It was that time of year again.

The time of year when beautiful white blankets of snow coated the ground, the air grew chilly and brisk enough to cause loving families to cuddle up under covers in their homes with some hot chocolate and a roaring fire. The time of year where children counted down the days until the big man in the red coat and hat came riding his sleigh over the world to sneak down their chimneys and deliver presents for all those who had been good. The time of year that caused Nick to bite down on the pillow below him with all the might his jaw could muster.

Really the most wonderful time of the year.

"Nnnnnuhh!" He whimpered, fists balled up at his sides and crumpling the sheets into his grasp.

Behind the slim bodied, half-naked man was the sound of flesh clapping in a fast, repetitive pattern as his ass was railed by the plump, platinum blonde haired woman, Mrs. Santa Claus herself.

Her hands braced themselves against Nicks lower back while she thrust into his tight love hole, the one she had been eagerly waiting for all year long. She bit her lower lip and let her eyes loll back while the sweet bliss of his holly jolly asshole milked her ten-inch pole with each motion of their bodies.

"Fuuuckk...I love Christmas honey." She giggled, leaning forward and moving her hands up to grip Nick's shoulders and yank him back onto her. "This time of special, aah. We have to make sure it's perfect, for all the little girls and boys out there right?" Mrs. Claus said in between hot breaths.

Nick furiously nodded his head, not releasing the pillow from his teeth. "Yss Mssh Claushh!" His legs were closed tightly allowing his own hard cock and swollen balls to be poking out from the back of his thighs, while Mrs. Claus own lemon sized testicles came down and spanked them with their much greater mass.

From the waist down, Nick was naked. Pale bare cheeks exposed to the world for his wife's viewing pleasure, and up top his upper torso was covered in a very loose fitting red fluffy coat that was several sizes too big around the belly. His skin was pretty pale since they didn't get too much sun up in the North pole, but his nose was a nice rosy red color from the nippy temperature. And of course, he had a still growing white fluffy mustache and beard that was just starting to poof up since Christmas drew closer.

Mrs. Claus herself was naked entirely, bare from head to toe with her curvy body and large DD size breasts out happily bouncing in celebration of the first day of fucking her husband.

The platinum blonde hair on her head was tied into a slightly messy bun which she wore to bed last night and hadn't yet taken it out. But that was the last thing on her mind right now, all she was focused on was working her girthy shaft into and out of her husbands' depths, relishing in the heavenly tight grip he held her with, squeezing her meat in the most delightful of ways.

"Ooohh always make me feel so good on Christmas..." She cooed slowing her thrusts to a more teasing grind, swiveling her hips like a belly dance up against him. "We're gonna do this every...single always baby..." She leaned further down and wrapped her arms around her smaller lover, hugging him around his midsection as her dick dug deep into his rectum. Nick groaned as his insides were churned up further by her teasing gyrations. However, her hands pulled on the fabric of his jacket as they hugged him, stretching out the coat and showing off how big it was on him. "Oh Nicholas...honey...nnf...your's even bigger on you than it was last year!" She said sounding surprised, followed by clicking her tongue and shaking her head. "You know what that means don't you baby..."

Again, Nick nodded his head against the pillow pitifully, this time releasing the pillow from his lips. "Y...yes...Mrs. Claus..."

Her arms unwrapped from his body and pressed down onto his back again, as her slow grinding pace suddenly accelerated like before into a hard, rough pounding. "Well go on, tell me the rules hun!"

"OooOOOHOHOH!" Nick cried out, feeling her cock plunge back into his body, splitting open his boy pussy mercilessly.

"Tell me slut!" Mrs. Claus hand came up and gave a firm smack to Nick's pale bottom. "Tell me!"

"Aaah! I...I'm slutty...Saint Nick...and I...I need to...become...Jolly Saint NiiiIIICK!" Another hard spank to his behind as Mrs. Claus pushed herself up on his back, one leg sticking out far to the side as she rode her husband roughly, hoping to make it even more difficult for him to say the words, fueling her own arousal. " my belly, to make me...big and...and fat for the ooooh! For the kids...aahah!" He cried out, body rocking hard into the bed. "I...need to...fill out the suit...with...a big...pregnant belly of cum..."

He felt her fingers dig into his soft tush harder, "Mhmm...that's right..." Her breath quickened, she pulled her shaft out almost entirely before shoving it in all the way to the hilt again. "Keep going..."

"M...My loving...beautiful...generous wife...will f-fuck me...every day...and give me her...big loads of...of cum." It was becoming increasingly harder for him to say words, as he felt her member beginning to swell. The speed of her thrusts reaching a fever pitch, as they did right before he received his first 'gift' of Christmas. "And I...keep...all of it in my big belly...until Uuh! Until...December...twenty sixth...when I become, slutty Saint Nick aghg...again!" The last word ended in a high pitch squeal as he felt Mrs. Claus stuff her cock in as deep as it would go and she let out a low grunt.

"Uuugghh...fuck that's right honey...uuugggh..." Her cock pulsed, and she loved every time that it twitched, spasming and releasing a fresh stream of jizz into her groom's belly. She knew her balls had worked up quite the load from saving up for so long, so the sheer amount she was depositing into him was for sure to be a big one. And judging by the incredible release she felt, she knew there was plenty to fill him up for now.

As she did before, she bit her lip, riding him in soft gyrating motions, while his quivering muscles lovingly massaged out as many drops as they could get from her woman meat. Until after about a minute or two had passed, she felt her hardness beginning to soften, and the last few spurts from her balls had finished their trip out of her tip and found their new home in Nick's bowels.

So she withdrew her dick, with a tiny sucking sound as Nick's ass quickly adjusted to being empty again, aside from the sperm now swimming about inside him of course.

"Aaahh..." Mrs. Claus breathed out, giving Nick a complimentary tap on his butt cheek with her growing flaccid cock. "Good job honey, I hope you liked your first gift." She said now stepping off of their bed, swinging her legs over the side and walking over to the wardrobe nearby. Soft cock swinging with each step.

Nick was panting heavily, but managed to whisper out, "...yes...thank you...Mrs. Claus..."

"But of course! You know your not done just yet! Like the rules say, you've got to keep aaaaall of that cum in there until Christmas. So we'll need to work extra hard this year to make sure you fill out the suit. And..." He felt her step back up onto the bed, standing towering above his still face down, ass up position. "I've got this special present for you here to make sure you don't go losing any of that cum and I have to refill you like I did last year."

Nick carefully peaked open one eye and glanced up at what Mrs. Claus was holding in her hand. A large red plug shaped object that was maybe about the size of her fist.

On the first day of Christmas Mrs. Santa gave to me, a butt plug for my asshole!

"How does it feel honey bun? Plug pushing in all the right spots?" Mrs. Claus cheerfully asked from her standing, but slightly hunched over position.

"Yyrrsh mshsh clsshh..." Nick tried his best to mumble out a reply, but the circumference of her girl cock crammed into his mouth was making words extremely difficult to pronounce. Plus, the position he was in made speaking even more of a challenge.

She giggled from above him and placed her hands down on her knees, keeping her legs wide apart while she lowered herself down, then picked back up, her cock slipping down his willing, tight throat then back up onto his tongue. Rinse and repeat. Due to Nick's small 5'6 body, he was able to kneel down just low enough so that if his head was tilted all the way back fifth element style, his wife could stand directly over him and push down on her dick, so that it drilled almost perfectly straight into his gullet and down the tight moist pipe.

Her smooth refilled balls happily plopped down onto the bottom of Nick's nose, giving him a sense swarming smell of her musk. Pure pheromones seemed to radiate from her huge sack, most likely due to the copious amounts of thick girl sperm she produced on the day to day basis. Really, he was surprised that they didn't inflate or straight up burst with how much his wife could generate.

