THE ODD FUTA HOTEL PT. 01 By weirdfantasies89

I live in Clearwood, a small town deep in the woods. Nearby is a haunted sight. The Berry Hotel, old and abandoned, or so they say.

The Berry Hotel was run by a woman named Delilah Lafferty, descended from aristocratic family line that dabbled in strange and odd rituals. The Berry Hotel was a popular destination, known internationally! The reason being, many futas from across the globe could go there and enjoy lavish luxuries they could only dream of. Drugs, booze, and not to mention copious sex slaves. It was for the rich and poor alike, anybody could come and visit The Berry.

The staff of The Berry Hotel would regularly kidnap young men and sometimes women from Clearwood, usually 21 to 30. Some would post fake job interviews, some would stalk potential targets at bars, some would simply grab them off the street. The hotel was a plague on the town and long shunned by its citizens.

Delilah ran a shady operation out of her fake hotel, posing it as legitimate business, but everybody knew what was really going on there. One day, about twenty years ago, the hotel closed down after their scheme was busted by federal police. However, the day of demolition never came, and the doors never seemed to open again. Nobody ever saw anybody leave the hotel despite its lights off and its doors locked.

Some say on a late night you can see the hotel lit up like it once was. Some say if you enter those doors, you can never leave again...


My name is Jamie, I'm a 23 year old graduate visiting my hometown. My friend since elementary, Rob, was visiting with me. We were joined at the hip, our mothers like to say at least. We had always been best friends, there wasn't a day we were apart, we literally went to the same college together.

We were both a hit with the women too, futa or not. Rob and I were blessed with good bodies and effeminate features. I was always going for a punk aesthetic, long curly hair, leather jacket, plaid pants, big boots, etc. It didn't clash well with my clear skin, delicate nose, and plush lips. Rob wasn't too far off from me, he liked dressing like a normie though, white tee and tight pants. He had cut black hair that he took care of, it was silky and straight.

We had gotten back home after graduating to visit our parents and say farewell, life in the city was waiting for us and we were going to carve out our future together.

One night Rob and I were finishing up our drinks at the local pub and were walking back home. In the dead of night we saw the looming forest.

"Rob... you wanna check out the woods like we used to? We can see the old fort, see if there's anything still left."

"Man, the fort? I think most of it's probably gone..."

"Yeah, but like, we're probably not coming back here man."

"Eh... yeah fuck it, let's go."

Rob and I made our way up the old forest path we used to take. The forest was completely safe, rangers patrolled it regularly for bears and other creatures.

We silently walked the path until we got to our old fort. Scraps of old blanket and mushy cardboard all that remained.

It wasn't sad for us though, we laughed about all the times we shared in the fort. Talking about girls, plotting revenge on bullies, etc.

We stood there silently another minute.

"Jamie... we have to check it out before we leave town."

"Fuck no man."

"Come ooooon. Just once? You afraid of ghosts?"

"Hell yeah I am, that place isn't right, I'm not about to become a sex slave either for some weird ass occult ritual Delilah Lafferty has planned for me."

"You believe the stories?"

"You don't? We grew up in the same town right?"

"Come on dude, it's all BS. It was a bunch of rich perverted futas running a sex trade, that's it. Lafferty got shot by the cops, and the place was shut down. Only reason they don't demolish it is because the banks want it up for some reason."

"Don't care."

"Pleeeeeeease! PLEEEEEEASE! Dude it will be 5 minutes and then we'll leave, we have to say we did it before we died. Come on man."

I sighed.


"YES DUDE! LET'S GO! Come on I know the way it's just over the hill."

We walked and walked another 10 minutes before we got over the ridge.

I shuttered at the sight of it. Quarantined off with chain-link and yellow tape. The derelict building stood before us. It's windows boarded and nailed. The building was blackened and peeled. An empty parking lot, and empty premises. It was haunting to look at, but equally monolithic. The hotel was 25 stories tall, and wider than a casino.

"Wooof, there it is Jamie, look at that thing."

"We got close enough, can we go?"

"You dare me to go in?"

"NO! Let's GO!"

"Fuck it dude I'm getting closer."

"No! Rob! Godamnit-"

He sprinted down the hill before I could catch him. I ran after.

He was pacing around the fence looking for a way in, despite my whining and moaning, he didn't listen.

He found a dugout in the ground, somewhere a fox or dog had buried their way in. He lifted the fence and crawled underneath.

Before I could protest... KRACK-KOOM! Lightning struck and rain poured.

"FUCK!" I yelled, "DAMNIT! ROB WAIT UP!"


I ran after him, we made out way to the front entrance, the thick concrete creating a dry pocket in the middle of the storm.

"Why the fuck did I let you talk me into this?!"

"Oh come on dude, we'll leave right after the storm clears."

"Bro who knows how long that could be!"

"Alright alright chill. Let's just- hm... you smell that?"


"That smell. Something smells really good..."

"Rob I don't smell anything man. You're having a stroke."

"No way. For real dude, I gotta know what that is."

"Rob! Do not go inside there, now I'm serious, I'll fucking leave you here if you don't cut this shit out!"

"Leave then bro! Damn!" Rob snapped, hand on the door.

The door opened with an ominous creeeaaaaaaak~

I stammered at the yawning darkness that awaited inside.

"Jesus it's definitely coming from in here. Hold on here dude I just wanna check it out real fast."

"R-rob, come on dude..."

"I said go man! I'll be 5 minutes, wait around if you want to but I gotta know what that is..."

Before I could say anything else, he disappeared into the darkness.

"Rob!" I whispered, I looked around me, all quiet minus the rain and thunder. The isolation began to set in. Panic began to grip me.

I sat and curled up, legs into my chest. I waited for Rob.

I waited.

I waited.

Almost 45 minutes passed before I texted him.

I waited again.

An hour passed.

I stood. I swallowed, and took a deep breath.

I stepped inside the darkness and held my arms out in front of me. I felt nothing. It was like I was passing through a void.

I walked for another minute before I saw a golden ray of light shining out of a hallway to the left.

I picked up the pace and hugged the wall. I peered around the corner and saw something truly shocking.

It was a grand lobby, a golden chandelier with a 30 foot ceiling. Red carpets. Ornate rugs. Well-polished tables. Fine furniture with flowery patterns. In the middle sat a front desk seemingly unattended. The desk was made of solid gold. Behind it sat a display of fine palm plants and exotic flowers. A massive running fountain behind it.

What the fuck?

