A FUTA MOM'S PUNISHMENT PT. 03 By thereshegoes123

Detention never scared Jonathon. Some students feared the anger of their teachers or shrivelled at the thought of another hour wasted behind a school desk, but his antics meant he'd grown a thick, impudent skin over the years, staring straight through the man in white shirt and grey pants smoothing his tie as he continued to lecture from his desk at the front of an empty classroom.

"You might be the worst student I've ever had the misfortune of teaching. This essay is nothing but drivel."


The man smacked his hand down on the desk.

Jonathon merely stared. He'd gotten so used to this particular teacher's fury that it just washed over him whilst his gaze wandered to the dirty square tiles above his head, the too-bright halogen strip-lights, and the papers piled high on one side of the large desk at the head of the room. In the corner of the room a computer sat, too chunky and old-fashioned to have been made this decade, or perhaps even this century. The smell of dust, teenage sweat and pen-ink was not enticing.

Mr Rickson, a small, spectacled man with a growing bald patch gave a weather eye to the boy in baggy jeans and rock t-shirt, shaking his head at the dishevelled appearance as he adjusted his own tie again.

"I honestly don't understand why we even bother. It's like you never even read the source material."

"...I did read it."

"I highly doubt that."

Jonathon rolled his eyes which infuriated the figure sitting across from him further. Mr Rickson had always hated him even when he wasn't acting up, albeit he had almost always done his best to assume the role of a vindictive poltergeist that avoided work at all cost and dug at people's weaknesses the moment he uncovered them.

At least, that used to be his modus operandi. Before, he might have flipped the bird, or just smirked.

Due to recent alterations to his home life, that smirk no longer existed.

Jon felt an ache below the belt and squirmed in his chair. Mr Rickson reacted as he always did, with sarcasm and a serious case of small-man syndrome that had never quite gone away.

"Stop wiggling. Are you a worm?"

He knew better than to answer.

"As I thought."

Mr Rickson seemed to enjoy the red blush on Jon's face. He had no idea it had nothing to do with his words, and more to do with why Jon's butthole ached.

It ached because he had woken up with his Mother's dick in his ass.

"You're quite simply useless... I wonder who will hire you when you grow up? You'll be a binman if you're lucky."

His cheeks blushed harder.

'My Mom wants me.... Maybe that's my role in society... to ride Momma's dick.'

Mr Rickson had no idea... but things were different for Jon now.

Calculus studies were now completed instead of doodled on, homework was being handed in on time, and he even turned up to his psychology class, which confused the teacher greatly when the faceless name on his register appeared in the flesh.

It had all changed, because Jon knew that if his Mom caught word of bad behaviour, he would receive ten-minute quickies so violent that Jon pretty much screamed his throat raw as his mother railed him in the speed-bump position, crushing his prostate with unflinching precision, spanking his ass raw and bending him into brutal shapes that left him woozy from the orgasms and hobbling for day after, his thighs aching. As much as it quenched an inner thirst he had never known previously, it still terrified him... the thought of limping into school with stretched thighs and a leaking butthole was too much to bear.

'I can't... if someone found out....'

Due to this new ever-present threat, his turnaround in behaviour had shocked his teachers.... and his mates even more so.

"Dude, what the hell... you scared?"

He looked at the rolled-up piece of paper in Chris' hand, before the boy flung it at Reesha, a tall full-bodied girl with caramel skin and an Indian shawl who, due to bullying, had been forced to grow a thicker skin than most.


She whirled around, and the moment she saw Chris nudging Jon, she flared her nostrils.

"FUCK you Chris!"

"I hope you doooooo," Chris grinned.

"Language!!" Mrs Parsons called out, scowling at Reesha and the boys, "and would you please stop throwing things at your peers Chris Leonard!"

He sniggered at Jon.

"Your turn."

Jon merely stayed silent, quietly shaking his head.

"DUUudeeuhhh! What is wrong with you..."

Many of his teachers had even suspected some sort of plagiarism until they analysed the changes in his demeanour - no longer the loud, foul-mouthed ogre, instead approaching each class with something akin to demureness, although he still possessed a spiky edge on occasion. Most had welcomed this change with open arms, and Jon was almost beginning to enjoy his studies (in some aspects... he still hated reading alone).

Mr Rickson however hadn't noticed any development at all, seeing any facial twitch or attention-drawing behaviour as a sign that the boy was out of control and attempting to sabotage the wider educational system, and his mood in particular.

"Can you explain to me the reasoning behind Parsonage's relationship to Meira?"

Jonathon shrugged.

"He... loves her, but also is scared of her?"

"Not good enough. This is twelfth grade English, not kindergarten. We prepared for this for the last two weeks. Did you not study at home?"

Another shrug. He had studied at home, but there was no point pandering to a man who only searched for flaws.

"Pathetic. Once your Mother arrives, we'll have to discuss further punishment, or potentially suspension."

At this, Jonathon's back straightened, but Mr Rickson let out a sharp snort, seeing only cockiness in the boy's every move despite the wideness of Jonathon's eyes.

"Don't play funny with me Jonathon. I'll be speaking to the Principal about this..."

'Mom is coming...'

Mr Rickson glanced at the clock. Four pm.

He had long ago given up wrestling sense into the boy's head, but at least wasting the boy's time and saying some aggressive words soothed his own anger somewhat. He fully expected the boy's mother to arrive and rescue him as she always did, apologising for his behaviour and giving him some less-than-stern words which would have no effect whatsoever.

Inside Jonathon's head, an entirely different monologue was taking place.

'Is she gonna be angry with me?... Shit I hope not... maybe she'll fuck me in the car... rail me with that big fat cock..... Is she technically my father?... I wonder who my other Mom was... God I hope she doesn't in public... we should wait until we get home... what if someone sees?!?... maybe she'll just make me suck it... Tastes... so nasty....'

Saliva began to trickle into his mouth.

The image filled his head; the reason he did his homework now, the same reason he made sure to study for his tests yet also the same reason he sometimes didn't get enough sleep; His Mother's cock dripping filled his mind's eye, oozing cum from the dick slit....

'So fucking big... thick.... Hard...'

"I hope your Mother takes as much time as possible getting here... maybe it'll shake some sense into your childish brain."

'What position is she going to fuck me in tonight?...'