Mrs. Claus tilted her head back up and closed her eyes, pelvis tingling and her mind relaxing to the sensations. "Mmmm...good darling, I'm so glad this Christmas is off to a great start." She drove her hips down, riding his upright face. Her bubble butt cheeks practically twerking as she fucked her mans face. She looked between her legs and was thrilled to see the noticeable bulge her thick dick made in his neck. The shape of it stretching out the small passage down his throat ever so sweetly. "Ohh've been such a good boy this year Nicholas...well...except of course for being too slim baby..." She reached down and plucked at the baggy red coat he still wore as she had yesterday. "We have to change that."

"Ggck, guugh, glrrk!" All that came out of Nick's mouth, aside from her spit coated cock of course, were horrible throaty sounds of his gag reflex suffering at the hands of her bulbous tip.

With each shove down into his pink swollen lips, his own ass was lowered onto the floor further pushing in the big red plug into his butt. It kept him stretched out wide, and also served to keep him from losing any of the sperm she had already deposited into his stomach.

He couldn't even try to move though if he even wanted too. Behind his back, both his ankles and wrists were interlocked with a set of chains. At the base of the chains were metal rings covered in red fluff, matching the color scheme of her hubby's nose and clothes. They shackled his limbs to the floor through another ring loop bolted to the wooden floor, keeping him in this submissive and accepting position while he was fed his wife's 'Candy Cane.'

Considering how it tasted slightly sweet, but more meaty and salty, the nick name given to her monster was really just more for her own fun.

A big open mouth smile graced Mrs. Claus' face as Nick tried again to futilely swallow against the rigid flesh plugging his airway. The contracting muscles gripped her pulsating flesh from base to tip as he did this and she felt her toes already beginning to curl. "Oou! That's a good boy!" She laughed leaning up and bringing her hands off of her knees, to travel up her own supple body, feeling over her pale skinned belly, to her bouncing busty bosom, then passed her neck to tangle her fingers into her now let down hair. "Are you ready to get your next present?" Her riding sped up, causing Nick's gagging to practically form a symphony of sounds as he gutturally choked with each speedy heartbeat.

"Gluck, gluuck, glk, Glluck, gluuc..." It was all he could do, aside from flex his entrapped fingers and toes as he tensed up. His vision getting blurred, staring up at the incredible sight of his beautiful wife's silky-smooth back, her hefty ass cheeks moving in tandem with her swiveling form. And her cum loaded balls, quickly tapping his face, the two orbs containing his meal for the evening that he could already taste with the amount of precum currently dripping down his throat. The thick, gooey main course however was yet to arrive, but he could practically hear her balls saying to him with each downward shove, 'almost, almost, almost!'

Mrs. Claus fingers gripped her white locks tight, "Ooooh yes honey, here it comes. Uuh!" She squealed feeling the tingle suddenly change to a spark of electricity, wrapping up her spine. "Here it comes! Oh! Drink my milk Santa!" One hand almost slapped down onto Nick's throat as she wanted to feel his neck react to her climax.

And react it did, Nick felt the underside of her cock begin undulating, and the balls that slapped his nose suddenly stopped their rapid pace and rested on his face. Delicately pulsing and pumping out his stored-up supper.

"Mmmmm! Mhhmmmm..." He nearly went cross-eyed staring at her flexing lady nuts as they spent their seed into his body. He nursed on her, quiet sucking and gentle mouth sounds came from his lips as he carefully did his best to drink all of the syrupy jizz bursting out.

The Mrs. pursed her lips and squeezed his throat, loving the extra tightness the act gave, milking out even more of her cream. "Uuuuuhhh..." A relaxed moan slowly sang out while her load shot out spurt, after spurt. He did his best to chug it all, but some small amounts leaked out from his lower lip and spilt into his white beard. Nick was still able to feel her little swimmers happily living in his belly from last night, and now they were getting some new friends from his other entrance. The heat they brought with them warmed his insides pleasantly, and the knowledge that with the amount she was feeding him, he was sure his tummy would start to swell soon.

After giving his throat a few more teasing gyrations, Mrs. Claus stood up fully unbending her knees and straightening out her back. Almost withdrawing her cock from him completely, but the still leaking head stayed inside his sore lips, giving a delightful taste of the last few drops of her yummy baby batter onto his taste buds.

"See? I told you sweetie, all you need is just to be held in place and take it. If you're not so concerned with breathing, you can get your next gift easily!" She said with a smile, wiggling her hips over him. Several thicker droplets of cum oozing into his cavern, coating it a milky white.

On the second day of Christmas Mrs. Santa gave to me, Cuffs to hold me down!

Nick was still shackled in his new red cuffs when Mrs. Santa told him it was time for his next gift.

His position for receiving was similar to the one he had been in on the first day of Christmas, only this time his face was rested fully on the wooden floor of their bedroom so his cheek pressed against the cool surface. His arms were now tucked down between his legs and linked to them by the chain locked against his flesh. He didn't think it would, as he was ready to accept and keep every drop of Christmas cheer his wife was prepared to give him. But she still just wanted to be sure.

The red coat was removed for this as it was something the bride and groom hadn't tried before and she didn't want him to get it messy on the off chance something went wrong.

Mrs. Claus was panting for breath in the corner, "Haah...haahhh...almost done sweetie...just stay like that for me..."

Nicholas nodded, "Yes Mrs. Claus..."

He could hear the slick, wet sounds of her hand happily gliding up and down her chubby cock. Shining sleekly with a mixture of her pre-cum and previous ejaculate. Some of it had spilled out of the suction cup that encapsulated her cock head.

" more big load...and I'll have this all filled up for you..." She referred to the object in her free hand that was connected to her penis by a long latex tube. It was a large syringe that held a total of one hundred milliliters worth of liquid.

More specifically, one hundred milliliters of the contents from her balls.

It was nearly full now, about eighty percent or so filled up and her leaking arousal only added to the amount. "I can't wait Mrs. belly wants more of your yummy cream." Nick felt his back arching instinctively. Ready to accept a cock to be bred again, only this time he was just getting the straight up cocktail she had mixed for him in her sack.

"That's it...nnnf..." Mrs. Claus chewed on her lower lip, she had already cum twice into the tube. Just simply watching her hubby kneel down there like a good slut. Occasionally she teased him. Walking over and jerking off near his face or encouraging him to lick her balls and mix up her cum more. But for the most part, she just stared at his luscious ass, his beautiful puckered hole with the butt plug removed and on standby after he received his treat. Smaller testicles and rock hard dick dangling below it, untouched, unloved, and so cute. "Oh it is, mmh! Here's the rest, uuh-oohh!"

Her hand flew into a flurry of gripping and twisting, and squeezing almost angrily wringing out the next load of jizz from her nuts that just didn't ever seem to want to be fully depleted.

The tube bounced and swung in reaction to the jets of lady spunk spewing into the tube and quickly seeping into the syringe. Snow white slime oozed into the plastic space, quickly filling the remaining empty milliliters of room, and again bursting out from the capped off tip around her dick.

Now it was Nicks turn to bite his lip as he watched this happen, "Nnnf, can I have it now Mrs. Claus? Please? While it still warm?"

A laughing grin came across the busty woman's face, "Don't be getting greedy on me darling, uuuhh..." She moaned yanking the tube off of her sensitive tip, and squeezing her flaccid member one more time from base to head. "You'll get it now, don't worry." Without wasting another moment, she replaced the latex tube with the wide-open syringe end, and locked it in place. Then strolled over to her bent over hubby while holding the shot between her fingers almost in an 'at ready' position.

He watched her bare feet pad across the floor until she ended up behind him, he could practically feel his own pre jizz dripping out of his horny little prick in anticipation. He was practically wiggling his booty at her.

It was then he felt the lubricated tip of the syringe poke at his willing hole and quickly penetrate inside. At first he was surprised that it was lubed up, but then he realized that there was plenty of the misses cum to go around, so she most likely just used that.

"Okay, this is what you get for being too skinny this year. We need your belly big for Christmas honey!" Mrs. Claus playfully chastised him as she began to push on the plunger of the syringe. "Now...just relax and let me fill you up..."