Weirder yet, an oddly pleasant scent wafted towards me, this is what he was talking about. It was intoxicating, luring me further in. My legs moved on their own as I stepped around the corner and followed the scent. It was like the finest perfume spritzed on fresh baked bread. It was warm and inviting.

I stepped into the lobby, dwarfed by the size of the hotel. I looked up, walking past the plants and desk. The ceiling went on and on forever, I couldn't see the top of the hotel. It was an endless series of floors in this open floorplan.

I paused, and snapped out of my hypnosis, realizing how much in awe I truly was. This was place was abandoned! Why does it look like it's been cleaned and in constant repair?

Then the panic rose, realizing the implications. Could the stories be true?

My question was answered with the sound of a door opening and the clacking of heels.

I looked and saw a woman exiting a solid gold door.

She was 8 feet tall. Dwarfing me in her size. She had a messy bun. She was around 30 from the looks of it. Her eyes were a dark brown. She wore smart spectacles that sat on the end of her straight and long nose. Her laugh lines were deep and her lips nice and plump. She had a little weight on her too, clearly more from age than anything. She was busty though, really busty. I could see how big her breasts and ass were through her smart outfit, it seemed way too tight on her when she moved.

She was dressed in a black pinstriped blazer with a white button-up shirt. A black miniskirt with black leggings that showed off her thick and plump thighs. Her heels were bright red. Around her neck was a silver necklace with an odd latin circle inscribed in it.

As she came towards me, she got a few feet away before looking down at me with a serious look in her eye.

"May I help you?" She said, husky and low.

I stammered.

"No solicitors sir. We'll have to ask you to leave if you don't plan on staying."

"I... I... sorry I'm looking for my friend... Rob... he came through not too long ago?"

"Rob?... ah, that was quite some time ago. He's settling in well."


"He's entertaining valued guests currently, would you like to see him?"

"S-sure. Thank you."

"Mm. Manners, good. You'll settle in nicely here too. We like well-behaved boys."

"Uh... cool..."

"Right this way."

She turned and led me to the door she came out of. I asked a few questions with short answers in response.

"So... I thought this place was closed."

"Certainly not!"

"Oh. So how did this place stay open? I thought the cops shut it down."

"They tried. I had other plans however. Now the hotel is endless, a personal heaven for those who choose to stay."

"Ah." I said, brief. Very confused.

She led me down a series of narrow hallways with white and red hallways with floral pattern on the walls. Down the end of the hall I heard muffled... screaming?

"Everything okay in there?"

"Of course. It's a common sound here."

"What... what are they doing?"

"Your friend is entertaining guests, I already told you."

"Is HE okay?"

"Better than okay. He's found his purpose."

She walked ahead and held the door open for me, gesturing me inside. Waiting for me. The door released the sounds of... good god were they fucking in there? How many women were in there? It was a choir of sex moans in there.

Concerned I turned into the door frame. The woman stepped behind me and immediately put her hands on my shoulders, making sure I didn't turn away or run from the horror show in front of me...


"Like that?! Like that? Huh?! Fuck yeeeeesss!"


"His pussy just doesn't get any looser does it?!"

"Keep fucking him Lara! Just like that! Look at him squirm!"

I watched my friend, naked, hair matted, covered in sweat and cum. Surrounding him were multiple futa women, clearly older, huge asses and massive breasts. The sweat and moisture hitting me all at once. Each of them equipped with a massive dick between their legs. My friend was on top of one pudgy futa, and was having his ass split between another skinnier futa who was behind him. A hairy futa was jamming her cock in his cheek over and over, skewing his head back and forth with her massive hand. The other five or six futa were in the background, lazily jacking themselves off. They were eating him alive. I went pale at the sight.

Fuck, gonna cum again, swallow it boy." The hairy futa said calmly as she rocketed her cock ravenously forward like a piston and spewed cum inside his cheek. He eagerly swallowed it while the rest leaked onto his chin. More and more cum spewing inside him and hitting the floor.

"God that was good." She popped her dick out of his mouth.

The other futa under him, and behind him, were still clapping against his ass, dwarfing him with their massive bodies, his poor asshole getting ripped apart as they jammed their two cocks inside of him.

Rob moaned like a girl as they fucked the shit out of him, plapping him back and forth. Rob's eyes hazy looked up at me, confused.

"J-jaimee?..." He rasped, "J-GLMPH!"

"No breaks sweetie, come on now I'm close." Another massive futa came into few and shoved her cock inside his throat. He gagged as she skull fucked him.

The room smelled horrible, piss, cum, sweat, and whatever else coated the room.

The woman behind me dug her hands into my shoulders.

"See? He found his purpose."


"The hotel is still alive and well unfortunately for you and your friend. It's been a while since we've had such fresh and virile pussy in this place. You'll be very popular, you're much cuter than your companion."

An older futa came up to us. She towered over me in length and width. She was older, a little older than the woman behind me. She was completely naked, and was plus-sized. Her tits sagged but were still equally massive, along with her pocketed ass that jiggled when she walked. Her chest heaved. Her hair was curly and short and a shade of light grey.

"Who's this Delilah?" She cooed. Her voice high pitched and regal, like a 20s aristocrat.

...Wait... Delilah?! Oh no! THE Delilah?! The stories were true!?

"New one. He just joined."

"Ah! Delilah you MUST let me have him first! It's been far too long since I've had first taste."

"By all means Lauren. You saw him first after all."

"Mmmmm, I might keep him, that okay?" She asked playfully.

"Of course, do as you wish! He's new however, you might need to break him in."

"That's how I like it Delilah you know that..."

I froze with fear, were they gonna... like Rob???.... Oh god no.

I tried to move my body but it froze in place. Half from the iron grip Delilah had on my shoulders, the other out of raw fear.

Lauren walked over with a baggy of pills. She jammed her thumb in my mouth and held my jaw open. She opened her own mouth and lightly put a pill on her tongue.

Her old pudgy face rocketed towards mine and dove her tongue into my mouth. Her breath rancid as I gagged on her wet and rubbery tongue. Foul spit being force fed down my throat. I felt the pill fall into my stomach. Before I could even panic I felt my body melt. Delilah let go of me. Lauren caught me before I passed out and lifted me up in her arms. Cradling the back of my head as she continued to make out with me. She moaned so loudly into my mouth, exploring my mouth with her tongue, I could hardly breathe. With a trail of spit she pulled out of my mouth.

"Such sweet lips, you taste so good baby, I can't wait to make you mine."

