Schoooooool's out for... SUMMER!

Schoooooool's out for... EVER!

Okay, maybe not entirely. I still had my final exams that would determine which university I would be attending, or it would at least give me a choice if my score is good enough. Having aced all my classes, finishing top of each subject I studied, I was confident going into my exams.

Those last couple of weeks passed by too quickly. Sounds weird saying that, but with the new relationships I'd formed with both classmates and teachers, I was saddened that I'd turned eighteen so late in the year, left imagining what life would have been like if I was a February or March baby.

Jade continued to drop me off at school every morning, our morning kiss now drawing a small crowd. Most knew she was futanari, so the fact she was my Aunt wasn't a problem... well, to some males and all the futanari present. To the surprise of our small friend group, Miss Wilson wandered out to join us each lunchtime. Never did anything that the school management would have considered inappropriate, but it did keep any other teachers away. Otherwise, the only futagirl I had sex with during lunchtime was Vanessa, though I did end up blowing all eleven of my girlfriends during those last two weeks, with promises that things would go further once exams were finished.

I learned of my protection in those last couple of weeks though. All the futanari who attended had been friendly. As I've said previously, they'd always been polite and kind, but since becoming sexually active, it was now something far more. It still felt weird being an object of desire. Half the male population of the school would fist-bump me, approving nods in my direction. The other half looked at me in disgust. As for the women...

Vanessa proved she wouldn't put up with any comments against me. Walking down a crowded hall towards my lockers, I heard a voice call me out. "Fuck off, you little faggot." Turning to see a group of girls in my year group, all of them sneering in my direction, I returned a smile, a polite wave, and just walked away. Water off a ducks back, far as I was concerned. "Yeah, that's right, you little pillow biter. You'd better..."

She didn't get to finish that sentence, hearing the slam of something heavy into metal, turning to see Vanessa with her hand around the girl's throat. "Call him any sort of name again, you little bitch, and my friends and I are going to ruin your fucking life," she growled.

Walking towards Vanessa, I raised my hands for calm. Then the fight started. I stayed out of it. Got sort of ugly for a minute, but soon, my girlfriends had the young women on the back foot, Vanessa, Bailey and another of my girlfriends, Casey, dealing damage to those who'd been hurling the abuse. With handfuls of hair, they marched the girls in my direction, kicking them in the back of their knees so they were almost submitted before me.

"Apologise now before I rearrange your fucking face," Vanessa growled. I could see on her face she was both furious and upset. Bailey was crying tears of rage and sorrow. Casey glanced at me and grinned. I think she was enjoying it.

"Sorry," the girl muttered. I knew her name, but I'm not even going to bother naming her. I was used to being ignored completely. Their attitude had changed for the worse since I'd slept with Jade that first time.

"Louder!" Vanessa cried, pulling her hair, "So everyone hears!"

"Sorry, Benjamin! Sorry for calling you names."

"You too, bitch!" Bailey shouted, "And your cunt of a friend next to you."

"We're sorry. So sorry. We won't say anything again!"

Vanessa lifted the girl to her feet, and turned her around. "I see you within ten feet of him, I hear you say anything to him except a cheery greeting during these last weeks, I'm going to bury you. Now fuck off, you little cunt."

The girls ran off, amazed no teachers had come to split us up. Vanessa and Bailey hugged me immediately. "I'm fine," I said, "I've been called worse."

"Not on my watch," Vanessa stated, "I know that bitch anyway. She's never liked you for some reason. We've always looked after you, Benji. Jade told us to once she left for university. We've happily done it since."

"And I won't have my boyfriend abused and called names," Bailey stated.

She liked calling me by that title. She'd practically moved into our house, taking my room as I was sleeping with Jade every night, though my Aunt made sure I spent time with Bailey so she didn't feel lonely. Bailey assured me that my mother's showed her more love and affection within a week living with us than in ten years from her own mother. Almost made me start to cry... before marching to her old home to have words with her mother, only stopped by Bailey halfway there, asking me to leave it alone. She wasn't worth the words.

So life had been good. There'd been no repeat of an afternoon session with Miss Wilson, as she visited my house each weekend instead. My girlfriends would come visit, Miss Wilson helping us with studying, giving advice for our exams, university, and general life advice. She was getting along with my mother's rather well at the same time, and there was no missing they'd enjoyed a threesome considering the noise being made by Mum, hearing her begging to be fucked in her pussy and arse by two massive girlcocks.

Jade, Bailey and I were listening in our (Jade's) bedroom, finding ourselves turned on, and we had our own threesome at the same time, swapping ends so both had the chance to fuck me while the other was blown. Everyone was sharing rather embarrassed glances at the breakfast table the next morning, before we all burst into laughter, admitting it had been a fun night for all of us. Vanessa admitted to slight jealousy about Bailey having practically moved in, so Mum insisted she visit every day if she could, though staying overnight was difficult. That didn't matter, Vanessa just happy to be around me. By the last week, I had visitors every afternoon, the house almost overflowing with young, beautiful futagirls.

