Faith the Boy Butt Breaker By UnspokenCoin99

It was a cold Friday night in Sunnydale. The only sounds that disturbed the serene darkness were crickets chirping and the distinct foot taps of one, mysterious girl. Faith Lehane, part-time Dark Slayer and full-time badass, was making her way towards her favorite club, when she overheard the all-too-memorable growls of the creatures she was sworn to exterminate. There were quite a number of growls, which meant that either the Vamps had started a knitting club or were about to feast on some unlucky soul. Faith clicked her teeth in frustration.

<Seriously? The one night I have to myself and this garbage happens. Figures... I could just ignore it and be on my way... Grrr, but B would throw a fit if she finds out and it would totally kill my mood and any future fun I could have. Damn it!>

"Hey! Do you have any idea how much of a pain this is? I was going to dance and pick up a few guys at the club for a good pounding, but some wimp just HAD to get surrounded by vamps.

"What's a tubby guy like you doing out at night anyway? Shouldn't you be wanking it alone at home, or something? Whatever, stop crying, I'll deal with them. You can look if you want, but you look like the squeamish type, so don't throw up near me or I'll be pissed!"

"Oh my god, thank you so much! I would have been dead if you hadn't sho-"

"Phew... Killing vamps is fun, but I'm more in the mood to fuck. Hm? Oh yeah, you're still around. God, I'm such a loser magnet. I can't catch a break... You can stop thanking me already, I didn't do this for your sake. And I certainly didn't do it for free."

"I-I see, I guess that's fair. Here you go..."

"Keep your chump change, it's not even enough to buy me a full 12 pack of beer. I just slayed 7 vamps that were gonna chow down on your ass. Don't you think it's fair that I have a look at the ass I just saved?"

"W-What are you talking abo-"

"Shut up! When I want you to speak, I'll ask you never. Just turn around and put your hands on the wall."

"G-Gah! Oof!"

"Hmm... You're not usually the kind of guy I mess around with... But I haven't been able to unload recently, and you just ruined my night. Plus, your ass ain't half-bad. Let me try out the merchandise~"


"Mhmmm, yeah. I can make this work. You're nothing special, but this big, round ass is a clear five-by-five~"

"What does that mean?"

"It means I'm gonna take my time demolishing it like it fucking deserves!"

In that moment, Faith presses her whole body against the quivering nerd's back, pushing him further against the wall. She began to slowly and rhythmically grind on him, and leaned her mouth close to his ear. She whispers in an authoritative tone:

"Heh, for a guy you're pretty short. What are you 5'6" or 5' 5''? Oh wow, 5'4"! No wonder this ass is so plump and bouncy, all your meat is packed into this thing! Mhm, and what juicy meat~ No wonder those Vamps cornered you, I bet they all wanted to take a big chomp out of this booty~"

"W-Why do you keep mentioning my butt?"

"Isn't it obvious? Because for the rest of the night, it's MY butt! My double-wide fucktoy that's gonna satisfy all my needs. I usually go through a few guys on any given night before they pass out in pleasure, but you're going to have to do all the work for me today, nerd~"

The short, shaking geek still had no idea what this powerful, crazy woman was talking about, until he felt a BIG, throbbing hint poke his mushy ass. At first, he thought it was the knife she used to kill some of the Vamps, but he thought otherwise when he felt it grow bigger and bigger. As Faith continued to grind, this unknown object kept sliding along the soft fabric of the nerd's fat ass, and he felt a distinct warmth through both of their pants.

"W-What is that?! D-Don't tell me it's a p-p-peni-"

"No, it's not a penis. Little sluts like you have penises. I have a huge, thick cock! And it's gonna be your job to take care of it, no matter how many loads it takes~"

The panicking man tried to wiggle his way out, but Faith gripped his body too tightly, and her powerful thighs ensured he had no way of moving his legs. She sped up her grinding, and the man was horrified to find that THING she was packing kept getting larger and larger. He couldn't see it yet, but he could feel it starting to not only slide on his ass, but his back as well.

"Oooh~ Naughty bitch~ Were you trying to get away? Not gonna happen, but shaking your ass like that got me even more excited! I'm almost fully erect now! Are you looking forward to taking care of me now?"

"Ow! My ass!"

"Calm down, slut~ That ass is gonna be shaking way more than that when I plow into you soon. All right, enough teasing, on your knees!"