Jon could almost smell her ball-sweat, and shivered. He had no idea what his Mother would do now she had... changed. Not physically, rather revealing a side to her that was animalistic; a lust and hunger that could not be locked away anymore, as well as a fury that shook the foundations of the house whenever it was unleashed. It had certainly shaken his bed-posts multiple times... not that he slept in his room much anymore. Mom's room had become his regular resting place, curled up in her arms whilst they basked in the afterglow of sex.

He shivered, feeling energy and heat flowing to his crotch.

'She's coming.'

Jon knew his mother had unlocked things in him, things that he wished he could forget, yet pined for every waking moment; the way she manhandled him as soon as he woke. How sometimes he would wake up to the sight of her balls sliding up his nose, the pungent odours and a zeppelin cock looming, and above it her gleeful expression. How sometimes she would hurt him a little, and it made him feel good.

He began to salivate, cursing himself internally for his weakness.

"It's so disappointing... there are others who would take their education seriously who don't get this opportunity..."

Jon stared down at his desk, trying his best not to get an erection thinking about his Mom.

'Think of something else....'

The only problem was, he couldn't stop thinking about her.

Her dick bulging his cheek, sliding backwards over his tongue....


"... a disgrace... this school does not need a pupil who doesn't have the manners to concentrate-"

He wondered what awaited when she arrived... would she be aggressive? Would she act just as she used to, so sweet and friendly....?

"... and hope that she'll see sense."

All he knew was, he wanted to keep the fact he was being ridden like a see-saw day and night by his Mom a secret from the world.

"Ah, here she comes now!"

An anxious look spread across Jon's face, mirrored in Mr Rickson's as he adjusted his glasses and brown tie before turning to face her.

"Hello... hi... Mrs Andrews."

Jon's back became so straight it was almost military as his Mom entered the classroom with a polite smile. She was wearing a simple pair of jeans as usual, with an unassuming beige blouse that would never have looked so good on someone else's figure, both men hypnotised by her curves that hit like a semi-truck. Jon's eyes flicked to between her legs, and then away quickly, almost disappointed to see no bulge there.

"Hello Donald... Jonathon."


'Of course she'd keep it tucked... Don't draw attention to it... don't let your teacher know your Mom has a cock, or they might work out she's fucking your ass every night and day....'

A sweat droplet crept down his neck. He felt their height difference a lot more clearly now that she wore heels more often.

"Shh. And please Donald, you can call me Matilda."

Mr Rickson's smile was wide and strangely unhinged.

"Ah.. of course, Matilda. I-I like your hair today...."

"Oh your charmer, stop it!"

She waved her shoulder-length hair like it was a shampoo commercial, and both men felt something deep inside them flip upside down and back to front.

"I did get it done at the salon today," she said approvingly.

"Quite, I- I did notice!..."

"Dweeb", Jon muttered.

Mr Rickson flushed so red he might have become a traffic light. Matilda shot Jon a look so stern that it froze his pulse, turning back to the uncomfortable man with a gorgeous smile.

"I'm sorry Donald."

"N-not at all.."

She always seemed to be able to get on people's good sides, and of course being gorgeous didn't hurt. Jon was beginning to realise that she came across as the woman too hot to be single, but also neighbourly and down-to-earth enough to be attainable in desperate men's fantasies. Jon found himself equally fixated as she placed her auburn hair behind her ear, wrapping a strand idly around her finger for a moment. It made his heart thump in his chest as he watched her curl it, and the moment she snapped her eyes to his, he found himself spellbound again. A change seemed to come over her as she stiffened, her smile remaining, although her eyes no longer held their friendliness. Jon felt a clear shift from the warm energy of a golden retriever to a cobra in an instant, which sent a nervous twitch through him, his hands clutching the desk.

She stared unblinking at him as she spoke.

"Has he been a naughty boy?"

Mr Rickson didn't detect the mirth in her voice.

"Yes, I'm sorry to say he has."

"Oh dear..."

He could feel his cheeks burning, and it had nothing to do with being in detention as his Mother strode forwards on skin-tone high heels and placed a finger on his cheek.

"Have you been a naughty boy?"

She turned his face slowly to hers. The dark depths of her irises were terrifying.

"Y... yes."

"Hmm... Maybe I'll need to punish you at home..."

She brushed the finger across his lips, and away, leaving Jon barely able to breathe.

Mr Rickson raised his eyebrows.

"Well that's... wonderful to hear!.. well merited Mrs Ande-.... Matilda. Perhaps a confiscation of his gaming devices...."

She tittered. Mr Rickson had no clue the gaming device was barely used any more.... not when he had a much bigger joystick to play with nowadays.

"OH, I dare say so... either that or he'll have to make it up to me in other ways...."

Mr Rickson sighed, his shoulders slouching, once again believing it to be much the same story as usual, all whilst Jon's face burned. His mother was spending barely a second looking at his teacher and most of her time burning a hole in his forehead.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention... I'll take it from here."

The way she became still and unblinking whenever she glanced over at Jonathon was scarier than any horror movie he'd seen in all his years.

Mr Rickson gulped, trying to control his stutter.

"I-I really think... a harsh punishment...."

"Not to worry, he'll be dealt with appropriately."

She came back to him and tickled his chin with a purple polished nail, before squeezing the back of his neck. Jonathon whimpered like a cowed animal.


"Come," she whispered. "I'll need to think up the appropriate punishment for you at home.."


He could barely speak as she beckoned him with a curled finger, before striding to the door.

"And thank you SO much Donale."

"O-Of course.... Actually I was wondering if I could get your number.... If you ever need anything, I mean...."

"Oh yes of COURSE, how silly of me..."

She placed a hand on his shoulder as he took out his phone, and the man almost buckled from the mere touch of a woman.

"Here, let me..."

"N-not to worry... it's fine..."

She took it from his hands and punched in the numbers, handing it back. Donald Rickson took it like he had been given a prized antique.

"Mr Rickson, do let me know if he acts up again will you? I'd hate for his attitude to affect any of the other pupils."

He seemed to puff up, inflated by her presence.

"O-of course... we'll keep in touch?"

"I'm sure we will!"

Jonathon peeled his eyes, unnerved by the way his teacher was acting for a change, the man no longer focusing his energies on his student as they both eyed Matilda Andrew's buttocks tensing in her jeans with each stride as she left the room.

A pause as Mr Rickson turned to him.

"Well... dismissed."

They shared a look, the dislike palpable in their gazes before Jon hurried out, red-faced, something in his temple pulsing unpleasantly as he imagined Mr Rickson pursuing his Mother.