I felt like a kid in a candy store sometimes, not sure who to pick.

With a week between the end of classes and the start of exams, my plan was to study hard as I could and only relax once they were over. All my girlfriends visited during the day, bouncing ideas and thoughts off each other as we revised everything we'd learned for nearly two years. Having topped all my classes, I found myself in the role of advisor for anything they had trouble with. I was rewarded for my help with some tasty girlcock to suck when they finally understood an issue or problem. Vanessa and Bailey were the only two to have fucked me so far, so it was agreed no fucking in front of everyone else.

"So, once we've all fucked him, are we going to have a gangbang?" Casey wondered. I glanced around, noted most faces lit up at the idea, "I mean, just imagine the eleven of us gathered around, fucking and filling his arse with cum. Hell, add his Aunt, mothers and Miss Wilson. Anyone else you can think of?"

"My mother," Vanessa stated, much to my surprise. Vanessa noticed. "She's always liked you, Benji. She's hoping you'll pop around to visit again soon, though I don't mind coming here every day."

"Don't forget Jade's friends," Bailey added, "I bet they'd love to fuck him again."

"I'm wondering who loved him more out of the three," Aubrey said.

"Oh, definitely Alexis," Vanessa suggested, "See the look in her eyes when she was inside him? One of complete and utter love. You've had the hots for her something fierce for a while too, Benji?"

"I did. All my Aunts' friends have always treated me nicely, though Jade dumped any friends who were anything but nice to me. She looks after her little brother, just like my friends do."

"Most of the females at our school are complete and utter cunts," Bailey muttered, "Clearly indoctrinated at home to not like if not flat out hate our kind. Doesn't help some of the teachers were hardly objective when it came to us. Fairly sure I got lower marks from two teachers simply because I have a girlcock and pussy instead of just a pussy."

"That's exactly why I'm studying law," I said, "This is at one school. Now imagine the same thing at every other school. At universities. In the workplace."

"Benjamin Marsh, Saviour of Futanari. Hmmm, has a nice ring to it," Vanessa only half joked.

"Just want to do the right thing. Open up any history book and it hasn't been easy for you."

"Anyway, back to cheerier topics, are we going to gangbang him later?" Casey asked again, "Because I reckon we'd enjoy it and he'd love our eleven thick girlcocks slamming his arse, leaving our cum deep inside him."

"Are you trying to turn us on, Casey?" Amber asked, giggling away. She was another of my girlfriends. I'll mention them all eventually, I'm sure.

"Is it working?" Casey retorted.

"I think we're all nursing erections," Vanessa replied, everyone nodding, including myself.

So we had a mutual masturbation session, though I ended up swallowing all eleven loads, eagerly opening my mouth each time. Mum did ask later that night why I wasn't particularly hungry at dinner. When I told her what happened, she glanced at Bailey and chuckled. "Was it fun, sweetie?"

"Totally fucking hot, Cathy. We were tempted to do one big facial, just absolutely coat his face in our spunk, but we knew how much he'd love to swallow our cum."

"Fuck, now I'm hard," Caroline muttered, turning to her wife, "Don't suppose..."

"You'll be buried in my pussy straight after dinner, lover. I'm sure Benji and Bailey would like to watch."

"Hell yes, watching you two make love is wonderful. If I wasn't kept so sexually satisfied nowadays, it would be definite wank bank material." I paused before adding, "Correction, I do wank but there is always a thick girlcock up my bum when I do it."

The table broke out into giggles at my description. "I'd watch you wank, Benji," Bailey whispered.

"No need as I have all of you. Trust me, you all help keep my balls well and truly drained."

"And you do the same for us, Benji," Jade stated, "Mum, I'd love to watch you and Caroline make love too."

So that's what happened. I sat between Jade and Bailey on the couch as Mum got on her knees, lowering her head onto a pillow, arse raised high enough for Caroline to slide her thick ten inch girlcock into her pussy. Mum's face lit up with delight as Caroline wasted no time fucking Mum hard. Though arousing, I wasn't interested in doing anything except watching, leaning into Jade next to me as Bailey cuddled into me.

"Yeah, you love my big girlcock don't you?" Caroline growled, grabbing a handful of Mum's hair.

"God yes. Slam it into my pussy. Fill me up like you always do, baby!"

"That's right, and later tonight, your arse is mine."

"Make sure I don't sit properly at the table tomorrow morning. Just destroy me with your fabulous tenner."

"Fucking hell, Mum!" Jade exclaimed, chuckling away.

Caroline glanced our way and grinned. "Mummy loves her wife's massive girlcock slamming deep inside her cunt. My god, what a cunt it is though. Ten years of marriage and she'd still so fucking tight."

