his head...!"

He actually laughed at that. "Wow, mom, you really know your stuff!"

She shrugged. "Well, I've been doing it long enough." She leaned in, putting her chin on his shoulder. "So, have you ever - well, taken a cock?"

He almost jumped up. "Mom!! That's... well, it's kinda personal, you know?"

She laughed out loud at that. "I think we're a bit past that, sweetie...!" She laughed again as she saw his embarrassed look. "And I'm guessing the answer is 'no'." She kissed his cheek again. Damn, he was so cute, she just couldn't keep her lips off of him! She leaned in, and said quietly:

"There's something new I want you to see. It arrived while you were away..."

His breath caught. "The cutscene! Something came?!"

She nodded. "I want us to watch it together... But you'll need to take your pants off, first."

He shot her a shocked glance. "My... my pants?..."

She nodded, and her hand went down, taking hold of the hem of his cargo shorts. She whispered in his ear, as her fingers tugged at his pants. "Mommy is going to join you tonight, baby... do it for me." She bit his earlobe teasingly, her tongue flicking out and licking it. He gurgled wordlessly, his eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets, but he finally complied and started to pull his pants down, lifting his butt off her to do so.

"Don't forget your underpants...!"

She wanted desperately to take her trainers off, to feel the skin of her son's soft ass on her cock, but she forced herself to wait. Once her pants were off, there was no way she was not fucking him on the spot... She wanted to go a little slower, not scare him off...

He was now naked, his two cheeks straddling her massive shaft. She put her hand on his round, soft cheek, and carcassed it lovingly. Her son moaned softly, and leaned back, his body fitting into her generous curves. She clicked the tab with the game animation, and it filled the screen. She opened the controls, and slowed the playback speed to 40%.

They watched for a minute, as the massive warrior woman slowly pumped her giant cock into the elfine male. Helen released the mouse and moved her hand down, gliding it down Jake's smooth torso, till it found his dick. It was fully erect, a surprising 5", and she took hold of it with her large hand, running it up and down, eliciting further moans from her son. She gave his earlobe a delicate bite.

"She looks very much like me, doesn't she?"

He was silent. Then, his voice very low: "yes..."

Her hand on his butt was now circling, coming ever closer to his star.

"And the guy - the elf? - he looks pretty much like you, doesn't he?"

He nodded, saying nothing. She kissed his hair, then clicked PLAY again as the clip ended. They watched in silence, watching the MILF warrior's majestic breasts swinging in rhythm with her pounding, the virtual camera swirling around the two. Helen released her son's ass, and moved her hand up, putting her fingers on his lips, gently nudging them between his soft lips. Jake opened his mouth and took 3 long fingers in, sucking on them lustily, her breath catching in her throat at his sudden boldness.

The mighty Futa on the screen was leaning in, to whisper in her lover's ear. Helen lowered her head, and asked quietly:

"Would you like that, baby? Would you like mommy to fuck you with her giant cock?"

He half-turned in her lap, and for the first time since he came into the room, he looked her right in the eyes. She took her wet fingers out of his mouth, and he smiled at her shyly.

"Yes, mommy. Please..."

Smiling, she leaned in and kissed his lips. After a second's hesitation he responded, his lips seeking hers, and they were soon locked in a passionate kiss, the boy moaning as her tongue pushed its way into his mouth, exploring. Both her hands were busy - one hand stroking his rock-hard erection, the other making its way underneath his buttocks, seeking his tiny opening. He wriggled in her lap, allowing her better access, his breath catching in his throat as a wet finger slid its way inside him.

She smiled with pleasure as her son's wriggling ass messaged her cock, snaking underneath it, his hole tight around her probing finger. No doubt about it - her boy was an anal virgin... She now knew that she just had to have him; no matter where life would lead him, it was his mother who should pop his cherry!

She pulled her lips away and looked down at him, his eyes closed as he enjoyed her anal ministration. He gasped and opened his eyes as she brushed his prostate, but she didn't linger on it; she had plans for his pleasure button... She smiled down at him.

"You like that, sweetie?"

He smiled back, nodded, his mouth half-open. "Oh, yes, mommy, this is amazing..."

He gasped again as another finger went in. He started rotating his soft, round butt, moving counter to her fingers' motion, panting with excitement and lust.

"Oooh, baby you're so tight..." Another finger went in, as she stretched her son's asshole, preparing him. The feeling of his muscles spasming around her digits was divine, but she was starting to have her doubts. Was she moving too fast? He really WAS so small... "Do you think you can take mommy's cock, sweetie? It IS very large, larger than any man's... Maybe just my fingers, today?"

He looked at her, shocked. "What?! No! I can do it, mom, I can take your cock! I've been dreaming about this so long..." His head fell on her heaving breast, and he pushed his face into the fabric of the t-shirt, trying to feel her. She nodded, satisfied. She took her fingers out of his anus, and grabbed the hem of her shirt, pulling it up. Jake watched, his eyes wide open, as his mom's large, heavy tits came into view, licking his lips in anticipation. Helen laughed as she saw his face.

"Remember those, sweetie? Well, you know what to do..."

Her son nodded eagerly, and leaned closer. His hand went up and, gently grabbing one massive aureole, and his lips closed around the fully engorged nipple. He began to suck greedily, his eyes going up, looking at his beautiful mother. she gave a small moan, and stroked his hair lovingly.

"Oh, yes, baby, that feels VERY nice...!"

She let herself get lost in the pleasure of his two-pronged attack - his mouth suckling on her tit, as his delicious buttocks grinding against her cock. His hand went down, and he started to stroke it through the rough fabric, trying to get a feel for its true size. Oh, baby, she thought - you will NOT be disappointed! She moaned again, feeling the pressure building up in her balls, her pre-cum an almost steady drizzle. She grabbed her trainer shorts and pulled them down, across her hard, silky thighs and down her legs. Jake shivered as he felt the flesh of his mother's cock against his soft skin, and he gyrated on it with renewed vigor. She laughed happily.

"Almost there, baby... Just need to release it..."

The elastic band securing the beast to her hard thigh was quickly pulled down, and she was now ready to go. But the chair wasn't stable enough for what she had in mind... She grabbed her son's sides and stood up, carrying him, his mouth still latched on to her breast. She moved over to the bed and sat down, seating her son on her right thigh. Her cock, free of its restraint and of Jake's weight, was flopping free, fully erect. Jake glanced at it - and her nipple was suddenly forgotten, as he gazed at it in amazement, mouth half-open.

"Mom - it's... it's so big!"

She looked at him quizzically. "Well, it's the size of that warrior woman. I thought you knew that was my size...?"

He shook his head, his eyes locked on her monster. "No, no - we made it bigger for effect... Wow, how big IS it?!"

She smiled proudly as her hand was working, spreading her pre-cum on her veiny behemoth. "It's over 15". Is it too much? We can..."

He shook his head vigorously, his eyes filled with wonder. "No, no, this is amazing, I want it, DO me, take me, I want it...!"

She smiled and kissed his face. "OK, baby, don't say I didn't warn you..." she grabbed his sides and lifted him up, again, this time placing him in front of her. "Now, put your feet on the bed, and hold my shoulders."