His Mother's heels echoed in the long corridor as he caught up, scurrying alongside. She said nothing, which scared him even more.

'Should I say something? If I speak out of turn...'

This woman could be brutal. He'd found out the hard way.



His lips sealed so tight his cheeks almost began to hurt, and they walked out to whiffs of cloud and a slightly crisp wind, the leaves in some trees beginning to turn golden yellow, crunching under their feet. Passing the large, grey gates of the school, they turned out down the road. No words were spoken, the tension growing with every step past busy homes until they reached her four-by-four parked near an empty driveway.

The fact she made no move to touch him amplified his nerves.

She unlocked the car, but as he went to take the door, she placed a hand on it, shoving it closed. His Mother took a step forward, seeming to grow taller as she loomed over him, backing him slowly up against the car until her breasts were pressed against his face, soft wonderful mounds inside the shirt with a large bra digging less wonderfully into his chin.

"Did you flunk the essay on purpose?"

Her expression was cool, controlled, but the stony glint in her eyes almost made Jonathon pee himself.

"N-no Mom ...."

"Then why did you get detention?"

"... He marked my essay down because he hates me."

"And was it warranted?"

"NO! N-no..."

Her nostrils flaired.

"Show me the essay."

"I... he has it."

Her nostrils flared, and Jonathon's heart pounded in his ribcage.

"Well then, retrieve it tomorrow please."

"Yes Mom."

A small smile broke out on her face.

"Good boy..."

She cupped his bottom as he get onto the car, and gave him a squeeze. Jon melted as he felt her finger ride deep up his crack, knowing she was playful once more.

"You wouldn't lie to your Mother would you?"

"No Mom."

"Good boy... "

As he slid into the seat, she squeezed his thigh hard.

"... my sexy boy..."

He realised her eyes were smouldering, and she was leaning into the passenger seat like she was about to climb over him, bringing her head closer, the freckles becoming larger as her lips closed in.

Jon let a sheepish smile, and then her huge lips were crushed against his.

The thickness of her squishy bands, the unwarranted chemical flavour of her lipstick, was so brief, and yet so powerful.

When she broke it, Jon looked around, terrified that someone might have seen the blasphemous union of his mother kissing him on the lips. His heart pounded as she looked like she was going to come back for more, before shoving him in his seat, slamming the door and striding to the driver's side.

Stepping in, she reached down into her jeans and rummaged inside, widening her legs in an unlady-like manner.


A sigh of relief filled the car as she pulled some tape from her crotch and flicked it away, Jon watching her crotch swell as her manhood was released from its prison.

Jon stared at the bulge as she brought her keys to the ignition, only breaking eye contact with the object of his inner fantasies when he realised that she was smirking. He scowled and looked out of the window, trying not to let the warmth flow between his own legs.

"Why did you get his number."

"Because you're soooo cute when you're jealous."

His face flushed.


She chuckled.

"Oh, and you should learn that keeping people sweet is important... especially the people that grade you."


She nudged him with her elbow.

"Hey, big guy.... I never liked Mr Rickson. AND if the idiot steps out of line... I know exactly where to find him now."

He eyed her with a worried look as she brandished her phone.

"Wait... you're going to... with him....?"

Matilda had to hold back laughter, scoffing.

"Oh, you mean... intimate... with HIM?! Darling, you're too cute," she smiled, kissing him softly. Somewhat placated, he sat back in his seat, but the image of his teacher eagerly collecting the phone made him uneasy.

As Matilda revved the engine and pulled away, he muttered, "maybe you shouldn't kiss me in public."

She snorted.

"Maybe you should get better grades at school."

Trees and houses swept by, the motor humming gently.

"Well... it's hard when you're... with me, all the time."

Getting the words 'fucking me' out of his mouth was still hard to process.

She licked her tongue across her upper lip.

"Well.. stop being a gorgeous little slutty whore, and I'll stop punishing you with my dick, right? We can do a few more homework sessions if you like.... "

He coughed.

"I.. I didn't say stop f... doing stuff.....together.. just sometimes...."

She gripped his thigh with her free hand.

"Don't worry... how about we do plenty of both, okay baby?"

He looked over at her almost regal posture, the high chin and straight back of a woman who owned his world, and felt an almost irresistible urge to please her in any way she desired.

"... okay."

"Oh, I know it can be difficult honey... we'll work things out. All good couples do."

His heart felt full to bursting as he heard her say the words.

"C.. couple?" he asked, trying to remain casual.

"Yes? Why?"

"Oh it's just.. I didn't...."

His Mother's lips grew thin.

"Well... if you don't want-"

The words burst out of his mouth so fast they were barely English.

"ILOVEYOUMOMYOU'RETHEBESTMOMEVER..... AND I-I... I wanna be your boyfriend..."

Matilda jammed the breaks, the squeal of tires on tarmac hitting their ears as they were jammed forwards in their seats.



The car lurched to a halt.

Luckily no car was behind them as Matilda turned, her eyes bulging.

"M... Mom..."

They were both breathing heavily, Matilda looking like she was about to kill him as Jonathon began to raise his hands in apology.

"I-I'm sorry-"

An awful second lingered.... until Matilda fell into him and pressed her lips hard against his, almost painfully so. He moaned in delight and relief as she enveloped his mouth, shoving her tongue in, swirling around, filling his mouth with her much larger muscle, her body crushing him against his seat. He melted into the tight hands wrapping around his face, her nose poking his eye as she forgot her superior height and power for a moment, excavating any parts of him which hadn't yet been violated. They kissed long and deep until a *BEEEEEP* from the car behind jerked them, and she withdrew her tongue with a wet slurp.

"Mmh-glph-.... You're mine..." she said breathlessly, wiping her tongue across her mouth before accelerating again. The next few minutes were spent trying not to crash the car as they flirted, exchanging small glances which made them giggle, Jon even finding the courage to rub his mother's leg.

She gave a face of longing, as if she couldn't wait for the hand to explore further. He continued to tease, rubbing warmly.

Then she raised two fingers.


"M... Mom?"

Matilda's face, still staring down the road, was filled with molten lust, the fire in her eyes.

"If you're going to by my lover.. I think we need to make some ground rules," she said, her voice low, but dangerous enough to raise the hairs on Jon's neck.

'Her lover...'

"When I click my fingers, you turn into a dirty little slut. Understand?"