Fatih put both her hands on the victim's shoulders and spun him around, and then pushed him to the ground. Now on his knees and eye-level with Faith's crotch, his eyes widened to the size of saucers gazing at what he was dealing with. While Faith was still wearing her pants, the outline of her monstrous cock was clear to see. Her pants seemed to be holding a third leg, one that threatened to rip through the fabric that seemed to struggle to hold in all her delicious meat. Faith licked her lips, eyeing the pathetic, soon-to-be broken boy like a hungry predator. This was her favorite part. She loved it when cumdumps started to be afraid, became confused with how impressive her schlong was, and how it would eventually end in full-blown worship.

"This girlmeat of mine is a result of too much magic in my body. You don't need to understand the details, because all you need to know is I need to drain this thing on the regular and it takes a few dozen loads and a couple hours to do so. I have a temper, so don't try to do anything stupid like run away. It will just make this WAY HARDER for you. You're on your knees like a good bitch-boy, so crawl over here and unzip my pants. Now!"

Too afraid and weak to do anything about his situation, the nerd meekly crawled on his knees to his mistress's feet. The outrageously huge cock was even bigger up close and personal, and his face being mere inches away from it caused the wimp to breathe in her musky scent.

"Hurry up, cumdump! The longer you wait, the more loads you'll have to deal with, and believe me, you'll be getting plenty already."

With his weak hands, he began to fumble around Faith's zipper, to unsheathe her holy sword. Faith's annoyance grew by the second. It was clear that this bitch-boy didn't have much experience with any kind of woman, let alone an alpha mistress like her. It didn't help that the nerd had to get the zipper over a very MASSIVE area, packed with eager meat.

"Ugh! Enough! You're even more useless than I thought, so I'll unzip it myself! Your debt to me just increased by a dozen more loads! Nobody makes me wait, and you'll learn why, when I split that anus in HALF!"

With a simple flick of her powerful hands, Faith unzipped her pants, and unleashed her bitchbreaker. The sudden release caused it to lurch forward and smack the nerd on the cheek, causing him to real back from the size and weight of it. Dazed for a moment, he could only look in awe and horror at the full view of it.

Faith's member would make a donkey ashamed, and it was covered in pulsing veins that demonstrated how real and lively it was. As he had eaten countless foot-long Subway sandwiches in his life, the tubby nerd knew instinctively that this could easily fill him up, and then some. And the girth... By all that was Holy, the girth! If, by some miracle, he could survive this terrifying rod fully immersed in his prostate, the thickness of it would have him begging for mommy the entire night!

And to seal his fate, Faith's world-class girlmeat was accompanied by balls easily the size of grapefruits. Their size made her balls hang from the weight, and were clearly filled to the brim with sticky spunk. Spunk that would soon be sprayed all over the nerd's insides.

"Y-You can't be serious! That t-thing will rip me in half! Please, I'll give you anything you want, just let me g-Mhmph?!"

"Oh shut up, slut! When my wicked cock is out, every boy-bitch in sight is getting fucked, no exceptions. Everything about you just screams 'fuck me into the ground like the whore I am' and I'm happy to oblige. So get used to servicing me from now on, up close and personal~"

Faith had taken a step forward and planted her heavy cock on top of the nerd's head, while smothering his face between her swollen balls. He couldn't move his head, as he was too weak to lift Faith's dense cock and was firmly stuck between her ballsack. He grabbed onto Faith's soft thighs to push himself away, but the movement only caused him to shake his head, which excited Faith even more.

"Mhmm, I love marking my property~ It teaches disobedient little boys like you their place! I've been killing lots of Vamps lately, and it has me working up a sweat... Can you tell~?"

"Mmmf! Pwss! Lmgo!"

The nerd could indeed tell that Faith had been working hard, as he was getting a taste of her pungent sweat! His nostrils were filled with nothing but her overwhelming aroma and his face was coated in her horny heat. He tried to yell for mercy, even as Faith grinded her sausage and eggs all over her bitch's naughty face, but it was muffled underneath her girth. The only thing that he could sense, besides cock, was Faith's laugh, as she deeply enjoyed training her new fuck-toy.

"Hahah! No better way to start your new life as a cock-sleeve than by meeting the balls you'll be draining! Drink in that scent, you dirty onahole! Keep struggling bitch! It feels sooo much better when you bob your head up and down like that~ I'm going to show that rectum no mercy in a bit, so bathe in my smell. It drives bitches like you CRAZY!"

Suddenly, Faith lifts her dick and balls off the nerd, and he's left gasping for clean air.

"You look better covered in my musky sweat, but it's missing something... Oh, I know! Some fresh precum would complete the slutty look you have going on, and I happen to have some, right from the tap~"

"Ah... Gah... I'm begging you, let me catch my bre-Hrggh!"