My vision darkened as I looked up at her ugly grin. I passed out soon after.


When I came to, my head throbbed, my senses were dulled. I felt comfortable however, I was lying on soft sheets and linens, better than I'd ever been on.

My eyes, heavy, swayed around the room, getting my bearings.

As I tried to sit up I realized I couldn't move. My legs were free but my arms were chained to the bed posts. Worse yet, I was stripped completely naked.

Confirming that this was in fact not a dream, and this nightmare was real. My jaw ached as I attempted to speak or yell, but realized a gag had been placed in my mouth. My mouth was taped up and inside my mouth was something made of cloth. It tasted weird and slightly salty.

I frantically looked around the room to see if I could loosen the bed posts or anything. I was on a king sized hotel bed with white sheets. The room fully furnished with art deco furniture and red velvet drapes. The wood fine and polished, and the floor clean and cool with a dark green carpet. The bedroom I was in was the size of a studio apartment, vast in its size.

The windows were closed, not an ounce of light coming in, yet the room was not dark, but a gloomy gray certainly, as if the morning light had just come in.

"Okay." I thought, "This is bad. I need to get out of this. I'm not all that strong but maybe if I pull enough... HRGH!"

I grunted and pulled on the chains as hard as I could, I felt my shoulders immediately burn as I struggled, nothing. The bed posts were tough old wood.

I breathed, trying to remain calm, but as I did the panic rose in me again as I heard the door quietly open. Thumping but quiet footsteps muffled by the carpet excitedly stalked their way over to me.

Looming over the bed was Lauren, still completely naked.

"Look who's awake! Your friend got awful dull after a while, I didn't want anyone stealing you either, so I brought you back to my room as soon as I could!"

"Mmmmph!" I screamed through the gag, eyes watering.

"Oh! Silly me, here let me..."

She reached over, two massive fingers, gripping the end of the tape and slowly/painfully pulled the tape off my mouth. I let out a gasp of cool air.

"I need-"

"Ahp!" She raised a finger, sharply cutting me off, "Water first, you've been asleep for hours, you need to hydrate."

She brought over a full glass of water to my mouth and cradled the back of my head. I didn't realize how thirsty I was until I took a swig. I chugged the rest of the glass down with no hesitation.

"Oh my! Look at you go!"

I gasped as she pulled the empty glass away.

"What do you say?"

"Thank... thank you... listen Miss...?"


"Miss Lauren, I-I'm not supposed to be here actually. I just came to get my friend and go. Our parents and friends are going to be looking for us and we won't tell anybody what happened or what we saw-"

"-Oh honey of course you won't! You don't need to worry about people looking for you either. Time works funny in here thanks to Delilah, I doubt they notice you're even missing yet!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you can be here forever and ever and not even a minute will have passed by out there. Why I've been in here for years now and I bet if I walked out those doors now I'd be right back in the year I came here!"

"How... how long was Rob here?"

"Hmmm, might have been almost a year since he wandered in like a lost puppy."

"A year?! I just saw him?!"

"Ahp! Lower your tone honey, I won't have my new boy talk to me in such a way."

"I can't... I don't... how the fuck?"

"Delilah cast a wonderful spell on this place just as our little operation was getting found. Poor thing, you didn't even know paradise was so close to you until now I bet!"


"Of course! This is heaven come true darling. We can fuck, drink, and live lavishly for years and years and not gain a single year of old age! It never gets boring either, Delilah always finds ways to spice things up. Just as I was getting bored with Rob for example, you found your way in and now you're here to brighten my life! God I've always been looking for a perfect sex slave, and I was just giving up, but you... you're perfect."

"Th...thank you..." I needed to get the FUCK out of here! "Could I possibly be let up? I-I'd like a chance to tour the hotel..."

"Oh sweetie of course you can! Later though, I can't have you trying anything or running off. So we're going to break you first."

"B-break me?"

"Yes darling! I need you relying on your new mommy to keep you fed and safe, can't have you thinking about the other sluts in this hotel or god forbid some rancid girl outside. No, you need someone with... experience. Someone mature. Someone like me..."

She groaned and slid her hand down to her comically large dick between her legs. Slowly stroking it as she licked her lips. A fear response pinged in my brain, fear and panic rose in my gut. I had seen futa before, just as any other woman would pass me down the street. Among futa these women were amazons. That thing between her legs could not fit in me. I saw what they did to Rob, I couldn't let them do the same to me!

"I-I don't think I want that ma'am! I think I'd like to leave!"

"That's what they all say..." Her demeanor shifted, hungry, desperate, "Then they stay with us forever..."

"Ma'am please I'm not into this and I really want to leave."

"So you say" She let out a throaty chuckle. Her soft hand began to caress my chest, I shuddered at her touch.

"I think..." Her hand drifted up and down my smooth torso, "I think what I'll do first... I'll jerk off your cute little dick, make you squirm. Then I'll put two fingers in your ass, and then I'll make you cum again...and again... and again... then when you're nice and weak... I'll take you. I'll shove my big cock up this tight little ass and make you mine. Then every day, every minute, you're going to be servicing this perverted old woman. You'll be licking my pits, eating my ass, drinking my cum, whatever I want, whenever I want. I'm going to be doing things to you that you didn't think were possible. Doesn't that sound nice?"

I cringed as she continued to stroke my body up and down. I let out a strained and panicked groan.

"Please ma'am-"

"Quiet." She shut me up, glaring into my soul. "This is happening baby. Accept your fate."

She walked over and slapped the duct tape on my mouth again. I began to struggle viciously. I kicked my legs in the air. She simply smiled at my futility and waited for me to calm down.

Once I slowed down she caught me by the legs, rubbing her massive hands up my thighs, back and forth, her fingers creeping up my waist. Repeating the motion for another minute before sliding her hand up and grabbing my shaft. Enveloping it entirely in just her palm.

I was immobile, her palm was warm and soft, hypnotically stroking it ever so slightly, delicately. I turned my head away from her and shut my eyes. As much as I tried to resist, the pleasure was slowly building. I hadn't gotten laid in months. No matter how scary this was, her handjob couldn't be ignored.

"Mmmm?" She crooned, "Not good enough for you honey?"

I ignored her, putting up whatever resistance I could.

"I'll try a different approach then."

She went to the side table and pulled a bottle of lube. It was slightly pink though, odd color for it.

"What's that?"

"Lube. With a little 'spice' added."