He complied immediately, and soon he was half-standing, half-hanging above her, his bubbly buttocks hanging above her giant erection. She maneuvered her cock, placing the tip exactly underneath his tiny hole.

"Now, baby, I want you to lower your ass, slowly. And keep looking at me!"

He hesitated for a minute, his face switching between excitement and apprehension. "Oh, wow... I can't believe I'm really doing it..."

She smiled at him encouragingly, taking hold of his hips with both hands and squeezing lightly. "Yes, baby, you are. And don't worry, I'm holding you, I promise to go as slow as possible."

He gave her a tight smile, looking doubtful. He lowered his body a little, and they both shuddered as his tiny hole made first contact with her giant glans. His hands tightened on her shoulders and he held himself still, his lower body shaking slightly with the effort. His smile tightened as he looked down at her.

"I'm scared, mom..."

She looked deeply into his eyes, smiling gently.

"I know, baby, I know..." She bit her lip. She couldn't lie to her son! "It's big, and it's going to hurt. But it will soon get so, SO much better..." she smiled at him softly. "I want you, baby... I want to be inside you, I want to be your first..."

His eyes softened. "I want you inside me, mom..." The tip of his tongue darted out, his doubts turning into determination. "Here goes..."

She felt him pressing down, ever so lightly, her glans poking at his hole, the tip peeking in. But he was too light, his weight alone wasn't enough to allow her giant mushroom to penetrate his tight ring. She smiled reassuringly at him as her hands lifted him back up a few inches, then pulled him down, her glans pushing into him, a full inch of her meaty cock suddenly inside her beautiful son. His eyes flew open, his mouth opening in shock, a high-pitched squeak escaping his lips. She flexed her buttocks, her mighty cock jumping slightly up, and she smiled at him as he gave another cute squeak.

"Mommy's cock says 'hi', baby..."

He nodded, saying nothing, a look of concentration on his face, and wriggled his butt a little, forcing himself a bit further down, his eyes never leaving hers. She nodded, smiling lovingly, and picked him up again, raising him a couple of inches off of her - then brought him down, a tiny fraction of a degree more forcefully. She could feel her pre-cum flowing, wetting his entrance, and he wriggled again, gaining some more ground, his tiny ring giving way for some more milliliters of meaty girlcock goodness. She lifted him again, and brought him down.

And again.

And again.

And... again.


Her fat mushroom broke through his ring, going into the softer confines of his sphincter.

"AWWW! Jesus fucking Christ! God-DDDDAMN! Wow!"

She waited, holding him steady, looking at his contorted face. His curses died down, turning into moaning. She pushed herself forward, kissing his chin.

"You OK, baby? You wanna continue?"

He closed his eyes briefly, trying to compose himself. After a moment he looked at her and smiled weakly.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm good. Just..." he bent forward, and kissed her on her lips. His smile broadened. "You're so much bigger than I ever imagined..."

She kissed him back, locking her lips on his, her grip on his hips loosened. With her glans inside, secreting a flow of pre-cum, his weight would now be doing most of the work. She just had to be careful, make sure it wasn't too fast...! Her tongue forced its way inside his eager mouth, as her mighty she-cock was slowly engulfed by her son's soft tunnel. Yes, baby, come to mommy...

He was moaning into her mouth, answered by her guttural grunts. She could tell he was in great pain; his soft butt was wriggling around her, his torso writhing, and his face was scrunched up, but he never tried to stop her, to push her away. Her mind went back in time - back to Adam's dorm room, on that snowy night, as she held him in her arms, her mighty womanhood ramming into his virgin ass... For Adam it was a shock, as the beautiful girl he had courted for months unleashed her surprise on him; but Jake had been dreaming about this moment for years, fantasizing about his mother's cock... Yeah, he'll be just fine! She released his lips. She was several inches in, his velvety tunnel feeling like heaven, but her cock's thick midsection was coming up...

"How you holding up, baby? You want us to take a short break?"

His eyes flew open.

"NO!" He looked at her - their eyes now almost on the same level, his face contorted into a pained grimace, his cheeks wet with tears. "No, mom, I'm fine..." His hand went up her shoulder, stroking her graceful neck. "I can take a little pain, mom, don't worry, this is so... so..." He fell silent, his eyes seeming to drift into the middle air. She waited, holding him suspended in the air. His eyes regained their focus, and he smiled at her.

"I can hear your Heart, mommy..."

She smiled back and nodded, feeling the throbbing thunder of her cock, the thick veins covering it like latticework pumping blood into the gigantic shaft, beating against her son's velvety, tight hole. She had been controlling herself, keeping herself focused on her son's well being, but she could feel her lust beginning to assault the walls of her reserve. Feeling her son's rectum spasming, tightening its hold on her cock, massaging it, the rushing blood reverberating throughout her whole body... it was too much, she just couldn't hold back any longer! She lifted him again a couple of inches, then almost pushed him down.

He yowled out loud as his tunnel slid down his mother's shaft, his hands clutching at her shoulders. He was grimacing in pain, tears glistening in his eyes, but he never said a word as she started to pump him - lifting him up then pulling him down, one, two, three, four times, his ass coming further down with each pull, more of her massive girlcock disappearing into his tiny opening. At one point she felt herself pressing against that all too familiar, nut-sized gland, and she laughed out loud as his pained concentration broke and he started howling, his body thrashing wildly, impaled on her pole, trying - and failing - to handle the unbelievable pleasure that his mother's cock was giving him. His cock - which had been rock-hard the whole time, flapping against her taut stomach - seemed to explode, sending strings of cum flying up, landing on her belly and tits. She pulled him back up and sent him gliding back down, several times, her girth abusing his prostate mercilessly, keeping him orgasming as her shaft entered his colon, the constant massaging distracting him from the rearranging of his interior.

His eyes opened wide as he felt his butt cheeks touch down against her crotch.

"Is...GGGNNFFF... is it all... MMMNNNFFF... is it all in??"

She kissed him, smiling happily, as her buttocks clenched, flexing her mighty cock inside her son, feeling the head bumping into his stomach, his belly almost jumping out. She hugged him, his small chest squashing against her ample bosom, their lips locked in a sloppy, wet kiss, his moans growing in volume. He began to push himself off of her, pulling his ass up and bringing it back down on her shaft, and she grunted in pleasure, gargantuan cock mauled by her son's tight innards. She let him do his awkward dance on her pole for a few minutes, enjoying the heavenly sensation of being completely enveloped into her boy. She released his mouth, allowing him to try and catch his breath, as his lustful moans became mingled with his labored breathing. No, years of sitting at your table do NOT prepare your body for the rigors of sex with a Futa...!

After a few moments she tightened her grip, keeping his body steady against her, and rose to her feet, holding him.

"That was nice, baby, but now mommy is going to REALLY fuck your cute little ass..."

His eyes widened. He put his hands around her wide back and put his head on her breast, snuggling against her.

"Thank you, mommy."

She kissed his head. "Good boy!".

With her full 15 inches wedged deeply inside her son's heavenly ass, she carried him out of his room, and went down the stairs, to the first floor. He gave a cute moan with every step descended, as his innards bounced on her steel-hard rod, and she had to fight with herself not to start pumping him. She had something else in mind...