"Tight for you, lover."

Letting go of her hair, Caroline leaned forward, resting a hand to either side of Mum and started to nail her even harder. Mum's brain was practically mush by this point, just begging for Caroline to cum inside her and that was about it. Caroline lasted at least another ten minutes before she exploded, her entire body shaking as she enjoyed her orgasm. Collapsing onto the floor together, Caroline lifted herself up so Mum could at least roll onto her back, the two softly kissing as Caroline ended up back inside Mum rather quickly.

"Again?" Caroline nodded. "Legs right back so you can destroy me again?"

"Bedroom. I want your ankles restrained as far back as possible."

Mum looked at us and giggled. "Night, kids. We'll try not to keep going too late."

Jade switched on the television as they disappeared upstairs, finding something interesting to watch and also to drown out at least some of the noise. Bailey asked if they were always like that. Jade admitted they'd never had a problem showing affection, but only started being blatantly sexual once I turned eighteen. Jade had seen them fuck plenty of times since she'd turned eighteen, and had enjoyed more than one threesome with them.

"Wow," Bailey whispered. She was quiet before she asked, "Jade, are you in love with your brother?"

"I am. Are you in love with him?"

"Yeah," she whispered, cuddling into me, "Scares me a little, how strong my feelings are. But a good scary, because I know he'll never hurt me."

"He deserves our love for being the best man I know."

Jade had a large bed, offering Bailey the chance to join us for the evening. She leapt at it, finding myself being snuggled to either side by futanari I loved and adored. Surprisingly, we didn't have sex, remaining clothed, barely kissing each other. We relaxed in the company of each other, chatting generally about anything that came to mind.

The Saturday before my first major exam, which was on the following Wednesday Jade drove me around to see Miss Wilson one last time as I wouldn't see her again until after our exams. We'd then have our graduation and the party the same day and night, and there was a good chance we wouldn't see most people at our school again. To be honest, I wasn't going to miss most of them.

Jade said she'd pick me up whenever I wanted, kissing me softly and wishing me a good time. Miss Wilson opened the door as I approached it, giving me a tight hug and soft kiss before escorting me inside. I had nothing with me as I wasn't there to study. I'd done all that I could. Everything I needed to know was in my head. Miss Wilson knew what I was there for and so did I.

"Sure you're up for this again?"

"Absolutely, Miss."

"Same as last time in the classroom or go further?"

"Just the classroom. I know what to expect then."

"Would you like an audience?"

"I'd prefer just us, Miss," I replied softly, "It's our special thing together."

That earned me another kiss, this one hot and heavy, her expert tongue making me hard in seconds, my hand feeling her up at the same time, earning a girlish giggle. When she pulled back, she took a step and looked me up and down, her demeanour changing immediately. "Strip now, slut."

"Yes, Mistress."

Stripping quickly, she ordered me up to her bedroom, to wait on my knees by her bed. Doing as requested, ensuring I took my clothes with me, neatly folded and piled where I was told, I waited on my knees as expected. My face lit up when she appeared from the bathroom as she was showing far more skin than before. Still the six inch stilettos. Still the stockings and suspenders. But no panties nor bra. A pearl necklace that hung down to her cleavage. And the mask that was around her eyes, highlight her emerald green orbs.

And she had the riding crop again, along with a small flogger and the paddle. I gulped, thinking I was in for some discipline today.

Seeing my erection, she managed to smile down at me. "I won't cage you today, slut. But you will get the ring around your balls."

"Of course, Mistress."

"I hope you ate your Weet-Bix this morning, slut, as you'll need your strength today." She gestured with the riding crop. "Up on the bed in the middle, on your knees, resting on your forearms."

Once I was in position, she gave each cheek a paddle. "Good little slut, wearing my plug. How does it feel?"

"Wonderful, Mistress."

"How long has it been in?"

"Since just after I woke up, Mistress."

She gave each cheek a slap with the paddle again. "Good little slut."

I had no idea what she was actually going to do. The butt plug was something different already. Noticing the hooks on the bed posts, I wasn't surprised that I ended up being bound by each wrist, instructed to keep my upper half elevated. That was going to prove difficult, as although I did have upper body strength, I could only hope endurance won out in the end.

Feeling something around my neck, she said it was a collar and chain. Guess it was to make me feel like a dog or something. Made sense as I was going to be fucked doggy-style in the end. I knew chokers were a sign of ownership, or so I'd read briefly. I still didn't know much, I just went along with it as I knew Miss Wilson would keep me safe. It was how much I trusted and now loved her.

She blindfolded me, which wasn't a surprise, but no gag this time. "I want to hear you moaning like the little slut you are," she growled into my ear, "And I want to hear you making noise. I want to hear you begging me."

"Yes, Mistress," I moaned, pressing her girlcock into the base of the plug inside me.

"Are you a little butt slut?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Whose little butt slut are you?"