She grinned and poured the entire bottle on my rapidly stiffening cock. She massaged it into my cock, rubbing it under my balls, using both hands to lather me up well. Her soft hands exploring my genitals, coating every inch of me, even sliding a little on my taint.

Suddenly the more she lathered it into my skin, the more my dick started to go numb, along with my balls. My taint even began to get cold.

"What... what's in that?"

"You're starting to feel it aren't you? It's a little aphrodisiac of sorts. Something Delilah whipped up for us..."

She pulled her hands away from my dick. The lube doing it's work. The numbness was replaced with a slight tingle, like my cock was being lightly tickled with the ends of a million feathers.

"It makes you EXTRA sensitive. Just the push you need..." She breathed, "Tell me honey, does this feel good?"

She reached forward and lightly lathered what remained on both my nipples, circling them and fondling them. Her middle and index finger pushing on my areolas. I bit my lower lip, holding back a moan. My hips bucked upwards, my legs went perfectly straight.

"Hmmm? That's good isn't it."

She harshly pinched my nipple, painfully pulling them upwards.

"GAH!" I let out a high pitched squeal. She rolled them between her thumb and index finger. "ST-STOP! PLEASE!"

She let go, letting me drop back on the bed, panting.

"That got a reaction didn't it? Feel good?... how about this?"

She locked her thumb and index finger forming a tight ring around the base of my shaft. Softly pumping it up and down my cock.

"AH! F--FUCK! FUCK!" I shot my hips upward, she giggled at my reaction.

"Good?" She began slowly pumping up and down. It was pure electricity surging through my dick and balls! My legs were writhing in sensitive pleasure. I began shuddering and panting.

"Yeah. I thought so. Now... how about this?"

Her other hand moved to my tip and began swirling her massive palm around and around the helmet of my cock. Teasing and stimulating in all the right spots.

"GUH! OHMYGO- S-S-S-S-STOPP! PLEASE! AUGH!" My arms flailed and fought against the chains, my legs began to kick.

"You know I won't do that honey~ Lie there and take it for me. Come on..." Her fingers squelched and twisted up my shaft, faster now, picking up the pace. Her hand furiously swirling now. She was matching my rising pleasure with expertise. My balls were pounding with my own heartbeat. My toes curled into the sheets.

She got on the bed, weighing it down as she scooted closer to me. Matching my moans and pleas with a low husky moan in response.


She laughed, cackled even, going even faster now. Her palm and fingers dancing on the head of penis, her fingers rapidly working my dick up and down, up and down, *fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap...!*


My hips shot upward, she pulled her palm away and aimed my cock at my own chest. I EXPLODED with cum, too much to bear, I went lightheaded, cross-eyed, my mouth silently screaming with ecstasy. Long hot ropes landing on my chest, even one landing on my face. My arms flexing as I pulled hard on the bindings on my wrists.

"Good boy! There we go! Look at that!" She wrung out the rest of my cum, tightly and painfully pulling on it, letting the rest flow out.

She pulled her hands away, I nearly passed out again right there. My body collapsed and flopped back onto the sheets. My chest heaving up and down.

"I knew you were perfect. Your reactions are just too good... Now then..."

As I lay there panting, drooling, dizzy, I felt her push her hands up my ass and up the back of my thighs, making my pull my knees on either side of my chest. My ass spread.

Shortly after she spread lube right on my asshole, making me perk up in fear.

"W-wait..." I panted.

"This is going to happen either way sweetie, nobody's coming. You may as well give up."

"N-not t-there... AUGH!"

She JAMMED two long fingers right up my well lubed hole, slowly squelching inside of me, going right up into my prostate. It felt like I was going to piss right there. I squirmed underneath here as she rotated her fingers inside me, buried in my ass at the knuckle.

"OOOOOOHHHHG!" I moaned as loud as I could, causing her to only dig her fingers harder into my ass, getting me to seize under her. My mouth fully agape.

"Ooooo, I love that reaction baby, keep it going..." She began to twist her fingertips, driving them harder and harder into me, stabbing and prodding.

Her hand reached up and grabbed the base of my dick, squeezing it tightly.

"Hold still. This is just an appetizer."

She held me up off the sheets by my painfully erect cock.

She began to slowly move her fingers in and out of me, sawing them back and forth, ignoring my wines and groans. She could barely pull her long and thick fingers out, I was so tight, but after of about 5 minutes of stretching she began to twist her fingers in and out of me with ease. It soon became a loud/wet fluid motion of her hand corkscrewing inside my ass. Slowly but with a steady pace and rhythm, making sure I was nice and loose for what came next.

"Look at thaaaaat~" She breathed, "So nice and loose for me, that feel good boy? Hmm?"

"uUUUUUuuuugh! GuuuuuuuuUUUUUh!" I would arc my moans each time she stabbed my prostate, making sure to painfully accentuate each push against it. Firm and slow.

"Yeaaaah I bet it does, it's gonna feel even better later. But for now..." She hilted her wet fingers inside of me, the aphrodisiac coating my insides now, making each hit to my prostate double in sensitivity. With her slick hand she began to slowly jerk me off again. My tip still electric and receiving no break after my last orgasm.

"OH!" I jolted as her palm wrapped around my tip lightly, teasing it, swirling it, then launching down on my shaft again.

No pauses or slowing down this time though, she started twisting my cock at rapid fire pace!


Her fingers still glided in and out of my ass, slowly, much slower than the pace she was jerking me off at.

I struggled against the chains again. Going insane as her thick palms rubbed rapidly against my cock.


"Mmmmmmm~" She moaned, "Feels so gooood, doesn't it? Feel your ass melting yet?"

Exactly as she described, my entire lower body felt as though it was melting into the sheets. The only sensation was the insane electricity building inside me and wrapped around my dick, pumping it up and down. Otherwise my entire waist was simply numb.

I could tell I was close again, and she could do. She hilted her fingers down to the knuckle again. Rubbing my prostate without pulling out. Making my hips fly upwards to get away, only to have her fingers drive up and stab even harder.

She cooed playfully as she ruined me.

"Mmmm? Gonna cuuuum?"


"Mhm~ Mhm~ Cum for me darling, submit."


I exploded once more, more than before somehow, more of it hitting the cum staining my skin already! She roared with laughter, watching me pathetically cum for her again. Continuing to push inside me, as if stabbing my prostate was pushing out the rest of my cum, that spewed softly out of my tip now, like lava flowing down my shaft.

"THAT'S a good boy!" She chortled, "Get it aaallll out..."