She walked into the kitchen and over to the large, sturdy dining table. Jake was lost in his mother's embrace, only vaguely aware of his surroundings, when she took hold of his armpits and unceremoniously pulled him off of her cock. The journey up his mom's 15"+ cock took a few seconds, and she almost laughed at his expression, as he felt his body being swiftly vacated by the mammoth invader. It finally came all out, the large, mushroom-like glans popping out with a lewd, wet sound. She sat him down on the table, then pulled back. Jake gaped up at her, looking dazed, almost shell-shocked. His hair was disheveled, his small body sweating, his large, beautiful eyes saucer-like. She leaned in, taking his head in her hands, her majestic girlmeat heavy on his soft thighs. She kissed him briefly on his lips, and looked deeply into his eyes.

"I'm very proud of you, son. Not many men could take your mommy's cock like you did...!"

The smile that spread across his face almost made her cry with joy. He pulled himself upwards, holding her arms, and kissed her, holding on for a long moment. He finally broke and settled back.

"It's amazing, mom, unbelievable! Please, PLEASE fill me up...!"

She laughed. "Oh, don't worry, baby - I'm going to!" She slapped his thigh playfully. "Now, I want you to turn around and lie down on the table!"

Without hesitation he jumped off the table, bumping into her huge womanhood. Turning around, he bent down, sprawling, his torso on the table, his bubble butt raised towards her. His star, which until a moment ago was holding one of the largest cocks on earth, was almost closed, a trickle of his mother's pre-cum drizzling on his thigh. He wriggled his buttocks invitingly.

"Here, mom - DO me!"

Helen held his butt cheeks, separating them, as her gigantic she-cock landed on him with a dull 'Thud!'. She stood for a moment, feeling the throbbing of her womanhood on her son's soft ass, his small body almost vibrating with his need for her. She felt a twinge of regret; how did she never recognize that need, how could she be so blind, waste so much time...! Her son - her small, gorgeous son - had taken her giant beast better than anyone, ever... better than his father, better than all the men she had fucked since her divorce - all those pointless, joyless pumping sessions... She gently stroked his butt as she pulled her pelvis back, placing her glans at his opening, one hand stroking her she-meat, spreading her rich pre-cum on the veiny shaft.

"I love you, son..."

"I love you, mom...!"

This time there was no hesitation, no taking her time, careful not to hurt her boy's tender derrière. Her hands gripping his soft hips, she forced her way into him, powerful buttocks pushing her greased rod inside his tiny, lubricated tunnel. He howled in pain and lust, his body writhing on the table as she advanced in short bursts, driving her massive womanhood deep into his bowls. It took her all of six strokes to bottom out, her heavy balls banging into his - and then, with one, elegant move, she pulled almost all the way back, just her glans stretching his beleaguered ring. She waited a few seconds, till she heard his breathing resume, then pushed herself forward in one full, smooth stroke.

She began to pump his sweet, sweet ass, going in and out, his velvety tunnel hugging and spasming around her immense womanhood. She adjusted her angle of attack as she went, subtly rotating his small body, and soon she was smashing his prostate with every thrust, making her beloved boy thrash and wriggle and moan and cry in ecstasy as his mother's cock delivered ten folds on the promise of his fantasies. Her animalistic grunts merged with his cacophony of moaning and squealing into an ever increasing kreshendo, the growling of her gigantic balls speaking of the cum avalanche on its way. She was going to fill her son up with her love, and she was really hoping his body could survive it...


Elsie Evans adjusted her body on the couch, murmuring contentedly. It had been a rough day; any appearance on that passive-aggressive bitch Allen's show was an ordeal - but the uptick in her book sales right after was well worth it. And, anyway, she was now back in her very nice Beverly Hills mansion, with her favorite cock-sucker in all of the world working his wonders on her rigid womanhood. She smiled at the worshipping eyes looking up at her over cheeks stuffed to the limit with her meat, and swept back the shock of taw-colored hair falling on his brow.

"That's it, baby, you're making mama feel SO good!"

He fluttered his eyes at her - "I love you, mom!" - and remained stock still, just his throat muscles convulsing, massaging her cock. She wasn't huge or anything - 10 inches plus was considered average for a Futa her age - but it always surprised her how few men could take her full length without gagging their soul out. Taming them was a challenge that had always excited her, but sometimes it was just nice to be made to feel at home...

Her phone chirped. She clicked her tongue impatiently - she always forgot to turn it to Silent mode! But her frown turned into a smile when she saw who the caller was. And a video call, to boot!

"Hey sis, nice timing!"

Helen's face seemed a little sweaty, her hair disheveled. "Oh! Are you with a patient? Is this not a good time? I can..."

Her usually-glum sister seemed unusually agitated, as if she was dying to tell her something... "OK, out with it. What's going on? You've been fucking someone interesting...? Mmm... You FOUND someone...?"

Helen couldn't contain herself any longer. She broke out in a huge grin. "Will you just shut UP and look?!"

Elsie smiled back, her sister's happiness contagious. "OK, dummkopf, out with it!"

Helen moved the phone, the camera gliding down her body. Elsie noted with a pang of jealousy the way Helen kept her figure - the large breasts barely sagging, the tummy still taut - and she braced herself for the sight she knew was coming - one of the largest cocks in the Eberhard clan, one that rivaled their mother's in both girth and length. She knew it had gained over 3 inches since she saw it last - it must be quite...

"Say hello to your aunt Elsie, baby."

The cock, semi-erect, indeed looked huge, but what made Elsie's breath catch in her throat was the man - more like a boy, really - who was smiling sheepishly at the camera, as his tongue was lapping up copious amounts of creamy-looking cum off of her sister's mammoth girlcock.

"Oh. Oh, my..."

She immediately saw the innocence and sense of wonder, which - his mouth servicing his mother's 15" pole - Elsie found to be cute beyond belief. She smiled at him.

"Hello, Jake. Your mother has been telling me a lot about you..."

The boy's shy smile widened, and he mumbled something unintelligible. Elsie felt a stab of lust running through her shaft. She should have known that her sister - one of the most beautiful Futa in a clan full of them - would produce nothing less than a gorgeous heartbreaker... He was propped up on his elbows, and she noted the view of his raised, perfectly-shaped butt, his mother's cum smeared all over it.

"So, mommy fed you her cock? How did it feel, sweetie?"

This time he moved his mouth from the thick phallus, and spoke clearly.

"It was like nothing else in the world, aunt Elsie. It was amazing!"

She nodded, smiling. "Well, you chose quite a doozy to get your start on..."

Helen's hand came down, stroking her boy's hair lovingly. "And he took it like a champ! Really, I had a Bears left tackle who's twice Jacky's size, who was crying the whole time..."

Elsie noted with amusement the way the blushing Jake tried to hide his reddening face behind his mother's huge cock. Good lord, the boy was too adorable for words! Her own son was climbing up the generous curves of her body, trying to get into the frame.

"She looked into the camera. "Seriously, sis, it'll be like old times. And I think Jake would really enjoy meeting his family..."

Jake, his head now on his mom's breast, looked up. "What's the retreat? And what's the clan?"