"Yours, Mistress."

"That's right, my little slut. I have friends coming around soon, my little slut. They're all going to take turns fucking your tight little arse. One after the other, a fucking train of thick girlcocks slamming into your tight little body. God, I'm getting harder just thinking about it." Pressing into the base again, I moaned a little louder. I was desperate for her girlcock by now. I was also rock hard and dripped pre-cum. When she pulled back and noticed, I felt something different across my arse, figuring it was the flogger. "No leaking, you little slut. Where's that cock ring?"

I felt it applied and knew I was in for it now. Feeling her rub my cheek, she ordered that I count off each hit of the paddle, no matter where it landed on my body. I'll admit, I actually lost count the first time, as I was far too turned on, my mind all over the place. Because I lost count, I was disciplined, feeling her run the riding crop up and down my back.

"I ordered you to count the slaps of the paddle, slut. Did you do that?"

"No, Mistress."

"Does the slut deserve punishment?"

"I do, Mistress. I'm sorry, Mistress."

"Ten whips of the crop, slut. Count them off, and you'd better count them properly. Count!"

I managed to count the ten, but by the time she was done, I was unbelievably horny, almost sobbing with my desire to feel her inside me. When I felt her grab the base of the plug, I kept my mouth shut so I didn't release the loudest moan of my life, surprised when I felt her fingers run up and down my back. "That's a good little slut," she whispered, "It's okay. Mistress will take care of you now. You will thank Mistress, won't you, slut?"

"Yes, Mistress," I sobbed, not through pain, but sheer blessed relief she was going to fuck me.

Feeling her thick girlcock slide inside me was blessed relief and I couldn't help the loud moan that escaped me, particularly as she gave me all eleven inches at once. "Thank you, Mistress," I almost cried, "Thank you, Mistress." Feeling her soft lips on my cheek, I wondered if she was going to ask if I was alright. The muscles in my arm were now burning but I wasn't going to disappoint Mistress.

As she started to fuck me, she'd occasionally use the whip me like she was riding a horse. I'm sure to others it would have looked comical but it felt great. Best of all was her thick girlcock slamming into me. Feeling her pull out left me confused for a moment. Then I felt something pass under my nose. "I wore these panties earlier, slut. Open your mouth, you're making too much noise."

Her panties were wet and I could taste her cum. Her massive shaft slit back inside me, hands at my hips, as she started to nail me again, giving me her entire length with every single thrust. Her panties kept the noise down, feeling her fingernails digging into my upper back, running them all the way down to the top of my arse.

"Good little slut," she murmured, "Take all of my cock. Your Mistress loves your tight little arse. Mistress loves you. Do you love Mistress?" I nodded eagerly to that. "Do you want Mistress to cum now?" I shook my head to that one. "Oh, does slut want Mistress to keep going?" I didn't know what to do. Should I nod or not? She slapped my right cheek. "Respond, slut."

I nodded.

I heard the smile in her tone. "Good little slut. Mistress wants to fuck you for longer too."

Gripping my arms, her own strength helped keep me level, though I felt her move and start to utterly destroy me, each thrust causing me to grunt. It felt absolutely fucking wonderful but also started to hurt. She seemed to realise straight away, as she fucked me faster and faster, her girlcock starting to throb as she unloaded in my arse. Flooding me as always felt fantastic, though she immediately removed her cock before the restraints around wrists so I could lower myself down.

Taking her panties from my mouth, I said, "I'm okay, Mistress. A little sore, but I'm okay." Removing the blindfold, she smiled at me. Such a pretty smile. "You're so fucking beautiful, Mistress," I whispered.

"Think you can keep going, slut?" she asked softly. She kissed me on the forehead as the nod of my head. "I'll tie you back up but this time on your back, and your ankles will be tied to the same post. Other than that, only the cock ring will remain."

"Thank you, Mistress."

"I'll get us a drink. You just wait there."

She returned with two glasses of water within a couple of minutes, allowing me refreshment before I found myself tied by my wrists and then my legs spread wide and back, my ankles also tied. I must have been quite the sight, particularly as my arsehole felt a little gaped and cum dribbling out of me. What I didn't expect was her tongue to delve into my arse to lick up some of her cum. "Slut's arse tastes nice, though I think it's my cum that makes it better. Do you like the taste of my cum, slut?"

"I love it, Mistress."

"Tonight, you will get a load to swallow. Once we're done here."

"Thank you, Mistress."

She took a couple of minutes to get hard before I moaned at the sight of her thick girlcock sliding back inside me. "Slut loves the girlcock of his Mistress," she whispered.

"He loves Mistress."

"Mistress loves her slut."

