A FUTA MOM'S PUNISHMENT PT. 02 By thereshegoes123




"Thanks Mrs Tate."

"No problem.. say hi to Matilda for me! I need to know what she's up to these days!"

Jon's cheeks warmed.

"I... I will..."

He stepped out of the car, watching as it drifted off into the darkness.

No-one else home, thank God. Only Mom's car in the driveway.

The lights were on.

Every step up the driveway was slow, the crackle of gravel beneath his feet loud and oppressive against the silence, the moon his only companion.

He couldn't see Mom anywhere downstairs.

'Maybe she went to sleep?'


"Uh...Hey.. Mom?..."

He padded in, his stomach rumbling, ready for dinner.

"I'm home..."

The stereo was on, playing 80s dance tunes in the background.

Then he realised... There was a smell he recognised.

"Oh God..."

Empty bottles and stains covered the dining-room table. Other glasses and one half-finished bottle were outside in the garden. Discarded shopping bags and clothes tags meant that they'd obviously had a good time.

Wine night again.

No-one else was here though... they must have gone out.

"M... Mom?"


The darkness seemed to draw in.

For a few moments he believed he had avoided any potential carnage, until a bustling sound came from upstairs.


It sounded like they were coming from.... his room?

Jittery footsteps made their way to the top of the stairs, sounding slightly strange, careful even.

"Oh HONNNEYY... I've been waiting for aages, I thought you weren't going to come..."

His heart began to beat faster as she approached.

Step by step she climbed down to the bottom, until his mother shimmied into view, and Jon's head nearly ejected from his body.

A black PVC corset had his mother's waist tight, her bust exploding from the top of it. Stockings and garters clung to her legs like perfectly wrapped Christmas presents, and the tutu-skirt she wore looked like she had stolen it off some sort of fairy stripper.

He looked down and realised the reason she had been walking weirdly was due to ridiculous red wedge-heels that made her monstrously tall. Between red-nailed fingers, she held a riding crop.

But none of that was as serious as the even more eye-catching issue... She wasn't wearing any underwear, and the head of her half-hard cock was hanging between her legs, the head visible beneath the tutu, drooling liquid onto the carpet.

"So... how was your night???"

His mouth hung agog as heat flushed to every corner of his body, hormones bursting into overdrive.

The snake seemed to bob a little, raising to eye him with its piss-slit, blind from the cum leaking out of it like a soap dispenser. The trail led all the way from the first step to the centre of the living room.

"Um... Uh..... i-it was fine... how was... yours?"


The riding crop snapped against the sofa, making Jon jerk back.

"Ha... wow that's... loud...." he managed, his voice wavering.

"... I loooovvved it....."

She pointed the long black implement in his direction, before grinning and doing a twirl so he caught a clear view of her butt lurking under the ridiculously short skirt, droplets of cum flying onto every surface. He flinched as it hit his shoes. Her cock seemed to be getting harder as he watched it, because it was starting to push up her skirt.

".....Oh the girls make me LAUGH! Annie brought some outfits from her lingerie store, and all matching skirts... I was going to change, but thought you might like to see it....."

He didn't know where to look, trying to unglue his eyes from her body, and the slavering dog between her legs as she eyed him like the prettiest girl at the disco, just waiting to be asked to dance.

"Mom, Annie bought this for you?"

"Sure she did," she lied.

"... Why?"

She smooched glossy red lips in an over-the-top pose.

"Oh honey, come on, you know I just wanted you to see it!... Do you not like it?"

She clicked forwards carefully on her heels, clearly not used to being so raised up, almost losing her balance before she finally stopped, chest heaving in front of his face.


He eyed the riding crop gripped tightly in her right hand.

"You want me to... take my outfit off?"

His mouth was salivating.

"I... I don't..."

"Shhhh... I want to make sure you enjoy this...."

As she spoke Jonathon crinkled his nose.

The stench of wine on her breath was potent, mixing with some unnatural smelling perfume she'd put on, and she was looking a little unsteady as she stared down at him.

"So, tell me... do you like it?"

Jon's lip quivered.

"Uh... it... it is nice..."



The riding crop on the seat next to his made him jump again.

"M-MOM would you stop doing that?" he whimpered, although heat was flowing to a lot of areas in Jon's body, and he was having a hard time keeping his face pointed upwards, away from the mountains directly in his eyeline.

"... just nice...?.."

"Y-yeah... it's... pretty..."

She stepped a little closer, a not-so-innocent smile on her face, lowering her voice to a whisper.

"... I've missed you."

He trembled, feeling something warm touch his midriff.

"I... maybe I should sleep..." he managed, his jaw bouncing, almost trembling at the proximity between him and her incredible rack, plus the monster trying to impale his side.

She peeled her eyes, and a little darkness was revealed on her face, the lips curling into a frown, the riding crop quivering in her hand with a pinch of tightened leather before she shook her bob-cut hair, stepping back and pushing a smile through again.

"But it's barely ten-thirty!... and you haven't eaten! No, come on honey... let's order tonight..... We both love burger-town right?!"

"... okay..." he said reluctantly.


She dropped the riding crop, grabbed her phone and began to order in her girliest, basic-bitch voice, twirling her hair as she did so.

"Yes, one large hot dog... Annd... for my big, strong man?"

She raised an eyebrow at him.

He took his eyes from her thighs, the fishnets tight on the muscles and fat that filled them so wonderfully, her log drooping alongside them, a masculine guard dog amongst a feast of femininity.

"Um... burger...."

"Right... my man will have the extra-large burger and fries combo."

'My Man?'

Images in his head of kissing her, of holding hands, began to flitter through his mind, and he shook his head, trying to cool the fire building in his belly, to think about thoughts that weren't his mom in a slut outfit calling him her man.

'Am I really going to do this? Am I just going to give in because she wants to bone me like a two-bit whore?....'

Whilst she was talking, Jon quietly nudged the riding crop she had dropped underneath the sofa. Hopefully in the state she was in, she wouldn't remember it the next morning.

Eventually Matilda ended the call and seated herself clumsily next to him, crossing her leg over to the point her heel was nudging his leg.

It was the least subtle thing he could imagine.

"Mom... how much did you drink?"

She waved his question away.

"Oh just a little! Maybe a few glasses.. Nothing I can't handle-!"

As she said this, she almost fell off her chair, her ass waving in the air, before righting herself with an apologetic face.


He glanced out of the window onto the darkening street outside. There were people moving around in the house opposite. What if their neighbours saw his Mom dressed like a stripper?

"Mom, I'm gonna close the curtains ...."