The two sisters looked at each other - and broke up laughing. Helen kissed her son's hair. "There's a lot I need to tell you, sweetie. All in good time,"

Helen nodded. "We'll see. I gotta think about it. Well, I'll let you get back to that very intense-looking blowjob... I just wanted you to be the first to know."

Elsie kept looking at the screen long after her sister had signed off. Finally...! Her sister seemed to be getting out of her post-divorce funk - and also, MAYBE, finally embracing her destiny...

"Mom - her cock, it's like you said, it's unbelievable, I wanna go up there for a weekend..."

She looked down at her son - her himbo, cockslut son, the one constant in her hectic, sometimes downright crazy life... Sons were a gift, every Futa needed one in her life! She gave his nose a light, affectionate squeeze.

"Baby, there are two things you need to do this year: go to school, and keep your mommy happy. If aunt Elise goes on the retreat - go ahead, knock yourself out!"

He crawled down his mother's lush curves, her gorgeous cock waiting at the end of the road, hard and thick again. Before taking it into his mouth, he looked up at her.

"You think she'll come?"

She shrugged as she settled back into the couch and pushed her rigid cock into her son's welcoming mouth. She had no idea, but she very much hoped so. This should be even more fun than her sister's first outing...


I was almost 20 when my mom first took my virginity, and the last 3 months have been, like, a marathon fuck-fest. I mean, not all day, of course - during the week my mom worked her ass off, being chief administrator of a hospital and all, but once she got home - woo-HEE! She plowed my ass like there was no tomorrow. She says Futa (she's a Futa, or Futanari) have a very well-developed sexual drive, and boyohboy, she was NOT kidding! She has this cock which is, like, fucking HUMOUNGUS - 15 and a half inches, and thicker than a Coke can - and she would shove it up my butt 3, sometimes 4 times on a regular evening, and fill me up with, like GALLONS of cum. She also has those gigantic balls, which - I'm not kidding! - are, like, baby-batter factories. Seriously - once she gets going, it takes her 10, 20, 30 minutes to finish, swear to god! First fuck of the evening - man, I could finish a couple of God of War chapters while she's pumping me!

Well, not really, no; because when my mom fucks you, the only thing you can do is drool and moan and sometimes even cry because having that veiny beast mauling your insides is fucking painful, but also about the greatest thing that could happen to a human being that does NOT involve dying and going to heaven (and I like to think that heaven has her great grandma - umma Eberhard, the OG Futa - fucking all the righteous guys). She had to go away for a convention last month, and these were the longest 3 days of my life. I'm not kidding - it was like I was having withdrawal symptoms! She gave me a dildo, to keep me company, but it was 9" - did she seriously expect this to help? She promised to have one made modeled on her own cock, but I told her how about next time you just fucking take me WITH you?!

I of course didn't use 'fucking' - my mom is quite a prude, she doesn't like using foul language "out of context".

NOT kidding.

But, seriously - having my mom fucking me daily, after fantasizing about her cock for over 4 years (and generally having the hots for her for many years before that) - yeah, that was so amazing, I can still hardly believe it.

Turns out Futa moms are expected to "initiate" their sons - fuck them and get them hooked on girl-cock or whatever. Things in Futa families are pretty fluid, with everyone basically fucking everyone else, with the guys more-or-less property of the whole clan. Seems like my mom quit because she didn't want to share my dad or something, and originally wanted to keep me cut off from that world. She was a one-man kind of woman - or Futa - and I was hoping that she still was. Because, I gotta be honest here: I'm crazy in love with her, and I want to be her man for, like, forever. I know, it's sick, she's my mom and everything - but I don't care. I just want this to go on forever.

And the first few weeks it seemed like this was all I hoped it would be. I've found true love, and it was all as advertised. I wanted to be her man, and I was willing to do ANYTHING for this. I even tried cooking - shit, I even started cleaning the house! I wanted to take care of all of my mom's needs! So, we got into a sort of a routine: she comes home around 6, we fuck, we then eat - and she tells me about her day and I tell her about mine (mostly working on my video game. And, sure, jerking off). then we fuck some more. then she sometimes models for my game, or we just cuddle up on the sofa to watch TV and fool around (like we used to do when I was younger - except, well, for the fooling around part), then we'd go to bed and fuck some more and maybe talk (but mostly fuck).

Seriously, life just doesn't get better than this.

But there were... signs.

My mom was never what you might call promiscuous.Futas fuck around, like, a lot - my mom never did. Well, she did, after they divorced, but nothing serious. She was looking for a relationship, but all she found were cocksluts; she told me she enjoyed fucking men, but wanted more. So, supposedly I was the answer for her needs - she loved me, I loved her, she loved fucking me and I loved getting fucked by her; what more could she ask for?

Well, she had recently started talking about going on the retreat this summer. The Eberhard Clan retreat. It sounded pretty insane: all the clan Futa come for this week-long stay, with their families or significant others or just fucktoys, and it's basically a huge orgy, with the Futa getting to fuck whom ever they like, wherever they like. Yeah, the sad truth was I've never deep-throated my mom's cock. I've licked it clean, top to base, and I've fellated her dozens of times - but she never put in more than, like, maybe, a quarter of her size in. The minute her glans would just peek inside my throat I'd start gagging like crazy, and she'd stop and pull back. No matter how much I begged, she wouldn't go all in; she said she didn't need to, that I was doing such a great job, sucking and licking, she didn't really need to put her whole length in. And it wasn't all a lie, because, not to brag, but I was getting to be really good at this, and I could get her squirming and hollering in no time at all. But I was on the forums and Stacks and Reddit for Futa boy toys, and I knew my mom was not getting the full experience. Well, neither was I, of course; everybody was saying there's no sensation like having your head impaled on a girl's cock for 10, 15, 20 minutes, bumping your head against her crotch and trying to keep the air flowing into your lungs. And most guys were talking about girls with average cock sizes (which would be about 9.5" for a Futa in her early 20's)

But it WAS mostly about my mom and her needs. There was an AMA last month with a Futa porn star (Pamela Hung Lee - NOT Chinese, btw), and she described in great detail what an unbelievable high she gets from strangling guys with her cock ("only" 13", but at least as thick as mom's), saying the smaller they are (and the thinner their necks were) the more amazing that feeling was. Well, at 5'7" I wasn't exactly tiny, but my neck was pretty reedy, and I knew my mom would lose her mind if she could go all in. And I was depriving her of that feeling.

Was that, maybe, the reason she wanted to go back on the retreat after shunning it for over two decades? My father wasn't around, anymore, and her son - supposedly the new man in her life - couldn't provide her with that basic service; was she looking to get her kicks with Erik Evans and his award winning, giant cock-friendly throat?!

I tried to practice deep-throating, using that pathetic 9" dildo she gave me, but I just couldn't make myself stick it into my throat. Just wasn't strong enough, pure and simple. But I didn't get mad at myself, because I've done a lot of reading and knew many people had the same problem. The only way to do it was to tackle it head-on, so to speak... And I was gonna do it. The weekend was coming up, and I was determined: by this time, tomorrow, I will have taken my mother's gorgeous, huge cock and deep-throated it, proving to her that I was indeed her man, and that she needed no one else. Yes, it will be hard, and fucking terrifying, and maybe life-threatening, but I love my mom and she deserves nothing less!