"Ok-ayyy... but-"


She didn't even glance in his direction as she snapped her fingers, but Jon could see her free hand gripping the steering while so tight that the knuckles were white, blotches of red on her face revealing a growing heat. His body moved without conscious thought, puppeteered by a pinch of survival instincts and a deep well of desire, leaning over to slide his hand up the wedge between her legs, almost bursting the zipper of her jeans.

His breath caught in his throat as he came close to true, natural power.

Matilda let out a rare feminine whimper.


'So close...'

It seemed painfully enclosed inside, and Jon let it breath, pulling the zipper down.


Anticipation built in his stomach as Jon pulled the fly open to reveal an incredibly well-filled pair of khaki Calvin Kleins, a spreading dot of wetness clearly visible at the end of a beefy stick. It would have been the perfect advert for boxers, although Jon wasn't salivating for the wet cloth as he peeled the waistband down despite the squirming hips of his mother.


He watched with saliva filling his mouth as her cock sprung out, Matilda murmuring as her taut dick slapped against her belly, flicking a few droplets of jism over everything; herself, the steering wheel and, her son's face.

"Oo-oohh... Thank goodness...."

The smell (and pre-cum) of a crotch which had been sweating against the seat and interior of her pants hit Jon square in the face.


Warm drops dripped down his chin. The smell of musky BO and stale cum was so awful it filled the car, even Matilda crinkling her nose.

'It's... disgusting but..'

Saliva filled his mouth, and a furious urge weighed his head down, his opening lips wet for her ugly purple mushroom too big to look pretty, possessing an aesthetic magnetism similar to a bull or a muscle car, pure power and virility. The stench was so potent it seemed to be almost a visible haze that ensnared the senses.

He reached out to touch it, unable to touch his fingers around the bullish girth, feeling her throb as the engine revved.


"Hnn.... That's it baby... help Mommy feel good..."

He stroked it slowly, watching white baby-dew drip down the sides and onto his fist.


He licked a trail of wetness from his lips, given to him by his mother, and leaned over, trying not to get poked by the gear stick, coming face to face with the monster, dripping his saliva on it. It was what he needed on a deep, subconscious level, as he had discovered over the last few life-changing weeks. Huge whiffs of a smelly dick filled his sinuses, his vision going fuzzy as he groused, repulsed and yet addicted to the bevy of tangy flavours blanketing his senses.

Matilda tried her absolute best to keep her eyes on the road, unable to stop herself glancing down at her son's wet lips closing in on her throbbing penis.

"Oh you shouldn't.. I mean it's unsafe....." Matilda murmured, pushing her hips into his hand so she could feel his fist squeezing it.

"Oh.. sorry mom.."

Jon looked up in confusion, but Matilda's smile was wicked. A hand snaked into his hair, and he found his head being violently pulled back to centre.

"Oh honey... you don't need to do that for mummy..."

She pushed down.

"Don't.... Jonathon don't.... ohhhh..."

'She's sick.... She's forcing me down.....'

He stared down at the approaching piss-slit dribbling a stream of cum down the side of her shaft like a lava stream down the side of an active volcano, and watched with a crushing pressure on the back of his head as his drool joined the stream....

'... so hot...'

His mouth was pushed down over the cock-head, enveloping it. Hard suction hoovered his cheeks in as he vacuum packed the cock tight, the hair in his head tightening with it.



Matilda bucked in her seat as Jon slurped. The hard, glistening shaft pressed onto his tongue, and he hoovered it deeper in, giving into the sluttiness, inhaling the eye-watering scent like it was a cigar too big for his mouth.


"Darling...HHhnn.....oohhh S-Stop..."

The hand on the back of his head screwed him deeper onto her cock, forcing her spongy mushroom through the opening of his throat and down into his neck. Jon gagged before he could control it, phlegm and saliva basting her dick as he spluttered, hands coming to her thighs to try and slow the inexorable exploration of his body.


The dick vibrated in his mouth as his Mother moaned, pre-cum drizzling his tongue, sending a ripple of disgust and pleasure down his spine.


"Oohhh baby... no need to go so deep so soon..... my sweet...."

The hand crushed his head to her lap, and he mewled, tears coming to his eyes as his airways were blocked by the heaving dick now occupying his oesophagus.


"UHHhhookkay.... I guess you're old enough to.. uuhhhuuUUUHHhhmmmmake... your own decisions...!! "

She began to power her hips into his face, whilst slamming his head against her crotch. A cock the size of jon's forearm raped his throat as he held onto his Mother's thighs, overpowered by her strength, his jaw impossibly wide and already aching from the girth.


Drool began to fly everywhere as he was face-fucked, Matilda grunting like a boar as she bumped her hips up into his face, the car veering slightly. Her eyes widened as the pavement almost beckoned, shaving the leaves of a tree as she swerved back to centre, the pair rocking which cause her cock to jam into his throat.


"Oooh, sorry darling, sorry!" she panted, pulling him up off her weapon covered in his drool. "Are you alri-?"

Jon shoved his face back onto her dick and moaned soulfully into it, vibrating all the way up his Mother's pelvis and drawing a high-pitched shriek of pleasure from her lips as she felt a wet, slimy tongue dance across her piss-slit, and then slide down her shaft, the lips coming to her base and nestling in her pubes.

A gear shifted and the engine roared as Matilda approached her orgasm. Jon felt her flex and pulse between his aching lips as all traces of femininity faded from his Mother as she gave deep grunts, fucking her son's throat with violent, rapid-fire strokes.

Jon was rubbing his own dick through his trousers as he felt the penis in his face pulse larger than before... and ejaculate a river of hot seed straight down his throat.



Matilda and the car engine roared as one, her legs tensing as she jammed the accelerator pedal down, the adrenaline of having her cock sucked by her sweet boy in the passenger seat simply too wonderful to fight against.




Jon opened his throat for his mother as he'd learned to do, gulping down a raging torrent of stinking cum whilst moaning into the taut pillar to send further pleasurable vibrations up into her body.



She bucked again, the car jolting as her leg did the same, trying to keep herself from going cross-eyed, bathing in the slutty lips gripping her hilt, an eager tongue still rubbing the underside of her shaft, the throat clinging to the tip of her weapon.

Jon swallowed, and swallowed, and swallowed. He rubbed his boner through his pants, almost close to cumming himself just from sucking on a fat cock. Jism flowed down the sides of his throat, piling heavily in his stomach which was beginning to bloat his belly.