The only rest he would receive is if Faith was merciful enough to let him pass out, but the nerd wasn't so lucky. Faith had just taken her rod and slid it along the side of the nerd's face. Since he was talking back to his mistress, he was punished by having his tongue lick the entire length of Faith's cock, and he felt every ridge of her veins and the salty precum it was drizzled in. Even while he was getting just a taste of her meat, his vision was nothing but her dick, showing just how wide it really was.

She once again pulled her dick away, admiring her effect on the nerd. It seemed as if he was in another world, even as sweat and precum dripped off his face.

"Yeah, I was right. Way better looking when all your face is covered in my sticky precum~ Are you still gonna talk back to me, bitch?!"

"... Huh?"

"Oooh, that was fast. Most men usually take longer to break, but you're already so dazed and drunk on my cock~ I guess I should have seen that coming though, you're clearly meant to be a bitch-boy! Isn't that right?"

"... Y-Yeah..."

"Heheh, good toy~ As a reward for accepting your place, I think I'll play with your ass with my fingers a bit. It will make it more fun when you realize how much more ferocious my cock will be as I demolish your boypussy! Turn around, face on the ground, and ass up, whore!"

Still afraid at her harsh tone, but trained like a pet, the wide man does as he's told and has his ass shaking high in the air, as if making an offering to a goddess. Faith accepts this offering with a smirk, and uses her Slayer strength to rip a hole through the man's pants, allowing full access to his hungry prostate.

"My, my~ You seem like such a natural boy-slut that I thought you would have played with your butthole before. But it looks so tight and ripe... Perfect for your mistress to ravage! For now though, let's see how your bitch-ass handles one of my fingers..."

"KYAAA! Hnng! Oooh!"

"Oh wow, I only put one in! And already you're shrieking like a bitch in heat! I'm gonna be honest, if this is all you can handle, then this night is going to be SUPER wicked for you when I thrust all this meat in... But it's gonna be a five-by-five night for me~ I LOVE breaking in sluts!"

"Graaah! Hihihi! Nnngh!"

"Fuccck! Hooo! Ahhh!"

"AAAHHH! Please, mistress! Don't tease my asshole like that!"

Faith withdraws her fingers and a loud is heard as she exits the nerd's backdoor. He yelps each time his boypussy expands and contracts, still remembering the feeling of Faith's relentless fingers inside him. But deep down, he knows that will be nothing compared to what will happen when Faith RAMS her length DEEP inside him. Just a moment ago, he was afraid of something... What was it again?

He remembered being afraid of something, but as pleasure began to take over his mind, all memories of his began to fade away. The only thing on his bitch-mind was... Cock. Faith's cock. Her magnificent, all-powerful bitchbreaker that taught him pleasure like no one else ever had. He breathed heavily, still anticipating what Faith would do next, almost begging for it. What was his name? ... Oh yeah, it was slut! Faith's cock-sleeve.He had to make sure his mistress was happy or else he wouldn't be rewarded with her fat dick in his hungry anus.

"M-Mistress, do you like my bubble butt? I don't know what I'm doing, but if it makes you feel better, please use myfat ass to get yourself ready... Please..."

"Begging for my dick, huh? I don't know, you were so reluctant a second ago... Do you think you deserve it?"

"N-No, I mean yes, I mean maybe, I mean- GAH! Hiya!!!"

In that moment, as the nerd was rudely talking back to his mistress again, Faith tears off the rest of his pants and even his underwear. His slutty lower half is fully exposed, showing a penis that wasn't even the size of one of Faith's LARGE balls, and absolutely nothing compared to her ALPHA dick. She then thrusts her massive dick between his plump butt-cheeks. While she narrowly avoided his quivering anus, his booty still twitches from being parted by such an overwhelmingly THICK cock. On instinct, the nerd grinds his hips back and forth on Faith's schlong, his ass begging to be impaled.

"That's not for you to decide, slut! Fuck-toys don't talk, they only MOAN and SQUEAL while I do whatever I want with them! You're not my boyfriend, you're my bitch! A cock-hole that exists to empty myself whenever I want!"



The tubby boy is absolutely broken by Faith, just as countless other bitch-boys have. He shrieks and hollers at the top of his lungs in the alleyway like the whore he is, and it's music to Faith's ear. His butt wobbles and shakes with every thrust, and he feels her hanging nutsack smack his puny ping-pong balls with every smack, asserting her complete control over him. Faith's hands have their own fun, kneading and slapping the nerd's ripe badonkadonk while she pleasures her dick.

"About time you accept your status as a cock-hole. It's the best thing you'll ever be in your life, to be blessed with warming up my raging-hard dick! Brace yourself, cumrag!"