Immediately Nick could feel it's syrupy texture begin to ooze into his butt. "Ooooohh...I'm so sorry Mrs. Claus. I promise I'll be good next year, ooouuu...I promise..." He cooed loving the warmth he felt blooming in his anus and slowly creeping up his bowels as her love goo gently flowed through him.

Mrs. Claus smiled as she applied more and more pressure to the plunger, fifty milliliters left...forty milliliters left...thirty milliliters left...

He wasn't sure if it was placebo effect because of the sheer amount she was injecting him with, but he could swear that he felt his belly start to swell. Just the slightest bit and a warm smile crept across his face. Knowing how many of his wifes little swimmers were going to be sleeping in him tonight made both his heart, and his tummy feel warm.

As the last few drops were pushed out of the end of the syringe, Mrs. Claus carefully removed the tip, loving the small strand of cum connecting his asshole to the injection for a quick second before breaking. "Gooood boy" She set down the shot and retrieved the plug. "Keep it all in honey bun, you've got a lot more to take before Christmas." She said as he felt the tip of the red butt plug kiss his star.

"Yes...Mrs. Claus..."

On the third day of Christmas Mrs. Santa gave to me, A Cum Enema!

"MMMMMHMMMFFFMM!!" Nick cried out in sheer agony and ecstasy as the vibrating bulb pressed down on his tiny ball sack.

Mrs. Claus had his hands cuffed to the head board behind him, while his legs were lifted up and splayed wide apart also shackled to both bed posts to his left and right. Investing in those cuffs for his present was a brilliant idea, as he was squirming like a mad man against her now.

She grinned down at the poor quivering soul who was nearly sobbing as he bit down on the makeshift panty gag she had stuffed into his mouth. His toes flexed and curled while his legs kicked out wildly and he struggled with his arms. "Oooou good boy, keep squirming. It feels amaaazing." She encouraged him as she rocked her hips into his butt cheeks. "Mmmm I knew this would work great, haah, hah, I can feel your next present getting all mixed up inside me." She referenced the impending load of love goo eagerly boiling in her balls.

Her pelvis quietly tapped against the pliable flesh there while she fucked her cock carefully into his bottom. Nothing he was new to really, the real intense part of it though came from the new gift she presented him with now.

It was a device that sort of resembled a magic wand that would typically be used to pleasure women. Pressed against their clits and rubbed in a circle while vibrating to give them thrilling pleasure.

But not for old Saint Nick.

Mrs. Claus had it cranked up to the highest vibration setting and pressed it deeply against Nick's smallish testicles while she pumped his ass with her monster cock.

He tossed and turned, writhing against the rapid movement the wand made, arcing volts of electricity crackled and wracked his body with searing pain laced delight. It was a wild rollercoaster of emotions and desire that made Nick's mind practically go blank. Spattered about his chest was tiny white droplets of his several spent loads of boy cum, each one practically forced it's way out by the magical and pure evil sensations this toy instilled within him.

"GCKHUGGHHHFFFMMMMBLMMM!!" He blabbered into the festive red and white colored panties Mrs. Claus had been wearing only a few hours ago. Their taste was what had initially aroused him, but now, he couldn't figure out whether he wanted to cry and beg her to stop. Or beg her for more.

Either way though, more was what he was going to get.

His wife placed one hand gently on his belly, closing her eyes and relaxing her head as she usually did when her hubby serviced her cock. But this time, with the added toy, not only did it send sweet blissful vibrations through his pelvis and tingling into the girth of her dick. But it also made him deliciously battle her movement, as if he was uncertain what he wanted to do. His body tried to pull away but still tried t buck up into the wand and against her hips. He was at war with his own pleasure, and it made her hot.

"Mmm that's it darling, just a little bit more..." She quietly said, not caring that his own gurgling shouts of confused torment drowned out her words. "Ohh just like that..." Her voice stayed down, as if she was only talking to herself. She could feel her arousal bubbling up, her next daily present of hot jizz ready to pump out of her balls and into his butt. But she didn't speed up her pace, she kept rocking her hips slowly, methodically, enjoying the building of her climax at a calm rate. "Uuhhh...oohhh..." Her head lightly leaned and rocked back and forth. Pure pleasure delicately swam through her veins while his anal muscles jostled about, pulling and jerking her cock around while the wand vibrated his insides doubling the thrill of it all.

It came to the point where Nick was sure his mind had completely melted, the painful feeling in his balls practically tore another orgasm through his crumbling body, "AGGGKKCHAGGG!!" He all but screamed into his cloth gag, flailing and twisting wildly, he felt his mind just go as more warm spurts of his churned up spunk splurted onto his belly making more of a mess.

Mrs. Claus stopped rocking into him and simply held her cock inside him balls deep, drawing in a quick gasp of breath as she felt herself pushed over the edge, "Oh-...oooohhhhhh...yeeeeesss..." She breathed as her cock pulsated, reaching it's finishing point without pounding her husband into oblivion.

She felt an accomplished, confident smile pull at her lips while her testicles twitched. Sperm happily rushing out to join all of their brothers and sisters living in Nick's tummy.

Carefully Mrs. Claus removed the vibrating wand from Nick's completely empty testes. And clicked it off, setting it down beside them as she allowed her cock to continue filling her husband up.

His body spasmed a few more times, completely exhausted from the ball torture she had inflicted upon him. It was pure agony...but it was so good. His chest heaved with fast paced heavy breath as his wife leaned over him, the last few spurts of her most recent load oozing into his welcoming boy womb.

Her hand carefully slid up his stomach, admiring the slightest baby bump in his abdomen where all of her semen was still comfortably stored for Christmas. She was sure her little swimmers were nice snugly and warm inside his tight little tummy.

"Mmmm you did so good again honey. You make me so proud to be your wife." She smiled and leaned down to gently place a kiss on the side of Nick's sweaty forehead. Nick weakly attempted to nod and reply back, but all that came through the gag was a tired breathy mumble that didn't sound like any words. He was very worn out. But upon seeing this, Mrs. Claus put a finger under her chin, looking over the makeshift gag in his mouth. "Hmmm... this gives me an idea..."

On the fourth day of Christmas Mrs. Santa gave to me, A Hitachi for my balls!

Kneeling down on the floor, in a very similar state that he was in three days ago. Through the bolted in ring on the floor, his ankle and wrist cuffs were connected. Keeping him down on his knees with his hands locked behind his back as well.

His mouth was open and his tongue was shyly poking out as a quiet, "Aaaah..." Sound came from his vocal cords.

Standing before him, was not his wife. Mrs. Claus actually sat crossed legged on the bed. Dressed in her sky-blue night gown with her platinum hair tied up neatly into a bun. Casually one of her hands caressed the bulge in the front of the dress while she watched her husband open wide for the group of girls before him.

Five women, all with slightly pointed ears and blush red noses stood surrounding Nick in a semi-circle. They all wore similar green glittery vests, except for one who had removed all her clothing entirely letting her cute B cup breasts out to play. Another form of attire they shared though was the fact that from the waist down, all of them were without pants. Their own cute asses were delightful to watch, as well as their cocks being jerked inches away from Nicks face.

Nick was truly marveling at the glorious view from below them all. The elves were all extremely cute, all of them smelled like cookies and candy, they typically were covered in glitter even in their hair which for the most part varied in all sizes and colors. Surrounding him bow were two with brown hair, two with blonde, and one with red. And attached to each of them was a nice big girl cock which they stroked adamantly, eager to feed Nicholas his present for the day.

Mrs. Claus called out, "We have to work extra hard this year since Santa, being the silly boy he is, got a little too thin girls." All of the elves nodded in unison, panting heavily as they fisted their rigid dicks. The biggest cock of the group was definitely the red heads, she nearly matched his wife with about nine and a half inches sticking out of her pelvis. The others were only a little smaller after that, ranging from between seven and nine inches straight up. And their balls...