A few more seconds of horrendous driving took place, the car jerking left and right, until Matilda collapsed in her seat. The car ground to a stop at another set of lights. Panting, Matilda took a moment to catch her breath, stroking her son's hair before pulling it gently, removing him from her dick. The lips sucked all the way up, sending a tingle of pleasure and discomfort up her spine as he licked over the now-sensitive head.

"Hhoh!... th-thank you honey...."

Jon lay his head against his mother's thigh, the cock resting on his cheek. Rivulets of drool hung from his lips.


"You know.. as fun as calling you boyfriend is... hhnnn... I think we'll stick with you being my dirty little son, alright?"

His lips kissed up her shaft.

"Oh darling...."

He sucked her back into his mouth.



"OHHHh yes... oh son.... oHHHh...."

As the light turned green the engine revved, Matilda panting as her son began to coax her dick back to its fully hardened state.

The car pulled away.


Despite the air con at full blast, she was sweating by the time they made it home, and she dove into the driveway so recklessly that the car clipped the mailbox on its way in, the clunk and scrunch of something breaking unheeded as she jammed the handbrake on and switched the engine off, before proceeding to grab her son's head with both hands and initiate such a violent face fucking that her balls began to swing up and slap his cheek grotesquely like two fleshy wrecking balls.

Jon's eyes bulged as he began to gag and choke.

Matilda pounded her son for a minute, the car oscillating up and down.



She was getting close; she could feel it.

Matilda's lip curled into a half-gurn, half Clint-Eastwood snarl as her eyes began to flutter...

"Matilda! Hey, how ya doin'!"

Pleasure rifled up her shaft, and she tried desperately to stop it, only half-succeeding.

She whimpered painfully, bucking as she pumped a cum-bomb in her boy's mouth, and she felt her boy choke under the sudden flood of warm jizz at the exact moment their neighbour called over from his front lawn.



"Shhhh," she hissed, "shh shhhh..."

"Hey, you alright?!"

She waited until the main spurts had subsided, murmuring as Jon's head whipped up from her crotch before rolling down the window, both of them staring in what they hoped was a relaxed manner at Mr Cadson the neighbour, giving a friendly wave.

"Oh... hi... Jon!"

The man's bushy eyebrow rose a smidgeon, observing their dishevelled hair... and for some reason Jon's mouth looked shiny.

Mr Cadson stared in confusion at the astonished looks on their faces, Jonathon with icing around his mouth like he'd just been scoffing cake, that natural beauty that was Matilda Andrews looking utterly radiant despite the deranged look on her face.

"Well M-Mr Cadson!.. we were just ah..."


Mr Cadson waved her protests away cheerily.

"No no, it's fine to be having a snack in the car!... I'm sure your son has been a.. good lad."

A glimmer of dislike wormed its way into his head, as her son had always been quite the impudent toddler, especially for someone closing in on twenty years old, but he kept his smile bright.

"Ha right... yes..."

Matilda's face was red as her eyes snapped to her son's lips, a whinny of fear escaping her.

"Oh... ah tissues..."

Inside the car, Jonathon's eyes glanced briefly down at his mother's raging boner gripped tight in his hand, bending it at an odd angle so it wouldn't spring up into open view as Matilda whinnied, an uncomfortable smile on her face.

"Could you... the glovebox," she said in a strained voice, making no motion to open the door, or assist him.

He nodded, the smell of his mother's cum hot and heavy around his face as he subtly gulped down the semen he had already been holding in his mouth, and grabbed some tissues, wiping his face with it and proffering the box to her.

"No, thank you," she said back in a clipped voice, despite her cum staining her shirt all around her waist.

Mr Cadson nodded, realising that Matilda wasn't making any moves to leave the vehicle.

"Well... I'll ah... "

"Yes... yes talk soon!"

"Ha indeedy!"

The man nodded, before pottering back to his lawnmower and pushing it away into the back yard, briefly eyeing the woman's rack and the nervous expression of her son as he did so.

He grunted.

Never liked the kid, but getting to see his mother every now and again was worth it... Maybe he'd get lucky with her... then he could smile at the little brat happily all day.

As the man retreated, Matilda and Jon both took a moment to catch their breaths.

"Hmmm... maybe we should be a little more discrete," Matilda murmured. She was blindsided by Jon scrabbling over the gear stuck and kissing her full on the mouth.


"GlLHh... Hhmmm..."

She relaxed back in her seat whilst a younger, vigorous tongue slipped into her mouth and tried to fill it, failing in the cutest way. The mother played along and sucked on the tongue, whimpering like a woman in heat as Jon hefted his hand across one of her breasts, gauging the weight of it whilst wishing there was no bra at all.

The kiss broke with slobber down both their faces, and Matilda for a moment fell into parent mode.

"No. Not here.. Inside."

They both scrabbled for their seatbelts, and then marched as fast as they could to the front door, Matilda dropping her keys in the frenzy of trying to find a moment alone with her lover.

"Fucking... shit..."

"Mom... come on..."

"I'm trying," she growled, shooting a nasty look at him, bent over partly from trying to jam the key in the hole and partly from the erection that was now obviously being constricted by her overworked jeans. Jon felt hormones surge through his body seeing her ass-cheeks trying to rip through the back of her jeans. He briefly wondered how she even managed to get them on, vacuum sealed so it seemed like they would split directly down the ass-crack any second.


The pair rushed into the dark hallway, and the door had barely slammed closed before they were on each other in a frenzy, neither registering the heavy jingle of the keys being thrown to the floor, the school rucksack thrown against the door, or the shoes kicked off with such force that one of Jon's trainers almost landed in the kitchen. This would usually have led to consequences had the situation not been so unhinged as Jon threw a constricting hug around his Mom and thrust his groin against her thigh. Lips met. Warm, wet tongues intertwined.

Jon lost himself in his mother, just as Matilda lost herself in him.


She loved how vigorous her boy was being, pushing her back against the wall as if he were controlling her movement. She felt it and helped him squeeze his small body against her womanly one, pinning herself against the wall. Jon whined in frustration, overwhelmed by lust yet emasculated by how the fact he could not truly control his mother's much larger frame without her help.

"Mom stoooop," he moaned between kisses, "I can do it."

"Can you?" she murmured. "Go on then."