Matilda pouted as he stood up.

"Oh I'm SORRY, do I embarrass you?"

She swayed to her feet, lurching so far to the left at one point that she had to steady herself against the television, which listed dangerously.


Jonathon jumped back and came to support her weight, his face somehow ending up in her armpit. Sweat and sharp body odours pressed down on his face.


She let out a loose chuckle, eyes unfocused once more.

"Ohhhh darling... you'rrre my little hero...."

He managed to lead her back a seat on the table, the curtains still wide open as she plopped down on a chair, looking rather dishevelled.

"Just.... wait."

He nipped over and grabbed the curtains, swinging them closed.

'One problem over.'

He turned back to the number one problem of the evening, already gesturing with a single crooked finger for him to come back to her.

"Come hereeee....."

Jonathon padded forwards before seating himself warily beside her. A hand came to his shoulder.

"You know.... I saw you tidied your room today."

"Uh yeah.. yeah..."

She pressed close to him, her tits flush against his side.

"It makes me very happy... you know..."


"You're... you're reaally maturing."

"Um... right..."

Part of him wanted things to go back to when his Mom didn't make sexual advances on him, but he couldn't help enjoying the compliments.

She picked a few things only she could see from his hair.

"And honey.... youuu shouldn't be scared to play games if... if you want...."

"Huh?... So I can play games whenever I want?"

Matilda pursed her lips.

"Well... carrrreful honey... you can... you can play some video games sommme time... but you sh-..shoulllld do your chores first... That was always... what I wannned... but then, you never really listened to mmee ...."

He pulled back, watching as his mom poured herself another wine, the liquid sloshing unsteadily in the glass.

"Um.... Right.... Mom d'you think you should maybe take it eas-"

She ignored him and drained it, an odd look coming to her face as she looked close to burping, before swallowing it down.

"Hic.... Ammm I a bad Mom?"

He looked up at her in surprise as she set down the empty glass.

"What? No, no you're not...."

She huffed.

"Because... I.... I alllways tried to raise you right.... It... just feeeeels like you donnn't appreciate me... annnd.... yesterday...."

She gave him a hungry look.

He felt his stomach shrivel up.

"Yeah... yeah well... I-I'm sorry if I ever made you feel bad..... maybe if you drink some water you'll feel better..."

She pushed against him, awkwardly nuzzling him with wet lips.

"What If I want... wine-uhhh?.... what willll you give me... if I... drink waterrrrr..."

Her tongue slipped out and slid across his forehead.


"Urrmm... I'll... I'll tidy my room every day!" he squeaked, feeling the wetness on his forehead, trying to stop her free hand shimmy down between his legs.

".... Mmmmmmhh," moaned Matilda, already snaking her arms around him.

Jonathon could feel the limbs enclosing around him, the python preparing to throttle its meal.

"I.... I'll give you a kiss!.... if you drink some water!" he cried as she almost squeezed herself onto his seat.

This made her pause.

"A kiss.... for Mommmma?" she smiled, head subtly swaying from side to side like a pendulum.

"Yeah... yeah a kiss for Momma," he muttered, adjusting his legs so that his erection wouldn't be so prominent.

"Mmmm.. okay then."

She set herself back on her seat, and leaned in with an eager smile, pouting her lips.

He gazed at the unevenly applied lipstick on her face, the scrunched eyes, the slightly untethered woman in front of him.

His eyes glanced down at the tits she had somehow manhandled into the corset, begging for release.

'God stop looking....'

"N-no... water first...."

Her face became harsh and lined for a moment, her eyes snapping open.

"... a-and I'll give you two kisses!" he squeaked.

Jonathon felt his life flashing before his eyes, and then she stood up sharply, so quickly he almost had to steady her to keep her straight, before she marched to the kitchen, and poured herself a listing glass of water.

It was brought to her lips, and leaked down the sides of her face as she gulped it down in two swigs.


The belch was so deep it sounded like it been raised from a subterranean cavern, echoing around the house, more in keeping with a docker than the hooker-like visage of his mother, although the way she stomped back to him certainly carried a sense of weight and inevitability.

The way she sat (or rather fell) down on the chair made it creak painfully under her weight.

"Kissss!" she slurred; arms open wide.

He nodded; her visage far less friendly than it had been moments earlier.

As he approached, her legs opened wide as well, and he glanced down at the tent in the tutu, knowing all too well that his mother was absolutely raging for his insides.

"That's for laterrrr," she smirked, furnishing him with a wink upon seeing his stare being lowered, and his body felt like it was speeding up, every sense becoming more alert, noticing the slightly unkempt hair that was sticking out by her left ear, the stench of her breath and some sort of cheap perfume as he approached, the nose-breathing that was louder than it should have been.

By the time he had walked into her arms, he almost didn't know what to do with himself, trembling.



Pincers grabbed both his arms, and he mewled as she loomed over him.


The wine smell made his hairs stand on end as their lips finally pressed against each other.

Jon was wrestled into a sloppy, one-sided kiss, their lips less meeting than overlapping as Matilda began eating his face, tongue ploughing straight into his mouth with the intention of bulldozing all that it found there and leaving no survivors, bludgeoning his own tongue and pushing to the back of his throat where it jabbed his tonsils, making him gag.


The tangy flavours of alcohol and sharpness of the wine made him want to vomit.

She snorted into his face as her weight began to lean on him, and a hand wrapped around the back of his neck, tightening painfully so he could feel a ring on her index finger digging into the muscle.



He could feel the bitterness of her, her rubbery lips as they attached to different parts of his face and sucked at anything they could find, her teeth seizing his bottom lip and playing with it, before tiring of it and allowing her tongue slide across his face and nose again.

When she broke it she was leaning fully against him, almost pushing him off his own chair, her ass half on, half off.

"There's other things I like about you... about you maturing, I mean..."

Her hand slipped to his belly and began to worm its way down, and Jon had to wriggle his fingers to stop her, because he didn't want her grabbing his erection and knowing how easily she aroused him.

"Mom... I'm not sure if...UF!"

She fell into him, wrapping him up and covering him in an ungainly hug as the chair toppled, wine spilling on the floor as her tits mashed against his face.


They hit the floor with a soft *thnk*, any of the wine glass left thrown to the side as she landed on top of him, laughing.

"Ohhh whoops!"

The soft carpet thankfully cushioned their fall, Jon scrabbling as she settled herself on top.

It was impossible. It felt like she was ten times his size, and twenty times as strong.

Within seconds he was safely ensconced against her bosom.