"Oh my sweet jingle bells those balls..." Nick thought to himself watching the numerous sacks of twin lady orbs bouncing and jiggling with the rapid jerking motions of the elves masturbating. They all were about the size of plums, or golf balls, so again, not as big as the Mrs. Lovely sack. But sizeable enough to load up Nick's belly with a pleasant amount of girl jizz.

"We need to plump up his belly again and work extra hard this year to get him ready for Christmas got it?" Mrs. Claus said.

Again all the elves nodded and spoke enthusiastically in almost perfect unison, "Yes Mrs. Claus!"

"Now I want you to blow the biggest load you can into his mouth, we need him to take all of what we can offer so you're not allowed to stop until you've milked every drop out of those balls understand ladies?"

Like clockwork, "Yes Mrs. Claus!"

Nick knew that the amount of sperm that ten testicles could produce was going to be intense. And he eagerly bounced in his kneeling position like an excited child waiting for his treat.

Mrs. Claus raised her free hand, "Ready girls? When I say I want you to shoot all you've got on him." Their heads were nodding almost frantically, like every single one of them was on the verge of exploding and they were forced to hold back their impending orgasms. "Waaaaait..." She teasingly said. Nick watched as the brunette immediately in front of him began leaking out precum, it oozed out of her slit and quickly began to drizzle down, dancing in front of him as it remained connected to her tip by only a sticky string.

Immediately Nick leaned forward and caught the drop on the tip of his tongue, instantly it's salty sweetness touching his taste buds. "Mmmm..." He cooed through his open mouth.

"Aaaaand...feed him ladies." Mrs. Claus said and snapped her fingers.

Nick's vision went white as a torrent of milky white sperm blast forth and splashed all over his mouth, cheeks, nose, and eyes.

A song of pleasure sang out as all five elves released their deposits of baby making batter onto Nicholas's whorish face. He stuck his tongue out further trying to catch as much of it as he possibly could. The gloopy thickness and bitter flavor made him want to slurp it all up the moment it's heat blasted him.

There was no way to count how many jets of spunk splurted out onto the blushing boy on his knees. But Mrs. Claus truly enjoyed the site of her husband being christened with quite literally a white Christmas present.

The elf girls balls pulsed and jumped, tensing and pumping out their stored seed. Excited at the prospect of being given this preview of a night with Santa. When Mrs. Claus offered it to them, they jumped at the chance. Christmas was still a ways away and they wouldn't get to have him until then, so being able to paint his jolly bearded face with their desire ahead of time was quite worth it.

Mrs. Claus began to slowly clap her hands as she watched Nick pull his tongue back into his mouth, then watched his throat muscles flex as he gulped down all that he managed to catch between his lips. "Good job girls. Veeeery good job. Go on, help him get the rest of it in there." She said.

The elves giggled, "Yes Mrs. Claus!" Five voices chimed as they used their still decently stiff dicks to scoop up the cum that had plastered onto Nick's face, and run their tips over his features guiding the remaining cum into his mouth.

Nick eagerly allowed all five girl cocks to feed him and happily sucked on each tip, swallowing each ounce of elf love goop that he could. Excited and still counting the days till Christmas, where he would have them all.

His full and slightly bloated belly seemed to jump in anticipation of Christmas night...

On the fifth day of Christmas Mrs. Santa gave to me, Five Elf Girl Loads!

" know that you're not the only one who gives gifts to good little boys right honey?" Mrs. Claus smirked as she adjusted her grip on the stainless steel, curved toy inserted into Nicks ass.

"Oooooohh...oooouu...Yes Mrs. Claus..." He softly cooed, only able to hear her voice as she delicately toyed with his bottom. And covering his eyes was the soft velvet belt loop from her night gown, she fashioned it into a makeshift blindfold to make things a bit more exciting.

Nick was on his hands and knees this time, palms placed flat on the floor with his back arched, allowing his baby bump to hang below slightly. Showing off the copious amounts of sperm swimming about in his stomach. The soles of his feet were pointed towards the ceiling as he stayed perfectly in doggy style pose, once again his coat was removed and he was completely naked. His wife was as well, except for her black leather snow boots covering her own feet.

She was sitting on top of him, her bubbly ass planted firmly onto the middle of his back with her cock laid out down his spine. Only this time, she wasn't concerned with her own pleasure. Today marked the half way point of the twelve days of Christmas, and since her husband had done so good over the last few days, she decided that today would be special for him. She planned on giving him a reward since he took a total of twenty loads from the Elf girls yesterday. And he greedily licked up every last drop they gave him.

Every day his belly got just a little bit bigger, but yesterday definitely made his abdomen grow a cute baby bump that couldn't be missed. He looked like he was in the early stages of pregnancy.

Carefully his wife took hold of the loop at the end of the toy and rotated it, twisting and spinning it around allowing it to hit all the right spots inside his rectum. Or namely, one particular tiny little button deep inside that caused his toes to curl when it was pushed.

She tilted her head and toyed with the massager, using her free hand to squeeze one of his pale cheeks. Giving it a playful slap every now and again, each time earning a surprised gasp or light squeal from her husband. "Mmm, you like that honey?"

"Mhmm..." Nick bit his lip, nodding in affirmation as the metal inside squirmed about. His anal muscles flexed and clenched around it, desperately trying to pull it in deeper, only to be stopped at the entrance of his sphincter by the loop where Mrs. Claus fingers held it.

His cock hung hard down between his thighs. An empty bowl sat below it, waiting to catch the impending boy cum that was sure to come spewing out soon enough. Already a string of his excitement was leaking out of the pink tip of his prink and swayed downward on it's way to the green empty container below.

"You want me to make you cum like this?" She teased him.

Again he nodded, "I do, pleeease..." He begged, a flirty smile now on his own face. He truly loved this time of year, "Make me cum with my butt..."

He was met with a more firm slap to his rear end after he said that, a shock bolting up his body from the surprise. "I'm sorry sweetie, what was it called?" Mrs. Claus said suddenly pushing and pulling the prostate massager toy in and out more aggressively.

"Aah! boy pussy Mrs Claus...Pleaase, make me cum with my boy pussy..." Nick corrected himself. This night may be dedicated to his pleasure. But he still had to know his place, and who wore the pants in this marriage.

Mrs. Claus smiled contently, "Good boy, now..." She leaned down again, close to his ass and focused her intent on careful precise movements of the toy, knowing how to plunge it in so that it would hit his P-spot perfectly. "Just relax..." She pushed it in as deep as it would go, pressing the tip down so the curve of it would angle just right to rub up against his prostate gland. "Relax, and enjoy, darling." The final word seductively rolled off of her tongue while she worked the toy in his ass.

"Uuuggggghoooohhh..." Nicks back arched even further than before as he felt his prostate being milked for his own load that didn't get to be released last night, thanks to all the Elf's releasing their own loads onto him and paying no attention to his own desire. "Oohh...yes..." He breathed, balling up his fists on the floor, flexing and unflexing his toes as his pelvis tingled. A few more gasps came out as he felt the coil beginning to tighten while Mrs. Claus spun the toy around like a winding key in his ass. His prick was left alone, but it began to throb painfully, his balls started to tighten. "Yes...ohh yes, please..." The tone of his voice went higher pitched, and he did his best to try and rock his hips into her loving attention to receive more pleasure from it. "M-Mrs. C-Claus...can I c-cum please? Please?"

He heard her giggle, "Of course honey you can cum, this night is about you remember? Go ahead and explode for me." She pulled the massager out to the tip and pushed it back in repeatedly as if she was fucking him with it, and that sent Nick over the edge.

"Ah! Aah! Thank you! Thank you Miss-UUUUHH! GONNA-AAH!" The sight of seeing his tightened up testes flex and pulse as they released the built up sexual tension from the previous night up into his currently being milked prostate gland, which happily shot the load forth and out of his cock pipe, was one she would not soon forget.