I have no idea how long she fucked me for. Must have been close to an hour before she did finally cum again. To say she destroyed me wouldn't be far wrong. Slam after slam after slam, for minute after minute. Resting forward on her hands, she seemed to be driving into me as deeply as possible, left wondering if it would eventually end up in my throat but in the other direction. Apart from the occasional gently slap on the face, she was rather quiet, noticing her eyes focus on me, both of us looking down to watch her assault on my tight little butt.

When she did finally cum again, I think it was a relief to us both. She untied me straight away, allowing me to lie flat. As soon as I was, she released the ring around my balls.

"Banana," she whispered, that being our safe word, before she swallowed my cock. I came within a couple of minutes and almost started crying when I released into her mouth. After gulping down my load, she moved up to lie next to me, taking me in her arms, and just held me. "I love you, baby," she whispered, "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Sandra," I whispered back, "Thank you for today."

"Thank you too, sweetie. I love this little thing we share."

I needed help getting to her bathroom for a shower, Miss Wilson taking her time washing me up and down. I winced a couple of times as she did, though made sure I returned the favour by washing her down before we returned to her bedroom as I desperately needed a nap. I went to sleep spooned back against her, feeling her arms holding me as tightly as possible in return.

We woke up together feeling famished, helping her put together a simple meal of salmon, rice and veggies. We ate at her small table, sharing a bottle of wine, amazed at how I could converse so easily with a futanari who was well over double my age. But she was so smart, a wicked sense of humour, and so damned attractive...

I called Mum and told her I'd be staying the night. I had time as my first exam wasn't until Wednesday with only last minute revision to take place before hand. Mum wasn't surprised, Miss Wilson mentioning that she'd drive me home before going to work the next morning. All other year groups still had a couple of weeks to go before they were finished for the year. Jade messaged me a little later, letting me know she'd keep Bailey company for the evening.

"Bailey is living with you?" Miss Wilson asked once we'd taken a seat on the couch.

"Yeah. Her life at home was awful. Her own mother seems to despise her existence. Once Mum heard, she offered her my room as sanctuary since I sleep with Jade most evenings."

"That's very sweet, Benjamin."

"It was the least any of us could do. She's an incredibly sweet futagirl."

"About time she told you how she felt. She used to watch you constantly. It was a little sad, tempted as I was to give her some advice."

"I've learned so many did the same thing. Made life a little lonely because I just didn't know. Typical oblivious male?"

That made her laugh. "No, we're very good at hiding how we feel. It's sometimes how we survive in this bloody world." Taking her hand in mine, she smiled at me. "Even when I was your age, things were different. Hated just because we're different. Blame that bloody Pope in Avignon and all her underlings that spread across the globe centuries ago, spreading their hate and bile. At least they're not burning us at the stake any longer. For as long as I can remember, though, it's the supposed 'gentler sex' that led the cries against us."

"And that's why I'm going into law."

"Personal crusade on our behalf?"

"Something like that."

We finished off another bottle of wine before heading upstairs to bed. Miss Wilson had a look in her eyes which matched mine, pleased she lay back on the bed and spread her legs enough that I could kneel between them and take her girlcock in my mouth. "Oh, that's it, baby," she murmured, "You treat me so well."

"Well, you do deliver me some delicious cum in the end, Miss. So we both win in the end."

"That we do. When I cum, keep some so we can share."

"Of course."

I teased her, my tongue running all over her shaft and head, down to her balls and even going down to lick her rosebud. I was surprised when she handed me a bottle of lube, so that when I finally took her shaft in my mouth, I slid two fingers into her arse at the same time. "Oh baby... Do you want to make love to me?"

"Part of me does, Miss, but I prefer you inside me."

"Okay, baby, but if you ever want to, I'm finding myself willing to do it for you."

The idea did appeal, but I wasn't lying. I was almost a pure bottom with my futanari lovers nowadays. I'd fucked Mum once and that was it. Vanessa had offered the chance to make love to her, but hadn't taken up on it yet. I had a feeling Bailey was almost desperate for me to make love to her. Even Jade was thinking about it, I think. Miss Wilson offering was a real surprise, but maybe that was a symbol of how much she did actually love me.

She did love it when I deepthroated her, though it was still difficult, considering how long and thick she was. But I managed it, she loved it, then just asked me to focus on bringing her to orgasm, assuring me it wasn't far away, loving my two fingers up her tight butt at the same time.

Warning me in time before the first explosion, I swallowed as much as I could before holding the rest, though it still dribbled down my chin as I quickly lifted my mouth to hers, earning a soft moan as we swapped her cum. Breaking the kiss and swallowing, she licked my chin clean before cuddling me. "Well, now I know why you love sucking my girlcock. I taste fucking delicious!"

"Not tasted yourself before?"

"I have though not very often."

"I'll blow you anytime you want, Miss."

"Sandra, Benjamin."

"Then I'm Benji, Sandra. Those who mean the most to me call me Benji."

She was silent a few seconds before whispering, "I love you, Benji."

"Love you too, Sandra."