I twitched out the rest of my cum, letting it fall. I heaved with exhaustion. Two loads and I was spent.

I jolted as she pulled her fingers out of me with a wet POP!

I fell to the bed, drooling, the aphrodisiac was doing its work too well.

Lauren wiped her hands off and grabbed some more drug from her side table, it was in an old 20s glass vial with a stopper, as if it were fine whiskey.

"Delilah truly is a saint! She procured this herself and mastered the art of brewing with it. Pleasant smell... pleasant feel... and easy to reproduce. The best part though..." She took off the stopper and began to chug half of the bottle with loud gulps. She gasped in satisfaction, as if it were water on a hot day.

"The best part is the taste..."

She began to moan. Suddenly her breasts began to perk slightly, her cock grew painfully erect with a spot of precum forming at the tip. She gave a low but girlish moan, bliss with ecstasy as she grabbed her nipple and pulled on it harshly. She began rubbing her body up and down, turning herself on. She was almost doing a mating dance in front of me as she groaned.

"Fuuuuuuhk, it never gets old..." She groaned, her eyes began to grow bright pink and purple. Her hungry eyes set on me. Fear set on me like nothing I'd felt before. This pudgy old monster now looking more virile than a horny frat boy.

This was it. There was no stopping what was about to happen. No matter how much I struggled. I would have to let this happen... or would I?

At some point after this, she'd have to unchain me, all I'd need to do is play along until I saw an opening. Until then though... good lord... I'd need to endure this...

Heavy footsteps began to thump towards the bed, slowly picking up speed until she launched herself onto the bed and on top of me.

She swung her leg over me, her hands on either side of my head, holding herself up, her saggy tits barely hanging above my chest. Her mouth open, breathing heavily. I turned my eyes away slightly, the intense eye contact burning into me.

"I can't wait. I can't fucking wait to claim you." Her twitching cock was sat atop my chest, crushing my own set of balls and pushing into my stomach, dirty precum leaking into my belly button.

"You ready baby?"

I slightly shook my head.

"That won't do. Let's get you back in the mood."

She yanked the bottle off the side table and put another quarter of liquid into her mouth.

She violently grabbed my cheeks with one hand, pushing my mouth open. Her other long and strong finger prying open my jaw.

She pressed her lips to my pried open mouth and spewed the aphrodisiac right down my throat, force feeding it to me as I choked and sputtered on it. Her hand clasped over my mouth as it began to choke up and out my nose, falling down my throat. The warmed liquid that tasted of cotton candy and sugar. Spat down my throat, and burning in my belly. She squeezed my nose shut too.

"Swallow it. Fucking swallow it you little fuck. All of it!"

I desperately swallowed the rest.

"All of it? You swallow it all?" She breathed, too much aggression in her voice now, desperation and hunger.

I nodded, bracing for the worst.

"Uuuugh, yeaahhh.. you're so fucking sexy... RRRRGH! FUCK! I JUST WANNA- MMPH!" She thrust her face forward, tongue first, keeping my mouth pried open so she could insert it all the way in, tickling the back of my throat. Any trace aphrodisiac in her saliva now mixing with mine as she kissed me with ferocity. Absolutely assaulting my mouth as her massive tongue overpowered mine, giving me barely any room to take in air as she spun it around the inside of my mouth. She coated every inch of my cavity with her hot saliva, making me swallow it. Loudly smacking her thick lips on to mine as her pudgy face contorted around me. The folds of her flesh rubbing against my cheeks. Locking my head in place as she practically screamed and growled into my mouth. Grinding her thick cock against my stomach the whole time, more and more precum leaking onto my chest, copious amounts. I'd not be mistaken to think she was cumming on me right there. The wiry pubes stabbing into my abdomen. Her musk coating my body as her BO wafted into my nostrils. I was in tears, not from pain or fear. In fact the opposite oddly.

The aphrodisiac began taking effect instantly. My whole body grew hot, my muscles loose, my drool began to leak in copious amount and my dick sprang to attention.

Her hands were violently exploring my body, harshly grabbing my nuts, rubbing my skin, pulling my hair back and forth, licking my face as I gasped for air. She squeezed my nipples, making me gape in please.

"Ooooooohg..." I groaned.

She cackled with insanity, "Yess! Yes that's it! It feels good right! You ready baby?!"

She sprang upwards and lifted my legs.

I should have been afraid but somehow my body submitted to her, accepting the position as her huge hands gripped my legs and spread them apart. I still looked away, bracing myself for pain.

"I can't wait anymore! I need you NOW!"

She lined up her massive cock to my hole. Thankfully the drug had a popper-like effect, my hole was loose and my insides were still tingly. What came next was not pain, but a sheer amount of pleasure that could be considered such.


"AUUUGH! OOOH! OOOH! FUUUUHHHK!" I yelled as she hilted her cock inside me with one long stroke.


WHAP! She gave one quick pull out and thrust, SLAMMING her hips against me, rocking my body forward. I screamed with the impact.




She smacked her hips against me with no abandon, there was no warm up, no easing into this. She was already pounding me, fucking the living shit out of me. I was being thrown back and forth as she slammed her hips against me at top speed! The aphrodisiac keeping us both high in the clouds, each stroke of her thick girthy cock sending painful electricity inside of me. My body couldn't handle it, I nearly passed out at the assault on my reddened ass. My mouth was open as I silently screamed, my brain shutting off as pleasure and dopamine flooded my body. I was turned into a toy, a lifeless puppet getting the soul fucked out of me.


She was destroying my ass, even if this drug ever wore off, my ass would never be the same after this, my ass was sloppy and loose, a hole, HER hole now. I was becoming this old fat perverted hag's plaything, a meat toy for her to stick her cock inside.

From the back view, her massive and girthy ass was swinging up and down, impacting my tiny bubble butt with each slam down. Gravity doing the work on me as this old perverted woman was dominating me with her cock.

"You like that?! You like getting fucked don't you?!" She asked frantically between high pitched and rapid breaths.

"UUUUGH- GUUAAHHH! AAHHHN! FU-FUHHHCK!" I managed to scream out as my head was being rocked back and forth by the sheer force.


The sweat building between us, creating wet and sloppy noises between us. Her fat, folds, massive tits, belly, and everything was mashing against my tiny frame, enveloping me, massaging me with oil and sweat from her body. Her open and gaping mouth drooling over me as spit landed on my face and body. She was high, higher than me, and boy was I high right now. Her demeanor was a sexually frustrated college virgin fucking for the first time.


