Honour Thy Mother - Chapter 6 by JamesRussel

Alex shivered as he stepped off the bus. The cold October late evening air made him keenly aware of the moisture left in his hair and clothes after he had rushed to get dressed and out of the locker room while the guys on the swim team headed to the communal shower. Putting the hood of his jacket up, Alex began to walk the rest of the way home with his shoulders pulled up to his ears. He knew that he lived in a good part of town but he couldn't help feeling exposed and vulnerable walking alone after sunset, which wasn't helped by the cold creeping into him.

It had been almost exactly a week since his mother had demanded he join his college's swim team and he still wasn't sure why he had done it. The obvious answer was fear of what she would do to him if he didn't but he hadn't even really thought about that. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but for some reason, as her emphatic suggestion had kept popping up in his head it had felt unusually important not to disappoint her so on Thursday he had signed up for the next trial training, but he hadn't managed to work up the courage to tell her about it as he was sure she would be excited by the news but less certain what she would do in the heat of the moment. He had found out on Saturday morning. It wasn't unusual that he hadn't seen Jenna all Friday as with his courses starting late that day she had left by the time he needed to get up and on most Fridays she would either come home late at night or only come home to get changed and grab her gym bag before leaving for her favourite spa.

Being woken up on Saturday morning by someone softly saying his name and stroking his forehead did surprise him, though. He recognized the voice just as he opened his eyes. It took him a moment to reconcile the sight of his mother sitting on the edge of his bed in her morning gown with the looming threatening figure she had recently become in his mind. The late morning light coming in through his window, streaky from his recent shoddy attempt at cleaning it, caught in her hair and turned it into a halo of molten copper flowing around her beautiful face. With the warm smile on her luscious lips and the affectionate glint in her eyes, she looked almost angelic. After his recent experiences though, seeing her first thing in the morning startled Alex and he bolted upright.

"Relax, sweetie," Jenna simply said as she moved her hand to gently pat his thigh through the cover. "Come on sleepyhead, breakfast's waiting," she smiled before walking out and leaving the door open, letting the scent of bacon, eggs, toast and coffee waft into Alex's room as he gathered his senses. He was confused, and a small part of him even disappointed, by the fact that she had found him in an entirely helpless state and not exploited it to violate him as he would have expected. Rather than feeling relieved, her attitude shifting yet again put him on edge.

While Alex did little more than pick at his breakfast, which at least by his mother's standards wasn't bad, Jenna displayed the large appetite she had had ever since Alex could remember, to the point that Alex had sometimes wondered how she kept her figure. The atmosphere was tenser than Jenna had seemingly intended as they sat sipping coffee afterwards until Jenna broke the silence by asking about Alex's plans for the weekend. When he revealed that he didn't have any, she slightly tilted her head to the side and smiled in a way that only a parent about to repeat well-meaning advice for the umpteenth time could before once again giving him her spiel about him needing to get out more.

When she mentioned the swimming team, Alex blurted out that he had already signed up for a trial training, which obviously surprised her as she paused for a second before jumping out of her chair and leaning over the table to hug him. Alex got a brief glimpse down her bathrobe at her full, heavy bust before it was pressed against his face as due to the somewhat awkward position, Jenna didn't so much hug him as wrap her arms around his head and pull it into her bosom. Jenna excitedly gushed about how happy she was, but Alex only picked up fragments of it as his attention was occupied by her warm, soft breasts rubbing against his face and the subtly sweet scent emanating from them. He was flushed by the time she pulled away and innocently asked if he wasn't feeling well, though he swore he saw the slightest hint of slyness in her smile.

She had given him space from that point on and been back to her sweet and cordial self whenever they did interact. Alex was torn on what to think about her almost acting as if the past two weeks hadn't happened. Part of him simply wanted to have his loving, supportive mother back and would be happy to bury the memories of her recent abuses and go back to how things used to be, but another part couldn't just let go of what she had done and wanted to get some kind of revenge or escape, though he didn't know who to turn to and the thought of being on his own frightened him more than the prospect of staying with her. And then, as much as he tried to push it out of his mind, he couldn't stop thinking about how much being humiliated and used by her aroused him and part of him perversely didn't want it to stop.