She chewed on her bottom lip while Nick squirmed beneath her, crying out in sheer bliss as his dick twitched and jumped around while his stringy shots of sperm blew out his tip and down into the bowl tucked between his legs. She slowed her thrusting to just a light massage again as he reached his climax, just to gently coax out the remaining spunk gently from him. Not every night had to be wild and lusty, a slow night focused on giving him a sweet pleasure filled experience was good for him too. Especially considering what the next few presents were before Christmas.

But either way, she happily continued rubbing his prostate with the toy while she waited for him to finish. He shot maybe a good ten or twelve jets of pure joy into the bowl forming a nice snow colored puddle in it.

Mrs. Claus sat up on his back as his cock twitched weakly, beginning to soften and Nick bowed his head low, panting after his release. "Hmm...well I guess it's a good thing I kept that syringe honey, wouldn't want to waste all that cum of yours right? Since this belly needs to grow even more, we're gonna need every drop of sperm we can get."

On the sixth day of Christmas Mrs. Santa gave to me, A Prostate Milking!

The lavish red and white decorated bedroom looked quite different upside down. Nick had never observed it this way before, but he could certainly get use to it.

"Mmmm,, mmm...Mmmh! Mmmmhmmmm..." Mrs. Claus kept her lips sealed as she stood over her husband, hips thrusting down hard and driving her pointed downward cock home in his ass.

Since Nick seemed to enjoy his wife being naked, except for her leather high heeled snow boots, she kept them on again. The rest of her bare flawless skin was exposed, not that he could see it very well though, being in this odd upside down, reverse pile-driver position.

She stood over his body which was face down on the floor, he legs separated and standing on each side of his body. One boot clad foot stepping down on the side of his head holding it in his rightful place, on the floor. Nick's back was arched further than it had been the night before as she bent him up towards the ceiling, hands gripping each of his ankles for support while she plowed him.

Nick wanted to scream, he wanted to cry out in joy and beg her for more, but all that came out was, "GHHGHRRR! YSSSSHHH!"

Having gotten an idea from the other night when she gagged him with her panties, Mrs. Claus decided to send a request to the workshop for a new last minute extra gift. And it was now crammed into his mouth, brighter and a deeper rose red than Nick's own nose.

His saliva slobbered down the sides of the ball gag, and his jaw ached uncomfortably, but it was worth it. The amount of pleasure surging from his wife's cock and into his rectum was mind numbing. Especially at this vertical angle, she was able to aim it almost as perfectly at his P-spot as his other toy could.

Mrs. Claus felt her own balls aching as she felt her impending load bubbling. In this position, she had already blown her load twice into his gut. And her third deposit was just about ready to come out and say hello to the man's bowels.

Her boot pressed down on the side of his white hair hard, rocking back and forth as her weight shifted to dig into his tight star. "Aaahh yes darling." She chewed her bottom lip, "Mmm I hope you enjoyed yesterday being all about you." She squatted a bit to lean closer to him, "Because the next few days-aah! ...Are going to be...nnf, all about me." She stood up straight again and this time she yanked her cock out of his butt almost all the way and slammed it back in hard, so that their flesh would clap loudly as she did so.

Nicks fingernails scratched and scrabbled at the hardwood floor. "MMFFHHMMMM!"

"I'm going to fuck you like" She shoved in hard with each word. "Your ass, belongs to my cock...Aaaahhh..." She sighed looking up toward the ceiling, loving the waves of sweetness she felt from his tight gripping muscles. "You understand slut?" Her arms pulled on his ankles hard and wide apart, nearly pulling them into a split. Nick cried out as his hamstrings whined. He wasn't very flexible, especially sporting the new belly that grew a little more with each and every drop of semen he carried like a baby. But his wife was quickly showing him that you could be forced to be more flexible than you were. "You're gonna take my dick, in each of your a good...fucking...cock...whore..." She repeated her method from before, thrusting in balls deep and holding there, then pulling it out to the tip and jamming it back inside with every word she spoke.

"MMMMHMM!! AAGGHMM!" Nicholas virtually screamed into the gag, his cock screaming out as well as his excitement leaked out of it. The clear liquid dripping onto his swollen abdomen.

His wife watched her dick disappear inside him, her cock being swallowed by his greedy little love hole, cheeks bouncing on contact with her pelvis, and her boot adjusting itself on the side of his head. Dominating him like the submissive slut he was. She began to laugh, "FUCK Yes, aaah, haah, haaaah...fuck I'm gonna you...again...aah..." Her grip on his legs suddenly was released and she removed her boot from his head, then reached down to grab him by his own hips.

Before Nick could react, he felt himself being lifted up off the floor and plopped back down onto his wife's waist. "GGRHHHMM!" He gurgled, spit bubbling out from his lips and dripping down onto his belly and mixing with the precum there.

Mrs. Claus literally pulled him off her cock and yanked him back onto it, showing off that she was quite strong for a curvy figured woman. He didn't weigh too much, but the extra baby batter weight made her arms struggle slightly. However that didn't stop her, she was too horny to care, so she fucked him like a rag doll. His arms hung down his front limply and his legs splayed out in what was almost a complete split, even more than they were before.

Her fingers dug into his supple skin at his sides and she gritted her teeth. "Ffffuck..." Neither made a sound for a second, just made pleasure filled faces as they bucked into each other, loud clapping of wet sweaty flesh echoing in the bedroom. It took him a moment before Nick realized that she was cumming again.

It came as he felt her thick girth expand and swell, then the familiar warming up of his tummy as her fresh jizz spilled inside of him. Her Christmas ornament sized balls slapped his small sack and he was sure they twitched in unison whenever they made contact.

However, even though she came, she didn't stop. She continued jerking her sex toy onto her pulsating monster. Nick's eyes slowly began to roll back as his own rising climax started surfacing. The last thing he heard before his own orgasm exploded from within him, was his wife growling, "More...more...slut..." And he felt her cock, still hard as rock, thrusting inside of him.

On the seventh day of Christmas Mrs. Santa gave to me, Ball Gags And Dirty Talk!

"Mrs. Claus, this toy is so much fun to play with!" The cute blonde-haired Elf exclaimed as she tapped the buttons on the remote in her hand.

"I'm glad you like it Glitter! Keep playing with it, I think Santa Nick likes it too." She said leaning in from behind Nick to nibble on his ear.

His wife had definitely upped the ante since Christmas was closing in, her more dominant, dirty, and intuitive side was showing through in the ideas she came up with for his presents. She had her elves cobble up another toy for them to use to pleasure her husband, and were testing it out now.

A series of four white pads were stuck onto the inside of Nicholas's thighs, all electronically connected to the remote in Glitter's hand. With just a push of a button, she would send volts of pulsing electric shocks into his legs and pelvis, surging throughout his pelvis and groin.

Nick would have screamed out in happiness and pleasure, had his ball gag present from last night not been still stuffed in his mouth. "Mmmmhmmm, MMMMMM!" He moaned out lowly, but then yelling into the red sphere prying his jaw open almost painfully. Only Mrs. Claus and the elves who designed the toy knew what the settings on it were and how they worked, Nick was completely out of the loop for this one. But it only seemed to get more and more intense as time went on.

Of course though, only two gifts at a time wouldn't be good enough for her hubby, so she got out his chain cuffs again, and locked his arms behind his back. And instead of cuffing his ankles, she brought out a festive candy cane colored, red and white spreader bar and latched the loops around his bare legs to hold them wide apart. A bonus present for today if you will.

His cock was standing up straight, rigid and his tip bumped into his bloated belly with each buck Mrs. Claus gave him from below.

She sat underneath him, his bottom sitting sweetly in her lap and her girl dick crammed all the way to the hilt inside his ass. Her hands gripped the back of his thighs while she lifted him up effortlessly, and lowered him back down all ten luscious inches of her North pole.

"Yes Mrs. Claus!" Glitter said excitedly, she was fully dressed in her green with red trimming work uniform, unlike both her bosses. Santa Nick was naked from head to toe and she appreciated the view of him like this, especially the swell in his tummy. She knew some of her lady spunk was swimming around in there and in made her heart sing knowing it. And the Mrs. Was naked as well of course, aside from the snow boots she had been wearing to bed over the last few days for some reason unknown to her. She could see one of Mrs. Clauses hefty breasts poking out from behind Mr. and she almost huffed with jealousy. Her own chest was smaller than the Mrs. And it occasionally made her jealous, though she couldn't deny under these circumstances, watching them bounce as she fucked him was very hypnotic.