Please pray for me.


I had written the story of Helen and Jake Stein before, in another timeline, and it did not end well (meaning I botched it). It took me a while, but I feel like this story takes it to a better place, allowing it to go forward in directions I'm very excited about.

As usual: dickgirl-on-male, incest and plain bad writing.

"Oh, my, that was GOOD!"

Jake smiled proudly as, across the large table from him, his mother pushed away her plate, the white Porcelain almost spotless. She looked at him appreciatively.

"You're getting to be really good at this, baby. Maybe it's your true talent? There are so many cooking competition shows on TV, maybe..."

He grunted impatiently and stood up, walked over to her side. She was always trying to think up a career for him... This - this cozy domesticity they've developed over the last few months, him staying at home, working on his video game, making dinner for her, them spending the evening and night together, without thought of the future - ...yes, that was all he ever wanted. Or needed.

She was wearing a large Bears t-shirt - her favorite home attire - and she filled it spectacularly, her wide shoulders and large breasts stretching the XXL shirt to the max, her nipples poking through the fabric. He leant down and kissed her, smelling the fresh smell of her soap, his asshole buzzing with the sweet pain of the pounding it had taken a mere hour ago. Being a hospital administrator was hard and very stressful work, and his mother's favorite method of unwinding was taking a long, hot shower, all while slamming her gigantic girl-cock into her son's butt. Even after all the abuse his ass has taken over those months, being pounded daily by one of the

largest cocks in Futadom, the pain was still there, the baseball bat-sized cock's invasion seeming to devastate his innards anew, each time. And today he was going to let it wreak havoc on another part of his anatomy...

He tried to clear his head of those thoughts, smiling as he disengaged from his mother's luscious lips.

"Com'n, mom, you KNOW what my true talent is...!"

She smiled, slapping his butt affectionately.

"You take mommy's cock like a champ, baby - but this is not a future. You're almost 20, you've got to decide what you want to do with your life..."

This again... he said nothing, wrapping his arms around her neck and snuggling into her body, his face buried in her hair, taking in the smell. She laughed and turned in her seat, putting her arm around his waist, rising slowly, picking him up in her arms. Her other hand snaked under his butt and she was now carrying him, her palm massaging his butt gently.

"You want your dessert, baby? Mommy's got your pudding right here..."

He laughed, wriggling in her arms, setting comfortably into her curves. "Sure, mom, whatever..." He kissed her lightly on her cheek. "Mom..."

She looked up as he hesitated. "What is it, baby?"

He bit his lower lip. He was really going to do it...! "Look, I want to do it. I want to go all the way... I mean, balls-deep. I want you to go all in, OK?"

They were face-to-face, their eyes locked, and he saw her gentle smile freeze, her brow creaked. She leaned back, her ass settling against the dinner table, and said slowly: "You want me to deepthroat you? Is that it?"

He nodded, feeling the rush of adrenaline, as weeks of hesitation finally came to a head. "Yes, mom, I think I'm ready. I want to do it!"

She looked at him, her eyes thoughtful. Well, at least she wasn't shooting him down out of hand...! He took her head in his head and spoke, looking directly into her eyes. "I know how much you want this, mom! I can feel it every time, when you pull back, I can FEEL how frustrating it is for you. I want you to keep going, you just need to push on, ignore my gagging and all, I just need to get used to it, OK? Everybody is doing it, dad used to do it from day one, right? You don't have to coddle me, you DESERVE to have this...!"

She just looked at him, saying nothing, but he could feel her cock hardening, growing, pushing slowly against his ass, trying to rise up. The idea turned her on! She was in! She smiled as she noted his growing excitement, and spoke softly.

"Yes, sweetie, I want this, but I don't think we should do it."

He started to protest: "Mom, I'm almost 20 years old, I..."

She raised a hand and put a finger on his lips, shushing him. "I know, baby, your dad had a natural talent for this, and he WAS larger than you. My cock is just TOO big, and I don't want to take a chance, teaching you how to do this, OK? Believe me, I've seen enough people almost DIE, trying to deepthroat me..." She leant in and kissed him on his lips, pulled back.

He shook his head, feeling his excitement rising. So, Erik was right... His mom's gorgeous cock could kill!

"I'm willing to take the chance, OK? I've been practicing, holding my breath, how hard could it be?! Erik says he does your mom every chance he can, and she's almost as big as you! And he's not much larger than me, he's, like, 5'8", and really skinny..."

Helen started to say something, thought better of it. She took hold of his hand, hanging on her neck, and pulled it down, guiding it underneath his buttocks.

"Feel it, baby. Take it in your hand."

He didn't have to grope around to try and find it - the gigantic cock was fully erect, poking out from underneath her shirt, snuggling into his ass crack, rising into the air far behind him. He stroked it, marveling for the umpteenth time at its girth and at the immense power emanating from it. At just under 145lb. he wasn't particularly heavy, but he wasn't exactly a featherweight, either - yet his mother's unbelievable "boi tamer" could carry his weight on its own... He chuckled as he took hold of the beast, his small hand barely covering half its circumference, the thought of his mother's cock filling his body bringing a warm thrill of excitement.

"I know how big it is, mom...

She shook her head. "You think you do, but you don't. Not really. It hurts when it goes inside your colon, but you can still BREATHE. Once it goes inside your throat, it blocks everything. You have to fight for every bit of air, and hope I cum as soon as possible, before you esphyxiate. It's as simple as that."

Why was she trying so hard to scare him off? Did she really not want to go balls-deep into his throat? His smile faltered as he stared into the grey-blue eyes. You want this, he told himself. You want to be her MAN - there are no shortcuts, no medical exemption, no shit. He just needed to push forward. He gave the rock-hard pole in his hand a small squeeze - or, rather, an attempted squeeze - feeling the blood surging through the thick veins; Jesus, was he really going to take that whole thing in his MOUTH? It WAS a little insane, wasn't it?


"Mom, I understand. I don't think it'll be easy, OK? But you've given me so much, and I just want you to..." He hesitated, swallowed, continued in a rush: "I LOVE you, mom, OK? I want you to have EVERYTHING. I want to GIVE you everything. Please, just... just trust me, OK?"

It came out rushed and ended a bit lame, but, yeah, he said it. He wasn't his mom's toy-boy, he wasn't her cocksleeve - he LOVED her, and he wanted to be her partner, her MAN, the one who would give her all the love and admiration she deserved and wipe clean the pain of his dumb father's betrayal. She was a GODDESS, and should be worshipped as one!


Helen looked at her son's flushed face. His legs were crossed around her waist, his hands holding her neck, his naked butt pressing down on her throbbing cock, the cheeks oh-so-soft around her womanhood. His soft lips were half-open, his eyes a little moist, begging for her kiss, but she held herself still.

She needed to come to a decision...

Taking her son all those months ago - fucking him non-stop ever since - was one of the best decisions she'd ever made. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing, losing control once confronted with his secret lust for her, but she had never for a moment regretted it. She could now understand fully the Eberhard clan's futas' seeming obsession with fucking their sons; he was her boy, her beloved child, and she could give him her love to the absolute fullest - no filters, no barriers, just love in its purest form!

