Walking out into the backyard, I wasn't surprised to be greeted by a lot of nudity. Alexis got out of the pool immediately, her thick girlcock swinging, realising she probably shouldn't leap on me at the last second, going with her arms wrapping around my body as she kissed me. "I'm so fucking horny, Benji," she told me.

"It's still early. Do you need a little something now to get you through to later?"

Her face lit up. "Maybe a little time on your knees and you can swallow a load?"

"I'd love to."

Carefully falling to my knees, I grabbed the base of her shaft and ran my tongue up it. "Yeah, Benji, suck that girlcock!" my Aunt shouted.

"Girls, stay here. I think he needs time with Alexis tonight. Is that right, Jade?"

"Alexis, do you want privacy now?"

"Later, my sweet. Right now, I just want his lips around my girlcock and then share my cum when I finish."

Smiling up at her, loving the way her red hair frames her pretty face, her green eyes sparkling in the fading sunlight, I wrapped my lips around her shaft and lowered myself all the way down, feeling her shaft enter my throat and I kept it there a few seconds. She moaned softly, fingers running through my hair. "Oh, Benji," she whispered.

Bobbing up and down her shaft, I'd occasionally got all the way to the base, but while it was something all my girlfriends and family did enjoy, it was more the suction of my lips wrapped around the shaft and my tongue hitting the sensitive parts. Add the occasional finger or two up the bum and I'd soon be rewarded.

Alexis did move her hips slightly but let me take control. I would have happily let her fuck my face, but despite the reputation futanari did have, while they'd fuck me hard in bed, all my lovers were generally polite when I had my lips wrapped around their girlcock. Looking up into her eyes again, her face lit up in a smile, running my hands up her long legs to her butt cheeks. She had a fantastic arse.

Slowly but surely, my head was probably a blur on her girlcock, feeling her hips start to move at the same time, her shaft invading my throat from time to time. I did choke for a moment once or twice, giving her a gentle squeeze on the cheek to assure her I was fine, that she could keep going.

"Benji, I'm so close..."

I looked up again, ensuring the smile reflected in my eyes. I want her to cum in my mouth. Desperate for her to cum in my mouth. Caressing my cheek, she grabbed the back of my head and kept my in place as I felt that first delicious dose of her cum enter my mouth. I swallowed the first couple of spurts but kept the rest in my mouth for her. Once she was empty, she slowly dropped to her knees, caressing my cheek as she moved her mouth to mine. I'd swapped cum enough to know it was erotic and amusing, both of us moaning softly, our bodies pressed together. We only stopped as we needed to take a deep breath.

"Wow," she whispered, "You're an even better kisser now, Benji. And the fact you deepthroat too..."

"Will I be little spoon tonight, Alexis?" Her laughter warmed my heart before we cuddled together, and she didn't need to reply. I knew the reply. Standing and taking her by the hand, we joined everyone back in the pool. Now that I was the only male, and I was either the boyfriend or lover of everyone present, I found myself with no end of attention and a lot of affection.

Caroline, Mum and Sandra were the first disappear inside. Considering all three were bottomless, everyone knew exactly what those two were going to get up to once inside. To my surprise, my four 'main' girlfriends, for want of a better description -- Vanessa, Bailey, Chloe and Georgie -- would be heading to Vanessa's to sleep. Jade had invited Veronica and Chantelle to stay with her, Jade glancing my way with a raised eyebrow.

"Who's the one getting fucked?" I wondered.

Jade and Veronica looked at Chantelle. When I gave it some thought, it made the most sense. Slowly but surely, as darkness descended, all the guests started to depart. Numerous promises were made to see each other as often as possible during the summer. I wasn't the only one with a pool, but considering how open-minded my parents were, and considering who I was to all of them, I had a feeling my home would become a focal point until I left for university. And I had a good feeling Mum and Caroline would welcome them all with open arms.

Alexis and I waited until everyone else had disappeared, Jade wishing us goodnight and for me to just lock up, before we were left alone. Alexis was all over me as soon as Jade pulled the sliding door shut, ensuring my legs were wrapped around her as she was easily tall enough to have her feet on the bottom. Feeling her cock against my butt crack, I was surprised when I felt her fingers wrap around my cock.

"Jade told me you were... a little embarrassed because futanari are bigger. For a man, Benji, it's more than adequate. And Bailey told me you made love and she said it was wonderful. So did your Mum. I know young men worry about it. Believe me, please, I've seen men who are taller and larger with much smaller things between their legs."

I couldn't help blush. "Thanks, Alexis."