Mrs. Claus felt her balls aching with the desire to impregnate her bitch again, and the tingling sensation she felt when Glitter clicked the switch again to increase the intensity made her let out a moan of her own. "Ughh, that's good Glitter sweetie. Mmm, you're about to make me and Mr. Claus veeeeryy happy with that toy..."

Glitters face lit up, "Oh! Of course Mrs. Claus!" And she clicked the button again, once more sending another charge of volts into Nick's pelvis and Mrs. Claus's cock.

Nick whimpered while his wife cooed, he got the bulk of the shock, which felt good. But it also carried some pain with it as well, his wife though, all she felt no intense sensations from the zapping. Just the sweet blissful tingle of the charge tickling her flesh and his anal muscles tensing up, squeezing and clenching down hard on her dick. "Aaaahh good girl Glitter...make us happy now sweetie pie, make Mr. and Mrs. Santa happy, and you'll get to go first on Christmas!" She offered, dropping Nick onto her shaft at a faster, rougher pace while she worked out her leg muscles thrusting up into his depths.

The young Elf's eyes seemed to sparkle when she heard that, and her own girl cock throbbed in her tights. "...Oh wow...yes, Yes Mrs. Claus!" She cranked the knob at the bottom of the switch to max, and hit the big red button again.

"AAAHAAWWGHHDDD!!" Nick shrieked as she volted him, a burning sensation zapped into his lower belly forcing him to tense up completely. His toes went pointed and he let out a guttural animalistic yell into his gag.

It hurt, but that pain seemed to be just what he needed to push his body over the edge into a reluctant, but well received orgasm.

His lover wasn't far behind him, his sphincter practically seized up. Creating an air tight seal and fantastic friction onto her schlong, "Oooooh fuck yeah!" Mrs. Claus shouted out as her testicles felt the tingling spark of their load ready to fire.

Glitter flinched a bit upon hearing such a dirty word come from her boss. But judging by the sight of her huge balls pumping out their most recent batch of tasty...thick...gooey...yummy boss cum. She figured she could bite her tongue about it this time. And simply allow them to ride their high, meanwhile she just sat and watched, slightly jealous of both of them at the moment.

Mr. Claus was lucky he got to feel another one of Mrs. Claus's loads shoot into his butt. Filling up his greedy tummy with so much sperm he should be pregnant with twenty little Elf babies! But at the same time, she was jealous that Mrs. Claus got his nice tight cock sleeve asshole wrapped around her dick, sucking the cum out of it.

"Ohhh...fooey...Christmas can't come soon enough!" She thought rubbing her thighs together trying to stifle her hard on as she thought about what it would be like on Christmas morning when she got her turn...

On the eighth day of Christmas Mrs. Santa gave to me, A Hard Electro Shocking!

"Aaah! Hah, Mrs...Claus oooohh!" Glitter cried out, her eyes squeezed shut and lips parted with each heavy breath. She was held by the waist, Mrs. Claus behind her lifting her adorable perky butt up high enough so that the Elf had to stand on her tippy toes in order to meet up with her boss's pelvis. She only was dressed in her fluffy green Elf worker boots and matching hat, while Mrs. Claus had similar attire, minus the hat. "Yes! More Mrs. Claus! Oooh! Gimmie more!"

Mrs. Claus held the young Elf by the back of her elbows pulling them back, allowing her cute little B-cup titties to bounce while she railed the girl from behind. She clicked her tongue, "Now, now Glitter, what's that we've taught you about asking nicely?"

Glitter bit her lower lip, "I'm sorry Mrs. Claus, you're cock just feels soooo good...I couldn't help it." She peaked over her shoulder, "Please can I have more Mrs. Claus? I want your cum in my belly like Mr. Claus." Both Glitters breasts, and her smaller cock jumped up after each shove against her rear. The thick hunk of girl meat her boss sported, felt like it got bigger every time she used it on her. It was definitely bigger than her own, she was about seven inches hard, still bigger than Mrs. Claus of course, but she felt dwarfed by the ten inches that grew out of her boss's groin.

A deep chuckle cane from the Mrs. Chest, "Good girl..." She looked beyond Glitter's pretty face though to see how her husband was doing. "Enjoying the show honey?"

"We think he is Mrs. Claus!" Seven other Elf girls, wearing the exact same outfit that Glitter was, boots, hats, and nothing else, all gently felt along Nick's naked and bound body.

Again, Nick found himself in a precarious situation in their bedroom. His Christmas cuffs were locked on his wrists and ankles like before, but they were each attached to only one wrist and ankle per pair. That way his hands were locked close to his feet, and the spreader bar on his lower ankles held them wide apart on the edge of the bed. Similar to how he was kept the previous night, including his upright prick being as solid as ever.

Only this time, instead of the red themed ball gag holding his mouth open, it was taken apart to reveal that inside of the crimson sphere was an 'O' shaped gag. Something designed for holding his mouth open, but allowed for things to still go inside.

Surrounding Nick, the numerous Elf girls danced, swaying their wide, and narrow hips, occasionally wiggling their tits in his face, taking one of his hard nipples into their mouths and sucking. Sometimes even pressing their mammaries up against his back, Tinsel, the silver haired one, even sat in the side of his body nearly planting her bottom into his lap and laying out her long glorious legs across him and stroked his chest with them while they were there.

But, all of them were given specific orders not to touch his, or any of their own hard cocks.

"Aaaahaah! Mrs...Claus!" Glitter panted heavily, feeling her bosses hefty sack of goodies slap her own small one sending a sharp jolt each time. "I think...I'm going to...aah!" She squealed as Mrs. Claus looped one arm through both of Glitter's own, to pull her up closer to her chest. Her other hand wrapped around the small Elf's body to run up her front, stroking each bouncing breast and pinching her sweet pink nipples.

Her lips came to her pointy Elf ear, "Now you know what to do when I cum in you right sweetie?"

Same as before, Glitter chewed her lower lip, "...Yyyesss..." Her voice went up an octave and squeaked, " I...I feed it Mr...Claus! AAAAHHAAHHHH!" She screamed and felt her girl cock jumping again as her sparkling shots of Elf spunk began to spew forth from her bulbous pink tip.

"Good girl...uuugghhh..." Much less exaggerated, Mrs. Claus groaned when her release hit her. The tiny girl squirming in her grasp, plus the velvety soft grip of her insides was more than enough incentive to dump a full dose of her cream into the young Elf's bowels.

Nick's toes curled as he watched his Wife's eyes lock with his own as she came, his cock twitched and cried out a bead of precum loaded with want and desire. When she told him how he would be receiving today's present, he was both excited, and sad. Because she called in some of their cutest workers, (granted all the Elf that worked for them were adorable) and had them tease him the entire time while he watched Glitter take what was suppose to be HIS load up her ass.

"Awww...are you jealous Mr. Santa?" Tinsel leaned up close to speak hotly against his sensitive neck. "We promise you'll get that cum you want."

Another voice to his side, "Yes we do Santa, we all want this belly to be big and full." She gently patted his pregnant stomach.

"And you'll get every drop you need in order to fit your coat this year." Mrs. Claus suddenly said drawing his attention back to her.

She stood immediately before him, Glitter there also, hands clasped in front of her near the still hard cock that was coated with her own slimy juices. "Are you ready for today's present Mr. Claus?" Glitter asked and the other Elves cleared back a bit to give her some room.

Eagerly Nick nodded as she climbed up and stood on the bed, bringing her pelvis eye level with Nick's face. And then she turned around.

Glitters but was something anyone in the world would give their life to be inside of just for a minute. It was two cute soft cheeks with an incredibly tight pink hole snugly between them, and just now, that same hole happened to be filled with Mrs. Claus's loads for tonight. All six of them.