But, being his mother, she also wanted what was best for him. She wanted him to grow up, spread his wings - build a career for himself, make his own way in the world. And much as she had enjoyed that cozy life that they had, she wanted him to build his own family. Maybe even give her grandchildren? Yeah, she would have liked that... It was obvious where his tastes lay; he loved the Futa cock, he could only ever be happy with a Futa, but he needed to end this fixation with his mother, find a young, nice Futa to call his own...

She needed to get him to the clan retreat. Once he got a taste of all those possibilities open to him... who knows?

And she had an idea. She knew what could make him change his mind, drop his resistance to the idea. It could be dangerous; she remembered all those people, experienced cock-suckers, all, who had choked on her mighty pole, deepthroating her. Losing consciousness was no laughing matter... But her son WAS a big boy, now. And he WAS his father's son, right?


He was starting to get really worried, her silent contemplation freaking him out a bit, when her eyes suddenly focused, and she smiled at him. She pulled him in, his chest crashing into her large breasts, and kissed him, long and sloppy.

"Mmm..." She finally broke their passionate kiss, her meaty tongue lingering on his full lips. "Tasty!" She pulled him up, off her cock, and put him on the floor.

"OK, clear the dishes. I'll be waiting in the bedroom, we'll see how deep I can go."

His face lit up. "Seriously? We're doing it? You won't regret it, mom, I'm gonna make it the best blowjob you ever had, you're going to..."

She slapped him on his ass, not very gently. "OK, less talking, more getting dishes. Mommy is getting really horny!"


He took only minutes, hastily putting the dishes in the washer, pulling his shirt off as he ran up the stairs. He was feeling a mixture of excitement and dread; he knew his mother's monster dong very intimately, and the thought of finally having it go all the way in - into his throat, maybe beyond ... - well, exciting as it was, he had to admit he was a little terrified...

His mother was standing near the bed, naked, her large, powerful body glistening in the dimmed light. She was gently stroking her giant, baseball bat-like cock that he had grown to love over the last few months - stretching in front of her to its full length, an almost-inhuman 15.5"... Over those last months he had thoroughly licked each and every vein-covered inch of it, licked and sucked the gigantic, mushroom-like purple glans countless times; tonight, when it would go inside his gaping mouth, it won't stop and retreat once reaching his throat - and he would truly be his mom's MAN, the one who fulfills her each and every need...!

She smiled at him. "That was quick...!" She gestured at the bed. "OK, hop on - doggy-style. We're going to do this very, very carefully."

He squinted at her. "Oh...? Can't we do it lying down? It'll be more.."

"It'll be much easier for your first time. Everything aligns perfectly, no bends. Trust your mommy, baby."

"Oh, OK..."

Well, her knowledge about the mechanics of the thing was much superior to his... He climbed on the bed and assumed the position, his body resting on his elbows and knees, his rock-hard erection dangling below him. She was standing over a foot from the bed, yet the head of her monster cock went over the edge, almost touching his face. She giggled and moved her pelvis, the massive cock moving forward and touching him, sliding from one cheek to the other and back, slapping his nose gently.

"You ready, sweetie?"

He raised his eyes, taking in the sight. And what a sight it was! His mom was FIT - way more than any woman her age had any right to be, for sure... Her belly was tight, her abs bulging slightly against her silky skin. Her breasts were large and heavy, her dark nipples pointing down at him, almost as enticing as the giant cock resting against his cheek. She was smiling down at him, radiant and beautiful under her mop of dark blonde hair. He would be thinking of her smile as her giant pole pressed down his gullet...

As if on cue, her bulbous, sponge-like glans pushed against his lips,

"Open wide, baby."

He dutifully opened his mouth, stretching it as wide as he could - which he knew wouldn't be enough; but he also knew, from the many times he had done it before, that he will somehow find the extra half-inch necessary... His tongue played over the familiar invader, licking the sponge-like head as it slowly made its way in.

"Now, remember - the main thing is to never panic. Take in air every chance you get - I WILL be pulling back from time to time, to let the air through..."

He tried to nod, but the gigantic glans was almost all in, and he couldn't move his head. He raised his eyes, looking at his mother's slightly worried-looking face, and blinked, twice. Got it! She smiled reassuringly and took hold of his head, caressing his sides.

"Good boy...!"

Her glans was now all inside, her tree-trunk of a cock following slowly. His tongue was pressed down, buried underneath his mother's titanic womanhood, and he knew it was out of play. He clamped his lips around her pole, sealing it, and sucked, like he had done dozens of times before. He breathed through his nose, as she had taught him, as she moved slowly back and forth, enjoying the sensation of his tight lips around her, little by little advancing forward...

"Yeah, baby, like that... Nice and slow..."

He could feel his mouth slowly filling up, the heavy veins slithering over his tongue, the giant glans coming ever closer to his throat. He realized his body was rigid with fear, and forced himself to relax, concentrating on his mother's wonderful gift, getting ever closer to his fail-safe point. His back and throat were lined up with the humongous cock, nothing to hinder its steady progress. Forward... back a little, forward, back, forward, back...

He felt the first convulsions starting up as the giant glans crossed over the back of his tongue, the rough texture touching the inner lining of his throat. This was the point at which she usually stopped and pulled back - but not today... He tried desperately to control his gagging, keep breathing. He had mastered the art of breathing through his nose, but he had no illusions: his mother's cock was almost as thick as his throat, nothing would go through it once she was fully inserted, not even air...

"Good boy... Just relax, we're taking it slow... nice and slow..."

He felt the giant plug sliding back, pulling back to the threshold, his gagging subsiding a little. His eyes went upward, catching a glimpse of his mother's face. So, so beautiful... He would do ANYTHING for her...! He opened his lips, releasing his hold on the veiny giant in his mouth, took a deep breath and glanced up again. Ready, mom! He felt her hands, calloused from endless hours at the gym, but oh so gentle around his head, long fingers caressing his sides.

"That's it, baby, deep breath..."

And suddenly she was sliding back in, her veiny pole gliding across his tongue, the gigantic glans stretching his throat, blocking all passages. He was gagging again, his body heaving, but he tried to remain calm, conserve his oxygen. The mighty battering ram that was his mother's cock was moving forward in short, powerful bursts, filling his throat almost to bursting, the pain in his overstretched jaws excruciating. He raised one hand, resting it on a round, muscular thigh, trying to keep his composure. He could do it... The thick, vein-covered cock - his mother's beautiful, gorgeous cock - was driving ever forward, inch after terrifying inch...

"Oooooh, yeah... Oh, baby, you're so good, so TIGHT...!"

His upper body was immobile, impaled on the steel-hard pole; he raised his eyes again, straining to make eye contact through the tears that were quickly filling his eyes. I can do it, mom, I can do it... He had a brief thought that he was too stressed - this was something he should be enjoying, but the monster pushing itself down his gullet was just too big, TOO terrifying. His hand on her thigh turned into a claw, trying to grab hold, the muscle underneath the silky skin too hard to dig into. His air was starting to run out...