The sweat of her breasts in the PVC rubbed against his face as her huge weight descended on him, the heat and smell of her wrapping him up, and then his body was wrenched into a pose that haunted his dreams at night... his legs parted into a missionary position, with his mother beached on top of him like a drunk killer-whale.

"Oh darling, why are you sooo good at flirting?" she tittered as she ground her body against his, her tits tight to his chest and wedged against his chin so he could barely breath.

To an outsider it would have seemed like the sluttily dressed woman was trying to crush the young man against the soft white carpet.


All of the world honed down to his mother's body, his struggles weakening as the aphrodisiac of her tits on his face turned his protests to mush.

He couldn't move. Couldn't speak. Couldn't think.

And he was rock-hard.


Then something pryed between his legs; her beast was hungry.

He mewled as the large, angry shaft rubbed against his buttocks, like a tree trunk had come to life and was now trying to burrow directly into his ass.


She ground herself downwards, trying her best to impregnate the figure trembling beneath her.

"You gotta stop flirting with me honey... don't make mama... angry.." she murmured, snorting his hair like cocaine as she breathed in the scent of her unwashed son.

Jonathon struggled, but nowhere near as much as he should have, his hands rubbing up her sides.

Then two thick, juicy lips found his own, and began to ease them open again.

He resisted a little, but the more he avoided opening his mouth, the more his mother's movements became harsher, her grips tighter, hands going from rubbing across him to taking handfuls of flesh, crushing his ass between steel fingers, gripping the back of his neck which sent a chill down his spine.

"Give meeee your mouth honey... or... or I'll ffffucking break you, bitch," she whispered harshly, before trying to ease him open once more.

He realised there was nothing he could do, and, trembling, opened his mouth.

She moaned and dove inside, a whirlpool of tongue and saliva that forced him into a deep, powerful kiss that seemed to go on forever, his Mother's legs butting against his hips as she rubbed up and down on him. The heat and sloshing warmth of her tongue drenched in spit filled his head.


He melted into it.

He'd been dreaming about this for days anyway.

The PVC was harsh against his belly, his hands coming around her waist to feel her thick babymaker hips, and lower down the cheap tutu barely covering her ass.

Mother and son wrestled, the huge figure entombing the smaller completely, rendering him as docile as a new-born lamb.

She broke the kiss, drooling down onto his face.

The feeling of her glorious ass, so thick and juicy between his fingers, was soul-sating.


"Mmm, yeah... fffeeeel me up...."

He hated how aroused she made him.

"Y-yeah Mom."

She groaned.

"Ohhhhhhhhhmmmm!!!! Say that again...."

"Yeah Mom!" he whined, trembling as he grabbed her ass cheeks and squeezed again, two delicious moons that depressed beneath his fingers, allowing him to squeeze in and grip them wonderfully.

It was impossible to ignore that his Mom's assets were incredible.

She grabbed his face so he was back looking into her eyes again, and then she closed her own and slithered her tongue back into his mouth.

Down it went, crushing against his own and sliding past it to the edge of his throat.

Wet, deep sloshing kisses were drawn out evilly by Matilda, who knew how to keep goading Jonathon until he was sucking on her tongue with all his might.



The moan she gave was so deep and rumbling that his head felt like a church-bell was being rung in his head, Jon savouring every moment of his mother's arousal, the way her hands clutched him tight, the way she tried to grope every inch of his legs up to the calves which anchored him to her hips.

They wrestled back and forth for a moment, lost in the scent of the other.

Her huge body was so uncoordinated and so rough that he worried in the back of his mind that she might somehow twist him in the wrong shape, or grab something so hard she bruised, saliva falling everywhere across his face, dry-humping and jabbing her rock-hard erection straight into his belly as her hands grabbed his hips, then his neck again, followed by a gentle cupping of his balls that made him coo.


Just as she was beginning to really work his cute cherries-


The doorbell jerked them both from their reverie.

Matilda broke the kiss, her eyes fiery and passionate, her sons frightened and excited.

The fingers enclosing his balls squeezed threateningly, making him mewl.


For a moment, they stared at each other, Matilda looking like she was about to dive back in and claim him anyway.


"COMING!" his Mother roared, sudden fury etched on her face, the previously beautiful visage becoming strikingly hard and lined, before heavy breathing managed to bring back some of the humanity.

She stroked his cheek and kissed him gently.

"Onne...one second."

With one last push of her solid cock against his waiting butt-cheeks, she reluctantly raised herself up, so tall on her heels that she looked like her head was on a different floor to her feet, before sashaying to the door, tucking the drooling shaft under her tutu.

"Oh why thank you so much! Here's the tip...."

She smiled at the open-mouthed delivery driver, the poor man ogling her tits almost falling out of her corset before she slammed the door in his face and hurried back, a burger-town bag and two large drinks in one hand as she freed her cock again with the other.

He watched it spring out in front of her, pushing up the tutu again and splurging a small gob of jizz onto the carpet next to him.


He scrambled to his feet.

Jon surmised that if he had been in any other situation, he would have been frothing at the mouth at the sight of this scandalously dressed woman wobbling on her high-heels above him with food ready to go.

"Come eat honey," she ordered with a glint in her eye.

A long rivulet of cum was hanging from her cock, swaying lower and lower to the ground like a hypnotist's watch.

Jon watched it all the way.

'I can't enjoy this... she's so hot..'

She turned with a light hum of approval, seating herself at the table.

Jon carefully joined her, pulling up his chair from the floor, glancing at the tutu pressing against the underside of the table.

"Aren't we..... using plates?"

"It's fast-food honey, just eat here," she chuckled, thrusting the food out of the bags and chucking the waste aside.

"Oh... okay..."

She leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Because you've been such a good boy."

"Oh.... Good? Th-thanks Mom..." he managed, glancing at the burger that seemed far less important than the figure watching him.

Matilda was breathing heavily again.

"Just so you know... if you were a bad boy... I'd have to break you."

Blood pounded in his ears.

"Break... me..?"

She looked back, and her face had morphed, teeth white and shining with saliva.

"Yes honey... break you."

They spent a moment staring at each other. Jonathon felt any shred of masculinity and bravery shrivel up and disappear.

"Oh honey... you're not eating anything..."

"I-I'm just not hungry yet...."


She got to her feet unsteadily. Once again he found himself staring up at a pin-up girl that he probably would have fantasised about fucking over and over, yet that huge cock, still tenting her tutu, seemed to twist his thoughts.

Tears came to his eyes, even as saliva filled his mouth.

He only thought about her fucking him now; railing him until he couldn't see, fucking him so he screamed like the girls did in porn when the cocks were too big for their quivering pussies....