He pushed with all his might driving her against the wall. She didn't resist, and feeling her son, small though he was, forcefully press his thigh against her boner sent a thrill through her that she certainly hadn't been expecting as her back hit the wall, one of the pictures on the wall of the pair of them dislodging and crashing to the floor.


"OHHH shit!"

Forcefully she grabbed and lifted Jonathon all in one movement, heaving him into the air as Jon wheezed, feeling his ribs being crushed by his Mother's sudden fear.

He found himself face-to-face with his panting mother, his legs wrapped around her, constricted in a straight jacket hug, clutching her back like a monkey clutching to its Mother. The illusion of him being in control was shattered.

"Are you okay darling??!"

She kissed him on the head, then the cheek, then the other cheek.

"Mmmoomm, I'm fine-"


She kissed him hard, Frenching straight into his mouth. Jon mewled, once again at her mercy. A demeaning squeeze of his ass followed as she forced his face against hers.

After a few overly-sexual doting squeezes of his rump, she placed him down, back in his place as her submissive boy as she panted, checking the floor.

"I'll... clear it darling."

"No, no I will Mom..."

"It's fine."

"No, let me! I can do it myself!"

She gave him a sly look as he balled his fists.

"Hmm... still trying to take control huh?... pretty sexy."

He let out a breathless smile and leaned in... just brushing her lips before scurrying to the kitchen, hearing a dangerous growl behind him having been left unsated. Matilda regarded her boy's derriere as it retreated, trying not to give in and charge after him or slaver like a wild dog on the hunt.

The thought came that he would look pretty in a maid's outfit...

She took a few deep breaths, carefully padding away from the glass, and grabbed a hair band, tying her hair up in a bun in case she needed to help.

"Hhhho... shit I'm a bad mother, I'm a bad mother," she muttered to herself, trying to control her breathing and transform herself into parenting mode as Jon rushed back in with a broom and dustpan.

She took one look at her sandy-haired boy in a baggy rock-band t-shirt carrying a dustpan and brush, and felt a surge of heat to her crotch, murmuring as warm pre-cum blossomed in her boxers.

"C-careful Mom," he murmured, ushering her clear of the debris.


She stepped aside, a light hand brushing across his shoulder, and they both shivered at the contact, Jon pausing before continuing on and putting the broom to the floor. The soft tinkle of glass being swept into the dustpan was loud in the silent hallway. Matilda stared at her son's bottom, frustratingly hidden by his baggy jeans. Her lip curled.

There would have to be an adjustment of his wardrobe. It wasn't fair to hide such assets.

As Jon swept, he could hear heavier breathing behind him, and felt the adrenaline rush as the zipper on his Mother's jeans was undone for the second time that day.


Somehow hearing but not seeing it felt like he was being hunted, like a predator had just growled in the jungle somewhere but he couldn't see it.

Jon looked back.

His mother had a pervy leer on her face, greatly reinforced by the fist chugging the dick spilling out of her boxers. She wanked openly onto the floor, strings of pre-cum already dripping and forming tiny pools of white.

"M.. Mom...?"

"Continue darling," she murmured, having to lick the drool from her lips as she began to pant once more.

"R.. right."

It looked so huge hanging out of her jeans that it made him feel that now-familiar throb of shame as his own dick, already hardening again, throbbed in his pants.

He turned back and continued carefully pushing the pieces into the dustpan until the floor was clear, always glancing at Matilda as she continued to murmur softly to herself, the subtle wrinkles in her face almost disappearing as she stared at her son, the man who made her feel fifteen years younger.

"Put it in the bin darling."

"I.. I know Mom."

"You know?"

The threat in her voice was so subtle, yet so precise.

"You know huh?"

"N.. no I just-"

She let her turgid dick wave in front of her like an ugly bobble-head toy, salivating white gravy in a thin trail across the floor as she walked forwards.

"Put it down."

He put the dustpan aside, backing into the living room where he knew comfortable furniture was. He knew she had no compunctions about fucking him on a hard floor. As she advanced, each step steady, she stuck her hips out odiously so the meat-hammer swung wider with each step, hypnotising him.

"So you think you know better than your mother?"

"N... no..."

"Tell.. me..."

She smiled in that zoned-out, greedy way that she did when she was horny.

"You're going to tell me..."

He carefully backed into the front curtains, shifting them closed quickly. He didn't have time to reach the one on the side, but at least that was a smaller one that hopefully their neighbours wouldn't pry into.

"Closing the curtains... are you ashamed of me?..."

Jon set his jaw, and instead of letting his mother bowl him over, ran at her.

She grinned and accepted his running embrace, catching him and lifting him into a boy-girl make out position with the roles reversed, his legs around her waist, her hands clutching his ass as he grabbed her head and slowly pushing his lips to hers, kissing for a moment.

"Mmmh... no... you're the best mom ever."

In that moment he watched his mother's face display a mixture of shame, love, aggression, and vulnerability that encapsulated her perfect imperfections, lustful gaze briefly slipping from his as she wrestled between her instincts as a mother, as an aggressive, sexually driven animal, and as a woman understanding that what she was doing was, to most outside their tiny bubble, unacceptable.

He broke through it all with a soft caress of her face, enjoying the freckles and the brave smile she put on her face to hide her uncertainty.

"I love you mom... you're the best.. and I don't want you to be taken away from me. I don't want anyone else."

She nodded, and Jon felt his heart pound in his chest as liquid began to form in her eye. Matilda growled and kissed him deep, scrunching her eyelids so she wouldn't let any tears escape, falling on top of him on the sofa so that he was depressed into the cushions.

Noone made Matilda Anderson cry when there was fucking to be done.

They ripped at each other's clothes like savages, Jon needing to unveil his asshole as quickly as possible so his Mom could breed him, Matilda shimmying her jeans down to pull them off, so tight that she almost screamed at the inability to remove them, finally pulling them clear. She put two sets of claws to her panties and ripped them clean off, before tearing at her son's shirt, Jon whimpering as he witnessed his mother tear his favourite straight down the centre, speeding up his removal of jeans and boxers. Quickly bits of clothing littered the floor as Matilda moaned so desperately that it was almost painful, lining her dick up to his waiting butt, pushing it between his cheeks and into his tight (but wider than it used to be) butthole.

Jon had a moment of yipping as she simply pushed her cum-covered helmet straight through his anal rim, and then she was journeying to the centre of his earth, filling him with that glorious hardness. He lay back and let the ride take over, zips of electricity worming up his body where her shaft was rubbing against his anal walls on the way in, a deep sated moan bursting from his lips as she heaved herself to hilt in his ass, lodging her engorged womanhood firmly inside his ass.