Her face and plump red lips dove and latched onto mine again, desperately kissing me and making out with me. Pile driving and screwing her tongue into my mouth as she locked my body in place with her massive frame. Fucking the sense out of me as she cut off my oxygen again. Her breaths were like a dog in heat, breathing right into my mouth.

"MMPH! MMPH! MMPH! MMPH! MMPH!" She screamed inside of me.


She pulled out of my mouth.

"Fuck baby I'm close! I'm close! I'm gonna make you mine now! You're gonna take my full load you little cumslut! Get ready! Momma's about to bust!"


"FUCK YES!" She cried as she raised her hips in the air for two short but long seconds before SLAMMING HER HIPS DOWN ONCE FINAL TIME! HILTING HER COCK INSIDE ME!


Her balls tightened together, her cock pulsed, her mouth opened and bellowed as I felt the uncomfortable warmth of a fire hose go off inside me. Hot cum began spewing inside my belly, I felt it travel up my insides, coating my insides for a painful minute. I froze in ecstasy as I felt her fill me up.

"UUUuuuuuugh!" She bellowed, "Fuuuuuuhk. Fuuuuuuuuuuuhk. Uuuuuuugh..."

Her dick still inside me, more and more and more and more and more cum flowing inside of me, leaking out of the edges of my loosed asshole.

She yanked me back to attention by the back of my hair, her giant first closing tightly and painfully. She grit her teeth, scrunching her face in dominant pleasure as she continued to cum inside of me. Finally her expression loosened. She breathed on top of me, her eyes still burning pink and purple.

"That was good baby... fuck... look at me... look at me" She pulled me into her gaze, "Starting now... your attitude is going to be different... you're going to call me Momma, Mother, Mommy, Mistress, Miss Lauren, whatever I want... got it?"

"Y..yes..." I rasped.

"Good... fuck you're so hot... ahhhhn..." She breathed on me as she slid her long tongue up the side of my face, repulsing me.

"Say you want more. Tell your mother you want her to fuck you. Be a good boy and I'll let you walk around."

My chance. I just needed to grit my teeth through this.

"M-momma, please give me more..."

"Yeah? Want me to fuck you again?"

"Ye-yes Momma..."

"Good boy. We're going to fuck all day today. I want you broken in by the time we cuddle tonight."


"UHN!" I moaned as she slapped at my hips again.


"OOOOOH! OOOOH! OOOOOOH!" She screamed as she assaulted my ass once more. "FUCK! FUCK YES BABY! TAKE MY COCK! TAKE MOMMA'S COCK!"


Her hips slammed against me again, I wanted to play along but found it difficult. The pleasure was so much, so much, SO MUCH! OH GOD!

My dick suddenly sprang to life in the middle of this new fucking session. My cum erupted out of me, sliding between Lauren's fat and folds, mashing against my body.



Her face scrunched up disgustingly, breathing and moaning like an oversized sow on top of me, forcing me back and forth with her endless fucking.


Her meaty hands were forcing my thighs down, bending me uncomfortably. Not that it mattered, my entire lower half had lost sensation besides the electricity internally building in me once again.

I truly felt like nothing but a hole for her. I just needed to get through this... fuck...

Something came over me in that moment, the drug doing its work as I felt my body turn loose and tight at the same time, the walls of my ass collapsed, my hole sloppy and slimy as it was getting an endless dicking from my new fat mistress.

All I could see were her massive tits flying in front of me, obscuring my view of the bottom of her chin, and the tip of her tongue drooling and flying forward with each PLAP of her thick ass against my hips.

The drug REALLY came over me in that moment. I started to shift my perception, this fat, old,disgusting perverted woman, was slowly turning into an idol. I couldn't tell if I was truly being turned into a slut or this was a side effect. Attraction began to wash over my senses, loyalty like a dog. This was a goddess. An eight-foot goddess of beauty and fertility. Who cares what he body looked like, what she smelled like, in fact it was intoxicating to take in. I was so lucky! I was so lucky to be the target of her obsession.

As she looked down at me, from what seemed like a mile away, her eyes locked with mine, putting me into a trance. I began to smile and laugh, with ecstasy, like I was being tickled in my brain.








"UUUUGH! MOMMMAAAA!" I exploded over my body once again while she unloaded inside of me.

I felt my insides warm up with another volley of delicious intoxicating nectar. I laughed like a mental patient as the warmth filled me. The disgust left me entirely.I felt complete for the first time in my life, like I wasn't empty anymore, like a dozen angels danced inside my rectum, slimy and wet and abused. I was given such a reward. I was so good for her!

She heaved her head back again, let our another guttural roar as my ass puckered and wrung the rest of her thick cum inside of me, my body greedily accepted it.

Her head hung forward again as she growled and looked upon my ruined state again.

"Such a good boyyyy~" She cooed.

I gasped with pleasure. My smile faded again, I snapped back again. My reality upon me once more. What did I just say? Did I say I loved her, what was I saying? What happened back there? That wasn't me!

The stench of her sweat, the disgusting sight of her body, her wiry and hairy fupa, and that ugly face hit me like a truck as I felt her veiny cock exit me, my asshole convulsing painfully and twitching as I seethed in pain, hot cum spewing onto the sheets uncontrollably.

"Uuuugh!" I winced in pain.

"Poor baby, you were so greedy for momma's cock weren't you?" She sighed.

I saw her disgusting lips and fat face rocket towards me again, kissing me tenderly on the lips for a few seconds before pulling away.

Suddenly she growled once more.

Her hands flung forward and quickly unlocked the binds around my wrists, my burning shoulders feeling brief relief. I rubbed my wrists for a second before I was yanked up by the hair.

"No breaks. Get over here. Now. I'm not done yet."

She threw me to the foot of her massive bed. Her powerful hands grabbed my head from either side. Her juice-covered and wet dick, angrily poking towards me.

Before I could react she plunged her entire cock inside my mouth!

"GLK!" My choking noise was even cut off as she hilted herself down to the base. My delicate nose mashed and crushed against the hairy fat on her lower abdomen, forced to breathe in a thick swathe of B.O. Tears pouring down my face as I struggled to breathe. I was scared shitless, I actually was choking. My hands gripped her saggy thighs, attempting to free myself. One massive hand kept me hilted on it though, firmly grasping the back of my head, the other on her hip as she breathed loudly.

"Ooooooh yesssssss... that's such a good mouth..." She whispered and moaned at the same time.