He was equally unsure of what to make of the surprise Jenna had promised would be waiting for him after his trial training. At the very least he'd be out of the cold, he thought as he walked up the driveway with shamefully arousing horror scenarios of what she could have planned for him swirling in his head.

Thus preoccupied, the sizzling sounds and greasy smell that greeted him as soon as he opened the door were the very last thing he would've expected. They filled him with a sense of nostalgia as he dropped his gym bag and shrugged out of his jacket. Warmth began to flow into him from the warm air now surrounding him as he made his way towards the kitchen and a shiver ran through him as if he only now realized just how cold he had been. Rounding the corner, he saw Jenna at the stove wearing an old t-shirt and track pants with her hair tied back in a loose ponytail. A quick glance into the pan confirmed his suspicion that it was indeed bangers and mash he was smelling, and the whole sight conjured up childhood memories.

There used to be nothing special about his mom cooking dinner, except whenever she would try something new which would inevitably go sideways and she would end up ordering takeout instead. By the time she eventually started working, bangers and mash had become her "speciality" for the simple reason that it was just about the most involved dish she could manage without something ending up undercooked, leathery, burnt or only technically edible in some other way and thus on the rare occasion that she would be home before dinner, that was what she would make after dismissing his babysitter. He remembered those evenings shared just between the two of them quite fondly.

"Alex!" he heard Jenna call out, his mind returning to the present just as she rushed towards him and pulled him into a hug. "How was it?" she asked.

"Uh, good, I think?" he stammered as he felt her warm, soft body press against his.

"My god, you're freezing," she said, audibly worried. "Come on, let's get something warm into you and then you can tell me all about it," she smiled warmly as she ushered him to the kitchen table. Sitting down, he found a bottle of his favourite soda and poured himself a glass, sipping it as he watched Jenna plate the food, the taste adding to his sense of nostalgia. "Here you go," she chirped as she set down his plate before sitting down with hers which only had sausages on it that had burst under her less than watchful eye, while she had reserved the intact ones for him like she always had. As soon as the first forkful hit his tongue, he had to admit that while he had taken up cooking in the last few months precisely so he could have some more varied food than her limited repertoire without relying on premade junk, she really had gotten her staple down to as much of an art form as possible for such a simple dish. The mix of creamy mashed potatoes and salty, juicy sausages, complimented perfectly by the onion gravy would still be delightful even if it didn't have such pleasant associations for him.

"So, care to tell me a little more?" Jenna asked after a little while.

"Well, everyone seems nice," Alex began before wolfing down another bite. "I didn't actually do that much swimming though," he admitted. "I was the only one there for a trial so that was a bit awkward but coach Nilsen kind of took me under her wing," he continued.

"So what did you do if you weren't swimming?" Jenna asked, putting away her fork and knife so she could rest her chin on her crossed fingers as she fixated him with an attentive look.

"I haven't been swimming in a while because…" he drifted off. "Anyway when I told coach Nilsen, she made me do this really long warm-up program, a lot of stretching mostly. I didn't really see why stretching would be so important but she was really insistent, said it's so I don't get cramps," he recounted. "She did eventually let me get into the water and swim a couple of lanes. She, uh, said my technique needs quite some work but first of all, I'd need to get more control of my breathing to get a consistent rhythm going, so then she made me dive a lot."

"Tell me more about coach Nilsen. She sounds kind of pushy," Jenna commented without Alex noticing the way her smile broadened slightly at the realization that thanks to this coach, things had gone far better than she had planned.

"Uh she's really tall, at least 6'. And no, she's not that pushy. She's the junior coach actually and she's very friendly. Most of the guys seemed a bit awkward around her though, don't know why.Well seems she's not exactly shy about physical contact, maybe that has something to do with it," he mused.

"She's what now?" Jenna asked, clearly concerned.

"I just mean, like, she taught me this kind of lunging, torso-twisting stretching position to stretch like half your lower body and she didn't even show me how it's supposed to look but just nudged me into it. Or when I was stretching my hamstrings she pushed on my shoulders to help me stretch a bit further. She said she was quite impressed by how flexible I am actually," Alex explained as he finished his plate.

"I see," Jenna said, seemingly content. "So she didn't scare you off then?"

"Oh no," Alex reassured her. "If she does get a bit too handsy, I'm always safe in the water. Not sure she even has a swimsuit under that tracksuit of hers," he joked.