The pair shook.

Jon felt the cushions compressed beneath him, his mother's tits pressing heavily on his chest, some strands of hair loose from her bun, making her seem crazed, like some sort of mad scientist that had figured out the key to happiness is fucking your sexy twink son on your living room sofa.


She said it with such force it was almost spat in his face.

"Lloove you too," he whimpered, as she slammed her dick into his abdomen, punishing his prostate instantly.


"Love you."



Their hips-to-ass unions were violent and loud. Jon gave himself over completely to the ecstasy of his mother's penis crushing his prostate, filling his whole body up with pure malevolent love. It was impossible to resist becoming completely, utterly dick-drunk during such debauchery-


A rather shrill jingle cut through the air, pausing Matilda's hip insertions, and they both turned to look at the phone vibrating in Jonathon's discarded jeans, the bright screen visible through the pocket.

Matilda grunted, and then heaved so she was reaching off the side of the sofa, Jon whimpering as her dick went to a different angle inside him.


"Answer it."

She placed the phone in his hand.


"H... hi?..."

His eyes widened as he heard the delicate, precocious voice on the phone.

*Hey.. is this Jon? It's Sandy... from school.*

Jon's eyes bugged out as his Mother looked him dead in the eye with a dangerous snarl and began to slide her penis to the edge of his butthole.

"I-I... Oh, Sandy, oohhh I... I didn't...!"

"Who's Sandy?" Matilda murmured, her voice dangerously quiet. Jon's eyes went wide and glassy as he saw the evil in her gaze, feeling her x-raying to the centre of his brain.

*Didn't what?*

"Sh-She's... just a classmate," He whispered away from the phone. "AHH uh... didn't... know you-"

Matilda pushed her penis slowly back into his butthole.

"-YOU WERE-!... g-going to...!"

His mouth formed a silent scream as his mother gave a huge, cruel grin and pushed to the hilt, throbbing inside him like a nuclear reactor, sending pulses of pleasure and pain to his brain.

"... Cccaaaallllllluhh...!"

He reached the phone as far away as possible from his body and whimpered, tears forming in his eyes as he desperately held in the orgasmic cries being forced in by the sheer wonderful breaking of his body as his mother butted her hips against his ass, filling it completely, sealing off his anal exit with the meaty maypole sitting in his torso.


*...Uh...-ou're... acking up... Hello??...*

Matilda nodded triumphantly. This was what happened when you kept secrets from Momma.

She plucked the phone from his fingers, winking with glee as her son tried to crunch forwards and reach for the phone, but found himself held in place by the pillar beneath his abs which she butted an inch in and out, forcing a wimpish "UUHN-" from his throat before he could stop it.

Matilda placed the phone to her ear.

*Hello... Jon...? Are you ill...??*

"I'm sorry, this is Matilda, Jonathon's mother... To whom am I speaking?"

She began a gentle rocking motion, pressing her hips against her son and keeping her weight on his legs, the boy folded and helpless as she kissed his ankle whilst keeping the phone to her ear. Jon's anus tightened around her as she slowly hilted in him again.

*Uh... this is Sandy... from school.*

Matilda sighed.

"Oh really... Jonathon never told me about you!..."

She jabbed her hips hard a few times, and Jon's body seemed to be trying to expunge the delirium through any way it could other than verbally, his dick bobbing up and down as it trickled a string of cum to pool in his belly button, his nose beginning to run, tears pushing from his eyes as he let out tiny choked sounds.

"Huuk... uck..."

Matilda blew him a silent, unsmiling kiss.

Watching Jon's delicious expressions as he tried desperately not to scream his ecstasy round the house was thrilling in so many ways; watching his eyebrows work themselves up and down, unsure where to go, his eyelids scrunching tight, then bulging open, his hands clawing the sofa then holding onto her spare arm which was keeping his knee against his shoulder. She felt his anus tighten on her hilt and groaned, a shiver of bliss worming into her belly.


*Oh... He didn't talk about me?... o-okay... um... sorry, I didn't catch that last part!...*

Matilda could hear the hurt in the girl's voice, and felt the briefest hint of remorse, before quashing it quickly.

"Yes, sorry. What was it you wanted?"

She snapped her hips, burying her dick in her son's guts, and the boy's mouth burst forth with sweet birdsong to her ears, which came out in the form of a slutty scream.


*W.. what was that?!?*

"He's got a bit of a stomach-ache at the moment..." Matilda breathed, crushing her hips down against her boy's red butt-cheeks, producing another chorus of wailing delirium.



"... But can I *uhn* take a message?"

She began a series of rapid-fire thrusts which brought soulful moans in perfect rhythm with her pounding, each groan and whimper fucked out of his mouth by the driving ten-inch pillar impaling him against the sofa.



*M-Miss, is he okay?!*

"We're just pumping his stomach," she grunted, drooling onto her son's face, eyes wide and full of madness as she delivered her son to heaven via an anal pummelling to rival any found in hardcore pornography videos.



*Are you sure?!?*

Jon convulsed, gripping into his Mother's soft arm which bore hard, unflinching muscle underneath the sweet fats, and let fly with his cocklet, a water pistol by comparison to the cannon thrusting between his legs as his eyes rolled upwards in his head, and he lost all sense of reality.

"Call you back," she grunted, jabbing the red button and flinging the phone hard out of the room, landing with a worryingly jarring clatter against something that was either a floor, wall or solid object.

She began to chunter into his face, pressing their foreheads together, crushing him into the sofa with her weight.

"Cum for me... cum for me my boy. YOU'RE MINE YOU LITTLE SLUT...!!!"

The body beneath her convulsed. Lost in his world of Matilda, he angled his ass automatically to allow her to penetrate at just the right angle-


Drool ran from the corners of his mouth, his head shaking, possessed. His dick pulsed like he was cumming, but the constant stream of sticky cum continued to trickle into the oil-slick that was his belly.

Matilda felt his asshole constrict like it was trying to cut off her circulation, and heaved.


Her dick throbbed, and pure pleasure rifled up her shaft and into her brain as gallons of cum flowed in the opposite direction.


She began to pump her hips with each glorious spurt, her back and buttocks rippling each time she received the perfect hit of her son's ass wrapped around her fleshy spear.