"Benji, there's only one man on this planet I'd ever let make love to me." Meeting her eyes, she kissed me softly. "But I'm also aware of what you like. Therefore, I'm going to leave it for you to decide. Rest assured, every single futagirl here wants to be with you intimately, aware you love to receive, and we are so fucking happy to do it for you."

"Do you love me?"

"So fucking much, Benji. Everyone here today, excluding the men, loves you in their own way. Some wholeheartedly already. Some are falling in love. Some are feeling those first shoots that will blossom into deep love. I sometimes feel guilty, knowing how much Jade loves you."

"I feel the same way sometimes, almost like I'm taking advantage."

She kissed me softly again. "Never. Trust me on this, Jade is more than aware of how attractive you are to us. Think you have lovers now, wait until you get to university. If you go to one or two particular universities, you won't have time to study as you'll be full of girlcock twenty-four-seven."

Unwrapping myself, I led her to the ledge where we could sit down in the pool. Keeping hold of her hand, I asked, "I'm only one man, and I'm still maturing. What if you meet someone else?"

"It's always possible. Those who I know are already committed. I won't include your mother and Caroline. So... Jade, Bailey, Vanessa... I think Sandra... and..." She kissed my cheek before whispering, "Me." Leaning into her, feeling her other arm wrap around me, she added, "I've seen you grow into a fine young man, Benji. I think Veronica loves you almost too much, she's scared. Remember how she was when you were with her and Chantelle?"

"Yeah, I had an inkling."

"She's been hurt, so it's all a front. High school boyfriend tore her heart out. She's always adored you though. Being with Jade and Chantelle tonight will be good for her. They'll look after her."

"What happened? If it's private..."

"She walked in on her boyfriend with not one but two females."

"Fuck," I muttered.

"They were girls from the same high school so you can imagine how it went down. He was cruel, basically told her he was just trying the forbidden fruit, the usual shit some of us hear as we're dumped."

Sliding onto her lap, I hugged her tightly. "You too?" I asked softly.

"Got you now. I can forget about the past," she replied, "Want to go inside? I need to make love to you."

Getting out of the pool, we dried ourselves off first before heading inside. I made sure everything was locked, the lights turned off, before heading upstairs. Mum was getting properly failed by Sandra and Caroline, the door left ajar. Alexis and I had a quick look. Jade had shut her door, but there was plenty of moaning from inside there too. Alexis led the way into my room, shutting the door, meeting in the middle of the room to continue making out.

Tumbling onto bed, Alexis flipped me over, feeling her fingers spread my cheeks and her tongue immediately at my rosebud. The first moan I released made her chuckle. "I think someone wants my girlcock," she giggled.

"So much, sweetie."

"Oh, I love that. Call me that all the time. Please..."

"Lick my arse, sweetie. Get me ready for your absolutely fucking massive girlcock!"

She sat back and burst into another fit of giggles. Leaning forward, she nuzzled into my neck. "Thank you for making me giggle all the time."

"You're welcome. Now, I believe my rosebud needs attention, sweetie. Then we need to make love all night."

Alexis buried her face between my cheeks, licking my rosebud for all she was worth before she reached for the readily available lube, pouring some of that and her tongue kept on going. Fucking hell, she was wonderful. When she finally slid two fingers inside me, wrapping her other hand around my cock, she had me moaning and whimpering as she leaned forward again, kissing up my spine. "I'm going to make you cum so I can make love to you without a worry," she told me.

"Fine with me," I groaned.

Three fingers inside me, angled perfectly, little wonder I just exploded everywhere within a couple of minutes. She barely gave me time to catch my breath before she made sure I was on my back, somewhat comfortable, ready to feel her slide her thick girlcock inside me. We moaned together as she slowly buried it, meeting her eyes to see her face light up in another beautiful grin.

"Fuck, you're beautiful," I whispered.

"Bet you say that to all your lovers."

"I have many beautiful lovers. I've always thought you were drop dead fucking gorgeous, sweetie."

Resting on her forearms, I wrapped my legs around her waist, pressed my fingers into her back, as she ensured our bodies touched as much as possible as she thrust into me. Her face was one of completely and utter happiness, her green eyes blazing with equal lust and love. Her thrusts were nice and slow to start with, though I knew she'd be ready to fuck me hard and cum eventually, but we were both enjoying the current pace.

She leaned down to kiss me every so often but seemed content to watch my face. I'd return her gaze while look down between us to see her thick girlcock disappearing inside me. I did wonder how it would appear on film if I was recorded being fucked by my lovers. Considering they were all taller than me, with thick, long girlcocks sliding inside my admitting tight butt, it would be interesting to watch.

"Benji," she moaned.