My eyes grew lazy as my body began to accept an imminent death by suffocation. My arms went limp, my legs splayed on the floor as my eyes rolled back and my eyelids went heavy. Drool pouring down my chin.

Just as things went dark.

*PLORP* She unsheathed her cock from my throat. Wiry black pubes stuck to my wet face, trails of saliva pouring onto the floor as I belched out the air trapped inside of me. Gasping for breath as my mind left due to oxygen deprivation.

"Ugh... guhh..." I gasped, as my jaw slacked from the immense pressure, finally getting reprieve.

Before I could fully rest, she violently grabbed the back of my head again and out of nowhere began face-fucking me. Her hand on her hip again, keeping herself still while she forced me to vacuum the cum, stray pubes, and juice off her cock. My teary eyes watering and widening with each forward thrust.

"GLK-GLK-GLK-GLK-GLK-GLK!..." I sputtered as I watched her fat hit my forehead, growing and shrinking, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Choking on her sweet and salty, musky cock. The thick foreskin still peeled off, making me taste every inch of her rod. I watched in my perspective the massive shaft disappear inside of me as I was violently pushed against her stomach again and again.

My throat was getting ripped apart, tears streaming down my face, sloppy drool waterfalling down my chin and pooling onto the floor as she skull fucked me. Her girth filling and stretching my throat over and over.


"Aaaaaaah... oooooooh.....ooooooooh.... fuuuuuuuuuhk!" She hissed with hot and heavy breath. Pumping my head on her cock.

Suddenly she shoved her hips forward and lodged me against the bed, taking over and pumping her hips forward rapidly. He fat and folds rippling and shaking with gravity, her tits flying as her whole body was forcing her rancid dick forward into my drooling mouth.

I gave up entirely, just a hole for her to fuck again. My eyes rolled all the way back as I got ready to pass out. I was being used like a sex doll by this rancid old woman. Her huge clawed toes digging into the carpet, her fingers forcing my head in place as her long and wrinkly balls slapped against my chin. The drool on my chin supplying a wet impact each time the hairy and brown sack stung my face.

"Uuuuuuuugh... oooooooooooh... aaaaaaaahhhh!!!...." She breathed again, a little more desperately, huffing as she fucked my mouth.

"Fuuuuuuhk... I'm close again... such a good fucking mouth!"

She put one hand on the back of my head, pulled her hips all the way out, letting breath draw through my nose. With a slow push forward she slowly put the entire cock down my throat again, rubbing her hairy balls into my face, burying me in her pubes, letting the stench pollute my nostrils as I choked.

"MMMMMMH! FUUUUUCK!" She growled again.

She pulled her dick out, and kept one hand pressed against my forehead, digging into my scalp as she forced my head back. Barely conscious at this point I simply let it happen as I looked up at her, and her dramatic 'O' face.

I looked down to see her thick and veiny rod angrily pointed like a gun at my face. Her meaty fist pumping up and down her shaft rapidly, faster than anything I'd seen, desperate to get the cum out of her and likely into my mouth. I panted softly as I watched the impending doom approach.


"Look up at me. Fuck. Look at me right fucking now."

My eyes lazily drifted up to her, a angry and red face looking down at me between two massive tits.

"Open your mouth. Open your mouth." She demanded.

I complied and lazily let me tongue roll out.

"OH! Yes! Just like that!..."


"...GOOD BOYYY! GOOD BOOYYYYY! GOOD BOYYY!" She almost screamed in delight at my surrender, continuing to FAP away at her meat desperately, "GOOD BOOOOOOOY! FUCK! KEEP YOUR MOUTH OPEN! DRINK IT!"


Her tip shoved into my mouth, like a mouth plug I suctioned around it.

I do not exaggerate here. With one foul blast of, thick, creamy, slimey, pungent cum, my mouth was already full. It woke me up immediately, her thick thumb and index finger, keeping just the tip in my mouth, her fingers pressed against my lips as she screamed, "OOOOOOOOOHHHHH YES!"

My mouth swelled immediately like a chipmunk. I was forced to chug raw smelly cum like it was coming from a fire hose on a hot day.


"Keep swallowing! FUCK! Swallow it all! GOOD BOY! KEEP DRINKING IT! EVERY DROP!" She sounded insane as she laughed in ecstasy and pleasure as she watched small amounts leak out of my nose, and the sides of my mouth as I could barely contain each blast that entered my mouth.

I wanted to hurl but couldn't even manage that. Like sucking on the thickest protein shake in record time I gulped down every disgusting drop of hot cum.

I drank for another 30 seconds, her hand dig into her own hip, as her long gross balls tightened with each powerful splort of cum down my mouth. My mouth still full, the taste thick in my mouth.

Then finally it ceased. She popped the tip out of my mouth, letting a huge and desperate gasp of air fill my lungs as I fell to the floor, my chest heaving for air. I had been fucked and ruined in every hole now. Claimed at both ends. In an order I didn't like. I looked down and realized I'd cum several times during this, as my cock twitched, covered in translucent and clear semen.

"Good boyyy..." She said in a low seductive tone. Watching as I lay, drool covering my mouth, strands of her cum still hanging off my lips. My ass still leaking her load from earlier. I was turned into a mess.

"I could get used to this, finally a good boy just for me. Perfect little pussy and a perfect little mouth. You're going to be mine from here on!" She squealed, "Of course it'll be your decision though, all you need to do is say the magic words!"

She pulled me up to my feet and carried me to her living room, a huge suite with floral wallpaper and rich furniture, at the left wall was a large wooden door leading to the rest of the hotel.

She plopped down on the couch, sinking into the fabric, sitting me on her massive cock, not inside me, but under me. Her arms wrapped around me as she pulled me into her, my shoulders now swallowed between her tits as she pecked and kissed my neck tenderly with love and care. One hand softly scratching and caressing my scalp. The other softly rubbing my torso up and down. I melted. It was far too relaxing.

"The door is right there sweetie. All you need to do is leave and I'll never bother you again..." She continued to caress me as she whispered in my ear. Kissing my lobe.

"If you want to stay here though, all you need to do is say the magic words. A binding vow if you will... just say 'I want to be yours Lauren' and you get to stay here with me forever. We'll never age, we'll never die, we'll never leave. We'll be trapped here together locked in endless pleasure. I'll love you in ways no little whore back home could ever do to you. I'll never let you go and never let you forget how lucky you are to be mine..."