A woman attempting to impregnate her son would have been a blasphemous scene at the best of times, but if any of their neighbours had witnessed the slavering, sweaty beast that was Matilda savage her offspring, the sofa springs squealing in time with her son, they might have felt their stomachs go queasy at how deeply she overpowered him, how she held him down as she bucked each thrust into his guts, how each insertion made his whole body tighten, releasing high-pitched cries with each one.

They rocked back and forth as Matilda gave her son a deep, creamy donut filling, Jon simply squealing in ecstasy, eyes bulging.

*Clap... clap...*


She alternated her cum groans with quick kisses on his lips, their wet bands sliding across each other, the muscles using them gone awol from the pleasure swirling through their bodies.

"Uhmm.. Uhmmm mm.. Uhmm.. mm... "

The pair shook, two humans become one; a symbiotic organism bringing debased pleasure to each other in the most unsanctimonious way.


Eventually, thankfully, Matilda's last spurts flowed into Jon's broken, cum-filled asshole.

They panted, basking in the afterglow. Hands shivered, mother and son bathing in the last ebbs of their orgasms, before falling still as Matilda settled her weight onto her boy, propping herself up just enough to allow him to breath.

She looked up, and through the crack in the curtain, could just see a neighbour across the street arriving home from work.

'Imagine what they'd say if they saw what I did to Jonathon...'

She looked down into dick-drunk eyes, delirious from the brain-frazzling pleasure bestowed upon his young, unprepared body.

"Oohhh darling... that's it..."

She kissed his forehead. It was the most beautiful sight she could ever have imagined.


It took almost twenty minutes for Jonathon to regain some form of lucidity. He blinked to find his face resting on a semi-flaccid large penis, and sighed. Nothing mattered anymore but this.

He placed his mouth over the head and sucked it inside, because it was his only instinct now when his mother's penis was involved, plus his ass was sore after the pounding she had bestowed upon him.

Above him, a goddess groaned.

"Ohhh give me a rest darling... come up here."

She pulled his plunger-like mouth up her shaft, whimpering as his lips slid across the sensitive ridges of her helmet.

"That's it... give mommy a break..."

She swept him up against her.

Jon cuddled up to her side, pressing against the side of her breast. It was so warm and soft as it moulded around his face, as well as the smell of her armpit providing some extra musk close by.


As he revelled in the scents of his matriarch, his mother briefly pushed him away.

"Hold on."

He grumbled as he lay back on the sofa, feeling the cool air where once his mom's wonderful warmth had been his pillow. She got up and padded naked from the room, stretching her back as she did so which revealed rippling, ape-like muscles lurking beneath motherly fluff.

Jon watched her go, thrilled by her physique. She was so feminine, yet undercut by an aggressive power that sent tingles up his spine. A metallic rumbling sounded like she was searching for something in a kitchen drawer, before returning with a lighter and cigarette.

"I just needed this... There's nothing like a cigarette after some damn good sex," she enthused, placing the object between her lips and lighting it up.

She took a drag and blew a grey mist into the air. Jon felt it tinge his nostrils.

"Is it good?" Jon murmured, as she motioned him to sit against her again. He nuzzled against her.

Her voice came out harsh.

"Not for you. You will never smoke."

He mewled and squeezed tighter against her breast as she took a deep drag. More smoke. He felt her chest wheeze slightly.

"You know... I haven't wanted a cigarette after sex in years..."

"Why... do you need it?" he murmured into her boob.

"Because you fuck so good," she murmured, lightly smacking his ass.


"Hn.. Mooomm..." he giggled, lightly slapping her thigh back, although it felt like hitting the rump of a cow, pure solid meat under the fats.

"So... I'm good at sex?"

She smiled.

"Oh darling, you take my dick even better than your mother did."


He paused, suddenly self-conscious at being so naked against his Mother's... or rather father's... side.

"I... right.."

Matilda's cheeks flushed.

"Sorry... I.. shouldn't have said that... "

"No, it's okay..."

He settled against her side again, but the tension remained. Jon squeezed into the side of his mother's breast. They'd never talked about the other parent before. Now he knew why.

"...What else do you... know about her?... My other mom I mean... What was she like? Were you happy?"

Matilda's face fell slightly.

"She was... amazing. Like you."

Another drag of the cigarette.

"And yes... we were happy. For a long time."

"Then.. what happened?"

Matilda looked out at something only she could see, a glimmer of pain coming to her gaze.

"She... left. One day she just left. Took some clothes, left a note. Never saw her again."

"But... why? Did she say in the note? Didn't you try to track her down?"

"The note said..."

She took a huge drag of her cigarette.

".. not to follow her."

Jon turned his doughy eyes up at her.

"And why did she leave?"

She took the deepest drag of her cigarette yet.

"I... don't think we should discuss this right now..."

"Mooommmm, pleeaasse..."

He gently nuzzled against her nipple, suckling on it.


Her back straightened as the pleasure rippled through her breast.

"Ha alright, alright honey... she said..."

A moment of swallowing her words followed, before she managed to force them out.

"... that it was all too much. Motherhood... me... She couldn't handle it. So she left you with me, and ran away."

Jon felt his throat go dry. His mouth fell from her breast.

"So she left... because of me?"

Matilda's eyes became fierce, and she stubbed the cigarette out on the coffee table next to the sofa and grabbed her boy, placing both hands either side of his head and looking him dead in the eye with a firm expression.

"She left because she left. That's all. You did nothing wrong, and you are perfect, and beautiful in every way, do you understand me?!"

He nodded, fighting back the tears that were attempting to push through.


She squeezed his head.

"And... I know she would have been proud if she could see you now."

He nodded, feeling sorrow for half a childhood he had never had, alongside a deep love for his true mother; Matilda. Deeper than any passion or lust or friendship, he felt a bond that could never be replicated.

"I love you," he whispered, holding back tears.

"I love you too. In all the ways it is possible to love someone."

She kissed him gently on the mouth, distracting him from his worries, from his pains. Not a kiss of lust, but a kiss of relief, a kiss of intimacy and safety.

Jon squeezed her tight, letting himself be dragged into the crevasse of her neck and his dick pressed against her belly, half-straddling, half-pinned against the power and heat of her body.

"Now... you... mentioned something about needing help with some homework?"

"Tomorrow," he murmured, already falling asleep against her side. She smirked, stroking his hair.

"Alright then my love... tomorrow."