The Elf girl slowly lowered herself down and reached behind her back to grip her ass cheeks and spread them apart. "Merry almost Christmas Santa!" She said before situating asshole perfectly against Nick's welcoming, and held open mouth while she relaxed. His wife and the other girls watched in awe.

He could feel her muscles moving as he poked his tongue forward to happily guide in the incoming creamy goodness. And it didn't take long before he felt the concoction that his Wife produced in her balls and then mixed up inside of Glitter began to spill out into his non-closeable lips. If he could've, he would've smiled with glee, the taste of the sweet little Elf's asshole mingled with his Wife's sperm made another lustful drop of precum ooze from his tip.

The amount of her four loads gently leaking out required several mouthfuls for him to get it all, and he made sure to swallow every chance he got. After he had a good taste of course, but he didn't want to miss out on a single drop.


On the ninth day of Christmas Mrs. Santa gave to me, An Elf Girl Anal Creampie!

"Well you like your new toy?" Mrs. Claus was kneeling in front of Nick who was propped into a doggy style position on the floor. A change from yesterday, but a common go to for this time of year.

And of course Nick would've replied, had he had the wherewithal to speak, as his ball gag was once more stuffed into his mouth. "Mmhghhh...yssshh mshsh clwwwss..." He tried to mumble out weakly. But the unbearably sweet and frustrating sensations coming from his cock and ass were making it even harder to focus.

His arms and legs were forced apart with the candy cane spreader bar, and a second one that Mrs. Claus had fashioned for the incoming occasions. They parted his legs wide and kept him trapped on the floor while the redheaded Elf Tinsel knelt behind him, her lips passionately kissing his tiny star between the pale globs of flesh.

Below that was an entrapped ball sack, and engorged dick that both had rings clamped tightly around their bases. Almost evilly squeezing the life out of his appendage and twin boys begging for mercy in their smooth carrying bag.

With a sadistic giggle, his wife stood to her full height, allowing her woman hood to swing down low in front of his face, her own dangling balls hung low as well. Tantalizingly close to his hungry mouth. "I bet you'd love for this torture to end. Been up here all day, trapped in your little cock cage, squeezing the life out of your sad little dick..." She raised up her leg and placed her boot clad foot onto his bare back. Her cock now hanging right up against his face, and the thick meaty texture slid along his blushing cheeks while the musky scent produced from her baby making testicles invaded his heaving for breath nostrils. "You'd love for this cock to just plow away...pound you into ecstasy, giving you the release you haven't gotten for daaays..." She spoke low, lusty, cruelly, "Isn't that right...darling?" She gently swayed her hips with each word, tapping her semi-hard hunk of girl meat against his face each time.

Nick almost aggressively nodded and mumbled through his gag, "Ysssh pweeesh!" He tried his best to move his face forward and get the luscious cock attached to his wife into his mouth.

Mrs. Claus's grin widened and she shook her head, " poor baby." She looked over to his rear end and at the Elf back there as well. "You think he's had enough teasing Tinsel?"

The Elf was almost lost in the moment of tasting her bosses anal cavity. Especially one that Mrs. Claus's cock had been inside of so many times. It was absolutely yummy! And she was incredibly thankful for her being chosen to tease Santa on this day. Apparently Mrs. Claus had watched Tinsel's expertise when it came to being an intolerable tease and picked her to help out.

It always made the elves feel super special to be selected by their boss to do a service like this.

But hearing Mrs. Claus say this, she glanced up with her golden eyes and gave one last slow swirl with the tip of her tongue then said, "If you think he's ready for his all nighter than yes Mrs. Claus!" She said joyfully.

Nick reopened his eyes when hearing that, "All nighter?" But then before he could muffle out any more words or look back up at his wife, a red silk blindfold was wrapped around his head and covered up his now forced to be shut eyes. "Mmmmm!?"

He could hear Mrs. Claus clicking her tongue. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, aww honey bun, you didn't think your edging ended tonight did you? Tomorrow's Christmas Eve! And your belly is almost full, of course you're not going to cum until Christmas." She said and Nick's heart dropped.

Then there was a feeling of pressure against his asshole as the large red butt plug was pushed back inside, plugging him up from the back. "Okay Mrs. Claus, it's in!"

"Good job Tinsel, now you come here, let's go to your quarters, I've got to give you a reward for helping me out tonight."

Tinsel felt her heart flutter as Mrs. Claus approached her after blinding her husband, she cupped her cheek and allowed her hardening member brush up against the Elf's thigh. Tinsel's own cock suddenly twitching in surprise. "Oh...yes Mrs. Claus...of Course Mrs. Claus!"

Nick mumbled again helplessly as he realized what was going on and tried to struggle with his locked in place limbs. "Mmmmphblmm!!"

But all he heard after that was the clicking of his wife's boots and her voice, "We'll be back in about two hours or so." Mrs. Claus however looked up and down Tinsel's own curvaceous body. A handful of C-cup breasts and her own swinging nine inch girl cock stiffening as they walked. And that nice tight little ass... "Hmm...three hours tops. And I expect you to drink all my cum out of her ass like you did last night honey. You be good though until we get back!"

Again Nick mumbled in protest, but there was nothing he could do. He was trapped, back arched, ass out, bloated cum filled belly, blindfolded and gagged. And all he got in response to his moans was the sound of the girls feet moving further away, and the latch of the door closing and locking shut behind him.

On the tenth day of Christmas Mrs. Santa gave to me, A Tight Cock Ring Teasing!

"AAGGGBBLLFMMM!!" Nick screamed into the ball gag again, and again. His jaw was aching immensely from having it stuck in there all night and day, his still blindfolded eyes unable to glance back at the source of his torture. It wasn't his sore jaw muscles, it was something on his body that had been aching far more than his jaw could ever hope too. His poor abused tiny balls. They were glowing a rosy pink color as he felt Tinsel's boot once again raise up and land a direct kick into his swollen sack. "GGGHHHRRG!" He gurgled into the gag as the surge of nausea and pain pumped up his body.

Mrs. Claus was watching with evil delight as her Elf workers took turns abusing his little boys down there while she sat in a squatting position over his ass. Her cock pointed down so that it could plunge again into his clenching love hole. She lowered herself down repeatedly, fucking him while he was doggy style, but she was riding and facing away from his front so she could watch the girls take turns busting his balls.

"Mmm that was a good shot Tinsel, you're next in line after Glitter!" She complimented the redheaded Elf who formed a huge smile upon hearing this. "Now give him one more shot, his balls have to be ready to explode for tomorrow night."

Eagerly Tinsel nodded, "Yes Mrs. Claus!" She then took a few steps backward and got a running start to drive her boot clad foot up in a powerful ark and slamming into his constricted testicles. Still trapped in their chastity, Christmas cock ring.

Once more Nick cried out in pain and some form of twisted, perverse pleasure. "GUUGGHHH!"

"That's a good, little slut, boy!" Mrs. Claus said in between a few swats downward with her hand. After Tinsel kicked she bent over and slapped his jingling bells, forcing his body to flinch and try to squirm away each time. But with the cuffs and spreader bars holding him in the same position he was left in the previous night, he had no hope of escape.

Tinsel clapped her hands a few times and jumped up excitedly. "Are you gonna cum inside him Mrs. Claus? Can I see?"

Unfortunately though, Mrs. Claus shook her head, "Ohh, not tonight sweetie. You see, my husband likes it a lot when I do that. And we can't risk him blowing his own worked up load tonight. Right darling!?" She asked with another sudden and hard punch downward to his testes.

"GGRBLMM!" Was all she received in response.

"Good. So tonight, we're just riling him up, and mixing up all the Christmas goo he's got in these poor little boys down here." She took his balls in her hand, pulling them away from the base where the ring held them and she squeezed painfully.

Nick groaned again, "Oh God...It hurts...please...please crush my balls...ooh fuuuuck...I love it..." He was falling in love with the pain.