"If you need to, go ahead, sweetie."

Pumping into me a little faster, I was actually relieved I'd cum so I could just lie back and enjoy the feeling of being fucked. I almost laughed as Sandra called me her 'little butt slut' during our play sessions, and to be honest, she probably wasn't completely wrong nowadays. Alexis started to moan more often, the sign she was ever more turned on and getting closer to an orgasm. When I started to move my hips to meet her thrusts, she met my eyes and smirked.

"Harder," I whispered.

She kissed me again before she really started to drive her cock into me. "I love you," she whispered, "Hear that a lot now?"

"Yeah," I said softly, "It's a little weird because we're indoctrinated about monogamy by you know who."

"We did tell you, Benji. Soon as you turned eighteen and were sexually active, we were going to come out of the woodwork. I want to be your futawife eventually. Look after us, we'll look after you."

"I need a job first."

She kissed me again before lowering her lips close to my ear. "There are other ways to look after us," she breathed before she really started to pound me, earning a couple of grunts, to her satisfaction as she giggled into my ear, "This is definitely the best way to look after us. A tight little arse for us to enjoy."

I enjoyed every second until she came inside me, and still enjoyed it when she left her cock buried until she needed to relax next to me. Turning onto our sides, I rested a hand at her hip, running up and down her torso. She was a little sleepy, figuring it was one hell of an orgasm. The evidence was dribbling out of me too.

Fifteen minutes later, she had me head down on a pillow, arse slightly up in the air, her hands at my sides as she pumped her cock into me. We'd made love, now it was a nice, hard fuck, the sort where she wanted me whimpering, groaning, grunting, begging and pleading for more. Her thick girlcock was slamming into me, amazed at how I could now take such a thick shaft into me almost without problem nowadays. Alexis was very complimentary though stated I was as tight as ever. I joked, stating if it ever wasn't, I'd ensure I was made nice and tight again.

Running her hands down to my shoulders, feeling her lean forward and force my arse lower, driving her cock into me even more, she had me almost whimpering. Not because it hurt but it felt so fucking good. She knew it too, leaning down and whispering incredibly dirty things into my ear, most of which I'd have readily agreed to. Particularly when she suggested that, after university, instead of going out to work, I'd be kept around as the house boy to please all of my futawives.

To be honest, part of me actually loved the idea.

Being fucked like that for an hour is an endurance event, particularly when your lover has stamina and has no need to cum just yet. The sheet underneath us was now soaked from both sweat and cum, but I didn't care. I just needed to feel Alexis cum inside me again.

"I'm tired now, Benji. Cum again, then shower and sleep?"

"Okay, sweetie."

I was surprised when she lifted me up so I sat backwards on her lap, but it felt fantastic, though didn't last long until she groaned into my ear and erupted. Holding me tightly, I rested my head back against her body, feeling her hard nipples pressing into my back. Asking if I needed to cum, I said I wasn't sure, so she kept fucking me while stroking my cock at the same time, which was hard.

I did need to cum again. And we did need to change the sheets.

Doing that first, we headed off to the shower, hearing no noise from Jade's room, so figured they were all asleep in there. Alexis and I kissed and cuddled in the shower until we felt clean. Returning to my bedroom, we snuggled again, talking about nothing in particular but not wanting to sleep until we both passed out at the same time.

I was woken up by Jade the next morning in a very sweet way, her phone in hand as she took a photo of Alexis and I snuggled up together. She woke up and immediately asked for the photo to be sent to her phone. "Mum's in the kitchen making the usual Sunday breakfast," Jade announced.

"Okay, down in a minute," I replied after yawning.

Thankfully, Alexis had left her bag in my room, throwing on a crop top and very short shorts, hugging her arse absolutely perfectly, while I just put on shorts as it was already too warm to wear a shirt. Wandering downstairs, everyone else was already awake. Mum had a continuous grin on her face that had most of us chuckling. "Good night, Mum?" I finally asked.

"I've got to admit, I'm impressed that you can take all eleven of Sandra's inches, sweetheart," she replied, "Because, fucking hell, I could take it in my butt in the end, but if what I'm told is true..."

"Sandra, maybe we should film one of our play sessions?"

"You'd do that for us and them?" Sandra asked.

"Of course."

Her face lit up, reaching across the table to squeeze my hand. "Next time we're together, I'd like something a little more loving. We'll play again after Christmas and the New Year. How does that sound?"


It was weird being a Sunday without anything to do. With school over and exams completed, I now had to wait until I received my exam scores before I chose my university, but other than that, I could either find a part-time job to make cash, or just spend some time relaxing before I started classes next year. It wasn't a surprise that both Caroline and Mum knew I needed some cash so set me up for an interview for a job the next day, for three days a week, a simple data entry clerk position, but it would at least keep me occupied.