"Alright, so you think you'll give it another go?" Jenna asked after chuckling politely at his joke.

"Uhm," Alex stammered. "Well there is one thing," he confessed. "Coach Nilsen said my swimming trunks aren't actually allowed. It was fine for this one time but I'd need to get different ones if I wanted to join," he laid out. "I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that," he said, halting as he tried to avoid bringing up why it made him so uncomfortable. "The ones the others were wearing looked a bit, um, tight," he admitted, blushing as he skirted the issue of his insecurity.

"Oh sweetie," Jenna sighed with an empathetic look. "We talked about this already," she said softly as she moved a hand across the table to grip his and caress the back of his hand with her thumb. "Believe me, no need to worry about the size of your penis. Girls really aren't that interested in it," she encouraged him.

"Mom!" Alex burst out as he looked away and his blush intensified. He was so caught up in the illusion of Jenna being back to how he remembered her always being that he didn't think of her recent actions and how much they contradicted what she had just said.

"It's true," Jenna reaffirmed. Alex returned his gaze to her just in time to see her lean in a bit closer with a conspiratorial smile and say, "Besides, speedos show off the back just as much as the front. And that cute little butt of yours? Irresistible if you ask me," she intimated. Too embarrassed to answer, Alex simply averted his eyes again. "I guess that explains why you still of smell of chlorine so much," Jenna concluded after a period of uncomfortable silence. "Come on, hop in the shower, get that stuff off your skin."

As he stood in the shower, hanging his head as he savoured the feeling of the warm water hitting his neck and running down his body with his eyes closed, he reflected on what had just transpired.

It had felt like things had gone back to how they used to be, like it was the two of them against the world, and he had completely let himself get swept up in the moment, but with the memories of her recent actions returning from the dark corner in the back of his mind they had momentarily been pushed into, he became suspicious and began to dissect her every word. What she had said about his penis was in especially stark, painful contrast to what she had said, and done, recently. Was she just toying with him? The realization hit him like a slap in the face. She had to have meant that girls aren't interested in his penis, rather than size. But then what about her comment about his butt, he thought as his sphincter clenched involuntarily at the thought of what she might have meant. She couldn't possibly intend to do that, could she? The images of her cock flashing before his mind's eye, frighteningly massive from each of the various angles that he had seen it from, made him swallow reflexively as fear welled up inside him.

When he heard the shower door open, his eyes shot open, looking straight at the object of his dread for a split second before his head snapped upwards and he saw an innocent smile on his mother's face as she walked in.

"Hey, I'm still in here!" he cried out as he covered his crotch with his hands and turned away from her.

"I can see that, you know?" Jenna replied nonchalantly as Alex shuffled away from her. "But I need to get this grease out of my hair," she said as she stepped closed the gap and gently put a hand on his shoulder. "Figured we might as well save some water, hope you don't mind," she added as Alex felt what he immediately realized had to be her breasts delicately press against his upper back. Her hand slid down from his shoulder, soon joined by her other hand as her fingers traced a line down his biceps before wrapping around his forearms.

"It's okay, sweetie," she said calmly as she lightly pulled on his forearms. He resisted for a moment before somewhat reluctantly letting her pull his arms to his sides, only for her to cross her own arms in front of him. "Relax," she whispered into his ear as she pulled him into a hug from behind, and he couldn't help but go along, instinctually feeling safe in her embrace. As she pressed herself against his back, he was too distracted by the feeling of her full breasts flattening against his back, and something not quite as soft rubbing against his butt, to notice her shuffling him a little bit further toward the corner of the shower and out of the warm water coming from overhead.

Without saying another word, she reached over to grab some body wash and began soaping him up, running her fingers along any hint of muscle she found on his scrawny body as she worked her way up his arms.

"Uh, I think you grabbed the wrong bottle, mom," Alex muttered when he noticed the steamy air filling with a fruity aroma.

"Silly me," Jenna said, showing no intention to correct her apparent mistake as her hands moved from his shoulders to his chest, continuing to cover him in a scent that was sweet, feminine and, most importantly, hers.