We were both in terrific moods the next morning, Sandra humming to herself as she made us breakfast. I prepared coffee and tea, poured some juice, set the table. We discussed my studies and what I expected in the exams. She only knew the curriculum, not what was actually asked in the exam, though she expressed her utmost belief that I'd ace the exams as much as I'd aced my coursework.

Dropping me off at home, she walked me to the front door, where we shared one last, passionate and lingering kiss. "For the first time in a long time, I really don't want to go to work today," she whispered.

"I'd ask you to play truant but what would the kids say?"

"Ha! They'd get a free period so absolutely not do any school work." Releasing a sigh, we shared a last cuddle. "Thank you for last night, Benji. It was wonderful."

"I'll see you soon, Sandra. I promise."

"Keep me up to date with your exams."

"Of course."

Wishing each other farewell, she walked back to her car, tooting the horn once she started it up and took off. Heading inside, Jade and Bailey were already up and about, Mum and Caroline rushing about getting ready as always. Asking why they were rushing, they both stopped and blushed, needing no further explanation.

Sitting at the table with Jade and Bailey, they both laughed. "Think they're going through a new honeymoon period, Benji," Jade explained, "I'm not sure what time they finished fucking this morning. Thankfully, Bailey is a heavy sleeper and I can just about ignore it."

"You still poked me in the back most of the night," Bailey whispered, blushing brightly.

"I had a sexy, young futagirl in bed with me. What do you expect?"

"You hitting on my girlfriend, dear Aunt of mine?"

"Oh, does little brother not like to share?"

"Little brother will share with his sweet Aunt, though only if Bailey wants that. I have no demands nor expectations."

Bailey grinned, leaning across to kiss my cheek. "I want you in my pussy first, Benji."

Jade playfully slapped my shoulder. "Put your cock in the poor futagirl, Benji, and give her the fucking she quite clearly needs. She's clearly desperate for it."

Mum and Caroline appeared, draining their mugs of previously prepared coffee, walking around the table to kiss everyone on the cheek, before they were off and out the door, shouting goodbye before the door slammed shut. "Bloody hell, must have been a good night," I joked, "Mum looked absolutely shattered."

For the next two weeks, my life was only about final exams. I could afford few distractions. I kept in touch with my girlfriends, messaging once we finished each exam to find out how confident we were about how we'd done. I saw them in the exam hall if they shared my class, otherwise it was texting, the occasional phone call at most. Even during the weekend that separated each week, that was devoted to studying and relaxing. I still slept with Jade each night, but even our sex life took a backseat. To my surprise, noticing I was on edge, Jade and Mum both blew me twice during each week, Jade assuring me it took the edge off and would help me concentrate.

Big Aunt knew best.

I had an exam on the second Friday, the last day of exams, and it was the final one on the calendar. Walking out once it was complete, I immediately sent a group message, stating there'd be a celebration at my home the next day. Mum was included, immediately messaging she loved the idea, and that we'd go shopping that evening for supplies. Mark, Mike and Nathan were also invited. Somewhat aware of my private life, they asked what sort of party. I assured them best behaviour while they were there, knowing they accepted my life but watching me being pounded would probably be a little much. They were open-minded young men and knew I was in love with more than one person.

That night, I realised I hadn't actually had sex since before exams so I was feeling rather antsy. Jade, Mum and Caroline had kept themselves amused. I'd seen Miss Wilson around a couple of times but simply been too busy focusing on preparing for each exam, though aware she was having fun with Mum and Caroline. Bailey seemed to be in my situation, horny as fuck and desperate for release. When I asked if she'd even jerked off, she admitted maybe once or twice, but exams and preparation simply took all her time. Now that they were over, she needed release.

No surprise we were all over each other as we sat on the couch once we returned from shopping. Mum walked in to find Bailey on her back with me on top of her. "Benji, take Bailey to your bedroom and make love to her. The poor girl is desperate. So are you, from the looks of things."

I met Bailey's eyes. "Still want me to make love to you?"

"God yes," she whispered.

"Okay. Mum..."

"I'll put a couple of plates in the oven. Just come down when you're finished."

Taking Bailey by the hand, I led her upstairs to our bedroom. Jade was lying back on her bed, noticed us and told me to show Bailey a good time. Though I might have made love to my mother, that was already over a month ago, at least, and that was my only time.

Closing and locking the door, there was no doubt we were both nervous. Taking the initiative, I tried to relax her with some kissing and cuddling, earning a delightful giggle or two and a never ending smile, her eyes lighting up when I finally moved to undoing the buttons of her shirt, taking that off before undoing the zip of her skirt. Already barefoot, she stood before me in just her bra and panties, her girlcock already making a formidable tent. My shirt was taken off and shorts lowered so I was in my underwear.

"Oral sex first?" I wondered. She smiled as I added, "Together?" Her nod was ever more eager, giggling again. "We haven't done that, have we?"