"Mom... what are you..."

She put a firm finger on his lips.

"Shhh. Let me feed you...."

She took up some fries and pointed them at his mouth.

"Eat it," she said in a sultry voice.

His lower lip wobbled as he watched her ecstatic expression close in just behind her fingers.

The fries entered his mouth, just as salty and tasty as always.

Her fingers, however, went in with them, and he found himself sucking on them to receive the food being offered.

"Mph!... Mph...."

"Take your time bitch," she breathed, "you need to get all the flavour...."

When they had finished, her fingers were wet.

She put them into her own mouth and sucked, maintaining eye contact with him the whole time as she made a point of gulping down any of his left-over saliva as loud as possible.

Jonathon felt every single fibre of his being wrenched towards his matriarch.

Matilda leaned in.

Soft, soft lips.

The kisses seemed to come easier now, more natural.

This time he tried to pull her in, but she left it so gently that his head followed her for a moment, before slumping back in disappointment.

"M... mom.."

"Don't worry, don't worry, another's coming," she cooed as if she were talking to a child, before grabbing some more fries.

"Here we go.... Eat it... my little whore."

Jon felt his cheeks burning, but nonetheless he let her place the fries carefully into his mouth, chewing as she watched. They both knew he wasn't focusing on the fries.

When he had swallowed, she was already leaning forwards again, and this time he was coming to meet her, their kiss lurid and passionate, hands coming to cradle Jon's head as his mother laid a deep passionate marker in his face.

The bitter wine taste of her breath tasted better now, plus the heat of her mouth on his. She broke away quickly, and the look on her face as he tried to follow her lips was one of the happiest he had ever seen, more radiant than a sunflower in bloom.

"... Kiss me again," he blurted.

"Oh... yessss sir," she grinned, leaning forwards, and almost missing, Jonathon having to lean to his left to catch her before she kissed the back of the chair.



The two moulded into one another, quiet grunts and yups of soul-sating physical release issuing between them.

Her tongue stretched his cheek, Matilda grunting heavily in his face like some sort of wild animal as Jonathon let himself be used however she wanted.

'Mama is so hot when she's aggressive...'

The moment the kiss broke, saliva dribbling down his Mother's chin, she grabbed the hot dog.

Jonathon let out an embarrassed chuckle.

"Is that.. for me?.."

A sly grin grew on her face.

"Smart boy... Jusssst do your best with it... you'll love it...."

She withdrew the large red sausage from its bun and aimed it squarely at his hole.

"Give me a showww...."

"... A show?"

Her eyes seemed to glint red for a moment.

"You know what I want.... give your mama a show, bitch."

She spat the last word as the sausage feathered against his lips, and he mewled, sticking his tongue out to lick it. His mother let out a little groan of approval as he sucked on the top, before pushing it into the side of his cheek.

"Ohhhh, I DID raise a good little whore didn't I?" she breathed, tittering in the bright-red face of her son as he tried his best to blow the hot dog like it was her cock.

Sadly it was nowhere near as large as her dick.

"You gonna suck my cock like this toniiiiight?" she breathed.

"Mmmhmmm," he moaned into the hot dog, glancing down where the real thing lurked beneath the tutu.

The small figure quietly feathered all the way up and down, from the base to the top, his mother assisting him.

Then she got impatient and shoved it all the way in.


He choked as she pulled it back out and slapped him in the face with it.



The hot dog was flung across the room as she grabbed him and lifted, Jon squealing as he flew through the air and onto her lap.

"Let meee give you something with a... a bit of.... girth..."

"OHhhhhh Mommmmm-!"

He landed on her, straddled across her lap like he was ready to make love, pulled up against her belly with her hardness poking into his liver, awkwardly trying to manoeuvre it in front of him.

Somehow being on her lap and feeling her cock still long enough to reach higher up on his belly than his own was ludicrously sexy, and his trembling fingers grasped her hardness for the first time since that night together.

It throbbed the moment he wrapped it in his tentative grip.

'FINALLY... It's so hard!... and hot...'


Her trembling, zealous bellow was followed by a series of tongue insertions that would have made a pornstar blush, her passion so high and intense that Jon almost had no control whatsoever, his head rocked backwards as he was forced to let her stick her muscle wherever she wished.



It was exhilarating, the lack of oxygen enough to make Jon light-headed as her tongue savaged his own, bullying it and shoving it into the corner of his mouth whilst she revelled in all the textures his insides could provide.

The two were moaning, mother and son rubbing each other as they French kissed whilst he pumped her throbbing weapon, riding her lap.

It was so thick and hot, like trying to squeeze a steel pipe with lava coursing through it.

'What am I doing... SHIT she is throbbing so bad....'


Jon felt the shaft ripple between his fingers, and then the swollen prick of his Mother launched a small cum flood, the lava pouring onto fists that had been busy wanking her as he sucked on her tongue like a lollipop, the animal thrashing inside his mouth.

When they finished they were huffing, and Matilda's pre-cum was running off of Jon's hands. It looked like they'd been iced; It was a heavy load for any ordinary guy, yet for his mother he knew it was only the start.

As he looked into her eyes, feeling the heat of her thighs on his ass, he saw... felt, the presence of that monster rearing its ugly head; unfocused hazel eyes, blinking, saliva still wet on her chin, a look that brooked no argument.

She was drunk, and she was getting what she wanted.

It set his nerves on fire, but his own cock was just as hard as the one between his fingers, still spewing little globules of Momma-nut. Jon hated that he salivated whenever he looked at it.

'I'm such a bitch....'

"M-mom..." he whispered.

Her thighs felt so soft beneath his ass.

"Honnneyyyyy," she chirped back, shoving him backwards onto the kitchen table. "You hard for meeee?"

"HUH--- M-MOOmMMM!" he squealed as she began to remove his pants with little regard for his struggles, easily tearing them clear revealing his boxers wedged in a cute tent of his cock.

"MMmm what are you hiding from me?" she gurned, before giving a tremendous belch that made Jon's eyes water.

"M-Mom.. y-you're really drunk...."

She growled, letting out another belch, saliva running freely from her mouth as she staggered slightly, pulling his boxers so hard they simply tore in two.


"M-mom... oh fuck....."

She stared with a rapturous gaze at the pretty little cocklet pointing up at her son's face, mirroring its parent which loomed above it like an eagle coming to feed its young chick.

"Ohhh your pretty little girl-dick is so hard... fuck you're luckyyyyy you weren't born a girl, or I'd make you pregnant right nowwww," she groaned, pushing his legs up in the air so she could press her hard cock up against his ass.