Her hands roamed over his chest in smooth, circular motions, grazing his nipples a few times until her one hand lingered there, its fingers continuing to circle and flick his nipple, while the other descended toward his belly. Following a straight line along the faint outline of his abs, it reached his navel and continued to go lower. It came within inches of his crotch before Jenna pulled it back up to spread foam over the rest of his upper abdomen in a sweeping motion and settled into a figure eight motion as her hand returned below his navel. With every repetition, the pattern became narrower and moved lower. Alex tensed up as Jenna's fingers came ever closer to his penis.

With Jenna's fingers continuing to dance across his crotch, she moved the hand that had been teasing his nipple up toward Alex's throat, exerting delicate pressure as she wrapped her fingers around it.

"That bit you'll have to do yourself," she said as her index finger traced an inverted v shape agonisingly close to his most sensitive parts. "You won't do anything naughty though, will you?" she whispered into his ear, pulling him against herself a bit more tightly.

"No," was all Alex managed to utter, his throat tightening as he was caught between her hands teasing his front and her soft body pressing into his back.

"Good boy," Jenna purred, the tip of her finger coming to rest just above the root of his penis. "Turn around for me?" she suggested as she momentarily let go of Alex.

Alex complied unthinkingly and looked right into Jenna's eyes as she began rubbing the shampoo she had just grabbed into his hair. She wasn't much taller than him but as close as they were, those two inches made all the difference in the world as he looked up into her eyes, finding pure love and affection in them.

"It's been a while since I last washed your hair, hasn't it?" she asked innocently, giggling as she rubbed behind his ears. "My baby boy," she said, a nostalgic tone in her voice. Alex saw her eyes light up when she cupped his cheek and simply admired him for a second. "Want me to do your back, too?" she asked, reaching for more body wash before she had even finished the question.

Wrapping her arms around him, she began by soaping up his shoulders and once again worked her way down his body, though now she slowly ramped up the pressure as her hands descended. Like a deer caught in headlights, Alex could only stand there and stare at her, blushing as her bountiful breasts pancaked against his soapy skin. That his privates kept brushing against what he thought to be her thigh didn't help matters. When her hands reached the small of his back, she simply held him in a tight embrace for a few seconds. In that moment, Alex felt safe and loved in her arms, more so, he realized, than anyone else had ever made him feel.

Her hands didn't stay still for long. Her eyes stayed on his as her hands moved further down to his butt, a hint of desire tainting the maternal love written all over her face as she rubbed the foam clinging to her hands into his sensitive skin. The radiant smile on her face had turned into more of a lusty smirk by the time she took firm, possessive hold of his cheeks and pulled his lower body against hers. Alex finally realized that it wasn't her thigh that his penis had occasionally been touching when he felt the outline of Jenna's hefty balls press against his inner thighs while her cock ground against his genitals.

"You must be sore after so much exercise," she concluded as she began kneading and groping his butt. Alex could only hold still, overwhelmed by the sensations from his lower body and the confusing emotions roiling inside him as he continued to stare into his mother's eyes, their expression shifting seamlessly between caring and predatory.

He gasped when he felt her extend her fingers between his cheeks. "Ticklish?" Jenna grinned. She continued to massage his cheeks while running her fingertips around his sphincter, watching his reactions intently. Between the pleasant tingles running up his spine as Jenna continued to tease his sensitive ring and the pressure on his genitals growing as her cock began to harden, Alex's breathing steadily became heavier. Every time Jenna's fingers brushed against a particularly sensitive spot with just the right amount of pressure, she forced another gasp from Alex's mouth and with each of them, his voice went almost imperceptibly higher.

"Mom, stop, I'll…" Alex whined breathlessly as the combined stimulation brought him ever closer to a pent up orgasm.

"Nuh uh," Jenna reprimanded him, the playful tone in her voice in stark contrast to the lust burning in her eyes. "Not until you've earned it."

"Please, I can't, " He began but his plea for mercy was cut short when Jenna sealed his lips with hers, her tongue snaking out to dance with his while one of her fingers pushed against his puckered hole, slipping inside to the first knuckle before Alex could react.

Caught off guard by Jenna's two-pronged assault, Alex's willpower stood no chance against the almost electric sensation erupting from his butt, yet as if his body refused to disobey her, he came agonizingly close to the release he so desperately needed but didn't go over the edge, even as he released a high-pitched almost girlish moan into Jenna's mouth and momentarily went weak at the knees, leaving him held up more by her hands on his butt than his own strength.