"Yeah, baby, you're doing so good, you're making mommy FEEL so good..." The hands holding his head were pressing harder, almost painful. "So tight... NNNGGGH... "

He could feel his throat stretching, desperately trying to accommodate the giant anaconda pounding its way, inexorably pushing further in. There were still 4 or 5 inches outside, there was no way he could hold off unconsciousness till she came...

"Oh, baby, you're taking mommy's cock so well... NNNGGGHH!... SO good...! Mmmmnnnggh... so VELVETY!"

Straining his eyes upwards, he could see her face. She was smiling, her eyes closed, as her cock continued to ram into him. He didn't want to stop her, but he knew he needed to get more air. He hit her hard thigh with his fist several times; her eyes opened, and she looked down at him.

"OK, baby, you need to refill, right?"

The pounding suddenly stopped, and she was pulling back, his throat constricting behind her receding cock. Within a few seconds she was out of his throat - her giant glans still filling his mouth, but his pipes were free to allow air to go through.

"That's it, baby - take in as much as you can... Fill it up, this time I'm going all in...!"


Helen looked down at her son's face, framed between the valley of her large breasts. God, he was so fucking CUTE - gazing up at her with tearful eyes, gamely holding his mouth wide open to accommodate her humongous womanhood. His throat - so good, everything she had hoped it would be, a tight, velvety glove lovingly hugging her cock, welcoming it home... She stroked his head affectionately.

"That's it, baby, take in all the air you can..."

...because now, once she got back in, she won't be pulling out until satisfied... It was hard enough to keep herself under control, before, but she knew she wouldn't be able to keep that control once she went back in. She had held herself in check - but now she was going to cut loose. She felt a pang of doubt; he had asked - begged! - for it, true, but he didn't really know what it entailed...

Well, he will learn soon enough, won't he?

"I'm going back in, baby, ready?"

He gurgled something unintelligible, but the determination in his worshipful gaze was unmistakable. She ruffled his hair.

"...such a GOOD boy!"

His body was perfectly aligned, his mouth and throat waiting eagerly for her massive battering ram. She smiled, baring her teeth, and pushed her pelvis forward, her buttcheeks clenching as she drove her powerful cock forward, into her boy's awaiting silken tunnel. He started to gag violently once her glans crossed over into his throat, but this time she didn't hesitate, didn't slow down. Time was of the essence. Her strokes were much longer, the giant cock plowing into him as her hands held his head, keeping him it immobile. She could feel his panic, his hand going up to her thigh, again, but she never wavered, moaning in delight as his tight throat reluctantly accepted her, making her feel each and every vein as it slithered along her son's heavenly tunnel. Inch after inch slammed into him, powered by her muscular butt - 15.5 inches of rock-hard girl-meat ravaging the boy's throat, only his gagging and gurgling groans of distress coming out, until she felt his nose forcefully coming to a sudden stop against her pelvis, digging into the patch of soft hair above her cock.


She pulled his head, holding it tight against her, taking in the exhilarating sensation of being sheathed to the hilt inside her son's throat. He was gagging violently, his heaving throat milking her thoroughly. She was reminded of her ex-husband - the way he loved to take her in his mouth, holding her inside for minutes, his lips never stopping sucking her, her love for him making it the greatest sensation she had ever experienced... She shook her head. No! There was no point - no need, really - to live in the past; she now had their child, her boy, her lovely, loving son, fulfilling her every need...!!

She held him against her groin for a few seconds, slowly moving the head, the nose grinding against her mound, savoring the feeling of the tight, silken glove holding her throbbing womanhood.

"Oh, baby, you feel so gooood..."

She couldn't see his face, hidden by her tits; his gagging didn't seem to be letting up, but he hung gamely on. She ran her pinkies inside his ears, the way she knew he loved.

"Such a good, GOOD boy...!"

She pulled back, her gigantic cock sliding half a foot out of her son's throat in one smooth motion. She could now see his eyes - squinting, filled with tears, terrified, but filled with love. She thrust her pelvis forward, ramming her cock inside him as she held his head stationary with her inhuman strength. Her pelvis slammed against his nose, her heavy balls swinging, hitting underneath his chin with force. She grunted with pleasure and pulled back, only to come roaring back, impaling her son on her baseball bat-sized cock.

"NNNMMMFFF!... Yeah, baby, you're doing GGGNNNFFF!!... so GOOD!"

She was now fucking his mouth in earnest, grunting and groaning in pleasure as her cock pistoned in and out of her son. She was feeling ecstatic like she hadn't felt in years, the muted sounds of the boy's mounting panic and growing distress fading into the background. His hand was back on her thigh, clawing at it, but she was far beyond noticing. Her gaze was fixed on his throat, which was contracting and expanding, the veins of her gargantuan cock clearly visible, bulging against his thin throat as she plowed back and forth...

By the time she felt the familiar sensation in her gigantic testicles, Jake was strangely silent, his hand fallen down on the bed, his teeth scrapping against her skin as she plowed her way through his mouth. But she was too far gone to notice any of it. Slamming herself all the way inside him for one last time she held his head tight against her, giving in to the heavenly sensation of her 15.5" cock buried inside her boy, throbbing with the rushing torrents of blood streaming from her heart, feeding the beast and almost rattling the boy's smallish body. When she came, it was like a sustained explosion, gallons of her baby batter pouring directly into her son's stomach as she roared in unbridled lust and joy.

It was lucky that she started to come back to her senses at that moment. 4 minutes was the maximum a man could survive without air before his brain was irreparably damaged, and It was about 3 minutes since Jake's last air intake - and her balls still had lots and lots of her heavy cum left to discharge! She grunted in frustration, her motherly instincts overriding her lust, cutting into her orgasm. Better start heading back! She moved out slowly, her powerful womanhood juddering and discharging as more and more of it came free from the delicious confines of her boy's gaping mouth. Her mouth was stretched back in a wild snarl as she pulled further back, her ejaculation rocking the boy's small body, as she sent her baby batter deep into his stomach. But she retained enough control to watch the way his thin throat kept retracting behind the mammoth invader - until when there were only 3 inches left, just her glans inside his throat, and she knew his air passageway would be partially open, well, that should do - until she finished pouring all of her white, hot love juice into him...!

The first sensation was his mother's lips, moist and hot against his own as she blew air, slowly and deliberately into his mouth. He could feel her thick thighs, straddling his midsection, her great beast heavy on his belly, thick and sticky. Her large breasts were resting on his chest, the nipples poking him, and then they were gone as he felt her upper body rising, and her calloused palms came to rest on his chest, as she prepared to press down.

He coughed, feeling gobs of thick cum flying out of his mouth, and opened his eyes. His mother's face lit up as she looked down at him, and he felt the pressure of her hands on his chest lifting.

"Hey, you're back! That was fast...!"

He tried to prop himself up, but his head was swimming and he felt a little nauseous. Helen stroked his brow.

"Better stay down for a few minutes, sweetie. You were out for five minutes, try to catch your breath, it'll take a few minutes..."

He coughed again, lifting his eyes to the ceiling, trying to focus his thoughts. What the fuck happ...

"You... I lost consciousness..."

She nodded. "Yup."

He groaned, feeling the familiar load in his stomach, and touched his belly with his hand. Jesus - that was a big one!

"And - and you just kept going?"

His mother shrugged, the effect on her heavy breasts quite tantalizing.