Jon looked up between his legs in awe.

'Oh fuck, she's going to fuck me right now....'


He moaned, and placed both his hands firmly on her tits, just over the lip of the Corset.

They felt incredible, making him want to feel the full weight of them in his hands once more despite the erect member which seemed to be throbbing, almost grinning as it slid against his exposed asshole.

Tension gripped both mother and son, and Jon realised he was going to have to take control if he didn't want to get utterly poleaxed by his Mother's lust.

He saw her hips pull back.

"P-please, wait-!" he cried.

Matilda stopped dead, her hard cock lined up with his unprotected flower, her son's legs in the air.

Slowly... tentatively... He reached up, and pulled his Mother in between his legs.

"Please Mom..."

Her eyes grew wide, and she placed her hands on the table either side, letting herself hang over him like a glacier about to fall and melt into the helpless ocean below it.

He reached round and began to fiddle with the corset, looking his heaving, lustful mother dead in the eye as he did so, his own breathing just as heavy, sweat dappling his brow as he finally managed to unstring it.

Slowly, Jon slipped the corset off his mother.

Tension hung heavy in the air as her breasts were allowed to hang clear, huge white orbs with two pink, squeezable nubs begging for attention. Some of her freckles made their way all the way down to the tops of her breasts, and there was a beauty spot that he hadn't noticed before just inside the left breast, usually hidden by shirts or the proximity between her bosom, but now it was clear to see.

Jon stared at them... and then pulled his mother's chest onto his face.


"OOohhhh," groaned Matilda, obediently settling her sweaty, squishy body onto his, subsuming him. Jon moaned into the multitude of squishy delights. The sweat generated by her corset was abundant, and his face was quickly drenched and sticky, but the earthy smells and taste of her body odours as he sucked a hard nipple into his mouth were an enticing cocktail, enhanced by her prodigious weight immobilising him beneath it.


"Ohh.. yes, milk me," she cooed, clutching his head tighter so not a single sense could escape her, cupping his face in her breasts and running her nails through his hair, tightening to the point she heard a whimper from beneath her.

He desperately pulled at her nipple with his mouth, tongue swirling.

"Oohhh.. suck-suck-suck... Come on, Mommy needs to be millllked!..."

Her voice become high-pitched and girlish, and for a moment Jonathon had the wonderful feeling of being in control, of pleasuring a girl and hearing her moan at his fingertips.

"Ooh.. oOo-oohoh!"

It almost felt like what he had hoped his sex-life would be in an alternate universe, before his mom had started fucking him.

The illusion was burst by a huge cock settling against his own, Matilda's log utterly outmanning his sapling.


Everything became more vivid, her tangy sweat, the extra stickiness right between her cleavage and under her tits, which were so hot it was like finding a small sauna. He fully lost himself and began to lick at her under-boob sweat.

"OOHhh Jonny... Honey oh wow..."

Her weight pressed down even harder, to the point she was crushing his face with her chest, and there was a moment where he began to whimper, feeling his head being squeezed between the table and her tits, her cock digging into his stomach.


She almost didn't realise before blearily raising herself up, knocking over another empty bottle of wine as she did so.

"Oooh sorry honey... you okay????...."

Heavy, hot kisses were planted up and down his bright red face, Jon heaving oxygen back into his lungs as his mother wrapped him up again, this time grinding her dick playfully against his.


It almost hurt how violently she dry-humped him, and realising he was about to get poleaxed again, Jon reached his mother's head and squeezed it lovingly with both hands, planting gentle, effeminate pecks across her face. She slowed, moaning and smiling as she allowed her son to bestow his sweet lips on hers.


Of course, she couldn't resist, assaulting his sweet lips and jamming her tongue home.

They kissed long and passionate, and Jon could feel her hardness openly weeping pre-cum all over his belly before Matilda broke it, and prepared to angle her hips down towards his crack.

"W-wait, Mom... Please just... let me..."

She stopped, and it was as if a car had been forced to switch gears unexpectedly, demeanour morphing from loving and doting to cold and hard because the union she craved so much was being delayed .


Jon gave his best wide-eyed, puppy-dog face.

"... Can I go on top?"

It took her face a few seconds to work out the semblance of emotions necessary, curving into a surprised, but soulful smile, her eyes still shining with a sense of danger, the evil still lurking within.

".....Allllright... but hurry up."

It seemed as if she didn't think him capable of taking control, but he knew she couldn't resist the thought of him raping his own ass in front of her.

"C-come Mom.."

He tried to lead her away from the table where all manner of things might break, the table itself included if his Mother's last rage-induced ass-fucking was anything to go by.


She sniffed, but he grabbed her shaft between his fingers, immediately rendering her docile, her gaze becoming lazy and unfocused once more.

"C'mon Mom...."


He began to lead his mother by her donkey-dick towards the stairs, his fingers not even able to wrap the whole way around it.

'It's like leading a horse... how is she so big, and I'm so small?...''

They made an odd pair, the scene akin to a child holding his mother's hand, instead of a young man holding his mother's raging erection.

Matilda stopped short of the stairs.

"No, now."

He looked back, and the unflinching hunger was on her face once more, and he whimpered as he was shoved off his feet, sent sprawling onto the sofa. His mother strode over to stand above him.

"If you're gonna ride me, you're gonna do it here."

He nodded pitifully.

"Y-yes, yeah okay Mom, can you just..... lie down...."

She fell rather then sat on the sofa, nearly flattening Jonathon who scooted out the way, watching as his mother looked quite unsure of her balance before lying back, her feet coming up to his face.

Jon grimaced as the stink of them from her heels was obvious.

He scrambled up from under her legs and came to straddle her, grabbing her cock and aiming it before she did anything as violent as her expression and restless energy suggested.


The look on Matilda's face as he began to slide her wet, hot cock-head against his anus could have lit up a city as Jon huffed, trying to steel himself for the entry about to occur.

'Don't think... just do it.'

He pushed, and grunted as it came up against the barrier of his anus.

'Just breath.'

His Mother stared, glued to the scene like she was watching a finale of one of the trashy soap operas that she loved so much, eyes wide at the drama of her son's pained expression as he tried to push his quivering butthole onto her waiting cock. it was more magical than anything she'd ever witnessed.

She tried to speak but words wouldn't come out, the anticipation too great.

"Hu... yuh..."

Her murmurs were punctured by a tiny scream as Jon managed to pop a cock-head through his ridiculously tight anus.


They froze, a perfect sliver of time dedicated to just the two of them, the giving of Jon's most scared area to his mother, willingly, his mother grasping his hips. Jon settled his hands on her breasts, the two of them squeezing in tandem and eliciting low moans from the other.