Intrigued by the strength of his reaction, Jenna briefly interrupted her kiss to comment, "Such a cute voice," her lips returning to his the moment she had finished her remark. With most of his weight resting on her hands, her fingers pressed against his puckered hole more forcefully, intensifying the stimulation as her digit sunk ever so slightly deeper. As Jenna continued to kiss him passionately, time seemed to stand still except for Alex's heart pounding in his ears reminding him of the seconds ticking by. Besides his own, Alex felt Jenna's heartbeat through her soft breasts against his chest and, more and more clearly, through her cock pressing against his lower body ever more insistently as it grew and hardened. Jenna worked a knee in between his, spreading his thighs to make room for her growing erection. Continuing to grind his genitals into his groin, her shaft felt huge between his thighs as it was stuck between them at a downward angle until Jenna pulled him up slightly so her enormous cock extended behind him, its own weight preventing it from rising far above the horizontal. Without Alex noticing, his heartbeat had slowed and almost synchronized with Jenna's by the time she broke her kiss. Panting, He stared at her with unfocused eyes, his mind foggy as his overstimulated body continued to teeter right on the edge of orgasm. "I love you," words slipped past his lips before they had even fully formed in his mind.

Jenna stepped back, her cock rubbing against Alex's testicles as she extracted it from between his thighs and moved her hands from his butt to hold his hips as she took a few seconds to drink in his expression, a triumphant grin on her face.

"How about you return the favour then?" she asked, taking Alex's hand and grabbing the bottle of body wash again to squirt some into his palm. Keeping her eyes firmly on his, she slowly pulled his hand towards her. Alex felt his breath catch in his throat as he watched her guide his hand to her chest. It was the first time he got a look at her naked boobs and, with water and some foam clinging to them, the view was even better than in his imagination. Just like he had sometimes dreamt, his hand came closer and closer to her perfect mounds but, unlike his dreams, he actually felt her smooth, warm, wet skin when his hand finally touched it.

He gasped and his eyes shot back up to Jenna's face, his expression a mix of shock and guilt as if she had just caught him with his hand in the cookie jar, but she gave his hand - and with it her boob - a light squeeze with a confident, reassuring smile. Alex was fascinated by the sight and feeling of his mother's heavy boob moving and deforming around his hand as Jenna moved his hand over it slowly. Making no further attempt to keep up pretences, she took his other hand and guided it to her other breast. Alex's eyes were glued to her soft yet firm breasts, almost hypnotized by the way his fingers sank into them slightly as he began to cautiously massage them.

He had thought himself lucky on the few occasions Janine had let him play with her tits, but Jenna's perfect pillows put even them to shame, rounded teardrop shapes sitting high and proud on her chest despite being bigger and Jenna being over twice Janine's age, yet they felt unmistakably natural. Alex's eyes and fingers homed in on her stiff pink nipples, involuntarily licking his lips as he pinched and tweaked them. Following a sudden impulse, he wrapped his lips around one of them, licking and sucking it hungrily. Jenna cooed in response, surprised but clearly pleased by his enthusiasm.

"No more milk there, I'm afraid," Jenna grinned, "but do keep trying."

With all his attention focused on Jenna's boobs, Alex barely registered the tip of her cock sliding up his belly as she moved her hands back to his butt and pulled him closer to her again, nor did he pay any mind to the implications of just how far above his navel it came to rest. When Alex's hands left her breasts, eager to explore more of her body, Jenna, in turn, resumed teasing his sensitive ring with one hand while she traced the other up his back to thread its fingers through his wet hair and held his head in place pressed against her bosom. Alex's mind sank into a lusty haze as his hands descended along Jenna's body and he faintly felt her ribs under her soft skin before his hands ran along the smooth curve of her waist down to her flared hips and thighs before taking handfuls of her plush cheeks, barely feeling a hint of her powerful muscles through the thin layer of padding under her skin.

Alex was in heaven, acting purely on animal impulses as he kissed and sucked at Jenna's nipple, spurred on by the constant tingles of pleasure her fingers sent up his spine. As pre began to leak from Jenna's tip, its heady scent mixed with the artificial sweet aromas filling the steamy air. Her pheromones did their part to arouse him even further and reinforce his budding desire to please her.