She releases her cock from between the boy-slut's buns, causing him to yelp from the rudeness. His face is drooling on the floor, barely understanding what's even happening any more. Looking between his legs, he gulps in fear and a bit of excitement. Faith's cumrod was approaching his rectum, bathed in the nerd's spit, her precum, and her dripping sweat. Faith smirked, slapped the bouncy ass of the nerd once more, and prodded the tip of her she-meat against his clenched boypussy.

"... Hm? Ah... Ngh! Oh God! M-More! GAH! HNNNG! So thick! K-KYAAA!"

The naughty boy didn't feel it at first. That was because his little mind couldn't comprehend how wide and forceful his anus was being spread apart. But as Faith kept entering the nerd deeper and deeper, he was able to finally feel it. And what followed was an avalanche of mind-breaking pain and unimaginable pleasure.


"That's just the tip, man-whore~ Those chubby legs of yours are kicking and squirming all over the ground, like you want to escape. There's nowhere to run, cock-sleeve. This is your fate. And look at you, gripping the dirt trying to endure your first taste of REAL cock~"

"But... Yawn, I'm getting a little tired. Do you mind if I... Lean on you a bit?"

With a devious smile, Faith used her body weight to lean over the nerd's jiggly booty, accelerating the rate of her bitchbreaker impaling the nerd. It was at this moment, the nerd screamed at the top of his lungs... And made the biggest mistake of the night. He jizzed first.


Momentarily relieved of his tension, the nerd gasped as he felt Faith's cock... Leaving his anus?! Did she get bored with him and decide to leave him be? Would he survive the night?! Even as Faith was withdrawing her dick, the nerd felt every ridge of her schlong scraping his insides, causing more bitch-moans to echo throughout the night. The moment of hope he had... Was completely gone, as he felt Faith's firm hands grip his wide waist. In his ears, he could only hear her blood-curdling rage.

"You think it's fucking FUNNY to cum before me?! You're not going to just take care of tonight's load, your ass is getting flood with my she-cream until you look like a fucking balloon, bitch! GRIT YOUR TEETH!"

Time seemed to slow down for the nerd as Faith used her powerful hands to slide the entirety of his plump body along her supreme member. Tears rolled down his eyes just from the intensity and the orgasmic stimulation of each part of his insides. Even if his pathetic body resisted, Faith kept pushing deeper into the nerd, until the shaft of her dick was clearly visible from his belly. The Sunnydale Police Department would receive calls about a pig squealing at the top of it's lungs that night, but it was just a slutty boy who dared disrespect Faith's ownership of his ripe ass.


It was too much. Too thick, too long. There wasn't a single part of the chubby slut's asshole that wasn't filled with she-meat. His boypussy gripped and massaged her huge sausage as if it was being fed it's first true meal. Unfortunately, the nerd jizzed once again, and Faith wasted no time punishing him for it.

"You just can't help yourself you fucking cocksleeve, can you?! You think this five-by-five bubble-butt means I'm going to take it easy on you? NOT A CHANCE! You EXIST for MY pleasure! If I want to dump GALLONS of jizz into you, then you better bend over and beg for it. 

You're going to be in debt to me forever at this rate, if you keep cumming before me! Fine by me, I'll GLADLY spread your boypussy apart until you can't even sit without remembering me!"



"Gah! S-So much jizz! It's leaking out of my asshole! I can feel the stickiness even in my belly! My goddess's baby-batter inside me... T-THANK YOU!"

Faith then uses her strength to lift the chubby nerd high into the nerd. His naked body bare for the whole world to see, it was obvious by twitching dick and shameless face that he was a trained cock-slut now. His boypussy was hovering over Faith's meat-lance and he didn't even have time to process it before he was SLAMMED onto her meat at full force!

"Hahaha! You're such a pudgy boy-slut that you look like a little bunny! Does the little fuck-bunny like HOPPING up and down my BIG, HARD CARROT?! Go ahead! HOP! HOP! HOP! All while your dicklet flops around, spewing its measly jizz!"


The boy-toy, drunk on cock, was impaled on Faith's magnum cock so rapidly that it was as if Faith really was jacking herself off with an onahole. Each thrust spread the former-man's legs as wide as they could, and his juicy asscheeks were turning red from all the forceful plowing. His chunky belly would expand and contract with dick, as his poor asshole was unable to contain all that superior futa-dick.

"Haha, you're making such a mess, butt-boy~ The floor is filthy with your feeble sperm. But just look at how little your droplets are compared to my cum-juice! Just one load from me could make ten girls pregnant, but instead I'm going to spend the WHOLE night making you look preggo! Get ready for another injection about to blast your dump-truck ass! Fuccckkk YESSSS!"