He scrunched his eyes closed.

'Just a bit further..'

This was wrong. This was his Mom. She'd raised him, cooked for him, cleaned for him. If anyone knew...

A hand grabbed his chin in a vicious grip, and he jerked his eyes wide open to see her enraged, saliva wet on both sides of her mouth, the drunken animal surfacing.

"Youuu look.... Look at meeee," she snorted, nostrils flaring, pulling him down further via his hips to the point where he was halfway impaled.


The pain and pleasure emanating from his asshole made him grimace.

She was so big.

He didn't let his gaze break, despite the instinct to avoid the unblinking leer of his Mother.

"Dowwwnn," she rasped, rippling with anticipation.

"Oh... ohkay.." he managed, before whimpering and pushing himself down onto the wet, throbbing bollard.


The thing pulsed, bullying his insides as tears were forced to his eyes, trying not to scream.

His mother twitched, quiet now.

It seemed obvious she was enjoying it, confirmed by an odious throb that felt like her cock was literally expanding against his insides, sending a bolt of electricity up his spine that made his whole body straighten.


Matilda huffed and slapped his ass, the sharp pain making him bite his lip as she grabbed handfuls of his butt-cheeks.

"Hunn....Riiiiide me like little ponnnny," she slurred.

"YYyeahh... yeah-uhn..."

He popped his hips a little and croaked as the world went blindingly white.


Her cock rubbed up against the nasty places that really made him feel wonderful, and his legs were trembling as he worked himself up to trying again.

"Hn..... Hhh...."

"Stop *mnn*... teasing!" Matilda hissed, grinding her teeth as the anticipation built.

Jon moaned.

"I-I'm trying," he uttered, before popping his hips again.


The world turned upside down, and the whoreish, nightmarish whines that her shaft evoked from his insides were deplorable, and far too loud to be contained.


Her fingers squeezed, working their way up to his baby-maker hips.

The thing pulsed inside him again, a nuclear reactor causing energy to radiate from his core outwards to every one of his extremities.

He tried to develop a rhythm, but tears were streaming as the pleasure overtake him, and he trembled, his cock leaking cum-lava all down the sides, scared of bringing himself to orgasm despite the rest of his body demanding it.

His Mother's fingers were so tight on his sides that they were beginning to pinch, and he gasped as she gripped him with her nails.

"Uuu-uuuh.. mm-momm...."

She licked her lips, her face scrunched into an angry mask.

"You know... you're... tooooo slow."

The room dropped, Jon squealing as he was lifted into the air easily.

Automatically his legs wrapped around Matilda who assumed a kneeling missionary position on the sofa, grinning cruelly as she forced him against the back, in a foetal position with nowhere to run.

Her cock for the first time slid to the hilt.


She was about to assault him.

"M-mom!... Nhn.... g... go slow Mommy....."

He thrust his hands to her shoulders and squeezed, giving as doting an expression as he could, trying to ignore the spasms in his right eye from the twinges of her dick against his insides.

She let out a sneer.

".... Nooo honey....."

He tried to think of anything to delay the inevitable, scrabbling for answers.

"Y.... you gonna be a bad mom again?"

She froze.

For a moment, he thought he saw a flicker of emotion... then her face became truly crazed.

"No honey... I'm gonna be the BEST Mom," she snarled, the far-too-wide smile returning, her voice filled with emotion.

Jon heaved as she shoved her cock six inches deep, his body spasming as he felt the lubed up monster spurt a little hot cream to help his lubrication even further.



The next shove was eight inches, a full widening of his insides, and it hurt.


The last shove was all eleven inches to the hilt, a torpedo filling his ass, and Jonathon was rocked by the buffeting, life-changing thrusts of his mother as she abused him for her pleasure.


He tried to get away somehow, but she simply rolled along the sofa with him, Jon ending up on top, glued to her lap again.



The cock slammed home, and Matilda seized his shoulders and began to slam her hips against him like a human punching bag.


Their cheeks began to clap, and he moaned as he was bounced on his Mother's lap like a child on a seesaw, her shaft pounding his insides so hard he could barely breath as his asshole clung to it, almost pleading for it to slow down. It didn't convince her, the pleasure ripped from her son's lips more than enough evidence that she had no need to stop.


"UHHN.. UHHnu- ughh-uhhnnmmmoommmmmmmMMOMUHHh!"

Her fingers were clamped on his shoulders, pulling him down so that her cock was drilling him for oil, the boy spasming as five spear punches were delivered straight to his gut, his toes curling from the pleasure being shocked into him. It was as if he was being thrown above the clouds, bursting into face-melting sunlight every time she hilted deep inside him.



His Mom was chuntering, her expression one of frenzied arousal.

"Oh come on bitch, moan for Momma... oh-ohh-ohhhhh.... we got so much time together... I can fuck you all day tomorrow... I'll MM—HHHHHHHuhhh.... I'll fuck you so bad you can't go to school... I'll fuck you til you beg for it...."

He was whining, his arms tightening around her sweaty back, his head falling into her tits to provide some comfort from the utter destruction of his rear-end as Matilda began to saw her erection in and out, in and out, in and out like a steam-engine piston.



The sounds of churning, heaving sex began to fill the room, the couch groaning and sagging as Matilda's weight plus the bleating figure being slammed down on top of her proved too much for the springs to contain, the couch crunching and depressing beneath them, her roaring adding to the cacophony as she began to open up the throttle, revving to sixth gear.


Mother and son fucked like dogs. Minutes ticked on the clock, out in neighbours houses people would be readying their children for bed.

Matilda fucked her boy like she was trying to snap him in half, the middle of the sofa depressing deeper as she pulled Jonathon into her fuck-pit.

Jonathon's eyes rolled back, neck muscles flexing, nails digging into her back as she pounded his prostate to the point that saliva was flowing freely from his mouth, unnoticed by him as he was taken to a special place by his mother, forced into that blinding, soundless space where nothing exists except pure ecstasy, everything connecting back to the blind fury of his mother's love making.

"Mmmmommm.. mommmmm-" he drooled, unheeded by his blistering savage of a parent as she forced him to ride her like a bull, bucking her hips up so hard that the claps of her balls against his lap was like a whip-crack.


Everything went white.

It hit him in a hailstorm of boiling ecstasy which zipped up his spine and overloaded the pleasure centres in the depths of his brain, moaning like a zombie as all thoughts dissolved in the swirling vortex, arms and legs clamping to his mother as she attacked his prostate, punished it, arms spasming and tongue lolling as thin ropes of cum spewed onto his belly and the bottom of his mother's tits.