My brain was in a fog. I realized soon after it wasn't from the ravenous sex, it was that drug again...No... was it?

I... I was addicted to her, I realized it now. I wanted to be with her, I wanted so much more. I wanted her cock in me so bad, I wanted to kiss her, I wanted to lick her sweat. I wanted to drink in every part of her. I wanted her. I wanted her like the woman I was meant to marry. This goddess before me, was obsessed with me, and I was so lucky, so lucky to be chosen by her. Why would I abandon that?! What... what was I even doing here to begin with... who was I here to save again?!

She forcefully pushed me off of her, letting the cold air attack me as I stumbled to my feet, looking at the exit before me. Freedom and salvation right there.

"Make your choice." She smiled. Knowing the futility of the question, her hand on her cheek, almost condescendingly. Watching my full surrender approach.

I looked at the door again. I took a step forward, and felt like vomiting. My brain was letting out a fear response, like fight or flight. If I left out that door I'd never see her again. Plus... what was out there but misery, I don't even remember why I came here, it must have been to meet her, to be with her, it couldn't be any other reason...

Her. Her! HER! HER! HER! HER!

I turned to look at her in desperation. Her body sculpted like a goddess of fertility, her face plump like baked dough! Her smell like intoxicating poison! Her fluids like nectar and ambrosia! I was in love! I didn't want anyone else but her!

I turned away from the door entirely, like a zombie I made my way to her.

"I'm... I'm yours Lauren. I love y-you... I love you Momma... g-goddess..." I rambled.

"Goddess?!" She chuckled, "My my, I really did a number on you didn't I? I've never been called that before..."

She stood, hands on her hips. Looming over me as I fell to my knees and grabbed her by the leg, licking her shin, tasting her.

"Well I can't say no to such a loyal subject can I? You want to be mine don't you boy." She wasn't asking.

"Yes! Yes! Please! Please make me yours!"

"Say the words."

"I'm yours Lauren! I'm yours! I love you! I love you! I love you Lauren! Make me yours!" I pleaded, desperate.

She grinned. Wide. Crazy-like.

"Good boy. Stand up."

I stood, she grabbed me by the cheeks and made me look deep into her eyes. Her voice was low, it vibrated my mind with each word... it was a literal spell I was under.

"From this day forward. You are mine. You are my property. You belong to me. You will be never free from my sight or this hotel ever again. So says the binding vow."

A deep thrum hit my body, a small occult marking inked itself on my belly. It glowed with an odd blue glow. It immediately made my cock spring back to life, my body went hot with pleasure.

"Such a good little slut. So glad you made the right choice. Not that there was any doubt though. You fell for my little trick didn't you? That little cocktail Delilah made... it saturates every part of the body when consumed. My saliva, my cum, my sweat, all of it. You've been getting addicted to me since we first kissed. Isn't that right?"

I panted with desperation, kissing her body, moaning, rubbing myself against her. Drug? Cocktail? I didn't know anything about that. My goddess was in front of me, I had to please her. I wanted her to please me.

"You can barely think right now can you? Poor boy, you haven't gotten your fill yet..."

She snapped her fingers, the blue glowing mark on my belly burned like a brand as I screamed, not with pain, but pleasure. I began to spew copious ropes of cum onto the floor as my body spasmed, my legs grew weak and my arms flailed, grabbing my hair and tweaking my nipples.

"That mark makes it so I can give you untold amounts of pleasure, you'll endlessly be able to orgasm. Not just that, it will amplify existing arousal and pleasure..."

She went behind me and reached down. She planted one kiss on my cheek, harshly, wet. The kiss burned into my flesh and traveled down my abs as I moaned like a girl. With just one kiss on my cheek I screamed and shot out another rope of cum! I orgasmed from one cheek kiss!

"Should we test it out more?" Her hand gripped my shoulder, massaging me slightly.


She smiled, and gave an insane giggle.


The pacing had not ceased, She had cum inside of me more time than I could count. She was on her couch, legs spread wide, her massive balls slapping upwards onto my crack.

Her massive hands pulling my arms down and by my sides as she was pulling me down with each trampoline bounce I was doing on her cock. The cum had piled and pooled on the floor below us, a sticky white mess that permeated the room. Her hair was matted to her head, sheen with oil and sweat.

The cum that had been stuffed inside me over and over made each impact dull and wet, rather than a loud CLAP of flesh, it was flesh hitting thick layers of cum instead. My head rocked back and forth with each disgusting buck of her fat hips. I was facing her, riding her cowboy.



"Yeah?! You like that boy?! You want my cum again?! Huh?! Who owns you?! Who owns this little cunt?!"




She grinned wide and snapped her fingers again, the mark glowed blue once more.

"OOOOOHHGHHGHGH0OOOOOOHHHH!" I sputtered out, literally screaming like a pornstar getting gangbanged. Massive ropes flew all over her body, covering her tits.

"Bad boy!" She laughed, "You'll have to clean that off for me later won't you?!"


"That's right! Now take this goddess' load you hot little college slut! UGH!UGH!UGH!UGH!UGH!UGH..." She grunted in desperation as she unleashed a final volley of fucking against my rear. Her clawed fingers dug into my supple ass.



"UUUUUUUUUUGHHHHNNN!" I groaned as she roared with a guttural dominance, exploding another hot load right inside my ass, my belly was fully and bloated with her cum. My belly stretching even further with the next pungent blast of cum.

She stood and let me flop onto the floor, still twitching. Her cum leaking from her cock. She swiped off a remaining dollop with her long index finger and forced me to suck on it. I got her finger clean.

"Get on the bed and get on your back, I'm gonna fuck your throat again."

"Ye...yes goddess..."

That day we fucked in every position, fucked and carried around the room, fucked doggystyle, fucked in missionary, fucked every which way. We 69'd each other, we fucked each other, she let me fuck her beautiful hairy asshole that sucked me in with such loving warmth!

I came in seconds.

She held me upside down and made me suck her cock again. She would throat fuck me every which way.

She planted my face on her hairy ass and made me lick and suck on it. My hands grasped her firm and fat ass as I made out with her butthole like my life depended on it while she jacked off and shot a load onto the floor.

She made me lick her armpits, between her thighs, between her tits, everywhere. I licked it up like a good boy, like I should be.

A day passed before I was fully broken by her, this fat old witch. A week passed before I forgot who I was before the hotel. Years passed before I forgot my humanity entirely. I was her sex slave, her boy, her servant, her everything. I was so happy. I was so happy...