"Get on the bed, gorgeous. It's a lot of fun. After that, we'll snuggle as we recover, then we'll make love."

That earned me one hell of a kiss, eventually ended up pressed back against my wardrobe, her hard girlcock pressing into me. "Can't wait to feel yours inside me, Benji," she breathed, "I've only ever had fingers in my pussy a few times, and those were mine!"

"I'll be slow and gentle."

Blowing each other was a good idea. I'd barely started blowing her when she erupted in my mouth, such was the level of her excitement. I swallowed her load as always, and she eagerly sucked me to completion. Her lips were soft and wet, her tongue felt wonderful along my shaft, and two fingers ending up in my arse wasn't a real surprise. I lasted a little longer than her, warning her when I was close so she didn't choke when I did finally cum. After I had finished, I shuffled so we were lying side by side, noticing she was embarrassed.

"Sorry for finishing so quickly," she said.

"You're excited. Trust me, I've cum within a couple of minutes when Jade's slid her girlcock inside me. If I'm really turned on, all she has to do is touch my cock and I blast away." Bailey giggled at the description. "Nothing wrong with an early climax. We're both young enough we'll recover very quickly, and being a gorgeous futagirl, I know you've got plenty of loads left in you yet."

Her fingers grasped my slowly expanding shaft until I was nice and hard again. I had to ask if she wanted any attention on her pussy. I'd obviously never done anything like lick one, but just like Mum had told me, Bailey just wanted to feel my cock inside her. She would stroke her girlcock while I fucked her and she'd have another massive orgasm soon.

Spreading her legs and bending her knees, her girlcock was already hard again. Gently lifting her balls, her hidden pussy was glistening underneath. Classes at school had described it, while Jade had gone into explanations once we started having sex. Bailey took a deep breath as I placed the head of my cock at her entrance, feeling how wet she was.

"Do you even notice?" I had to ask.

"Sometimes. My focus is always on something else. Once I'm lubed up and masturbating..." My cock throbbed as images of Bailey doing just that flooded my mind. "Like that thought?"

"Love it, gorgeous."

"Slide that cock of yours inside me, Benji. Make me yours completely." She paused before adding softly, "Vanessa needs this too. Can you do that for both of us?"

"Of course. She just hasn't mentioned it lately."

Gently pushing the head of my cock inside her was a big moment for both of us. She was so incredibly tight, feeling her hand on my chest to stop me as soon as the head of my cock slipped inside her. She moaned loudly, her face lighting up, removing her hand and whispering for more. Inch after inch, very slowly, I slid inside her until I was buried. Once I was, feeling our groins were joined, she leaned up to kiss me.

Moving my hips, she seemed to figure out what felt good quickly, wrapping her legs around me, feeling her ankles lock, taking her girlcock in a free hand to start stroking herself. "Oh my god, this is wonderful, Benji," she murmured.

"I can't believe how fucking tight you are," I grunted.

"Unused pussy, Benji. I'm already thinking you'll be the only one to ever be inside it." She paused before adding, "Particularly if we have babies."

All movement came to a halt as I stared at her. She started blushing immediately before I said, "Something to talk about later."

That pleased her, the fact I didn't freak out at the mention of babies. I knew I wanted a family but not for a few years. We were both going to university, then we'd want to start our careers. Yes, babies were for later. Focusing my mind back on what I could feel, I started to thrust into her a little faster. That earned more moans as her hand started to move faster on her shaft.

"Fuck yes, that's good, Benji. Fuck my pussy!"

"Don't hear that very often," I joked.

"I know you love being fucked, but seriously, some of us would love you to fuck us in return. We're not all complete tops." She kissed me softly. "Some of us are very much fifty-fifty when it comes to the right man."

Moving her legs, she placed them over my shoulders, amused that when I did it with a futagirl, my ankles were by their head. Doing it with me, I had calves resting on my shoulders. Mentioning that to Bailey had us both cracking up in laughter, needing to stop as we enjoyed a quick cuddle. Back on my hands, she urged me to start fucking her harder.

Putting all my effort into plunging her depths, she erupted all over herself, six hard spurts leaving streaks of thick white cum all over her chest and breasts. Using a finger to clean herself up, she fed me and herself as I fucked her faster and faster, feeling that tingle in my balls that told me I was close.

She could see it in my face, practically demanding I cum nowhere except in her pussy. Not wanting to disappoint her, I made sure my cock was buried as deeply as I could manage before I erupted, grunting and groaning with each blast. Once I was empty, I just had to pull out and fall onto my back next to her.

Fucking great orgasm though.

"Now that's how you fuck a futagirl, Benji!" she exclaimed, rolling onto her side and cuddling into me. Kissing my cheek, she whispered, "I want to ride you cock next and cum all over you next time."

"Whatever you want, gorgeous."