"Well, I pulled back a little, to allow for some air to come through, but, yeah."

He looked at the ceiling, again, thought for a moment.

"Jake, I told you the dangers, why I didn't want to do it."

He stirred on her lap, adjusting himself on her rod, groaning softly as the throbbing monster rattled his insides.

"Mom, I know all that... aawww... but, still..."

She shook her head. "I know. Again: that's why I was reluctant to do it. You can't prepare yourself for something like this by just practicing holding your breath."

Jake's ass moved backwards a little, then slid back down, taking in the last inch of his mother's pole. He bit his lower lip, moaning weakly.

"Ooooooohh... Daaamn... Look, I just... I just thought you'd go a little easier on me, OK? I mean, I wanted you to enjoy it, sure, but you, like, just went terminator-mode..."

She shrugged. "Yeah, well, I did pull back, at the end. I saw you weren't careful enough with the air you took, that last time, and I pulled back. I think that was very motherly of me..."

He winced, his butt slowly gyrating on her lap. He leaned in and rested his head on her breast, and they were both silent for a while, the boy listening to his mother's heartbeat, feeling its thunder in his nether regions. Finally, he spoke, all belligerence gone from his voice.

"I just wanted to make you feel good, mom."

She kissed the top of his head.

"And you did, sweetie, it was amazing...!"

Still not moving: "well, you still had to pull out before you were finished... I let you down. I wanted to show you I was your man...!"

Helen sighed.

"OK, baby, I want you to look at me."

He pushed himself back reluctantly, looking up at her. She put her hand up to his lips, wiping off flecks of cum, then spoke slowly.

"All the guys who blew me at that clan resort, or at university - they've all had lots of experience at this.

Jake visibly perked up.

"So, you're saying we should keep practicing?"

Helen thought for a moment. What WAS she saying? She flexed her cock again, eliciting a delighted moan from her son.

It was time.


He started, surprised by the hard edge in her voice.


She looked into his eyes as she flexed her cock again, this time much more gently, just to get his attention.

"My cock - and my love - you'll always have them. Nothing will change that. Do you understand?"

His eyes opened a little wider, his lips tightening.


"But... I'll never be one man's Futa again. Never."

She watched as his lips began to tremble, saying nothing, letting her words sink in.

"Mom... I... I thought..."

She put her hand behind his head, cradling it as he looked up at her, his eyes moistening. She smiled at him gently.

"I know, baby, I know. You thought this would last forever. But it can't."

He sniffed, trying to control himself.

"Mom, I... I love you, I can't..."

She leaned in, kissed him on his soft, trembling lips.

"I love you too, very much. That's why I want you to make your own way in the world, not stay stuck with your old mom forever..."

"But I want to! You're NOT old, you're PERFECT, I want to be with YOU, I don't want anyone else!"

Helen stroked her son's hair, calming him. His ass was moving slowly, almost as if without thought, instinctively taking pleasure in his mother's familiar cock, lodged deep inside him - as it had each day for the last three months. She drew his head closer, almost touching her supple breasts, and his lips immediately latched on to a large nipple. She kept stroking his hair gently as he suckled greedily on her tit, his wonderfully tight ass continuing its lazy circle around her cock. She spoke softly.

"You're my son, Jake, and I have no words to describe how much I love you. I love you, I love making love to you, and this will never change. Mom's cock will always be here for you..."

He mumbled something, his lips tightening their hold on her nipple, his teeth grazing it. His hands were exploring his mother's wide back, sliding down her silken curves to her large buttocks. She lowered her head and kissed the top of his head.

"You're such a good boy... I couldn't ask for any better!"

His lips loosened their hold on her tit and he pushed his head back, looking up at her.

Look, I knew - we BOTH knew - that you would choke, and I was going to use this as an excuse to get you to go on the clan retreat, to get practice. But I want you to practice - with me - and then go and knock all of those Eberhard bitches off their feet! I want you strutting into that hotel with your tight little butt and that very fuckable little mouth and causing a riot! I want them to fight over the privilege of stuffing you with their meat!"

"Whoa, mom!" Jake seemed equal parts startled and amused. "You seem to have been thinking about this a lot...!"

Helen growled. Was he right? Maybe - but all that talk about sex and her son's delicious body was making her super-horny - and his body gyrating ever-so-slowly on her cock didn't help things any...! She needed to say all she wanted to before being overcome with lust! She lowered her head, pulling Jake's head closer, and looked deeply into his eyes.

"Jake - I want you to have as much sex as you can handle, with as many Futa as would have you - which would be ALL of them - and when you're ready, maybe settle down with a special one, who would love you like you deserve to be loved. And for this to happen you need to become a male of the clan, and meet as many of us as you can. The clan retreat is in a month, and we'll both be going and having lots and lots of fun. Are you in?"

Jake hesitated. Up until a few minutes ago his entire being was invested in making himself his mother's one and only man - how did they get here, and so fast?! He felt a little dizzy. He should have been devastated by his mom's words, but, somehow, the world kept on turning, and the clan retreat - it suddenly felt like a not-so-bad idea... Damn, he was being steamrolled into this! But, did he mind, really? Fuck, this was all...

A pair of powerful hands grabbed him by his armpits, again, and his breath caught as he was abruptly lifted up, the throbbing monster that was his mom's gargantuan cock swiftly vacating his ass. 1 inch, 2, 3, 4, 5... He almost wailed in frustration, trying in vain to hug her closer...

In a few second she was half out, and he was looking down at her, his mouth half-open.

"Well? Are you in?"

Oh, to hell with it...! "Yes, mom, I'm in, just...YYOWWLPP!!"

He was suddenly sliding back down on the girthy girl-cock, grunting in pain and delight as the giant, mushroom-like glans burst through his colon. His moans were cut off abruptly, as Helen leaned her head and locked her luscious lips on his.

They kissed for a few minutes, as she stood up, carrying him with her. She was pumping her mighty rod, short, powerful jabs that kept him moaning into her mouth.

They broke after a few moments, both breathing heavily. Helen hugged her son tightly, her pelvis not moving, both of them taking in the sensations of their entwined bodies, the thudding of her throbbing cock inside Jake's small body filling their world.

"Mmm... You feel SO good, baby..."

Jake sighed. "I'm never going to find anyone like you, am I?"

Helen considered this. Finally: "well, I guess not, no. But if you give it a chance, you might find someone who can make you feel as good..."

"OK, you don't need to drive this into the ground, I said I'm going on that stupid retreat...!"

Helen smiled mischievously. "Speaking of - I expect to get the package with the bikinis I ordered for the retreat tomorrow. Wanna help me try them on?"

She laughed as she felt his rock-hard cock jerk against her stomach.

"Oooh, my little baby is excited about seeing mommy in a bikini... Very naughty!"

In one powerful motion, she pulled him up, off her cock, and ignoring his protests, turned around and threw him on the large bed.

"...and naughty boys get punished, don't they?" She gestured with her hand. "On your back, knees up. Mommy is going to give her little boy a taste of her cane...!"

She smiled as he scrambled, hurrying to obey, eager to accept his mother's gift. Life was good - and tonight they were both sat to start a new, even more exciting chapter!