Bailey returned home by lunchtime with Vanessa in tow. Alexis didn't want to go home, Veronica and Chantelle remaining, so we adjourned too sit outside in the shade. Finding myself sat between Alexis and Vanessa, amused when Caroline wandered our holding two pitchers of cocktails, I did wonder what was going to happen.

"How was last night?" Vanessa asked Alexis.

"Wonderful," she replied softly.

"He's so generous, isn't he?"

"I am sitting here, you know!" I said, chuckling to myself.

"Take compliments when you get them, Benji," Jade suggested.

"Anything I do is to make both of us happy."

"Can you make love to me?" Vanessa asked, I think blurting out, "But I want Bailey there too, as I want to see you two make love."

Alexis bumped my shoulder. "Sounds like you have a threesome in store, Benji."

Wrapping an arm around Vanessa, I asked, "Are you sure?"

"Bailey was telling us all about it last night. Do you mind?" Shaking my head, she continued, "I do prefer making love to you, but I've always wanted to feel you inside me too. I have a pussy that needs your cock, Benji."

I couldn't help glance at Jade as I knew she hated to go more than one night without my presence next to her, but I think we both knew that, as things developed, it would change. Thankfully, she leant across the table and took my hand in hers. "Make love to your best friend tonight, Benji. I'll be fine."

"I'll come sleep with you afterwards," Bailey offered, "Vanessa will obviously stay with him."

Jade smiled. "Thank you. I'd like that too."

Mum poked her head out the door. "Alexis, Veronica, Chantelle, will you be staying for dinner?"

Alexis kissed my cheek. "Want me to stay longer?"

"I'd love that."

"Okay, so we have some guests." Mum turned back to look into the house. "Sandra, you staying too?" I didn't hear a reply, but Mum did look back in my direction. "I think she's going to be a regular visitor from now on."

"Well, it's not like she's your teacher anymore," Jade suggested, "Though you now have one definite mature lover, Benji, sharing with Mum and Caroline, I think."

"And a lot of young futagirls to play with," Vanessa added, taking my right hand and placing it over her skirt, "And you can always play with me, Benji."

Moving under her skirt, I brushed against her quickly stiffening girlcock, helping taking it out from inside her panties. She moaned softly and kissed me before lifting up her skirt to completely free it. Without hesitation, I leaned down to take the shaft in my mouth. She moaned against, hearing a few giggles, as I wasted no time giving my girlfriend a sloppy blowjob.

To get comfortable, I stopped for a moment and stood up, stepping out of the table as Vanessa turned around. Dropping back to my knees, I kissed her again before I resumed my blowjob. "Oh fuck," she murmured, "Going to cum really quick, Benji."

Looking up into her eyes, I certainly wasn't going to complain about exciting my girlfriend so much. She let me take completely control, pleased whenever my nose bumping into her groin, feeling her cock throb from the excitement. Bobbing up and down faster and faster, ensuring my lips were tight around her shaft, I could almost sense when she was on the verge of erupting.

"Benji!" she cried out before I felt that first spurt of delicious cum. She must have been excited, as each one that erupted into my mouth was rapid, and I found myself struggling to cope with swallowing it all. But I'm a trooper when needed, and only kept the last couple in my mouth, sitting back and showing it to everyone before swallowing.

"Okay, I'm going to call myself a cumslut because, fucking hell, I do love swallowing all of yours."

While I would have happily sat there and blown everyone at the table, Jade told me to sit back down and relax. Whatever big Aunt wants... Alexa kissed my cheek and said she loved watching me do that, a reminder of our night before. I told her that I'd do it for her whenever she could visit, and I was more than capable of visiting her for a night. In fact, I could visit anyone, but I added that I'd always have to think about Jade at the same time.

The smile she returned warmed my heart. So did everyone else, as they knew how important Jade was to me. She was my first, my best friend, and would always be one of the loves of my life.

After dinner, Alexis, Veronica, Chantelle and Sandra did leave for home, the latter still had lessons for another couple of weeks, the former three just heading home as they all had work having finished their studies for the years. Sandra was last to leave, walking with her to her car. Hugging each other tightly was nice.

"Your mother has invited me around for Christmas," she said.

"I was actually going to ask you. Got in before me, it seems." Meeting her eyes, I added, "I'm not sure what Mum has said, but as far as I'm concerned, you can come visit anytime you want, Sandra. You're no longer my teacher, so in no position of authority..."

"Except when you like it," she said softly.