Tinsel again nodded as she listened to her boss explain, "Tonight is Christmas Eve, and tomorrow's his big day. We're going to make sure he fits in his big jacket, and that we all give him our own special presents before he goes okay?" She then stopped her slow pumping of her cock into his rear, and released his balls from her grasp. Then leaned over placing her hands on her knees. "But of course, I can't leave him with nothing tonight. Just can't have him cum, so insteeead..." She closed her eyes and went quiet. Tinsel watched in silence as her teeth came down to bite her lip again. "I'll give him nnf...something else, to fill his belly up with..." She said, and Nick's eyes widened as he felt it. "Something niiiice and waaaarm..."

A light bulb seemed to ignite over Tinsel's head as she realized what her boss was doing. She could see the vibrations on the underside of Mrs. Claus's cock, and Santa's pregnant belly began to swell slightly, going from about six months pregnant to eight months.

She was...relieving herself. She was peeing inside him, peeing in his butt.

"Mmmmffflmmmm" Nick groaned and weakly struggled with his hands. It was dirty, and sick, but in some strange way, Nick loved it. The abuse, the torment, the belly full of so much cum, and now piss. His eyes slowly started to roll back into his skull. His throbbing prick crying tears of his excitement the entire time.

Tomorrow was Christmas, the big day. And he knew that after three days of denial and desire, he would be getting the most intense treatment of his life.

Every year Mrs. Claus made it more monumental than the last, and she was pulling out all the stops this year too. It was strange, he felt like he watched his weight carefully, but his coat just seemed to keep getting too big for him.

A blessing and a curse, because although he received the amazing loving treatment and presents from his wife, she also teased him unbearably during the last few days, as she was right now.

A sweet tingly and pleasant feeling washed up Mrs. Claus's body as she emptied her bladder into him. The long continuous stream running from her cock pipe and into his bowels, soon flooding down into his tummy mixing with all the sperm there and practically reheating it with her urine's warmth. "Nnnnf...great job today honey." She gave his balls one final pat, causing his legs to convulse and his behind to submissively buck up to her. Then she stood up having finished relieving herself, removing her still hard cock from his tunnel. Tinsel immediately new that was her queue and snatched up his butt plug, happily reinserting it once Mrs. Claus stepped out of the way. "Merry Christmas Eve darling, I hope you're ready for the big day tomorrow." She blew him a little kiss which he still couldn't see behind the red blindfold, but she figured he got the message. "Let's head downstairs Tinsel, we have to prep the other Elves for tomorrow. All one hundred of them." She said with a smile.

On the Eleventh day of Christmas Mrs. Santa gave to me, Painful Ball Busting!

Mrs. Claus sat comfortably in her full blue night gown, holding Nicholas's red coat in her hands, a sewing needle softly poking through the warm fabric, manipulating it's shape while she hummed to herself.

The party going on downstairs was beyond crazy, the Elf's were extra rowdy this year. She glanced over the balcony and down into the workshop where the Christmas celebration was being held.

"Mmm, gggbllmmf...gghhllckkuguhh..." Nicholas hung upside down on a larger, festive green and gold patterned bar that stretched all the way from one side of the room to the other. Nick was stark naked, sporting his inflated semen and piss filled belly proudly pointed up to the ceiling. His legs and arms were latched to the pole, famously known as, 'The North Pole.' Right beside each other, he was suspended from it while a long green, and red line of Elf girls lined up from both the front and the back of Santa. Some wearing their uniforms, others wearing only pieces like boots, vests or hats, and others butt naked. Each girl sporting varying sizes of womanhood from their nether regions while they waited excited to have a turn on their boss.

The two working at him now were railing him from both ends, he was in an upside down spit roast. "Aaah! Yyyes!" Cried out one as she felt her girl balls erupt into his tight, well used asshole.

Up front Nick nearly went cross eyed as he stared at the hefty sack swinging and slapping into his nose as her thick cock drilled down his neck. "I'm...cumming!" She shouted, and he could instantly feel the hot short spurts of another load pumping down his pipe. On second nature reflex, he began swallowing. Gleefully accepting the seed and gulping it all down.

The pair of elf's held their dicks balls deep inside, being fully aware that Santa needed every drop of sperm they had to go and bring joy to all of the girls and boys of the world tonight. That's how Mrs. Claus explained it to all of them a long time ago when the tradition began. And it would go on forever and ever.

After they had spent their built up loads, they retracted their happy fuck sticks, strings of cum connecting them to his orifices for an extra moment before they said in unison, "Merry Christmas Santa!" And then moved off to the side, allowing the next girls in line to step up, cocks at the ready and in hand.

Weakly Nick stuck his tongue out, "Aaaaaahhhh..." he moaned and willingly allowed the next dick in line to fill his empty cavern. Followed by the other plugging up his rear end as well and started pounding away.

Glitter and Tinsel were first, followed by Cheer, then Sparkle, Bright, Flurry, Nippy, Gift, Chestnut, and...and then he lost track. There were one hundred of them after all. One hundred Elf's with beautiful cocks that he was used to give pleasure to, and they granted him their yummy, filling, delicious sperm to pump his belly full, so he could do his job.

It's what Mrs. Claus said, so he believed it, he loved her. And he loved this, this was amazing, it felt so good...

"I love Christmas..." He thought before he felt his vision getting hazy, he was about to pass out again from exhaustion. But he didn't care, it all felt too good to care. And he let himself go to the pleasure and the Christmas cheer.

Up above in their bedroom, Mrs. Claus casually added a few more buttons to the red coat for his trip. Then laid it out on the bed measuring it, "Mhmm!" She nodded, satisfied with her work. "An extra five inches around. Silly old Santa, you lost weight again, we'll have to work even harder next year to get you to fill out this suit." She lifted up the outfit, smiling darkly at her work, she giggled, "Oh how you're so stupid. All of them." She bundled up the jacket and set it out, all folded neatly for him to retrieve after he was done being used downstairs. "Fucking moronic Elves. I wonder how long they'll believe this bullshit." She removed her robe letting her thick curvy body out to admire herself in the standing mirror of the room, long semi-hard dick dangling down her legs and big tits to make all the foolish mortals drool. Her breasts heaved as she sighed happily, "Probably forever knowing their track record for intelligence." She laughed again, and placed her hand on the mirror, her reflection turning a deep snowy, cold blue color with traces of white all along her skin. Her eyes completely losing their pupils and turning a bright icy blue. Black horns suddenly protruded from her head and her bare feet became hoofed and tall, adding several more inches to her height. Her tits were large before, but now they were even bigger than DD. Her blue skin turned a lighter white around her even bustier chest.

Her body flexed and relaxed adjusting to her natural form. Her fingers gaining dark claws and her cock suddenly growing several more inches, becoming equine and horse like. Her balls inflated, now becoming possibly the size of two twin oranges. Her hand phased through the mirror, and she stepped inside the alternate plane of existence she created when she first came here. Taking a few steps forward, her horse cock grew more and more as it hardened with her excitement, nearly two feet long!

Before her was the butt naked, chained in place, Mrs. Claus. Legs spread wide apart, soft dick resting against her belly, and hands held in place on the metallic bed she tied her to. A gag tied tightly around the platinum blonde bombshells mouth, immediately upon seeing her captor she struggled and tried to shout angrily at her, but all that came out was a muffled, "MMFF!! LLLT MMFF GUUU!"

Smiling, the demonic creature traced a line up a bulging vein on the side of her sheathe, up her smooth shaft, and all the way to her flared tip that began leaking with anticipation. "...So Mrs. Claus..." A long snake like tongue came out and licked her lips, "Are you ready for another round?"

Mrs. Claus shivered looking at the behemoth of a phallus that protruded from this demons pelvis. She slowly shook her head with sparkling eyes of worry, fear, and...just the slightest hint of arousal.

As the Demon of Christmas, Krampus, closed the distance between them.

On the Twelfth day of Christmas Mrs. Santa gave to me, An Elf Girl Cum Train!