Kissing down my body, her eyes sparkled as she looked up into mine. Kissing down the shaft of my cock, he didn't hesitate in taking my length into my mouth, all the way down to the base. Looking up and grinning, I wondered what she was going to say. "Well, my pussy doesn't taste all that bad! Much prefer your cum though. And you're nearly hard enough to have this delightful thing back inside me."

"Idea forming. I fuck you, Jade fucks me."

"Oh, definitely. Jade is so beautiful."

"Like her?"

Before she answered, she lifted herself up and slowly sank down on my shaft. Leaning forward to kiss me, she replied, "Would it bother you?"

"I love my big Aunt, and if she wants to be with one my lovers, she will always have my blessing. The one thing Jade said is that as long as I'm not left alone. As far as she's concerned, I will never sleep alone in bed again."

Starting to slowly ride me, she said, "Going to need a bigger house then."

Thrusting up into her earned a grin. "A mansion?" I wondered.

"Whole tower of apartments that connect. Go from room to room, sucking and fucking. Your arse filled with our cum while you fill some our pussies with yours." She rode me faster as she added, "My god, when we want children, the amount of sex, Benji."

Leaning down to kiss me again, she remained close to me as we started to move in unison, her mouth opening as I must have been touching places as yet untouched. Her eyes lit up as she started to ride me finally, giving up eventually and needing to stroke her girlcock. Being a good boyfriend, I took over stroking her, earning another soft kiss.

"That's it, baby, stroke my big, thick shaft. You want my cum, baby? Want it all over your chest?"

"Fuck yes. Spray it, Bailey, then lick it up and share it."

"And you'll fill my pussy?"

"Anytime you want, gorgeous."

She rode me faster and faster, and I could feel my orgasm rapidly approaching at the same time. Her lips barely left mine by now, our tongues playfully duelling, still able to stroke her at the same time. When she started to smile, I knew she was going to cum, feeling her thick girlcock throb before I felt warm cum start to soak my chest. She stopped riding me for a moment as her entire body shudder, lifting herself up slightly so I could lick my hand clean, before I then fed both of us what was on my chest.

"Close, baby?" Nodding, she added, "Fuck me from behind?"

I wasn't going to say not to that offer. I didn't last very long once I'd slid back inside her. In that position, her pussy was so incredibly tight, it was just far too exciting. I don't think she minded that I finished quickly. A sign of how good she felt and the fact she excited me so much.

After a quick shower, we dressed and returned to the kitchen to grab dinner. Mum said it was fine to sit in the living room with a lap tray. Jade took one look at her and glanced at Mum, suggesting Bailey had that look on her face that she'd had some very good sex. Caroline just added that she looked well fucked.

"Worth the wait," was all Bailey said, I remained silent, focusing on sating my appetite for something other than sex. At least for the moment...

With the party organised for the next day, Bailey happily wandered off to her bedroom for the night while Jade practically dragged me to hers, shut the door, stripped me, bent me over the bed and just fucked me. She wasn't angry, it was what she wanted, and once she started, I was begging her to keep going, not stop, and fill my arse as much as she could.

"Love you so fucking much," she growled into my ear, "What little brother wants, little brother gets."

"Love my big Aunt's big fat girlcock!"

She kept fucking me but laughed. "Well, big Aunt loves little brother's tight butt. Like it was made for me."

"Well, in a way, it was."

"Once I cum in you, we'll make love properly. So fucking horny though, Benji. Seeing Bailey and that smile on her face, my little brother certainly knows how to please futagirls."

"I have good teachers."

Once she'd fill my bum for the first time, we lay on her bed. Well, I lay on her bed, she positioned herself between my legs, making out for a few minutes until she was hard again. As soon as she was, I was delighted to feel her slide back inside me again, hands under my knees, as she started to pump me again. I wasn't particularly worried about an orgasm of my own, having enjoyed a few with Bailey, but my Aunt loved making me cum, so assured me that I'd be fucked from behind again, which assured her an orgasm for me too.

When I did cum around half an hour later, that urged my Aunt on to fuck me harder still, enough to earn a few grunts before she pulled out, feeling her spray cum all over my back. It wasn't something she did very often, or I did with any lovers, as we all preferred it when my butt was filled. Jade giggled away to herself. "Oops, I made a mess," she whispered in her little girl voice, all innocent like, "Benji, whatever will we do."

"Lick it off?"

Yep, that's exactly why she did it as I felt her tongue run up my back. "Damn, I taste good. No wonder you're constantly sucking my girlcock."

Bailey joined Jade and myself in the shower, the pair giggling away as I took great pleasure in washing them up and down. When I started to shampoo Bailey's hair, she almost burst into tears, Jade hugging her first until I finished so I could hug her too. The poor young futagirl had been neglected and unloved by nearly everyone in her life for too long.

No surprise Jade insisted she sleep with us that night. My last thought was about the party next day and what was going to happen.