Some squirted through the crevasse of her bosom and hit them on their chins, his mother lapping at it like a dog aiming for treats, Jonathon not even coordinated enough to understand what was going on.

"MmmHhm... Mmmhhhh....."


His asshole however, continued to automatically clamp tight to the daddy cock sawing in and out of it whenever it hilted, gripping it with a rubbery strength that spoke of true love.

Please stay here.

Her oenis heeded his call, never leaving for more than a second, always re-entering to its deepest point.

Jonathon shook as he was railed, Matilda temporarily pausing to twist so that she was now standing over the sofa, her boy beneath her folded in half gracefully with his knees behind his head in hooker position number one.

His ass looked like two ripe peaches, succulent and ready for plucking.

"MMmmmommmm," he managed, a long rivulet of saliva hanging from his mouth as his neck lolled sideways.

"No," she said brusquely, "we're not stopping because you're just a little PUSSY!"

She combined it with a lightning spear to his heart, and Jonathon felt his mother begin to machine-gun huge cheek-clapping thrusts that compressed his spine with each thrust, her hands so hard and immovable on his ankles it was like being sat on a rollercoaster ride that only existed to hammer a long round object into your asshole.


She felt his anus oscillate again and a grin broke through her sweat stained face.

"Yeah, cum again, bitch."

Jonathon was crying, but he couldn't stop the orgasms rolling through him like a freight train, his sobbing halted by another spear of mind-wrenching ecstasy making him whine like a dog, his tongue lolling to the side of his mouth, limbs shaking in an epileptic fit as his mother used him, whipping him again and again with her package, filling him over and over with her raging hardness.

Tiny streams of ecstasy launched into the air, hitting himself in the face, and Jon bleated as his Mother slowed her rape to enjoy the way he clung tighter to her, shaking in her arms.

Once he had finished coming again, his cute little dicklet happily standing tall in the face of overwhelming beauty and strength, Jonathon felt himself being lifted and carried, his face warm and wet as his mother carefully jogged on her heels towards the stairs.

"M-mom.. careful-"

"Shut uuup," she snapped.

The stair-ride was somewhat worrying, Matilda teetering so far back at one point that at one point it seemed like she would surely topple back down into the hallway...

Somehow she stayed upright, making it all the way to her bedroom.

Jonathon felt her womanhood flex inside him, tendons and ligaments going taut, making him tremble.

"OH.... Oh God.... oohhhh...."

His mother did not waste time, running into the room and simply body slamming him into the centre of the bed, chuckling evilly as she began to crush her hips to his, bonking him like a boy who had just been told how sex works and desperately wanted to try it out for themselves.


"UHNNGUhnnnNU NNuhh-!"

"Come on honey... *UHN* let me see my boyyyyy *MMhuhh* cumming for me again...."

Jonathon might have said something if he had been able to speak, hanging on for dear life as she bred him like a bitch.



Her hands were clumsy, but decidedly firm and grabby, at one point grabbing both his butt-cheeks and holding on tight, enjoying the way the boy squirmed and tightened beneath her fingers

This feast of a bitch. Of her son.

After half an hour of bare-back pounding, bed-springs squealing and head-board thumping into the wall so hard that it had almost certainly left dents in the plaster, Matilda groaned, switching into passionate, love-making mode now that she was in control, now that she could force her son to take her dick the way she needed him to.

"Yeah honey... yeaaauhhhhh!... There's.... no escape... *MYUHH* you can't leave me....."


"UHhnnn... UHHHmmmmmommmmaaaaa..."

The last keening cry was so perfect that Matilda froze mid-thrust.

She felt her balls tighten.

"Oohhh... Hhhhh-ere it come...."

His mother's eyes rolled up, and Jonathon watched in semi-conscious horror as she jutted her hips, and the insertion brought with it two tons of bull-cream that did not enter his body gently, instead exploding from the tip like a firehose, straight into the centre of his body.

Heat blossomed through his abdomen as she spread her seed far and wide through his cavities. The pleasure ripped his brain in half.


A roiling cocktail of chemicals began to broil his brain into a soup as Jonathon whined, eyes bugging out as he stared into the eyes of his conqueror, met by his teeth-gnashing, snarling mother, who grabbed tight around the back of his neck and squeezed the vulnerable spot.

Fucking him was not enough.

She wanted his soul on a silver platter.

Her other hand snaked down to his belly.

"I will make you mine," she croaked, "there's *Hhnn* nowhere you can hide.... Nothing you can say..."

Jon whimpered.

His insides felt like they had been broiled in cum, the goo sitting hot and heavy in his abdomen.

She nipped the side of his ear.

"... come on honey... say you love me...."

"Nnnooohuhhh..." he groaned.

Her voice was laced with furious desperation when she said it.

"Come on honey.. come onnnn!... say you love me...."

She had taken him to the heaven of dickings, the mother of all fucks, and Jonathon could not hold back the need for his mother deep inside him.

".... I l..... looove you... Mommm," he slurred into her ear, tears drying on his cheeks.

Her body tightened so harshly around him that it felt like the universe had collapsed in, leaving only a world of his mother's heat and smell, earthy and sweaty, the chemical perfume unable to mask those natural odours which were so enticing. Fingers gripped him as the woman trembled, moaning like a dying animal.


Just feeling her pleasure pulsing against his anal walls made Jonathon's heart beat faster in his chest, kissing her on the cheek.

"lllvve.. yuu..." he managed, the pressure of her body on his still making it difficult to breathe.


The delirious, shocked expression on his mother's face pulled back, searching his eyes for the truth.

A long sliver of saliva began to drop down onto his nose from her mouth, but neither person broke the eye contact. He gave a shy smile back.

"I.... llloove...."

Then her hips shifted a little.



A note of fear trickled into Jonathon's head as he felt her meat slide in and out, barely an inch, the angry throbbing making it obvious that Matilda was ready to go all over again.

Three inches retracted and returned, huge testicles patting against his butt.



"Shhhhh," she giggled, already working up a little speed, "I knowwww...."

He tried to hold onto his mother with weak fingers, managing to keep his legs wrapped tight around her to better prepare himself.

Her grin became cruel, blinking dazedly as she ploughed an uncoordinated thrust in his general direction, her whole dick barrelling in and out of his ass.



The blow rocked him, and he began seeing stars in his vision as his mother opened up the throttle and began to murder him with her cock, punishing his raw ass with pulverising thrusts so deep and hard that the already tortured bed springs screamed beneath him as he took the pummelling of a lifetime.