"I know I'm young, but I'd like us to be both good friends but also lovers... Maybe more later?"

That earned a soft caress of my cheek. "Mature beyond your years, Benji. Sure you're only eighteen?"

"I am. But I'm beginning to learn what I want." Taking her hand, I added softly, "What I've learned is that I watched you for a long time, Sandra, as much as you watched me mature. I want you in my life for a long time to come."

"I'd like that too," she replied before giving me one hell of a kiss that, I think, left both of us nursing erections. Then we hugged, neither of us really wanting to let go. "I know you might be busy, but you know where I live. Just give me a call and..."

Leaning back, I smiled. "I want to take you on a date, Sandra. I need to do that with all my girlfriends, but I'd like to take you out. Think of all the jealous stares that a beautiful futagirl like you has someone young like me on their arm. The only problem is I don't have a lot of money. But hopefully the interview..."

"I can pay. Just being out with you would be enough."

"Then it's sorted. If not before Christmas, definitely afterwards."

One last kiss was shared before she got into her car, tooting the horn and waving as she pulled away. Walking back inside, Bailey and Vanessa were on the couch, taking a seat between them. I assumed Mum and Caroline has already gone to bed, Jade was in her room. So I suggested we head to my bedroom.

Jade was in her bedroom, naked and stroking her girlcock. She glanced my way and smiled. "I'm emptying myself a couple of times so I don't bother Bailey when she joins me later," she said, giggling away.

"Benji wouldn't mind if you did, would you?" Bailey asked me.

"God no. The only thing I'd want is video!"

Thankfully, the pair saw the humour, Jade resuming her masturbating, blowing me a kiss before telling me to take care of my girlfriend. Vanesa and Bailey took a hand each as we entered my bedroom, closing the door and immediately disrobing, Vanessa pressing into my body, her excitement obvious, Bailey cuddling me from behind, kissing my neck as I kissed Vanessa.

Moving towards the bed, Vanessa sat down first, shuffling back so she was lying flat, Bailey moving so she was lying next to her. Glancing between them both, Bailey put my mind at ease. "I'm just watching, Benji. This isn't a threesome tonight. Maybe another night, Ness?"

"Not maybe. Definitely." She paused before asking, "Benji, do you need a blowjob so you'll last longer in my pussy? Bailey and I..."

"You know I'll cum really quickly!"

"Good. That means longer of your cock in my pussy."

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Bailey and Vanessa smiled up at me before they started to tease me, licking up and down my shaft, giving my balls some attention, before they alternated taking my length in their mouth. Being blown by one futagirl is a pleasure. Being blown by two is something I thought I'd only ever see in porn. Both constantly looked up and smiled, and I knew it was because I was happy too.

We loved each other.

There must have been some sort of unspoken agreement as Bailey eventually took over blowing me entirely, Vanessa moving up to sit next to me, wrapping an arm around the waist of each other. Bailey was enthusiastic and almost desperate for my cum, running my fingers through her black hair, her gorgeous blue eyes gazing up into mine.

"Cum in her mouth, Benji," Vanessa breathed into my mouth, "Cum in her mouth, then you can cum in my pussy later. I hope more than once."

I felt a shudder go down my spine, Bailey's head bobbing faster and faster. Her one desire in that moment was for me to orgasm. "Fuck," I grunted.

"That's it, Benji," Vanessa breathed, "Give her what she wants. Give her what she needs. She needs it. She desires it. She loves you, as do I."

Groaning, Bailey prepared herself for the inevitable explosion. Gripping her hair, she glanced up when feeling that first blast into her mouth, the smile in her eyes evident as we heard her gulp down each spurt of cum. I didn't cum anywhere near as much as any futanari, but it still felt like one hell of an orgasm. Bailey kept sucking me until I started to go soft, her tongue cleaning me up nice before she sat back on her knees.

"Do you want me to stay, Ness?"

Vanessa leaned forward, kissing our friend on the lips. "You're not going anywhere. And if Benji has enough in him, once he's fill my pussy a couple of times..."

Bailey's face lit up in a grin. "You wouldn't mind?"

"Of course not. You're my friend, and we share." She then turned to me. "When are you going to finally be with Chloe and Georgie? They're desperate to fuck you."

Shrugging, I admitted I didn't know. "I'll send them a text this week, but if I do end up working, we'll have to figure something out. Trust me, I want them just as much in return."

"Good." Vanessa smiled before she lay back on the bed. "Give my girlcock a little attention to get yourself hard, then I want your cock where I've wanted it for a long time."