For the second time in a row, his stretched anus was filled to the brim with cum. The previous batch she dumped in him was being pushed out by this new one, and it left his asshole a slimy, sticky mess. The jizz was so thick it splashed on the ground, and yet Faith hadn't pulled out for even one second, even while she was still emptying her balls. Has it been one hour since this all started? Or two? The boy-slut didn't know, his mind was too broken beyond repair to think of anything else but Faith's futa dick.

"Awawawa! Hnnng! Kya! Mwaaa!"

"Ha, you can't even talk back anymore, that's how good I fucked your brains out! But that was just a warm-up, not even half of what I can do! You should have stayed home, shortstack, because there's no way this dick-warmer of yours is ever gonna be the same again! COME ON WHORE, SCREAM FOR FAITH'S MERCY!"

In this position, Faith's cock somehow got even deeper inside the anal-slut than ever, due to the angle and control Faith was using. The drooling, barely conscious toy didn't know if he was in Heaven or Hell. Faith's ferocity in breaking his prostate would have broken the strongest of men, and he was just a born cock-toy realizing his purpose. However, because of that, every time he felt Faith's powerful Slayer-hips slam against his plump booty, or how her still full testicles smack his nuts, he felt like he was a premium fuck-toy. Deep down, he knew that he lived to serve cock, and Faith's was by far the best in the world.

"C-Cumming! You're soooo perfect, my goddess! Please, keep me as your personal cumdump! Your portable boypussy! I beg you!"

"Ha! Your first anal experience is with me, so I should have expected you'd give up the idea of being treated as a human. Sure, I like the feeling of this cushion and your asshole is milking my dick reaaaal nice~ But do you think YOU of all people deserve to be my cumdump?!"


"The only thing you're good at now is begging. You've barely taken a few loads and you think you're worth more than a cheap slut? We'll see if you're still up for it after the night is over. But first, HERE COMES ANOTHER DOSE OF JIZZ FOR THE LITTLE  SLUT. 



Using her toned legs, Faith mercilessly ravaged his anus in the Full Nelson position. Even as he screamed into the sky, with his tongue hanging out, eyes rolled back, stained tears, and drooling like a whore, Faith never stopped fucking or cummming. The Dark Slayer had lived up to her name, although if Faith had her way, she would rather be called the Butt Boy Breaker.

And for the rest of the night, the nerd would receive a first-class breaking all to himself. Faith had slayed so many Vamps and fucked so many broken sissies endlessly that her balls never truly emptied. They were always full of potent sperm ready to punish naughty cock-whores who dared to deny her superiority. In every position, with countless loads inside his body, the boy-slut was reminded of his bottom status. He could barely be called a human, much less a boy. Being Faith's cocksleeve was all that mattered to him, and if she broke him a couple times, so be it. It was his mission to sit on that fat dick even when morning finally came up.

"Damn it, I wanted to keep going, but people are waking up now. I don't need a lecture from B about not breaking 'poor little boy's sensitive boypussies' agai. Whatever, get off my dick, bitch!"

After an excruciating night, Faith had at last removed her cock with a POP. The nerd's prostate was left enlarged, as if still remembering the girth and length of Faith's member. A river of jizz streamed out of the ravaged asshole, with no seemingly no end to the baby-batter. The nerd was convulsing and spasming uncontrollably on the ground. Every move, and every breath he took, just reminded him of dick. Faith's she-meat inside him. Without it, he felt empty. Even the smell of cum and sweat excited him, because it was Faith's aroma. Practically a reward for the boy-toy.

"P-Pwease mistress... Lemme... Service your dick again. I still owe you... For being a maniac, unworthy butt-boy."

"Pffft, wow. You really are a HUGE slut. I didn't know if you were a natural whore or not. Everyone I fuck ends up being my cocksleeve, so it doesn't matter to me. But you DEFINITELY took the buttplug that I call a dick better than most. And for a fatty, your ass is kinda incredible... Tell you what, come to my house in the mornings with breakfast and I'll let you blow me under the table. Then I can give you an anal meal for an hour or two before I go out. Then, when I'm done slaying vamps, you bring me beer to my place at night. I'll unwind with a cold bottle in one hand, and an eager boytoy in the other. Sounds pretty nice to me. What do you say to that, slut? Sounds like a five-by-five deal to me."

"Y-Yes! It's perfect! I'll get another job if I have to! I'll give you whatever you want, my goddess! Just please, bless me with your perfect cock again!"

"Haha, whore~ But I guess I can do that. See you around, and buy some slutty clothes next time. I like my fucktoys to look pretty before I mess them up, ok~"