Alex absent-mindedly kneaded and groped Jenna's ample ass, yet he still needed to feel more and his hands continued to roam over her body until they returned to her front and found something that, unlike the smooth curves of her soft body, was rock hard. The instant his palm touched it and he felt the heat from the pulsing veins running along it, he was rewarded by a surge of electricity running up his spine as Jenna pushed her finger through his puckered ring again. Alex's eyes shot open and for a second, he could only hold still and moan into her breast, overwhelmed by the intense and still unfamiliar pleasure.

Thoroughly encouraged to focus more on that seemingly out of place thick piece of meat extending from Jenna's crotch, Alex's other hand soon joined the first in running all over its bumpy surface. Thanks to his ministrations, Jenna was pumping out more than enough of her natural lubricant to prepare any hole even for insertions as massive as her cock. With the scent of her arousal suffusing the shower cabin, the knowledge that he was pleasing Jenna, as indicated by her drawn-out throaty moans of satisfaction, became as much of a reward for his efforts as her fingers teasing his anus. Alex's unfocused eyes drifted shut as Jenna expertly kept him in a state of near-orgasm, his overstimulated brain unable to keep up with all his senses.

The only thing on Alex's malleable mind was doing more of what got him that unbearable stimulation and so he kept hungrily sucking her nipple while he ran his hands over her throbbing shaft in thoughtless yet increasingly enthusiastic motions, shifting between massaging it and lightly running his fingertips along her veins, mostly moving his hands separately but sometimes interlacing his fingers to fully encompass her immense girth. Alex felt Jenna's tip rub all over his front as his uncoordinated movements pushed her cock back and forth, sometimes so far that her tip slapped against his biceps. As ounce after ounce of her salty lubricant flowed from her cumvein, it ran down his belly in thin lines that converged on his crotch.

His comparatively tiny genitals were completely coated with her pre by the time Jenna suddenly pulled her fingers away from his sphincter and remarked, "I'm pretty sure that spot is clean now."

"Or are you just having fun playing with my cock?" She teased.

Her voice and the sudden lack of pleasure racing up his spine roused Alex from his trance-like state. He froze and opened his eyes to shoot a quick uncertain glance up into Jenna's before he leant back, Jenna's nipple leaving his lips with a smacking sound, and looked down at his hands. "Oh fuck," he muttered as he saw his hands on Jenna's cock, instantly letting go of it as if it had suddenly become boiling hot when he finally realized what he had been doing the past few minutes. "How do you even have… how can it be so fucking big?" He stammered, continuing to stare at it.

"Tsk tsk tsk," Jenna tut-tutted. "Alex Martin, I did not raise you to swear like that," she reprimanded him. She used two fingers to scoop up some foam clinging to her chest and brought them up to Alex's lips. A slightly raised eyebrow was all it took to get Alex to open his mouth. The soapy taste spreading in his mouth as Jenna moved her fingers around inside it made him gag lightly but he obediently held still and endured his punishment with lowered eyes.

"There we go," Jenna chirped after a thankfully brief while and pulled her fingers out of Alex's mouth and placing their tips under his chin in one quick, fluid motion. After gently closing his mouth, she surprised Alex with a light peck on the lips. Blinking, Alex returned his eyes to hers to find her once again beaming at him.

"That's your dirty mouth taken care of," Jenna concluded. Following a brief pause, she lightly flicked his nose and added, "You missed a spot though."

She shifted her hand to his shoulder and pushed down on it. Alex resisted just for an instant before slowly dropping to his knees. As he descended, Jenna's glans slipped up his chest and, with a twist of her hips, over his shoulder. Alex hesitated for a second, bracing himself for Jenna to push him back against the wall of the shower cabin and line up her tip with his mouth. Instead, she kept pushing him down, though the gentle pressure she exerted was little more than a signal for Alex to move. While Alex sank lower Jenna shuffled around so the water coming from overhead hit her shoulder and ran down her front. She spread her legs wider and thrust her hips forward, drawing Alex's eyes to her sack. In stark contrast to her thoroughly soaped up cock, its unusually smooth skin was almost dry and the orbs inside it looked big even next to that gigantic rod. "Come on, say 'Ah'," Jenna said before moving her hand to the back of Alex's head and gently pulling it into her crotch. Alex didn't resist and opened his mouth as she had instructed.