Bailey lay on her side next to Vanessa as I positioned myself between her legs, though I kissed up her body until I could kiss her properly. Earned another one of those smiles I'd always loved seeing on her face before I gave those delectable breasts of her attention. Earned a few moans, Jade having told me that the breasts of futanari were always incredibly sensitive when turned on. As I focused on those, I spat in my hand and started to stroke her girlcock.

"Oh baby, you know how to treat a futagirl," she whispered.

"I know I'm a very lucky man, Ness."

Taking her girlcock in my mouth earned a soft moan, and no surprise just having that in my mouth had my own cock hard as steel within a minute. Bailey noticed, giggling away. "Love watching you get hard for us, Benji," she said.

"Now, Benji," Vanessa whispered, "Slide inside me now. I'll stroke myself while we make love."

Positioning myself properly, I kissed her again as I carefully slid my cock inside her. Fuck, she was as tight if not even tighter than Bailey. Unlike girls, futanari didn't have a barrier to break on their first time, but I still had to be slow and gentle as Vanessa had rarely touched her pussy. Like all futanari, their physical enjoyment came from their girlcocks.

Buried all the way, Vanessa couldn't stop smiling. "Finally," she whispered, kissing me softly again, "I've wanted this for so long." Holding out an arm, Bailey snuggled in closer. "Thank you for being here too. Now, Benji, make love to me, but be gentle. Got to break in this pussy first."

Lifting her legs back had me raising eyebrows as she poured some lube into her hand and started to stroke her girlcock. Raising an eyebrow at me, I started to gently thrust into her, earning some soft moans immediately. "Fuck," I grunted.

"You like it?"

"Ness, you know I love it when you fuck me, but wow, your pussy is... fantastic."

"Well, it's yours whenever you want it, though you know I love fucking you in return too."

Though I savoured the feeling of her tight, warm pussy around my cock, I spent my entire time looking at the reactions on her face. There was a half-grin that never faded, only disappearing when I leaned down to kiss her, immediately reappearing once our eyes met again. I could feel her stroking herself between us, keeping our bodies apart enough that she was comfortable to do it.

"Oh fuck!" she cried, "Faster, Benji, I'm going to cum!"

Thrusting into her faster felt even better, her pussy incredibly accommodating, though I did wonder if I would hurt her a little bit. But her face was one of utter bliss, glancing down to see her hand almost a blur as she pumped her girlcock. Warning me she was about to cum, I made sure I looked at her face, the utter bliss that appeared when she enjoyed her orgasm. Her entire body shuddered, feeling her long legs wrap around me, glancing to see her chest and breasts covered in cum, needing a kiss from me once she'd removed her hand from her girlcock.

"Cum in me now," she whimpered, "Please cum in me."

"Okay, gorgeous."

Feeling her fingers press into my back, I started to fuck her harder. She urged me on, as did Bailey, who was almost my cheerleader, telling me to fuck my girlfriend, fuck her harder, faster, fill her with my cum, and I'd better recharge quickly, as I needed to fill her again at least once, and that she was going to get at least one load in her pussy before I was done.

Glad I was no longer at school.

"Oh fuck," I groaned, really driving my cock into her, Vanessa begging me to keep fucking her but she was desperate for my cum. She got the second thing, feeling my orgasm start at my toes before it seemed to tear through my body, erupting inside her. God knows how many times I fired before I finally collapsed on top of her.

Her fingers caressed my back as I tried to catch my breath. "Perfect," she whispered, "Now you're definitely ours, Benji." I think I murmured something that agreed, but my mind was a bit of a frazzle in that moment. I made to pull out, but I heard her move a hand to my arse. "Not yet, Benji. Stay in me until you're soft."

Took me longer than I expected to go completely soft, but when I did, I rolled off into between Bailey and Vanessa, both cuddling into me, their hands caressing my chest. Bailey's fingers wasted no time caressing my cock, earning a chuckle. "Sweetie, it's going to take a few minutes, even if you blew me right now," I admitted, "I've cum twice in a short time. I know I'm young but even I have limits."

To pass the time, I moved to sit on my knees between Vanessa's legs and started to clean up her chest. Once her chest was mostly clear, I moved down to her girlcock, no surprise it was already hard, taking it in my mouth and giving her a slow blowjob. Bailey shuffled across, seeing how eager she was for the same, so I alternated between both of them.

"Make her cum," Vanessa said, "I'm only going to cum with you in me tonight, but keep sucking me a little longer."

So I did that, giving Vanessa attention until she asked me to stop, moving over to take Bailey's thick girlcock in my mouth, immediately feeling her fingers in my hair as I was quickly bobbing up and down on her shaft. Giving her rosebud some attention, Bailey asked softly for me to slide a couple of fingers inside her. Vanessa passed me the lube, and Bailey had what she wanted a couple of minutes later.