The sudden burst of speed would have sounded impressive to an onlooker had it not carried such horrific, anus-pummelling weigh


The headboard began slamming into the wall so hard it was like someone was trying to kick through the side of the house, chipping dust and plaster from the widening dents.



Wildlife documentaries would have cut away from such brutal footage, Matilda's balls swinging like fleshy wrecking balls trying to batter her son's globes into submission, Jon's toes curling as she took his dignity in her hands and twisted it into something lesser, curled up on the floor shivering as he was emasculated and undone.



The skin-claps echoed around the bedroom, wet slurping cock-insertions that drove cum and lube across his insides, which now resembled some sort of glue factory.

Jonathon screamed, muscles going taut as his body reset itself under the wave of chemicals and hormones flooding his arteries, transmitting radiant pleasure to every last corner of his body.

Matilda was lost in the throes of ecstasy, breathing him, feeling him. All she wanted was her son.

She was almost jumping before each thrust, the mattress springing her back into the air such was the force with which she pounded down on him, and Jonathon felt all his mental walls collapse, raw and exposed to the hailstorm of ecstasy being fucked into him by his mother, her womanhood filling his boy-pussy like dynamite, obliterating everything lurking within.


"You fucking... bitch..." she glowered, sweat rolling down her face as she roiled and gyrated like a machine, wiping some snot from her nose on the bed sheets whilst making sure she never let him rest, never let him rediscover any brain functionality where he might not need his mother with all his heart and soul.


And she could feel him cumming, see the fear and excitement in his eyes, the lop-sided smile on his face that meant he was about to break and spray his love everywhere, cock rocking and slapping against his belly, barely making a sound due to its hilarious size.

"Llooove... yooou...." he managed, tears of ecstasy streaming down his face as he was taken.

"Iiii... love you sonnn....."

His mom was crying too, tears of relief and joy as she took her boy the way she had always dreamed, his legs tightening on her waist, his nails digging into her back as she bred him, trying with all her heart and soul to put a baby into his womb.

The moment his eyes rolled up, eyelids fluttering like he was having a fit, anus tightening horrendously around the base of her shaft, was the moment pleasure raced to the centre of her cerebral cortex, and Matilda's back arched, moulding herself to Jonathon's front as she fell on him with a scream, her cock rippling and thrumming like a rocket about to take off....



The sound of custard being squirted out of a firehose was accompanied by a rush up her shaft, and she shivered, her cock tensing as pints of baby-batter began to pound into the inner sanctums of her son's body.

The boy spasmed, still not seeing, hands replaced by rigid claws as he drooled from both sides of his mouth as his mother raped her love into him.

He managed a weak, "Ooouhhhhh."


Matilda screamed in his face, high-pitched, ecstatic pleas for the moment never to end, to feel this connected to her boy for the rest of his life as his cock sprayed wildly over the pair of them, reduced to a jizz-sprinkler that would never see a womb, because it was too busy spouting the joy of being an anal slut.

The two shook as their souls merged together.

Bubbling heat spread and pressed against Jon's insides, forming a hot dam of heat that marked him as owned only by her.

Eventually the sounds and rocking subsided to small creaks as the two found their minds again, still glued together at the waist.

It took a long time for their heartbeats to slow, both able to feel and hear the other's pulse, connected by her conductor rod within him.

Eventually, the hardness began to soften.

"L.. love y.... mom...." said Jonathon to no-one, already drifting off into a deep sleep once more.

Matilda let out a smile, and then burped so nastily that she felt a small trickle of vomit enter her mouth.

She grimaced and swallowed it back down, the stench of wine heavy in her mouth now.


She looked down and stroked him, enjoying the feeling of his body wrapped around her cock like a hand-puppet.


This bed had not had many lovers in it. Who would have thought that he would be the one....

She could feel her cock softening, finally.

Her belly rumbled.

For the first time this evening it seemed she required nourishment different to the sustenance her son had given her.

Her stomach made an odd, sickly sound again, and she grimaced, attempting to pull her deep-sea diving bell out of her son's anus.


The long, slow retrieving of her length from his most private of places would have been seen as grotesque by any onlooker, the cloying swamp of Jonathon's butthole spluttering and exploding with a geyser of cum as her helmet unplugged him completely, widened anus new spewing pint after pint of cum that she had placed inside him.


His legs trembled gently as a lake of sperm gushed from his exit, pooling on the bedsheets.

She smiled as she realised.. he hadn't even woken up.


He simply lay there, splayed out, his insides pulverised and thick with goo which was leaking from between his buttocks like jam from the centre of a donut, his insides hot from the love-paste his mother had injected into him.

Matilda came up on her knees, trembling, lip quivering.

She'd done it again.

She'd massacred her son's anus.

Her eyes swept over his limp body, the beautiful slimness of his belly, the plump femininity in his hips...

A dirty, hazy smile crawled onto her face.

What was a drunk girl to do? The boy was just irresistible to any woman with needs... she was only human after all.

A huge burp escaped her lips, and the smell of the wine she'd drank earlier almost made her wretch.


She needed food.

Matilda dismounted the bed, pleased at least that she could let her wet, drooling monster swing between her legs as she stomped downstairs and grabbed a now-cold burger that they hadn't touched, scoffing it, grease sliding over her lips. By the time she'd finished, the gnawing hunger in her stomach had dissipated.

Good enough to sleep.

She would have simply collapsed on the couch... but there was a warm body to enjoy.

She plodded up the stairs, still trailing her cock-plasma, reeking of alcohol and fast food, and found her way back into her bedroom. As she did, her foot nudged the package, now almost empty due to the lack of corset, tutu and riding crop.


She pulled out one of the remaining contents of the package, an adorable pink butt-plug.

A hazy, perverted grin spread across her face, and she approached the sleeping figure, despite her muscles aching for sleep as she crawled alongside him.

She trailed the butt-plug up his ass to the wet, gushing flower, pressing between his cheeks.

A slight murmur was the only response.


"Good boy," she murmured, before pushing hard.


The boy squirmed, eyes blearily trying to open, until the bulbous plug was swallowed by his greedy asshole.


After a few moments, barely able to raise his arms, Jonathon went limp again, and his eyelids winched shut.

Matilda doted for a moment on the most beautiful sight of her life; her son with a pink, girly butt-plug fully wedged between his cheeks, keeping her sperm safely inside him.


Finally Matilda's body decided enough was enough, her eyelids threatening to lock themselves shut, and she fell on top of her son laminated in both of their juices, before falling into a deep sleep.