When Alex's lips made contact with Jenna's skin, he sighed through his nose. Once again he had ended up on his knees in front of his mom, about to orally service her. It was almost starting to become normal. Breathing back in, he took in her intoxicating scent. "It'll probably be quickest if you take them into your mouth," Jenna mused. Looking up past her monstrous cock looming overhead and her beautiful breasts, Alex shot a doubtful look at the half of her face he could catch a glance of. He had seen GIFs of girls showing off their ability to fit their fist into their mouth and he felt like he'd have an easier time doing that than getting his lips around even one of Jenna's oversized balls. "Just give it a try," Jenna urged. "For me?" she appended in an angelic voice. Increasingly receptive to her demands, Alex opened his mouth wider and sucked on Jenna's smooth skin. "That's it, baby, suck on mommy's fat fucking balls," Jenna purred.

Try as he might, there was only so far he could stretch his jaw and it simply wasn't enough. He could only suck some of her skin into his mouth and against his tongue. "Mphoo mig," he mumbled, unable to articulate his capitulation to her excessive size any more clearly with his lips pressed against her swollen sack.

"You'll just have to lick them clean then," Jenna instructed. Alex obeyed and begun running his tongue over the patch of skin between his lips. As the soap still clinging to his tongue rubbed off on her skin, Alex could hardly believe that he was happy about it being replaced by the intense tangy, slightly bitter taste that instantly reminded him of that evening not even two weeks ago that had changed his life forever. Jenna closed her eyes and let her head roll back, breathing a sigh of relief and lovingly caressed his scalp to reward his subservience. As he kept licking at her skin, her pheromone-laden scent continuing to fill his nose, the unpleasant taste faded and what was left was pure, clean skin tasting faintly sweet if anything, not much unlike her nipple.

His cheeks hollowed as he pulled away from her until her skin popped free from his lips and his tongue snaked out to lap at her sack as he began cleaning the rest of it. Servicing her like this wasn't starting to feel normal, he thought, but even right. Quite simply, she was easily the most gorgeous woman he could ever hope to lay hands - or even eyes - on, cock or no, and none of his girlfriends had ever made him feel so desired or loved. She clearly expected to be pleasured and submitted to, and Alex found it increasingly hard to say she didn't deserve it. She didn't seem to care about the taboo nature of what they were doing in the slightest, and Alex was only too happy to follow her lead. He watched her begin to lazily stroke her prodigious cock with the hand that wasn't running through his hair, her hands moving independently thanks to years of practice being serviced.

"Good boy," Jenna purred, her approval setting butterflies loose in Alex's stomach.

As he continued to lick away, he tasted a slight salty note as the water running down her body washed some of her pre from the base of her cock down to her balls. Every one of her satisfied moans and sighs was music to his ears as he ran his tongue over her sack, having to move his head and torso to reach all of it. As time passed and more water ran over Jenna's body, Alex found that when he found a spot he hadn't covered yet the the sour taste of what his foggy mind barely managed to deduce had to be the day's sweat faded after just a few licks, which meant he could continue to enjoy the taste of her diluted pre running over her sack as well as the sights, sounds and scent his dutiful service produced. When he had covered the front, Alex bowed lower and brought up his hands to carefully lift up Jenna's heavy balls so he could work his tongue in behind them.

"So thorough," Jenna laughed as Alex ran his tongue all over the rear side of her sack, pressing his face into it so his tongue could reach its root. Jenna gasped when the tip of his tongue wandered even further back and flicked across her clit. She carefully pulled his head away from it and back toward the root of her cock and said, "You don't get to lick there quite yet." Before Alex's heart could sink at the rejection she added, "I love how you worshipped by balls though." Her approval and the way she beamed down at him filled Alex with glee.

"And now," she began before inserting one of her trademark dramatic pauses. Anticipating what she had to want next and fully prepared to give it to her, Alex let his tongue hang out and made to move his head to the base of her cock, but instead, Jenna said, "Sweet dreams." She let go of his head and turned around, leaving him to watch her walk out of the shower, wrap a towel around herself and leave the room, wondering just what it was that his body felt cheated out of.