Head bobbing up and down on her cock and two fingers up her bum, Bailey was soon writhing away, moving her hips in time with how my head was moving. Glancing up, Vanessa was lying on her side, turning Bailey's head so the two could kiss.

My cock. Immediately hard. What's the hardest substance on Earth? My cock was harder.

Both glanced at me and smiled. "I think he liked that," Bailey said, giggling away.

Sliding another finger inside Bailey provoked the reaction I wanted, both her hands moving to my head as she started to pump my face. Moving just enough she could do that and I could really finger fuck her arse, no wonder she absolutely exploded in my mouth. It was such a powerful orgasm, I simply couldn't swallow everything. "Oh my fucking god!" she almost screamed.

Jade probably thought I was killing the poor futagirl.

Vanessa giggled as Bailey practically passed out, taking her girlcock from my mouth, gently cleaning her up, before leaving soft kisses up her body until I was looking at her face. I waited until her eyes fluttered open, the smile forming immediately. "I love you, Benji," she said softly.

"I love you too, gorgeous."

"Okay, on your back, Benji," Vanessa said, "I'm riding your cock right now."

Feeling her slide down my cock was an exquisite feeling, and once she was comfortable and riding me, watching her big girlcock flop around was mesmerising. She was rather excited, eventually stroking herself at the same time. I kept my hands at her hips to keep her balanced as she wanted to stay in that position until she'd cum, then she'd lean forward so I could fuck her.

Bailey was watching with interest, cuddling into my side, occasionally kissing my cheek, otherwise resting her head on my shoulder. Vanessa felt wonderful, her pussy leaking some of my cum, but considering I was always leaking cum, or so it seems, it didn't bother me. Watching Vanessa stroke herself was one hell of a distraction, and with her bouncing away on my dick, she was getting ever more turned on with each passing minute.

"Benji," she moaned, "I love your cock."

"Um... thanks..."

Bailey giggled. "You're always complimenting us, Benji. Yours feels wonderful inside us in return."

"It's not weird, I'm just not used to it. I always hear compliments about my butt!"

They both giggled as they knew I was right. Then Vanessa warned me she was about to cum... and then she did. Her first two spurts landed on my face, Bailey creased with laughter as it was a surprise, the rest landing on my chest, Vanessa stopping with my cock buried inside her, taking a few moments before leaning forward to kiss me.

"Damn, that was a good cumshot. Want me to clean it off?" Nodding, I felt her tongue clean up my face before she kissed me. "Okay, baby, time for you to fuck me again." Resting my hands on her arse, she raised an eyebrow. "Oooh, am I getting it nice and hard now? Going to destroy my tight, little futagirl pussy?"

"Fucking hell, Ness," I replied with a chuckle.

"I want you to fill my pussy with cum again, Benji. As much cum as possible."

Having cum twice, I lasted longer than I think Vanessa anticipated. She never complained, that constant half-grin on her face, constantly kissing me when she wanted or needed to. I loved the little moans and squeaks she made, and was delighted when she moved her hips to mine, almost fucking each other, or so it felt like.

We were both glistening with sweat by the time I came inside her again, and to be honest, I knew I didn't have much left in me, more energy rather than the possibility of climaxing. I could do that again, though I knew I'd probably last far too long so that it would end up feeling uncomfortable.

Sliding off my lap, we lay back in silence, just catching our breath. Bailey was still snuggled into my side and I heard her whisper, "If you're tired, we have tomorrow, the day after, the day after..."

"You sure? Not disappointed?"

"We've made love ready, Benji, and it will happen again. It's been a long night."

"We should probably shower."

Vanessa and I were out of it, Bailey giggling away as the three of us washed ourselves down. Opening the door to Jade's room, she was in bed though wasn't asleep. Bailey skipped across the room to join her, while I gave my Aunt a hug and kiss, Vanessa doing the same.

"Goodnight," I whispered, "I love you. Both of you."

"Love you too," Jade and Bailey replied in unison.

Back in my room, Vanessa insisted on being the little spoon this time. I didn't mind, enjoying the feeling of holding one of my best friends in my arms. What I didn't expect, once I'd turned out the lights and we were comfortable, was the slight shaking and I knew she was crying. Asking what was wrong, she assured me that it was simply because she'd never felt so close to anyone.

Being woken by Mum the next morning caught me be surprise, having completely forgotten she was driving me to an interview. Vanessa was still fast asleep, so I woke her up with a soft kiss, mentioning what was going on, but she was more than welcome to stay in bed or join Jade and Bailey. Jade worked but only later in the day, five days a week in the afternoon and early evening.

Vanessa got up and disappeared as I showered and dressed, joining Mum and Caroline downstairs. Caroline left first, only leaving after giving me one hell of a steamy kiss, her tongue almost down my throat at one time. Left me blushing brightly as she stroked my cheek. "Needed to do that, cutie," she said, "I'm hoping we'll have some time together soon."

"Of course. It's just, you know..."

"Are you hitting on my son, lover?"

"Yes. Yes, I am."

"Good." I watched on as my parents shared a passionate kiss. "I'll see you tonight."

"Love you, Cathy."

"Love you back, Caroline."

I couldn't help smile. They were as in love today as they were the day Caroline was introduced to my Aunt and I. Watching her depart, Mum sat next to me, patting my thigh. "You're in a good mood, Mum."

I was surprised when she leaned forward, a hand on the back of my head, as she kissed me just like Caroline had. I ended up on her lap within a couple of seconds, wondering what was going on, but I would worry about it later, focusing on kissing my mother like a lover. Which, to be honest, she also was.

"What's going on, Mum?" I asked.

"Nothing, sweetie. Just needed a little loving from my son."

"You sure? I know we haven't..."

A finger ended up on my lips immediately. "Hush now. Yes, we've made love, but your future is with your girlfriends, Aunt... and even Sandra. All I want is you to be happy."

"I am, Mum. I can't remember a time I've felt this good." She smiled at me. "You're still beautiful, Mum."

"If we had time, I'd take you upstairs, but we need to go."

Finishing my coffee, I quickly brushed my teeth, check I looked okay in the mirror, grabbed my bag, and met Mum in the living room. She looked me up and down, wiping down my shirt with a hand. Don't think there was anything wrong with it, I think she just wanted that connection. "Want to kiss me again?" I asked.

She smiled again, shook her head, but took my hand and led me towards her car. We were around ten minutes away from the house, still holding my hand, when she pulled the car into a car park. Switch off the ignition, she turned to me and I was surprised to see she was nervous. "Sweetheart, I have a confession to make about what you're interviewing today."


Taking a deep breath, she leaned over to kiss me again. A soft kiss that express a mother's love for her son, caressing my cheek as she gazed into my eyes. "I love you, Benji." That made me raise my eyebrows. She rarely called me that. "You'll always be my little boy, but you're also now a man. Can you just listen for the next thirty seconds before saying anything."

"Of course, Mum, though you're now worrying me."

"The interview today isn't for a data entry position." She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "It's a job I think you'll find far more interesting and exciting, and just perfect for you, considering the past couple of months. The person who runs the place is a dear friend of mine. You'll interview with her. And, trust me on this one, the money will be fantastic."

"So what will I be doing?"

"A euphemistic term would be to say an entertainer." She paused again, her hand stroking my thigh. "Sweetie, you enjoy having sex, right?"

"Mum, I think we can say that I love having sex."

"With futanari?"

"Definitely." I paused before asking, "Mum, am I going to interview for what I think you're saying?"

"Yes, sweetie. You're eighteen. Incredibly cute. A willing bottom who loves sex. You have a kind heart, and you make anyone you meet feel special. Even your best three male friends absolutely adore you. Platonically, but they would do anything for you, Benji."

"So I'd be getting paid for sex?"

"Would that bother you?"

"Who else knows?"

"Caroline, Sandra and Jade. I told them to get their advice. Your girlfriends don't know yet. It's up to you to tell them or not. I don't think they'd mind, to be honest. They share you anyway." I turned and looked out the windscreen, giving it some thought. "Why don't you just talk to her, hear what she has to say, all the conditions of employment, and just go from there? If you don't want to do it, I'll get you a job where I work. There's a couple of positions you can fill."

I was silent for a little longer. "Your friend runs this place?"

"Yes. She was someone I went to school with. I put trust in her to ensure you're looked after. Sweetie, she'll take one look at you and give you a job." I actually felt my cheeks grow warm. Mum knew how to make me feel good. Her hand squeezed my thigh. "I know it's a big decision, baby."

"Let's go."

"Really?" she asked, hearing excitement in her tone.

"Of course, Mum. If you trust her then I'm willing to hear her out. And, as you said, I love having sex. It's only going to be a temporary role. There's no shame in this sort of work. I'll get enjoyment out of it, the client will too. I will have to tell my girlfriends though, but I have a feeling they won't mind."

Mum started up the car and we resumed our journey. "What's her name?"

"Isabella. She's beautiful, sweetie. And she's going to absolutely adore you in return."